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Dec 30, 2017 11:23 AM

Jun 2008
Because it's different and it has an outstanding visuals and soundtrack but imo the story and characters fall flat. I can't keep watching anymore because I have no patience for such slow paced show.
DizzeeDec 30, 2017 11:32 AM
Jan 6, 2018 7:41 PM

Dec 2017
topazio said:
I dropped the anime to read the manga and I am glad I did that. What a boring story. Hard to believe I hyped this so much, and the first episodes basically comprised everything that is worth with it. It simply has no sense of wonder whatsoever. For a story about magic that is the end of it.

Even though I dropped it early, considering Dizzee words everything I thought would happen with the anime seems to be true. Sad how the OVA is better than the entire main story.
didn't you already post this twice.

Anyhow, I think the show is fine and the score is high from people that actually love the anime. Personally I want to finish it and see what happens.
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
Good song
Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo
Another Good Song Listen to テスト by mukami #np on #SoundCloud
Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime.
My reviews:
Best Naruto Op:
discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs
Jan 6, 2018 9:21 PM

Jun 2012
It's straight up beautiful.

Honestly, it's by far the best anime I've ever seen I think actually.

But it could for sure be even better. Even though I'd say it's already better than Full Metal Alchemist................. As of right now.

The Romance is just like.. Beautiful instead of Corny. It's not disgustingly corny like Clannad or whatever. This Anime is simply just amazing. Huge fan. And bias. xd.

I feel like the more depressing emotion that the main character displays (not elias) just makes the Anime feel better and everything. It just doesn't feel generic to me and I'm assuming numerous other people since this show is rated high as shit.

And it's kind of funny actually. The only thing people can say about this anime to hate on it is "she iz 15 and hez like 100 thousand yerz old" societal ideology doesn't mean shit in an Anime whenever every Ecchi anime (this anime isnt an ecchi) includes a 10 year old........ Has anyone seen No Game no Life? She's.... 11... (shiro).. Oh and the loli in HOTD. is 7 btw.

I have no idea how the #1 rated review for this Anime is even still up. Wasn't even a review... Was a SJW preaching ideology lol.

SasoraJan 6, 2018 9:31 PM
Jan 7, 2018 2:39 AM

Jul 2016
Sasora said:

I have no idea how the #1 rated review for this Anime is even still up. Wasn't even a review... Was a SJW preaching ideology lol.

It makes especially no sense when you consider that Nabokovs Lolita is a literature classic or take even Woody Allens Manhattan. Plus pedophilia is considered pre-puberty age, which 15 hardly is. So the is a lot of false assumptions and information in it.
Additionally a piece of creative work can establish its own state of society. But I agree you can feel uncomfortable but thats really the conflicting point of the character. On one hand he bought her and she is kind of his property on the other hand he got her out of a miserable life situation. I think thats actually a strength of the Elias character

P.S: Ok i just saw 6EPS but thats my view.
Jan 7, 2018 3:28 AM

Jun 2012
mjott90 said:
Sasora said:

I have no idea how the #1 rated review for this Anime is even still up. Wasn't even a review... Was a SJW preaching ideology lol.

It makes especially no sense when you consider that Nabokovs Lolita is a literature classic or take even Woody Allens Manhattan. Plus pedophilia is considered pre-puberty age, which 15 hardly is. So the is a lot of false assumptions and information in it.
Additionally a piece of creative work can establish its own state of society. But I agree you can feel uncomfortable but thats really the conflicting point of the character. On one hand he bought her and she is kind of his property on the other hand he got her out of a miserable life situation. I think thats actually a strength of the Elias character

P.S: Ok i just saw 6EPS but thats my view.

She was choosing to be sold regardless.
Jan 7, 2018 12:33 PM

May 2015
Some 50 Shades of Grey shit. Girls love it.
Jan 7, 2018 9:25 PM

Jun 2016
because its different from the other...
Jan 10, 2018 7:20 AM

Jan 2018
I am wondering the same thing. I have seen two episodes and I want to like this show so bad because the art and music is so good. And there is magic! They could do so many interesting things with it. Unfortunately the characters are still uninteresting and I don't know if the show is gonna deliver on romance or Chises development as a mage or funny slice of life because neither has really caught my attention yet.

Someone pls tell me why I should continue watching.
Jan 10, 2018 7:36 AM

Apr 2016
i hope you finally found your answer in all these answers!!! ;)
Jan 10, 2018 8:02 AM

Oct 2013
Ranxomare said:
i hope you finally found your answer in all these answers!!! ;)

The first answer was the the best, pretty colors.
Now it's Violet Evergarden's turn as the overhyped show of the season, hopefully it's better.
Jan 10, 2018 8:25 AM

Apr 2016
This is truth @ dc22!!! CHange the season, change the interest!!! ;)
Jan 10, 2018 8:48 AM

Sep 2016
dc22 said:
Ranxomare said:
i hope you finally found your answer in all these answers!!! ;)

The first answer was the the best, pretty colors.
Now it's Violet Evergarden's turn as the overhyped show of the season, hopefully it's better.
you should make the same thread about violet. i'll reply the same reply too lol (which is still my honest opinion)

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Jan 10, 2018 9:11 AM

Oct 2013
GangsterCat said:
dc22 said:

The first answer was the the best, pretty colors.
Now it's Violet Evergarden's turn as the overhyped show of the season, hopefully it's better.
you should make the same thread about violet. i'll reply the same reply too lol (which is still my honest opinion)

Let's give at a chance at least? After it airs lol
Jan 10, 2018 2:09 PM

May 2009
I dont get he point of the discussion. You dont have to like it, Opinions are personal things. But calling it Overrated is as stupid as calling it a Masterpiece -it hasnt ended yet- (yet is closer to a good show than to a bad show) About the show and its good points:

-Has a very good pace (it's episodic, and I like it, because there is not a grand scheme -there are some hints for the future, but not happening yet- it is just Chise discovering the magical world and opening herself to people and her new family
-The characters develop is very well done (speaking about Chise and Elias, because the show is about them), they have flaws, but they also have very marked personalities that can change with the events, and are not your typical anime-couple (a beauty and the beast made anime, Elias is awful and yet we cant but feel tenderness for this sensitive Cow-Skeletor)
-OST is awesome, the first OP is very powerful
-aesthetics are amazing, every detail is taken care of, it shows magic like a mix of different folk stuff, it has different color, shapes and creatures all over the place (Harry Potter style -even though Im not a HP fan it has a very beautiful magical world, and this is also what LWA was promising and didnt bring at the end)

It is not perfect but it is very good, but at the moment I'm giving it a 8-9 in score.

(I didnt watch the OVAS -planned to, but forgot about it- and didnt read the manga, and I dont give 10's to every show)
AredrosJan 10, 2018 2:13 PM
<img src=""/>
Jan 10, 2018 2:21 PM

May 2009
mjott90 said:
Sasora said:

I have no idea how the #1 rated review for this Anime is even still up. Wasn't even a review... Was a SJW preaching ideology lol.

It makes especially no sense when you consider that Nabokovs Lolita is a literature classic or take even Woody Allens Manhattan. Plus pedophilia is considered pre-puberty age, which 15 hardly is. So the is a lot of false assumptions and information in it.
Additionally a piece of creative work can establish its own state of society. But I agree you can feel uncomfortable but thats really the conflicting point of the character. On one hand he bought her and she is kind of his property on the other hand he got her out of a miserable life situation. I think thats actually a strength of the Elias character

P.S: Ok i just saw 6EPS but thats my view.

I cannot tell if they are going to develop that part later in the show, but a current theme is that Chise and Elia's relationship is far from perfect, given that they are like 2 childs.
1; He thinks he owns her, he is really possessive about her

He doesnt look at her like an object, but he is afraid of she leaving because of his nature, so he is in a point where he doesnt want to let her approach too much, but doesnt want to keep her too far. Chise on the other side is really dependent on him given than he rescued her, yet most characters of the show have told her that she shouldn't surpress her future and freedom because of the selfishness of Elias, yet she is afraid of leaving him. I dont know where the show will go, but the point of the start of a show doesnt tell if its bad or not, the real trick is in how you develop the things
<img src=""/>
Mar 20, 2018 7:09 PM

Apr 2009
I liked the OVA but cannot bring myself to like the Anime, because the romantic elements are much more obvious than in the OVA. I've watched a lot of Anime, so the age thing is not what bothers me, but rather that Elias is her MASTER and teacher and that she's obviously dependent on him, emotionally and physically. Which the show shows constantly and while some people may find it cute (heck there's even video compilations on YT) I find it very off-putting. I'm only watching it for the side characters now.
Mar 20, 2018 7:38 PM

Dec 2008
I really can't-it's a good show but I've seen better.
Life Is Short But Intense.
Mar 21, 2018 2:33 AM
Apr 2015
Why it's so popular and overhyped?
I mean it has no Fanservice , Showing panties wherever she goes , mini skirt , The Male MC that somehow everyone love even though the MC is perverted loli who trying to kiss and f*ck ghost of 5th grades kid and survive a vampire attack, I mean it's not one of that, so how can the anime be this high ?
Mar 21, 2018 6:04 PM
Jul 2016
dc22 said:
I mean it's the most popular anime this season, and the highest rated non-sequel. But I'm really struggling to find something interesting about it.

Maybe it's the overdose of classical magic shows lately...

I read the manga and loved it, and i think the anime so far is almost as good as it
Mar 25, 2018 4:19 AM

Sep 2014
The stats are saying that 90% of people who have watched this have rated it 7/10 or above. I think it is fair to say that this anime is rated highly because the majority liked it. And I thought it had a strong haterbase, but no they are just more vocals.
Mar 25, 2018 5:26 AM

Oct 2013
Hrybami said:
The stats are saying that 90% of people who have watched this have rated it 7/10 or above. I think it is fair to say that this anime is rated highly because the majority liked it. And I thought it had a strong haterbase, but no they are just more vocals.

Hell even I rate 7/10 now and I started this thread, it got better in the second half.

Still overrated tho.
Mar 25, 2018 9:56 AM

May 2017
dc22 said:
Hrybami said:
The stats are saying that 90% of people who have watched this have rated it 7/10 or above. I think it is fair to say that this anime is rated highly because the majority liked it. And I thought it had a strong haterbase, but no they are just more vocals.

Hell even I rate 7/10 now and I started this thread, it got better in the second half.

Still overrated tho.

Even better still, I felt the first half was way better than the second half, except for the last few episodes leading to the finale.

Kinda illustrates how people can interpret the same series entirely differently. Unless you're talking about the 13-24 episode run and not the entire series from 1-24, then I think I'd have to agree with your original assessment.

Mar 26, 2018 2:01 PM

Aug 2015
So does this show get better in the second cour? I dropped it after episode 11. I can tolerate slow shows to an extent, if there's depth, nuance, and themes just waiting to be explored. This anime, so far, hasn't really shown me any of it.

The characters are pretty mediocre. They haven't really developed in the 11 episodes I watched and the comedy is awful.

Although there are some great scenes because of the amazing visuals and above average music, I just can't really bring myself to finish this show.
Mar 26, 2018 2:30 PM
Oct 2017

Baffles the mind how this pseudo-deep anime with no cohesive storyline is rated so highly. @SlowAnimeWatcher Just droppppp it. Trust me on that one.
Mar 26, 2018 5:02 PM

Oct 2013
Ok nevermind, that finale was bad. Dropped to a 6/10.
Mar 27, 2018 7:31 PM

Feb 2014
good question. I couldn't get pass episode 10.

the high score is probably because each pat Chise received on her head people would give +1 of score.
Mar 31, 2018 12:25 PM

Jan 2013
I was hoping for a great ride but what I got was a long slog. I don't hate the show but after 17 eps, I was really forcing myself to continue watching. I wanted to hurry up and finish it because I felt like I was on the brink of having it on my ON-HOLD list. And there's no telling when I'd ever get back to it.

After watching the OVA I was looking forward to this season. I'm sucker for a good fantasy and all the cool fantastical elements they were introducing so early in the show was really hitting the spot. Only problem is, besides the world building, music, and animation, not much else was doing anything for me. The humor felt flat literally every time they tried to add some. It was quite embarrassing how bad it was.

And especially disappointing were the 2 leads. I just didn't get invested in them at all. The OVA really had me looking forward to get to know them more, but after 24 eps, they just provided so little entertainment. There were times I forgot Elias was even a mage. It became comical how easily Chise was kidnapped right under his nose. Or the times he would willingly separate from her knowing damn well there were people out there wantng to take her simply because of what she is(sleigh beggy). Did Silky even have a backstory? Ruth seemed to serve no real purpose in the overall story. He was just there.

Overall it's a 6/10. I do feel like watching the show was a waste of time. I dropped SAO after 20 eps but even that mess of a show provided more entertainment than this one.
KoolBreezeApr 1, 2018 6:36 AM
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Mar 31, 2018 7:54 PM

Oct 2017
The most dissappointing and over-rated show this pass 2 seasons...

Like seriously, the story has no coherence, and the later part plot keeps getting worse and worse with such a weak/ shallow villain with no charisma.

The early part is slow burn, but at least is kinda meaningful in a character progression sort of way. It's not the best story telling out there, and there're alot of ways to improve it, but at least it's a decent story at first. (Erased does its character progression 100 times better, especially the manga version)
Heck, even Violet Evergarden beats this by miles, despite it's also a rushed story with many problems in how the story is told.

Then they try to pull some bs plot twist , which could work, but none of those plots get explained well in the end. The ending is very rushed that's for sure, and the supposedly character dynamic in ep 21 got totally skipped, as if the twist never exist, and everything is good again without much explanation.

Easily a 6/10.

The romance element between the main casts are as forced and as bad as Twilight...
Well, Twillight is very popular back in the day, so now I understand why bad romance get rated so highly in Mal.

At least Japanese knew this show is bad and give it a 3.3/5 in their JP website.
Ventus_SMar 31, 2018 8:06 PM
Mar 31, 2018 7:58 PM

Oct 2017
SlowAnimeWatcher said:
So does this show get better in the second cour? I dropped it after episode 11. I can tolerate slow shows to an extent, if there's depth, nuance, and themes just waiting to be explored. This anime, so far, hasn't really shown me any of it.

The characters are pretty mediocre. They haven't really developed in the 11 episodes I watched and the comedy is awful.

Although there are some great scenes because of the amazing visuals and above average music, I just can't really bring myself to finish this show.

The show get worse pass ep12..

It was already a slog between ep8~12, but at least it's still kinda nice to enjoy the atmosphere.
Apr 17, 2018 2:12 PM

Sep 2017
I still don't get why this has such a high score. I've seen 14 episodes of a pretty show with a good OST... but bad charaterization, mediocre MC's, shit supporting cast (mostly) and a... plot?
I don't really care about the plot, but I like my well done characters, and good interactions between them and this anime has none of those.
I don't feel like finishing this.
Ne_fiApr 18, 2018 12:49 PM

Apr 18, 2018 4:18 AM

Dec 2014
agreed, this show is bad but ive seen worse. its highly rated because of all the hype it got.

however i did like the OVA it had good story and chise as a character is much less annoying in it.

The only thing i like about the show is its animation, ost.
Send me Friend requests!!!!
Apr 18, 2018 5:51 AM

Jan 2017
silky is so adorable!
Apr 19, 2018 1:05 PM

Sep 2014
The problem with the last arc of the anime is that it tried to bring some conclusion to a story that is more into slice of life. So they had to emphasis the plot progression to something different like Chise's interaction with a villain character. They had to not end the show on an confusing ending or a cliffhanger. As a result, it felt really rushed and out of place. The ending was unsatisfying because its story feels unfinished, yet it feels like it is indeed finish and we left with many things unanswered. Basically: just go read the manga.
Jul 27, 2020 1:53 AM
Feb 2019
This anime was garbage, I was so close in dropping this but decided to finish it just to see if the ending was at least worth it but nope, still garbage all the way through.

I enjoyed a lot the familiar bonding scene in episode 8, that was pretty nice, the rest of the episodes was slow and boring for me, wasn't funny either, I cringe the most with those forced shitty jokes they threw in this anime with the chibi faces, those moments were pretty much a cringe fest. I didn't liked the OST either, to me it was really, REALLY bad.

Characters were boring, I liked Silky though.

This anime was more of an acid trip than an actual anime for me.

Final rating: 5/10
Aug 29, 2020 8:16 PM
Dec 2016
Hrybami said:
The problem with the last arc of the anime is that it tried to bring some conclusion to a story that is more into slice of life. So they had to emphasis the plot progression to something different like Chise's interaction with a villain character. They had to not end the show on an confusing ending or a cliffhanger. As a result, it felt really rushed and out of place. The ending was unsatisfying because its story feels unfinished, yet it feels like it is indeed finish and we left with many things unanswered. Basically: just go read the manga.

The anime plays out basically exactly like the manga except they cut one scene from the ending
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