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Nov 9, 2018 4:53 AM

Nov 2011
Seems there's some internal problems within the council about an upcoming play. Sayaka may not be so sweet after all especially towards Yuu.

Well, this definitely gave me an impression for an episode that turns up the drama more. Still, it looks like Yuu and Touko's bond still remains strong and that's what is important. Glad to see also more focus on Touko as it's important for her characterization.

Loved the visual quality of the show as usual. Many of the background scenes and moments feels like a phenomenal work of art.
Stark700Nov 9, 2018 6:31 AM
Nov 9, 2018 7:03 AM

Feb 2010
Yup, senpai sure is unfair~
Nov 9, 2018 7:31 AM
Jan 2018
They added anime oringal content in this episode and only covers 1 chapter I think so the pacing may feel a bit odd
Nov 9, 2018 11:53 AM
Jul 2018
Now, this is what I call a great episode!
So, we got a huge insight on what drives Nanami to be the perfect, reliable, "ideal" person she is. It shocked me a lot to have the truth revealed. Even though I had my suspicions something similar must had happened, I just had no idea it was her sister.
Yuu keeps chasing the opportunity to finally feel something for someone, and is willing to do anything for it, including lying and manipulating Nanami. Not sure how to feel about what she did, and how she's using Nanami-senpai for her own purpose. This said, they are both using each other, so it should be only "fair" Yuu does it too.
At last, Saeki is clearly not in "Yuu's team", and her jealousy seem to have grown considerably from last episode. I wonder how it will end, and what will she do to keep Nanami-senpai to herself.

Side note: The visuals and sound on this episode seemed even better than usual. The scene of them walking to each other might be one of my fav things in anime till date.
removed-userNov 9, 2018 1:49 PM
Nov 9, 2018 12:10 PM

Oct 2018
Why does every anime have to feature death or loss of a loved one to try to manipulate or steer the viewer's feelings in some direction? Is there actually a show with all family members alive? Perhaps it's not necessarily bad but in this case the show has already masterfully transmitted profound feelings with its unique main character and contemplative and credible pacing.

Anyway, still loved this episode just like all the other ones. Time to rewatch this another ten times like the last episode :3
Nov 9, 2018 12:48 PM

Mar 2014
I AM STILL SCREAMING FROM WHAT, THREE HEART-STOPPING BOMBS DROPPED WITH PERFECT VISUAL AND SOUND DESIGN? I'm not even mad about them using the expectations-from-older-sister trope since we confront Nanami on it right away and it's cleverly used to fortify the basis for Koito's desire to change. AND THEN THAT POST-CREDITS SCENE HAPPENS SO NOW THESE TWO SECRETLY HAVE OPPOSING GOALS-- MY HEART IS REACHING ITS LIMIT.
Nov 9, 2018 1:16 PM
Jul 2018
The scene where Yuu talked to Nanami about her sister was the best thing ever imo. Really stunning.
Nov 9, 2018 1:48 PM
Jul 2018
Yuzuraa said:
The scene where Yuu talked to Nanami about her sister was the best thing ever imo. Really stunning.

I'd say the after math was also brilliant, the way they made them walking to each other, and the way Yuu answered "Hai" to every wish, gosh the sound + atmosphere was brilliant! Visuals too!
Nov 9, 2018 1:51 PM

Mar 2016
This show is hitting all the right notes so far, and I love it.
Nov 9, 2018 1:58 PM

Jan 2018
I wanted to slap Sayaka. Stop getting in the way of love!
Nov 9, 2018 2:02 PM
Mar 2018
It's a masterpiece
Nov 9, 2018 2:08 PM
Aug 2018
this is like a type of love no one has ever seen before in anime. at the end where touko said, "never fall in love with me" is like what?? so she wants to love suddenly love someone who doesn't know her, but if they change and fall in love with her she won't love them anymore? man, that's kind of savage but also scary lol idek why
Nov 9, 2018 3:06 PM

Apr 2018
I am so so glad the book draft was brought up again and very early in the episode too.
I spent the entirety of the last epi nervous beyond belief because I didn't know what happened to the draft and couldn't stop thinking that some drama will result from it. Welp.
Now that I'm pacified I should probably rewatch the last episode bc the second half was really sweet.
Nov 9, 2018 3:07 PM

Jul 2014
I think things are getting mildly messed up, with Nanami "shackling" and Koito lying and generally making decisions out of loneliness.

Wonder how they'll deal with that going forward.
Nov 9, 2018 3:18 PM
Mar 2015
Loved them walking toward each other step by step as Yuu agreed to Touko 's terms for their relationship
Nov 9, 2018 4:08 PM

Mar 2017
What lingers me now is that, what was Sayaka's status all this time? I'm guessing she never confessed to Touko/anyone, she was all "being there" and supporting her, no different than what Yuu has started doing right? What kept Touko from taking interest in her first? Now it's really like Yuu is taking over that safe haven from her (& from the looks of it I guess she's also started realizing that Touko sees Yuu as more than just a kouhai). It's only natural for Sayaka to be that irritated :)
nr101Nov 9, 2018 4:21 PM
Nov 9, 2018 4:14 PM

Jul 2017
Interesting episode that is slowly unraveling the drama side of the story.

They still are doing well which is a good thing.
Nov 9, 2018 4:41 PM

Apr 2015
This was absolutely stunning. The visuals, the sound, was perfect. The scene with the steps was just amazing.
Nov 9, 2018 4:43 PM

Jun 2014
This is a brilliant show, I love it! I thought the animation was a little subpar at some part of the episode, especialyl in the beginning but oh boy did the direction ramp up this week. All these insights of the characters was just amazing and the ending that seems like the finale of an arc and repeating the last scene but with Nanami's thought.

This is my AOTS.
Nov 9, 2018 5:03 PM

Dec 2014
Damn, that was a pretty character heavy episode. We got some real nice insight into both Touko and Yuu's character. Great episode though.

The irony that Yuu wants to keep Touko close by any way she can so she can perhaps learn to love and reproduce the feelings Nanami has for her in contrast with Touko who finally managed to find comfort in someone and free her from her lonely struggles, someone who she knew would be incapable of reproducing her own feelings and perhaps that is exactly why she is able to find comfort in her. It's a strange, interesting and very unique dynamic. I don't recall watching a show particularly a romance show with this kind of dynamic. It's unique in the sense that if Yuu can learn to love Touko then Touko will be unable to find comfort in her because the Yuu who learns to love may not be the Yuu that Touko can find comfort in. It's a strange mutually exclusive sorta relationship, if it works for one, it won't work for the other. I'm interested in what direction the story will go from here.

Okay, who the hell wrote all these complicated characters? Where's my wholesome Yuri? Huh? Where? XD
Nov 9, 2018 5:16 PM

Mar 2009
These two have some serious issues.
Nov 9, 2018 5:16 PM

Oct 2013
Well, this episode certainly turned up the drama a few notches. My feels. ;__;

Loving the adaptation, been a while since I read the manga but everything with the anime seems perfect in terms of pacing so far. The last few scenes including the one by the river were heart-wrenching as we see both Yuu and Nanami struggling to maintain a relationship in which they each secretly have different goals.

It's been long enough since I read the manga that I don't precisely remember how all this conflict resolves, so I'm eagerly awaiting every new ep.

AOTS so far, and it's been a great season to get back into anime in general for me.
Nov 9, 2018 5:31 PM
Jul 2018
These characters are a bit too developed and realistic for me to handle. I've read the manga and this is already such a damn good adaptation. Lmao, I can't wait for the sports arc, it'd be great to see what happens.
Nov 9, 2018 5:48 PM
Mar 2017
The truth about Touko's goal was quite impressive.
Touko had an older sister and she was also president of the student council, but she could not perform the play, since she died in a traffic accident and now Touko wants to do what her sister could not do, besides living her life under the shadow of a perfect sister, this thanks to the wishes imposed by Touko's family, a very sad life (personally speaking)
Sayaka today was quite agressive with Yuu, she thinks the little kouhai wants to sabotage the play, but in reality Yuu just wants to be sure to recommend her friend Koyomi to write the script. The second half of the episode was masterfully beautiful, all the audiovisual elements were executed to perfection (thank you TROYCA for the perfect job). Touko was selfish when she talk to Yuu like that, she knows that Yuu will not leave her alone, despite the cruel objective that she has, which is to live the life of her sister until finishing the play, but after that, what is she going to do?
In the end Yuu promise again to Touko that she will be with her and help her when she needs her, knowing that Yuu is a good girl and that she does not feel love for her is what makes this relationship perfect for her, but what will happen when Yuu really falls in love with Touko? The ending of today felt like the end of the first act, I hope that the second part shows us more of how the feelings of both girls change and grow.
Nov 9, 2018 5:52 PM
Jun 2017
My favorite episode so far, that last line by nanami shock me... but before that i would like to say how nanami is lucky to have koito. She is really always beside her when she needed the most. Plus i can consider koito as a real true friend since she is really willing to be at her side amidst knowing her true persona- the one with her real self (weak one) and the special one (imitating her sister)...

Regarding nanami's past- its hard to pretend to be others, and thats what she is doing, thats why she became a SC president, being special among others and really pushing the stage play since its all of her older sister works and personality. Thats why it said on the episode amidst the fact she can show her true self to koito, she still wants to be a special since other people are liking it..

And thr lines that shock me;
(While they are holding hands)

Nanami: "... i love you:
Koito: "thank you..."
Nanami: "i hope you would never change"
*koito agreed on it

Then on the last line of the episode, Nanami's POV;
Nanami: "i hope you would never love me"
*then ending credits shown

It shock me as if she is satisfied with that kind of relationship they have right now. Or in my opinion, i think what she really feels for her is not love, but a sense of comfortability, that she will never be alone. I dont know but anyways i love this episode and the series so much that i consider it as one of the best drama aired this 2018...
FouAlterNov 9, 2018 6:06 PM
Nov 9, 2018 8:52 PM

Jan 2012
KazaneSan said:
Shit just got real...

It looks like this show is gearing up for quite a dramatic second half.
Nov 9, 2018 8:55 PM

Mar 2016
I didn't like the part about the perfect older sister dying, but I still loved the episode. I think I am finally understanding the title of this story.
Nov 9, 2018 10:55 PM

Sep 2018
Great episode, the animation quality is climbing back up. I feel like the teacher's reveal about Touko's sister could've followed the manga and showed a shot from her sister's perspective, which would convey a lot more emotion. Having the entire conversation take place in the hallway seems like a bit of a missed opportunity.

One line of the subs that bothered me a bit was when Touko talked about love. "If I loved her the way she is now, then that means I would stop feeling that way if she ever changed, right?" Although the subs could still be taken to mean that way, it is originally meant to be a quote. "Phrases like 'I love the way you are now', doesn't that mean that I will stop loving you if you don't remain the way you are?"
Again, I know that the subs can still be interpreted that way, but the way it is written guides the audience to think that the main reason she didn't want Yuu to change was that she wanted to stay in love with her, when it's more likely to be because she does not want to have expectations put on her by her only place of comfort. The two takeaways can eventually be connected to one another, but I feel like the starting link is important
Nov 9, 2018 11:50 PM

Aug 2017
So, Nanami's sister was killed in a traffic accident. And because of that she imitate her behavior.
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In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Nov 10, 2018 12:41 AM

Jul 2017
This adaptation is so freaking good. I haven't watched anything I enjoyed this much in a long time; finally a new anime with some patience, tact, and an interesting romance story that gets more complex by the episode without becoming even a little bit convoluted.

Touko needs Yuu not to love her. Yuu knows that, and so it's precisely because she loves Touko back that she has to lie about her feelings (to herself and Touko), and assure her that she won't ever change. Yet she wants to change so badly, and indeed she already has without realizing... but at the same time, she knows if she does, Touko might leave her. A simple idea, but such complex emotions to try to deal with; I've never seen it portrayed so clearly and concisely in fiction before.

Perfect execution thus far!
Nov 10, 2018 12:50 AM
Sep 2018
nilagoreng said:
What lingers me now is that, what was Sayaka's status all this time? I'm guessing she never confessed to Touko/anyone, she was all "being there" and supporting her, no different than what Yuu has started doing right? What kept Touko from taking interest in her first? Now it's really like Yuu is taking over that safe haven from her (& from the looks of it I guess she's also started realizing that Touko sees Yuu as more than just a kouhai). It's only natural for Sayaka to be that irritated :)
They support her in different ways. Sayaka supports the 'ideal' Touko and Yuu is someone that Touko can be herself around. The primary reason is that Touko thinks Yuu will never 'shackle' her with love.
Nov 10, 2018 1:41 AM

May 2015
The episode started with Yuu thinking „ I want to find a way to make myself look at her the same way that she always looks at me”; then, when, at 19:14, after Touko asked „can we hold hands while we walk?” Yuu looks at her, her eyes are so full of affection, almost love, that I suppose her wish is near to be fulfilled.

Yeah, this was a great episode. I loved that scene at the river, so carefully executed, where their physical distance reflects how far they are from accepting each other, just like the river reflects their figures, and then the rumbling of the passing-by train slowing the subjective time – just like it did in the kissing scene – emphasises again the change of the mood, the importance of the moment: Touko opens up and discloses to Yuu her primary motivation which is more important to her than the love she feels for her. Now Yuu is the one who needs to make the effort – perhaps the first time in their relationship – to decrease the distance between them – both physically by skipping across the stepping stones in the river which by now has separated them, and both mentally by giving up the selfish thought of manipulating Touko through her love which she has thought, up to now, unconditioned.
IshitatesoNov 10, 2018 8:56 AM
夏草や 兵どもが 夢の跡
Nov 10, 2018 4:04 AM

Aug 2008
Wow, this shit's become even better and deeper than what I thought. After that train kissing scene, the watching experience has gotten better for me.

And now I fully understand the chemistry of the setting. At first I thought it was traditional lesbian romance, with some drama here and there. But this episode lays it out plainly.
While both are lonely and introverted, and lacking in love life, Yuu has still not figured out that the reason Touko likes her is because her quirk pertaining to her inability to romantically love someone.

Yuu wants to graduate from it, and eventually get the feeling of loving somebody romantically. Touko wants her precisely because of that trait though.

And it's pretty evident Yuu will at some point develop those feelings, but at that point, Touko may lose interest on her.

That's quite interesting and divergent from most romance stories I've seen. And the anime's well made too, so it's one my favorites this season. I'm expecting lots of drama!
That's quite a first as of late, since I don't tend to like the genre as much lately.
Nov 10, 2018 4:05 AM
Sep 2018
robben132 said:
I think they're making it overly dramatic. Have no idea what dead sister and impostor syndrome brings here. Also, don't like the next episode intro monologue, sounded too cruel for this show, more like something from Kuzu no Honkai.
From what I understand, this show is trying to communicate the complexity of emotions and human relationships that most media fail to. As such it's using two opposed viewpoints of love from two very different people to emphasise this. The opposite of Yuu's 'fairytale' view of love is Touko's overly negative view of love as fickle and a shackle. In order to have this view, Touko obviously needs something bad to have happened to her to have that mindset.

The same effect could have been reached with a less extreme example but, ultimately drama is likely to sell more and this kind of dynamic is so unique it's bound to stand out. However, while the choice to have extra drama isn't necessary, at least it's the kind of drama that evolves naturally out of the characters' personalities within the setting.
Nov 10, 2018 4:52 AM
Jan 2018
So far the adaptation as been perfect. Omg it's beautiful I could cry
Nov 10, 2018 6:10 AM

Feb 2014
I can confidently say that this episode was the best so far. It was just so powerful with its delivery of voice acting, the incredible soundtrack and the character development.

We finally find out why Touko was so determined to make the Student Council Stage Show happen again. Her older sister, Mio, was the president from seven years ago and she sadly died in a car accident before her planned stage show, so it had to be canceled. Touko's trying to become a carbon copy like her older sister so that she can make the stage show happen again, but my worry is that she'll lose her true identity if the pressure of being the 'ideal' student starts to overwhelm her.

Thus, after Yuu finds out about all this, she confronts Touko about it by the river crossing and that led to the powerful scene between the two. The animation and art quality throughout this scene, along with the soundtrack and voice acting, was excellent that made this scene probably one of my favourite moments so far this season. =D

However, the scene did expose the fact that Yuu and Touko have two separate goals in mind. Yuu wants to know about love is she'll go as far as lying and manipulating Touko just so that she can achieve her primary goal. Touko, on the other hand, truly wants Yuu to never love her so that she can feel comfortable with Yuu the way she is now. This relationship of theirs is certainly dynamic, yet complex and it does worry me that their retrospective goals might cause a clash between the two if they're not careful. We'll just have to wait and see what happens in the future.

As for Sayaka, I'm a bit miffed with her. Sure, her words to Yuu did give her the drive she needed to dig into Touko's past more, which was the right thing to do, but it was how Sayaka acted around Yuu, from her choice of words and how she voiced those words that does make me like her less now. No denying that she wants to help Touko her own way, but there was definitely a tinge of jealousy from her blunt talk with Yuu. I don't want to hate her, but I feel as if she'll be in the way of Yuu and Touko's future relationship at this rate, so I doubt this'll be the last we see of Sayaka's rather bitchy side, annoyingly. ¬_¬
Nov 10, 2018 6:48 AM

Mar 2017
Wow the plot is starting to get deeper.
Saeki showed how she actually is.
Also got to know why Touko is trying to restore the play.
Nov 10, 2018 8:00 AM
Sep 2015
giraffemangome said:
Great episode, the animation quality is climbing back up. I feel like the teacher's reveal about Touko's sister could've followed the manga and showed a shot from her sister's perspective, which would convey a lot more emotion. Having the entire conversation take place in the hallway seems like a bit of a missed opportunity.

One line of the subs that bothered me a bit was when Touko talked about love. "If I loved her the way she is now, then that means I would stop feeling that way if she ever changed, right?" Although the subs could still be taken to mean that way, it is originally meant to be a quote. "Phrases like 'I love the way you are now', doesn't that mean that I will stop loving you if you don't remain the way you are?"
Again, I know that the subs can still be interpreted that way, but the way it is written guides the audience to think that the main reason she didn't want Yuu to change was that she wanted to stay in love with her, when it's more likely to be because she does not want to have expectations put on her by her only place of comfort. The two takeaways can eventually be connected to one another, but I feel like the starting link is important

That's exactly what I think, but the translation is kind of ok tho... I prefer the manga translation more, that's when I finally know why Touko fell in love with Yuu so quickly after she met her.
Nov 10, 2018 8:09 AM

May 2015
Jaw-dropping episode. They're doing such a great job at adapting this. That ending felt so ominous as well, oh god.

Nov 10, 2018 9:01 AM

Sep 2017
Wow. The directing is so on point. That scene was incredible. These characters are so great. There's so much I could go into.

I just gotta say Nanami's post credit monologue is really interesting. The idea that if Yuu loved her it would weaken/invalidate their relationship since love is so fickle and as she puts it "if a person changes how they are, the love will change/end as well." In her eyes, since Yuu supposedly doesn't love her, but still treats her with the utmost kindness/always be there for her etc, it makes it so much more special because it's more real (?) perhaps. Yuu's not just acting this was because she's 'bound' by love.

In reality, it's more likely that neither of them know what real/true love is, and it's gonna be a real special moment when one of them (probably Yuu) figures it out.
Nov 10, 2018 9:27 AM

Aug 2010
Saw the potential in this show since episode one and it continues to exceed my expectations. In this episode we get more on the motivations of the two leads. And it makes things much more complicated than your common love story.

I also like that we get to see a different side of Touko's character. Even words from the one say loves isn't enough to sway her away from her goals.
Nov 10, 2018 11:15 AM

Sep 2015
Outstanding episode, this adaptation keeps exceeding my expectations. That scene on the riverbank was amazing visually speaking, it conveyed so much more than just the dialogues. I litterally felt the tension.

We finally have some insight into Touko's motivations and goals, now on to see how the show will handle her clash of ideals with Yuu.
Overall the first half of this show was amazing be it for the characters, the story, the directing or the sound design. If it keeps this up it will be my AOTS.
Nov 10, 2018 11:36 AM

Apr 2018
Nice episode. Koito aiming to look like her sister is a good addition to the plot and characters developement, that I found a bit boring until now. I wonder how this is going to be used in the next episodes.
Nov 10, 2018 12:44 PM

Feb 2017
A very interesting episode I am glad I stuck with this, though, I wonder in the post credits scene, why exactly does Nanami not want Yuu to fall in love with her?

And Saeki, i could tell that (her 'love' for Nanami) a little from episode one and then certainly from episode 2 onwards, when that comes to a head it will be painful.
Nov 10, 2018 12:57 PM

Oct 2012
Didn't like it very much (not as I did with the previous episodes), but I want to know where this is going.

Nov 10, 2018 2:42 PM

May 2015
It was a perfect episode. Such a great direction and the conversation itself, just wow.
Nov 10, 2018 8:39 PM

Jul 2016
The plot surprisingly became deeper than what I was expecting. Personally I found what Touko is doing kind of sad. It's mostly her family's fault, who wanted her to act as "special" as her older sister was... and in the end, she accepted the idea. I really wonder what will happen once the Festival is over... Does she have any other goal aside from acomplish what her sister couldn't? I'm expecting some emotional moments in the future due to this.

Regarding the episode, I really liked it and the second part with the confrontation in the river was incredibly well handled. Yuu and Touko have such an interesting dynamic as a couple. Even more interesting since we now know the true reasons for why they stay with each other.

Honestly, Touko's idea of "love" was both intriguing and pessimistic?... but I think it's a good contrast with Yuu's idea of a "love from fairy tales" (or Shoujo mangas, to be specific).
In the end, they're both using each other because of the loneliness they feel. I gues that this will turn out to be even more dramatic when Yuu finally realizes that she loves Touko since the latter doesn't want this to happen because she's afraid of lossing the comfort she gets when she's with her... it's really complex but I liked it and I want to know how their relationship will continue from this point.

P.S.: I also found Sayaka to be a little too much hostile towards Yuu during their conversation. I know she is the reason of why Yuu found out the true about Touko's sister but I guess she could have acted a little bit less jealous... I mean, it wasn't like Yuu was trying to sabotage the play by not saying that her friend could write an script for them.
Honestly, Some part of me wants to believe that Sayaka, as a really good friend, was just proving Yuu's willingness to help Touko and just that. Because it would be really cliche if Sayaka would have been in love with Touko since a long time and was never able to confess to her for... reasons.
SouthRzVaNov 10, 2018 8:53 PM
Nov 10, 2018 10:52 PM
Mar 2018
SouthRzVa said:
was never able to confess to her for... reasons.
There is always that fear of rejection and she rejected many confessions already, including girls. It's a pretty good and realistic reason.
Nov 10, 2018 11:22 PM

Nov 2018
If things don't start progressing more quickly I fear this will be yet another anime with a nonending.
Nov 10, 2018 11:39 PM
Mar 2016
Love Triangle is one of top worst concepts invented in anime history!
I wonder why most love stories like to involve love triangles!
Why shouldn't they think of new drama approaches instead of repeating same ideas? Is it just to fill up the content?

With that being said, I'm pretty interested to see how [Yagate kimi ni naru] will handle Sayaka-Nanami-Koito relationship. I will pray for a sweet solution.

I was happy with the lighthearted drama since first episode, but now I'm a little bit nervous because it's approaching a dangerous course, and it's dangerous because it will most likely hurt someone!

I'm going to wait, I will just wait and see.. I trust you [Bloom Into You], please don't betray me!

Also, I feel it's now obvious when this is going!
Touko seems to love Yuu if Yuu doesn't love her back.. it seems like this is the way Touko's heart is doki doki!
On the other hand, Yuu wants a moment of doki doki for herself and she's starting to fall in love with her senpai, so basically when Yuu confesses her love to senpai, senpai will reject her and there starts the climax drama which will end with a doki doki love confession moment for both of them at the same time which achieve the main point of the story!
ShaDanDanNov 11, 2018 12:26 AM
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