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Jul 26, 2019 4:32 PM

Jul 2019
I would give this episode a 4.5/5

Yeah, they did some censoring because of the terrible incident that happened with Kyoto Animation for respect, I just hope they don't get rid of important things to save their asses from upsetting someone. I have hope David Production will pick the right path.

The animation peaked and dropped throughout the episode. Best animation control by yours truly, David Production.
The fanservice was shoved down our throats, I just hope this doesn't happen often. I don't have an issue with it as long as they space it throughout the arcs.
The introduction of the villains and the fight scene between Shinra and The Joker played out nicely in my head. "Spilling" information to Shinra about his little brother being alive has opened many possibilities on how David Production can make it work.

No trashy endings, please.

Jul 26, 2019 4:41 PM

Jan 2015
AnimeBW said:
MrKai23 said:
Talk about horrible fanservice. What was the point? Does the author think kids are going to like that?

The directing was shit and it felt moments were cut like when captain asks if Shinra is okay and it literally goes to you are a hero Shinra and he praises him. Then the akward scene with the captain and the old guy where he says you got a good man and its just there far too long.
Glad to know I'm not the only one annoyed by the direction. I don't know if it's a first-time director or what, but outside the action scenes it's really lifeless.
Yeah lifeless indeed. No idea whats going on with the director.
Jul 26, 2019 5:30 PM
Jun 2019
it was a good chapter although the quality of the drawing was noticed a little worse the animation good as always and the fanservice was not necessary but it was not bad

Edward2430Jul 31, 2019 3:45 PM
Jul 26, 2019 5:30 PM

Aug 2018
Jeez, this Tamaki's as hot as the fire she rushes in.

Interesting episode, it introduces the real issues and the antagonists. I'd be curious to see how this 3rd episode was before last week's real life event.
Jul 26, 2019 5:33 PM
Mar 2017
Finally, Neko fire girl is here and she is hot (not as much as Maki, she is still number 1), in addition to Aoi Yuuki making her voice (Tanya Von Degurechaff).
Damn ... Maki looks so cute and elegant with that uniform.
Apparently Tamaki attracts the awkward moments, Shinra damn lucky, not only did he grab Tamaki's chest, he also grabs her butt.
The captain of the first company gives me a bad feeling and I don't think he has forgotten Shinra.

Shinra starts with a decent advantage and Tamaki doesn't accept this and shows us her pyrokinetic ability, Neko fire girl look good, the fire in her body look sick awesome.

Shinra enters the building and does not delay in meeting the guy we saw at the beginning of the episode and the end of the previous episode and introduces himself as Joker and he seems to know about the fire where Shinra's family died. Shinra's fight against Joker looks great, the animation stood out positively.
Joker defeats Shinra and when he see the creepy smile of Shinra, grants him a "gift" and reveals that his younger brother is alive, but this only upset Shinra and finally makes him angry by inviting Shinra to join him.
It seems that Shinra is not the only lucky one to feel Tamaki's ass, Arthur is blessed when Tamaki falls on his face.
Tamaki and Arthur end up joining in Shinra's fight against Joker, but the villain releases a huge amount of that explosive ash and retires leaving the three rookies in that dangerous situation, but in the end Shinra collaborates with Tamaki and Arthur and manages to flee in. time.
Obi revealed that the Fire Force is an organization that hides many things and is composed of several factions, the religious, the military and business and each of them hides information, now with greater reason i distrust of Captain Burns, apart Obi reveals the true purpose of company 8, to investigate the other companies.

Anyway, this episode was spectacular, nothing more to add.
We met three new characters who will contribute different things in different areas for the development of the story and the fanservice.
No doubt this guy named Joker left me very curious, why does he know so many things? Was he part of the Fire Force and deserted when he saw they are not honest? (This is a speculation, I have not advanced much in the manga)
Jul 26, 2019 6:26 PM

Dec 2013
I can already tell that I'm not going to like cat girl...

This new villain is pretty interesting. His reaction to Shinra's smile was funny.

Seems the fire department isn't as black and white as I thought it would be.
Jul 26, 2019 7:04 PM

Jun 2011
HOO BOY this episode was really really good. A complete 180 from last episode's mediocrity.

Obviously the animation was stunning. Seeing Shinra in action was terrific, his break dance style fighting is so cool. The dialogue was also really funny.

The cat girl was super cute, hope we see more of her. I wasn't exactly sure what was going on when Shinra copped a feel, but I have a feeling it'll be explained later.

Now the conspiracy unfolds, Fire Force may not be as good as we thought it was. We could even have warring factions, which would be really interesting.

Damn do I love this show.
Jul 26, 2019 7:05 PM

Jul 2019
Such a great gesture to tone down some the episode to honor those who died and were impacted by the Kyoto Anime fire.

Eeek that fan service was a bit much. I hope that doesn't become the norm.

I like everything else about this episode. A hint a the past and a hint at where the story is going. I am definitely intrigued.

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Jul 26, 2019 7:24 PM

Jun 2015
Ehh, the fight was decent, but the villain is so boring. The fanservice was pretty stupid. This show is not interesting so far.
Jul 26, 2019 7:26 PM
Nov 2016
Looks like Tanya got isekai'd into a fire fighting cat girl
Jul 26, 2019 7:43 PM

Feb 2016
Fanservice is expectable from the same mangaka of Soul Eater, But damn, that Neko surely has bad luck xD. I agree that it was somewhat pointless tho.

And well, talk about Villains taking over. Seems like more shit is going down as I thought.

MrKai23 said:
Talk about horrible fanservice. What was the point? Does the author think kids are going to like that?

Its called marketing, is what sells nowadays. Its to be expected.
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Jul 26, 2019 8:11 PM

Dec 2014
Great episode.

Damn, Shinra you lucky guy. XD
Loving all the fan service for Tamaki. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Action sequences were fantastic, loving all the fire animation and explosion effects. So cool. xD

Interesting that Shinra's brother might be alive and I'm very curious as to what the Fire Force is really hiding, good plot developments.
I also loved the scene where knight cut the ceiling and was like my strike were too beautiful to make the ceiling to fall. Made me laugh. XD

Can't wait for more.

Jul 26, 2019 8:13 PM

Oct 2017
Another good episode. The fan service doesn’t bug me so much.
Jul 26, 2019 8:14 PM

Jun 2010
A character created for fanservice only. meh
Jul 26, 2019 8:31 PM

Sep 2009
I've always been fan of Joker-esque characters, so that's cool.

Fanservice is always a plus in my book. I sure hope there will be more. In addition to fighting/rescuing, of course.
“They will say that I have shed innocent blood. What’s blood for, if not for shedding? With my hook for a hand, I’ll split you from your groin to your gullet.” - Candyman
Jul 26, 2019 9:17 PM

Feb 2017
Tamaki is love <3
i already know i'm going to love her xD
What i did not expect is for her to be
the "fanservice" character in such a heavy way...
I was expecting sexy shots of her, here and there but
not to love ru levels of groping
Jul 26, 2019 9:30 PM
May 2017
MrKai23 said:
AnimeBW said:
Glad to know I'm not the only one annoyed by the direction. I don't know if it's a first-time director or what, but outside the action scenes it's really lifeless.
Yeah lifeless indeed. No idea whats going on with the director.

I agree the directing being weird. I'm not good at critical analysis of this kind of stuff but, besides the action animation, nothing in this show seems to flow right. Character interactions, scene and shot transitions, and shot composition all seem awkward and poorly set up most of the time. I don't know I can't put my finger on it but I'm just not enjoying this show as much as I would like.
JoshsoJBJul 26, 2019 9:36 PM
Jul 26, 2019 9:39 PM

Oct 2015
I'm glad its back!

Wonder how and why is that guy connected to Shinra 12 years ago? Hopefully this will take a much needed development from now on.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Jul 26, 2019 9:50 PM

Jan 2011
This show is becoming so fucking stupid.

Fire neko kitty? Are you kidding me? Stupid fanservice.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Jul 26, 2019 10:10 PM

Nov 2018
VanishingKira said:
Based fire force

Yes it was in the manga

Can you give the links about that manga that you post??
Jul 26, 2019 10:28 PM
Oct 2017
Tamaki is literally hot
Jul 26, 2019 10:30 PM

Jul 2016
I heard this episode would be modified in order to censor some scenes but I honestly didn't notice anything too remarkable.

Anyways, enjoyable episode overall. I like the idea of other departments hiding vital info about the Infernals for self-interests. Now, I'm really interested in knowing how this subplot will develop from now on.

Regarding Tamaki, I still don't know what to think about her. I guess I will give her a few more eps. to make a proper judgment. Though... that mediocre fanservice sequence was really necessary?

P.S.: Oh, it seems the studio censored part of the ED. Pretty understandable due to what happened recently...
Jul 26, 2019 10:35 PM

Oct 2017
I'm really trying to enjoy this show but there's so much problems with it that i'm impressed how most of the people watching are not aware of them, probably the biggest of them is the direction, how the team is trying to achieve a shaft-like direction (which is not a surprise cause Yuki Yase has worked in several Shaft shows), but fails at it. Most part of the episodes is composed by still-shots that show no continuity, is because of this that i find it so unenjoyable, it makes the show very bland and hard to immerse yourself in the ambient, some of these still-shots last several seconds and show little to no character movement, and don't get me wrong, I love Shaft and Shinbou Akiyuki's works, but this is not even close to his direction, (as his shows manage to show continuity between shots and does this very good) and yes, there are some parts where the direction is good or enjoyable (like when shinra, tamaki and arthur were falling and some fight scenes) and i'm hoping we can se more of those shots than the still-shots that cover 90% of the 3 episodes we've had.

The story is also pretty much bland and average for such a good and unique premise (we don't talk about Promare here), there are some points where writing makes no sense and is the same with the characters, don't even get me started on Miss Fanservice, but im really hoping the manga gets better after this, it's also worth mentioning that the pacing has been very fast for a 2 cour show, i hope it slows down steadily.

Anyways, I had really high hopes for this show and i never expected to be so dissapointed in the directing after seeing that Yuki Yase was directing it.

(i don't really comment on mal's forum that much but after seeing this episode i felt like i had to ok)

FerrozoJul 26, 2019 10:44 PM
im trying my best to stop being a weeb ok dont judge me
Jul 26, 2019 11:07 PM

Feb 2019
deg said:
but damn the animation quality severely dropped to just an average animation this episode
did we even watch the same show? The animation was absolutely stunning this episode and the art style is really unique.

The animation basically stopped about 75% of the way into the episode, and completely stopped altogether for the last 3-4 minutes and devolved to voiceovers over scenery shots.

I can't even call it an expository infodump either, as it was basically just a dude going "things are complicated, and in a huge organization, there are some people with different intentions than you." One would think that wouldn't need an entire goddamned scene to review, but that's how they decided to spend a massive chunk of the episode.
Jul 26, 2019 11:32 PM

Feb 2019
@Ferrozo I have told the problem comes from the source, the manga was very mediocre especially for someone who made soul eater that seems to have worsened

This anime was not going to be good unless they rewrote much of this especially characters like Tamaki which is the Obligatory Fanservice Girl whose schtick is that she keeps getting groped. If you're going to call out something as an awful cliche, don't just go ahead and do the cliche anyway, you putzes. She contributes nothing but hitting the catgirl fetish crowd though.

Then we get to the ""fight"", if you can even call it that. They were happy to animate Whose-Its kicking. But the direction decided that the best way for him to be attacked would be to blithely stare at and/or narrate that he was being attacked. Multiple times at that. "Gee, I wonder if the explodey dust will explode again. Better stare at it for another 5 seconds." That's when it wasn't just interrupted by them having a longwinded conversation revealing the shocking truth that the brother who disappeared without a trace in a fire wasn't disintegrated.
Again, something anybody with half a brain assumed already, and three episodes in certainly is not a big shocking reveal that could carry a whole episode like they clearly thought it could.

@Farabeuf this would not even win a position of an average shounen.
Jul 26, 2019 11:58 PM
Oct 2007
I always thought us humans would unite together whenever human extinction is on the table. That's why human is one of the longest running species. Looks like there's both internal and external threats in this series though! Can't wait to watch more.
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Jul 27, 2019 12:54 AM

Oct 2008
What an excellent way for the MC to grope Tamaki!
so this is the usual events wherein your own fire brigade is not to be fully trusted...just like psycho pass concept...

Jul 27, 2019 1:23 AM

Jul 2019
This episode was ok, but I already can't stand Tamaki, created just for pointless fanservice, it's just damn annoying.

Reach for the

Jul 27, 2019 1:54 AM
Apr 2015
I'm impressed by this episode. We got a super girl with a nice fanservice and a good fighting choreography.
Jul 27, 2019 2:09 AM
May 2013
i kinda like the backstory of the way the world is and the politics of the fire force, but i'm still not sold on the characters.
Jul 27, 2019 2:10 AM

Jan 2016
ofcourse people are going to cry about the fanservice, I guess that is always something that happens. I wonder where is Shinra's brother.
Jul 27, 2019 3:15 AM

Jun 2016
HaXXspetten said:
Sooo what exactly was censored in the end? I didn't really think of it much when watching it

look at end episode 1 and 2... there is infernal.. all sister friend become infernal

idk why it got censor ?
Jul 27, 2019 3:17 AM

Jun 2016
6/10 this episode give us more question which is interesting...

but still not enough explanation... hope we got more

and in the end is it me that there is censored scene when all people sister friend become infernal...
Jul 27, 2019 4:08 AM
Jan 2018
the female version of Rito has appeared it seems
Jul 27, 2019 4:10 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
lTl__lTl said:
HaXXspetten said:
Sooo what exactly was censored in the end? I didn't really think of it much when watching it

look at end episode 1 and 2... there is infernal.. all sister friend become infernal

idk why it got censor ?
Because of the KyoAni arson attack
Jul 27, 2019 4:13 AM

Oct 2017
Fight between Shinra and this bad man looked kinda bad,for me animation fire,explosion are kinda poor...
Jul 27, 2019 4:29 AM

Jun 2016
HaXXspetten said:
lTl__lTl said:

look at end episode 1 and 2... there is infernal.. all sister friend become infernal

idk why it got censor ?
Because of the KyoAni arson attack

Jul 27, 2019 5:16 AM

Jul 2014
Love how quick Shinra is with his feet work, dude's got massive skills, makes me wonder how his fight with Maki would have turned out if Maki didn't have such an OP ability, that being said I'm pretty sure he woulda still lost to Maki if its a no power cqc match, girl's got military training.

This new girl... can't tell if I like her or not, too many fanservice moment, tho I do find it funny that she literally said its a bad quirk accident that happens to her but still.. damn.

Animation is still pretty solid for the most part, fight choreography was hype, you don't really see MC's that mainly uses their feet as their only attack techniques.

Great ep! lacks sister but still pretty dang cool ep.
Jul 27, 2019 6:03 AM
Jul 2018
Again, much like Soul Eater, the comedy just doesn't land for me. But other than that, more info dumps, always appreciated
Jul 27, 2019 6:11 AM

Jul 2019
Great episode, couldn’t even tell what was censored other than the ED. Looking forward to see where they take this show as I’m reading the manga at the same time.
Jul 27, 2019 6:12 AM

May 2018
Okay, so we got fanservice now that may ruin the anime and it looks really awkward. Fun episode but not that great, it feels like they fit many things in just 1 episode like how the villains show up early and have a fight. Now, we have a catgirl and villains in the show.
Jul 27, 2019 6:16 AM

Mar 2018
New girl is as good as I heard if not better. If I had to choose I'd still say Maki is better tho

Hero or Devil huh.. Omoshiroi
Hopefully it's not gonna be something like "Fire Force told Sho his brother was the cause of the fire->Sho resents Shinra->Brother Conflict"

“I don’t like expending more effort than I have to.” – Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
Jul 27, 2019 6:20 AM

Jan 2016

Ferrozo said:

there are some points where writing makes no sense and is the same with the characters

Which points don't seem to make sense? :o
Jul 27, 2019 6:21 AM

Apr 2017
This anime was seriously going through a very thin line in my watch list, but now it got a little safer from getting dropped.

The animation is amazing as always, despite some lengthy still shots, but it's okay, at this rate I don't care, I know the staff will do good. The backgrounds are beautiful btw.

I thought the censorship was going to be huge (didn't read the manga), but it was almost nothing and I didn't even notice, though the censored scene in the ED somehow made it creepier than before.

That Tamaki girl is annoying. Her voice and personality made me dislike her already. Does she get some interesting moments? It doesn't seems like it, she looks like a character that only exists for forced, awkward fanservice.

The rest of the characters (except Shinra and the bland villains) are feeling like nothing. I would like to see some real interactions between them since they are a whole group but it feels like they are pretty far away from each.

Talk about standing far away. It's very strange that some of the brigades are hiding useful information from the others. That thing is kinda the main reason of why I'll keep watching.

Despite some issues, this episode was so much better than the previous one, which was kinda painful to bear.

I hope it gets really good later, consider me interested. I'll keep watching anyways.
No community will be as misunderstood as the furry community. Uh... I guess?
Jul 27, 2019 6:33 AM

Oct 2014
Lucky lecher lure.... Yeah, I can handle a bit of fanservice but if that's gonna be a running gag, it's gonna get annoying pretty fast. Hope there's more to Tamaki's character other than fanservice, I really like her cat ability.

The story is getting interesting though, can't wait for the next episode. Also that Joker guy is kinda creepy... I like him already
Jul 27, 2019 6:41 AM
Nov 2016
El_Torro_FF said:
Trainer_Green said:
This episode was straight garbo. It's been a while since I've had antagonists and plot be forced down my throat, thanks Fire Force. Already our antagonist shows up and reads a short paragraph that summarizes to: "Join the dark side Shinra and I'll tell you about your brother," but hey at least he looks sort of threatening. Also we get introduced to Tamaki who's introduction is literally just Maki, but worse. The only thing this show has going for it is it's world building. The characters are bland, the interactions are REALLY stilted and awkward, and the plot is extremely rushed. I want this show to be good, I really do, but I don't think we're going to get that. Here's hoping the later episodes are better.

Now that I watch this episode, I'm really glad they censored a good portion of it as it was quite provocative towards the Kyoani fire, better safe than sorry.

Couldn't agree with you more. I had really high hopes coming into this season, but the show's been a big letdown so far

He's nowhere near the main villain, and that's nowhere near the whole story of the combustion, so just be patient n chill out.
Jul 27, 2019 7:38 AM
Apr 2016
MrKai23 said:
Talk about horrible fanservice. What was the point? Does the author think kids are going to like that?

The directing was shit and it felt moments were cut like when captain asks if Shinra is okay and it literally goes to you are a hero Shinra and he praises him. Then the akward scene with the captain and the old guy where he says you got a good man and its just there far too long.

Actually you are trying to bash a valid point in the relationship between the squads. The 8th captain clearly knows something as not to even pretend to be nice with people of grey morality. Which is why there is this lengthy pause where the captain does not react to the 1st captain "praise".
Jul 27, 2019 7:44 AM
Apr 2016
RayReynolds said:
did we even watch the same show? The animation was absolutely stunning this episode and the art style is really unique.

The animation basically stopped about 75% of the way into the episode, and completely stopped altogether for the last 3-4 minutes and devolved to voiceovers over scenery shots.

I can't even call it an expository infodump either, as it was basically just a dude going "things are complicated, and in a huge organization, there are some people with different intentions than you." One would think that wouldn't need an entire goddamned scene to review, but that's how they decided to spend a massive chunk of the episode.

That scene was literally unveiling the idea that even amongst people Shinra saw today there could be enemies, and only a handful of people can be trusted. For a character that believes himself to be a hero such a revelation is bluntly put painful - That there are villains behind the scene, they are not just some flame demons but people with their own agendas. What would be the point of having animation there? Having the starry sky circle around as they talk? Make them talk like that during the training? The depth some forum-goers reach with their conclusions is rather shallow.
K1ngOfSloth said:
New girl is as good as I heard if not better. If I had to choose I'd still say Maki is better tho

Hero or Devil huh.. Omoshiroi
Hopefully it's not gonna be something like "Fire Force told Sho his brother was the cause of the fire->Sho resents Shinra->Brother Conflict"

I could see it since they mentioned the fire - Sho being taken away by some villain faction and used later on against Shinra/Fire Force. The Infernal that appeared to Shinra that day could be summoned by Sho, it could be living in Sho, Sho might inadvertedly become a villain because of his own personal connection to the fire. There are many paths this could take, but all of them unite in "Sasuke retrieval" if you know what I mean. Should be a trope name for it somewhere...
Jul 27, 2019 7:51 AM

Sep 2017
Trainer_Green said:
This episode was straight garbo. It's been a while since I've had antagonists and plot be forced down my throat, thanks Fire Force. Already our antagonist shows up and reads a short paragraph that summarizes to: "Join the dark side Shinra and I'll tell you about your brother," but hey at least he looks sort of threatening. Also we get introduced to Tamaki who's introduction is literally just Maki, but worse. The only thing this show has going for it is it's world building. The characters are bland, the interactions are REALLY stilted and awkward, and the plot is extremely rushed.

Pretty much this. I don't think I've seen stupider fan service from a non ecchi series. Completely useless scene.
Jul 27, 2019 8:18 AM
Sep 2016
Something just seems off, it seems choppy and the cuts make it disorientating to watch. Also so much stuff happens so fast, I think this is where I stopped reading the manga because it really needs to take it's time and breathe a bit first/

Too much is being added without some major things being elaborated on, and I still feel like I know nothing about the characters despite being around them for 3 episodes,It just feels like it's a shell of what it should be. I hope it gets better so I won't have to drop it.
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