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Weathering With You
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Jul 18, 2019 7:16 PM

Jul 2014
Just finished it, hell of a fun ride as some of the scenes were similar to.'Your Name'.
Overall I enjoyed the movie, transition started with mystery going to run away story with some dark elements to a fun romcom to sad depressing shit and lastly a satisfying adoranle end. Will give a short summary on a different post, gonna have to process everything.

A spoiler that I will give for the meantime is…

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details.
LoveLikeBloodJul 19, 2019 2:29 AM
Jul 18, 2019 7:51 PM

Sep 2017
Oof first comment, nice movie btw, not as good like precious Shinkai works

Decide once every certain number of years which members of the ruling class will oppress and crush the people in parliament: this is the true essence of bourgeois parliamentarism, not only in the constitutional parliamentary monarchies but in the most democratic republics
- The State and Revolution (September 1917), Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov "Lenin".
Jul 18, 2019 7:52 PM
Oct 2012
Just watched it :)
A really great movie, the animation is superb! The story draws you in and won’t let you go - this is a masterpiece!
Jul 19, 2019 1:31 AM
Apr 2013
Watched it in theaters just now, so I'll be giving a short non-spoiler review for those not living in Japan.

Overall, while an entertaining piece of work, this isn't really the masterpiece that Kimi no Na wa was in my honest opinion. I still gave it a 9/10, which is the same score I gave for Kimi no Na wa, but it's more of wandering between 8 to 9. The music, animation and background work are fantastic as always, but I won't go into detail because we all know those are what Makoto Shinkai's films are famous for. The subject matter, and the themes are quite refreshing and original, even though it does overlap a bit with the previous film in terms of its portrayal of sprituality and youth.

Two of my criticisms of the film though, is with the pacing as well as its ending. For the former, this is a rather predictable film, and it shares a lot of the character development and plot beats with Shinkai's previous works. As for the latter, I find myself dissatisfied with the final 15 minutes or so of the film (which I won't spoil). While Shinkai's films are known for its twist endings, this one takes it a little too far, stretching the film into an almost unrealistic territory.

As I've mentioned, I won't go into more details until the film gets a worldwide release, but if anyone is interested to know more, PM me anytime.
Jul 19, 2019 3:07 AM
Mar 2017
After the movie ends, there is something I still don't know....

Who tf is Natsumi? Keisuke's sister or something?
Jul 19, 2019 3:17 AM
Jul 2019

Hi, thank you so much for your synopsis of the movie, I am from the Philippines so, you can imagine my envy. Anyway, I just want to know a few things-
First, is Taki (from Kimi no Na wa) a policeman in Weathering With you? If my memory serves me right, Taki was an architect/urban planner in KnNw, right? Please enlighten me. And secondly, is Mitsuha a jeweler (At least in WWY)?

I really hope you will reply, thank you so much in advance!
Jul 19, 2019 3:18 AM

Jul 2014
Blaze35 said:

I think you didn't do anything wrong but seeing how some people are reacting maybe it's better to put the spoiler tag as a precaution.

Edit: Apparently the moderator has thought of it, however thanks for the long summary, very appreciated.

Was always under the impression that people who goes in an ep discussion are people who already watched it or people who wants to get spoiled. Will try to be more extra careful with it next time. Also np!

paddyfooty said:

Hi, thank you so much for your synopsis of the movie, I am from the Philippines so, you can imagine my envy. Anyway, I just want to know a few things-

I really hope you will reply, thank you so much in advance!

Heya! first
Jul 19, 2019 3:28 AM
Jul 2019

As to why Taki approached them will be a mystery to me, I guess I will have to wait until WWY gets screened in our country (sighs). Anyways, thank you so much for your help!

And on other note, my condolences to Kyoto Animation. It may be of different studio, but still my prayers and thoughts go with victims and their families.
Jul 19, 2019 3:35 AM

Jul 2014
paddyfooty said:

As to why Taki approached them will be a mystery to me, I guess I will have to wait until WWY gets screened in our country (sighs). Anyways, thank you so much for your help!

And on other note, my condolences to Kyoto Animation. It may be of different studio, but still my prayers and thoughts go with victims and their families.

Because one of Hina and Hodaka's client was Taki's mom/grandma? was probably visiting her.
Also yeah.. one of the reasons why it was pretty hard to watch this at first, but I couldn't cancel my reserved ticket anymore so I had to.. the incident was really fucked up.
Jul 19, 2019 3:49 AM
Jul 2019
@-Stray, oh, I see, thank you so much for your information!
Jul 19, 2019 5:41 AM

May 2016
So the main couple end up together right?
Jul 19, 2019 8:12 AM
Nov 2015
I did read there's a hidden homage to 500 Days of Summer.
Did you catch which is the reference?
Jul 19, 2019 9:15 PM

Feb 2019
Firstly, lower your expectations. I don’t mean that the film is bad, it’s quite good. it’s just most likely different from what you’re expecting and used to. A lot of people are probably expecting something very similar to Kimi No Na Wa. This film isn’t that, it’s actually written closer to 5CM per second and Garden of Words in my opinion.

Animation, sound and art were all top notch as to be expected from Makoto’s films

Cons were the CGI which to me looked kinda subpar at times, there were some unresolved plot points too which I found a bit... odd, and I also found the ending a bit abrupt, again, think Garden of Words

Although it was different from what I was expecting, I enjoyed it a lot and am looking forward to reading the LN today. I really wish the plot threads would’ve been tied up better, I felt there was something left to be desired from everything, again maybe the LN will cover more of that, we’ll see. Also I didn’t know this many people lived in japan on MAL lol. 32 votes already
Marinate1016Jul 19, 2019 9:28 PM
Jul 19, 2019 10:02 PM
Jul 2010
I said this in the other thread, but I’m surprised that there are no messages here about the product placement!
Jul 19, 2019 10:08 PM

Jul 2014
The product placement was too much. Real world products infect even some of the most important scenes in the entire movie, such as WHEN THE CHARACTERS MEET FOR THE FIRST GODDAMN TIME. It's supposed to be an emotional moment: the homeless boy is hungry and down on his luck, so this kind, fast-food employee cuts him a break and gives him some free food. Could've been endearing, had the box not prominently displayed "I'M LOVING IT" and the boy not said "this is the best bite I've ever had" about a f**king Big Mac. Besides that scene, it's like these characters can't have a single drink in the film without the cans/bottles displaying their real life logos and designs. Maybe being brand loyalists is an important detail in the emotional development of these characters. Or maybe, Makoto Shinkai is a bit of a sell out.
Jul 19, 2019 10:46 PM
Jul 2019
That ending with the instabae pic of Tabata station in the water... 誠に新海だね
Jul 20, 2019 5:38 AM
Apr 2018
Watched it in my hometown, Kōfu yesterday morning. Really enjoyed it, more so than Kimi no na wa personally.

Tenki no ko approach is definitely much closer to that of kotonoha no Niwa or Byousoku 5cm being far more grounded in realism while still having a great fantasy so-to speak aspect to the story. I found the character very refreshing and found myself genuinely caring for them. Very different from Kimi no na wa in which one of the gripping aspects was the waiting for them finally meeting. My one tiny complaint however is I would have liked a slightly more drawn out ending.

Animation and music were also top notch as expected. Music was very fitting and brought a lot to many scenes. In particular the chase scene and when they were falling, the music really added a lot. Can see myself playing the soundtrack regularly for a while. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
Jul 20, 2019 8:06 AM

Aug 2017
@-stray are you from japan that you’ve already seen the movie
Jul 20, 2019 10:29 PM

Nov 2012
Great movie. I like their first meeting in McDonald. But well kinda anticlimax. IMO In term of story I like Kimi no na wa better. Hina is so cute but rather bland. Also the ending need more...

One of these days shinkai would release a movie full of songs more than Disney. Well music is the best thing in this movie for me.
Jul 21, 2019 12:49 AM
Jul 2010
I can't stop thinking about that McDonald's scene.
aisemicrAug 15, 2019 5:45 PM
Jul 21, 2019 8:34 AM

May 2008
That was okay I guess. I don't think I'll take 2 hours of my time to see it again though.
You don't need a high level of Japanese to understand it, and even if you're about JLPT N5 the context of the scenes should help fill the gaps.

The cerebral side is toned down compared to Shinkai's earlier works, the sponsors are even more present, and to quote a Japanese friend "it looks like an anime ordered by the town of Tokyo to show many iconic places so that even more people come for next year's Olympics, but then Shinkai sent them a big FY right at the very end".

Regarding the end,
Jul 24, 2019 6:18 AM
Feb 2017
TheAnimeVillain said:
Im not looking for Spoilers, people.Just tell me, Does this movie have a happy ending or a bittersweet ending?. Im asking this because i like romance anime with happy endings

From what I've heard it's better than Kimi no na wa's more open ending.
Jul 27, 2019 4:27 AM

Mar 2016
But why do they called it Weathering With You in english?
Jul 30, 2019 3:23 AM

Jan 2016
Great movie, but not as good as Your Name. Although the animation and CGI is spectacular except only a few scenes, I found the movie a bit fast-paced, and if it gave us more time with the characters it could be even better.

I think the theme of the movie is a bit more vague compared to Your Name and the Fukushima Disaster, and the Main Protag Guy is a lot less interesting than the Protag Guy of Your Name, and with that the criticisms end. The humour is great, and the slow reveals of character details are very rewarding. Although it falls short, it is very, very similar to Your Name whilst still being a unique story in its own right. Solid 8/10.

Sheragin said:
But why do they called it Weathering With You in english?

Probably sounds better than the direct translation.
Aug 4, 2019 5:00 PM

Jun 2012
Objectively not the greatest movie, it's on the shallow side, but easy personal 10/10 for me.
I was completely moved by many of the scenes and soundtracks, and personally liked that this time (compared to Your Name) there was more time spent on the two of them together.

I was really moved, granted it was my first time seeing an animated movie in a theater (and in imax), and this theater was new and super fancy!

Aug 5, 2019 9:30 AM

May 2014
Great movie overall. Tbh I felt my expectations were a bit too high before watching, but it was still great nonetheless.
Really enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the other world. The fish thing reminded me of Penguin Highway a bit lol.
If I'm not mistaking, Hina was looking for part time job at Kabukicho? I understand she needed cash, but I found that to be quite odd.
Hodaka asking questions on chiebukuro was kinda funny XD
Overall 9/10. Great, but personally less impressed compared to other Shinkai's work.

Aug 15, 2019 2:30 PM

Nov 2014
Just watch the premiere in my country tonight.
it's Beautiful as usual IMO as expected from Makoto Shinkai, a top notch Visual too, Wonderful Soundtrack from Radwimps and co. I really glad i can watch it.

The mixing of beautiful visual and wonderful soundtrack really amazed me. I was completely moved by lotsa moments in this, especially the moments of the MC's (Their bonds), and also there are some great light comedy/humour in several scene.

I think as for the story is lighter than the previous work .. but it still great for me.
It might be different from his others work especially "Kimi No Na Wa", but i think, for me each of them has their own greatness.

I hope to see more of Makoto Shinkai's works in the future, 10/10 for me
r16fourarmAug 15, 2019 2:35 PM
Aug 16, 2019 10:12 AM

Feb 2008
Saw the movie at my local cinema tonight. Overall's fine. Visually times. Good artwork all the way through, for me. In terms of involvement, a bit to be desired. The overall structuore of the project contained a lot of elements which have parallels with elements of Kimi no Na Wa. Do I feel that I have to go back to the theatre to watch this one again? Not really.

Side note: the third time around, Shinkai's focus on Shinjuku is starting to wear thin. This is just me but I felt a bit of a disconnect from the film's depiction of a McDonald's I've eaten at a few times. At least I didn't see any depictions of hotels I've stayed at in Shinjuku in the movie.
Aug 17, 2019 9:13 AM

Feb 2019
MrAkira said:
After the movie ends, there is something I still don't know....

Who tf is Natsumi? Keisuke's sister or something?

SPOILER ALERT: Natsumi is Keisuke's niece! It's mentioned in the movie in the scene where they're all out in the park with Keisuke's daughter.

crispyn64 said:
The product placement was too much. Real world products infect even some of the most important scenes in the entire movie, such as WHEN THE CHARACTERS MEET FOR THE FIRST GODDAMN TIME. It's supposed to be an emotional moment: the homeless boy is hungry and down on his luck, so this kind, fast-food employee cuts him a break and gives him some free food. Could've been endearing, had the box not prominently displayed "I'M LOVING IT" and the boy not said "this is the best bite I've ever had" about a f**king Big Mac. Besides that scene, it's like these characters can't have a single drink in the film without the cans/bottles displaying their real life logos and designs. Maybe being brand loyalists is an important detail in the emotional development of these characters. Or maybe, Makoto Shinkai is a bit of a sell out.

Personally, I think it's not just sponsorship (which is probably true for SOME of them), but I think a lot of it is actually trying to portray a realistic Tokyo. Since it's not just brand placement, you can also see the brands on the towers being the same as the ones in actual Tokyo (I noticed this first after watching a YouTube video but I can't remember which video) and that YouTuber mentioned that getting the license to use those brands is really hard in Japan so it's actually amazing that they put so much work into it! I think a lot of the product placement was a combination of balancing sponsorship and realism. Sponsorship because even if these movies are pieces of art, they cost A LOT of money and studios are still companies that need to keep afloat. Not to mention the costs of making such movies are really expensive as well as the salaries of the staff who put so much effort into making all the aspects of these movies! As for realism, I think these products and things makes the audience feel that this is the real world, not some distant alternate reality but actually the same as our world, with the same brands and companies, the same food.

As for that McDonald's quip about it being the best food he's ever had, I think it's a reference to: 1. he hasn't eaten dinner properly for 3 days, food tastes so much better when you're hungry or haven't eaten in a while; 2. he got it from Hina, showing him one of the first acts of kindness he's received in cold Tokyo and also, Hina is cute and attractive to him!

Anyway, that's just my personal opinion of course, just what I think.
Aug 21, 2019 2:41 AM
Aug 2018
Watched it an hour ago, I'm really satisfied with this movie. The music, visual, story, everything. Not as impactful as Kimi No Nawa but I prefer it that way
Aug 21, 2019 3:53 AM
Aug 2011
I watched it on cinema. As usual shinkai with his animation quality made the movie looks terrific. My favorite is fireworks scene. I hopes they explain more about weather legend though, a shrine above abandoned skycrapper definitely need more story to tell. Barely know how that legend caused disastrous weather happened entire movie.

This movie also is in same universe as kimi no nawa. The latter was a meteor destroyed a village. Now the world especially Tokyo changing due the harsh weather. Which made me thinking if Shinkai hold grudge against his county. I wonder what next, entire Japan being wiped out? or a remake of Hoshi no Koe where human do intergalactic war. Seems interesting if shinkai heading that way.

Overall enjoyed the movie
dchoggia14Aug 21, 2019 3:58 AM
Want see old animes once again
Aug 21, 2019 7:01 AM

Feb 2016
I just watch it as today finally released in my country, i love the movie, although Your Name still slightly better, but that because Your Name is already extremely good, not surprising that would be above this. Not disappointed tough.

Altough overall Your Name is better, Weathering With You still better at (my opinion) :
- Art/Animation
- Romance
- Relatability
and noticeably less in :
- Mystery
- Story
- Music

sorry if i compare this with Your Name, because most of people already familiar with it, and mostly expect from it.

Still very great movie tough, 9/10
likepandaAug 21, 2019 7:07 AM
Aug 21, 2019 7:12 AM
Apr 2019
It's no Kimi No Na Wa or 5cm per Second for sure but it's still good, think of Garden of Words.

Now that's outta the way, i have to admit i admire Shinkai's "innovation" in this movie. From my experiences with his modern movies, he only focuses on the two star crossed lovers, and the side characters are just.... there. In Tenki No Ko, he gives them enough spotlight to shine, they have their own role in the story.

But i have to wonder, is it good to divert the focus on other characters? Probably not. There are several subplots that ends up being left behind involving them, probably because he wants to avoid The Spiderman 3 Fault.

Now let's talk about our star crossed lover. I'll be frank, their backstory is pretty unrelatable, unlike Mitsuha (hates countryside) or Taki (city boys). Also, the concept they revolve on, Weather, isn't good enough, imo. Most of the time it's used for poetic symbolism, but for me, it's just not enough (not relatable enough). And to make matter worse, the duo's developments are hampered by their screentime having to be shared with aforementioned side characters. I personally didn't feel anything when the story hits the "sad part", idk if it's just me, but the words that flutter in my head is "wait why X crying, that's not really sad", compared to the scene where Taki cries at the mountain when he forgets Mitsuha, or the entirety of One More Time, One More Chance.

The overall feel. What contributed to Kimi No Na Wa success was its accessibility , since its one half is basically fun Slice of Life, anyone can watch it and enjoy it. Tenki No Ko didn't have that benefit, but ironically their comedy is arguably superior. They straight up played the "what r u looking at, pervert" when Hina starts to disappear. Also, symbolism is pretty prevalent, and there's an important character tics such as Kei holding his ring whenever subject about family is brought up (and it mirrors Hodoka ring too) that you can notice in Tenki No Ko.

I don't know if it's necessary for me to talk about the visual or soundtrack.

Can anyone list any more cameo besides the Your Name couple? This got me thinking, when Hodoka meet the two, what's the year? Because Your Name ends with a 5 year time skip, while Mitsuha is already working yet Taki is still in HS (or was that a normal polo) but they can't really meet normally (under the sunshine no less)
ArcturusMiAug 21, 2019 7:19 AM
Aug 21, 2019 12:53 PM

Aug 2019
Anyone notice that Catcher in the Rye's reference?

Makes me wonder of how popular is the modern American literature in Japan or would this kind of stuff simply go over head there?

Another nice tidbit that I found, quite possibly unintentional...

Since we are doing a discussion thread, I do have few questions which I missed during the viewing:

Will appreciate any thoughts on these points fellas.

Overall I'd give it a solid 8 since I feel that directional-wise, its a bit all over the place.
Too many build-ups and unexplored plot points, doesn't feel as laser-focused as Shinkai's last blockbuster but it may fit someone else taste since more characters are now given room to expand.

Everything else is top notch as expected... Several jaw-dropping moments straight from visuals alone. Colours might be a bit subdued compared to Your Name, but given the 'rainy mood' palette, it fits the theme well and really gives a punch to the limited moments when the sun shone.
Sound design is excellent, loved the atmosphere during the torrential rain, thunderstorm, and

Soundtrack was good but not really memorable. Insert songs are RADWIMPS so you know how it is.

Hoping for the Aussies to chime in later today. Enjoy the movie lads, don't expect a Your Name-esque sequel, since this is Shinkai going back to his root while adapting a few key points that makes his last movie a commercial success but still a very good movie nonetheless.

On an unrelated note, seeing Hina wearing the Maccas' blue crew trainer uniform nearly made me spills my drink.
Aug 21, 2019 3:49 PM

Dec 2017
I reserved a seat immediately right when this movie started premiering in my local cinema, and it surely paid off. I can't believe three years have passed since the release of the masterpiece Your Name.; it still feels to me like only yesterday. Now I get to taste it again.

ArcturusMi said:
Can anyone list any more cameo besides the Your Name couple? This got me thinking, when Hodoka meet the two, what's the year? Because Your Name ends with a 5 year time skip, while Mitsuha is already working yet Taki is still in HS (or was that a normal polo) but they can't really meet normally (under the sunshine no less)
I have only watched Shinkai's movies starting from Garden of Words, so I could only notice Taki and Mitsuha from Your Name.

Judging from Taki's look being younger, I think this story takes place before Taki and Mitsuha reunitemeet with each other.
I just realized that all of my favorite characters, beside being stunningly beautiful, also happen to be exceptionally skilled murder machines. \('-')/

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Aug 21, 2019 6:37 PM
Apr 2019
Feldspars said:
Anyone notice that Catcher in the Rye's reference?

Makes me wonder of how popular is the modern American literature in Japan or would this kind of stuff simply go over head there?

Another nice tidbit that I found, quite possibly unintentional...

Since we are doing a discussion thread, I do have few questions which I missed during the viewing:

Will appreciate any thoughts on these points fellas.

Overall I'd give it a solid 8 since I feel that directional-wise, its a bit all over the place.
Too many build-ups and unexplored plot points, doesn't feel as laser-focused as Shinkai's last blockbuster but it may fit someone else taste since more characters are now given room to expand.

Everything else is top notch as expected... Several jaw-dropping moments straight from visuals alone. Colours might be a bit subdued compared to Your Name, but given the 'rainy mood' palette, it fits the theme well and really gives a punch to the limited moments when the sun shone.
Sound design is excellent, loved the atmosphere during the torrential rain, thunderstorm, and

Soundtrack was good but not really memorable. Insert songs are RADWIMPS so you know how it is.

Hoping for the Aussies to chime in later today. Enjoy the movie lads, don't expect a Your Name-esque sequel, since this is Shinkai going back to his root while adapting a few key points that makes his last movie a commercial success but still a very good movie nonetheless.

On an unrelated note, seeing Hina wearing the Maccas' blue crew trainer uniform nearly made me spills my drink.

To answer your questions...
1. I think it's both. The consequence of Hina overexerting her own prayers (instead of conveying other people's many prayers) + it's against the "divine decree" that some parts of Tokyo must be drowned

2. He understands that he (and Hina) must be responsible, as an adult. It's hinted at various times, especially the time he cried when he learned Hina is actually younger than him, i thought it's just him being childishly insecure of liking girls older than him, but then I remember throughout the film, Hina is the one who acts like the elder one, instead of Hodoka. He feels that they should live with the consequences of their actions to stay, that Tokyo is waterworld now.

Also on Kimi No Na Wa part, it really bugs me. Its ending sets at 2021-2022 while Tenki No Ko ends in 2022.The Tokyo in Kimi No Na Wa is bright as hell under the sunshine, the rain isn't heavy and it only occurred during the night where Taki almost met Mitsuha. But i find it funny when I remember Taki Itomori-influenced motivation for being an architect in Tokyo, "we don't know when Tokyo will be destroyed, right? So I'll make a monument that's memorable to be remembered" well what happened?
Aug 21, 2019 7:57 PM
Jul 2013
Just watched this in my local theater and absolutely an enjoyable movie. great soundtrack, great art, great story

SternengesangAug 21, 2019 8:01 PM
Aug 21, 2019 11:15 PM

Sep 2017
watched this last night and it was good! maybe the story isnt good as kimi no nawa, but i like the romance more than that and the ending is better imo. both hodaka and hina are cute and their relationship as well. overall i enjoyed this film so much! the graphic, music, sfx and everything is just amazing... 10/10 would rewatch :D
zalapenoAug 21, 2019 11:26 PM
Aug 22, 2019 2:45 AM
Oct 2016
Seriously, watching this movie made me sad. Sad that the movie i waited so long didnt came up close to what i expected. Disappointing? No. The art and the music was superb. But yeah, the story has a good concept but executed poorly, there was no reason why Hodaka leave his hometown except for chasing the light. The connection between Hodaka and Hina was so shallow, not much scene that (should) make them fall in love each other. Its sad ti see them renting a luxury hotel room without even think about the expense (just a minute before they slept in the street like a beggar). Its sad to see the extremely reckless police bring a guy wielding gun without even handcuff him. Its sad to see all the older guy in this film are so sluggish and slow. And ITS SAD TO SEE TAKI AND MITSUHA AGAIN BUT THEY´RE NOT TOGETHER.
Aug 22, 2019 5:37 AM
Aug 2018
Just watched it in Sydney, Australia and I will admit the movie was pretty good, the soundtrack was good and some really funny moments. Recommend for anyone to watch it
Aug 22, 2019 9:14 AM

Jan 2019
traveling to other city for almost 2 hours for limited display/watch for this movie (only with a motorcycle and alone), yea kinda worth to watch (especially the visual tho) but somehow theres so many scene lack of something, idk what it is but yea just like that (or i just too much liking bad ending type from makoto shinkai idk). and some soundtrack replacement kinda doesnt fit with the some scene.
Aug 22, 2019 1:22 PM

Aug 2014
I only gave it a 7. It was good but definitely not better than Your name. The ending was also kinda not great. Beautiful animation and ost as expected.
Aug 23, 2019 1:39 AM

Mar 2016
I don't get the high score for this movie. It's not bad by any means, but it's not great either. It really felt like a tech demo that had a story tacted on.
Aug 23, 2019 8:27 AM

Mar 2012
Your Name definitely had a lot more heart.

Ehh, whatever. Still thought it was really good. Only Shinkai movie that’s a bit of a steaming pile is Children Who Chase Lost Voices, the one where he tried to be Miyazaki and basically only got the animation style down.

Uhhh anyway yeah good movie. A spectacle, if not as amazing a spectacle as Your Name.

Aug 23, 2019 10:14 AM

Mar 2013
Just watched the movie earlier today in Tokyo.
I must say, with the partial raining and sunny season on the first day I arrived in Japan, everything felt familiar, the job hunt and work struggles in Tokyo, the scenery, and wow it's does give off that environment. Several Japanese folks said they liked it when they walked out to the exit.

Someone on this thread made a good point about the water level. I didn't understand why until I read that post.
Fuwa_sanAug 23, 2019 10:20 AM
MALoween✟Mansion (2024) Candy Basket 🎃:
Aug 23, 2019 3:19 PM
Jul 2009
Just watched it in my local theater yesterday. Overall, I liked it. The ending was a bit disappointing though, and the music isn't as good as Your Name, but the ending song was great. Definitely going to buy the blu ray. Planning to watch it a second time next week
Aug 23, 2019 6:23 PM
Oct 2018
Not good as Your Name (i need more romance *lol*) I think, It seems like Garden of woods+5cm backgound. But story likes Your name.
Aug 24, 2019 12:39 AM
Dec 2018
Koshi_Inaba said:
Just watched it in my local theater yesterday. Overall, I liked it. The ending was a bit disappointing though, and the music isn't as good as Your Name, but the ending song was great. Definitely going to buy the blu ray. Planning to watch it a second time next week

Honestly people forgot to appreciate Your Name's OST trinity, Sparkle-Zenzenzense-Nandemonaiya

Hard to top that kind of magic
Aug 24, 2019 5:51 AM

Oct 2015

I love the art, the weather rain-sunshine transition is beautiful, the environment is all exquisite, and also another good theme song by RADWIMPS.

But for me the overall story is quite weak they try to get everything from drama, fantasy and slice of life but don't deliver any of them to their best, it's just too broad, in other hand Kimi no na went all-in in drama between Taki and Mitsuha, and succeed.

It's like they target shounen viewers like in 20s and emphasized it with slice of life "live is short, live to your best, work hard, never give up"

Thus depict highschooler struggle on their own, while Kei and Natsumi tells you how hard to get a job.

Actually if they want to make drama and fine to be edgy and do roller coaster, they can make Hina as an actual "Night Club worker", and "I'm not virgin, don't love me Hodaka!", then do a tearjerker up in the sky, then fall down with tears.

Too forced? Under-age?

Heh. Again the whole depiction that both were underage first time is why I can't take the romance seriously and think this is more slice of life.
Aug 24, 2019 12:05 PM
Mar 2018
ArcturusMi said:
Feldspars said:
Anyone notice that Catcher in the Rye's reference?

Makes me wonder of how popular is the modern American literature in Japan or would this kind of stuff simply go over head there?

Another nice tidbit that I found, quite possibly unintentional...

Since we are doing a discussion thread, I do have few questions which I missed during the viewing:

Will appreciate any thoughts on these points fellas.

Overall I'd give it a solid 8 since I feel that directional-wise, its a bit all over the place.
Too many build-ups and unexplored plot points, doesn't feel as laser-focused as Shinkai's last blockbuster but it may fit someone else taste since more characters are now given room to expand.

Everything else is top notch as expected... Several jaw-dropping moments straight from visuals alone. Colours might be a bit subdued compared to Your Name, but given the 'rainy mood' palette, it fits the theme well and really gives a punch to the limited moments when the sun shone.
Sound design is excellent, loved the atmosphere during the torrential rain, thunderstorm, and

Soundtrack was good but not really memorable. Insert songs are RADWIMPS so you know how it is.

Hoping for the Aussies to chime in later today. Enjoy the movie lads, don't expect a Your Name-esque sequel, since this is Shinkai going back to his root while adapting a few key points that makes his last movie a commercial success but still a very good movie nonetheless.

On an unrelated note, seeing Hina wearing the Maccas' blue crew trainer uniform nearly made me spills my drink.

To answer your questions...
1. I think it's both. The consequence of Hina overexerting her own prayers (instead of conveying other people's many prayers) + it's against the "divine decree" that some parts of Tokyo must be drowned

2. He understands that he (and Hina) must be responsible, as an adult. It's hinted at various times, especially the time he cried when he learned Hina is actually younger than him, i thought it's just him being childishly insecure of liking girls older than him, but then I remember throughout the film, Hina is the one who acts like the elder one, instead of Hodoka. He feels that they should live with the consequences of their actions to stay, that Tokyo is waterworld now.

Also on Kimi No Na Wa part, it really bugs me. Its ending sets at 2021-2022 while Tenki No Ko ends in 2022.The Tokyo in Kimi No Na Wa is bright as hell under the sunshine, the rain isn't heavy and it only occurred during the night where Taki almost met Mitsuha. But i find it funny when I remember Taki Itomori-influenced motivation for being an architect in Tokyo, "we don't know when Tokyo will be destroyed, right? So I'll make a monument that's memorable to be remembered" well what happened?

Just watched it today, and personally liked it a whole lot. I would like to chip in on some of the questions asked.

Anyways, I liked this movie a WHOLE lot. I actually quite enjoyed their soundtracks. Personal favorite vocal OST would be We'll Be Alright
Personal favorite non-vocal OST would be Fireworks Display.
I felt that the music here was more "toned down" to suit the movie more. I don't think that we can compare Kimi no Nawa with this movie often. I feel that most come into this movie (including myself) expecting perhaps some plotline similar to that of Makoto's previous works. I think that one could enjoy the movie much more gong into it expecting a completely new universe and a completely new cast and whatnot.

Anyways, I felt this movie was more realistic in it's romance aspect, considering that the characters were more often together than in "Your Name".
As a standalone movie, it's honestly really great. I really liked the contrast they did with:

I also really liked how they not only fleshed out the characters, but they did the same for the environment, showcasing a large part of Tokyo.
Overall, I felt this movie was exceptionally good. On the other hand, if you've went into the cinemas constantly comparing this title with "Your Name", then you might not enjoy it as much.
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