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Attack on Titan
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May 26, 2019 9:35 PM

Jan 2013
HOLY SHIT! What an episode omfggggggg !!!!
They almost took top 3 enemies in 1 episode! wowow
But i still hope that Levi didn't fail!

I really hope that Reiner and Berthold will die in the next eps!
What an episode! 10/10

And c'mon, Armin can't be dead... :/
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

May 26, 2019 9:39 PM

Sep 2014
This episode was absolutely incredible. Three of the main titans going down and Armin sacrificing himself so Eren has the chance to end it, just makes this one of the best episodes I've probably seen in the show, definitely up there.

Also I was kinda expecting it, but I'm so glad Hange is still around. Been real happy with things in this second part.
KamikazeKeegMay 27, 2019 7:03 PM
May 26, 2019 9:40 PM
May 2013
this has to win some sort of anime award for both animation and directing. what a masterful, glorious episode.

if i hadn't read the manga beforehand i'd be losing my shit sideways.
May 26, 2019 9:42 PM
Jan 2018
Seeing Armin charred was just unnerving. Never expected he would die. I assumed getting away was part of his plans but I guess not.
May 26, 2019 9:52 PM

Dec 2015
Ethicalll said:
Roronoa said:

bold of you to say that. be ready to be stormed by “hE oBvIoUSly WaNtED tO SaVe ErWiN, ChILl iTs reAlLIstIc”
You just unironically answered him LOL. Why do you think Levi has the serum? It's to turn a wounded soldier into a stupid titan, make them eat Zeke, turn back to human form and get the Beast titan power. This anime is too complicated for you to understand. Stick with One Piece where the main character gets a new form everytime he loses, easy to digest, right?

holy shit what an autistic little guy you are LMAO when did i ever say i had a problem with him hesitating? I was just talking about how stupid AOT fans are. Whenever someone criticizes it, they use the word “realistic” to excuse anything that ever happens in the show. I actually found this episode fun to watch until Armin was focused on, thanks for proving how retarded you guys are. No ones talking about One Piece in an attack on titan thread heheh
May 26, 2019 9:54 PM

May 2017
Holy shiiiit. I can't believe it. The most badass episode yet.

Levi v Beast Titan and amazing. So much fan service for Levi, I can't even. He's a fucking god.
On a side note, Armin is literal best boy. RIP.

And shit. Levi's mention of the titan serum was interesting. The preview of the next episode was cool too, as our poor survivor boy comes back with a body, maybe Erwin's?? So atleast one person will come back to life.. then become a titan. Would Colossal or Armoured titan be more helpful to them?

Also, excited than Hange made it back. Fuck.
May 26, 2019 9:58 PM
Sep 2018
This was probably my most favourite episode out of ALL anime ive watched .
I couldnt find a single flaw in this episode . Even though i read the manga already i was able to enjoy the episode a lot. 12/10 Will watch again
May 26, 2019 10:05 PM

Dec 2017
Amazing episode, hope Levi capture the bestial on the next.
May 26, 2019 10:05 PM
Oct 2017
Damn that was good, probably the best episode so far and i can't wait until next week.
May 26, 2019 10:14 PM
Aug 2017
Best episode of anything I have ever watched in my life. I don't think I have cried this much just from one fucking episode.
May 26, 2019 10:15 PM

Sep 2016
Daniel_Naumov said:

War Chief Zorge (or what) never had to face anyone determined up close. All he has is the power of titan, he has zero experience what happens when someone cripples the titan in melee, the only thing he figured out is when Levi was going for his neck. He is basically a power-drunk scum pretending to have a higher moral standing.

Who's War Chief Zorge?
And they showed that the beast titan defeated the Armoured Titan at the end of Season 2 briefly, so he's very strong.
May 26, 2019 10:17 PM

May 2009
Damn, this episode was painful in an unsettling way. I felt unease and fright most of the time, I was too invested for my own good. Simply amazing... and heavy episode.
May 26, 2019 10:22 PM

Oct 2012
Levi was such a badass. I knew Armin was lying, but I didn't expect him to die... I thought they'd be able to save him somehow. They're in the shittiest shitty situation ever. They won, but with much sacrifice. Levi lost Erwin; The crew lost Armin. Hange lost an eye? The enemies are damaged but still alive it seems. Oh god.
May 26, 2019 10:25 PM

May 2015
I'm so shook right now. There's no way Armin's dead right? Right....?

May 26, 2019 10:28 PM

Jan 2019
Best episode of the series O.O

Beast Titan almost instantly losing to Levi (Damn, someone who can easily beat the Armored Titan, losing to the Scout God was so satisfying), only to end up having his ass saved by the Cart Titan
Hange saving the day for Mikasa, Jean, Sasha and Connie (hope at elast Moblit is alive as well)
Armin sacrificing himself so Eren can take out Bertolt (RIP?)

Can't wait for the next episode :)

Did you know every time you sigh,
a little bit of happiness escapes?

May 26, 2019 10:32 PM

Jul 2014
Yeah, when I saw the wound Levi did to Zeke, I knew it was going to get censored in the anime lol. No complains here though.

I knew they were going to put some emphasis on Levi vs Zeke, it looked pretty awesome in the manga and they like to bring the A team when they have to animate Levi's fights. Leaving that scene aside, the manga feels a bit more vivid than the anime for some reason.
May 26, 2019 10:34 PM

May 2015
Roronoa said:
Ethicalll said:
You just unironically answered him LOL. Why do you think Levi has the serum? It's to turn a wounded soldier into a stupid titan, make them eat Zeke, turn back to human form and get the Beast titan power. This anime is too complicated for you to understand. Stick with One Piece where the main character gets a new form everytime he loses, easy to digest, right?

holy shit what an autistic little guy you are LMAO when did i ever say i had a problem with him hesitating? I was just talking about how stupid AOT fans are. Whenever someone criticizes it, they use the word “realistic” to excuse anything that ever happens in the show. I actually found this episode fun to watch until Armin was focused on, thanks for proving how retarded you guys are. No ones talking about One Piece in an attack on titan thread heheh

I've never seen a single person do that. Seems like you just have a bone to pick with the fans for no reason.

May 26, 2019 10:41 PM

Dec 2015
TsukuyomiREKT said:
Roronoa said:

holy shit what an autistic little guy you are LMAO when did i ever say i had a problem with him hesitating? I was just talking about how stupid AOT fans are. Whenever someone criticizes it, they use the word “realistic” to excuse anything that ever happens in the show. I actually found this episode fun to watch until Armin was focused on, thanks for proving how retarded you guys are. No ones talking about One Piece in an attack on titan thread heheh

I've never seen a single person do that. Seems like you just have a bone to pick with the fans for no reason.

well if you haven’t what am i supposed to about that? i was just having some fun with another person, wtf is that dude gaining by quoting me lool
May 26, 2019 10:46 PM
Apr 2016
NothinComplexPls said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

War Chief Zorge (or what) never had to face anyone determined up close. All he has is the power of titan, he has zero experience what happens when someone cripples the titan in melee, the only thing he figured out is when Levi was going for his neck. He is basically a power-drunk scum pretending to have a higher moral standing.

Who's War Chief Zorge?
And they showed that the beast titan defeated the Armoured Titan at the end of Season 2 briefly, so he's very strong.

Titan, not a human. He is War Chief, not Frontline Warrior. He might know a lot about titans, but he thinks too little of humans and underestimates what they can do.
May 26, 2019 11:00 PM

Apr 2019
Armin! The Hero, always!

May 26, 2019 11:01 PM
Apr 2019
Episode was great but reading the manga (from a long while ago) I definitely felt them trying to get everything in one episode. Levi vs Beast was insane but I thought it would be a little insaner. I thinking watching the YT video where someone put epic music over the manga scenes made me expect some new hype OST and the fight felt a little quick but the animation was great, still.
May 26, 2019 11:13 PM
Jan 2019
Feeling sad for those who dropped this masterpiece by watching 2-3 episode of first season
May 26, 2019 11:16 PM

Dec 2014
LightoLhxd4 said:
Clefairiess said:

I felt bad for him. Did you see his hair? :( I have a feeling they’ll use the serum on him and he’ll be come a Titan. Also, looks like Erwin did not die as well. I am happy.
yes, but to use Titan serum, they have to eat one of the Titan owners in a sense, and the battle is not over, in this episode, Zeke announces that he won the battle, and in the next episode preview zeke is approaching Eren, what will occur ? I can't wait for the next episode

I don’t think Zeke will die that easily ... not in this arc.
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May 26, 2019 11:17 PM

Jan 2009
holy shit i realize the Titan that saved Zeke was

May 27, 2019 12:11 AM

Dec 2016
Wow just WOW this episode was unreal 😂
May 27, 2019 12:13 AM

Jun 2015
Damm that cav charge was just soo brutal but at the same time one that showed depths of their determination. But their sacrifices gave Levi the chance he needed. That fight against the beat titan though was damm impressive. Its nice that Armin finally gets some focus and expansion. The tension that came about from both of the teams plans as they carried it out was really well done here. While both plans were risky ones they demonstrated well the determination of both to take out the enemy with it. That scene with Armin being scorched though was a powerful one indeed. Mikasa's strike aided by Hanges timely arrival was awesome. An excellent ep that featured a perfect mix of tension and desperate yet surprisingly creative plans to reverse the situation.
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May 27, 2019 12:13 AM
May 2016
Thank you Armin, you did well :(

Ps: One of the best episodes in the entire series.
May 27, 2019 12:18 AM
Apr 2019
It was very dissapointing. The manga is a lot better I expected at least a "levi vs annie" or "levi vs kenny squad" level scene, but it is very cringey, horrible timing, bad adaptation and dosne't do justice with the manga. The animation is good(except from how zeke and levi looking ) the ost isn't good either
HalperinMay 27, 2019 12:31 AM
May 27, 2019 12:22 AM
May 2019
Halperin said:
It was very dissapointing. The manga is a lot better I expected at least a "levi vs annie" or "levi vs kenny squad" level scene, but it is very cringey, horrible timing, bad adaptation and dosne't do justice with the manga. The animation is good(except from how zeke and levi looking )

I think your expectations were just too high tbh
May 27, 2019 12:28 AM
Apr 2019
Weebover9000 said:
Halperin said:
It was very dissapointing. The manga is a lot better I expected at least a "levi vs annie" or "levi vs kenny squad" level scene, but it is very cringey, horrible timing, bad adaptation and dosne't do justice with the manga. The animation is good(except from how zeke and levi looking )

I think your expectations were just too high tbh

Levi vs annie scene was in 2013 and it was phenomenal, levi vs kenny squad is (probably) the best quality animation and adaptaionwise scene iv'e watched . Even reiner and berthold reveal was amazing- so i have high expectation from wit studio
May 27, 2019 12:29 AM

Dec 2015
Ethicalll said:
Roronoa said:

holy shit what an autistic little guy you are LMAO when did i ever say i had a problem with him hesitating? I was just talking about how stupid AOT fans are. Whenever someone criticizes it, they use the word “realistic” to excuse anything that ever happens in the show. I actually found this episode fun to watch until Armin was focused on, thanks for proving how retarded you guys are. No ones talking about One Piece in an attack on titan thread heheh
>On the internet
>Can't prove my point
>Call the other person retart/autistic

So, am i supposed to ignore "hE oBvIoUSly WaNtED tO SaVe ErWiN"? Clearly realistic is not the only thing you tried mocking there.

i did prove my point. read again, and if youre still unable to understand feel free to look at the last guy who commented on my profile.
May 27, 2019 12:30 AM
May 2019
Halperin said:
Weebover9000 said:

I think your expectations were just too high tbh

Levi vs annie scene was in 2013 and it was phenomenal, levi vs kenny squad is (probably) the best quality animation and adaptaionwise scene iv'e watched . Even reiner and berthold reveal was amazing- so i have high expectation from wit studio

Ah, well im not trying to discredit your opinion but having high standards like that can really ruin anime for you so id try to be careful with that friend
May 27, 2019 12:32 AM
May 2019

Why does everyone that has beef with the fanbase lump every single shingeki fan together? Its honestly annoying as hell and not really fair to the chill ones, cause yes they exist
May 27, 2019 12:36 AM

Dec 2015
Weebover9000 said:

Why does everyone that has beef with the fanbase lump every single shingeki fan together? Its honestly annoying as hell and not really fair to the chill ones, cause yes they exist

true. you’re one of them tbh. but ig after basically being called an idiot for not being capable of “understanding” and a child for watching another anime they dont like in the same day, its easy to forget the chill ones exist hahaha
May 27, 2019 12:47 AM

Oct 2018
96% of votes are 5/5
That's amazing!

This must be one of the highest rated anime episodes ever on MAL

The only one higher than this out of those I'm aware of is Clannad:After Story episode 18,with nearly 97%
May 27, 2019 12:49 AM
Apr 2019
I want to rewatch the episode but I don't want to see Armin die again he was my favourite character 😭
May 27, 2019 12:51 AM

Aug 2016
I have to be honest and is that "Levi" the shit to be thinking and would have to act quickly without hesitation in giving the last blow ... that disappoints me.
May 27, 2019 12:54 AM

Apr 2019

so basically the problem you have is Levi not finishing Zeke off?
why does this bug you? im curious

1.Levi's Interst is to Win. Stealing the Beast Titans Power is a good Way to add Military Might to your own Forces.
2.You gotta remember that Real Life Time =/= Time in AOT
It might be only one second passed between him almost finishing Zeke, then having a quick thought about potentially using the Serum and then the Backpack Titan showing Up.
3.He was entrusted with the Serum, obviously he is going to look for Situations to use it, on top of that Levi isn't aware of what was going on with the other side, Reiner and Bertholt, so aquiring the Beast Titan would've been a great Help to support them.

I could go on and on elaborating, why are you nitpicking about such a small Detail? There are more than enough ways to explain Choices, Actions and Events.
Nim0174May 27, 2019 12:57 AM
You son of a .. turtle

May 27, 2019 12:55 AM

Jun 2016
Roronoa said:
Ethicalll said:
>On the internet
>Can't prove my point
>Call the other person retart/autistic

So, am i supposed to ignore "hE oBvIoUSly WaNtED tO SaVe ErWiN"? Clearly realistic is not the only thing you tried mocking there.

i did prove my point. read again, and if youre still unable to understand feel free to look at the last guy who commented on my profile.
"hE oBvIoUSly WaNtED tO SaVe ErWiN, ChILl iTs reAlLIstIc” this gives the impression that you think Levi was supposed to kill Zeke, and not think of taking his power from him, and you also thought that it was not realistic, so if you understood, why didnt you just explain to him? Trying to mock the argument "realistic" is just dumb xD, because that's actually the case, it couldn't be more realistic than using the serum and taking the Beast power. So yeah, so far, you said nothing but bs.
May 27, 2019 12:56 AM

Dec 2018
Totally beyond words to describe how much epic, crazy and freaking amazing this episode was. I'm still shaking in aftereffect after watching it.....
"There's no such thing as a painless lesson, they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary. You can't gain anything without losing something first. Although if you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you'll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle. Yeah... a heart made full-metal."

~Edward Elric
May 27, 2019 12:57 AM

Mar 2014
Holy shit. The first half was an absolute slaughter, and the other half they beat them but it didn't feel like a victory T_T
May 27, 2019 12:58 AM

Dec 2015
Nim0174 said:

so basically the problem you have is Levi not finishing Zeke off?
why does this bug you? im curious

Levi's Interst is to Win. Stealing the Beast Titans Power is a good Way to add Military Might to your own Forces.
You gotta remember that Real Life Time =/= Time in AOT
It might be only one second passed between him almost finishing Zeke, then having a quick thought about potentially using the Serum and then the Backpack Titan showing Up.
He was entrusted with the Serum, obviously he is going to look for Situations to use it, on top of that Levi isn't aware of what was going on with the other side, Reiner and Bertholt, so aquiring the Beast Titan would've been a great Help to support them.

I could go on and on elaborating, why are you nitpicking about such a small Detail? There are more than enough ways to explain Choices, Actions and Events.

i aint gonna read anything past your first sentence. because i mentioned it does not bother me at all, id say one piece has a lot of those “hesitant” moments because otherwise a lot of characters would be dead LOL, so itd be hella hypocritical if i complained about it. i was only trying to joke around mimicking some aot fans who say what i said whenever they see someone nitpick like the guy i was quoting.
May 27, 2019 12:59 AM

Oct 2015
Halperin said:
It was very dissapointing. The manga is a lot better I expected at least a "levi vs annie" or "levi vs kenny squad" level scene, but it is very cringey, horrible timing, bad adaptation and dosne't do justice with the manga. The animation is good(except from how zeke and levi looking ) the ost isn't good either

The OST may be a bit lacking, but really the rest of the fight was on point. I don't know why you claim the manga to be better then go on to criticise the fight. The fight sequence played out exactly as it did in the manga. You either hava a problem with both or none at all. You're probably just overhyping yourself.
May 27, 2019 12:59 AM
Apr 2019
(forget about the quality) direction and adaptation-wise this how it should have looked (4:10)
May 27, 2019 1:02 AM

Apr 2019
@Roronoa didn't notice you were being Satirical, nevermind then.
You son of a .. turtle

May 27, 2019 1:03 AM

Dec 2009
Sacerdotisa said:
I have to be honest and is that "Levi" the shit to be thinking and would have to act quickly without hesitation in giving the last blow ... that disappoints me.

Nim0174 said:

so basically the problem you have is Levi not finishing Zeke off?
why does this bug you? im curious

Levi's Interst is to Win. Stealing the Beast Titans Power is a good Way to add Military Might to your own Forces.
You gotta remember that Real Life Time =/= Time in AOT
It might be only one second passed between him almost finishing Zeke, then having a quick thought about potentially using the Serum and then the Backpack Titan showing Up.
He was entrusted with the Serum, obviously he is going to look for Situations to use it, on top of that Levi isn't aware of what was going on with the other side, Reiner and Bertholt, so aquiring the Beast Titan would've been a great Help to support them.

I could go on and on elaborating, why are you nitpicking about such a small Detail? There are more than enough ways to explain Choices, Actions and Events.

Yep, just like Nim0174 said, btw it will be explained next episode why Levi "hesitated"...
In the meantime don't just assume things like "Levi hesitated he ruined the whole fight" because he didn't.
He's the one in charge of the Pure Titan serum, he's the one who have to decide wether to use it or not, so obviously after crippling the Beast Titan so much he had to thought if he could use the serum.
Also remember that the battlefield was filled with smoke so as far as he knew he didn't saw the Cart Titan and there was only "dumb" titans around him so he let his guards down after the pure REKT he did on the beast Titan.
May 27, 2019 1:04 AM

Dec 2015
Ethicalll said:
Roronoa said:

i did prove my point. read again, and if youre still unable to understand feel free to look at the last guy who commented on my profile.
"hE oBvIoUSly WaNtED tO SaVe ErWiN, ChILl iTs reAlLIstIc” this gives the impression that you think Levi was supposed to kill Zeke, and not think of taking his power from him, and you also thought that it was not realistic, so if you understood, why didnt you just explain to him? Trying to mock the argument "realistic" is just dumb xD, because that's actually the case, it couldn't be more realistic than using the serum and taking the Beast power. So yeah, so far, you said nothing but bs.

you still didnt get my point. also if you really want to argue about it, i could say why didnt Levi just kill Zeke and use Colossal titan or Armored titan to save Erwin? im sure if Levi was such a smart guy he would know that killing the mastermind is the goal at all costs. but its just so the story goes on longer ya see, which is understandable but not realistic or smart
May 27, 2019 1:05 AM

Dec 2015

because your goal was to prove your point of me nitpicking, when i wasnt?? i was just trying to play around. i dont know why you took it serious
May 27, 2019 1:06 AM

Aug 2012
I finally understand why some people prefer cgi colossal titan. It looks scarier
2D colossal titan looks cute and I cant take him seriously. I just want to hug him.

May 27, 2019 1:07 AM
Apr 2019
JUUSEE said:
Halperin said:
It was very dissapointing. The manga is a lot better I expected at least a "levi vs annie" or "levi vs kenny squad" level scene, but it is very cringey, horrible timing, bad adaptation and dosne't do justice with the manga. The animation is good(except from how zeke and levi looking ) the ost isn't good either

The OST may be a bit lacking, but really the rest of the fight was on point. I don't know why you claim the manga to be better then go on to criticise the fight. The fight sequence played out exactly as it did in the manga. You either hava a problem with both or none at all. You're probably just overhyping yourself.

I respect your opinion but just look at my next post you'll see clearly the difference. if you think they did like the manga you probably read it a long time ago I mean just look when Levi is Chopin his neck for five seconds and they both screaming like its some oraoraora shit
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