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Oct 3, 2019 7:27 PM
Ahhh... it's so nice seeing our lord and savior so early delivering that line... THAT LINE... 'watashi wa numbah wan, yay!' ... makes me happy and I will cherish it forever *wipes tear* My only gripe with this episode is the yuri... it came out of nowhere and I don't like it. Why Akagi and Kaga? It's ruining my image of them. They should have saved it for 'INDY-CHAN, KAWAII!' and it would have made more sense than Akaga. |
Oct 3, 2019 7:30 PM
Yagyuu_chan said: Average, I love the game for several reasons but the anime is nothing special. Too many bad animes are coming for many years already. As fan its possible to watch this one, for people who don't play the game its probably a terrible anime yea i haven't played the game so honestly this was the worst anime of this season xD |
Oct 3, 2019 7:33 PM
I know nothing about Azur Lane other than the tons of hot fanart I've seen over the years, but this art style soothed my soul and it was kinda fun. |
Oct 3, 2019 7:34 PM
Entertaining start. For some reason, not seeing one dude makes me uncomfortable. It feels like someone's watching me from a distance. |
Oct 3, 2019 7:35 PM
oh a hard slap on the face of kankore anime's scriptwriter. well kankore is dead anyways. |
Oct 3, 2019 7:37 PM
I've played a few hours of the game but I wasn't really enthralled by it. I hate this genre of anime but this was pretty cool. It lost my attention near the start but certainly retained it by the end. I think it has something going for it that Kancolle didn't, an actual story branching it away from its source material. |
Lie until what you want to be true becomes truth. Lie until you can't remember what's a lie and what isn't. Lie until you aren't lying anymore! Figures |
Oct 3, 2019 7:40 PM
Really like this episode. But the plot is little too rush. I expect first episode is just a prologue and at the end of episode 1 is to showing the enemy. But still like this cause im also playing the game. And i guess the episode 2 will viewing reason of what lusty said about enty look like. |
Oct 3, 2019 7:45 PM
Shirasho said: This isn't doing it for me like Kancolle did. Setting that comparison aside, I had a bunch of issues: 1. The writing was just god awful. 2. The vocal direction given to some characters is cringe worthy. 3. The blending of CGI could have been better (though Kancolle was significantly worse) 4. The character abilities made no sense. Last time I checked, boats do not fly. Every fictional series gets a single freebee - a no-questions asked plot driver that defies science. Everything else must be grounded or very well explained near the time it was used. Anything more is asking too much of the viewer and can be seen as a deus ex machina or the writer trying to write themselves out of a corner. Having not known what Azur Lane was coming into this, I was sort of excited. I've heard good things about it and I've had the app advertised to me on mobile to no end (though I've always ignored ads). What I got here was very disappointing. All I can say is that I genuinely hope this is a good adaptation for those who know more about the series. It may not be to my tastes, but I really hope it does justice to the source for those who really care. Well. as a player who dropped the game 3 months ago, I actually had a slightly low expectation based on the nameless studio and the nature of the game. However, I actually really liked the first episode. Still, it doesn't excite me enough for me to pick up the game again, partially because it did represent the game itself. The game is pretty much entirely different from Kancolle aside from its "ships become waifus" premise. Its success is based on these reasons: 1. F2P friendliness. Azur Lane's gacha has an SSR rate of 7% (contrast FGO's 1%), and you can farm the gacha currency in game. You can pretty much eventually get all of the waifus for free by keep playing. Furthermore high rarity characters are not needed to beat the levels. 2. Designs, art and fanservice. Azur Lane has really good art and is loaded with fanservice, contrasting greatly from its F2P status and is thus probably the best gacha game in this area. The waifus are the No.1 selling point of the game. 3. Historical references and in-jokes. This is obviously an important appeal of a game about WW2 warship waifus, and Azur Lane's focus on Allied ships as opposed to Japanese ones (you can even tell this by the anime) has made it vastly superior than Kancolle to the western fanbase. An average western player could easily tell a reference in an American shipfu, and it even helps them get into history just a little bit. 4. Somewhat interesting gameplay. As opposed to Kancolle where you just roll the dice for eternity, Azur Lane has a gameplay that relies largely on player inputs and somewhat on tactics and experience. However, it is still just a complement to the waifus. Judging from this the anime only really needs to do these to make a good representation and satisfy the fans: 1. Good coverage of the game's characters (which is not easy without sacrificing newcomers' experience) the game has about 250 characters as of now and the anime probably need to have footages or shots of at least 100 of them (and all in a runtime of 12 episodes!). They actually did this well judging by how many characters get a moment in ep 1. 2. Fluent and good animation. The characters generally look really good in episode 1, with a few great shots. Occasional distorted face is normal for TV anime. 3. Maybe some reference to the history or the game itself. This episode had multiple references to the source material, which delighted fans and probably confused anime-onlys. 4. Somewhat okay action and story. The fights are actually much more interesting than I had imagined, and the fact that some anime-onlys liked it is already a good sign. Based on the difficult tasks above I actually expected the anime to be really bad. A joke I heard people make about this kind of adaptation is "it's good as long as the characters can move". But in the end it was actually pretty good for what it is, and I'm sure the fans will buy it no problem. |
Oct 3, 2019 7:54 PM
Well this isn't Kantai collection, a story about Fubuki accepting her fate as a warship. About story it's a blame for game, because all story quests usually gave a small briefing and not much hints and information, some things about game are clear only after Kizuna Ai event. Surprisingly there was no Akashi in OP and episode. Seeing Nagato and Observer made me think that they include Nagato awakens event. Bout story arcs i think first 3-4 episodes will be a war againts Akagi and Kaga and then it shifted to Iron Blood. Speaking of game - the game starts with Norfolk and Suffolk on a mission. There was no Suffolk at 1 ep. The girls they show at first episode is not enough, i want to see at the end of the anime like 70% collection ships from the game. |
Oct 3, 2019 7:59 PM
Normally game-adaptation anime is for those who have played the game. It's even worse when you need to play the games in order to understand what's going on in the anime. The good thing is that this anime doesn't do that. It explains exactly what's going on without skirting around the issue which was the problem with the first year of the game. Anime Akagi literally went straight to the point in just a few sentences. I finally understand how the 3-way war works now and it seems that Azur Lane is currently the main leaders of the sea hence why the Crimson Axis wants to take them down. In a way, the Crimson Axis are more of an anti-hero faction. That being said, for those who haven't played the game won't like it as much as others who have played it. There's tons of references and Easter eggs in the first episode that most of us will understand from the start. |
Oct 3, 2019 8:07 PM
Well ... first of all I have not played the game (the same with Kancolle), but even so I was interested in this anime for the characters design and especially what caught my attention was that the battle would not be between Ship girls and aliens, but it will be between two factions of Ship girls, the funny thing is that both factions are very reminiscent of the sides of the war world 2, Azur lane have the Eagle Union that would be the US and Royal Navy would be England, while the enemy side, Red Axis have Sakura empire who would be Japan and Ironblood would correspond to Germany. In this episode we had a look at a huge number of characters, mostly lolis, then we had the pleasure of meeting the heavy ladies who are very busty and thicc, for example we have Prince of Wales and Illustrious (my favorites) and then We were pleased to see Enterprise in action and I love it when she is next to her eagle. On the Sakura Empire side we met the sisters Akagi and Kaga, who have a very "intimate and physical" sister relationship and at the end of the battle we saw Zuikaku who interrupts Enterprise on time (she has a really cool design), I still find it funny that the girls of the Sakura Empire have animal ears and tails (although I don't dislike it at all) and I look forward to seeing the Ship girls from Ironblood (I had the pleasure of searching in google and I loved the designs). Three of the lolis that appear in the opening made their introduction today, first Javelin who is quite polite and willing to help when needed, then we have Laffey who always seems to be in energy saving mode and on the side of the Sakura Empire we have Ayanami, who seems to have a soft side at least that could be seen when she saw Unicorn in danger and for a brief moment she hesitated to continue fighting, I wonder how they would become friends in this hostile war. The battle against the Sakura Empire was not bad, I liked it a lot when Cleveland went into combat and put on her combat gear, it should be noted how the life-size ship breaks down and assembles in Cleveland detail that I loved, but what bother me was that Akagi and Kaga were flying, obviously that must be the work of using Sirens technology, but it's still weird. Unicorn was my big surprise, I thought she would be the classic helpless and shy loli, but it turned out to be very helpful and U-chan becoming real size was something that surprised me even more. Anyway I think I will enjoy this anime, too much Waifu material and a lot of busty and thicc ship girls ... damn Illustrious is hot as hell, I also want to meet the Ship girl who was next to Prince of Wales in the opening. I would also love to see the ladies of the Sakura Empire who appeared in the Opening next to the mysterious lady hidden behind those curtains (at least I already know Zuikaku, which I loved very much). |
Oct 3, 2019 8:11 PM
It's pretty much Ship Girl version of Strike Witches (fighting against an enemy with far superior technology) BTW, how many ppls here are in Sandy Cult? |
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing* |
Oct 3, 2019 8:14 PM
Rolexin_Timex said: Bruh I played the game, I want to watch it because I played the game and because I want to, deal with it.I just want to get off my chest about this. For the people who commented that the plot is trash or something like that, well I have something for you, SCREW YOUR COMMENT If you don’t know what kind of plot it is, then don’t watch it. If you don’t know and still watch it, then try to understand something that it is referring to, like WW2 plot. For example, what you saw on the first episode is the back story before the episode takes place, then the battle replicated the attack on Pearl Harbor where the Japanese made a surprise attack that the US wasn’t prepare for it. This is all I have to say. The plot was bad. Shirasho said: If you're interested I do recommend you check out the game, it's honestly pretty good.Having not known what Azur Lane was coming into this, I was sort of excited. I've heard good things about it and I've had the app advertised to me on mobile to no end (though I've always ignored ads). What I got here was very disappointing. All I can say is that I genuinely hope this is a good adaptation for those who know more about the series. It may not be to my tastes, but I really hope it does justice to the source for those who really care. |
Oct 3, 2019 8:25 PM
i am curious how they make a commander(shikikan) look. A voice only like in a game, or shadow figure like kantai. btw - San Diego number one idol,sorry saratoga. |
Oct 3, 2019 8:40 PM
Doomsday770 said: i am curious how they make a commander(shikikan) look. A voice only like in a game, or shadow figure like kantai. btw - San Diego number one idol,sorry saratoga. Is there even a Shikikan? I mean... the entire Azur Lane is basically a school (Academy) And what we know of is... Eagle+Royal vs. Iron+Sakura We didn't see nor hear anything about a commander during the entire episode, it's literally just ship girls fighting each other (while fighting Sirens). In fact, in this episode the one in charge was pretty much Prince of Wales giving orders. (where's Loli Queen anyways?) Cause unlike the game, where we can obtain any faction's ship and add to our Shikikan Harem, the anime doesn't summon clones. Not to mention they also added in some "ultimate skills" in the anime. Such as Unicorn's unicorn is actually alive instead of a plush and can transform into a larger flying unicorn. And Kaga can summon a water Kyuubi... While Enterprise rides on full sized plane she herself summoned while firing arrows. ___ ___ ___ the only con is, we didn't get to see Sandy fight, would be funny to watch. |
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing* |
Oct 3, 2019 8:41 PM
RobertBobert said: mascarpone said: As a fan of the game and long time playe. It's corny, over the top and a bit of fan service. Just like the game itself lol The yuri undertones are kinda odd. Considering the only blatant one I noticed, is Portland and Indy. Also lol at the fight scene with Unicorn XD You like Wataten, but at the same time find odd yuri bait over two canonical pairings? @Ryuseishun Stop, stop, stop. They didn't make canon even in the last season? It's not like that. Wataten's yuri is very implicitly spelled out, so It doesn't come across to me as odd. |
Oct 3, 2019 8:53 PM
it seem it follow the ps4 game more i quite like it as a vet in the mobile game playing since force Z event seeing enterprise animated is already a treat in itself since god dam yoostar wont give her a LIVE 2D skin already |
Oct 3, 2019 8:55 PM
GunMute said: for me seeing enterprise animated already make it worth to watch since god dam yoostar wont release her live 2d skin already I liked it. I had literally no expectations and was fully prepared for the show to be terrible but I enjoyed this episode. The animation wasn't the best and the fanservice got annoying at times but all the characters with lines had good characterization, even got me to care about some of the girls that I never even looked at twice in game. It's shaping up to be a decent little show if you don't take it too seriously and accept it for what it is. And what it is is fanservice for players of the game who are already attached to these characters and won't judge it too harshly because they get to see their waifus come to life :P |
Oct 3, 2019 9:05 PM
Wow this was great. The characters r really cute. |
Oct 3, 2019 9:12 PM
Well we had a lot of characters introduced. Might've been a bit overwhelming if you 'watch this blind' I just love the small details Sandy singing "watashi wa numba wan!", Laffey drinking and all that The animations look reaaally good wow. The story didn't interest me much in the game already so this won't be much more interesting to me.. Well I'll stay aroud for now |
Oct 3, 2019 9:27 PM
Lelouch0202 said: >Doesn't play the game but watches episode because of all the waifu bait he's seen. >Watches intro and OP. >Is not disappointed. >Aircraft carrier named Illustrious with mega assets >Now that's what I'm talking about. >Loli Fest >A surprise to be sure but a welcome one. >Surprisingly good OST and battle sequences >Well, damn. >Zettai Ryouiki shots during battle >THE FUTURE IS NOW! Enterprise is best waifu already? I'm excited to see more of her and Akagi is pretty sweet too. I don't know if I should love or hate the fact that I'm loving this just for all the waifu bait. The story actually sounds kinda interesting but I'm assuming the anime is just to get more people to play the game so we won't see much of it, which is sad cause I don't have enough resolve to play yet another gacha to find out more about all the waifus. The ED was beautiful, color me surprised. Totally agreed with ya. |
Oct 3, 2019 9:30 PM
Even as a day 1 Global server player I didn't expect to enjoy this as much as I did, I couldn't stop smiling throughout the episode. It was such a joy to stop the video every time a new girl appeared and say her name. Numbah Wan giving a concert to nobody, best girls Crescent and Cygnet <3, best girl Besfast and her two big maid reasons, even best girl Nagato!... Same when they said their game lines. Huh... I didn't know Akagi was so "affectionate" to Kaga, that was weird. Watching Unicorn's cuteness animated will give me diabetes. And lol with her flying on U-chan, I liked that. Laffey looking good. The way the girls summon their riggings is so cool! And OMG that kitsune, that was a great surprise. Pantsu Lane is strong in this one and I'm fine with that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Speaking of pantsus, Norfolk is adorable. We even had a butt fang courtesy of Pensacola ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) So yeah, very fan of this first episode. One thing I hope this anime does is that it makes me love ships that I'm not very fond of... who seem to be the protagonists of this series xD |
SkyLETVOct 4, 2019 7:46 AM
Oct 3, 2019 9:38 PM
Well. Just eh really. The first episode felt like it had a say to bloated cast and had a pretty bad set-up. The pacing was also just to fast to really make me care. |
Oct 3, 2019 9:58 PM
amlg said: Doomsday770 said: i am curious how they make a commander(shikikan) look. A voice only like in a game, or shadow figure like kantai. btw - San Diego number one idol,sorry saratoga. Is there even a Shikikan? I mean... the entire Azur Lane is basically a school (Academy) And what we know of is... Eagle+Royal vs. Iron+Sakura We didn't see nor hear anything about a commander during the entire episode, it's literally just ship girls fighting each other (while fighting Sirens). In fact, in this episode the one in charge was pretty much Prince of Wales giving orders. (where's Loli Queen anyways?) Cause unlike the game, where we can obtain any faction's ship and add to our Shikikan Harem, the anime doesn't summon clones. Not to mention they also added in some "ultimate skills" in the anime. Such as Unicorn's unicorn is actually alive instead of a plush and can transform into a larger flying unicorn. And Kaga can summon a water Kyuubi... While Enterprise rides on full sized plane she herself summoned while firing arrows. ___ ___ ___ the only con is, we didn't get to see Sandy fight, would be funny to watch. I think he will be presented, otherwise we won't see a yandere Akagi side. Plus in the end of op there was 2 flags together(Azur+Crimson) and in ed there were chinese ships. So i am 80% sure that we will see a shikikan in next episodes. He will be the one to unite all of the ships to a single joint fleet. |
Oct 3, 2019 10:18 PM
Don't watch if you don't play game! |
Oct 3, 2019 10:31 PM
I expected slightly better storyline but Nvm... I don't think this can beat Cancolle but it looks like good anime. |
Oct 3, 2019 10:53 PM
Welp, this is my most anticipated show of Fall 2019 and... it's not bad per se but tbh, not too brilliant either. There're some things which leave bad taste in my mouth like: - Unicorn flying riding a... uh, unicorn? Unicorn-ception? I mean, do we even need that? She's a ship ffs. Ships fly? Wat? Not to mention I didn't know in game that U-chan is literally alive so I'm not sure it's anime-only. I spat my drink when she suddenly flied, seriously. - Fantasy elements like Kaga summoning an Okami from a ship. Again, do we need that? What's next? Vampire sucking other ships' blood (?) or Centaur becoming a literal centaur? - Akagi and Kaga's personalities are swapped. Kaga going berserk and Akagi's stopping her? Really? What parallel dimension is this? Looks like the director never get passed fox hell lol It's obvious they'll put Enterprise on a pedestal and worship her just from in-game lines and PV for anime so I won't complain this even tho I don't like it. But it's a shame they made Crimson Axis 100% villain. Now anime-only viewers won't like Sakura Empire or Ironblood ships as much as game-players do. And the first episode is very similar to KanColle's so I'm worried AL'll fall down similarly in later episodes. Like "We do this incomprehensible shit because our shitty commander said so" etc. Shikikan, just stay the fucking out of this, thanks. Lastly, I'm glad Azur Lane being Azur Lane with subtle fanservice shots. And I don't understand why some anime-only viewers don't understand what's happening. I mean, I played the game, yes, but I skipped all cutscenes and only know the general background but still, I understood it perfectly. The storytelling is pretty beginner-friendly to me so I dunno what's there to confuse newcomers. |
Oct 3, 2019 11:00 PM
The animation was very good tho, I’m impressed. Hopefully it won’t lose too much quality. It had potential, probably my favorite first episode of the season |
Oct 3, 2019 11:02 PM
Glad unicon chan was saved.This is actually a really interesting game adaption. |
Oct 3, 2019 11:25 PM
I wasn't expecting to like this since it's practically a kancolle clone but I like this so much better. The characters are much livelier and I like the close combat. |
Oct 3, 2019 11:35 PM
They should just call it Strike KanColle: Revenge of the Neroi. Grey Ghost has my attention for at least 1 more episode. |
Oct 3, 2019 11:51 PM
I'm kinda dubious about WWII gijinka and anime, but I liked this better than I expected ...a-are we allowed to implicitly criticize glorious dai nippon? Generally, every piece of WWII Japanese hardware has been de-politicized in the anime it's appeared in, so I was pleased that this anime acknowledges that Imperial Japan was in fact an aggressor. It's kinda a weird thing to to say, but the Sakura Empire girls attacking Pearl harbor the Azur Lane naval base feels pretty subversive for a 2010s anime. oh, I like you already Akagi I think this is the first time anyone in the world has managed to indirectly make Cleveland look good since 1970 On a art standpoint, I feel there is too much purple and lilac hair. I like how Girls und Panzer has a sense of national stereotype when designing its girls, but here there is little about the Royal Navy ships, other than the lobsterback girl, that says "England." In contrast, Cleveland has a patriotic stars and stripes outfit and Enterprise has got a hat that looks about right. |
glassknucklesOct 3, 2019 11:56 PM
Oct 3, 2019 11:52 PM
linua said: Sandy Cult rejoice we have a glimpse of her presence on episode 1 I was actually expecting her to be part of the main cast/attraction given how much the community loves her antics. Looks like starter pack girls is missing one girl, love that laffey cola addiction. |
The most important things in life is the people that you care about |
Oct 4, 2019 12:09 AM
azzuRe said: linua said: Sandy Cult rejoice we have a glimpse of her presence on episode 1 I was actually expecting her to be part of the main cast/attraction given how much the community loves her antics. Looks like starter pack girls is missing one girl, love that laffey cola addiction. It's the Jp starter pack, they don't have Nimi but they have ayaya |
While you shitpost about other taste, i watch or read stuff :D |
Oct 4, 2019 12:14 AM
If Ajax doesn't show up within the next 4 episodes I am not watching this |
"Only one with the courage to shoulder the burden of their own fate can be called a hero.." |
Oct 4, 2019 1:08 AM
Just to make sure I understand this is a goods for deviants - is there any male character at all? Like, a character that does have personality and philosophy to drive the story? Just one?? |
Re:formed |
Oct 4, 2019 1:20 AM
Daniel_Naumov said: Just to make sure I understand this is a goods for deviants - is there any male character at all? Like, a character that does have personality and philosophy to drive the story? Just one?? Ofc not!! This a female only military anime ,,A lot of us dont accepted males around our females and there for show like this exist!!! There are mixed anime out there with both females and males in them ,,This is not one of them ,,Only cute girls |
Oct 4, 2019 1:31 AM
Daniel_Naumov said: Just to make sure I understand this is a goods for deviants - is there any male character at all? Like, a character that does have personality and philosophy to drive the story? Just one?? > Implying only male characters can have personality and philosophy to drive the story. ??? |
Oct 4, 2019 1:51 AM
CHC said: The storyboarding is pretty bad. It often shows us an action without a set-up shot showing us where it came from nor a follow-up shot showing us what it results in. It's mostly just scenes of people shooting and scenes of people getting shot, with no causal relation between the two. I guess the director simply couldn't manage to choreograph a battle like this while having to make sure every character get a shot. When someone tries to sound smart by using technical terms they don't know the meaning of. "It often shows us an action without a set-up shot showing us where it came from nor a follow-up shot showing us what it results in." - this is factually true. "It makes storyboarding bad." - this is non-sequitur bullshit with no logical relation to the previous statement. The job of storyboarding is to tell a story (shocking, eh?) through visuals. The story of this episode was a brawl meant to showcase the huge ensemble cast, establish the enemies and their powerlevel, and establish the MC(?), Enterprise, and her powerlevel. Wasting time on the individual action scenes would go directly against that, which is why it wasn't done. Furthermore, the notion that an action scene must have uninterrupted continuity is another thing you pulled out of your ass. It's not an end, it's a mean - to help the audience actually understand wtf is happening during a fight, but I didn't feel confused by action at any point, which means it wasn't necessary, and again, it would contradict the actual point of the episode. |
Oct 4, 2019 1:59 AM
The commander is male but I doubt he will make an appearance. Tho I don't have anything against it becoming a harem story ;) |
Oct 4, 2019 2:11 AM
Felt pretty rushed, and was definitely expecting for the viewers to have priorhand knowledge of the series for the most part. Since it was the first episode, however, I'm eager to see what comes next. Now can we all take a moment to appreciate how badass Enterprise's entrance was in this? I just love to see these characters in motion in the end. Good lord, Belfast is thicc as hell...! She's looking like a Thanksgiving feast. |
Oct 4, 2019 2:23 AM
18-minute slideshow of characters, 3 minutes of explosions, 2 minutes of bad info dump. This was genuinely bad even for a commercial. They could have put more effort in but then again why bother. P.S. And they excluded Z23 from the starter ships just for the memes I bet. |
Oct 4, 2019 2:54 AM
Nice opening and ending songs with lots of girls shown. Good to see my waifus Akagi/Kaga animated and all the other cuties. Nice yuri moment with Akagi there wew ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Wasn't expecting Unicorn to fly on her stuffed sentient toy lol. Nice badass entrance from Enty there. Looking forward to more waifus from other factions too! |
Oct 4, 2019 3:09 AM
I have to say this. It's good adaptations, the story actually good it follow the game about war. Also have to say this better than cancole so far. 1. Good actions : yes. 2. Animation is good, not amazing but good based their budget maybe just wait for BD version for better version. Just have to see next 3 or 5 episode they will become bad as cancole that very focus with fancervice or keep the serious storyline rolling with less fancervice. Also for anyone that not playing azurlane will be confuse because many characters at start episode one that make sense. Please if anyone compare this to cancole you can't because azurlane much more power fantasy like mahou shojo but ship base. Than cancole with real ship war model much more torpedo and physically weapons good adaptations for any azurlane fans and yes I can see many salty cancole fans soon if this anime better. |
Oct 4, 2019 3:18 AM
Oct 4, 2019 3:23 AM
Yuri-Crusader said: Daniel_Naumov said: Just to make sure I understand this is a goods for deviants - is there any male character at all? Like, a character that does have personality and philosophy to drive the story? Just one?? Ofc not!! This a female only military anime ,,A lot of us dont accepted males around our females and there for show like this exist!!! There are mixed anime out there with both females and males in them ,,This is not one of them ,,Only cute girls Then this is a complete waste of resources a shame upon our huMANkind. |
Re:formed |
Oct 4, 2019 3:40 AM
Totally enjoyed the first episode. Laffey is funneh. I like the sleepy girl trope. xD |
Oct 4, 2019 3:53 AM
Daniel_Naumov said: Yuri-Crusader said: Daniel_Naumov said: Just to make sure I understand this is a goods for deviants - is there any male character at all? Like, a character that does have personality and philosophy to drive the story? Just one?? Ofc not!! This a female only military anime ,,A lot of us dont accepted males around our females and there for show like this exist!!! There are mixed anime out there with both females and males in them ,,This is not one of them ,,Only cute girls Then this is a complete waste of resources a shame upon our huMANkind. Yes its a shame that we can chose what to watch!!!!!! ,,,,,,,,,Why are you watching a only female anime if you dont like that stuff? I cant say what is going to happened in this anime ofc!!! But my experience in this type of anime that i consume the most, tells me its highly unlikely they ever going to have a male in this ,,But if males are your thing there are a lot of anime for that taste as well ,,This is a Female only anime with 2 main target groups ,,People that play the video game and people like me |
Oct 4, 2019 3:56 AM
Yuri-Crusader said: Daniel_Naumov said: Yuri-Crusader said: Daniel_Naumov said: Just to make sure I understand this is a goods for deviants - is there any male character at all? Like, a character that does have personality and philosophy to drive the story? Just one?? Ofc not!! This a female only military anime ,,A lot of us dont accepted males around our females and there for show like this exist!!! There are mixed anime out there with both females and males in them ,,This is not one of them ,,Only cute girls Then this is a complete waste of resources a shame upon our huMANkind. Yes its a shame that we can chose what to watch!!!!!! ,,,,,,,,,Why are you watching a only female anime if you dont like that stuff? I cant say what is going to happened in this anime ofc!!! But my experience in this type of anime that i consume the most, tells me its highly unlikely they ever going to have a male in this ,,But if males are your thing there are a lot of anime for that taste as well ,,This is a Female only anime with 2 main target groups ,,People that play the video and people like me Despite the stroke I suffered while reading this, I can clearly state I have never watched it and never plan to. I am pure and untainted. What poison you choose is, naturally, your own choice. |
Re:formed |
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Mar 2, 11:10 AM |
Poll: » Azur Lane Episode 2 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )Stark700 - Oct 10, 2019 |
142 |
by RGreatDanton
Mar 2, 8:48 AM |
Poll: » Azur Lane Episode 8 Discussion ( 1 2 )Stark700 - Nov 28, 2019 |
84 |
by phantom346
Feb 13, 12:51 PM |
Poll: » Azur Lane Episode 6 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )Stark700 - Nov 7, 2019 |
135 |
by phantom346
Jan 28, 7:10 PM |