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Apr 19, 2019 9:29 AM

Nov 2011
Oh shit, that scene with the scissors...

Looks like we got the King Crimson Vs Metallica chapters adapted. Doppio's commentary during his own fight made it more entertaining and impactful. Glad they also kept a good portion of the violence in this. A very intense episode imo. What an ending, damn.
Apr 19, 2019 9:38 AM
May 2016
That might've been one of the best episodes yet, holy fuck everything about it was so damn good. The art, the animation, the GOD-TIER OST. Man that ENDING, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Apr 19, 2019 9:39 AM

Aug 2018
(some) Mangatards spent the whole week spoiling that thing everywhere only for it to not be shown in this episode. Now we have to suffer for another week
Apr 19, 2019 9:42 AM
May 2016
OverHeavenAZ said:
(some) Mangatards spent the whole week spoiling that thing everywhere only for it to not be shown in this episode. Now we have to suffer for another week

Just saying bro but aren't you spoiling things yourself by saying this?
Apr 19, 2019 9:43 AM

Aug 2018
Modernoir said:
OverHeavenAZ said:
(some) Mangatards spent the whole week spoiling that thing everywhere only for it to not be shown in this episode. Now we have to suffer for another week

Just saying bro but aren't you spoiling things yourself by saying this?

I didn't say what is that thing or hint it in any way. Only manga readers will know what I'm talking about.
Apr 19, 2019 10:37 AM

Oct 2011
He almost ended part 5 earlier... Almost.
RIP Risotto q.q
Apr 19, 2019 10:45 AM

Aug 2018
If Narancia stayed with Fugo, part 5 would be over by now.
Apr 19, 2019 10:59 AM

Nov 2017
One of the best episode of JoJo so far tbh, the sakuga was on point
Apr 19, 2019 11:01 AM

Jul 2015
This is one of the best episodes from all parts of the anime
Apr 19, 2019 11:01 AM

Jul 2014
OverHeavenAZ said:
If Narancia stayed with Fugo, part 5 would be over by now.

To be fair, Bruno's group would probably still have to kill Risotto. He's after the boss for revenge over Gelato and Sorbet, after all, so I doubt he'd be okay with Bruno's guys killing everyone else.
Apr 19, 2019 11:14 AM

Nov 2016
How unfortunate for Risotto.

I couldn't help it and went for the manga after last weeks episode, but this didn't diminish my enjyoment today at all. Now with having a comparison, I know first hand that David Pro is doing a stellar job with this adaptation.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 19, 2019 11:16 AM

Jan 2018
Metallica still making me cringe, we getting to that good shit now
What a beautiful Duwang
Apr 19, 2019 11:20 AM

Oct 2018
This was a great battle but I FEEL SCAMMED
Boss should have died, Risotto should have won, Narancia worst character
Well anyway... Epitath is now Eulogy. I'm waiting for the next ep
Apr 19, 2019 11:21 AM

Apr 2014
The OST of this episode was fantastic, really setting the mood pf this fight. Also liked how they explained Etipath. One of the best episodes so far and one of the few without any of the Jojo's
Apr 19, 2019 11:29 AM

Jul 2013
Poor Risotto, he was so close to get his victory, but got fucked over by Lil' Bomber (and the strategy of the Boss, really). That what he got for hurting best boi though. At least he gave us a cool fight.

Also, the scene when the scissors were about to came from Doppio's throat made me cringe a lot. Metallica is a terrifying ability.
Apr 19, 2019 11:33 AM

Jun 2017
it wasnt even fair...

Apr 19, 2019 11:33 AM
Jun 2016
Yo, the animation was fantastic - it the following fight and the finale have the same quality, this will be easily even more godlike adaptation.
Apr 19, 2019 11:39 AM

Jan 2013
They really nailed this episode, holy shit.
Apr 19, 2019 11:42 AM

Feb 2018
Hhhhh it was excellent, I forgot that it was narancia who killed risotto but it's okay technically it's Diavolo :,)
The flashback was really nice, I was happy to see LA squadra again <3

Mod edit: added spoiler tag
BarnaldApr 20, 2019 4:32 AM
Apr 19, 2019 11:43 AM

Mar 2015
tfw u save ur biggest enemy sasuga Narancia

Risotto stealing Dio's signature knife throw attack no dignity

Also anime orginal la squadra scene god bless u DavidPro for giving my boys more screentime they deserve it ;_; inb4 it was in the manga and I just can't remember it haha oops
Apr 19, 2019 11:49 AM

Jul 2015
Probably the best episode till now

Man they didn't censor anything,that scissor scene had created a haunting feeling on me and i am glad the episode beautifully brought out that feeling.

It's funny when you think that Risotto could have ended part 5 here.

Full 5/5 episode.

Apr 19, 2019 11:54 AM

Sep 2014
That was brutal and I loved it. The scissor scene made me shiver though. RIP my favourite Part 5 villain Risotto. If Narancia hadn't been there, he would have finished off the boss. One of the best episodes in the series.
Apr 19, 2019 12:04 PM

Nov 2017
David Pro really made this fight justice, I think I enjoyed it more here than in the manga.
RIP Goth Metal Daddy, your bara tiddies will be missed. <3

Apr 19, 2019 12:10 PM

Feb 2013
This fight was brutal!
I'm not sure if Risotto would have won because King Crimson was on the way.
Apr 19, 2019 12:18 PM

Sep 2011
I think this exact moment i why I love part 5 so much, not only was this fight just absolutely and insane and brutal, but on a thematic level this episode and the boss himself just so sell the weight and irony of the situation, narnacia just ended up saving their greatest enemy and by extension has indirectly caused the series of events that are going to follow.

Also major props to david pro for making rissota so much better by giving him and the assassin group so many more scenes that made them feel like a real group of characters rather than some stand of the week users, there was a real build up most the show to rissoto being the leader making the pay off of seeing him in action so much more interesting, and it feels like areal landmark in the plot that hes been taken out.

Next week is gonna be even better too and is just going to further cement my stance that the boss is an insanely underrated villain. The next ep to the end of the show is going to be such a wild fucking ride so strap yourselves in anime-only people.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Apr 19, 2019 12:20 PM
Oct 2015
What an episode. I had a problem where Crunchyroll wasn't showing it for me for some weird reason. I had to use a link.

The whole thing where Doppio seen the future but he interpreted it wrong was quite clever. I feel like the foot one could have been better. Idk if like we only saw the shoe and the bottom of the leg so we didn't know who's leg it was gonna be. The twist was they both had similar shoes maybe? And it was quite clever that Diavolo knew that Narancia wouldn't detect him because he had no oxygen, so he aimed at them.

I do love the goofy face he pulls when the phone starts ringing too.
Apr 19, 2019 12:36 PM

Mar 2019
Narancia, you friggin' loser.
Apr 19, 2019 12:41 PM

Oct 2018
Nooooo Narancia why you do this. Rip Risotto I liked him a lot ;_;.
But anyways the fight was absolutely amazing. I. Want. More.
Apr 19, 2019 1:08 PM
Aug 2016
Can we get an F for our boy Risotto Nero? :(
Apr 19, 2019 1:08 PM

Sep 2014
Intense episode! Probably my favourite so far!

Risotto quickly became one of my favourite characters, a shame he is gone already. And daaaaaaaaamn that voice acting.

Also what an amazing fight!

To think that nearly someone other than the MC killed the main villain.

Just imagine Dio getting killed because his egyptian hideout broke down and the sun killed him, lol.

So Narancia is the hot pie of this episode.

Cant wait for the rest!
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Apr 19, 2019 1:13 PM

Aug 2015
Easily the second best episode of the series, only after the reveal of King Crimson.

F for my favorite Squadra member, and praise to DaPro for the amazing job in this gruesome and intense fight. So far they just need to one more "big" scene and we manga readers are going to cry tears of joy.
Apr 19, 2019 1:14 PM
May 2016
pretty good episode, i think the pacing could've been better though, felt much more fluid in the manga
Apr 19, 2019 1:18 PM

Jan 2013
Huh, didn't realize people liked Risotto so much.
He doesn't really do much, but I guess unique looks and the booming voice are enough...?
Apr 19, 2019 1:32 PM

Aug 2017
I loved this episode.The animation was pretty good.Loved the fight and Metallica was such a cool stand,I was happy to see it wasn't censored; everytime it comes a violent scene I 've always Stardust Crusaiders flashbacks.I hate Narancia and now I hate him even more :c
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Apr 19, 2019 1:39 PM

Apr 2014
Wtf? Am I actually going to say it?

Vento Aureo might very well be the best JoJo series...

Perhaps even better than Stardust Crusaders...?

Oh, I don't know about that... but Vento Aureo is really good.
Apr 19, 2019 1:44 PM

Sep 2015
I'm so glad this fight wasn't censored completely black like the memes because this got delightfully brutal.

Also I'm a little confused on Epitaph (Eulogy)'s ability. From what i'm gathering, Bossu's Epitaph lets him see 10 seconds of the target's movements, but Doppio's lets him see an unchangeable future of whatever he experiences then?
Apr 19, 2019 2:47 PM
Jan 2016
In an attempt to chew a little more time for the episode, they threw in a flashback that adds absolutely nothing. And of course, like some of the characters in Akame Ga Kill, the episode they throw in a flashback focusing on Risotto is the episode he dies.

Oh man. First the razor blades in his throat, some others on his head, and the boss is still able to talk normally and mocking Aerosmith? YEEEES, PLOT-ARMOOOOR.
Apr 19, 2019 2:51 PM

Jan 2017
Amazing episode. This show is so freaking good and it keeps getting better.

CondemneDio said:
Huh, didn't realize people liked Risotto so much.
He doesn't really do much, but I guess unique looks and the booming voice are enough...?

He's just cool. His character doesn't have much depth but he's so damn cool.

PedroBV96 said:

Oh man. First the razor blades in his throat, some others on his head, and the boss is still able to talk normally and mocking Aerosmith? YEEEES, PLOT-ARMOOOOR.

It just works. JoJo is filled with ridiculous bullshit but it's entertaining af so most people don't really care about most "araki forgot" moments.

Mod edit: fixed double posting
BarnaldApr 20, 2019 2:12 AM
Apr 19, 2019 3:07 PM

Mar 2012
Cyborg_Icarus29 said:
PedroBV96 said:

Oh man. First the razor blades in his throat, some others on his head, and the boss is still able to talk normally and mocking Aerosmith? YEEEES, PLOT-ARMOOOOR.

It just works. JoJo is filled with ridiculous bullshit but it's entertaining af so most people don't really care about most "araki forgot" moments.

Don't feed the weekly troll.

Amazing episode, btw. They did justice to my favorite fight from this Part. Based DP.
My only complain is that they cut some of Risotto's lines thinking about Bucciaratti and the gang.
Apr 19, 2019 3:09 PM

Aug 2015
BlossomBurst said:

Also I'm a little confused on Epitaph (Eulogy)'s ability. From what i'm gathering, Bossu's Epitaph lets him see 10 seconds of the target's movements, but Doppio's lets him see an unchangeable future of whatever he experiences then?

From my understanding:

Epitaph let you see the future, basically. It is just a premonition of what kt is going to happen (the main reason of Bossu's "invincibility) however, King Crimson let you change that future because you are erasing it, doing something in the middle while time is passing it, and then cut it to your favor.

So let's put it simpler: You have edited a video and you know what is going to happen in 10 seconds (epitaph), you don't like it, so you use King Crmson to delete that and just leave the result of what you did (erase the leap).

Also I am sorry if my explanation was bad, but there is going to be more KC bullshit in the future.
Pakumen-Apr 19, 2019 3:12 PM
Apr 19, 2019 3:33 PM

Jul 2012
PedroBV96 said:
Oh man. First the razor blades in his throat, some others on his head, and the boss is still able to talk normally and mocking Aerosmith? YEEEES, PLOT-ARMOOOOR.

This is par for the course when it comes to Jojo. I'm not sure why it's even worth mentioning.
Apr 19, 2019 3:40 PM
Oct 2018
LOVED the last 2 episodes and the fight as a whole. Definitly one of my favorite animated Jojo's fights untill now. Risotto and Doppio quickly shot up my favorite character ranking of this season. Vento Aureo might be DP's best work yet.

Now that all of my positivity is out.

I really feel like Risotto getting shot down by lil bomber was both shocking and anti climactic at the same time. It felt like Araki realized once he matched up these 2 that there was no way for Doppio to actually beat Risotto , and the main villains has to be beaten by the main protagonist so Risotto couldn't do it , so he kinda bullshited himself trough with the bomber bit. There was no reason for Risotto to NOT pierce a blade trough Doppio's hart once he was set on killing him, he even pointed out in his last long dialogue that iron is found in the brain , so WHY didn't he do it? The show could've and probably should've ended on a much earlier note with this fight being the last one.

But other than that little bit of criticism it was once again a great episode , 5/5 for me.
Apr 19, 2019 3:50 PM
Jan 2016
SixPistols said:

This is par for the course when it comes to Jojo. I'm not sure why it's even worth mentioning.

Because unlike the previous ones, we don't learn anything we didn't know up until now about the assassination team with this one.

Cyborg_Icarus29 said:

It just works. JoJo is filled with ridiculous bullshit but it's entertaining af so most people don't really care about most "araki forgot" moments.

None of the previous parts had bizarre stuff happening for plot-armoring the characters to the degree of this one.

Mod edit: fixed double posting
BarnaldApr 20, 2019 2:14 AM
Apr 19, 2019 3:55 PM

Jul 2012
PedroBV96 said:
SixPistols said:

This is par for the course when it comes to Jojo. I'm not sure why it's even worth mentioning.

Because unlike the previous ones, we don't learn anything we didn't know up until now about the assassination team with this one.

I quoted you criticism of plot armor, but whatever. I agreed on the flashback thing.
Apr 19, 2019 4:00 PM
Jan 2016
R3K_ said:

Don't feed the weekly troll.

Amazing episode, btw. They did justice to my favorite fight from this Part. Based DP.
My only complain is that they cut some of Risotto's lines thinking about Bucciaratti and the gang.

Those lines were spoken or were they monologues?
Apr 19, 2019 4:01 PM

Jun 2015
Narancia was one of my favourite boys now he is my least favourite.
5/5 episode btw. What annoys me though is that the damage on Doppio is barely visible. So many terrible things happend to him yet he still looks okay.
Apr 19, 2019 4:01 PM
Jan 2016
SixPistols said:

I quoted you criticism of plot armor, but whatever. I agreed on the flashback thing.

Because none of the previous parts had bizarre stuff happening for plot-armoring the characters to the degree of this one.
Apr 19, 2019 4:01 PM
Jul 2018
Ofc Narancia had to be the one

everything just comes back to Narancia
Apr 19, 2019 4:05 PM
Jan 2016
WorldoverHeaven said:

oh shut the fuck up now you are just fucking annoying i dont get how people after 5 parts still think that jojo humans are normal is beyond and that wasnt risottos flashback it was about la squadra

Because none of the previous parts had bizarre stuff happening for plot-armoring the characters to the degree of this one. And we don't learn anything new by this moment with that flashback.
Apr 19, 2019 4:18 PM

Jul 2012
PedroBV96 said:
SixPistols said:

I quoted you criticism of plot armor, but whatever. I agreed on the flashback thing.

Because none of the previous parts had bizarre stuff happening for plot-armoring the characters to the degree of this one.

I remember Jotaro surviving a dozen or so knives piercing his skin, while also stopping his heart from beating for a good minute without losing consciousness. As for Joseph, he survived a volcanic eruption. Jonathan survived his limbs being frozen multiple times. Not that there's anything wrong with accumulating these injuries, it's just there because the rule of cool.
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