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Overlord (light novel)
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Oct 2, 2018 5:31 PM

Dec 2017
i glad it was over, if only, IF ONLY Madhouse treat this adaptation like his own child, i’ll be happier

they only have 6 project in 2018, even 2 of them are Overlord II & III. another 2 of them aren’t really action oriented (Wakaokami wa Shougakusei & Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa). and another 2 which i found pretty good (Cardcaptor Sakura & Sora yori mo Tooi Basho)

and if i see the data everywhere, they dont even working on anything on Fall season

i know it depends on the production committe (just like how good SoraYori is), but damn i feel sad right now.

you know what, i want 4th season already just hit me up with more 3dcg fam
Oct 2, 2018 5:33 PM

Apr 2018
Was a pretty good ending and hope for a 4th season of Overlord
Oct 2, 2018 5:50 PM

Sep 2014
When you dont want to get any attention from other players, but you also want to do some complete deus ex machina shit and destabilise this worlds politics.

I have actually read the LN, even though its kinda tedious, Im surprised how much one can butcher this. Definitely one of madhouse overall weakest adaptions
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Oct 2, 2018 6:14 PM
Jul 2016
Looks like this is MadHouses way of saying "Goodbye overlord, fuck you guys!". Ever since they've announced this rushed sad excuse of a piece of shit, i knew they're most likely only doing it to milk a cash cow.

I highly doubt they'll make a 4th season and i wont be reading the LN. Overlord is one of those turn your brain off and just watch series for me.

Goodbye Overlord you wont be missed.
Oct 2, 2018 6:34 PM

Oct 2015
I guess Gazef went to the duel knowing he's doomed either way, but I liked Climb's theory on why he chose death. I guess Ains has won against the Kingdom, but I wonder what will be the emperor's move now since Ains's power is evident now.

Great season and certainly better than the last. Ains has shown his power and why he's the true overlord of anime. Too bad they didn't showcase other characters, meaning his subordinates.

How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Oct 2, 2018 6:38 PM
Mar 2017
Exeterna said:
Probably someone already posted about Neia baraja appearance on the ed , which i skipped
Well , i already read the novel before this ended because im impatience and well , it’ll be good if s4 comes out , if not its fine for me i guess , ppl better start reading the LN since its better
Does anyone know in which part of the novel this chapter remained?
FireCrauterOct 2, 2018 7:14 PM
The question isn't "What anime do you like?" That is merely a list.
The question is "Why do you like it?" That tells a story. Your story.
Oct 2, 2018 6:38 PM
Jan 2016
I was hoping they'd work in Brain being turned into a vampire by Shalltear, but I guess that wasn't to be.
Oct 2, 2018 6:44 PM

Oct 2014
Exeterna said:
Probably someone already posted about Neia baraja appearance on the ed , which i skipped
Well , i already read the novel before this ended because im impatience and well , it’ll be good if s4 comes out , if not its fine for me i guess , ppl better start reading the LN since its better

She didn't show up though. It was probably a red herring. Or maybe they used that as an available chesspiece if they decided to immidietly announce season 4 in the last episode. It seems like they didn't get to use it though, so it remains a silhouette even now.
Oct 2, 2018 7:02 PM

Apr 2011
It was okay. I wonder what happened to the king and the rest of the royal family.
Oct 2, 2018 7:18 PM

Nov 2014
Overlord III is amazing! Waking up every week to check out for the newest episode, makes me feel like a kid waiting for a new toy to play with. It doesn't matter how people rate the Anime poorly, all I know that it made me smile,excited and laugh is good enough to say that I LOVE IT! 10/10 from my heart!
Oct 2, 2018 7:24 PM

Sep 2012
It was more interesting than season 2.
Oct 2, 2018 7:43 PM

Mar 2010
All I have to say is... MORE MORE MORE !

Oh and of course. All hail supreme being Ainz Ooal Gown
Oct 2, 2018 7:48 PM
Nov 2015
Better than other shitty harem anime, need season 4
Oct 2, 2018 7:51 PM

Jan 2015
Gazef whyyyy

If only the King was there he could have persuaded him to join Ainz then he would still be living. T__T

I'm really gonna miss him.
Oct 2, 2018 8:13 PM

Nov 2017
still... there is no human realize that momon was momonga.

hohoho... i'd love to see albedo would actually fight pandora.
Now Loading.....
Oct 2, 2018 8:53 PM

Dec 2015
Grey-Zone said:

She didn't show up though. It was probably a red herring. Or maybe they used that as an available chesspiece if they decided to immidietly announce season 4 in the last episode. It seems like they didn't get to use it though, so it remains a silhouette even now.

FireCrauter said:
Exeterna said:
Probably someone already posted about Neia baraja appearance on the ed , which i skipped
Well , i already read the novel before this ended because im impatience and well , it’ll be good if s4 comes out , if not its fine for me i guess , ppl better start reading the LN since its better
Does anyone know in which part of the novel this chapter remained?

This is vol 9, s3 is 8-7-9
If you want to continue go vol 10 insyead
Oct 2, 2018 9:13 PM
Feb 2013
Why do I have this feeling that Gazef was behind that armor . . .
Probably was Pandora's Actor :(
Renyx_RenOct 2, 2018 9:18 PM
Oct 2, 2018 10:02 PM
May 2014
Za world? Really? No build up or at least let him try to do something before annihilating him?

Yeah really disappointed with S3. The fights were lazy even for a OP character.
Oct 2, 2018 10:59 PM
Apr 2017
so any hope for season 4?
Oct 2, 2018 10:59 PM

Jan 2014
YokaSol said:
Za world? Really? No build up or at least let him try to do something before annihilating him?

Yeah really disappointed with S3. The fights were lazy even for a OP character.

"He's already dead."

I don't know, I'm not an LN reader (yet) but I really don't mind this anime. Yeah the CGI was bad but what can you do, it's probably that or no show at all.
Oct 2, 2018 10:59 PM

Jun 2010
It's shocking seeing people complain about cut details - the shows biggest problem is having the pacing of a fucking shounen. S2 and S3 easily should have been only one season
Oct 2, 2018 11:53 PM

Nov 2013
Perfect!! I loved everything about this season, including the animation.
Episode 8 is definitely not only my favorite episode from this series, but also one of my favorite episodes from all anime.
And I saw no problem at all with the animation in the war. It was perfectly okay. People are nitpicking for no reason.
I'm counting the minutes for the announcement of season 4...
ColtBuntlineOct 2, 2018 11:58 PM
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
― Saint Augustine
Oct 3, 2018 12:01 AM

Feb 2018
Baka_phnx said:
xShinigami3125 said:
I guess this is the 13th week in a row that I say read the fckn novel it's much better.

How far ahead is the LN, has it ended??

There are 13 Ln volumes in total and this episode adapted the end of book 9 also there are still more volumes to come.
Oct 3, 2018 12:03 AM

Feb 2018
Reybun said:
I am more and more inclined to read the light novel instead each time someone says it.

Just do it already. If you have any interest in the word, characters or story the light novel is just a much better experience because the anime does nothi more than adapt the general story of the books but leaves out all the little conversations and details that make the world feel alive and interesting to begin with.
Oct 3, 2018 12:03 AM

Oct 2008
just finished S3...and the story goes on!
poor gazeff, death for him is a child's play for Ainz!
LOL Ainz plan was so elaborate and making good use of the Adamantium class warrior Momon!

Oct 3, 2018 12:13 AM
Apr 2018
It's getting better each season.
Oct 3, 2018 12:32 AM

May 2015
Time Stop into Instant Death is a true combo...

"Gazef sacrificed himself so that we may witness Ainz' power so that we can prepare our defense." Riiiiight....

"Such violence against a child that threw a rock. No one will marry a woman like you."
"Hearing that from you doesn't make me..." Lol. All scripted!

And now the Sorcerer Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown expands forth...

When I watched the first season of Overlord, I found it pretty average and was skeptical of the series at first. But after watching Season 2 and 3, I now understand the kind of anime this is, and I appreciate it a lot more. It's the kind of anime that needs to set up a lot of pieces before initiating the game. And since the pieces were set in seasons 1 and 2, Season three is where the fun kicks in. That being said, season 3 is the best of the seasons, and the subtle humor in this season made it a lot more fun to watch. I had fun with it. And for those complaining about the CGI...well I never read the Light Novels, so no expectations from me!

Final Verdict: Adamantite-class/10
Oct 3, 2018 12:47 AM
Oct 2007
animejas said:
Sure Ains had a few cool moments here and there, but I really don't feel a "point" to this show anymore.

This is actually what I thought as well. I no longer understand how's the story direction is going ahead anymore.

By the end of S2, I thought there would be a worthy adversary coming up against Ainz but this season doesn't seems to imply that. From some of the spoilers that I had glimpsed here and there, it doesn't seems to be anywhere close too.

Has the LN ended? I hope the humans won't be overcoming Ainz towards the end because I don't think that scenario sit well with me, personally. Even if the show ends with Ainz ruling the entire continent without fear.. I'm not sure what to think about that to be honest..
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Oct 3, 2018 1:01 AM

Apr 2016
Mainly missed Albedo's smexy bodeh and her horny alter ego but at least they gave a glimpse of that in the end though so not much disappointed I guess apart from the after effects of that God aweful CG fiesta.
BTW I don't comment much but I noticed the random quotes or their recent watches of the other anime below people's comments. Is it something MAL does randomly or the user does it. If yes, how?
Oct 3, 2018 1:26 AM
Mar 2016
Madhouse needs to stop making the anime seasonal... Makes them soooooo bad. Oh and yea, they should also stop with the bad CG
Oct 3, 2018 1:28 AM

Jan 2016
it's a meh overall
but still loved Ainz's flexes <3
Oct 3, 2018 2:13 AM

Apr 2008
LOL so many people pissed off that overlord didn't turn into another generic anime where the protagonist is weak and has to fight to gain power. Everything you moan about is why the series is so freaking successful so please continue moaning. This series was NEVER about Ainz being challenged and you expecting that to happen is solely your fault entirely. Keep crying though. It won't change a thing. The series will still sell like hotcakes where it matters most. And that's not on MAL which has zero influence on the anime industry as a whole.

I liked season three. With the exception of the spotty CG in parts they did decently enough with what they kept and what they cut out. OST was still solid as always and a few epic moments here and there be they funny or badass. Hopefully they take some time to produce a much more higher quality season 4 in a couple of years. it's obvious the short span between S2 and S3 hurt the quality a fair bit.
Oct 3, 2018 2:14 AM

Jun 2017
Not the finest ending by any means, but a somewhat acceptable and satisfying one nevertheless.

Gazeff Stronof being mauled by Ainz Ooal Gown from the get-go was to be expected but again the fashion in which it was demonstrated really goes to show just how unrivalled and overpowered to the max Ainz is. For the first two Seasons, I really enjoyed that but in this season sadly it has had the adverse effect to be frankly honest here. I honestly don’t see what’s the point of this show anymore, like @animejas and @luccide, previously mentioned. I must say though, the plan to use the Adamantine Class Momon to trap all the disobedient people was brilliant! It truly suggests that Ainz and his Empire is doing everything right to maintain law and order for a very long time. I couldn’t help but feel pity for the humans though when finally someone strong enough to stand up to them appeared but only to see him join sides with the enemies. On the other hand, looks like it’s also about time before the King and the opposing Kingdom drowns in the fears of the Sorcerer King and self-destruct. Moving on, Princess Renner’s wicked laugh in the end was very creepy given the circumstances but I wonder what she’s up to now. Also, nice to see Sebastian and Albedo return after a while and pleasing to see all the Guardians regrouping.
All in all, a fine or so ending.

As for the whole show in general, the Storyline/Plot Development seemed really interesting towards the first half, the middle and the buildup to the end but then it all stuttered really. Characterization/Character Development, a big chunk of time was invested into this but sadly it didn’t work out too brilliantly, just about fine-ish or so. I still don’t quite understand the character of Brain even though the last two-three episodes has been giving him a lot of the spotlight, and similarly with a few other characters too. The Guardians remains the same as ever, Sasuga Ainz-Sama for whatever the hell Ainz does and this is not entirely a bad thing. But on a serious note, Enri and the villagers are a somewhat good example in this regard. Perhaps a bit too many Characters were introduced too, since most were discarded soon after and all. Art/Animation has been the poorest in all departments this Season and it really is such a let-down. Those CGI monsters were just appalling to see and it was such an important time, too. Also, those orcs were poor. Disappointing stuff! Sound Department of the show was one of the good things, the Op and ED both were fascinating company to have. Not much osts throughout the Season, but the few occasional ones sort of did the trick. I was really looking forward to this Season and once again I’m disappointed! Season 2, at least, however ended on a really good note with the latter half being really interesting.

- Storyline/Plot Development: 6/10
- Characterization/Character Development: 6/10
- Art/Animation: 5/10
- Sound Department: 7.5/10
- Personal Enjoyment: 7/10, 8/10 during the first half and to the buildup towards the end and 5/10 to the bitter end even though I was quite hyped.

-> Overall: 6/10. Same as the 2nd Season, but comparatively a little better as a whole. MadHouse seriously should’ve taken a longer time making this Season. Can’t say I’m looking forward to a Season 4 with hype anymore, but I’m always down for another sequel I guess.
_MushiRock11_Oct 3, 2018 2:24 AM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Oct 3, 2018 2:34 AM
Jul 2018
xShinigami3125 said:
I guess this is the 13th week in a row that I say read the fckn novel it's much better.

Users here are anime watcher only. (Mostly).!!!
Oct 3, 2018 2:45 AM

Feb 2018
Frroku said:
xShinigami3125 said:
I guess this is the 13th week in a row that I say read the fckn novel it's much better.

Users here are anime watcher only. (Mostly).!!!

Sadly I mean I don't really understand how you can still enjoy the anime (if you haven't read the novels). Everything that distinguishes overlord from other fantasy isekai stories (at least for me) isn't present or only hinted at in the anime.
Oct 3, 2018 2:48 AM
Jul 2018
xShinigami3125 said:
Frroku said:

Users here are anime watcher only. (Mostly).!!!

Sadly I mean I don't really understand how you can still enjoy the anime (if you haven't read the novels). Everything that distinguishes overlord from other fantasy isekai stories (at least for me) isn't present or only hinted at in the anime.

If it was an Original source(manga) i'll definetely read it but this is an LA which to me is not possible to read it, or it is if i buy the volumes. Saldy i'm poor to do it..
Oct 3, 2018 2:51 AM

Feb 2018
Frroku said:
xShinigami3125 said:

Sadly I mean I don't really understand how you can still enjoy the anime (if you haven't read the novels). Everything that distinguishes overlord from other fantasy isekai stories (at least for me) isn't present or only hinted at in the anime.

If it was an Original source(manga) i'll definetely read it but this is an LA which to me is not possible to read it, or it is if i buy the volumes. Saldy i'm poor to do it..

If you want to I can sent you a link so you can read it (there is a dude on blogspot that always translates the new releases)
Oct 3, 2018 2:57 AM
Jul 2018
xShinigami3125 said:
Frroku said:

If it was an Original source(manga) i'll definetely read it but this is an LA which to me is not possible to read it, or it is if i buy the volumes. Saldy i'm poor to do it..

If you want to I can sent you a link so you can read it (there is a dude on blogspot that always translates the new releases)

It would be great. How many volumes are out so far?
Oct 3, 2018 2:59 AM

Feb 2018
Frroku said:
xShinigami3125 said:

If you want to I can sent you a link so you can read it (there is a dude on blogspot that always translates the new releases)

It would be great. How many volumes are out so far?

13 in total and this seaosn of the anime left off at the end of book 9.
Oct 3, 2018 2:59 AM
Jul 2018
xShinigami3125 said:
Frroku said:

It would be great. How many volumes are out so far?

13 in total and this seaosn of the anime left off at the end of book 9.

3 anime seasons = 9 Volumes of Light Novel?
Oct 3, 2018 3:04 AM

Feb 2018
Frroku said:
xShinigami3125 said:

13 in total and this seaosn of the anime left off at the end of book 9.

3 anime seasons = 9 Volumes of Light Novel?

Yea the books are usualy, a few hundred pages long but the later books get longer and longer.
Oct 3, 2018 3:20 AM

Apr 2013
Wow what a pointless thing to do by Gazeff, good job hurting the people who love you and don't achieving anything with your death. Like the soldiers don't know already how strong he is if he can kill 70.000 people in the blink of an eye.

Storywise similar to 2nd season, but the CGI made it sometimes hard to watch so I substract another point from the score for that. 1st season is still miles ahead though, I guess it'll never be as good anymore. 6/10
Oct 3, 2018 3:52 AM

Jul 2017
Overlord is the grand-master of pointless time wasting and triviality.

These past two seasons should've been movies.

Honestly, I don't expect that the season 4 will be any better.
Suddenly, someone slaps you with a brick wall.

Oct 3, 2018 4:11 AM

Aug 2013
So...hat happened. Well I guess the anime adaptations finally caught up to the last point in which I read the LNs before it got licensed. I may or may not pick it up once again to read. Not too sure really. Kinda underwhelmed by this season.
Don't believe the hype.
Oct 3, 2018 4:17 AM
Feb 2012
I enjoyed the anime this season even if you pick apart the flaws of this or that. It is one of those series that still has me wanting to see more and not feel like i wasted my time.

I might go buy the light novel but not read to far ahead.I know you can read it online but i feel its more compeling to have the hard copy of the book.

I guess im not to bothered by bad cgi when everything else is so distracting.
Oct 3, 2018 6:01 AM

Apr 2009
Rest in Final and Eternal Peace Gazef even though your death is friggin' pointless except maybe teach the Re-estize nobles and the old King to appreciate your advice and loyal service more, more like too little, too late IMHO.

Happy Foundation Day to the Sorcerer Kingdom and...Long Live Our Sorcerer King!
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Oct 3, 2018 6:30 AM

Sep 2015
3rd time final episode MC must "fight" with the Guardians.
3rd time it end with All Hail Ainz! moment.

And why this season don't have more maid unlike other season?
Into the Internet!
Oct 3, 2018 6:44 AM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
I can't stop smiling before the duel stars! Man, what else can I expect besides DEATH for Gazef?! Ainz's time stop and instant true death combo is perfectly quick, stealth and badass af, truly perfect for the supreme one!

Nazarick has advanced yet again into world domination, by first capturing the capital of the Re-Estize kingdom, E-Rantel, oh man all hail the supreme one, Ainz the sorcerer-king!!!

Besides all of this incredible achievements, I'm still impressed by the plan Demiurge came up with. Including introducing Momon as the enforcer of laws/peach in E-Rantel, but for mainly rounding up any wannabe revolutionary. That's simply genius.

Well, as the third season of Overlord has ended, it was a mix of epic and some boring parts. I personally don't like the excessive use of CGI that's not even animated properly, even though I don't hate CGI, this is unacceptable from a studio such as Madhouse. However, there are many really great Ainz moment in this season which makes up for it!

As the sentence in the end said... 'And the story goes on...' The story seems to really get more interesting from then on, especially since the annexation/surrender of E-Rantel for Nazarick. Though this last line might indicate a possible season 4?! Whatever is the case I REALLY HAVE TO START READING THE LIGHT NOVEL! And I do sure hope for a season 4, even if it will take 2+ years or so...
Oct 3, 2018 6:58 AM

Aug 2013
Absolutely bad and uninteresting adaption.
The closer you get to the light,the greater your shadow becomes.
Oct 3, 2018 9:48 AM

Apr 2018
Honestly kind of a weak last episode; kind of a weak season 3 overall. Here's hoping better from season 4... if there even is going to be a season 4. I mean I hope there is because this anime is still better than 80-90% of the shit anime ongoing right now.
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