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Mar 27, 2016 2:24 AM

Oct 2014
From the amount that this movie to be the best anime movie ever i was highly disappointed with what i finally got around to watching. I can see how it was the greatest of all time when it came out, but it simply doesn't measure up to what we have nowadays. Not to mention that the plot was everywhere and barely anything was explained, cool animation though.
"My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where the villas are, and i am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and i get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but i occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get 8 hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last checkup."
May 20, 2016 6:26 AM

Dec 2014
did they altogether achieved singularity at the end..??

and are there only 4 survivors...??

May 20, 2016 12:54 PM

Aug 2013
OMG THAT ART AND ANIMATION!!!!! This is perfection! Except characters design which I don't like (general oldschool char design), backgrounds, details. Just wow.
May 22, 2016 4:47 PM

Apr 2013
As a stand alone story the movie version was meh. For those who really want to know the whole story ought to check out the manga. And of course the animation was gorgeous. Now we have us a good example to ridicule those who claim that modern animation is better.
May 25, 2016 10:28 AM

Nov 2013

Seriously though, the art and animation was sublime but the characters was very underwelming and the story while it was fun and okay, are way too rushed and simplistic. I'll probably like or love this more if this was one of anime I saw in my early days.
I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die.

May 31, 2016 3:26 PM
May 2016
damn movie predicted when and where the 2020 Olympics were going to be almost 30 years before it.
Jun 17, 2016 11:53 PM

Jul 2010
Animation was gorgeous. I enjoyed Kanada's talks with that one girl -- really intriguing. I liked his character a lot, too.

I understand the significance this movie has in cinema, and how it has basically shaped all anime and even movies in general to an extent, but despite that, it didn't leave much personal impact on me. I didn't care for any character but Kanada -- they all felt so disposable. The plot was so abstract, and while I love unraveling such things, I didn't care enough about the movie to take the effort. Most of the time I was just enthralled by the beautiful visuals over than anything else. I feel like people who consider the movie a masterpiece do so either out of blind reverence for its place in cinema, or out of a convoluted over-analyzation of the plot that I think was never meant to be more than itself.

It was a good experience, but it's the kind of movie I wouldn't watch twice.
8/10 for shaping every anime in existence and its visuals.
Jul 7, 2016 1:16 PM

Nov 2012
Animation quality in this is probably the best I've seen in anime+dystopian future with a physic absolutely wrecking shit.

8/10 (gonna need to read the manga asap).
VarendantMar 10, 2017 5:49 AM
Jul 8, 2016 3:09 PM

Sep 2015
I think Akira is a flawed movie despite being held up as one of the best anime films of all time. I don't think that's an unfair statement, but the movie has some issues including what could be taken as gratuitous cruelty and something of a jarring ending (specifically Kaneda's end to the story). Still why it is regarded so highly I think is because it's a challenging work, one that is both cinematically exciting and deliberately in places vague and open to interpretations. Not only that but it has really well executed action scenes, and a beautifully realized and unique dystopian setting that has since become a trope in its own right.

One of the things that sticks with me about this movie, is it's incessant cruelty. Perhaps nowhere is this more clear than with Tetsuo's girlfriend, who's name I can't even remember. She appears very briefly in the film, and in that time is characterized as a kind if simple lower class girl. However in that time we see her senselessly beaten and sexually assaulted, and in the end she dies one of the most horrible deaths in the movie for no greater sin than being worried about the film's erstwhile and troubled villain. There's no justice in this movie, no one is completely right or wrong, and no one but Kaneda Kei and the surviving member of his gang. Morality is a grey area, that was lost long ago in the world of Neo Tokyo.

Speaking of which Kei is actually one of my biggest problems with the movie. I think she's fine, even a really intriguing character when she's first introduced. But after the point where she arbitrarily decides to start trusting Kaneda she kind of became a little less interesting to me. By the end she was nothing more than a cliche action movie love interest which felt cheap to the character's potential at the beginning of the movie.

Tetsuo meanwhile is just the opposite. He barely left an impression on me at first, but his trippy fever dreams ended up being my favorite part of the whole film. I like how besides being visually stunning, and particularly the dream where he disintegrates kind of eerie and haunting these also reveal a little something about his character. When he loses his temper at Kaneda saying he's come to rescue him we already know it's too late and that will set him off. It was a foregone conclusion Tetsuo was headed for ruin. But it doesn't make it any easier to watch.

All in all it may seem like I'm harsh on it but I really liked Akira. I even gave it a 10/10 because I think it's strengths outweigh it's weaknesses to make a very personal and very flawed masterpiece. But it IS flawed and these flaws are worth discussing.
Jul 22, 2016 10:12 AM

Jul 2014
That was a great film. I couldn't find the 2001 dub anywhere online, so I had no choice but to buy a copy of the film. This is the first time I've had to buy a physical copy of a show or movie I wanted to watch (something I hate having to do), yet I don't regret buying it; at least I was actually able to support anime (or something) by buying it. Anyways, the animation was pretty good. Some parts didn't make much sense, though.

I'm glad I was able to watch Akira.
Aug 6, 2016 9:18 AM

Apr 2014
Visual masterpiece, I guess you could say that. Got my hands on a 25th anniversary edition blu-ray version. Was truly enjoyable.

Story 7/10
Art 10/10
Sound 10/10
Characters 8/10
Enjoyement 10/10

Overall 9/10
Aug 15, 2016 6:49 AM

Feb 2013
So boring, I almost fell asleep.
I only liked the fights, the characters were all lame.
Sep 5, 2016 12:03 PM

Jan 2015
I really don't care about the story and characters, but I also don't care about not caring about the story and characters, because holy fuck just the visceral, in-the-moment experience of watching this film is so impressive and intense and has so much visual appeal to me that it's a 9/10 nonetheless.

Might read the manga for more art.
Sep 27, 2016 2:16 PM

Aug 2014
So i watched Akira, with 0 expectations.

I didn't know what to expect from it and honestly it blew my mind on how it excels in visuals, Just WOW.

Technical Aspect:Excellence is here folks!

Animation - 12 (Perfect!!) 88's anime with this is a revolutionary and deserves of the title "classic" It broke the standards.

Art - 10 (The design is extremely detailed, however preventing this from 12 is only the character design which i think is a bit dull) A lot of disturbing images, great job.

Sounds - 8 (Didn't like the OST but felt like everything else was very good)


Story+Characters: 7/6 (It is confusing and the themes are great but many stuff were confusing and i didn't get them or maybe the anime didn't explain them properly, the characters were also the same while some are engaging, they just dont have that much depth and personality to them.)

World-Building: 8 (A lot of unexplained things but i loved how they handled the mature corrupted Sci-Fi crumbling society it was honestly top quality.)

Atmosphere: 7 (It has that sick atmosphere)

Enjoyment: 9 (The Visuals alone are capable of giving 7 points here)

One of a kind, and is a must watch in my opinion.

I'll give a bonus for its revolutionized technical value and for its innovative themes, Well done. +,++

My Final Score: 8.4/10

Will raise it if someday i find out the fully explained plot.
Oct 4, 2016 8:59 AM

Oct 2014
so boring and overrated 3/10
Oct 16, 2016 5:13 AM

Dec 2015
Was expecting more following the praise that follows Akira.

Unfortunately the vagueness of the plot tied with the constant imagery and action led to a clusterfuck of a film. Pacing was really wierd, transitions between scenes just happened spontaneously thus preventing me from immersing myself into the film.

Being a post-apocalyptic film, discord and violence is understandable but the death and bloodshed was way over the top, the amount of explosions and destruction would put a Michael Bay film to shame. Tetsuo's fight in the Baby Room was ridiculous imo.

Soundtrack, animation and art was fine.
Nov 3, 2016 6:27 AM

Jan 2012
BryanBossling said:
I don't think it was that good.


Cnon said:
so boring and overrated 3/10

Ulquiorra said:
So boring, I almost fell asleep.
I only liked the fights, the characters were all lame.

not sure what u guys were smoking when u have watched this movie , u have no idea how many movies and anime got inspired by Akira


opening theme ok

testu shut up man , so much winning
his gf got a quite punch thought she will get raped

3 kids looks those green aliens from gantz

the ending is mind blowing


Dec 11, 2016 11:27 PM

Jan 2014
Touka__Kirishima said:
Was expecting more following the praise that follows Akira.

Unfortunately the vagueness of the plot tied with the constant imagery and action led to a clusterfuck of a film. Pacing was really wierd, transitions between scenes just happened spontaneously thus preventing me from immersing myself into the film.

Being a post-apocalyptic film, discord and violence is understandable but the death and bloodshed was way over the top, the amount of explosions and destruction would put a Michael Bay film to shame. Tetsuo's fight in the Baby Room was ridiculous imo.

Soundtrack, animation and art was fine.

LOL BRO. I was thinking the exact same thing about the Michael Bay thing u said

The first half of this movie was a fucking snorefest but things finally picked up as soon as Tetsu left his little hospital room

I expected so much more when going into this from hearing everybody's high opinion on it.
But most of my expectations were let down

Dec 22, 2016 4:26 AM
Oct 2015
Finally got around to watching this. I was hesitant because I really enjoyed the manga and I knew this cut out alot. Honestly I had a great time, the art design is gorgeous. All the shots of the city look awesome and the contrast between colors are pleasing to the eye. Character animation is superb and very life like, reminds me of Jin-Roh a little. The story is of course the weakest point, it rushes to the finish line and the characters don't have enough time to breathe. Ultimately making them feel like silhouettes of their manga counterparts. This wasn't much of a problem for me because I had read the manga and could make assumptions about the characters knowing what would have come later. Some major plot changes from the manga that were interesting, for better or worse. Kiyoko being the most upsetting, reduced to a crazy preacher (also male?) killed meaninglessly. Would have preferred her written out completely but w/e. Akira of course is also just in jars instead of actually still being alive. I liked that change, seeing his body parts cryogenically frozen was cool as shit. Overall I had a fun time but not for the story, just as a animation spectacle. I would recommend reading the manga and then the anime.
Jan 22, 2017 3:45 PM
May 2012
yep, most impressive animation.
TengaiJan 22, 2017 3:53 PM
Jan 30, 2017 4:30 PM

Jan 2017
RIP Kaori. Just wanted to see what happened to Tetsuo.

Mar 7, 2017 1:24 AM

Mar 2012
One of things people like to comment about is how this movie inspired so much, that those that didn't like it are missing the artistic value of the show. Honestly, it seems like many people revere this simply because it inspired many other shows, not because of what it actually is....lotta musicians take inspiration from meth and cocaine too, you wouldn't believe how many hit songs were created simply because of their drug addictions. but neither one are worth revering either.

On the real side, the movie takes a dump on characterization, more so than I can simply overlook. There are a lot of one time characters, too damn many in fact, and if I wasn't familiar with the source manga it'd be enough to make me go "why should i care about this character?".

Visually stunning sure, but in actual, meaningful writing content, this movie is very meh...the manga should be revered as a classic, not the movie.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"
Mar 22, 2017 1:21 PM

Mar 2017
Venom900 said:

On the real side, the movie takes a dump on characterization, more so than I can simply overlook. There are a lot of one time characters, too damn many in fact, and if I wasn't familiar with the source manga it'd be enough to make me go "why should i care about this character?".

That's the problem out of the "lets make one movie out of a big unfinished manga"-decition. Its just imposible to do this right.

Venom900 said:

Visually stunning sure, but in actual, meaningful writing content, this movie is very meh...

At first its a child of its time. Seconds its a cut out of the manga and weird glued together with an ending where there wasn't at this time. Steamboy came from the same mind, and was, from the perspective of a movie a way better work.

Venom900 said:

the manga should be revered as a classic, not the movie.

The manga was just not that popular. As far as my understanding goes, went the VHS from Akira viral. It made animes popular in the west. I guess noone ever read the manga, which is a more solid work. In my opinion one of the most solid mangas in existence.
Apr 2, 2017 5:24 PM

Dec 2016
Truly an unforgetable movie
Jul 29, 2017 7:25 PM

May 2014
Holy fucking shit, ai'm quite blown away here. Expected shitty animation but got something entirely different, I'm glad that I finally saw this classic. Really only watched it now because I saw it appear in the ready player one trailer but oh well. 8/10
Aug 2, 2017 5:12 AM

Jul 2008
The animation was top notch, the story.....all adults are morons.
Aug 21, 2017 6:42 AM

Jan 2010
What an amazing movie, wow. I'm glad that I finally wtached it. Animation is just amazing. And the fact that it is 30 years old animation is just adding more value to this masterpiece. Sound and ost is great too. Kaneda's Theme is going to be on repeat for a while on my headphones. Atmospehere is (one again) great, fell in love with that cyberpunk dystopia. Some say that story feels rushed, for me it adds even more value to action in this movie. The fact that in 2 hours it goes from biker gangs to transcendence into pure enegry is awesome. And the ending is just completely mindbending. Can't understand why people say that this is boring. And characters, well yeah, I can agree that there was some lack of development, but still main cast became easily recognizable. Overall, great piece of anime, would recommend to everyone. Just because of some minor cons in story and characters I'm gonna give it 9/10 for now. I feel like it may change to 10 after some rewatches though.
Sep 10, 2017 9:51 AM

May 2016
I was really disappointed by the plot I mean wtf was wrong with the mc he was so
lame and boring. 6/10
Dec 8, 2017 1:31 AM

Feb 2015
My fiance's friend let us borrow his copy of this. That openng sequence was pretty great - between the music and the action choreopgraphed accordingly to it. I liked all of the surreal visions and nightmares Tetsuo has. Those stuffed animals.../shiver.

That said the overall story didn't grab me much. I was more drawn in during the first half or so but as it went on it began to drag for me. Perhaps it would have made more of an impression on me if I had watched it closer to when it first came out. I also wasn't much of a fan of the character design. But I can see how this piece has its place in anime history and am glad I've seen it.

Dec 16, 2017 1:53 PM

Apr 2017
I didn't actually enjoy this movie all that much. The plot was a bit all over the place and I didn't care for any of the characters. What even happened to Kaori? Everyone seemed to have forgotten about her in the end there.

Anyway, I'm giving it 7/10. Below expectations, but still good.
Dec 22, 2017 9:16 PM

Aug 2014
So much rawness and symbolism, I loved it. Kind of reminded me of abstract art that comes out of the deepest, darkest places in your mind. I shouldn't have held off on this film for as long as I did. Although I wish it delved more into the characters backstory
May 17, 2018 8:45 AM

Jun 2009
It was pretty good. Kaneda was super bland and lame :/ Tetsuo made the movie.

8/10 from me, mainly for the truly awe-inspiring animation. Gonna read the manga (and hopefully get some more substance there).
Aug 9, 2018 4:23 AM
Jul 2017
Interesting film. Guess I need to read manga to fill in gaps. Ending was a bit confusing. Maybe English doesn't cut it there. Animation was excellent. Everything about it screamed excellence. I can see why people love this film.
Aug 25, 2018 5:22 AM
Jan 2013
Pretty disappointing tbh. I would give a lower score than the 7 I gave it, but I have to give it credit for the animation, music, and just for being an older anime I can forgive some things. But really, the plot is pretty weak and the characters even more so. I was on board for a while, but really it just never developed into anything that I cared about in the slightest.
Aug 30, 2018 4:11 PM

Oct 2015
Wasn't that good, I consider this movie overrated as hell. It was action from start to finish without substance and when it gets to the substance it derails so miserably. So where did those three children took Tetsuo?, because the voice of the boy (Takashi or the other) is heard speaking about the will of Akira. As for Akira, I didn't get his impact in the story, was it to stop Tetsuo or what? And Tetsuo was a confused kid who was like a possessed specimen, that destroyed everything without purpose. The only thing that grabbed me about the movie was those three elderly looking children, I felt sympathy for them and my focus was on them but that wasn't thoroughly addressed. I wanted them to cured from that whatever it is, but that didn't happen.

The only got going about this movie is the never ending action and besides that it is a lump of dry pickles. Over hyped and overrated movie, 6/10
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Oct 24, 2018 4:30 PM

Mar 2014
Watched this first time and it kinda reminds me of Inuyashiki and Elfen Lied.

And I thought this was some movie about biker gangs etc., whole superpower thing and gruesome action caught me off guard in positive way.
Jan 21, 2019 3:36 AM

Sep 2018
Can't really believe it xame out 30 years ago...damn! The art as well as the animation are insanely good. Definitely among top 5 anime movies I've watched.
Feb 15, 2019 2:21 AM

Mar 2017
the ending was perfect! the movie as a whole...not so much
An admin's dickhead Soul banned me from MAL t('v't)
Mar 23, 2019 9:20 AM

Dec 2016
Glad I finally got around to watching this masterpiece
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Jun 16, 2019 5:42 AM

Jun 2019
Wow... That was epic. I know that its topic is a bit old, and not very revelant nowdays, and i agree that the movie was a bit too long, but hey, we are talking about a movie that adapts a manga with 2000 pages. Aside from this, i think this movie is a masterpice, the animation, the characters, the music, the action, everything is in the right place, and i see now, why this movie is that influental, defenetly going to rewatch it!
Aug 14, 2019 6:02 PM

Jul 2008
3rd time watching this. It really clicked this time, I could follow the story almost perfectly. It still lost me a bit in the metaphysical parts. Compared to previous times I watched this, I have viewed a lot more anime from the 70s, 80s and 90s now and I can appreciate this a lot more. There really was nothing like it at the time in animation, music, themes and ambition.

Something interesting I noticed during the credits is Kyoto Animation was credited for assisting along with almost all anime studios at the time, but Kyoto Animation didn't have any anime to their name until much later than '88.
Aug 24, 2019 2:18 AM

Aug 2018
The animation was beautiful and the music was great but the story was a little bit hard to understand and WtF? WAS I am Tetsuo? THE ENDING?
6/10 not bad for a 1990s movie
Aug 28, 2019 3:44 PM

Apr 2015
i cant believe this piece of generic nonsense is considered iconic. i thought such a legendary movie would have some original plot, but it really seems all anime has the exact same plot (most obvious examples Madoka, NGE, Mononoke, Gits, Metropolis....) rehashed with only minuscule differences.
OberonFelsachAug 28, 2019 3:51 PM
Aug 30, 2019 8:12 PM

Jul 2008
OberonFelsach said:
i cant believe this piece of generic nonsense is considered iconic. i thought such a legendary movie would have some original plot, but it really seems all anime has the exact same plot (most obvious examples Madoka, NGE, Mononoke, Gits, Metropolis....) rehashed with only minuscule differences.

How the hell do those anime you named have the same plot?
Nov 5, 2019 12:47 AM

Aug 2017
It was really nice, but not even close to being the best. I really like the technical aspect.

6/10 for the movie.
NurguburuNov 5, 2019 12:52 AM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Nov 23, 2019 7:29 PM

Sep 2017
Typically, when a film is as glorified as Akira is, I set too high of expectations for what I am about to see and end up with a varying level of disappointed. Akira, however, was one of the first examples of a piece of work where I had perfect expectations and left feeling highly satisfied. Sure, the story was pretty lackluster and the characters lacked depth, but the soundtrack was absolutely brilliant and the world was interesting enough to keep me entertained for the two hour run-time. I have a feeling this isn't all Akira has to offer, however, so I guess I need to go read 120 chapters of a manga. 7/10.

Dec 2, 2019 9:13 PM

Nov 2019
Such an iconic anime movie
Dec 19, 2019 7:13 PM

Aug 2017
A classic glad I finally got around to it.
Mar 7, 2020 1:09 PM

Jan 2015
Uhm...hello? Lmao what was all of this about
Why is this considered a classic?

6/10 for the animation
Mar 9, 2020 12:24 AM
Nov 2015
this movie made me appreciate the man of action type protagonist like Kaneda.

watching this movie was such an amazing journey. the anime-styled cyberpunk setting and the music, both are truly enchanting. now i really wish that i could watch this movie in a cinema.

the coming of age message is conveyed through the nicely bits of symbolism here and there. also our civil society is compellingly represented by the side-characters.

yes, this is a classic.
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