All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 233.5
Mean Score:
- Watching29
- Completed798
- On-Hold55
- Dropped63
- Plan to Watch350
- Total Entries1,295
- Rewatched253
- Episodes13,978
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 90.2
Mean Score:
- Reading44
- Completed227
- On-Hold87
- Dropped35
- Plan to Read74
- Total Entries467
- Reread136
- Chapters10,519
- Volumes1,137
All Comments (244) Comments
I'm glad that you don't dislike Shield Hero at least. It is quite amazing that you can watch so many shows at once. I only watch one show at a time. That way I can focus more on it.
Wow, last june you told me that you started watching it. I'm surprised you still haven't finished it yet. Perhaps you didn't like it? But I'm even more surprised that you haven't watched Fullmetal yet :D