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Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Jul 23, 2023 7:35 PM
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Do you ever feel like you want to quit games? Feel like it will be better for your life or something? Recently, I read in an Indian book about philosophy and such that when you really want to do something which you know is an addiction or habit, just w a i t. Wait and let the fog clear up so that you can look at your habits with a clearer mind and perhaps come to (re)understand what it is that you truly want to spend your time on. Perhaps this process could be like meditating, but of course, there are many ways to meditate. For a week or two, I’ve been having a burning desire to replay cyberfunk 77 again, because of edgerunners and the new updates and mods.. But I know it’d be better for me if I didn’t and instead spent my time on other more valuable ‘real-life’ things. I’m not condemning playing games, just trying to do more valuable things with my time. Perhaps you feel the same way?
Yo if you want to make music digitally, Ableton live suite is great software – I’ve some experience with it. It is a bit tricky to crack it, though. I would love to see an art project of yours once you get around to it!
Remember talking about Tokyo Monogatari and Yasujiro Ozu?
Before moving to Taiwan, I was at a friend’s apartment and he practically had an altar for Ozu items. The Early Spring brochure struck me as the most mesmerising, I’m going to watch that one first. There is a lounge on my campus where I can use a beamer so that’ll be fun.
I haven’t thought about piercings, but I have about earrings, though I never took the initial step because the ‘trainer’ earrings always looked ass hahah. As for tattoos, I love intricate yakuza-style tattoos, but I wouldn’t want to be associated with the gangster culture around them. Other than that, I’ve long thought about a singular black square on my back between my shoulders, like Malevich’s black square painting. (I love how absolutely abstract the painting is, also it mirrors the meaning of life for me as well.)
Good luck with life brother, talk to you soon(or not :D)
Aah.. Apex Legendados.. Why is it easy to get addicted to it for you? Cosmetics or just wanting to win? I remember when Apex just came out and I was so in awe of its scale and movement system, I absolutely adored it but couldn't play it - just like when DayZ came out, that shit felt awesome as well. Ooh funny you mentioned FFXIV, few months ago I tried it but immediately dropped it after character creation lmao. With Rin, do you mean ? This one is in my plan to watch and what I found when I searched Rin anime.
I think most people simply choose not to (or just don't) dwell on their immortality. But damn, that anxiousness can fuck you up bad..
yoo Tokyo Monogatari sounds awesome, I'll definitely check it out. Good to hear you visit your grandmother. Coincidentally, I also make a point to visit my grandmother when I can, though, we both live on the opposite ends of the country (4 hour trip).
Brother, love crosses time and space, it is always available to tap into. but do murk the people that mess with you -Ghandi, 2022
Ok when you go to Edmenton tell me, I'll also come and I'll swim so much at the water park that I'll drown from fatigue.
Good job with putting effort into guitar man, you got any favourite bands or genres you like?
Personally, I'd like to play some more flutes (I want to try traditional wood flutes in Taiwan) perhaps meet some people into music there, who knows what that will bring? I totally don't care about fame and recognition but I am drawn by the idea of creating a beautiful work of art. Something like this:
So you like fashion? For a couple of years, I've been interested in creating my own clothes, even though I haven't made a single piece yet. But I promised myself I'd do it once I've got some other things off my list. What about you? Do you modify clothes or do you create your own? I would love to create my own three-piece suit with floral patterns haha.
Hahahah, what a coincidence you should mention grindy games. A couple of days ago, I played WoW again for a couple of days. On my own. Fishing and cooking. Yes it was very relaxing, but not something I'd like to look back at down the end of the road x)
What kind of games do you play then? MMORPGs? I also love the social element of these games, but only properly experienced it once (played WoW with 2 good friends for one month some time ago).
Damn. You must read a lot. Can't relate. I just looked up jumping and push thinking it's a book, but it's an animation short? I'll save it for later. Autumn afternoon as well. I don't know what to call it, but stories portraying the ordinary finite nature of everything always make me tear up. It's so beautiful and so sad at the same time. Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu for example. It's just a dramatic story of a couple of interesting characters and how they interact with each other through different time periods but its writing and structure are what make it one of my favourites. Apocalyptic stories hit me in the same way, like devilman crybaby.
Just like the Pet Girl of Sakurasou, I think there are many stories that inspire you to live your life the way YOU want. But I didn't know that show was so profound, I'll most likely check it out in that case. Maybe I'll need a push you mention later in life.
Do you feel like you need a therapist? They can help if you don't have a lot of valuable people to talk to about your worries. Good to hear you're working through things, at least.
For years, I've also wanted to be immortal, but as time passed, I learned/am learning to accept death as it comes. I always joke that I'm going to become at least 150 years old. Maybe, your body and mind will be attuned to death by the time it comes, making you accept (and even desire) death. A frightening thought right now, for sure, but no sense in catastrophising the future. What happens in the future is outside of our control, so we won't know how we'll feel about death when it's staring us in the face. I would say the most important thing to pursue while living is discovering the power of love.
Perhaps you'll read this and think you understand it but not yet feel it, or your body and mind have already arrived at that conclusion through experience, or maybe this sentiment isn't meant to be your catharsis. Either way, to conclude my answer concerning what I think about death: Love is the answer to life, and that's all I ever have to know. For love is as strong as death.
Apologies for my late reply now. I wish you an enjoyable day.
(btw I'm talking all pretentious about live love life but I'm just a student in that department still. I at least hope you might find something in the sentiment. There's still a lot of work to do for me at least. have a good one).
(edit2: btw dude, after looking for it for some time I managed to dig up a beautiful short film about the Edmonton water park in Canada. It manages to frame my favourite element of story-telling beautifully. This video made me wanna travel there just for the waterpark and still want to. Have you ever been there? )
Good to hear you know you are a creative. Living in limbo sucks. Again, hearing you talk about finely crafted stories leading to an emotional conclusion makes me think of house in fata morgana. Do you like writing stories? If so, do you have any big inspirations? (I bet Nisio Isin is a big one of yours)
Funny you should mention disappointing yourself when you fall back down, this morning I disappointed myself by watching porn again after being clean for months. (I'm addicted, I think many people are) This shit happens when kicking the habit, usually the intervals between relapses get longer until you die. I'll probably forever be addicted to some things because you carry it with you for the rest of your life. So to answer your question about the exercise becoming pointless, I think it's never pointless because falling down and picking yourself up is an intrinsic element of life. It's a god damn struggle, that's what life is, and it sucks. But, this is the same element that makes life so beautiful. I think the most important things to help handle life better are friends and family, and .. I wanted to sum up some things but the short answer is to truly be yourself. Do the things YOU want to do. Yeaaaaahhhhh. American Beauty is a great example of that, also a very funny film hahaha
Do you want to talk about your health issues? I'm interested at least.
Apologies for the long message
Have a blessed day☝️🌞
By the way, this may be a bit of a weird question, but who do you actually want to be? Have you already found out who you are? And if so, are you owning that motherfucker? I remember as teenagers nobody really knew what they wanted to do or be. Right now, I'm working on it and think I've figured it out for myself, but fate always seems to throw curveballs at you so who knows what will happen. But what about you? I mean I read that you freelance and bartend and that sounds good, but what means doing things the way you want to do them (like you mentioned)?
Good to hear you practice boxing. I always recommend everyone to at least learn grappling/wrestling, even grandmothers haha. Sparring is definitely a valuable asset of training. Though, if you possess extensive fighting experience, it can be left out. You can also spar lightly and loosely, that's what I like to do at least. This way, you can condition yourself to handle punches coming for your head - extremely important to know. There are also no-flinching drills you can do with a friend, I got one from Bas Rutten, and it's pretty good.
I've played piano and guitar on and off, but now I'm consistently playing sax for about 7 months now. I try to play every day or every other day but right now, I'm neck-deep in my thesis deadline for coming Monday. That's also why I don't reply as fast as I'd like to. I've been working full days on these technical ass architecture drawings. It's pretty funny, all through my study I've been able to avoid making these drawings but now I'll finally have to make them for my thesis. Funny how life gets back at you sometimes. But we good! this shit is easy.. lightweight babyyyy!!
Anyway, I look forward to your reply. We're all gonna make it brah.. or maybe.... we've already made it..?
Cool to hear that you're subbing media you like to consume, that probably makes it a lot more fun :D. Do you have any big goals that you'd like to work toward? Maybe work in Japan directly translating documents or something? And by the way, do you even consider working and living in Japan? Personally, for the past couple of years, I've been starting to feel increasingly disconnected from the Japanese way of doing things, especially work-related behaviour. Even though it has been my main goal to work there for about 6 years or so. Maybe the whole ordeal of internships getting cancelled in the final stages destroyed a bit of the idyllic fantasy I had about japan, who knows.
Dude Mushoku Tensei has been my number 1 new show ever since it came out. The best parts for me are how the show handles adult subjects. I also feel there is a lot going on cinematographically, I'm not an art student but I sometimes pick up on subtle (and not so subtle) metaphors which enhance the viewing experience. Other than that, there haven't been many other shows that really captured me as Mushoku did. Other than anime, I've finished some visual novels in the last couple of years, with my favourite being the House in Fata Morgana. A guy I used to chat with on MAL recommended it to me ages ago - if you are a hopeless romantic like me, you'll love it. Besides that, World of Horror has also managed to capture me significantly. The game features eldritch horrors mixed with Japanese urban legends and sports a sort of DnD-style mystery-solving gameplay with a couple of twists. Extremely replayable.
By the way, have you ever done any type of martial art? I remember being really inspired by anime and not wanting to be slapped by a junkie ever again to start kickboxing at first. What about you?
I look forward to your next message, have a good one.
How has your adult stuff been going? Do you still like working on reviewing anime media and games and stuff?
for me, my life is aalwaays amazing. For the last half-year, I've been bulking a bit and working out more for like a year, right now I'm also grappling again, a lot of fun. I don't draw anymore like I used to, instead, I've just been working on my study, playing saxophone (bought that with cryptobucks haha) and sports.
Coming September I will also be going to Taiwan with my girlfriend to live and study there. Then I'll probably try to get a job as an English tutor or something. It took a long time and I tried 3 different times to go to Japan via internships but always failed because of the rona.
Tell me about your life brother are you doing well? I will await your response.
Have a blessed day