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Days: 48.3
Mean Score: 8.19
  • Total Entries88
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Dr. Stone
Dr. Stone
Jul 12, 2019 8:03 AM
Watching 2/24 · Scored -
Vinland Saga
Vinland Saga
Jul 7, 2019 11:30 AM
Watching 3/24 · Scored -
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Jul 6, 2019 9:27 AM
Watching 14/26 · Scored 9
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 14.2
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Shingeki no Kyojin
Shingeki no Kyojin
Jul 4, 2019 2:40 PM
Reading 119/141 · Scored 8
Jun 25, 2019 4:53 AM
Completed 53/53 · Scored 8
Jun 25, 2019 4:51 AM
Completed 558/558 · Scored 8

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Clannadstan Nov 8, 2019 1:52 PM
damn, it's been three months since you last came online :(
obvious_troll Aug 4, 2019 2:20 PM
Hello? Remember me?
Krunchyman Jul 2, 2019 6:27 PM
Eren's been through a lot of shit, but one would think he'd be suffering from PTSD at this point. Especially considering the traumatic experiences he witnessed as a child. As a point of reference, it is estimated that 30% of Vietnam Vets have suffered from PTSD at some point in their life. It would have been interesting if Eren (or any of the other characters) suffered from this debilitating disease and how it hinders their outlook on life and their inability to be 'useful.' This would have fleshed out the characters and made them more relatable.

>Also, a million flashbacks?
Am I not allowed to be hyperbolic to emphasize a point?
Krunchyman Jul 2, 2019 9:58 AM
I gave specific reasons for my complaints. You should read the review more carefully.
ShinyHex Jun 26, 2019 4:20 AM
"Especially in the novels where he struggles against Hakuro in training (the old man ogre), which the anime unfortunately cut, it also kinda cut rimurus thoughts on the king being stronger than him for some reason."

This was a review for the anime, and what I thought about it; not about the LN.

There was no common sense, it was like "Hey, you both guys are fighting each other, let's be friends from now" and the same happens. Practically looks way too childish. Disputes with the lord or the court or the monsters were resolved like it was nothing and all of them followed him.

Subaru being edgy doesn't mean it's bad lmao. Narrative-wise Subaru had to go some major psychological shit just because he was trying to be cool. He wasn't made a mary sue. A combination of both makes a character bad. Didn't Subaru changed a lot when he had to go through a major mental breakdown (I guess it was ep 15?). There are no stakes, so you're telling me that it is easy to die? Especially someone with a personality like Subaru? Have you ever considered the psychological aspect behind it?

Also, Re: Zero had great enjoyment value blended with its psychological thriller aspect. I don't think the world building was bad, but it wasn't excellent either. Although, the reason why I adore Re:Zero because of slight mystery - fantasy - dystopian vibes I get; which was the same thing I used to get from SnK or TPN or Shinsekai Yori.

As for Overlord, it was basically SAO but more boring.

ShinyHex Jun 25, 2019 11:16 AM
I didn't like overlord. I'm sorry for a negative review, I should have deleted it. It's kinda ironic because the reason I'm moving to anilist after this season of AoT ends because of the toxicity and negativity this site brings.
inim Jun 13, 2019 7:56 PM
Less toxic but also very inactive. Guess you can not have both without Zuckerbergian (=expensive) active moderation, and I speak out of 25 years of experience with social media here.
inim Jun 13, 2019 7:16 PM
P.S. Just did the math, my friends list has 13 of 22 having watched it with an average rating of 8.84 - and they use my scale. Which means it is somewhere between "strong recommendation" and "masterpiece".
inim Jun 13, 2019 7:11 PM
I haven't even seen all anime genres yet, uncovered or hopelessly undercovered genres: sports, military, space, superpower, meccha. I definitely like slice of life, but can handle only so-and-so much cute girls doing cute things emotions per month before I need something with more brain appeal again. Monster is a crime/horror story with deep characters and good plot twists from what I hear, which leaves you thinking long after it is finished.

The truth is in a good mix, some brainy stuff, some moe, some wtf-stuff. I'm just not into action, superpower and shounen, that I know already from my experiments. Even the outstanding test subjects i watched (Mob Psycho, One Punch Man and Fate/Zero) were no bangers for my taste. I've no doubt they have excellent production values and are masterpieces of their genres. Just not my genres :D
inim Jun 13, 2019 6:54 PM
Modern as in story telling, not necessarily in time period. Shounen is named after the magazine which leads the JP market for that type of story, Shūkan Shōnen Jump. They published the manga, see

And yep, FMAB is on my endless list too. I decided to do the about equally sized "Monster" first because of the ratings I see in stats/Recent Activities/Friends. I have a small but hand picked list consisting exclusively of people with 70%+ affinity, rating within +/- 1 of my own distribution on average, and similar fanboyism (e.g. Monogatari). That is my "advisory council", so to say. I'm also in "MAL: The later years", which is the club of age 30+ MAL users. It's a different world of sorts, lol. But that is what I am.
inim Jun 13, 2019 6:44 PM
I think I skip Demon Slayer after this weeks experience with Fate/Zero. Ufotable certainly is top-3 w/r to animation, but I seriously had a problem with the story and wasn't really entertained. From what I read about DS it is a modern shounen, which is not my genre. Brilliant animation doesn't help here.

My next stop probably should be one of the heavyweights again, as a large one (50+ episode wall of bricks), and as a mid sized one. That should keep me busy and earned 9s and 10s from people I know have compatible taste. In between I have some feel-good-moe, just started

And then there is that ton of seasonal isekai upcoming, and being the fantasy trash I am, we probably meet again in forums of one of those too.
inim Jun 13, 2019 6:12 PM
Of the recent shows, Slime is what I see recommended most often, yup. One of the reasons why I did that Re:Zero poll was to learn about the genre I love in it's non-japanese form of high/epic fantasy. My elitist buddies recommended an older show to me to be relevant, but few have watched it. The two (of 22) who have gave it a 10 and a 6, which means something as 100% of my friends list are people with my stricter rating approach.

inim Jun 13, 2019 5:50 PM
Ooopsy, makes me a bit frightened then that I felt adressed and urged to justify myself, lol.
inim Jun 13, 2019 3:38 PM
Off-forum because I do not want to derail the topic-oriented debate. You still deserve an answer.

Weebover9000 said:
Honestly im curious do your scores reflect your enjoyment in anime? Or are you like one of those people that have a profile for objective scoring and a profile for subjective scoring, I mean absolutely no offense with the score thing, just curious.
Yes, I thoroughly enjoy anime, there are no two profiles. Quality, enjoyment and taste are corelated, but I aim to be fair to genres I'm not a fan of too. Genres I like (e.g. fantasy) get a bonus, as with anybody else. Making movies and writing stories is both art and craftmanship, ratings a mix of both. E.g. Fate/Zero S1 is a mess of a story with brilliant production values - 6/10 (Story 4, Animation 10, Sound 8, Chars 5, Enjoyment: 5; Overall: 32/5=6.4=6). My approach uses the full range (1-10) and Gaussian distribution (aka Bell Curve) over it.

A 9/10 isn't an A, it means you are offered to skip a year because you are too good for your class. A 10/10 means Harvard offers a grant just to have you. Your 10 is my 7.5, and that is easily reflected by our rating averages. A 1/10 gives you eye cancer/brain bleach/zzzZZZzzz.

Most things man makes are mediocre, so easily one third are 5/10s, that's room temperature. If I enjoy watching them more than expected the rating is 6-8/10, if less so then it is 2-4/10. A 4/10 is not bad, if I like the genre, I would watch it. I don't trust anybody with a dramatically different distribution to be completely honest (to himself too!).

Shield hero's 6/10 means I've enjoyed it more than the average show , but don't consider it to change the world. I've reviewed SH, the link is on my profile, check it out if you like to know how I get to that rating in detail (Story 7, Animation 3, Sound 8, Chars 5, Enjoyment 7; Overall 32/6=6.2=6). It's not rocket science, it's a 6 like Fate/Zero because the production values suck but the story is better, and as a fan of fantasy and not so much of action sequences, enjoyment is also higher. Your mileage certainly will differ, and your opinion is as good as mine.

I'm new to anime, but not to visual entertainment or books. I'm not a fanboy, I'm a fangeezer, way above the age average of MAL. Assume you discuss anime taste with your dad's older brother, because that's my age group. Taste doesn't stay the same troughout your life, I'd be utterly suprised not to differ. I just love the movies for decades and have seen hundreds if not thousands. "The Matrix", "Inception", and "Black Swan" are based on anime originals, that is what brought me to anime and MAL first hand: curiosity about the source. Based on that I do claim some understanding of visual media and story telling indeed, and coming over as snobby is my known bane. If I could fix that easily I would, but I promise to try harder.

And yup, I'm a man of strong opinions and am not shy to express them. That's me, always has been. I don't trust anybody who has disabled comments on his profile like SSL443 - probably a result of a history of trolling and flames. Just like myself, only less experienced and with less self-control *grin*. If he bothered to write a review, I'd happily read it. But just entering forums with flames doesn't impress me much.
Bobby2Hands Jun 10, 2019 1:25 PM
I've already seen it :p
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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