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May 23, 2019 9:19 PM

Feb 2014
I myself would probably give it a 6/10 now.
But a MAL-Community Score of 6 is too harsh.

At first i thought it was the "CGI bias", so the score would go up over time, but apparently not.
Sure, the "name-throwing" might be a small hassle, but it isn't to the point of being annoying, a lot of anime that have it don't get this treatment.
The CGI framerate is bad even when watching at 60FPS, but most of the anime isn't the CGI fights.
A lot of it is dialogue instead of getting straight to the point, but again, MAL didn't give this treatment to lots of anime that also had that.

I mean, the art and ost are pretty, and it has some nice ideas, by the "MAL-Community-Score" standart it would probably be a 7.
Why is this receiving such treatment?
May 23, 2019 9:21 PM

Jun 2015
MAL scores don't mean shit.
May 24, 2019 8:39 AM

Nov 2009
phantom346 said:
MAL scores don't mean shit.

Yeah, that's right
May 24, 2019 9:07 AM

Jul 2017
MAL scores are weird sometimes. Something like OniAi which had some great first eps sat under 7 in the beginning (although the quality of eps did drop as the show progressed)

From what I observed, other than the complaints you mentioned there's also the cliche plot elements (with Marlya and Veronica's whole story) plus the fact that Marlya is a pretty boring character.

MAL community standard I'd say it be high 6's, just under 7
May 24, 2019 11:28 AM

Jun 2013
Sure it has its hiccups but it's not as bad as Kenja no Mago which has a higher score. To be honest, right now, I am finding it hard to stay interested in the series but the production value is definitely better than many of the series that came out this season. I'm keeping my own score at a 5 until things get better.
May 25, 2019 3:15 PM

May 2009
Bibimbapski said:
Sure it has its hiccups but it's not as bad as Kenja no Mago which has a higher score. To be honest, right now, I am finding it hard to stay interested in the series but the production value is definitely better than many of the series that came out this season. I'm keeping my own score at a 5 until things get better.

Kenja no Mago panders to selfinserts like almost all isekaishits. It's obvious that it will have inflated rating and more popularity than it deserves.
May 26, 2019 4:30 AM

Sep 2016
i think it deserves the score that its received, id give it lower than the 6

yes i havent kept up because it was just so boring and stale i could force myself to watch anymore. Not because of the CGI cause i dont care about that.

and yeah Kenja no Mago is overrated af lmao idk which is worse i dropped that one too
May 26, 2019 11:10 PM

Jul 2011
I see this better than "certain" isekai anime, I will give my personal score at the end atleast, honest option and not brainwashed score options by some youtubers.
GaichiJun 7, 2019 4:17 PM

"A half moon, it has a dark half and a bright half, just like me…", Yuno Gasai
May 27, 2019 12:33 AM
Apr 2016
This has a lot of potential, hence why Know_Name is present, but ultimately ends up being a generic original story.I enjoy it, to an extent, but it fails to shine like many other series.
"Nice ideas" would never find wide recognition amongst "MAL" community. Only senseless action and excessive violence does.
Daniel_NaumovMay 27, 2019 12:39 AM
May 27, 2019 8:33 AM

Mar 2012
I am quite surprised to see this anime scoring so low.

Although, from a personal standpoint, I get it. This anime is sort of all over the place with everything. It’s characters aren’t being developed properly, the plot is convoluted as hell, and it’s pacing is about as fast as a NASCAR race.

I’m not really that bothered by the CGI elements, especially considering it’s such a big part of anime nowadays, but I don’t think that’s why other people are hating the series either.
May 27, 2019 1:12 PM
Apr 2016
Toucanbird said:
I am quite surprised to see this anime scoring so low.

Although, from a personal standpoint, I get it. This anime is sort of all over the place with everything. It’s characters aren’t being developed properly, the plot is convoluted as hell, and it’s pacing is about as fast as a NASCAR race.

I’m not really that bothered by the CGI elements, especially considering it’s such a big part of anime nowadays, but I don’t think that’s why other people are hating the series either.

They would be too stupid to hate an art for its graphical part. The commoners. The simpletons. Bonjins do get a say on these forums, but their input is usually of zero value. You may safely disregard anything anyone says about computer graphic here.
May 29, 2019 10:13 PM

Mar 2012
Daniel_Naumov said:
Toucanbird said:
I am quite surprised to see this anime scoring so low.

Although, from a personal standpoint, I get it. This anime is sort of all over the place with everything. It’s characters aren’t being developed properly, the plot is convoluted as hell, and it’s pacing is about as fast as a NASCAR race.

I’m not really that bothered by the CGI elements, especially considering it’s such a big part of anime nowadays, but I don’t think that’s why other people are hating the series either.

They would be too stupid to hate an art for its graphical part. The commoners. The simpletons. Bonjins do get a say on these forums, but their input is usually of zero value. You may safely disregard anything anyone says about computer graphic here.

Well, I’m accustomed to a certain level of pretentiousness from anime fans...and I know CGI holds some contention among some.

I’m rather indifferent when it comes to CGI. I watch anime more for the story and characters than the production elements, so I’d rather see an anime with horrible CGI, but a phenomenal story and characters than a gorgeously animated series that has a shit story and shit characters. I mean shoot, High Score Girl was one of my favorite anime last year and I’ll admit the animation was dog shit.
May 29, 2019 11:43 PM
Apr 2018
People are probably giving it 1/10s just to see some sweet butthurt in this thread.

Personally I'd like to see it being rated lower than 6. The anime isn't complete shit, but it's below average. And guess what, 5/10 is average.
May 30, 2019 12:14 AM
Apr 2019
Bibimbapski said:
Sure it has its hiccups but it's not as bad as Kenja no Mago which has a higher score. To be honest, right now, I am finding it hard to stay interested in the series but the production value is definitely better than many of the series that came out this season. I'm keeping my own score at a 5 until things get better.

delusional, kenja no mago is about 100 times better than this boring trash
May 30, 2019 12:20 AM
Apr 2019
bastek66 said:
Bibimbapski said:
Sure it has its hiccups but it's not as bad as Kenja no Mago which has a higher score. To be honest, right now, I am finding it hard to stay interested in the series but the production value is definitely better than many of the series that came out this season. I'm keeping my own score at a 5 until things get better.

Kenja no Mago panders to selfinserts like almost all isekaishits. It's obvious that it will have inflated rating and more popularity than it deserves.

I am all about the self-insert anime, but if it is actual trash like smartphone, deathmarch, ragnarok, then it will get what it deserves in the end. I can assure you kenja no mago is not trash
May 30, 2019 4:06 AM
Apr 2016
elementex said:
bastek66 said:

Kenja no Mago panders to selfinserts like almost all isekaishits. It's obvious that it will have inflated rating and more popularity than it deserves.

I am all about the self-insert anime, but if it is actual trash like smartphone, deathmarch, ragnarok, then it will get what it deserves in the end. I can assure you kenja no mago is not trash

Such a powerful, argumented, reputable, infallible word. The Council will decide whether it is so, though.
May 31, 2019 1:41 AM
Sep 2016
This is a niche anime on an aggregate score website, of course it has a low score. Doesn't mean it's bad, just means that no one wants to give it a chance.
Jun 6, 2019 11:57 AM

Jan 2016
I think we are. The anime is not that bad. The OST os great
Jun 18, 2019 1:38 PM
Sep 2017
The actual storyline is not very complex, and there are some interesting subplots and flashbacks involved. No need to cram the city names, one can remember the important ones only. The design has a Fullmetal Alchemist-ish vibe, the fights ain't bad...

Anime-only shows are rare. Fairy Gone getting SO much hate even when it is not halfway through is a little sad. May be the series itself is a "cursed child". :)
Jun 18, 2019 1:47 PM

Jul 2016
School Days is good and it has that score, so I don't trust mean scores.
Jun 18, 2019 2:05 PM
Jul 2018
Optigisa said:
School Days is good and it has that score, so I don't trust mean scores.

Huh, you also like School Days? How did I not know that lol?
Jun 18, 2019 3:32 PM

Jul 2016
HungryForQuality said:
Optigisa said:
School Days is good and it has that score, so I don't trust mean scores.

Huh, you also like School Days? How did I not know that lol?

I hated it at first, but then I liked it upon reflection lol
Jun 18, 2019 3:53 PM

Mar 2018
phantom346 said:
MAL scores don't mean shit.

I don't think that's necessarily true.
Jun 22, 2019 10:07 AM
Apr 2016
Techon6002 said:
phantom346 said:
MAL scores don't mean shit.

I don't think that's necessarily true.

It is not a direct representative of what art is really worth, but a trustworthy indication of overall quality of a series - all aspekts taken into account. If anything, this time around MAL does not fail.
Kam_Animeverse said:
The actual storyline is not very complex, and there are some interesting subplots and flashbacks involved. No need to cram the city names, one can remember the important ones only. The design has a Fullmetal Alchemist-ish vibe, the fights ain't bad...

Anime-only shows are rare. Fairy Gone getting SO much hate even when it is not halfway through is a little sad. May be the series itself is a "cursed child". :)

Now that I think about it, I can't remember any original series that did not have a public source beforehand, that was positively received by the mass on this site. It goes without saying I believe aforementioned series to be decent in most departments, better than this one original as well. Maybe there is an inherent, subconscious animosity towards such original series in the mind of a generic site user?
Jun 22, 2019 6:55 PM

Mar 2019
It's definitely got issues, but I don't hate on this series. And I've found myself enjoying watching it at times.
Jun 22, 2019 6:59 PM

Feb 2019
Swizze said:
It's definitely got issues, but I don't hate on this series. And I've found myself enjoying watching it at times.
Agreed, the animation is a bummer but it's still enjoyable.

It’s okay to look back at the past, just don’t stare too long

Jun 22, 2019 7:04 PM

Feb 2019
elementex said:
Bibimbapski said:
Sure it has its hiccups but it's not as bad as Kenja no Mago which has a higher score. To be honest, right now, I am finding it hard to stay interested in the series but the production value is definitely better than many of the series that came out this season. I'm keeping my own score at a 5 until things get better.

delusional, kenja no mago is about 100 times better than this boring trash
as much as I love Kenja no Mago Manga, I'd say the Anime adaption is really mediocre.

It’s okay to look back at the past, just don’t stare too long

Jun 25, 2019 5:11 AM
Jan 2018
No not at all. The visuals are actually one of the best parts of the show which is sad honestly. It has abysmal pacing where it feels like whole arcs are missing especially in the beginning with it's unnecessary time skips. Characters are lackluster at best and about as developed and characterized as a background characters at worst. It honestly feels like a bad JoJo/Persona rip off than it does it's own show. Designs barring probably Marlya and Wolfran are also horrible over half of the characters are old men. It tries to be political and gritty with war but it ends up just being stale and generally unbelievable due to how bad the dialogue is in the show. Direction is horrible too with sometimes scenes that are supposed to be intense ending up being comical and really weird shots like zooming in to low quality CG models. It's a mess that isn't even worthy of being called a joke.
Jun 27, 2019 8:19 AM

Oct 2007
hard to believe they can make an action show as boring as this. I only lasted up to episode 2.. before drop. The storytelling did not make me care about any of the characters at all.
Jun 27, 2019 11:56 PM
Phantom Thief

Jan 2012
honestly it has a great premise, great ideas and such,
a great plot
but very little sees to happen,
the characters are boring with their developments
the villains had more to them, and even they had so little....
the action is very sub-par (im enjoying black clover more than this)
The music is not amazing, pretty mediocre..

This show was hyped up alot and looked great in the beginning, but it couldn't hold out...
i had such a hard time even wanting to finish it, and it dragged on so much...

Everything about this show was mediocre
Rage_Beat06Jun 28, 2019 12:04 AM
Jul 1, 2019 11:40 PM

Dec 2015
I still don't get why Sirius got 7.21 while it was a lot worse. This one should have 7.xx and Sirius 6.xx.
But then again I care more about plot/characters. MIght be because of animation and vampires that more people liked Sirius.

Even Kuromukuro which was a lot better than both (fomr the same studio) only managed 7.32.

I mean: In Kuromukuro it was easy to understand the plot while watching weekly. Not too many chars and they could be developed nicely.

Here we have t lot of chars. Not that much development ... cause ther is too much stuff packed into the anime (chars, plot, politics). Still it is possible to roughly follow the plot. (I had a bit problems at some points ... because it is weekly and hard to remember.)

Sirius started just by showing tons of weird organizations and action and the plot was basically the vamp guy searching for something and I don't know about the other organizations ... basicaly action + vampires + no char development. Focus on vampires and action. Much worse than fairy gone.

I wouldn't say this is a top anime. I only scored it 7 (7.4 rounded down) and I scored Sirius 7 (6.5 rouinded up) as well. (While Kuromukoro was an 8.)

But clearly something is wrong nowaday with MAL. Becoming more and more unpredictable. Few years ago you'd knew how the scores would develop. (And I don't mean "similar to my own taste". I know for certain stuff that I scored 8 or 6 that it could become 7 or even 8.xx when I scored it 6 - when it was easy to see that it had stuff which could get popular.)

Nowadays it is much more 6, 8 ... randomly something out of these for very similar stuff just because ... I don't know why. The 8 one had a girl some people liked to fap to?
Jul 2, 2019 11:59 AM

Dec 2016
unfortunately CGI and lack of fanservice didn't help this series.
Even Game of Thrones had sex scenes so people would watch without caring for all names/people and places they were throwing at us.
Manga recommendation:
- Spy x Family (Ch.113/? - biweekly) | Sakamoto Days (Ch.205/? - weekly)
- MARRIAGETOXIN (Ch.119/? - weekly) | Machi and Oboro (Ch.22/? - biweekly)
- Make the Exorcist Fall in Love (Ch.86/? - biweekly)
- Monochrome Days (Ch.15/? - biweekly)
Anime recommendation:
- Deca-Dence (Finished) | Wave, Listen to Me! (Finished)
- If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die (Finished)
- Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater (Finished)
Jul 4, 2019 7:08 AM

Jan 2015
Bibimbapski said:
Sure it has its hiccups but it's not as bad as Kenja no Mago which has a higher score. To be honest, right now, I am finding it hard to stay interested in the series but the production value is definitely better than many of the series that came out this season. I'm keeping my own score at a 5 until things get better.

why not mention shield trash instead, which is way worse than kenja no maho, and has a higher rating?
Jul 5, 2019 8:03 PM

Oct 2017
BestBoiEren said:
Bibimbapski said:
Sure it has its hiccups but it's not as bad as Kenja no Mago which has a higher score. To be honest, right now, I am finding it hard to stay interested in the series but the production value is definitely better than many of the series that came out this season. I'm keeping my own score at a 5 until things get better.

why not mention shield trash instead, which is way worse than kenja no maho, and has a higher rating?

Didn't you know Isekai genre got an automatic boost in score in Mal's standard regardless of quality/ plot?

But yeah, both of those 2 are trash in my opinion. All they are going for is have a few harem cheeks who're relatively cute in Otaku standard as companions which automatically draw a large group of otaku audience.
Jul 6, 2019 6:28 AM
Oct 2018
The art and animation are good, except for some of the CGI "fairies". Like many others said, the story, pacing, and character development were awful. I rated the show 4/10. If someone thinks it's a 10, I have no problem with that, but I was bored or found my self daydreaming while I was watching,
Aug 13, 2019 11:21 PM

Mar 2012
AquaShldEXE said:
This is a niche anime on an aggregate score website, of course it has a low score. Doesn't mean it's bad, just means that no one wants to give it a chance.
AquaShldEXE said:
This is a niche anime on an aggregate score website, of course it has a low score. Doesn't mean it's bad, just means that no one wants to give it a chance.

Eh, I don’t agree with that statement. In my experience P.A. Works is one of those Jekyl or Hyde studios. They don’t usually produce a lot of what I call “average” anime. They usually produce either masterpieces or absolute piles of dog dung and I’d put Fairy Gone in the latter.

I really wanted the series to be good, but this anime’s narrative (at least through eight episodes because that’s when I dropped) is just all over the place. When half the series is practically flashbacks, it’s not a well constructed narrative.

I think if this series would have just started out with a whole episode or two detailing Marlya’s childhood and then worked it’s way up to the events at the auction late in episode 2 or episode 3, I think it would have been okay.

Still, this series keeps trying to push style over substance. The series doesn’t need to have a bunch of fights or action scenes every episode. Just let the story tell itself and let the fights come where they may.

I’m sure I’m not alone. I mean, you’d have to be a pretty damn cynical anime fan to think something is going to be bad before you even give it a chance. I just think a lot of anime fans saw Fairy Gone for what it was...just a poorly constructed narrative with lackluster character development and rather porous CGI.
Sep 2, 2019 8:05 AM

Mar 2010
certain loli harem isekai whatnot got high scores and i personally dislike em' for being overrated. ive watched fairy gone and very pleased with the story, its light and simple and non convoluted with a generous rating of 7 for satisfaction. though, i havent watch the last 2 episodes, i am sure im not going to be disappointed now that i know theres a second season. good ol fairy gone, i remember watching it every week after work somewhere in march and april and got really busy after that making me didnt catch up with the show lol
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Sep 7, 2019 8:42 AM
Sep 2017
I was surprised to see a score 6, my opinion on this should be 7/10... the story is quite interesting, the action is good

if you compare kenja no mago and smartphon... really, this anime fairy gone is better, try to compare it from the story

if this anime doesn't have season 2 maybe those of you who gave it too low will regret it
Sep 12, 2019 10:45 PM

Nov 2009
Weirdly low score. I personally liked it quite a bit, though it did take some time to warm up to it and a couple of episodes in the middle were kind of boring (with Marlya's self-reflection drama), but the action was good in general and in the last 2 episodes it was great, both visually and well choreographed.
Jan 6, 2020 4:40 PM
Dec 2015
Ventus_S said:
BestBoiEren said:

why not mention shield trash instead, which is way worse than kenja no maho, and has a higher rating?

Didn't you know Isekai genre got an automatic boost in score in Mal's standard regardless of quality/ plot?

But yeah, both of those 2 are trash in my opinion. All they are going for is have a few harem cheeks who're relatively cute in Otaku standard as companions which automatically draw a large group of otaku audience.

Talking about audience and popularity, please note that Fairy Gone has been watched by over 100k people, which is in the above the average range here on MAL. This show didn't went unnoticed.
AliouneJan 6, 2020 4:46 PM

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