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Mar 31, 2019 6:53 AM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- Damn.... This episode showed the Kotobuki corps in some real trouble when flying the skies. Idk, maybe it's because the feeling of the series' finale or something. In other words, I guess they were aiming to make the final episode as thrilling as possible. The constant movement of the camera and dogfight felt a bit too much though if you ask me. Anyways, this show overall was okay for me, nothing bad but not great either. |
Mar 31, 2019 7:44 AM
Some very bad news! It's over!! no more dog fights with thrilling effects!! I really liked this anime the characters where funny and i just loved the aircraft. This episode showed some interesting models as well. Tho it also had a happy ending which was also nice to see and i hope we will see some more of the girls and the aircraft. Flying under that pier seemed really dangerous tho and it's making me wonder if there actually is a pilot insane enough to do something like that. It made for some great effects tho. |
Mar 31, 2019 8:17 AM
Well, I guess that's it. They destroyed the hole. I personally would've been very interested in what it did but I guess it's not like it came out nowhere. The Kotobuki corps fly freely of their own will, loved it when Kirie told the other dude that the sky is free and belongs to no one. :) Overall, I think this was the real underrated and underwatched show of the season. It was fun with some really great dogfight sequences, characters were entertaining, the plot especially with the whole wormhole thing at the end could've been better but nonetheless I enjoyed this quite a bit. Totally wouldn't mind if they decided to continue the plot in someway. 7/10, Kirie is best girl |
Mar 31, 2019 8:56 AM
So Isao died or got stuck from what he longed for, fits him perfectly. Almost all the characters we met through the whole show came together to end Isao's ambitious longing and this has been one of the best finales this entire season. From a technical standpoint this episode(or show) has blown my mind, the amazing camera work with non stop action, a real world physics integration, the sound design, the 3D landscapes/designs and long one-shot sequences(scenes where the camera stays on that scene for quite a noticeable amount of time) have all being top notch. Especially I give utmost praise for the action direction, all the action are fitted together so good that it never broke the emersion or the flow. Honestly it's better than most high profile anime(ahem Shield Hero) and even hollywood movies. All the technical stuff out the way, the characters are quite entertaining but they don't have much to them. The characters fit the story perfectly and carry out their stuff alongside everyone else and that's it, instead Kylie we know quite a few about our main cast. So if we get a season 2, which I hope, I would really like to get more characterization. That's the only negative I have. I didn't find the 3D animation and 2D animation swicharoo that bothersome. Overall this was such a entertaining show 8/10. I'm going to miss our Kotobuki Corps and their dogfights. I think this is an OVA : If a show gets an OVA I thinks it's likely that we'll get a season 2. |
Mar 31, 2019 9:09 AM
Sadly, I was never able to eat pancakes while watching an episode of this one. Definitely the most fun I had this season. Incredible finale. Also, in the end we finally did get some concrete proof that Isao was in cahoots with the pirates to more easily take control of the skies, due to their 'threat of violence.' Shotttooo00_0000 said: I think this is an OVA : I believe it's an online production for the mobage. But yeah, hopefully it's a sign of more stuff to come eventually. Fav screenshot: |
syncrogazerMar 31, 2019 9:47 AM
Mar 31, 2019 9:55 AM
And now it end, but Istill don't know as to what is it in that hole in the sky that Isao is interested in. Wel Isao keeps saying it's mine mine mine, so he got what we wants all to himself and there is no going back for him to whatever world that hole in sky brings him. |
Mar 31, 2019 10:07 AM
I don't think the plot was executed as well as it could've been but overall it was a good show IMO. The dog fights were especially amazing. And even the CGI was actually really good quite often. Faces especially |
KougeruMar 31, 2019 10:10 AM
Mar 31, 2019 10:27 AM
7/10. Nice action and characters most of the time. The more episodic stories were nice. Hoped for some deeper plot near the end. (Some older series did it like that: Staying episodic most of the time + 2-3 last episodes with a plot.) But on the contrary: Got worse near the end and I was a bit bored cause I hoped for more. I guess this could have been 8/10 if it stayed completely episodic and delivered some nice episodic stories for the last episodes instead. |
Mar 31, 2019 11:54 AM
I kinda wanna a season 2 just to see more of them. |
Mar 31, 2019 2:19 PM
And thus was the finale of Kotobuki. All in all a good show. I’ll miss it. 9/10 |
Mar 31, 2019 3:58 PM
Luthandorius said: 7/10. Nice action and characters most of the time. The more episodic stories were nice. Hoped for some deeper plot near the end. (Some older series did it like that: Staying episodic most of the time + 2-3 last episodes with a plot.) This isnt an episodic anime. All the episodes followed the same plot except the first one which served as an intro. Just because you didnt pay attention to the plot (i dont blame you) because it was out shined by the dogfights, doesnt mean that it didnt have a single over arching narrative that was present in all episodes. Episodic is something like nichijo where there is no story or most of violet evergarden where she just meets random people. |
Powered by yuri. Needless to say, I finish all anime I start, no matter my initial opinion, no matter how bad it gets, I WILL FINISH IT! |
Mar 31, 2019 4:35 PM
Holy crap that was some cool action in this episode. People who skipped this series just because of 3DCG don't know what they're missing, this is what CG was made for. Fun series, I expected more plot though. Oh well, it's a 12 episodes original script, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 8/10 |
Mar 31, 2019 5:10 PM
Well, that was a final battle, but just that a "final battle" nothing more. It was a fast last episode and tried to grasp all it could but couldn't work for me. The Isao villainous ways felt forced in my view and didn't click well enough. Overall I didn't enjoy it at all, with all those annoying characters who are suppose to portray strong feminine characters killed this a bit. The visuals were bad and it lacked any thrilling dogfights. Will not miss it but will remember this as a bad anime. 4/10. |
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove |
Mar 31, 2019 5:32 PM
I didn't expect a Dog Sabre to join the fray, but it was great to see it nonetheless. And the jet engine on that Shinden was unexpected as well. I'm gonna miss this anime. I really hoped it would have been longer, since there are more things that needed to be explained. 8/10, it was fun and enjoyable, the whiplash from hand drawn animation to CG wasn't really too bad, music scores from Hamaguchi Shirou was amazing, and the dogfight scenes were thrilling. I hope for there to be a season 2 featuring the other squadrons from the mobage |
Mar 31, 2019 5:46 PM
Three decent character-based episodes out of 12, and some cool air battles... The fight through the city made this finale worth watching. But, all of the rest of the time, the characters were talking way too fast, or talking over each other, making what the subtitles translated as, really hard to follow. And, most of what I did catch, didn’t add anything legitimate to the plot, and was mostly just pointless and annoying bickering. It got to the point that I gave up, and only started half-paying attention, most of the time. Those holes in the sky? Did they ever explain their significance? I honestly have no idea. To my mind, the characters weren’t even sure what they were; Wormholes? Portals? What? Maybe it was explained somewhere along the course of the show, and I very likely missed it, because everything was always moving at 1.75x speed. |
~ sXeblues - Reviews on Youtube ~ |
Mar 31, 2019 6:58 PM
If they do make a Second season, I wouldnt mind it being a prequel that takes place during the infamous "rinouchi air war" where isao is the protagonist. |
Powered by yuri. Needless to say, I finish all anime I start, no matter my initial opinion, no matter how bad it gets, I WILL FINISH IT! |
Mar 31, 2019 7:00 PM
I was kinda expecting a bunch of modern jet aircraft to come out of the hole and start the cycle over again. sao's villain monologue as he goes through the wormhole was a bit lacking in subtlety, but, eh. I lol'd at Kirie with her bag of mini pancakes Not sure really what to make of what seem to me to be American cues in the Brotherhood of Freedom Union- the Isao Tower seemed to be located in the one body of water on the planet in order to evoke aircraft carriers, likewise being the only faction with heavy strategic bombers, both of which were deficiencies of the Axis forces. The flight animation is great, though I never really grew to like the 3D character animation. I would have enjoyed Kotobuki more if it had been a dieselpunk world untouched by the stains of this world, but I guess the state of anime today is one in which a chance to resurrect, reuse and rehabilitate Japan's imperial hardware is never missed. From an artistic standpoint, the world seemed sterile and lacking in life and some additional scenery details would have helped. Every city looks like Las Vegas - there isn't a bit of green or farmland to break up the monotonous brown of desert and canyons. In regards to the thematic content: I would point to Turn A Gundam as a masterpiece in a similar kind of setting, but while that anime had 50 episodes to unfold its story at the pace of a novel, it was also a piece of serious writing on the nature of war and technology almost right from the start. Kotobuki has the opportunity, and practically the obligation, to consider the implications of dropping Imperial aircraft on another world without such technology, but it takes about half of its episodes to merely set up a war. For me, this prevents it from having the kind of longevity it might have had otherwise. Kotobuki is more interested in the characters since presumably they are a bigger part of the game, though I feel like Kirie had the most the development and was a de facto protagonist. I don't think this is a "bad" anime at all, and there were things about it I liked-the aerial combat sequences were quite thrilling, and the girls are independent and cool- however for the me the constituent uneven parts did not fit together into a whole that was to taste. |
glassknucklesMar 31, 2019 7:06 PM
Mar 31, 2019 8:45 PM
The plot was sorta eh. I wish the setting with the wormholes and stuff was better explored, as it felt it was mostly left there in the background and not touched much upon. Alot of potential wasted there, but I guess they only had one cour to do it with. The characters were likeable enough (Though quite shallow, given the time constraints), and the aviation battle scenes were spectacular, so that was were most of the meat for the anime was at, and it delivered. Pretty fun to watch. |
Mar 31, 2019 9:18 PM
That was ridiculously absurd. I loved it. glassknuckles said: Not sure really what to make of what seem to me to be American cues in the Brotherhood of Freedom Union- the Isao Tower seemed to be located in the one body of water on the planet in order to evoke aircraft carriers, likewise being the only faction with heavy strategic bombers, both of which were deficiencies of the Axis forces. Sounds right. A thought I had while watching was that the heroes' desire to close the holes, and thereby isolate their own land, resembles traditional Japan. I wasn't expecting that to be their objective, but okay. glassknuckles said: From an artistic standpoint, the world seemed sterile and lacking in life and some additional scenery details would have helped. Every city looks like Las Vegas - there isn't a bit of green or farmland to break up the monotonous brown of desert and canyons. Agreed, another thought I had while watching was "What do they eat?" (A reference to this) |
Mar 31, 2019 9:28 PM
Wow! That was a spectacle for the eyes. Honestly, so much of that had me giddy. Just like Land of the Lustrous this shows what you can do with purely 3D (besides some side characters) show. That camera work was a blast to watch, especially when the Kotobuki girls first entered the city. Plot wise it was a pretty good conclusion. Yeah the plot and character development was never a strong suit of this series but it was fine. I at least really liked a lot of the world building they did. Overall this show was a blast and I couldn't rate it lower than a 7. |
Mar 31, 2019 9:41 PM
Final episode with tons of aerial action. It was very entertaining to watch but as the whole series, once the action stops, the episodes become mediocre and even boring sometimes. The plot regarding the wormholes lacked development, which was a shame since the concept, despite being an unnecessary addition in my opinion, in the end caught a bit of my interest. Isao as the main villain was just ok I mean, I liked him but in the end, he was just the typical antagonist without depth. The cast wasn't that interesting either. Kirie was a pain during most of the show and the rest didn't have enough characterization for me to fully like them. Ironic since Kirie was the one who received the most development and yet, I couldn't like nor empathize with her character. Overall, I was expecting a bit more of development for both the characters and the story but well, at least, I have to admit that the dogfights during the whole anime were truly spectacular and for me, the only strong point of the series. I think I'm being a bit too generous but the fact is that I really enjoyed the action in this series, not to mention that it also made the story progression easier to digest. That said, this anime is a 6/10 for me. |
Mar 31, 2019 9:41 PM
That was a great last episode, where everything actually found a decent ending (villain "vanished", airship destroyed, everyone flying with his own plane,...) that could leave place for more but would also be satisfying for a global ending. The effects of this episode were really nice, it gave you the feeling that you had to be a hell of a pilot to navigate as they did... especially under bridges & in the streets. Negative global points nevertheless : a plot a bit... empty. The core part being these holes that appear from nowhere and seem to bring valuable stuff, but we still ain't know what they really are. Fortunately the animation + dogfights had style and kinda compensated the lack of a solid story. |
Mar 31, 2019 10:53 PM
nDroae said: A thought I had while watching was that the heroes' desire to close the holes, and thereby isolate their own land, resembles traditional Japan. I wasn't expecting that to be their objective, but okay. Interesting thought, I hadn't considered that. If we want to poke this universe a little bit, I feel some disturbing possibilities fall out. I wonder why people have Japanese and Western names...what was this world like before the Empire of Japan flew into it? What is the missing history here? Why is there no trace of an indigenous culture beyond the pseudo English written language, and everywhere we see only a replication of 1930s-era modernity? It suggests some kind of colonization and imposing of 'civilization' occurred, but this probable conflict is never mentioned despite being something that happened in living memory of at least some of the world's residents. Was this a world that was similar to ours in history but at a different point of technological development? Agreed, another thought I had while watching was "What do they eat?" (A reference to this) Thanks for your post. That's a good word; seems to also explain why games like Persona 4 have toilets. |
Apr 1, 2019 4:07 AM
Intense fight between Kylie and Isao.. that was brutal, and emotionally charged fight. An angry Isao getting the upper hand in the battle, but Kylie remember old Sab and get the inspiration to win. They really took down a rocket powered plane. Wow. What made me like this episode even more is that even the minor characters contributed something. Hijacking airplanes is the specialty of Elite Industries - they're not bad guys anymore, so the old mayor give them that Raiden? An enjoyable journey. 8/10 |
Liddo-kunApr 2, 2019 3:56 AM
Apr 1, 2019 3:04 PM
Ok, I don't understand. What is the deal with those holes? I know they are somehow connecting their world with our world, with Japan to be more exact. X years ago the Japanese army came over then they left. I haven't seen any signs of them coming over after that. So why are those holes valuable? Are the Japanese dropping relief packages in it or what? For example a modern fighter plane? Why would they do that? |
Apr 1, 2019 7:21 PM
Fun show. Cute characters. The dogfights and combat were so cool! Can't say I understand why those two are getting married, though. They don't even know each other lol. |
Apr 2, 2019 1:10 AM
This show is simply AOTS for me, Damnit I want more. imSOunique said: Ok, I don't understand. What is the deal with those holes? I know they are somehow connecting their world with our world, with Japan to be more exact. X years ago the Japanese army came over then they left. I haven't seen any signs of them coming over after that. So why are those holes valuable? Are the Japanese dropping relief packages in it or what? For example a modern fighter plane? Why would they do that? The thing is, those people also don't know considering it was 80 years ago. The only thing they know is Hole= More good stuff coming. Sab ojiisan told Kylie maybe good things or bad things happens. It says a couple of episode ago Yufang came to their world making factory and planes, presumably to bolster their army in WW2 and the reason they dissapear is probably because they lost the war and came back home. |
Apr 2, 2019 4:50 PM
This might have been just a shitty CG mobile game advert, but i'll be damned if it doesn't have some of the best anime dogfites I've seen in years. I mean number one for me is still from the Cowboy Bebop movie, but all things considered this was a lot better than it ever had any right to be. |
Apr 3, 2019 1:50 AM
HOLY FUCK I was jaw drop this entire episode with these aerobatics... The gradual increase in scale and skill of the piloting and engagements was absolutely mindblowing. From the start, the battles were great, but not all that sophsticated, but as time went on they continued to escalate, actively showing off improving aviation tactics, until this episode when they're just batshit insane weaving city streets and bridge supports and so on. I don't even know how to even react... The characters were arbitrary and hard to follow with how little time they got for themselves, but damn was this show ever steadfastly true to it's aviation spirit. Fucking bravo! Finally anime with climactic endings again! Give me more!!! @Lelouch0202 @glassknuckles @imSOunique It's probably meant to reference Dragon's Triangle, ie the pacific Bermuda Triangle. Simplest presumption is that some lost aircraft during WWII naval engagements fell through. Could have been from both sides. |
GenesisAriaApr 3, 2019 1:56 AM
❀桜舞う空〜 Cute is Power. 🔗CosmoGenesis Project AraOto ep06 @ 11:59 “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” “A truth seeker has no patience for BS.” I seek only to improve myself and others. |
Apr 3, 2019 6:09 AM
Well, this turned out to be better than I expected, I nearly dropped it cause I just got bored but luckily I didn't. This finale was a blast, the aerial stunts, the dogfights and the underrated effects of those things. It was overall a good anime, from 6/10, I now rate it as 7/10. It was a good watch. |
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?” ― Lelouch Vi Britannia |
Apr 3, 2019 7:11 AM
Interesting anime and these dog fights are beautiful. Score: 7/10 |
Apr 3, 2019 7:47 AM
GenesisAria said: HOLY FUCK @Lelouch0202 @glassknuckles @imSOunique It's probably meant to reference Dragon's Triangle, ie the pacific Bermuda Triangle. Simplest presumption is that some lost aircraft during WWII naval engagements fell through. Could have been from both sides. that plane was quite modern, with homing missiles, etc, I doubt it existed in the WW2 |
Apr 3, 2019 2:59 PM
imSOunique said: Dragon's Trangle still exists lmao. I was talking about originally, how the planes n culture n shit got there in the first place. They could have innovated the jet themselves, or found it, who knows. Also the missiles weren't homing they just proxy detonated, they were still dumbfire. And no it wasn't modern at all, that was like 50s, 60s latest, a very early generation jet design.GenesisAria said: HOLY FUCK @Lelouch0202 @glassknuckles @imSOunique It's probably meant to reference Dragon's Triangle, ie the pacific Bermuda Triangle. Simplest presumption is that some lost aircraft during WWII naval engagements fell through. Could have been from both sides. that plane was quite modern, with homing missiles, etc, I doubt it existed in the WW2 edit: 1949. |
GenesisAriaApr 3, 2019 3:05 PM
❀桜舞う空〜 Cute is Power. 🔗CosmoGenesis Project AraOto ep06 @ 11:59 “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” “A truth seeker has no patience for BS.” I seek only to improve myself and others. |
Apr 3, 2019 4:23 PM
GenesisAria said: imSOunique said: Dragon's Trangle still exists lmao. I was talking about originally, how the planes n culture n shit got there in the first place. They could have innovated the jet themselves, or found it, who knows. Also the missiles weren't homing they just proxy detonated, they were still dumbfire. And no it wasn't modern at all, that was like 50s, 60s latest, a very early generation jet design.GenesisAria said: HOLY FUCK @Lelouch0202 @glassknuckles @imSOunique It's probably meant to reference Dragon's Triangle, ie the pacific Bermuda Triangle. Simplest presumption is that some lost aircraft during WWII naval engagements fell through. Could have been from both sides. that plane was quite modern, with homing missiles, etc, I doubt it existed in the WW2 edit: 1949. Yeah, I meant compared to the WW2 aircrafts it is modern. |
Apr 3, 2019 9:47 PM
This final episode was wicked sick and insanely OP piloting skills that all the girls showed-us! such satisfaction! It feels like a game that a robot controls that can avoid any pillar whatever mobility speed you have! kinda imbalance! my favourite plane is the Raiden! Zara is the sexiest hottest and most erotic gurl of them all! 5/5. 8/10. |
Apr 3, 2019 11:04 PM
What a good ending. He had excellent battle scenes 😎👌. I did not understand much at the end, but for some reason I think it's a good anime. |
Apr 4, 2019 12:25 AM
As much as I wanted to like this show, in the end I ended up loving it and hating it. The magnificent kotobuki was an attempt by the director of girls und panzer to, near as I can tell, do the same thing for aircraft, albeit with a more logical setting. What this resulted in was kotobuki having excellent dogfights but failing on every other metric as a show; plot, narrative, and character development were all but nonexistent; the characters were essentially little more than plot devices to get to the next dogfight, with Kylie standing out the most because of her sheer troll factor. Similarly, the narrative and plot never fully explain why controlling the portals is so important (or why, for that matter, they should even be closed), while the opposing forces continue to pull out one ridiculous aircraft after another, culminating with the never-built J7W2 and a F-86D sabre equipped with its distinctive FFAR tray for the 70mm "mighty-mouse" rocket. That latter aircraft alone so out-classed all of the Kotobuki squadron's aircraft that it was literally deus-ex-machina'd out of existence by a statue. However, the real thing that just scuttled the anime as a whole for me was when Isao's J7W2 maneuvered like a space-fighter, followed by Kylie performing a stall-flip with a burnt-out engine to miraculously dump a belt's worth of heavy-machinegun ammo into the fuselage of Isao's J7W2. At least Girls und Panzer goes so far as to explain why its Matilda Mk II's are galloping around at 35-40mph, but there's no such material throughout the run of Kotobuki, so the plot-armor and narrative ass-pulls are that much more obvious. For that alone, I'm going to give this anime the 5/10 it flatly deserves. Being unique in showing off WWII IJA/IJN fighters in an original setting cannot possibly save it from otherwise being just an awful show. |
Apr 4, 2019 5:20 AM
I love this last episode. This is my first best film w/ the satisfying ending for this season. The dogfight is a masterpiece ,delicate, and smooth. Best animation, best character voice. I love the design character on this episode as there are a lot of improvement over the series. The only plot hole is that the hole is still remains a mistery, also the reason for Isao to wage war rather than through peaceful solution is a bit odd. The dogfight were intense, but the part when Emma was shot down is pretty strange, to think that isao is in the middle of fighting kyrie & reona. Camera angle and frame rate is very good to best. Detail of graphic were excellent and consistent. The ending is well polished & not rushed. Overall i give it 9/10 for the entire series. This series's world take in the isekai (other paralel world) theme, that what make this series's even more winteresting. |
knight_jaguarApr 4, 2019 5:33 AM
Apr 5, 2019 3:26 AM
I have no idea how this garbage get almost 7 score No plot No good characters Just random dogfights with no good motive/plot behind the fights It is really so boring. I find it hard to believe that some people could enjoy this more than Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka |
Apr 5, 2019 4:36 AM
thepath said: it just bcoz it features Japanese WWII aircraft either u like or not this anime was far better than that one anime there that feature Jets that were came straight out of Area 51 :|I have no idea how this garbage get almost 7 score No plot No good characters Just random dogfights with no good motive/plot behind the fights It is really so boring. I find it hard to believe that some people could enjoy this more than Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka |
The current game that i play: Azur Lane :3 |
Apr 5, 2019 4:37 AM
matias067 said: well Zara of Kotobuki is more Sexier than Eagle of GAF FTW!This final episode was wicked sick and insanely OP piloting skills that all the girls showed-us! such satisfaction! It feels like a game that a robot controls that can avoid any pillar whatever mobility speed you have! kinda imbalance! my favourite plane is the Raiden! Zara is the sexiest hottest and most erotic gurl of them all! 5/5. 8/10. |
The current game that i play: Azur Lane :3 |
Apr 5, 2019 7:05 AM
This was boring as hell but the planes scenes were very great. |
Apr 5, 2019 10:21 AM
Great final episode with some really entertaining thrilling action. Overall 8/10 for me, downside to the show i feel was the overall world-setting that felt a little to empty and boring. I guess that hole in the sky is some kind of door to the real world. |
Apr 24, 2019 2:54 PM
Superb finale but overall idk, the show had all the ingredients to be great but really had weird pacing and tonal changes. As a comparison Trigun had the latter too while also being set in a post-apocalyptic world, but the humour never got in the way of the direness of the world, and it made the stakes all the more relevant. Here it's the opposite nothing feels really serious or threatening, nobody dies, and character motivation/dialogue is rather pointless half the time. I have mixed feeling about such mastery of directing being dragged down by a lack of substance. |
Jun 25, 2019 4:55 AM
Jul 9, 2019 6:39 PM
This was a schizophrenic anime if I've ever saw one. It felt like two different with two completely different ideas for this anime just took turns writing. The planes were realistic, but then they're flying through a city like in Ace Combat. The show will have a dramatic moment, but then show that everyone is fine and getting shot down doesn't matter. There were many great things in this anime, but they constantly contradicted one another and resulted in a lower quality product. |
Jul 20, 2019 9:58 AM
That was a fun ride. A nice finale. I definitely enjoyed this one. Girly Air force was disapointing, but this series is such a joy to watch because of its awesome and realistic dogfights, The 3DCG didn't impede me in making me stop watching this show. |
Jul 20, 2019 1:23 PM
Nov 26, 2019 10:38 AM
I thought this was a great ending. What it proved to me, though, from how it tried to wrap everything up, is that this show should have been at least twice as long so it could have properly developed Isao's motives and the relationships between the characters. For example, the reveal of the jet (F-86?) could have been so much better if the show had the time to foreshadow it. |
SithSteelNov 26, 2019 10:41 AM
Mar 14, 2020 11:29 AM
The whole episode was very adrenaline, fortunately at the end of the episode there was the closing of the circle on the story. It is a pity that this anime series has not been treated better graphically. Who knows if there will ever be a second season, I would be happy, since I liked it as a whole. At the end of the episode, there is also a serious message, wow! My vote is 7/10. |
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