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High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even in Another World! (light novel)
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Nov 7, 2019 4:19 AM

Nov 2011
A rather lighthearted episode until I hear about Mikogami Tsukasa's background story about his family. Yeah, it's not a pleasant story to hear for sure.

Either way, this episode shows that no matter what, people have to move on with their lives. Luckily, he's got new friends like Rilulu in his life to help him now.
Nov 7, 2019 7:34 AM

Apr 2018
Tsukasa seriously drove his father to the death because of politic and don't regret it, that's extremely dumb.
Roo was really cute with her multiplications, she's skilled when she thinks of coins lol.
And looks like they don't have innate talents, they practised a lot.
Nov 7, 2019 7:40 AM

Aug 2013
We learned a bit about Tsukasa's past.
Ringo is kinda jealous.

Division is Roo's natural enemy.

Nov 7, 2019 8:02 AM
Feb 2009
Dang Ringo so jelly lol then again Lyrule is a hella busty elf can't blame Tsukasa for asking a lap pillow
Nov 7, 2019 8:47 AM

Dec 2017
And now they have a modern powerplant built without modern materials, production and equipment. Or is it again "it was explained in ranobe" episode? But to be honest it just changes "garbage title" to "garbage adaptation", so it is still garbage.
Nov 7, 2019 9:15 AM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
This episode was a little better than the last one. We get a look at Tsukasa's past involving his father being a corrupt politician and him being the reason why his father is dead. Despite all that Lyrule still wants a relationship with him. I feel Roo's pain about division.
Nov 7, 2019 9:39 AM
Jul 2019
Welp it looks like Lyrule was able to break the ice in Tsukasa's heart, but it looks like Ringo is getting jealous............... Fankly won't blame her if she wants to sell him out if she wants to get even with the politician guy.
Nov 7, 2019 9:41 AM

Mar 2019
slavemaster_1991 said:
And now they have a modern powerplant built without modern materials, production and equipment. Or is it again "it was explained in ranobe" episode? But to be honest it just changes "garbage title" to "garbage adaptation", so it is still garbage.

If you think its bad you will "love" the next episodes. This is the kind of anime you turn your brain off to watch. LOL
Nov 7, 2019 9:47 AM

Dec 2017
Malufeenho said:
slavemaster_1991 said:
And now they have a modern powerplant built without modern materials, production and equipment. Or is it again "it was explained in ranobe" episode? But to be honest it just changes "garbage title" to "garbage adaptation", so it is still garbage.

If you think its bad you will "love" the next episodes. This is the kind of anime you turn your brain off to watch. LOL

I do it already on most comedy/slice of life titles and it works fine, but here I cringe even with my brain turned off. No, really, it is just such an illogical mess, that I want to see the guy who thought that making this anime is a good idea for making money. It really has nothing great in it: no fights, no laughs, no interesting world or plot. What does it have tho? I have no idea. It is like a hollow husk that was not filled with anything.
Nov 7, 2019 10:20 AM

Feb 2011
this show is kinda ass

especially akatsuki. is he a mage or an illusionist?

Nov 7, 2019 10:36 AM

Nov 2014
That was rather good episode imo. No big events, just stuff moving forward slowly. I'd prefer if this anime kept such feel.
Nov 7, 2019 11:32 AM
May 2016
This show is so self aware, hey this part sucks so here's some boobs to look at so you're not completely bored. LOL
Nov 7, 2019 11:57 AM

Jun 2015
Hmm looks like the reforms of Tsukasa are going well. Ringo's ability as an inventor is as amazing as always. Her talent sure will be needed the most in the prep for the war. Lyrule's lunch invitation though sure was cute. Hmm the revelation about Tsukasa's father though while interesting also did well to explain why his ideas are so high minded. Though the cost of that sure was steep. Despite the hidden guilt for Tsukasa having someone that not only knows the truth but still accept it is nice. At the same time Lyrule's personality can be said to match with and synergize well with his own as well. Damm Ringo's frustrated expression sure was cute. Memorisation and visualisation sure allowed Roo to conquer the tables quite quickly. Overall a pretty calm ep that focused on showing the state and scale of the reforms that Tsukasa is implementing as well as the prep for the upcoming war with the north. Its nice to not only see Lyrule again but also see her character get expanded upon as well. Though i do hope that Ringo's character gets a boost as well to match with the others.
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Nov 7, 2019 12:00 PM
Jan 2016
We learn some of Tsukasa backstory, he drove is father to dead cause he was corrupt!

Lyrule is there to help him, and he ask her to take a nap in her laps!

Ringo jealous was cute, she have to make a move xD

Akatsuki taking a bath with Aoi and Keine, what a lucky!

Roo with multiplication issue was cute, seems thinking about coins she can do multiplication so easily, Roo reaction at the when with division was so funny!

Seems Shinobu found something hard about that village!
Nov 7, 2019 1:56 PM

Apr 2013
oof Division... poor Roo... Also anyone gotten same vibes of Akame Ga Kill when the Sarutobi said that line and opened the door to Elk?
Nov 7, 2019 5:24 PM

Oct 2009
slavemaster_1991 said:
Malufeenho said:
If you think its bad you will "love" the next episodes. This is the kind of anime you turn your brain off to watch. LOL

I do it already on most comedy/slice of life titles and it works fine, but here I cringe even with my brain turned off.

This is such an accurate description of this thing, it almost hurts. Just how I feel as well - never before have I found myself pressing that fastforward button to skip segments when watching something for the first time, but here it's like I have to escape the cringe because it's just so much.

On another note for this episode: look, the talking boobies are back! /eyeroll
Could we perhaps have the boys spend half an episode running around naked, for a change? Please?
Nov 7, 2019 5:47 PM

Oct 2015
Another Opiate filled episode prescribed by this show. Shit, whoever made this must've been a doctor that diagnosed insomnia in his past.

Lyrule is such a 1-dimensional character it hurts my core. Her accepting of Tsukasa's truth of leaving her behind in that situation, was so cliché it made me want to burn my screen. Fuck, even Tsukasa's backstory of his father was so boring and lackluster, that she's only one that found it sad. Was that really emotional? It's obvious her role in the series is to only serve Tsukasa's image and nothing else, I swear!
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Nov 7, 2019 8:24 PM

Oct 2018
slavemaster_1991 said:
And now they have a modern powerplant built without modern materials, production and equipment. Or is it again "it was explained in ranobe" episode? But to be honest it just changes "garbage title" to "garbage adaptation", so it is still garbage.

That for sure is an elephant in the room and Akatsuki's magic/illusions could use some explaining as well, but what really is bothering me is that even though they're 7 "protagonists", the girls are mere tools and/or fanservice! Do you need a beast slain? weapons or tools made? the chief saved? Just throw one of the girls at it and it will work itself out, however, they aren't getting their own "time" or some background and development. We only know they're good at what they do, and that they like doing it (and as of this episode: "that they practiced really hard"). Shinobu is getting a slightly better treatment though.

lihle808 said:
Another Opiate filled episode prescribed by this show. Shit, whoever made this must've been a doctor that diagnosed insomnia in his past.

Lyrule is such a 1-dimensional character it hurts my core. Her accepting of Tsukasa's truth of leaving her behind in that situation, was so cliché it made me want to burn my screen. Fuck, even Tsukasa's backstory of his father was so boring and lackluster, that she's only one that found it sad. Was that really emotional? It's obvious her role in the series is to only serve Tsukasa's image and nothing else, I swear!

Indeed, she's just fulfilling the role of "damsel in distress" and that of the girl that instantly fell in love with the MC.
Frank_86Nov 7, 2019 8:29 PM
Nov 7, 2019 9:04 PM
Jun 2017
Tsukasa sure does is dedicated to politics that he even drove his own father to death due to corruption. Ohh that sure is hard for him...
Nov 7, 2019 9:18 PM

Mar 2018
Main focus on Tsukasa. His background was a bit surprising ngl
Sounds really terrible. Can't imagine a middle schooler or whatever they were at this point doing this at all
But then again this is kind of the whole point of them. Cool to see that they (at least these 3) knew each other back then already

I don't know whether I Sound Feld produzierte about predicting the lap pillow xD
Not looking forward to the love triangle

The last bit was honestly just weird. Roo was cute, that's a given. But the other two being so shameless just doesn't fit imo
Maybe they don't see Akatsuki as a man? They did wear the bikinis when they were with Tsukasa after all. Poor Akatsuki

“I don’t like expending more effort than I have to.” – Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
Nov 8, 2019 12:22 AM

Mar 2014
I know this show doesn't have anything that make any senses but the backstory is really killing me !!!!!!!!

They literally can make anything for his backstory, as long as it's not totally bullsh*t like this !!!
RedChromeNov 8, 2019 12:26 AM
Nov 8, 2019 4:22 AM

Jul 2017
Tsukasa, the angel that never sleeps, and is a tour de force that keeps on giving. More buildings equals more weapons equals better defense.

For Roo though, teaching her to be a merchant is just asking for too much when she is not capable of much. But with the help of the Prodigies, she becomes OK...

I'd thought that Lyrule would be that one-off annoying character that would stick with the MC, but this is getting more detrimental...and that lap pillow. OHHH WAIT...WHY is Ringo jealous??? Are we going that way? Man, talk about the stupid things of love...

And Tsukasa's backstory, man...what a life. Corruption for selfish gains, is the best way to sum up his dad whom he snitched and sent him to his death.

I want to feel bad for Tsukasa, but this episode is just boring (though tentatively Roo's side story exists in the manga).

Looks like Shinobu has found something peculiar...
Nov 8, 2019 6:51 AM
Nov 2018

"Looks like the power plant is coming along well."


"I'm storing the power in high-capacity batteries..."


"...taken from our miniature nuclear reactor."

Oh, okay. You're magicians with god-like powers.

No? You have no magic at all? Then how do you explain making all this?

"Off ... screeeeeen!!!"

Arifureta was overpowered, but at least there was an explanation for it.

Isekai wa Smartphone was the closest thing to this show. Over-powered off the bat. But there, there was actual god-like magic to explain it. Here there is NOTHING.

And Isekai wa Smartphone was just doing it for fun. What bothers me with this show is that it takes itself so damn seriously, without doing anything to earn it.

"We're overthrowing your religious beliefs and your entire system of governance at once. And no one will object, right? Good."

Wow, what a modern show! Democracy! Moving you 500 years into the future! Take that, old-fashioned beliefs! But there's nothing done to deserve this posturing that the show's writer is doing.
Nov 8, 2019 7:46 AM

Oct 2017
Lyrule kawaiii that lap pillow scene was so cute, thou lol Ringo saw it and now she is mad. Also Roo being terrified of divisions was hilarious.
Nov 8, 2019 9:00 AM
Oct 2018
At the powerplant scene, i was just "what the fuck?" XD. Atleast, they need advanced civilization and infrastructure to make such building. It'll be much reasonable if they made a simple powerplant like wind powerplant or hydroelectric powerplant.

And I won't surprised anymore if the town going to have a lot skycrappers since they spoil it in OP XD.

And I agree about what @Hegar says, especially the comparison with other nonsense animes. This anime is just beyond nonsense.
Nov 8, 2019 4:10 PM

Apr 2012
At first I was surprised that I got an anime, where mayonnaise is seriously mentioned as an important achievement of MC, but later all my attention was paid to how they ruined the subplot about his past. I mean, hell, the dude believed in his principles so much that he led his father to death and earned his mother’s hatred! What does this give the characters? A pair of short replicas of the "Yeah, dramatic!" level.

What could be an interesting main theme for a separate deep title with an interesting message, this show uses for the sake of a couple of minutes of cheese drama.

slavemaster_1991 said:
And now they have a modern powerplant built without modern materials, production and equipment. Or is it again "it was explained in ranobe" episode? But to be honest it just changes "garbage title" to "garbage adaptation", so it is still garbage.

I suddenly realized that this is the version of Dr.Stone for those who don't like too much of scientific talks.
Nov 8, 2019 11:04 PM

Dec 2017
RobertBobert said:

I suddenly realized that this is the version of Dr.Stone for those who don't like too much of scientific talks.

Not even close, to be honest. Dr Stone too advances technology, but he actually first gathers resources, makes all the parts and assembles not a modern machine, but a whatever their tech level can do now. If here they made a steam car instead of modern - I would be fine with it, steam engine needs much less tech and doesn't need modern fuel that is a pretty complex thing to do (and to find oil). If they made some kind of water wheel or wind mill for power - it would also be ok, it is pretty simple. But nope, they just got a modern powerplant. Have you ever seen what is inside of those? How much efford and tech it actually takes to make it running? Also why do you even need a huge powerplant that eats tonns of coal if you don't have consumption for that level of production? Dr. Stone is simplified and I will not even pretend that they didn't cut a few corners to make it more fun and engaging, but it actually explains stuff and is logical. This one explains nothing and pulls stuff of thin air just for the sake of showing off how cool characters are.
Nov 9, 2019 3:14 AM

Jun 2017
Well, aside from Tsukasa's backstory, this was a particularly slow episode. But I don't mind it, as long as there's Keine and Aoi. What is that Magician babbling about, who wouldn't want to be in the baths with those two, especially Keine.
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Nov 9, 2019 3:35 AM

Oct 2008
Rou, always complaining about understanding the Multiplication table...but when she actually asked to compute numbers by multiply...she like a bit of a godlike just like a calculator!
onsen fanservice of Ichijou, Kanzaki & Winona was such a pleasure treat!

Nov 9, 2019 4:20 AM

Dec 2014
and then they are suddenly governing country but bath scenes are sure to pop up every now and then
Nov 9, 2019 4:39 AM

Apr 2012
slavemaster_1991 said:
RobertBobert said:

I suddenly realized that this is the version of Dr.Stone for those who don't like too much of scientific talks.

Not even close, to be honest. Dr Stone too advances technology, but he actually first gathers resources, makes all the parts and assembles not a modern machine, but a whatever their tech level can do now. If here they made a steam car instead of modern - I would be fine with it, steam engine needs much less tech and doesn't need modern fuel that is a pretty complex thing to do (and to find oil). If they made some kind of water wheel or wind mill for power - it would also be ok, it is pretty simple. But nope, they just got a modern powerplant. Have you ever seen what is inside of those? How much efford and tech it actually takes to make it running? Also why do you even need a huge powerplant that eats tonns of coal if you don't have consumption for that level of production? Dr. Stone is simplified and I will not even pretend that they didn't cut a few corners to make it more fun and engaging, but it actually explains stuff and is logical. This one explains nothing and pulls stuff of thin air just for the sake of showing off how cool characters are.

It was a deliberate satire, the rationale for which you yourself gave in this answer. But if I answer your question, then yep, my father was responsible for turbines at a thermal power plant, and then worked as a shift supervisor at a nuclear power plant. I don’t know how these terms are correctly called in English, but I hope you understand me.

RobertBobertNov 9, 2019 4:43 AM
Nov 9, 2019 11:18 PM

Apr 2015
yeah I always hate division when I have to divide my money to leeching single mothers that I care nothing about but I had to do it because they're empowered or something. or something about voting rights.
>I had no brain when I was 12
>Then everyone must had no brain when they were 12
>I experimented 100 samples and proved that they had no brain when they were 12
>Therefore children cannot consent

This is what science has done to humanity.
Nov 10, 2019 9:17 AM

Aug 2018
I'm wondering what they found out at the very end of this episode...
Nov 10, 2019 6:14 PM

Oct 2017
Hegar said:

That's literally the point of the show. You're like those people complaining that nothings happens in SOL shows. It was always going to be this way dude. Anyone could tell that from the fucking premise.

It's just a fun show. And if you ask me, it's done what it set out to do pretty well. It's well produced with nice music choices, decent art / character designs, and not insane animation quality but it moves well in the right places. It mixes in a bit of dramatic content without taking itself too seriously. Some nice girls with decent service (although personally I wish there was something in between fully grown women with cowtits and legit prepubescent loli but such is anime these days...).

God knows I'm enjoying this more than most isekai I've seen. All these edgelord comments from people who clearly had no idea what they were getting in to makes me realize what isekai fans must feel like most of the time lol.

Anyway, another fun episode. Still torn beween 5 and 6 but giving it the benefit of the doubt for now. 6/10.
“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Aggregate scoring is bad for the anime fandom
Nov 11, 2019 10:46 PM

Dec 2014
Keine <3 thats all
Nov 12, 2019 11:06 AM

Jul 2017
Poor Ringo. Alas, another love triangle where best girl has absolutely no chance against main girl

But ok Tsukasa's backstory was a bit...over the top? Idk a politician getting a death penalty for corruption kinda seems a bit too exaggerated then again, not sure how many times that occurred irl

Nov 22, 2019 8:35 AM

Jan 2016
I honestly couldn't give a fuck about Lyrule and Tsukasa's relationship or history.
They're boring as fuck and their romance is bad.

Masato is the only MC I like in this show.

Also, of course there's a bath scene :)
Of course.
Feb 5, 2020 2:19 PM

Jul 2015
Nice to see some background stories of a few of our seven heroes even if they were short

Roo you can do it!

Mar 1, 2020 6:39 AM

Apr 2009
Well that was interesting bits about our dear politician's past. It seems our other 3 prodigies went through hard work even in their younger days which is kinda nice to hear since they apparently persisted for it too despite their obvious talent.

Looks like we're back on the serious stuff next episode.
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Dec 17, 2020 3:55 PM

Aug 2018
Lyrule is hella annoying. Can she please die?

Also, Prince Akatsuki so damn lucky... gets to bathe with girls.

Jul 23, 2021 7:02 AM

Sep 2012
Ashhk said:
Tsukasa seriously drove his father to the death because of politic and don't regret it, that's extremely dumb.
Roo was really cute with her multiplications, she's skilled when she thinks of coins lol.
And looks like they don't have innate talents, they practised a lot.

not cause of politics but cause hes father was corrupt piece of trash he mentioned corruption, he did the right thing, hate the type, corrupt officials, is he family or not i would do same and what happens next is on u, sure i would be sad if it were death sentence but i would blame him, thats how my family is, once u become criminal ur no longer family

Short_Circut said:
Poor Ringo. Alas, another love triangle where best girl has absolutely no chance against main girl

But ok Tsukasa's backstory was a bit...over the top? Idk a politician getting a death penalty for corruption kinda seems a bit too exaggerated then again, not sure how many times that occurred irl

the elf is the best girl, who took care of him? who is always by hes side and supporting him + more stuff? she is

Hegar said:

YossaRedMage said:
Hegar said:

That's literally the point of the show. You're like those people complaining that nothings happens in SOL shows. It was always going to be this way dude. Anyone could tell that from the fucking premise.

It's just a fun show. And if you ask me, it's done what it set out to do pretty well. It's well produced with nice music choices, decent art / character designs, and not insane animation quality but it moves well in the right places. It mixes in a bit of dramatic content without taking itself too seriously. Some nice girls with decent service (although personally I wish there was something in between fully grown women with cowtits and legit prepubescent loli but such is anime these days...).

God knows I'm enjoying this more than most isekai I've seen. All these edgelord comments from people who clearly had no idea what they were getting in to makes me realize what isekai fans must feel like most of the time lol.

Anyway, another fun episode. Still torn beween 5 and 6 but giving it the benefit of the doubt for now. 6/10.

wrong about Mary sue, Mary Sue is perfect on awry thing (definition of mary sue) but they are each perfect in 1area/field
Sugram22Jul 23, 2021 7:13 AM
Jan 14, 2022 2:51 AM

Jan 2011
The thought of a corrupt politician getting the noose is kinda funny. I know that's how Japan administers the death penalty, but something about it just seems absurd.
May 8, 2022 6:48 AM

Apr 2013
The amount of detail in pretty much everything is making this show so very shallow.
Oct 25, 2022 5:48 PM
Oct 2022
things getting warm
Jan 28, 2024 9:45 PM

Dec 2019
Akchually he couldn't have killed his father, because the death penalty in Japan only applies for cases of treason and murder (or negligence resulting in mass death), not for corruption. Even then, inmates spend roughly 15 years in death row before being executed, so there's no way his father was hanged right away ☝️🤓
Pretend there's something flashy and cool here.

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