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Nov 29, 2017 6:47 PM

Jun 2017
It was a little different to see that first country, mostly part of Kino no Tabi's world seemed to me more like a world of the early 20th century (despite episode 3 and 4). Well, Shizu failed again trying to take initiative.
At first I thought the radio waves could be some kind of conspiracy controlled by the police...
But that explanation: "this is a historical fact", may this say something about the countries and their crazy lifestyles?
"The Stairs to Adulthood May Not Always Lead Up" - Gintama.: Porori-hen - episode 1
Dec 1, 2017 7:57 PM
Dec 2017
Considering the first story was about a school massacre and the authorities and commoners blamed radio waves, my first guess was, it's supposed to symbolize the tendency of politicians etc. to blame media like movies and computer games, when such things happen instead of discussing the reasons why people isolate themselves from society or start to despise society. Like in Japan, where anime or computer games might get blamed when people show asocial or violent behavior. But that's just one, possibly too specific, interpretation.
MaddoSaDec 1, 2017 9:40 PM
Dec 1, 2017 11:52 PM

Oct 2015
Yeah I think this is exactly what religion is. People usually dismiss things they don't want an explanation to to things that aren't even there to begin with.
Dec 2, 2017 5:39 AM

Nov 2013
Ti x Riku ♥
I loved it!!!!!

motto.. motttoooooooo xD
Dec 3, 2017 4:07 AM

Mar 2009
Why is Ti always so intense?

This was easily one of my favorite episodes so far.
Dec 4, 2017 12:08 AM

Sep 2017
nice to see ti open up more at the end.
Dec 4, 2017 7:06 PM

Jan 2014
The_Mad_Wizard said:
Okay let me make this clear.
Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT ship Shizu and Ti.
If you do, you're a filthy degenerate and deserves the almighty three-shoe beating.
Shizu is for Kino ONLY!
Do not forget that!

excuse me, why do you ship my waifu?

linua said:
Mouloxas said:
I like how they left the ending of the first story up to the viewer's interpretation for once, this adaptation feels the need to explain every single little thing for some reason, as highlighted by Shizu going out of his way to tell us everything about Ti's day with Riku, like we hadn't already seen it ourselves...

He realizes that, but (as he said himself) his goal is not to travel but to settle down in a country, hence why he always gets involved in internal affairs and always ends up failing, unlike Kino who assumes a passive role and only takes action when she absolutely needs to. He's supposed to be her mirror, her exact opposite in that regard.

I kinda thought the same. It's common practice in many ancient religions to explain unnatural phenomena through the existence of a god, for example the Olympian Dodekatheism. But since in this episode they were talking about radio waves, something that they do have knowledge of and can technologically explain but just don't seem to know everything about, i feel like the theme was how a government can control the masses through propaganda. Granted, we didn't see any form of higher hierarchy (not stupid policemen) controlling the people and causing fear.

But that is exactly what i loved. Subtle symbolism about religion is present, but it's all left up to our interpretation and not shoved to our face.

As it explained above, Shizu intent are to settle so most of the times what important to him if the country itself can be acceptable on his view rather than accept it the way it is.
In my opinion Shizu are kind of like a shounen character where they are always trying to change anything that not suit their believe while Kino are more like observer who most of the time prefer not to involved.
Kind of annoying tbh if i see Shizu as real life case when some minor immigrants with high and mighty pride demand a country to works with their way of thinking rather than compromize.

but in the end shizu's progressiveness saved Ti, I think Ti will be much happier living with shizu and riku than living with AI.
people like shizu is haunted by the past and always being progressive, unless he changed I doubt he will ever has a normal life.
Dec 6, 2017 3:20 AM
Mar 2012
Feels like... tinfoil hats in texas. Odd episode but thought provoking.
Shizu's vague parting words to test the policeman's faith, and he recognizes communication with people is much harder than radio.
Radio tower can be seen as a natural disaster, god, or even government. How often people complain & blame the gov without doing anything themselves & w/o confirming the truth.
Ti stepping shadows was weird till I recalled her AI shadow parents.
Riku free hugs, much fluffy
Dec 11, 2017 8:37 AM

Sep 2015
God damn. This season should have just been called The Beautiful World Animation. That occasionally features Kino. They've really just taken a backseat in their own series. Still I liked this one a lot more than the previous Shizu episode. The central plot and message were actually pretty cool this time. Even if it was getting a bit preachy in a direction I didn't care for. I'm always a sucker for this series parables.

Personally I thought this episode was hitting a bit too hard on the personal responsibility button. Basically claiming mental illness is an excuse. And people do what they do because they want to do it. Which is a way of looking at things. But not one I can agree with. How they get one over on the towns folk at the end. Using their own narrative of deflected responsibility against them. Was really cool.
Dec 30, 2017 3:35 PM

May 2012
Nice focus shift again! Looking forwards to the next episode.
Jan 1, 2018 2:22 PM

Apr 2012
Really despising these non-Kino episodes. It's almost like they wanted to do a spin-off, but had to shorehorn it into the regular series. Oh well, maybe next episode...
Jan 7, 2018 7:34 PM

Apr 2011
Good to see Shizu and co again. Ti is adorable but dangerous as well.
Jan 8, 2018 5:39 AM

Sep 2012
cuteness overload here lol
Jan 11, 2018 6:43 PM

Nov 2016
MaddoSa said:
Considering the first story was about a school massacre and the authorities and commoners blamed radio waves, my first guess was, it's supposed to symbolize the tendency of politicians etc. to blame media like movies and computer games, when such things happen instead of discussing the reasons why people isolate themselves from society or start to despise society. Like in Japan, where anime or computer games might get blamed when people show asocial or violent behavior. But that's just one, possibly too specific, interpretation.

Very interesting interpretation. I didn't even think of that, but it makes a lot of sense, especially when you consider current events.

My own initial thought was that the country blaming the radio waves was because they couldn't accept that sometimes people do bad things, so they needed to find something they could blame rather than face the truth (now that I think about it, my interpretation pretty much just a broader version of your concept).

It seems that honesty and accepting the truths of a harsh reality is a reoccurring theme in Shizu's episodes. Back in episode 4, the people on the boat couldn't accept the reality of their situation and were doomed because of it. Likewise, the people of this country chose to believe a lie rather than face truth.
Feb 13, 2018 8:24 PM
Jan 2018
Jacob_Chimera said:
MaddoSa said:
Considering the first story was about a school massacre and the authorities and commoners blamed radio waves, my first guess was, it's supposed to symbolize the tendency of politicians etc. to blame media like movies and computer games, when such things happen instead of discussing the reasons why people isolate themselves from society or start to despise society. Like in Japan, where anime or computer games might get blamed when people show asocial or violent behavior. But that's just one, possibly too specific, interpretation.

Very interesting interpretation. I didn't even think of that, but it makes a lot of sense, especially when you consider current events.

My own initial thought was that the country blaming the radio waves was because they couldn't accept that sometimes people do bad things, so they needed to find something they could blame rather than face the truth (now that I think about it, my interpretation pretty much just a broader version of your concept).

It seems that honesty and accepting the truths of a harsh reality is a reoccurring theme in Shizu's episodes. Back in episode 4, the people on the boat couldn't accept the reality of their situation and were doomed because of it. Likewise, the people of this country chose to believe a lie rather than face truth.

I think the intent of this episode was to convey that, often, man prefers to believe in a lie that is easy to accept, rather than to admit that reality is sometimes too harsh. In the end your thought and MaddoSa's thought also fall into my theory. They are specific examples of this concept.
I believe that "Kino No Tabi" in each of his episodes tries to give one of these very general teachings, so they can be applied to everyone's life.

But you pointed out something that I had not seen alone. It is true that the theme of accepting reality is very common in this series. It could be the leitmotif of everything, or else thath thing is only very dear to the author. Excellent observation!
Jan 26, 2019 7:23 AM

Jan 2013
Lmao I knew right away that the radiowaves was just an excuse for the townsfolk to excuse the people that commit these awful acts.
And ofcourse the people don't want to believe it wasn't the radio waves ... because who in their right mind would want to commit those acts ... right?
Rather stick with a fabricated truth than accepting the actual truth.
Also pretty smart of Shizu to come up with that lie, that way they're forced to destroy the outpost and face the facts. (Guessing that's why he did it)

Riku's smile is always so cute :D
Aug 7, 2019 6:44 AM

Apr 2009
This little girl is a grenadier. And Riku with a little backpack is cute!

I think Shizu finally wisened up in all those meddling from before. Leave them their delusions.
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Sep 3, 2019 1:34 PM

Apr 2012
The people in the first city reminds me of how people often relate crimes to an evil (devil) presence. Throughout history people believe that by vanquishing or killing evil (satan) itself goodness will reign. In the movie Wonder woman Dianna naively believed that slaying the god of war Aris would end all wars but she then came to realize that it is within the people's choices is what causes wars. People would rather blame someone or something than face facts that their actions facilitated or caused harm.
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum.
They should really do their whining at manga forums.

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Sep 21, 2019 10:33 PM

Jul 2016
deadbilly said:
Really despising these non-Kino episodes. It's almost like they wanted to do a spin-off, but had to shorehorn it into the regular series. Oh well, maybe next episode...

Yep I agree. I want more Kino!
Jul 6, 2020 10:18 AM
Jul 2018
This animated remake is really showing some missing elements from the first animated show. I'm glad this time around we are shown multiple subplots and countries Kino's group and Shiizu's group individually visit. Not enough time was given to the other travelers the first time around. Great season!
Nov 12, 2020 5:39 PM

Jun 2010
Spending three quarters of the episodes on a rather simple allegory about cognitive dissonance seemed excessive and not a good use of the time. I'm sure it could have been done in half the episode if not even less. The second part was cute but I was a little frustrated with it since it was by nature meandering and uneventful; putting it after the overlong first story makes it feel out of place.

The "background" section of this show's page on this site says it was decided to "prioritize the fan favorite stories" from the novels, but that's lead to the odd circumstance that Kino has only been the main character in half of the episodes so far. I presume stories that take another character's point of view are rare in the novels which had lead to them getting more attention but I don't like the effect it has on this series.
Sep 20, 2021 7:10 AM

Aug 2017
Worst episode so far, first story was rushed while the second story is about the psycho kid being a weirdo.
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In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Aug 8, 2022 9:51 PM
Sep 2013
Man the characters never tire of surprising me are quite charismatic.
The moral of the first part is that people tend to blame things other than themselves, they blame their mistakes on other factors.


Cara os personagens não cansam de me surpreender são bastante carismáticos.
A moral da primeira parte e que as pessoas tendem a colocar a culpa em outras coisas se não nelas mesmo, colocam a culpa de seus erros em outros fatores.
Aug 21, 2022 12:36 AM
Aug 2012
Riku's story is also very unique and thought-provoking , glad that we switch from one traveller to another)
Mar 18, 2023 1:22 PM

Aug 2017
"Cute loli with a grenade takes a baby hostage" is the most anime plot one could come up with xD

The radio waves/ brain chips thing kinda reminded me of conspirological moral panics of that sort that some people have irl. Maybe you could also read it as a criticism of determinism.
Aug 22, 2023 1:55 AM

Dec 2020
The problem with the 2nd country was I didn't see a single person wearing a tin foil hat. If they simply just did that then the 5G wouldn't have affected them.
May 27, 2024 4:01 AM
Jul 2021
Is this really Kino's journey anymore? Or something else? Something awful?
Me every time I hear the word "reparations": 🤣🤣🤣
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