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Jan 31, 2018 7:22 AM

Nov 2011
Hmm, this episode was alright. Violet's interaction with Iris is kinda interesting, considering that she's also an automated memory doll.

Iris expresses a lot more human emotions than I had expected. A bit different compared to Violet considering she isn't afraid to speak her mind. The setting this episode felt a bit more refreshing.
Jan 31, 2018 7:39 AM

May 2015
violet mellowed down a lil bit
glad they had a bonding time to understand each other quite a bit
tho its not what i wanted to see still liked it
Jan 31, 2018 7:57 AM

Mar 2013
Yep wasn't sure until this episode, really not liking this adaptation now... (Will continue watching since I basically signed a blood oath w/ myself to finish this series.)

From a writing perspective at this point what did Violet learn that is different from the last few episodes? Maybe I screwed myself by reading the original source material, but geez the pacing of Violets development from recovering from her initial PTSD phase is abysmally slow at this point. Also the fact that this episode focused on Iris purely pushed me over the edge.

Iris a side character with very little interest and character motivation. A side character that instigated conflict in ep 2 for no good reason just soured my outlook on this series with her boring backstory, her generic family struggles, and cliche love story. It added nothing about the damn main character or the overall plot progression. Violet learns again that she doesn't understand love and human interactions. Still hammering home a theme/message that wasn't conveyed previously right?! Jesus what did we learn...

I'm terribly sorry if this offends anyone... I know i'm just acting like the spoiled manga/novel reader fan, but jesus this episode was flat out boring.
SalmonSandwichJan 31, 2018 8:01 AM
Jan 31, 2018 8:00 AM

Apr 2010
So the background story of Iris or at least her family and her mother wanting her to marry.
Well it looks like the marriage has to be put of seeing Iris has different plans.

I really enjoyed this episode it was funny to see the misunderstandings.
Jan 31, 2018 8:54 AM

Apr 2015


Kyoto Animation is going to start another Endless 8 Controversy.

Honestly now, the light novel chapters are better than this, wtf.
Jan 31, 2018 8:58 AM

Apr 2016
Another episode with no sign of Violet's adventures starting. This is what you get when you introduce more side characters not originally in the novel... At this point they're spending way too long to show Violet's interactions with Iris and Erica.

And we didn't even get a single glimpse of Luculia, the only new character that I liked.

Also, we still haven't seen Hodgins trying to tell Violet about Gilbert.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy they're doing what the novel didn't do, but they're doing a bit too much on Violet's interactions with her co-workers. It would've been much better if they just showed Benedict, Cattleya and Hodgins, who are clearly more important, and start with the adventures as soon as possible.

One interesting part of this episode is that it somehow reminded me of Chapter 9 of the novel. But really, it was just an unsuccessful effort in trying to imitate the novel content.
Major_GilbertJan 31, 2018 9:09 AM

"Le vent se lève!... Il faut tenter de vivre!"
- Paul Valéry, Le Cimetière Marin -

Jan 31, 2018 9:15 AM

Jul 2017
I'm going to drop this for now. Aside from looking pretty this show does nothing for me. And to be honest having finished reading the novel, the source material isn't that great either. It's just more melodramatic nonsense. Some people like that, but it's not for me.
Jan 31, 2018 10:34 AM
Aug 2015
SalmonSandwich said:
Yep wasn't sure until this episode, really not liking this adaptation now... (Will continue watching since I basically signed a blood oath w/ myself to finish this series.)

From a writing perspective at this point what did Violet learn that is different from the last few episodes? Maybe I screwed myself by reading the original source material, but geez the pacing of Violets development from recovering from her initial PTSD phase is abysmally slow at this point. Also the fact that this episode focused on Iris purely pushed me over the edge.

Iris a side character with very little interest and character motivation. A side character that instigated conflict in ep 2 for no good reason just soured my outlook on this series with her boring backstory, her generic family struggles, and cliche love story. It added nothing about the damn main character or the overall plot progression. Violet learns again that she doesn't understand love and human interactions. Still hammering home a theme/message that wasn't conveyed previously right?! Jesus what did we learn...

I'm terribly sorry if this offends anyone... I know i'm just acting like the spoiled manga/novel reader fan, but jesus this episode was flat out boring.

Major_Gilbert said:
Another episode with no sign of Violet's adventures starting. This is what you get when you introduce more side characters not originally in the novel... At this point they're spending way too long to show Violet's interactions with Iris and Erica.

And we didn't even get a single glimpse of Luculia, the only new character that I liked.

Also, we still haven't seen Hodgins trying to tell Violet about Gilbert.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy they're doing what the novel didn't do, but they're doing a bit too much on Violet's interactions with her co-workers. It would've been much better if they just showed Benedict, Cattleya and Hodgins, who are clearly more important, and start with the adventures as soon as possible.

One interesting part of this episode is that it somehow reminded me of Chapter 9 of the novel. But really, it was just an unsuccessful effort in trying to imitate the novel content.

I haven't seen the episode yet but considering what you guys are saying I will hate this episode. I've sensed that Iris would be a bad extra character before the anime started. First, I enjoyed the novel so I thought it would be bad to add characters in the anime since we already have interesting characters in the novel. Second, extra characters means they have to develop them. But since it started I couldn't like Iris because of her behaviour and I won't like her after this episode. They could easily shown Violet interacting with Hodgins, Benedict and Cattleya. Who's the stupid scripwriter who decided to create Iris and Erica?

Although they did a good job with the previous episode with Luculia who was also an extra character), if they keep doing episodes like 2 and 4 I'm afraid I will drop the anime. I'm really pissed off. It doesn't even add some development for Violet according to you so what's the point focusing on such extra characters? Geez...
Jan 31, 2018 10:57 AM

Apr 2012
To be honest, I was surprised to learn that Iris is a heterosexual girl. Especially given her tomboy type and the fact that this anime is KyoAni. Nevertheless, it was an interesting episode, since we learned that Violet was more perceptive and kind than others could have thought.
Jan 31, 2018 12:38 PM

Sep 2016
haha I thought i'm going to finish this anime just so I can follow the trend and topic since this is just so overhyped, but nope, everything is just so damn boring and bad. I will just drop it right now, there isn't even anything to discuss so far lol

Who would've guessed that the most popular and overhyped anime this season (this and franxx, although franxx isn't as bad) are the ones that ended up being one of the worst?

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Jan 31, 2018 2:01 PM

Jul 2015
Was this a filler episode? I felt like if nothing happened at all, bonus points for Violet doing another good message despite clearly not showing any signs of progress in her personality or way to think, and this one wasn't even short. I just don't get this anime at all.
Jan 31, 2018 2:50 PM

Aug 2017
I tried so hard to find some good intentions of this show besides the animation but nope, more filler content for a character that i hate from the start. The worst part is that Violet didn't learn anything. 2/5
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Jan 31, 2018 2:56 PM
May 2013
Nothing Happend in this episode but still its such a beautiful anime <3
Jan 31, 2018 3:04 PM

Apr 2016
So basically a mandatory episode about "bonding" between characters.

Major_Gilbert said:
This is what you get when you introduce more side characters not originally in the novel...

So Iris isnt in the Novel right ? Hmm, im wondering what was the reason behind this forced "exotic" or diversity full filler we got in this episode.
Jan 31, 2018 3:05 PM

Apr 2016
MetaThPr4h said:
Was this a filler episode? I felt like if nothing happened at all, bonus points for Violet doing another good message despite clearly not showing any signs of progress in her personality or way to think, and this one wasn't even short. I just don't get this anime at all.

Yeah nothing happened. This wasn't in the novel at all, except for the flashback towards the end.

Swagernator said:
So basically a mandatory episode about "bonding" between characters.

Major_Gilbert said:
This is what you get when you introduce more side characters not originally in the novel...

So Iris isnt in the Novel right ? Hmm, im wondering what was the reason behind this forced "exotic" or diversity full filler we got in this episode.

Yeah, she isn't in the novel along with every single other worker in the company aside from Hodgins, Cattleya and Benedict. The company was supposed to be pretty small in the first place, anyway.

Major_GilbertJan 31, 2018 3:09 PM

"Le vent se lève!... Il faut tenter de vivre!"
- Paul Valéry, Le Cimetière Marin -

Jan 31, 2018 3:13 PM

Apr 2016
The voice-acting of Violet is so lame.

It's sad, it's a pity, wasting such a high level of animation with such a bad direction.

I remember when I read the director would be the same as "Kyouka No kanata", I was like "huuuu, sounds bad, really bad".

It's not like I had a lot of expectations about the story, I didn't read the novel, I just have no clue and hoped for something "good" at least, and to be honest, I don't care if it's simple short stories with side characters, I can enjoy that a lot actually, but again, Violet's voice sounds so forced, so unnatural, so ... so bad. Really, even the dumbest soldier on earth wouldn't speak like that. Did she ever spoke with her master/major? She could at least have learnt something about intonations.

An adaptation is supposed to enhance or surpass the original material, but here even without having a clue about the original, I know it's already worse because of the fucking voice-acting. At least the novel will never have this flaw.

That was it for the rant. It's particularly bad when in an episode half of the text comes out of violet's mouth. Give me more side-characters (speaking) please !
Jan 31, 2018 3:21 PM

Apr 2016
Ysad_Ziwezhan said:
An adaptation is supposed to enhance or surpass the original material, but here even without having a clue about the original, I know it's already worse because of the fucking voice-acting. At least the novel will never have this flaw.

tbh most adaptations never really surpass the original content...

"Le vent se lève!... Il faut tenter de vivre!"
- Paul Valéry, Le Cimetière Marin -

Jan 31, 2018 3:28 PM

Jan 2013
SalmonSandwich said:
Yep wasn't sure until this episode, really not liking this adaptation now... (Will continue watching since I basically signed a blood oath w/ myself to finish this series.)

From a writing perspective at this point what did Violet learn that is different from the last few episodes? Maybe I screwed myself by reading the original source material, but geez the pacing of Violets development from recovering from her initial PTSD phase is abysmally slow at this point. Also the fact that this episode focused on Iris purely pushed me over the edge.

Iris a side character with very little interest and character motivation. A side character that instigated conflict in ep 2 for no good reason just soured my outlook on this series with her boring backstory, her generic family struggles, and cliche love story. It added nothing about the damn main character or the overall plot progression. Violet learns again that she doesn't understand love and human interactions. Still hammering home a theme/message that wasn't conveyed previously right?! Jesus what did we learn...

I'm terribly sorry if this offends anyone... I know i'm just acting like the spoiled manga/novel reader fan, but jesus this episode was flat out boring.

Was the novel better? What's the difference so far story wise?
Jan 31, 2018 3:33 PM

Dec 2015
That was alright I guess. This show is kind of going down the same road as Ancient Magus bride though - good looking and all, but nothing really happening. Since it has less episodes I hope it picks up soon.
Jan 31, 2018 3:35 PM

Mar 2013
Major_Gilbert said:
Another episode with no sign of Violet's adventures starting. This is what you get when you introduce more side characters not originally in the novel... At this point they're spending way too long to show Violet's interactions with Iris and Erica.

And we didn't even get a single glimpse of Luculia, the only new character that I liked.

Also, we still haven't seen Hodgins trying to tell Violet about Gilbert.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy they're doing what the novel didn't do, but they're doing a bit too much on Violet's interactions with her co-workers. It would've been much better if they just showed Benedict, Cattleya and Hodgins, who are clearly more important, and start with the adventures as soon as possible.

One interesting part of this episode is that it somehow reminded me of Chapter 9 of the novel. But really, it was just an unsuccessful effort in trying to imitate the novel content.

Exactly. After calming down and thinking about it... In the end its a watered down version of chapter 9. Considering the inspiration was already a weak part of the novel (chapter 9 and chapter 2 were the weakest imo), as a fellow fan of the novel what do you think about them changing the foster family story line to the anime original version with Erica/Iris, the doll training school, etc?

I really do appreciate the adaptation changing the story so they can do the world building better since the novels really lacked development with the whole world, the postal service, the dolls, etc.
However with this episode I can't imagine them getting Violet out of her PTSD phase naturally now since the novel kind of predicted this problem and "skipped" it early in her development.
while in the anime adaptation I really can't imagine a natural transition now with the pacing being snail paced and them throwing away the original story line (which was more conveniently written to be natural and omit extra detail to save time?) in favor for world building.

Also jesus her "what is love" thing was alot more subtle and mentioned less in the source so its already just cheesy. At this point Violet is a completely different character as well imo.
Jan 31, 2018 3:40 PM

Oct 2014
Oh ok, the flowers in the opening make sense now, I can't believe I didn't get that until now. I guess we'll get more clued in to what the symbolism in the opening is as the show goes on.

So it seems like each episode will follow a supporting character around Violet and develop her as well. You really do get a sense of progression from each episode, no time is wasted at all.

Violet's bluntness is surprisingly useful for writing the letters. She was able to suss out Iris's feelings just by not mincing words.
I'm really liking this show! The episodes just fly by because there's so much content to them. It really never misses a beat.
Jan 31, 2018 3:48 PM
Feb 2015
Holy shit, the amount of negativity here would make someone think that KyoAni has just released the worst episode of all time. I quite enjoyed this episode as it further developed both violet and Iris as characters in meaningful ways. It's almost as if people either just want to hate on it or are complete elitists and claiming that nothing is better than the source material.
Jan 31, 2018 3:55 PM

Apr 2016
SalmonSandwich said:
Major_Gilbert said:
Another episode with no sign of Violet's adventures starting. This is what you get when you introduce more side characters not originally in the novel... At this point they're spending way too long to show Violet's interactions with Iris and Erica.

And we didn't even get a single glimpse of Luculia, the only new character that I liked.

Also, we still haven't seen Hodgins trying to tell Violet about Gilbert.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy they're doing what the novel didn't do, but they're doing a bit too much on Violet's interactions with her co-workers. It would've been much better if they just showed Benedict, Cattleya and Hodgins, who are clearly more important, and start with the adventures as soon as possible.

One interesting part of this episode is that it somehow reminded me of Chapter 9 of the novel. But really, it was just an unsuccessful effort in trying to imitate the novel content.

Exactly. After calming down and thinking about it... In the end its a watered down version of chapter 9. Considering the inspiration was already a weak part of the novel (chapter 9 and chapter 2 were the weakest imo), as a fellow fan of the novel what do you think about them changing the foster family story line to the anime original version with Erica/Iris, the doll training school, etc?

I really do appreciate the adaptation changing the story so they can do the world building better since the novels really lacked development with the whole world, the postal service, the dolls, etc.
However with this episode I can't imagine them getting Violet out of her PTSD phase naturally now since the novel kind of predicted this problem and "skipped" it early in her development.
while in the anime adaptation I really can't imagine a natural transition now with the pacing being snail paced and them throwing away the original story line (which was more conveniently written to be natural and omit extra detail to save time?) in favor for world building.

Also jesus her "what is love" thing was alot more subtle and mentioned less in the source so its already just cheesy. At this point Violet is a completely different character as well imo.

Agreed. If I were to choose I'd prefer the foster family storyline, since it is a better setting for Violet to share stronger bonds than with her co-workers by having parent figues and learn more. But then again we wouldn't have known more about the profession of dolls.

The anime has really made Violet seem to look like an annoying and boring character by lengthening her recovery from her PTSD. By watching the anime adaptation I miss the structure of the novel so much...

I definitely agree with the recurring "I want to know the meaning of I love you", I don't remember Violet saying that line more than 4 or 5 times in the whole series.

"Le vent se lève!... Il faut tenter de vivre!"
- Paul Valéry, Le Cimetière Marin -

Jan 31, 2018 3:56 PM

Apr 2017
This was definitely better than episode three. As usual the visuals and sound were the one the truly had more volume, while the interactions and dialog weren't that amazing.

But that small joke when Violet charged Iris, although not that comedic, was actually refreshing to see from our hardcore veteran barbie doll.

And yea Iris is bae.
"Goodbye, everyone. I'll remember you all in therapy." Matou Sakura, Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel
Jan 31, 2018 3:56 PM

Nov 2016
Nice episode again and lol,dunno why people call this filler tbh,the interaction between Violet and Iris was interesting and is something important for the overall plot and development imo.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jan 31, 2018 3:58 PM
Jul 2018
I love Iris, I somehow predicted she’d be sensible enough to knock some common human social skills into Violet. This episode just further solidified my love for Iris, hopefully she’ll be seen more from hereon out.
Jan 31, 2018 3:59 PM

Aug 2017
TheMisled said:
Holy shit, the amount of negativity here would make someone think that KyoAni has just released the worst episode of all time. I quite enjoyed this episode as it further developed both violet and Iris as characters in meaningful ways. It's almost as if people either just want to hate on it or are complete elitists and claiming that nothing is better than the source material.

Besides the filler content, the problem is that Iris was very mean from the start. I really dislike a episode for her because that. Even this episode have bad writing just like the others. Nothing happens from episode 1.
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Jan 31, 2018 3:59 PM

Mar 2013
TheMisled said:
Holy shit, the amount of negativity here would make someone think that KyoAni has just released the worst episode of all time. I quite enjoyed this episode as it further developed both violet and Iris as characters in meaningful ways. It's almost as if people either just want to hate on it or are complete elitists and claiming that nothing is better than the source material.

Yeah would never have believed I would become one of those types of people you mentioned so I feel bad about it but understand its not just blind hate/rage?

Its really simple, think of yourself as a coach of an marathon team. You know the marathon course inside and out, all the difficulties, and the easiest path. Then you have a team you trained and knows they are confident in their skills. You give them a shortcut but they completely ignore it and basically take a detour behind the course and go in the opposite direction.
Or a more concrete analogy, in Harry Potter instead of Harry meeting Hagrid and going to Hogwarts immediately in the adaptation of the 1st movie, Harry declines Hagrids offer initially and his school life in public school is shown for 1/3 of the movie instead. You know there are 2/3 movie time left to flesh out the 1st novel so why are they doing filler? Sure it develops the character but you have to consider the pacing as well.

It basically feels like that after reading the novel. I love the world building but the changes to the story are really watered down version of the original source. If you love Iris and Erica's story line great however the problem is that they were the result of a different water down interpretation of the original story line but instead adds nothing to the main character making it a completely different adaptation.
Also I know adaptations omit detail, its in its nature that animation has to omit from the source material monologues, characters, etc to fit the team/directors narrative. Nichijou, K-on, Silent Voice are all my favorite adaptation b/c of these things. However when you change the source material to this point, why bother having the same title then when it just resembles it on a surface level? (This was my problem with the directors Kyoukai no Kanata as well)
SalmonSandwichJan 31, 2018 4:07 PM
Jan 31, 2018 4:03 PM

Jun 2015
This episode was okay, nothing much was going on. Violet learned how to write another good letter and that's pretty much the only good thing that happened. Got some backstory for Iris, but I honestly didn't care.
Jan 31, 2018 4:14 PM
Aug 2017
I mean at first, I was surprised with the whole introduction of the side characters and Violet first starting as a doll. But I do think its important to tell of Violets story before and when she first became a doll l, since the novel starts off with her already doing her job already, so we have some knowledge about her. But Honestly,Im just begging to see Violet go on her adventures soon (to see her clients from the novel/the first pv of the anime back in 2016,it looked amazing) since its feeling kind of too boring now. And I also want to see more violet development,her personality is still too unrealistic for me. For now I'll still watch it, but I hope it picks up soon.
Jan 31, 2018 4:24 PM
Jul 2016
Congratulations Kyoni! You just created one of the most boring anime of 2k18...

According to the source readers, Kyoani isn't even adapting the god damn LN! All of this "content" we've been watching has been nothing but generic filler...

I will continue to watch this anime in hopes of it improving but as of now i give it a solid 6, possibly a 5 if nothing changes.

Also Violet is one of the WORST main characters i have ever experienced in anime... I have never disliked a main character so much since black clover.
TheRantMan321Jan 31, 2018 5:08 PM
Jan 31, 2018 4:30 PM
May 2015
Based on their latest track record I think Kyoani will save the best chapters from the novel to make some movies, the show is losing popularity in Japan, though, and pre-order numbers are underwhelming so far. There might be no fanbase left once they release them.
Jan 31, 2018 4:32 PM

Dec 2016
That could have been a real catastrophe at the start, hopefully her arm heals up soon.

That's not cool by her mother, trying to force her to quit work and get married, settle down ect.

Iris got friendzoned, not wonder she was so upset.

Violet's ghostwriting is getting better each episode.

Really awesome how both Violet & Iris were names after beautiful flowers.
Jan 31, 2018 4:37 PM

Dec 2015
Good episode. I enjoy the simplicity of the storytelling and the wide range of issues and relationship conflicts that Violet manages to witness and experience in order to understand what "love" is.

I really enjoyed this episode's overall aesthetic, and the design of Iris' hometown. It was really a breath of fresh air from the western post-war depression feel of Leiden.
"Anime is trash and so am I."
Jan 31, 2018 4:45 PM

May 2015
Violet is so not likable as a character.
And the anime as a whole is so boring.
I don't even enjoy the animation, I'm not a fan of overly beautiful things.
Story seems not progressing anywhere.
The only thing that can keep me watching is getting to know more about Gilbert. But I wonder if this going to turn out meh as well.
Jan 31, 2018 4:58 PM

Aug 2013
I really don't like the cheap appeal to emotions this anime has been trying to make since the first episode, each with a new character.
Really, I'm not going to feel sympathy or pity for a character that I've known for barely half a episode no matter how much they bawl their eyes out.

It feels so shallow...
Jan 31, 2018 5:03 PM
Jul 2017
Violet is Sheldon.
Jan 31, 2018 5:16 PM
Sep 2016
for me it remains the best series together with the one on antarctica.
Jan 31, 2018 5:24 PM

Aug 2015
It's like Myriad Colors minus the moe and doubled up on the nothing happening.
Jan 31, 2018 5:41 PM

Dec 2014
Nice episode.

I kinda really liked what they did with that puddle that Iris steps into two times in the episode. The first time she steps on it, it's muddy and reflects nothing and dirties her shoe, she steps on it while leaving again but this time it's clear and it doesn't really bother her. Felt that kinda reflected how she came to her home town with mixed feelings and left with a much clearer heart. I felt that was pretty symbolic.

The Iris flower viewing was pretty beautiful and I also really liked the flashback to where Violet got her name.
Jan 31, 2018 5:51 PM
Jul 2015
Wasn't as big a fan of this episode as the previous but was still entertained throughout. I felt like Iris overreacted to being rejected but she seems to be a dramatic character so it worked. I wish Violet would grow a little faster, every episode she makes progress but I feel like she could be progressing faster. I like how every episode shows her a different side of the words "I love you" however it seemed like a huge coincidence that both Iris and Violet have similar name origins. Again, not my favorite episode but I'm not giving up hope yet! Might read the book if this show goes down the drain tho
Jan 31, 2018 6:00 PM
Jul 2018
I might want to voice my two cents but I can see why people are complaining about the original filler stuff being added to the series and thus making it feel like it won't reach to its main thing which is apparently Violet's Journey. Which is actually concerning since this might happen again in some instances like for example Phantom World from 2 years ago.

Don't get me wrong, I love Violet Evergarden still despite the simplicity being delivered nicely, but I can see the concern for most people that have read the novel. I haven't even read the source yet it is rather worrying in terms of how it's going to work out.

I don't think it's necessarily boring (that in the end it's something subjective) but I can see why people are saying this to an extent.
Jan 31, 2018 6:07 PM

May 2011
RobertBobert said:
To be honest, I was surprised to learn that Iris is a heterosexual girl. Especially given her tomboy type and the fact that this anime is KyoAni. Nevertheless, it was an interesting episode, since we learned that Violet was more perceptive and kind than others could have thought.

It sort of makes sense about how that guy turned her down. He saw her as "one of the boys". or "old friend" as he put it. Not the female love interest he desired.
Jan 31, 2018 7:05 PM

Nov 2008
What's with people going "Nothing happened rawr boring"

Lol, don't ya know how anime like this work?

It's taking its time with each of the characters. We didn't know Iris before. We may not have even liked her. (I didn't) We know her NOW, we are given an explanation as to why she acted coldly towards Violet; she just didn't know how to deal with her, on top of suffering a heartbreak AND being pressured by her family to stop doing what she desires to meet their expectations.

This episode brought Iris and Violet to more of an understanding. Iris isn't going to be as cold to her now and Violet is doing her best to figure out what human emotions are bit by bit with each new person she interacts with.

This isn't hard to piece together. lol

Lelouch0202 said:

I kinda really liked what they did with that puddle that Iris steps into two times in the episode. The first time she steps on it, it's muddy and reflects nothing and dirties her shoe, she steps on it while leaving again but this time it's clear and it doesn't really bother her. Felt that kinda reflected how she came to her home town with mixed feelings and left with a much clearer heart. I felt that was pretty symbolic.

Well analyzed. I picked up on this as well.

The Iris flower viewing was pretty beautiful and I also really liked the flashback to where Violet got her name.

The flashback was sweet; how he spotted that little violet growing by itself and felt it resembled her.

Jan 31, 2018 7:12 PM
Aug 2014
Funny. I wasn't hyped at all about this show and I'm actually enjoying it right now...
Jan 31, 2018 7:36 PM

Nov 2011
So it seems like Violets growth when it comes to understanding Love will come from those around her. makes sense. Her development ha been really good so far, and I am really looking forward to her developing more and more.

Aww man I almost teared up when the Major gave her the name Violet T_T

I still laugh at how blunt she is though lol.
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Jan 31, 2018 7:44 PM
Jul 2014
Beautiful episode. Music was wonderful. Enjoyable series over all. Fuck them haters.
Jan 31, 2018 7:48 PM
#1 Hitagi Lover

Apr 2014
Eh, it was on ok episode. Really this episode just repeats the same beats and themes that the previous ones established except this episode is an Iris focused one. Hopefully the rest of the series isnt like this.
Jan 31, 2018 7:48 PM

Nov 2007
I have to say the episode was rather weak compared to the first three episodes by some distance. I am wondering how are they gonna cover the novel if they already spend 3 out of 14 episodes with filler content based on what I am reading, for all I know Iris and Erica are anime original characters.

Not that it has been a wreck like Phantom World, episode 3 for an example was really good despite of being an anime original episode but this one here looked rather redundant at this point. We already know Violet's character and what to expect from her. This episode didn't need to reinforce the change she has been wanting to made for herself.

Also, the story telling was relatively weak for this one. I think I will be a bit alarmed if KyoAni doesn't go back to the source material by the next episode and give us another mediocre episode like this one. If they, however, can produce anything similar to episode 3, I will be alright.
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Jan 31, 2018 7:49 PM

Sep 2013
Nice ep for Iris and her name compliments Violet's name as well as both are based on flowers.
The anime original episodes are over now and they should be following the novel's plot from now on.
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