A Certain Magical Index (light novel)
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Feb 1, 2019 5:22 AM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- Heh, even as a level 5 esper, Accelerator still uses regular firearms during his missions. That's so him. Felt bad for Kinuhata Saiai this episode. It looks like that one girl from SCHOOL trapped her this week. About time Aiwass showed itself to Accelerator. I've been waiting for that moment for awhile. Hamazuraaaaaa~ I find it funny how Mugino came back and is hunting him down like a psycho. Bet the VA had a fun time playing her character lol |
Feb 1, 2019 8:29 AM
Off to Russia, we go! Looks like Accelerator and Last Order and Touma and Index and probably Hamazura and the other main characters too will slowly and steadily make their entrance to Russia where I suppose World War III will start. We got a short clip of the remaining member of the God’s seat too and it looks like he’s surely up to more mischief. More of this episode though, Mugino makes a grand return and of course she’s gutted over Hamazura. It’s honestly mind-blowing how nature seems to just favour him against her, lol. Accelerator and Etzali, meanwhile, emerged victorious against their opponents but really I didn’t find it to be interesting at all. Accelerator’s encounter with Aiwass was rather intriguing though, looks like Aiwass and Last Order are connected in some way or another. I wonder why he spared Accelerator and even went on to suggest a place for ensuring Last Order’s survival. Could it be some kind of a counter-measure against Aleister? Some nice romantic development between Hamazura and Takitsubo too! I hope Kinuhato is all well though. Anyway, looks like we’re underway for the WWIII arc. Hopefully, this arc will deliver in the remaining 9 episodes. Can’t wait for Misaka Mikoto and her party to finally get into the main plot too! |
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni |
Feb 1, 2019 8:40 AM
It did feel a bit nice seeing Mugino again... even if she's acting crazy (and I wonder how it will sound in the dub when they get there). Anyways looking forward to WW3 and hopefully Touma gets his wish in punching Fiamma in the face... |
Feb 1, 2019 9:02 AM
I thought it was not that bad, expect Hamazura's part, but expected that much. Liked the part with Aiwass, don't remember that it was mentioned what kind of tone Aiwass has. To Russia we go, Elizalina Alliance. Touma is back, and want to see Mikoto again =/ |
Feb 1, 2019 9:34 AM
To be honest I laughed the entire time Hamazura was getting chased by Mugino. Still surprised she isn't dead at this point, but damn, she is a fucking badass. The Hamazura-Takitsubo ship is as beautiful as ever. And the Aiwass-Accelerator was awesome. But the real question is... Touma how did you get there? |
Feb 1, 2019 11:07 AM
Interesting episode! Everyone is going for Russia, Touma, Hamazura and Accelerator, i am really curious to see this next arc! Mugino returned, she was really badass! Hamazura got a kiss from Takitsubo, she was really cute and adorable asking him to never let her, their couple development was awesome for me, i love to see them together! Touma is abck next episode! |
Feb 1, 2019 11:13 AM
Hamazura got all the bad luck and all luck for suriviving in the world at the same time lol so DRAGON is this being called Aiwass but who the fuck is he? he looks like Aleister too |
Feb 1, 2019 11:25 AM
So will next week be a proper arc or will it be this rushed shit again? I can say that this didn't make sense again but i am starting to sound like a broken recorder. Anyway Muguno appearing was somewhat surprising. |
Feb 1, 2019 11:43 AM
Hamazura has definitely taken chip off Toma's shoulder with all of the horrid luck that he's been having recently. Just as when he thought someone came to save him and Takitsubo from the soldiers, it turned out to be Mugino who finished them off so that she can have another go at killing Hamazura. I wasn't expecting her to appear at all, as I was convinced that she was killed off, but her changed appearance looked menacing and freaky. Thankfully, Hamazura gained a bit of luck in time for him to fend off Mugino long enough for him and Takitsubo to escape Academy City via a supersonic jet. Then came the best part of the episode where Takitsubo kissed Hamazura and he reassured her that he'll never let her go. Sweet moment for this ship. =3 So things are shaping up as we have multiple parties heading to Russia. Hamazura and Takitsubo with the jet plane, Accelerator, after his encounter with Aiwass, is heading to the same location, despite his injuries, with Last Order, and Toma, who is already in Russia, giving off a vibe of someone who wants some answers via his right fist. Despite the rushed pacing of third arc, it still had some good moments and the art quality is still getting better, even though the animation is still on an inconsistent level. |
Feb 1, 2019 12:06 PM
Everyone rushing to kill off Hamazura. Not a bad episode. It was nice to see Mugino again, even though she was a bit crazy. The preview for next week seems interesting and I'm looking forward to it. |
Feb 1, 2019 1:08 PM
One of the best episodes this season imo. Some stuff is getting tied up and possibly connected? Nice change after all the clusterfuck earlier. Hamazura being badass never gets old. He is better protagonist than Touma this season. |
Feb 1, 2019 1:13 PM
WTF Hamazura is the target, what kind of value does he have????? Whoa, accelerator still alive, I thought that DRAGON has killed him already???? |
JiangHaoyi1979Feb 1, 2019 1:27 PM
Feb 1, 2019 1:20 PM
Terkhev said: Nope if you read the light novel you would see why he was called the best protagonist in light novel history in Japan. I actually found him interesting what happen to him in NT which is the best arc.One of the best episodes this season imo. Some stuff is getting tied up and possibly connected? Nice change after all the clusterfuck earlier. Hamazura being badass never gets old. He is better protagonist than Touma this season. |
Feb 1, 2019 1:28 PM
Another clusterfuck of an episode. LN reader will still claim all is well. Hope we get back to the main characters next week, at least Touma is in it. Looks like we will be meeting another 300 new charters soon. |
Feb 1, 2019 1:37 PM
Crashmatt said: Another clusterfuck of an episode. LN reader will still claim all is well. Hope we get back to the main characters next week, at least Touma is in it. Looks like we will be meeting another 300 new charters soon. What's the clusterfuck here though? It's literally all just concluding/building up on previous things mentioned like Accelerator looking into how his collar is designed in earlier episodes |
Feb 1, 2019 1:39 PM
As I had read somewhere, Mugino is still alive and I swear that "Hamazuraaaa" is going to haunt me, complete nutcase. Speaking of Hamazura, the lucky guy... Takitsubo kissing him like that (was such a cute moment though). I swear this guy has had more romantic development in 3 episodes than Touma in 3 seasons XD Finally we get to see "DRAGON", I suppose it makes slightly more sense now... Accelerator is going to Russia to find Index. I really want to see Touma and Accelerator meet again after Touma beat him up. |
Feb 1, 2019 1:44 PM
What a great episodeeee omg.aiwass speech about the evolution of accelerator and hamazura was great. |
Feb 1, 2019 1:46 PM
He shot some glass and the shards fell at the exact keypad buttons needed to initiate the room. Wow. Just fucking wow. |
Feb 1, 2019 1:51 PM
Every single time I watch an episode of this season Im like "Oh yeah I guess I finally follow the plot" only for the second half to come and Im again like "Nani the fuck who is this, what is going on" So, Aiwass. Who is he. What is he. What connection does he have with alister. What are his intentions. Also, wasnt Mugino in the same squad as the other girl here? Can we take a moment to appreciate how Railgun is the only level 5 who is not entirely insane? When Im thinking about this, arent we missing the number 5? IIRC he was introduced in before Russia. So, judging from the pv Touma is about to punch someone again next week. Does he already know who it will be? Or was it just his regular pose? Im not following anymore. Why is everyone out to kill substitute MC? Why is Last Order suddenly important again? Why did Aiwass tell Alister to not let her die? Why is Accelerators pager such a plot device? Why did they have to nerf him in this stupid way? Why is his character page still wrong? What the fuck are the aztecs doing here? PS: So substitue MC got his romance going. Step up your game Touma. I need more Railgun screentime or I will have to say this is on the same level as Toyou Ghoul adaptions. PPS: I cant wait to get back to the girl squad in Railgun 3 again. |
Comander-07Feb 1, 2019 1:58 PM
"This emotion is mine alone. It is for Madoka alone." - Homura or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. |
Feb 1, 2019 2:00 PM
This time Mugino didn't let herself get finished off as easily, loved how she chased after Hamazura |
just because I’ve gotten weaker, doesn’t mean that you got stronger, does it? |
Feb 1, 2019 2:04 PM
Comander-07 said: Every single time I watch an episode of this season Im like "Oh yeah I guess I finally follow the plot" only for the second half to come and Im again like "Nani the fuck who is this, what is going on" So, Aiwass. Who is he. What is he. What connection does he have with alister. What are his intentions. Also, wasnt Mugino in the same squad as the other girl here? Can we take a moment to appreciate how Railgun is the only level 5 who is not entirely insane? When Im thinking about this, arent we missing the number 5? IIRC he was introduced in before Russia. So, judging from the pv Touma is about to punch someone again next week. Does he already know who it will be? Or was it just his regular pose? Im not following anymore. Why is everyone out to kill substitute MC? Why is Last Order suddenly important again? Why did Aiwass tell Alister to not let her die? Why is Accelerators pager such a plot device? Why did they have to nerf him in this stupid way? Why is his character page still wrong? What the fuck are the aztecs doing here? PS: So substitue MC got his romance going. Step up your game Touma. I need more Railgun screentime or I will have to say this is on the same level as Toyou Ghoul adaptions. PPS: I cant wait to get back to the girl squad in Railgun 3 again. I mean this time around, those are all questions you're supposed to be asking, you're not supposed to know what Aiwass is or even his goals yet as hes a mysterious entity that's related to Aleister both in real life and in the series. and yes Mugino was the leader of ITEM, honestly I'd say Mikoto is just as obsessive and crazy, Railgun anime cut it but she used to stalk and try to fight Touma not so different from how Mugino does to Hamazura(of course, not to the death entirely, but still quite annoying). I'd say Accelerator is the least crazy one since he originally just wanted to be left alone. Last Order was always important, I'd say rewatch season 2, now if you're wondering why she's of interest right now, just watch the next arc since explaining would just be spoiling. As for Accelerator's collar, as you can tell in this arc he actually managed to fix that weakness, so hes not so nerfed anymore. Aztecs came for Etzali, just like the girl before in battle royale, if you're wondering why Etzali was here since the first season he originally was tasked to keep a eye on(and eventually take out) Kamijou Touma but since his defeat he was working for AC(against his will like everyone else in group) |
Feb 1, 2019 2:08 PM
Tiau said: maybe the fact I don't have a clue what's going one. You jump from one scene to the next it just feels like a group of events thrown together. LN reader have the advantage here, im feeling pretty lost with it all.Crashmatt said: Another clusterfuck of an episode. LN reader will still claim all is well. Hope we get back to the main characters next week, at least Touma is in it. Looks like we will be meeting another 300 new charters soon. What's the clusterfuck here though? It's literally all just concluding/building up on previous things mentioned like Accelerator looking into how his collar is designed in earlier episodes |
Feb 1, 2019 2:10 PM
Crashmatt said: Tiau said: maybe the fact I don't have a clue what's going one. You jump from one scene to the next it just feels like a group of events thrown together. LN reader have the advantage here, im feeling pretty lost with it all.Crashmatt said: Another clusterfuck of an episode. LN reader will still claim all is well. Hope we get back to the main characters next week, at least Touma is in it. Looks like we will be meeting another 300 new charters soon. What's the clusterfuck here though? It's literally all just concluding/building up on previous things mentioned like Accelerator looking into how his collar is designed in earlier episodes Yeah sorry, you pretty much lost me on what you're lost about to be honest, it's all been pretty straight forward, the most that got cut was Saiai's fight with Stephanie but everything else is more or less as in the LN even. Could you be more specific? perhaps I can clear your confusion |
Feb 1, 2019 2:27 PM
Tiau said: Crashmatt said: Tiau said: Crashmatt said: Another clusterfuck of an episode. LN reader will still claim all is well. Hope we get back to the main characters next week, at least Touma is in it. Looks like we will be meeting another 300 new charters soon. What's the clusterfuck here though? It's literally all just concluding/building up on previous things mentioned like Accelerator looking into how his collar is designed in earlier episodes Yeah sorry, you pretty much lost me on what you're lost about to be honest, it's all been pretty straight forward, the most that got cut was Saiai's fight with Stephanie but everything else is more or less as in the LN even. Could you be more specific? perhaps I can clear your confusion Well technically all the things are there, without some good old Kamachi narration it’s hard to make sense of it. |
"You had no free will, you chased your vices along the same path as all of the others." - Shikieiki Yamaxanadu, Diamond in the rough |
Feb 1, 2019 2:34 PM
ap1001 said: Tiau said: Crashmatt said: Tiau said: maybe the fact I don't have a clue what's going one. You jump from one scene to the next it just feels like a group of events thrown together. LN reader have the advantage here, im feeling pretty lost with it all.Crashmatt said: Another clusterfuck of an episode. LN reader will still claim all is well. Hope we get back to the main characters next week, at least Touma is in it. Looks like we will be meeting another 300 new charters soon. What's the clusterfuck here though? It's literally all just concluding/building up on previous things mentioned like Accelerator looking into how his collar is designed in earlier episodes Yeah sorry, you pretty much lost me on what you're lost about to be honest, it's all been pretty straight forward, the most that got cut was Saiai's fight with Stephanie but everything else is more or less as in the LN even. Could you be more specific? perhaps I can clear your confusion Well technically all the things are there, without some good old Kamachi narration it’s hard to make sense of it. In some arcs I'd wholeheartedly agree, but at least in this episode they did a really good job at it, even kept some of the things only described in narration like Aiwass's "sword wings', they really did do DRAGON properly which is kinda funny since a lot of people forgot about the side stuff that went on in this arc so for a lot of them it felt fresh |
Feb 1, 2019 2:43 PM
Tiau said: thx for the answersComander-07 said: Every single time I watch an episode of this season Im like "Oh yeah I guess I finally follow the plot" only for the second half to come and Im again like "Nani the fuck who is this, what is going on" So, Aiwass. Who is he. What is he. What connection does he have with alister. What are his intentions. Also, wasnt Mugino in the same squad as the other girl here? Can we take a moment to appreciate how Railgun is the only level 5 who is not entirely insane? When Im thinking about this, arent we missing the number 5? IIRC he was introduced in before Russia. So, judging from the pv Touma is about to punch someone again next week. Does he already know who it will be? Or was it just his regular pose? Im not following anymore. Why is everyone out to kill substitute MC? Why is Last Order suddenly important again? Why did Aiwass tell Alister to not let her die? Why is Accelerators pager such a plot device? Why did they have to nerf him in this stupid way? Why is his character page still wrong? What the fuck are the aztecs doing here? PS: So substitue MC got his romance going. Step up your game Touma. I need more Railgun screentime or I will have to say this is on the same level as Toyou Ghoul adaptions. PPS: I cant wait to get back to the girl squad in Railgun 3 again. I mean this time around, those are all questions you're supposed to be asking, you're not supposed to know what Aiwass is or even his goals yet as hes a mysterious entity that's related to Aleister both in real life and in the series. and yes Mugino was the leader of ITEM, honestly I'd say Mikoto is just as obsessive and crazy, Railgun anime cut it but she used to stalk and try to fight Touma not so different from how Mugino does to Hamazura(of course, not to the death entirely, but still quite annoying). I'd say Accelerator is the least crazy one since he originally just wanted to be left alone. Last Order was always important, I'd say rewatch season 2, now if you're wondering why she's of interest right now, just watch the next arc since explaining would just be spoiling. As for Accelerator's collar, as you can tell in this arc he actually managed to fix that weakness, so hes not so nerfed anymore. Aztecs came for Etzali, just like the girl before in battle royale, if you're wondering why Etzali was here since the first season he originally was tasked to keep a eye on(and eventually take out) Kamijou Touma but since his defeat he was working for AC(against his will like everyone else in group) Shouldnt they have simply skipped the aztecs then? In the end they accomplished nothing, screentime wasted could have been used better, especially with how rushed it is already |
"This emotion is mine alone. It is for Madoka alone." - Homura or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. |
Feb 1, 2019 3:01 PM
Comander-07 said: Tiau said: thx for the answersComander-07 said: Every single time I watch an episode of this season Im like "Oh yeah I guess I finally follow the plot" only for the second half to come and Im again like "Nani the fuck who is this, what is going on" So, Aiwass. Who is he. What is he. What connection does he have with alister. What are his intentions. Also, wasnt Mugino in the same squad as the other girl here? Can we take a moment to appreciate how Railgun is the only level 5 who is not entirely insane? When Im thinking about this, arent we missing the number 5? IIRC he was introduced in before Russia. So, judging from the pv Touma is about to punch someone again next week. Does he already know who it will be? Or was it just his regular pose? Im not following anymore. Why is everyone out to kill substitute MC? Why is Last Order suddenly important again? Why did Aiwass tell Alister to not let her die? Why is Accelerators pager such a plot device? Why did they have to nerf him in this stupid way? Why is his character page still wrong? What the fuck are the aztecs doing here? PS: So substitue MC got his romance going. Step up your game Touma. I need more Railgun screentime or I will have to say this is on the same level as Toyou Ghoul adaptions. PPS: I cant wait to get back to the girl squad in Railgun 3 again. I mean this time around, those are all questions you're supposed to be asking, you're not supposed to know what Aiwass is or even his goals yet as hes a mysterious entity that's related to Aleister both in real life and in the series. and yes Mugino was the leader of ITEM, honestly I'd say Mikoto is just as obsessive and crazy, Railgun anime cut it but she used to stalk and try to fight Touma not so different from how Mugino does to Hamazura(of course, not to the death entirely, but still quite annoying). I'd say Accelerator is the least crazy one since he originally just wanted to be left alone. Last Order was always important, I'd say rewatch season 2, now if you're wondering why she's of interest right now, just watch the next arc since explaining would just be spoiling. As for Accelerator's collar, as you can tell in this arc he actually managed to fix that weakness, so hes not so nerfed anymore. Aztecs came for Etzali, just like the girl before in battle royale, if you're wondering why Etzali was here since the first season he originally was tasked to keep a eye on(and eventually take out) Kamijou Touma but since his defeat he was working for AC(against his will like everyone else in group) Shouldnt they have simply skipped the aztecs then? In the end they accomplished nothing, screentime wasted could have been used better, especially with how rushed it is already Well, its still apart of his own side story and does continue on later while also giving the audience more insight on how grimores can work as well as other styles of magic in-universe. And there really isn't much else they would feature in its place, considering the only real cuts is Stephanie's fight who is significantly less important than them overall, they actually covered a decent amount this arc |
Feb 1, 2019 4:45 PM
Feb 1, 2019 5:57 PM
Paul said: He shot some glass and the shards fell at the exact keypad buttons needed to initiate the room. Wow. Just fucking wow. And people still think that Touma is the one with the biggest plot armor in this series, heh. Granted they butchered his fight scenes with Mugino, but even in the book I really have a hard time believing that Hamazura actually outplayed her. |
Feb 1, 2019 7:56 PM
Tiau said: the problem with this season is they try feature too much already. Skip the unimportant parts and focus on the main characters. This adaption just doesnt flow right. Every episode is so disconnected. So there is already enough to feature even without side plebsComander-07 said: Tiau said: Comander-07 said: Every single time I watch an episode of this season Im like "Oh yeah I guess I finally follow the plot" only for the second half to come and Im again like "Nani the fuck who is this, what is going on" So, Aiwass. Who is he. What is he. What connection does he have with alister. What are his intentions. Also, wasnt Mugino in the same squad as the other girl here? Can we take a moment to appreciate how Railgun is the only level 5 who is not entirely insane? When Im thinking about this, arent we missing the number 5? IIRC he was introduced in before Russia. So, judging from the pv Touma is about to punch someone again next week. Does he already know who it will be? Or was it just his regular pose? Im not following anymore. Why is everyone out to kill substitute MC? Why is Last Order suddenly important again? Why did Aiwass tell Alister to not let her die? Why is Accelerators pager such a plot device? Why did they have to nerf him in this stupid way? Why is his character page still wrong? What the fuck are the aztecs doing here? PS: So substitue MC got his romance going. Step up your game Touma. I need more Railgun screentime or I will have to say this is on the same level as Toyou Ghoul adaptions. PPS: I cant wait to get back to the girl squad in Railgun 3 again. I mean this time around, those are all questions you're supposed to be asking, you're not supposed to know what Aiwass is or even his goals yet as hes a mysterious entity that's related to Aleister both in real life and in the series. and yes Mugino was the leader of ITEM, honestly I'd say Mikoto is just as obsessive and crazy, Railgun anime cut it but she used to stalk and try to fight Touma not so different from how Mugino does to Hamazura(of course, not to the death entirely, but still quite annoying). I'd say Accelerator is the least crazy one since he originally just wanted to be left alone. Last Order was always important, I'd say rewatch season 2, now if you're wondering why she's of interest right now, just watch the next arc since explaining would just be spoiling. As for Accelerator's collar, as you can tell in this arc he actually managed to fix that weakness, so hes not so nerfed anymore. Aztecs came for Etzali, just like the girl before in battle royale, if you're wondering why Etzali was here since the first season he originally was tasked to keep a eye on(and eventually take out) Kamijou Touma but since his defeat he was working for AC(against his will like everyone else in group) Shouldnt they have simply skipped the aztecs then? In the end they accomplished nothing, screentime wasted could have been used better, especially with how rushed it is already Well, its still apart of his own side story and does continue on later while also giving the audience more insight on how grimores can work as well as other styles of magic in-universe. And there really isn't much else they would feature in its place, considering the only real cuts is Stephanie's fight who is significantly less important than them overall, they actually covered a decent amount this arc |
"This emotion is mine alone. It is for Madoka alone." - Homura or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. |
Feb 1, 2019 8:29 PM
Boi they wanted to get us to Russia QUICK! still no matter what i refuse to believe Hamazura could handle Meltdowner not once but twice even if she let her guard down due to her obsession with him but it was just another thing i was like okay ill ride with this. we got 9 episode to cover 3 volumes? what can go wrong |
Feb 1, 2019 11:54 PM
I still somewhat annoyed at the fact DRAGON arc have a way better adaptation than Battle Royale Arc did in this season. Oh well at least I was glad that Aiwass' screen-time was handled so well here. As for Mugino........ I wonder did the anime-only fans confused at her left arm being a cyborg arm, since they literally skipped the scene where Mugino blow up her own arm back in the BR arc. Crashmatt said: LN reader will still claim all is well. Which LN readers did you referring? Because most of the LN readers I have seen are not happy with how season 3 was portrayed. |
Feb 2, 2019 2:41 AM
Hmm talk about a self destructive spell though. If anything Sugitani isn't really evil but he just has his own thoughts on what good and evil is. Despite the grim situation its nice that Kinuhata, Accelerator and Etzali managed to defeat their opponents. Looks like Hamazura has become quite the target though. So dragon was that figure huh. To think that Hamazura ended up being saved by none other than Mugino man he just has the worst luck. Though the fight was tense Hamazura sure offsetted Mugino's might with his cunning. Curious to see where this arc goes as the situation gets worst within the city. Its nice that Hamazura finally got his wish of being with Takitsubo. Guess all paths lead to Russia. |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Feb 2, 2019 5:48 AM
Comander-07 said: Tiau said: the problem with this season is they try feature too much already. Skip the unimportant parts and focus on the main characters. This adaption just doesnt flow right. Every episode is so disconnected. So there is already enough to feature even without side plebsComander-07 said: Tiau said: thx for the answersComander-07 said: Every single time I watch an episode of this season Im like "Oh yeah I guess I finally follow the plot" only for the second half to come and Im again like "Nani the fuck who is this, what is going on" So, Aiwass. Who is he. What is he. What connection does he have with alister. What are his intentions. Also, wasnt Mugino in the same squad as the other girl here? Can we take a moment to appreciate how Railgun is the only level 5 who is not entirely insane? When Im thinking about this, arent we missing the number 5? IIRC he was introduced in before Russia. So, judging from the pv Touma is about to punch someone again next week. Does he already know who it will be? Or was it just his regular pose? Im not following anymore. Why is everyone out to kill substitute MC? Why is Last Order suddenly important again? Why did Aiwass tell Alister to not let her die? Why is Accelerators pager such a plot device? Why did they have to nerf him in this stupid way? Why is his character page still wrong? What the fuck are the aztecs doing here? PS: So substitue MC got his romance going. Step up your game Touma. I need more Railgun screentime or I will have to say this is on the same level as Toyou Ghoul adaptions. PPS: I cant wait to get back to the girl squad in Railgun 3 again. I mean this time around, those are all questions you're supposed to be asking, you're not supposed to know what Aiwass is or even his goals yet as hes a mysterious entity that's related to Aleister both in real life and in the series. and yes Mugino was the leader of ITEM, honestly I'd say Mikoto is just as obsessive and crazy, Railgun anime cut it but she used to stalk and try to fight Touma not so different from how Mugino does to Hamazura(of course, not to the death entirely, but still quite annoying). I'd say Accelerator is the least crazy one since he originally just wanted to be left alone. Last Order was always important, I'd say rewatch season 2, now if you're wondering why she's of interest right now, just watch the next arc since explaining would just be spoiling. As for Accelerator's collar, as you can tell in this arc he actually managed to fix that weakness, so hes not so nerfed anymore. Aztecs came for Etzali, just like the girl before in battle royale, if you're wondering why Etzali was here since the first season he originally was tasked to keep a eye on(and eventually take out) Kamijou Touma but since his defeat he was working for AC(against his will like everyone else in group) Shouldnt they have simply skipped the aztecs then? In the end they accomplished nothing, screentime wasted could have been used better, especially with how rushed it is already Well, its still apart of his own side story and does continue on later while also giving the audience more insight on how grimores can work as well as other styles of magic in-universe. And there really isn't much else they would feature in its place, considering the only real cuts is Stephanie's fight who is significantly less important than them overall, they actually covered a decent amount this arc While that may have been true for BR(the second arc) the thing here is that they adapted this one quite well all the way through, like I said before barring stuff from Stephanie and the spark signal terrorists which they skipped entirely it’s actually really accurate. It shouldn’t have felt disconnected because it’s all just been stuff that’s been directly connected, barring you know Mugino coming back which is set like a terminator returning out of nowhere(which was actually done right), the whole DRAGON search is literally all GROUP was doing, just so happened that the Aztecs were also infiltrating to get to Etzali anyways. Then Saiai vs Stephanie went on for pretty much all three episodes. |
Feb 2, 2019 11:01 AM
Apparently the gang is headed to Russia to prevent WW3 |
Feb 2, 2019 2:21 PM
Feb 2, 2019 5:59 PM
The next arc will be interesting for sure, hope that will be the saving grace of this series. Keeping my expectations on a medium level. Still enjoying this season a lot, even though i don't wth is going on at times. |
Feb 2, 2019 10:05 PM
Two more ships to go... or was there more? |
Give me at least 5 minutes to modify my post before quoting me. (refreshing page advised) |
Feb 3, 2019 1:10 AM
I find it acceptable that they at least did an adequate job of building up to WW3. I can actually forgive how they rush each individual fights in this arc. Here's hoping we get a good final arc! |
Feb 3, 2019 4:35 AM
Took me 3 weeks but I mustered the motivation to watch this again. I was reminded why I stopped. This felt better than BR arc overall but fuck me the transitions were still god awful. Aiwass's introduction was lame af too, wth was that. Heh, been away for a while but I am noticing the "they totally rushed this arc for the sake of that other arc in the future!" comments have almost completely died down. Can I be smug, finally? Or do I still have to wait for WWIII to be mediocre, too, first? |
Feb 3, 2019 5:35 AM
I know for japan fans hates this kind of adaptation and deg showed me the BD Sales which was a major flop. Just to let you know that I read comments of what they think about it and they said that it was mediocre with terrible animation in youtube. |
Vernon-and-MythFeb 3, 2019 5:39 AM
Feb 3, 2019 7:49 AM
Yeah...shatter glass push random buttons and MAGIC. It's working! |
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there." "Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life." |
Feb 3, 2019 3:22 PM
Tiau said: I just dont see the point of the aztecs being there when everything is already so fast paced. They should have probably split this season in 2 parts, use the upcoming accelerator spinoff to show the science part and focus on the magic part here, after accelerator they could have gone back to part 2, basically what is coming nextComander-07 said: Tiau said: Comander-07 said: Tiau said: thx for the answersComander-07 said: Every single time I watch an episode of this season Im like "Oh yeah I guess I finally follow the plot" only for the second half to come and Im again like "Nani the fuck who is this, what is going on" So, Aiwass. Who is he. What is he. What connection does he have with alister. What are his intentions. Also, wasnt Mugino in the same squad as the other girl here? Can we take a moment to appreciate how Railgun is the only level 5 who is not entirely insane? When Im thinking about this, arent we missing the number 5? IIRC he was introduced in before Russia. So, judging from the pv Touma is about to punch someone again next week. Does he already know who it will be? Or was it just his regular pose? Im not following anymore. Why is everyone out to kill substitute MC? Why is Last Order suddenly important again? Why did Aiwass tell Alister to not let her die? Why is Accelerators pager such a plot device? Why did they have to nerf him in this stupid way? Why is his character page still wrong? What the fuck are the aztecs doing here? PS: So substitue MC got his romance going. Step up your game Touma. I need more Railgun screentime or I will have to say this is on the same level as Toyou Ghoul adaptions. PPS: I cant wait to get back to the girl squad in Railgun 3 again. I mean this time around, those are all questions you're supposed to be asking, you're not supposed to know what Aiwass is or even his goals yet as hes a mysterious entity that's related to Aleister both in real life and in the series. and yes Mugino was the leader of ITEM, honestly I'd say Mikoto is just as obsessive and crazy, Railgun anime cut it but she used to stalk and try to fight Touma not so different from how Mugino does to Hamazura(of course, not to the death entirely, but still quite annoying). I'd say Accelerator is the least crazy one since he originally just wanted to be left alone. Last Order was always important, I'd say rewatch season 2, now if you're wondering why she's of interest right now, just watch the next arc since explaining would just be spoiling. As for Accelerator's collar, as you can tell in this arc he actually managed to fix that weakness, so hes not so nerfed anymore. Aztecs came for Etzali, just like the girl before in battle royale, if you're wondering why Etzali was here since the first season he originally was tasked to keep a eye on(and eventually take out) Kamijou Touma but since his defeat he was working for AC(against his will like everyone else in group) Shouldnt they have simply skipped the aztecs then? In the end they accomplished nothing, screentime wasted could have been used better, especially with how rushed it is already Well, its still apart of his own side story and does continue on later while also giving the audience more insight on how grimores can work as well as other styles of magic in-universe. And there really isn't much else they would feature in its place, considering the only real cuts is Stephanie's fight who is significantly less important than them overall, they actually covered a decent amount this arc While that may have been true for BR(the second arc) the thing here is that they adapted this one quite well all the way through, like I said before barring stuff from Stephanie and the spark signal terrorists which they skipped entirely it’s actually really accurate. It shouldn’t have felt disconnected because it’s all just been stuff that’s been directly connected, barring you know Mugino coming back which is set like a terminator returning out of nowhere(which was actually done right), the whole DRAGON search is literally all GROUP was doing, just so happened that the Aztecs were also infiltrating to get to Etzali anyways. Then Saiai vs Stephanie went on for pretty much all three episodes. |
"This emotion is mine alone. It is for Madoka alone." - Homura or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. |
Feb 3, 2019 5:48 PM
Comander-07 said: Tiau said: I just dont see the point of the aztecs being there when everything is already so fast paced. They should have probably split this season in 2 parts, use the upcoming accelerator spinoff to show the science part and focus on the magic part here, after accelerator they could have gone back to part 2, basically what is coming nextComander-07 said: Tiau said: the problem with this season is they try feature too much already. Skip the unimportant parts and focus on the main characters. This adaption just doesnt flow right. Every episode is so disconnected. So there is already enough to feature even without side plebsComander-07 said: Tiau said: thx for the answersComander-07 said: Every single time I watch an episode of this season Im like "Oh yeah I guess I finally follow the plot" only for the second half to come and Im again like "Nani the fuck who is this, what is going on" So, Aiwass. Who is he. What is he. What connection does he have with alister. What are his intentions. Also, wasnt Mugino in the same squad as the other girl here? Can we take a moment to appreciate how Railgun is the only level 5 who is not entirely insane? When Im thinking about this, arent we missing the number 5? IIRC he was introduced in before Russia. So, judging from the pv Touma is about to punch someone again next week. Does he already know who it will be? Or was it just his regular pose? Im not following anymore. Why is everyone out to kill substitute MC? Why is Last Order suddenly important again? Why did Aiwass tell Alister to not let her die? Why is Accelerators pager such a plot device? Why did they have to nerf him in this stupid way? Why is his character page still wrong? What the fuck are the aztecs doing here? PS: So substitue MC got his romance going. Step up your game Touma. I need more Railgun screentime or I will have to say this is on the same level as Toyou Ghoul adaptions. PPS: I cant wait to get back to the girl squad in Railgun 3 again. I mean this time around, those are all questions you're supposed to be asking, you're not supposed to know what Aiwass is or even his goals yet as hes a mysterious entity that's related to Aleister both in real life and in the series. and yes Mugino was the leader of ITEM, honestly I'd say Mikoto is just as obsessive and crazy, Railgun anime cut it but she used to stalk and try to fight Touma not so different from how Mugino does to Hamazura(of course, not to the death entirely, but still quite annoying). I'd say Accelerator is the least crazy one since he originally just wanted to be left alone. Last Order was always important, I'd say rewatch season 2, now if you're wondering why she's of interest right now, just watch the next arc since explaining would just be spoiling. As for Accelerator's collar, as you can tell in this arc he actually managed to fix that weakness, so hes not so nerfed anymore. Aztecs came for Etzali, just like the girl before in battle royale, if you're wondering why Etzali was here since the first season he originally was tasked to keep a eye on(and eventually take out) Kamijou Touma but since his defeat he was working for AC(against his will like everyone else in group) Shouldnt they have simply skipped the aztecs then? In the end they accomplished nothing, screentime wasted could have been used better, especially with how rushed it is already Well, its still apart of his own side story and does continue on later while also giving the audience more insight on how grimores can work as well as other styles of magic in-universe. And there really isn't much else they would feature in its place, considering the only real cuts is Stephanie's fight who is significantly less important than them overall, they actually covered a decent amount this arc While that may have been true for BR(the second arc) the thing here is that they adapted this one quite well all the way through, like I said before barring stuff from Stephanie and the spark signal terrorists which they skipped entirely it’s actually really accurate. It shouldn’t have felt disconnected because it’s all just been stuff that’s been directly connected, barring you know Mugino coming back which is set like a terminator returning out of nowhere(which was actually done right), the whole DRAGON search is literally all GROUP was doing, just so happened that the Aztecs were also infiltrating to get to Etzali anyways. Then Saiai vs Stephanie went on for pretty much all three episodes. Hmm, but the issue is that the Accelerator spinoff has its own arc, and trust me that'd be weird since its nowhere near the same point chronology, but I do respect your opinion. But at least this is the last time that plot point comes up since its basically concluded, now its just Russia and only Russia |
Feb 4, 2019 2:04 AM
Sucks for that Aztec "rabbit" girl with half her bones missing use as a sacrifice. Looks like they finally did it right with Mugino's missing left arm. Pretty stupid of them to censor it (or unintentionally forget to draw it out) in the previous episode she appeared in, since they wouldn't be able to do this episode justice otherwise. I hope they fix the missing arm thing in the BDs, though I'm not holding my breath. Hamazura is an interesting character...despite having no powers or abilities, he apparently has the devil's luck and/or the adaptability and thinking of MacGyver to get out of any situation with stuff around him to the point of absurdity (just short of transforming a jet-ski out of a coffin instantly). I'd say he is simultaneously the unluckiest guy (all of academy city literally wants to kill him) and the single most [i]luckiest[i] dude in the whole series out of the three main protagonists (the other two being Touma and Accelerator)...especially since he's the first and only one to get a girlfriend and a hot kiss, lol. Since Kinuhata called Hamazura...I'm guessing she made it out somehow? I can't wait for the WWIII arc...ultra-excited. |
Feb 4, 2019 3:26 AM
4kicks said: I hope they fix the missing arm thing in the BDs, though I'm not holding my breath. BD is already released and J.C Staff don't even bother to fix Miguno's missing arm issue, aside of uncensored Frenda's corpse (It's wasn't much different than the TV version, though) and some unnecessary color changes on some scenes. |
Feb 4, 2019 8:23 AM
is there a lot of stuff to cover or is this going to be the end of the novel? |
"Even if it has good reviews, if I don't like it then it is shit" -Some random anime character |
Feb 4, 2019 5:33 PM
only 3 volumes more ( in 9 episodes ) then it's the end of the first novel series ( old testament ) |
Feb 4, 2019 5:35 PM
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