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That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime
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Mar 11, 2019 11:29 AM
Apr 2016
Ah, the kids were saved, expected. A lot of recap, but it very well shew how well their world developed since Rimuru came. Good quiet episode.
Mar 11, 2019 11:31 AM
Jun 2012
I was fine with the whole episode. I'm only annoyed that they just breezed past the Beretta part. They had plenty of time of the episode to show that dialogue, it was a small part that they could have squeezed in.
Mar 11, 2019 12:03 PM

Jul 2017
10 mins of actual content, the rest was pretty much dragged out recap.

Trash episode. Slime peaked at Shizu’s death. It was relatively decent up until the Orc Lords arc and it goes downhill after that.

The show has too many one dimensional characters, no tension e.g. hyped up threats get defeated in an anti climatic manner. However, my biggest problem is how EVERYTHING goes easy for Rimuru. People literally worship him and join his side soon after meeting him. Everything seems to go right for him. None of the races fight in his nation or have any conflict. Rimuru acquires power and resolves any situation with ease because of how overpowered the great Sage is.

Overall, It’s as if the story is on easy difficulty. 2/10
FlexstyleMar 11, 2019 3:28 PM
Mar 11, 2019 12:03 PM

Jan 2019
It's so sad that this is technically the last episode

Cant wait for a second season

Mar 11, 2019 12:08 PM

Dec 2015
I haven't even read the manga and I'm disappointed. What was this episode? So much nonsense. And a recap in the middle of the episode? Super dumb and a waste.
Mar 11, 2019 12:10 PM

Feb 2014
So that wraps up the main story episodes now. Only two episodes left to go, which are extras, but I'll certainly be looking forward to them anyway. =)

As for the this episode, the main summoning of the spirits was pretty nice overall. I couldn't help but go "d'awww" when Alice gave Rimuru a little kiss on his cheek after she got her superior spirit. That moment was incredibly sweet. ^v^

Chloe's summoning was a bit unexpected, though. I feel as if that spirit might be a problem for her when she gets older, but for now, she has got her own superior spirit. Like with Alice earlier, Chloe's sweet moment was when she confessed her love for Rimuru. Rimuru kindly replies to her that he likes her too, but he mentally notes that he wishes that Chloe would say that to him when she's 10 or so years older. I don't blame him for that. XD

Along with a recap montage with a pretty chill song, Rimuru and Ranga finally depart, but not before Rimuru giving Chloe Shizu's mask. I do feel that mask will come in handy for her when she gets older, but who knows, I'm just an anime-only guessing what might happen in the future. =P

nina444 said:
kinda unpopular opinion .

surprisingly I like this finale more than I thought it would be , that insert/montage song in the end was really soothing~ it's perfect fit to end this light hearted anime .
Sakurai Takahiro is so frkn Awesome! I did not see that coming... I did not expect him to show up in this ep 😂
damn , this is super exciting! I can't wait for ep 24

This shouldn't be an unpopular opinion at all. Too many people just jump to conclusions and get frustrated, then type their anger into a post that makes their opinion half-assed and that makes me facepalm when I waste a few seconds of my life reading it.

It's not a perfect end, but it's still an ending to the story episodes that I think was done well. Other users need to keep their overhyped expectations in check a bit better. =P
Mar 11, 2019 12:19 PM

Aug 2017
I'm glad that this arc is over. It was very boring.

The last two episodes are filler, so 3/10 for the anime.
NurguburuMar 11, 2019 1:22 PM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Mar 11, 2019 12:21 PM

May 2016
Very good finale, I don't why so many people are so upset about it. The recap was appropriate since Rimuru has indeed come a long way since he was first summoned into this world. It was very clear from the start this wasn't going to be an Overlord clone and after three big climactic battles and I happy it ended on a more light-hearted note otherwise it would have just gotten stale for me.

Overall, I'm pretty impressed with how 8Bit adapted this story considering how bitter I was with how they treated Rewrite a few years ago. Looking forward to the second season!
"You talk too much. Think too much."
"I don't care how justified you think your reasons are. I won't tolerate liars or thieves."
"If you're not going to be nice to me, don't expect me to be nice to you."
"I'm a soldier, not a superhero. Don't ever think of me as one."
"The world doesn't revolve around you. Get that through your thick skull."
"People who live by their emotions go nowhere in their lives. They only find misery.
"If you don't like the way your life is than do something about it instead of sitting there feeling sorry for yourself."
"You want something go get it. Period."
Mar 11, 2019 12:22 PM

Oct 2011
Given that the last 2 episodes are filler we can count the anime as ended. It was a great adaptation, I like the work of the studio. There were a few moments at the end that caused a lot of predictions by the readers, but the anime spoiled the true answers. The only bad moments were the 2 skipped events right before Rimuru became a teacher and the changes done to the fight with the small dragon.

As for this episode specifically - the only thing I disliked was replacing the 5 minutes of Rimuru creating a puppet for the demon lord with 5 minutes of recap

Mar 11, 2019 12:28 PM

Oct 2014
uzee said:
Given that the last 2 episodes are filler we can count the anime as ended. It was a great adaptation, I like the work of the studio. There were a few moments at the end that caused a lot of predictions by the readers, but the anime spoiled the true answers. The only bad moments were the 2 skipped events right before Rimuru became a teacher and the changes done to the fight with the small dragon.

As for this episode specifically - the only thing I disliked was replacing the 5 minutes of Rimuru creating a puppet for the demon lord with 5 minutes of recap

They likely didn't have a VA for Beretta nor for Hinata yet. Since no one knows how far the anime will be adaptated in the future, it wouldn't be a good idea to carelessly cast someone for these important roles when they only have 2-3 lines at most in this season. Though I wish they'd have a short scene of Rimuru naming Beretta at least.
Mar 11, 2019 12:33 PM

Apr 2017
The kids have been saved! And with that, The final wish of Shizu has been fulfilled and the story comes to an end *for now*. :D
Based on the ending bit, it looks like they plan on continuing the anime adaptation, and I really like how they didn't force the story to continue but instead left in parts that make people expect it to continue while not really forcing the confrontation yet. It felt like a good "stopping point" but also a point that they can continue without feeling like a whole new show. The recap was really nice imo.
Hopefully the next two episodes can boost my love for the series even more.

I love to talk anime and manga, feel free to message me!
Mar 11, 2019 12:46 PM

Mar 2012
how they gon make it sound like this is the last episode lol?
Mar 11, 2019 12:53 PM

Dec 2015
After watching this big recap there is no doubt. This series is really a waste of potential. If it at least tried to have a serious tone, the events of the show could have been interesting by creating tension on every arc. But the show is basically just good animation with childish plot. It's not bad, just decent
Mar 11, 2019 12:56 PM

Feb 2019
If any positive point has this end is that at least the protagonist did not end up surrounded by his women as the reward of having been fortunate to come to this world
Mar 11, 2019 12:58 PM

Jul 2014
As the last two episodes are basically filler content, I'm going to finish the series here. For a final episode, though, this was as bland as I predicted last week. Actually, scratch that, it was worse: what need was there for a recap midway through the episode? Talk about taking laziness to another level.

As for the show on a whole, it started promisingly but soon trailed off and became extremely dull, starting around midway through the Orc Lord arc and continuing all the way through to the end. To sum up why it got so dull, here's a simple explanation: tension was non-existent, actual threats were non-existent (and most of them ended up being ridiculously friendly just for the sake of it) and the characters were mostly pretty boring, or actively irritating in the case of Gabiru.

In particular, Rimuru took the "bland isekai MC" trope to new levels, having zero personality whatsoever throughout the show's entire run, having an exposition machine built into his head (it's a sign of a weak writer that such a narrative device exists and was used so much) and being ridiculously OP to the point where only Milim ever posed a threat to him (until she inevitably became his friend after one insignificant bout). Worse still, the whole slime thing that the show advertised itself with was little more than a bait to make people believe this wasn't just "generic isekai #8712"; he took on human form for most of the show anyway and was way more OP than a slime is meant to be.

Outside of that, this show just felt like it lacked any real purpose or direction; it just felt completely aimless (I seem to recall reading an interview in which the author stated it took him ages to figure out what he actually wanted to do with the story, so I'm not far off the mark). Also, some people will make comparisons to Log Horizon here, but from what I remember (it's been quite some time since I last watched it, to be fair) that show worked way better than this: it had much better characters, a more engaging plot, an actual sense of tension and most of all didn't feel completely and utterly aimless like this show has done for a while.

6/10. Easily one of the most overrated anime I've watched in recent times (probably the most overrated I've watched since Gakkou-Gurashi, however long ago it was that it aired).

EDIT: Wow, not even 10 minutes before someone PMs me to say I'm dumb for hating this show. Pathetic, but with how defensive some posters on here have been when anyone has the audacity to be negative about this show, I'm not at all surprised. Thank fuck I won't have to deal with this shite anymore after this episode (and after a few inevitable quotes to come from the usual suspects).
AtavisticMar 11, 2019 1:09 PM
Mar 11, 2019 1:09 PM
Feb 2019
Such a weak ending for me. But, overall i love this anime. I could expect that there'll be some people who drop down their own score then. What a people?!
Mar 11, 2019 1:11 PM

Mar 2017
That was a great conclusion to season 1 and i'm gonna keep my fingers crossed that those scenes with the guy with the crystal ball and the woman behind the tree mean there's gonna be a season 2!

Also i feel like the girl behind the tree is Chloe in the future or that she has some kind of bigger connection to Shizu...
Mar 11, 2019 1:24 PM

Feb 2019
Atavistic said:

In particular, Rimuru took the "bland isekai MC" trope to new levels, having zero personality whatsoever throughout the show's entire run, having an exposition machine built into his head (it's a sign of a weak writer that such a narrative device exists and was used so much) and being ridiculously OP to the point where only Milim ever posed a threat to him (until she inevitably became his friend after one insignificant bout). Worse still, the whole slime thing that the show advertised itself with was little more than a bait to make people believe this wasn't just "generic isekai #8712"; he took on human form for most of the show anyway and was way more OP than a slime is meant to be.

is a slime has no sexual interest in anyone, but if have the initiative to socialize with many people as shown here from the dragon, goblins and Milim also was not all the time in his human form, you are lying
Mar 11, 2019 1:24 PM

Oct 2013
Welp, and there I thought we might get Shizu back because she was the only good character in this anime. Guess not.

GG Isekai Smartphone was better
Mar 11, 2019 1:33 PM
Jan 2018
kater_tot said:
That was a great conclusion to season 1 and i'm gonna keep my fingers crossed that those scenes with the guy with the crystal ball and the woman behind the tree mean there's gonna be a season 2!

Also i feel like the girl behind the tree is Chloe in the future or that she has some kind of bigger connection to Shizu...

The guy with the crystal ball is for the extra epiosde . The one behind the tree is for season 2
Mar 11, 2019 1:34 PM

Apr 2018
I don't understand if helping the kids was that simple then why was it a big problem in the 1st place? Someone explain to me.
Mar 11, 2019 1:36 PM
Jan 2018
Atavistic said:
As the last two episodes are basically filler content, I'm going to finish the series here. For a final episode, though, this was as bland as I predicted last week. Actually, scratch that, it was worse: what need was there for a recap midway through the episode? Talk about taking laziness to another level.

As for the show on a whole, it started promisingly but soon trailed off and became extremely dull, starting around midway through the Orc Lord arc and continuing all the way through to the end. To sum up why it got so dull, here's a simple explanation: tension was non-existent, actual threats were non-existent (and most of them ended up being ridiculously friendly just for the sake of it) and the characters were mostly pretty boring, or actively irritating in the case of Gabiru.

In particular, Rimuru took the "bland isekai MC" trope to new levels, having zero personality whatsoever throughout the show's entire run, having an exposition machine built into his head (it's a sign of a weak writer that such a narrative device exists and was used so much) and being ridiculously OP to the point where only Milim ever posed a threat to him (until she inevitably became his friend after one insignificant bout). Worse still, the whole slime thing that the show advertised itself with was little more than a bait to make people believe this wasn't just "generic isekai #8712"; he took on human form for most of the show anyway and was way more OP than a slime is meant to be.

Outside of that, this show just felt like it lacked any real purpose or direction; it just felt completely aimless (I seem to recall reading an interview in which the author stated it took him ages to figure out what he actually wanted to do with the story, so I'm not far off the mark). Also, some people will make comparisons to Log Horizon here, but from what I remember (it's been quite some time since I last watched it, to be fair) that show worked way better than this: it had much better characters, a more engaging plot, an actual sense of tension and most of all didn't feel completely and utterly aimless like this show has done for a while.

6/10. Easily one of the most overrated anime I've watched in recent times (probably the most overrated I've watched since Gakkou-Gurashi, however long ago it was that it aired).

EDIT: Wow, not even 10 minutes before someone PMs me to say I'm dumb for hating this show. Pathetic, but with how defensive some posters on here have been when anyone has the audacity to be negative about this show, I'm not at all surprised. Thank fuck I won't have to deal with this shite anymore after this episode (and after a few inevitable quotes to come from the usual suspects).

*Grabs popcorn*

Bet I know who will replay in defense/ counter argument
Mar 11, 2019 1:38 PM

Apr 2018
So this was the last true episode and the next 2 are bonus, great show overall, really enjoyed it
Mar 11, 2019 1:40 PM
Jul 2016
Nurguburu said:
I'm glad that this arc is over. It was very boring.

The last two episodes are filler, so 3/10 for the anime.

If you think those were filler episode, well you might need to try to understand the author better.

- We had 5 and a half important characters shown, 3 of which are in the final chapter and impact the whole plot.
- We had learned that Rimuru can invoke demon (in anime that is)
- We had 3 large foreshadowing, 2 of which resulting in event happening in the story.
- The main villain was shown
- Kurobe was shown :3

This isn't an action packed story, important plot point are mostly done in calm episodes like this, you just aren't paying attention to them.
Mar 11, 2019 1:49 PM
Jul 2016
Sushantbro said:
I don't understand if helping the kids was that simple then why was it a big problem in the 1st place? Someone explain to me.

What was shown in this episode and the previous one demonstrated it:
- To save the children, you need to be able to invoke great spirit AND make them fuse with the kids AND assure yourself that the spirits won't rampage like Ifrit did.
- To find great spirits you need to find the fairy queen
- To meet the Fairy Queen, you need to go through her labyrinth + have the power to vanquish her guardian, that not humans could defeat without having a special ability.
- To fuse a great spirit in the kids, you first need to have the right character to summon it, only one kid in the group had that, or to be able to fuse the weaker spirit into one great spirit, and then hope that either the summoned great spirit will do it out of benevolence or create a docile personality out of the fused one to do it.
Which mean only Rimuru could do it, he is the only one who has enough power and have the Great Sage ability after all.

Chloe is another matter btw.
Mar 11, 2019 1:52 PM

Dec 2018
@Atavistic and your point is? you could not say anything especially negative, this does not end and if announced the second season sure you also end up seeing everything ;)
Mar 11, 2019 1:53 PM

Mar 2017
Mattinator95 said:
kater_tot said:
That was a great conclusion to season 1 and i'm gonna keep my fingers crossed that those scenes with the guy with the crystal ball and the woman behind the tree mean there's gonna be a season 2!

Also i feel like the girl behind the tree is Chloe in the future or that she has some kind of bigger connection to Shizu...

The guy with the crystal ball is for the extra epiosde . The one behind the tree is for season 2

Ah, i see! Thank you for clearing that up!
Mar 11, 2019 1:56 PM

Aug 2015
Kinoxi said:
It actually makes perfect sense that this is how the anime comes to its conclusion. If 8bit decided to include Hinata vs Rimuru, they would also have to continue all the way to
which is simply impossible considering only two more episodes remain.

Anything less than that would be a truly bad way to end the show.

In your opinion how many episodes would it have taken the anime, if they had decided to show rimuru's fight with hinata and his ascension to true demon lord?
Mar 11, 2019 1:59 PM

Feb 2015
So the series is going out with a whimper rather than a bang. This episode was padded as hell. Seriously it's trailed off towards the end which is disappointing as the first half was great. Loved the animation and world building.

So what we get now are two filler episodes, bizzare.
Mar 11, 2019 2:12 PM

Nov 2016
Oh man. Yeah this series became tedious for me at some point, yet I never perceived it as bad. Might change my mind with this episode xD

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Mar 11, 2019 2:13 PM

Oct 2014
Crashmatt said:
So the series is going out with a whimper rather than a bang. This episode was padded as hell. Seriously it's trailed off towards the end which is disappointing as the first half was great. Loved the animation and world building.

So what we get now are two filler episodes, bizzare.

They aren't "filler". They are Gaiden episodes, both written by the LN author. The Veldora one already exists in the manga, but the Demon Noir one is completely new.
Mar 11, 2019 2:13 PM

Nov 2015
madarchod said:
Kinoxi said:
It actually makes perfect sense that this is how the anime comes to its conclusion. If 8bit decided to include Hinata vs Rimuru, they would also have to continue all the way to
which is simply impossible considering only two more episodes remain.

Anything less than that would be a truly bad way to end the show.

In your opinion how many episodes would it have taken the anime, if they had decided to show rimuru's fight with hinata and his ascension to true demon lord?
I've only read the wn-version, so I don't know how things went in the published version, but maybe 3-4 episodes? Sad to see they decided against that, Rimuru spitting a certain someone out, freed from his "prison" and scaring the everliving shit out of the residents of Tempest would have been a perfect ending.
Mar 11, 2019 2:15 PM

Oct 2010
Recap is a recap, filler is a filler.
Both are NG regardless of manga, VA, S2 and other excuses.
I can re-watch if I want recap and they can do OVA for side stories. Waste of screen time otherwise.
Mar 11, 2019 2:19 PM

Aug 2013
wholesome till the end
Don't believe the hype.
Mar 11, 2019 2:20 PM

Oct 2017
I started off really enjoying the series but somewhere in the halfway point I started to lose interest. I wish there was more tension in the show but it was kind of obvious the majority of the problems would be solved easily. I won't mind a second season but it's going to take a while since it's adapting the manga, right?
Mar 11, 2019 2:23 PM

Jul 2013
So apparently this is the "final" episode, took me by surprise but quite fitting for the show I guess. The recap would be more emotional if it was 50+ episodes, but oh well.
Mar 11, 2019 2:26 PM

Feb 2018
It's basically serie's finale and yet it's the greatest filler of the serie. I had really high hopes for this anime, but its second half is just bad, as somebody mentioned before, after Orc Lord it was just going downhill. Story, humour, everything. I hope OVAs will be at least funny to make me not giving it less than 7.
Mar 11, 2019 2:39 PM

Apr 2015
Didn't expect this to be the end to be honest. Seeing as we have 2 extra episodes as side stories, the ending seemed rushed to me, but overall TenSura was quite enjoyable. Second cour was weaker than the first, but still really good.

8/10 (for main story).
Mar 11, 2019 2:39 PM
Mar 2018
doesn't look like there's gonna be a season 2 with that ending
Mar 11, 2019 2:40 PM
Aug 2017
Why did they skip so much material to just have 2 filler episodes at the end?
Mar 11, 2019 2:47 PM
Oct 2018
So the next 2 episodes can be considered filler?
Mar 11, 2019 2:47 PM
Jan 2018
Don't see how people thought the last 4 epiosdes where filler
Mar 11, 2019 2:54 PM

Oct 2014
SAMe19 said:
So the next 2 episodes can be considered filler?

No. EP24 is something that was never shown yet, but was supposedly referenced in the LN, while EP25 is something that always came as an extra with the full manga volumes.
Those are not fillers. Both are canon and written by the LN author.
Mar 11, 2019 2:55 PM

Aug 2017
Le_Flemard said:
Nurguburu said:
I'm glad that this arc is over. It was very boring.

The last two episodes are filler, so 3/10 for the anime.

If you think those were filler episode, well you might need to try to understand the author better.

- We had 5 and a half important characters shown, 3 of which are in the final chapter and impact the whole plot.
- We had learned that Rimuru can invoke demon (in anime that is)
- We had 3 large foreshadowing, 2 of which resulting in event happening in the story.
- The main villain was shown
- Kurobe was shown :3

This isn't an action packed story, important plot point are mostly done in calm episodes like this, you just aren't paying attention to them.

You don't read my mind, so don't assume that I'm not paying attention.
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Mar 11, 2019 2:58 PM
Apr 2016
Finally it ended and forgotten. I don't even interested enough to know what gonna happen next. Normally I would go read the manga and LN if the anime is really good, but not this time.
Mar 11, 2019 3:12 PM

Jun 2015
Lol Rimuru's expression when talking about demons. Nice seeing the great sage get a much larger role in this ep. It was cute seeing the usually quiet Chloe show jealousy. That spirit that inhabited Chloe though sure was curious. Glad that in the end the spirit quest was successful and the kids were saved. Showing the major battles of the past arcs as flashbacks sure was nice. Loved the insert song as well. The last scenes of seeing how Rimuru's allies fared in the village and around the world sure was fun and welcome. Despite their initial dislike of him the kids sure ended up getting quite attached to Rimuru especially Chloe. Rimuru's parting gift sure was a nice gesture. Really made the kids look smart.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 11, 2019 3:12 PM
Aug 2017
Meta_Yoshi said:

This shouldn't be an unpopular opinion at all. Too many people just jump to conclusions and get frustrated, then type their anger into a post that makes their opinion half-assed and that makes me facepalm when I waste a few seconds of my life reading it.

It's not a perfect end, but it's still an ending to the story episodes that I think was done well. Other users need to keep their overhyped expectations in check a bit better. =P

I had problems with the episode, but not exactly in the same way everyone did. Teasing things that might happen in a S2 is fine, and the little song and dance showing what was going on back at the village was as also fine. Where they ended the episode was understandable.

What really irks me is probs just poor planning, the useless flashback of the entire show. I know he was reminiscing, but the tone of it all felt like it was suppose to be about Shizou and the Students, not about himself.
Not to mention the try-hard tear jerking from playing sad music didn't work because the focus was questionable and the arc we just witness only took like 4 episodes. I'm like thinking, wtf was the point of these kids, I had no emotional connection. Instead im cringing during the 2-3 mins of flashbacks just confuse.
The 2 episodes left of side stories may or may not could be placed anywhere else, in between adventures or arcs and it would of been fine. But why at the end? I been reading that the anime skipped a lot of little moments that may of fleshed out the children more, but those were skipped. Instead we got the flashback.

I just feel like the director was rushing to make sure they got to a point, but realized they didn't leave enough story to make a full episode. So they told some editor "HEY MAKE A QUICK FLASHBACK SEQUENCE WE CAN THROW IN"
Why else would we need two of them? Back to back of each other. Hell, maybe they could of added more to the summoning and spent 30 seconds doing a more focused flashback about Shizou and all their relationships to the kids, that would of been more effective.

So tl;dr The ending itself was fine. Everyone is just freaking out because the end is not at the end. Also, the first recap flashback was out of place and just a giant thorn saying "SORRY POOR PLANNING, TAKE THIS".
Mar 11, 2019 3:18 PM

Jul 2014
Good ending I would say, we start with the children invoking the spirits, blonde loli kisses slime sensei, Chloe gets jealous, Chloe is still jealous, Chloe confesses, Chloe will have to wait a few years, Chloe called the attention of a rare spirit, KISS?, the hero?, danger?!, from the future? WTF! All according to keikaku, Chloe. (TL note: keikaku means plan).

They were all saved, yay! And then they skipped this... okay, it looks like they're accelerating, we didn't even say goodbye to Ramiris :(

Oh no, these words no, yep, they're doing a montage with everything that's happened, the music is beautiful, the feels, I'm getting sad, this smells like an end. Shizu :'(

Oh no, another montage, this is getting sadder, yes, this is ending.

Weird guy shows up.

Farewell, Chloe gets the mask, see you again.

The spirit of the hero from the future? + the mask + Veldora reacting to her seems to indicate that she is in one way or another the hero, now, why the big attachment to Rimuru, is only for this time that he was with her? because it seems like something else. Damn it, each time there are more and more questions.

Hi Hinata, despite having an epic fight in the first opening, you only showed up for a moment without saying a single word.

Aw, so episode 23 was really the end and the other two remaining episodes will be extras. Well, overall I loved the series, it was a lot of fun and with a lot of charisma. My only complaint would be with the Charybdis arc that even though I thought it was entertaining I feel like they put too much into too few episodes, especially episode 17, which is a shame because that was Milim's arc and I loved Milim. And perhaps also with the second half in general because it didn't feel like it had a clear direction, or rather it felt like a build-up to a big climax that didn't happen... yet and we're halfway there. Still, I really liked the last arc because we went back to that light hearted feeling of the first half which is probably what I liked the most about the series.

It seems that the series is selling very well, so I hope that after the extra 2, Veldora or whoever, announces a second season, fingers crossed!
SkyLETVMar 11, 2019 9:19 PM
Mar 11, 2019 3:21 PM

Feb 2015
Grey-Zone said:
Crashmatt said:
So the series is going out with a whimper rather than a bang. This episode was padded as hell. Seriously it's trailed off towards the end which is disappointing as the first half was great. Loved the animation and world building.

So what we get now are two filler episodes, bizzare.

They aren't "filler". They are Gaiden episodes, both written by the LN author. The Veldora one already exists in the manga, but the Demon Noir one is completely new.

I understand your point but it's not a good way to end the series is it? The children arc was utterly forgettable and my expectations are low for the remaining episodes.

Unless season 2 is confirmed then all the teases are pointless. As someone else said on this thread the latter half of the series just screams bad planning. Not that it makes it a bad show but im disappointed.
Mar 11, 2019 3:31 PM
Nov 2011
Given the overall direction and tone of the show thus far, I found this "ending" an extremely perfect way to end the season. The show is praised for how wholesome it is, and this was an extremely wholesome ending. It's not a battle anime or anything, it's a slice of life. A nice, happy, everything is resolved (But not really) ending is great. If you go in without salt, you'll come out happy, a bit sad, but looking forward to more with the eventual season 2. The use of recaps also makes it feel very "Finished" which lets them add in the final 2 episodes as basically OVAs we don't have to wait for.

Rimuru has fulfilled his promise to Shizu like the dutiful office worker that he is. May she rest in slime
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Mar 3, 5:44 AM

Poll: » Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 17 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - Jan 28, 2019

133 by Thyriad-oPPailov »»
Jan 12, 6:58 PM

Poll: » Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 13 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 )

Stark700 - Dec 24, 2018

198 by Thyriad-oPPailov »»
Jan 10, 10:33 AM

Poll: » Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 8 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Nov 19, 2018

293 by Thyriad-oPPailov »»
Jan 9, 2:34 PM

Poll: » Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 6 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 )

Stark700 - Nov 5, 2018

196 by Thyriad-oPPailov »»
Jan 8, 8:00 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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