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Mar 2, 2018 9:19 AM

Nov 2011
Lacia feels more and more like a housewife lol

Kinda surprised how far they're taking Lacia/Arato already. Almost a kiss too.
I still can't stand Arato's sister. Too damn talky. I'm more interested in Shiori's role in this show now honestly especially from the development of the previous episode.

Lacia's behavior is becoming more and more human every episode. Lacia vs Methode :o
Mar 2, 2018 10:41 AM

Oct 2015

This anime isn't going to have a wonderfully happy ending if it progresses like this.

Also, I found a reason to continue the show! Soundtrack is one of the best this season
Mar 2, 2018 10:52 AM

Jun 2015
It was obvious Shiori was going to make a contract with Methode. I'm curious how that's going to develop. The stuff with Arato and Lacia is just weird and awkward. She's becoming more human-like. Lacia vs Methode was cool.
Mar 2, 2018 12:05 PM

Dec 2010
Not bad action scenes, the show is getting more interesting.

Mar 2, 2018 1:07 PM

Jun 2015
Now thats one hell of an intro for Saturnus though. Hmm the video sure was nice. The goal of the vid sure was admirable. Given the prejudices against HIE's this will be a good idea. Still Lacia and Arato do seem to be getting closer though. The concept of the boy meets girl lifestyle though is pretty interesting though. So Shiroi took the leap of becoming Methode's master then. To think that Methode would show up to ambush Arato and Lacia though. Methode's intro sure revealed some interesting revelations though.
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Mar 2, 2018 1:23 PM

Dec 2017
i have a feeling that this show has a lot of potential, but with such poor execution it's hard to enjoy and find it interesting
Mar 2, 2018 1:50 PM

Nov 2016
Shiori took the bait.Wonder if she will go down with Methode in the end or be able to jump off.

Sure Arato can't wait till he gets 18.

Action at the end was ok.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Mar 2, 2018 1:52 PM

Sep 2016
I'm kinda tempted to just drop this. Part of me wants to drop it but another part of me is still hoping the show will improve. The logic and reasoning behind this anime with the hIE is very weak. Why did they bring back the stupid Fashion show as well?

Sigh. This show has potential but that potential is starting to become thinner with each airing episode. Even if the show gets alot of answers and plot later, I just don't think it will be all that satisfying.
Mar 2, 2018 2:13 PM

Dec 2017
blu3_puls3 said:
I'm kinda tempted to just drop this. Part of me wants to drop it but another part of me is still hoping the show will improve. The logic and reasoning behind this anime with the hIE is very weak. Why did they bring back the stupid Fashion show as well?

Sigh. This show has potential but that potential is starting to become thinner with each airing episode. Even if the show gets alot of answers and plot later, I just don't think it will be all that satisfying.

same, all my hope is hanging on the fact that there's 25 episodes and it's just 1/3 of the show so far
Mar 2, 2018 2:18 PM
Jan 2017
Arato and Lacia kinda feel like supporting characters in what is supposed to be their series. That said, their relationship is evolving quite nicely. Yuka's comic relief status works when she comments on Arato and Lacia's relationship, even if she is unable to understand her brother is treating Lacia like a person instead of a tool. The scientist at the end of the episode says that artificial intelligence has already surpassed human intelligence and humanity is just trying to catch up to their creations, perhaps meaning that Arato is an anomaly because of his empathy towards robots. Still, why did Methode go and pick a fight with Lacia all of a sudden. As good as that fight was, what was the point? And who is that girl who takes Saturnus in? With all the setups the series putting forth, I can only hope the payoffs are just as good.
Mar 2, 2018 2:35 PM

Feb 2015
uninstallthegame said:
blu3_puls3 said:
I'm kinda tempted to just drop this. Part of me wants to drop it but another part of me is still hoping the show will improve. The logic and reasoning behind this anime with the hIE is very weak. Why did they bring back the stupid Fashion show as well?

Sigh. This show has potential but that potential is starting to become thinner with each airing episode. Even if the show gets alot of answers and plot later, I just don't think it will be all that satisfying.

same, all my hope is hanging on the fact that there's 25 episodes and it's just 1/3 of the show so far

This episode did just enough to keep me from dropping it.
Mar 2, 2018 2:57 PM

Dec 2016
more than half of the episode wasted in robot top model shit

Mar 2, 2018 3:23 PM

Jan 2018
Episode is named "Boy Meets Pornography"
Not a single piece of pornography to be found

I feel cheated.

Anyway, I still have mixed feelings for this series in general, but it seems that they're finally starting something that seems to be a main plot with the previous episode and this one, and I'll admit Arato and Lacia almost kissing this soon caught me by surprise. It seems like things are going to get interesting in the next episodes, or at least I hope so.
Mar 2, 2018 4:40 PM

Jun 2017
TurboAutist said:
Episode is named "Boy Meets Pornography"
Not a single piece of pornography to be found

I feel cheated.

Anyway, I still have mixed feelings for this series in general, but it seems that they're finally starting something that seems to be a main plot with the previous episode and this one, and I'll admit Arato and Lacia almost kissing this soon caught me by surprise. It seems like things are going to get interesting in the next episodes, or at least I hope so.

Welp, Arato wanted to smash and gotta give props for him for admitting it straight out but Lacia and her sister cockblocked him lmao.

So it seems Methode will be the "sky net" of this series and calls Lacia a defect. That might be true since Lacia said she has no feelings and emotions but she kinda looked like bullshitting there especially given her reaction to the attack. I guess she is a defect because she is the only hIE who will become the most human like and they are not supposed to turn out like that. A perfect match for Arato who views and treats her as a human already.

Looks like the attack wasn't ordered by Shiroi but by the memeframe dude and Methode had her send Ryou as a counter so things won't escalate that much.

Mar 2, 2018 4:55 PM

Sep 2016
Underrated Soundtrack of the season IMO, nice action scene at the end.
The Anime Binge Is Life

-PolarCyrus97 2k17-
Mar 2, 2018 5:36 PM

Jan 2018
MomoSinX said:
Welp, Arato wanted to smash and gotta give props for him for admitting it straight out but Lacia and her sister cockblocked him lmao.

So it seems Methode will be the "sky net" of this series and calls Lacia a defect. That might be true since Lacia said she has no feelings and emotions but she kinda looked like bullshitting there especially given her reaction to the attack. I guess she is a defect because she is the only hIE who will become the most human like and they are not supposed to turn out like that. A perfect match for Arato who views and treats her as a human already.

Looks like the attack wasn't ordered by Shiroi but by the memeframe dude and Methode had her send Ryou as a counter so things won't escalate that much.

Yeah, Arato was already manlier than a lot of other anime MCs by admitting he wants to screw his girl (well it's an android girl, but still) instead of being a dense motherfucker.

I think Lacia meant that she doesn't have actual emotions, but more like simulated emotions, which sorta makes sense and the fact that Arato just accepts her possibly fake emotions at face value is interesting, I would prefer if that was actually the case because it could lead to a commentary about simulated emotions x real emotions instead of being just another "android with actual emotions" story like it's usually done. Methode did mention she's the only "finished" Lacia class bot, maybe she called Lacia a defect because she's just an "incomplete" version like Kouka, Snowdrop and Saturnus are, or Lacia may have some actual flaw that's going to get revealed later in the series.
Mar 2, 2018 6:51 PM
Feb 2017
So since it says 24 episodes, does that include the recap episodes or not? This is getting kinda confusing. ^_^
Mar 2, 2018 8:59 PM
Jul 2018
Not one of my favorite episodes. But still good.
Mar 2, 2018 9:28 PM

Jan 2011
it's already been confirmed but this just turns to trash when they go back to Arato focused scenes will give him a bit of break since he at least said he wanted to do it instead of shying away from it.

but they brought back the model stuff which is still wack everytime i question the quality of this show it manages to sneak in a hint of interesting points even when it's not done well to keep me wanting to find out what the hell is going on.

only in still since were not even half way done yet
Mar 3, 2018 12:38 AM

Apr 2011
Lacia is turning more human like and waifu material. And Yuko just had to cockblocked the two in their lovey-dovey mode.

I guess Lacia can have sex. But Arato has to wait till 18. lol

MagitoMar 3, 2018 12:43 AM
Mar 3, 2018 2:45 AM
Jul 2017
LN readers!
Will Ryo turn on Arato like his other friend? And will there be any development with Arato and Lacia? Because right now if there is it will just look like a teenager obessesing over an object form my pow something i will sinply find cringeworthy.
Mar 3, 2018 3:27 AM
Nov 2017
This is a hate watch now. Everyone is so far up their own ass, they've formed singularities. In spite of the repeated mention of EULA BS, there seem to be no consequences to anyone's actions. We've seen multiple terrorist attacks, and next week everyone is right back at school like nothing ever happened.

There doesn't seem to be a single character not deserving of a punch in the throat. Well, maybe that one kid's dog, but that's it.
Mar 3, 2018 5:31 AM

Jul 2014
It's starting to feel like the show is developing a lot of plot threads here, but so far most of them seem to be progressing well enough. The fight between Lacia and Methode was well-executed as well, but I don't know why Methode doesn't just teleport or go super-speed or whatever she was doing to kill the other hIEs and just end Lacia on the spot, unless the intent wasn't to kill her at all (in which case, why fight at all? It's not as if they need to fight to "meet" each other).
Mar 3, 2018 7:18 AM

Jan 2018
I swear if her “defect” becomes another plastic memories incident...
Mar 3, 2018 8:34 AM

May 2017
Mc is so boring, honestly, Lacia is more of an owner than Arato and him being her pet. The HIEs conquests on getting an owner is more interesting than that boring as hell mc and their cheap and force romance but at least we got a progress this episode with Methode getting a 2nd owner

Atavistic said:
It's starting to feel like the show is developing a lot of plot threads here, but so far most of them seem to be progressing well enough. The fight between Lacia and Methode was well-executed as well, but I don't know why Methode doesn't just teleport or go super-speed or whatever she was doing to kill the other hIEs and just end Lacia on the spot, unless the intent wasn't to kill her at all (in which case, why fight at all? It's not as if they need to fight to "meet" each other).

Pretty sure that's not teleportation but just a representation by the anime of how Lacia-class HIEs are far beyond the capabilities of an average HIEs. They're just that fast that an average HIEs won't even be able to react to defend themselves
LairucremMar 3, 2018 8:40 AM
Mar 3, 2018 9:02 AM

Dec 2014
ooooh this episode though..a lot of close moments.... lacia series hie ss huh
Mar 3, 2018 10:37 AM

Jan 2017
Well this is the episode summed up

They just said she can't have these sort of emotions, but then she blushed over aratos remarks... Gaaah. So annoying
Mar 3, 2018 11:26 AM

Jul 2015
Lacia is showing a hell lot of emotions for someone who claims to have "no feelings".... i still find the android characters to be poorly executed.. there really is no main difference b/w them and humans.. and these "Lacia-Class" hIE are showing more emotions than all the humans in this anime..
episode was ok.. still previous one was better.. 2/5.. i still find the sister to be extremely annoying..
Mar 3, 2018 12:05 PM
Feb 2018
Arato is stupid. I would've fuck Shiori if i were him. Stupid coward. Annoying brats!
Mar 3, 2018 12:57 PM

Jan 2011
Just when I thought this slow train wreck was going to be over in a few weeks...I see its two cour. Ehhhhhhhhhh
Mar 3, 2018 2:35 PM

Jun 2017
Still unsure of what to think about this show...
The animation is mostly lazy (except for the action scenes) with lots of still shots.
The Soundtrack is great.
The philosophical aspect is very good although the story built around it... is not so good.
I hate the sister. every scene with her is painful. ughhh...
And that fucking idol/model shit... is really getting on my nerves.
Mar 3, 2018 3:25 PM

Nov 2013
like everyone else said, i still have no idea what to think about how the show is presented,

but i know that i like every single female character in the story, specially the 4 (5?) Lacias, even the sister, and the story isn't bad at all, so there's like 90% chances i will finish this anime without any problems =D
the songs are all great, and i unlike the rest i totally enjoy the modelling too, even if probably wasn't a good idea to show off Lacia like that lol

also, some sites are still listing the episodes counting with the stop confusing me dudes :v
winddevil1Mar 3, 2018 3:35 PM
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Mar 3, 2018 10:47 PM

Feb 2014
tambi33 said:
They just said she can't have these sort of emotions, but then she blushed over aratos remarks... Gaaah. So annoying

I think the translators kind of screwed up on this one. What Lacia really says is that she has no heart, not that she has no feelings. It might seem like a minor difference, but in context it has major implications. This is briefly explored when Lacia asks Arato if he feels like he's being analog hacked by her display of (fake) emotions. It would seem Arato himself doesn't care very much either way though, which promptly stopped any philosophical discourses short.

Can hardly blame him, really. If you take the stance that hIE emotions are invalid, you have to ask yourself what's the difference between theirs and human emotions. Both are essentially the product of biological machinery, so is it really fair to say hIE emotions aren't real? That's why the distinction between emotions and having a heart/soul is so critical.

Honestly, I feel a bit analog hacked that I'm even making a serious argument for this show. I started out laughing at it, but each episode has slowly built it into something actually respectable.
Mar 4, 2018 7:45 AM
Dec 2017
Godfi said:
I swear if her “defect” becomes another plastic memories incident...

Well, the Nexus class 6 replicants have a four-year lifespan... Rachel, however was a Nexus-7 with a potentially longer lifespan, yet she died giving birth to Deckard's child. Beatless probably won't end in "happily ever after" style.
Mar 4, 2018 8:11 AM
Dec 2017
Japanese are extremely pessimistic people. The gynoid development timeline shown at the beginning of Beatless Ep7 was extremely slow paced, like 2009 for the first chassis, but 2040 for the first workable humanoid household unit and up to 2083 for the first HIE class.

In reality this is what american robotics can achieve nowadays:

In contrast, japanese humanoid robotics has been left in the dust, the anime's slow placed timeline is obviously based on their struggle with the clumsy and snail-slow ASIMO class. I would guess USA will have "sleep with Lacia" bots in less than 15 years, based on a combination of Boston Robotics Corp. tech and RealDoll Inc. skins and market demand.

On the other hand, Beatless anime has a big folly: just as artificial humans (robots /replicants) develop, real humans could also enhance themselves, like obtaining integral exoskeletons, embedding neural implants, gene doping, etc. to keep pace with the replicants. They don't need to stay the little, fragile humans who have no chance of competing with their own creations.
Mar 4, 2018 10:23 AM

Jul 2015
So like, there is only one reason I'm still here and that is Snowdrop... I actually quite like her design a lot, she could make for a very interesting and creepy character. I was just about to drop this but episode 5, when she appeared, I just sort of fell in love with her character. That being said, episodes onward up to this point have caused me to lose some interest again, at this point, the anime itself is more like background noise, was actually writing this all down mid episode. I just want to see Snowdrop again.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Mar 4, 2018 12:14 PM

Feb 2015
This show continues to aspire to mediocrity with it's continuous garbage plot. My lord this show is so ridiculous.
Mar 4, 2018 6:22 PM
Jun 2017
just love the episode for today... the BOY MEETS GIRL thing, the lacia vs methode and the (near) kiss of lacia and owner. GREAT EPISODE!!!
Mar 4, 2018 9:49 PM
Mar 2012
Ambient osts quite cool.
First ep wanted that imouto to shutup.
Concepts during the fashion parts are good but ep feels so boring. End action well done tho.
Shiori contract all expected.
Meme Doctor might've brought an important theme, humans catching up to AI or get left behind. In ep5 each Lacia-class said they're a "tool for progress/expanding humanity etc". So these bots are likely purposely sent outside to improve humans, by all this marketing/fashion/analog hack etc.
Mar 4, 2018 11:36 PM

Oct 2008
Methode has now finally engaged the protags! looks like more chaos is under its way!

Mar 5, 2018 2:57 AM

Jan 2013
This show has to be the biggest disappointment of the season. Every time I open up this anime my eyes scream. The writing has some super great points, some minor thought provoking moments, but ultimately has the same consistency and texture of poop.

I'm pretty mad, I really wanted to like this, but now I'm just tolerating its pathetic existence.
Mar 7, 2018 4:45 PM

Dec 2010
This is so lackluster... everytime a new enemy attack Lacia, they are on even ground then the enemy leaves, no real bussiness whatsoever, bye bye. The fuck was this?

The Boy Meets Girl was utter cringe. The next Top robo-model shit is so annyoing and awful. Everyone is amazed by Lacia`s look and thats it. Nothing new.

There are some interesting points, but nothing new so far.

Also, please kill his sister.
Mar 7, 2018 8:30 PM

Nov 2013
Arato sure has bad luck with his friends. After Glasses turned into a terrorist, the other guy sided with the suspicious scientist.

The girl, whose place Saturnus crashed, is even more irritating than the little sister. And that's saying something.

Shiori making a contract with Methode was to be expected.

You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Mar 10, 2018 5:01 PM

Mar 2012
It is clear that this series has multiple camps with different motivations. It's been 7 episodes and all we've found out really is that there are a lot of people who hate Lacia but Arato is totally intent on banging her.

Yuka remains pretty much the worst character ever created in anime. She's worse than the pretentious MCs; she's just an 100% airhead.
Mar 14, 2018 12:39 AM

Apr 2015
Not really sure what is happening but the weirdo prof creeps me out.

Feels like everything is all over the place.
Apr 3, 2018 3:48 AM

Dec 2008
I cant take it anymore, this show is so not enjoyable and follwos such a cliched formula...ARGH SAID CHARLIE BROWN!...3/10. Im out.
Sep 27, 2018 11:04 AM

Jan 2014
I still don't understand why Methode wants to make a contract with Shiori and why she attack the photoshoot location out of nowhere.
the only thing I keep watching this series is that because of some epic robotic battle, nothing more.
May 6, 2020 8:54 AM

Feb 2018
Lacia is best housewife, xD.
Mar 23, 2023 5:09 PM

Dec 2022
Arato would have a lot more success with the idiots attacking him every time he takes Lacia out in public if he ordered her to kill them rather than "drive them out". She's not going to use her full combat capabilities with flaky, vague orders.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Aug 30, 2024 1:41 AM

Jun 2024
Another hIE at the start looking for an owner.
I'm not surprised that Shiori decided to become the owner of Methode.
As expected she went right after Arato & Lacia.
Good thing Ryou has decided to stick by his friends by the looks of it.
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