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Monogatari Series: Final Season
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Dec 27, 2017 1:39 PM

Aug 2016
Toa_of_Gallifrey said:
rosgenit said:
No Sodachi.. :(
Amazing we finally get to finish Final Season.. I hope that some proper subs will be available as well.

We're still waiting on good subs for Owari 2 so I wouldn't hold my breath.

Yea, RIP coalgirls :(
Dec 27, 2017 2:17 PM

Jul 2017
Hello, everyone, I'm just gonna leave it here to make you even more hyped than before, minor ranobe spoilers ahead.
Dec 27, 2017 4:08 PM

Sep 2009
Draconix814 said:

Congratulations, you figured out that a prevalent theme in the Monogatari series is sexuality and adolescence! Or were you trying to make fun of it? Nice try.

Sorry, it's a habit of mine to look down on ecchi and porn and shit.
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Dec 27, 2017 4:26 PM

Sep 2016
I hope i can finish the the rest of the seasons in time for this. Im currently at Monogatari 2nd Season
The Anime Binge Is Life

-PolarCyrus97 2k17-
Dec 27, 2017 4:49 PM

Sep 2015
MortalMelancholy said:
Draconix814 said:

Congratulations, you figured out that a prevalent theme in the Monogatari series is sexuality and adolescence! Or were you trying to make fun of it? Nice try.

Sorry, it's a habit of mine to look down on ecchi and porn and shit.

Dude. You need to be up in order to look down. Get off your high horse. Accept that anime is trash and that we are all trash. No anime fan isn't trash. If you do so, you will reach nirvana, like our ancient weeb ancestors once prophesized. But there is one thing you must remember on your journey, young squire: that monkeys fling shit at each other when one group invades another group's territory. It's generally a stupid idea to traverse said territory when you have no better knowledge of the area, so its best to turn around and find another one because, if you don't, then you're just asking for shit to get flung at you. Remember young squire, just like trying to make fun of something that deliberately makes fun of itself makes the one making fun of it look like a joke, so does the monkey who retreats with shit on his fur. Just avoid flinging shit in unfamiliar territory, and you shall one day reach the promised land (AKA Akihabara) unharmed, and at a higher state of being you will be, at last.
Dec 27, 2017 4:52 PM

Sep 2009
Draconix814 said:
MortalMelancholy said:

Sorry, it's a habit of mine to look down on ecchi and porn and shit.

Dude. You need to be up in order to look down. Get off your high horse. Accept that anime is trash and that we are all trash. No anime fan isn't trash. If you do so, you will reach nirvana, like our ancient weeb ancestors once prophesized. But there is one thing you must remember on your journey, young squire: that monkeys fling shit at each other when one group invades another group's territory. It's generally a stupid idea to traverse said territory when you have no better knowledge of the area, so its best to turn around and find another one because, if you don't, then you're just asking for shit to get flung at you. Remember young squire, just like trying to make fun of something that deliberately makes fun of itself makes the one making fun of it look like a joke, so does the monkey who retreats with shit on his fur. Just avoid flinging shit in unfamiliar territory, and you shall one day reach the promised land (AKA Akihabara) unharmed, and at a higher state of being you will be, at last.

99.99% of anime are shit, but I can't not shit on ecchi porn shit. It's just too shit for me to not shit on it =/
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Dec 27, 2017 5:09 PM

Sep 2015
MortalMelancholy said:
Draconix814 said:

Dude. You need to be up in order to look down. Get off your high horse. Accept that anime is trash and that we are all trash. No anime fan isn't trash. If you do so, you will reach nirvana, like our ancient weeb ancestors once prophesized. But there is one thing you must remember on your journey, young squire: that monkeys fling shit at each other when one group invades another group's territory. It's generally a stupid idea to traverse said territory when you have no better knowledge of the area, so its best to turn around and find another one because, if you don't, then you're just asking for shit to get flung at you. Remember young squire, just like trying to make fun of something that deliberately makes fun of itself makes the one making fun of it look like a joke, so does the monkey who retreats with shit on his fur. Just avoid flinging shit in unfamiliar territory, and you shall one day reach the promised land (AKA Akihabara) unharmed, and at a higher state of being you will be, at last.

99.99% of anime are shit, but I can't not shit on ecchi porn shit. It's just too shit for me to not shit on it =/

No need to be redundant, I already called all of anime trash, can you make any new arguments on your own? It's not about it being so shit that it needs to shit on, it's about accepting the shit, knowing the ins and outs of the shit, then washing the shit down with vinegar or bleach. Either will do, really. If you don't wish to indulge yourself in the required amount of feces to be considered knowledgeable about the specific quality of shit you are tasting, then please remove yourself from the pile of horse manure. It's as simple as that, really.
Dec 27, 2017 5:17 PM

Sep 2009
Draconix814 said:
MortalMelancholy said:

99.99% of anime are shit, but I can't not shit on ecchi porn shit. It's just too shit for me to not shit on it =/

No need to be redundant, I already called all of anime trash, can you make any new arguments on your own? It's not about it being so shit that it needs to shit on, it's about accepting the shit, knowing the ins and outs of the shit, then washing the shit down with vinegar or bleach. Either will do, really. If you don't wish to indulge yourself in the required amount of feces to be considered knowledgeable about the specific quality of shit you are tasting, then please remove yourself from the pile of horse manure. It's as simple as that, really.

I wouldn't go so far as to call every single anime trash. And I figured two seasons was enough for me to develop a well-founded understanding of this particular series. I have yet to discover the vaunted "plot" that has been so highly spoken of in this thread, but I eventually intend to finish the rest of the series, in search of it.
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Dec 27, 2017 5:54 PM

Sep 2015
MortalMelancholy said:
Draconix814 said:

No need to be redundant, I already called all of anime trash, can you make any new arguments on your own? It's not about it being so shit that it needs to shit on, it's about accepting the shit, knowing the ins and outs of the shit, then washing the shit down with vinegar or bleach. Either will do, really. If you don't wish to indulge yourself in the required amount of feces to be considered knowledgeable about the specific quality of shit you are tasting, then please remove yourself from the pile of horse manure. It's as simple as that, really.

I wouldn't go so far as to call every single anime trash. And I figured two seasons was enough for me to develop a well-founded understanding of this particular series. I have yet to discover the vaunted "plot" that has been so highly spoken of in this thread, but I eventually intend to finish the rest of the series, in search of it.

I can see your point. For instance, I have watched the first two parts of Jojo's Bizzare Adventure and I generally dislike it, however, I won't go into a Jojo's Part 5 forum and think I know how to properly criticize it. A lot changes over the course of multiple seasons, whether that be the characters, themes, etc., and many things you thought you knew about the information provided at surface level, turns out to be more than you expected it to be. All I am asking is that you don't throw shit out into the distance and hope it hits; if you want to throw that piece of shit when you engage with that target on its own terms, then, by all means, we shall hold a turf war.
Dec 27, 2017 6:30 PM
May 2016
Damn, I'm happy to see more Sodachi, she was pretty cute despite how little we saw of her, however, why is Shinobu not in that Key Visual? Please tell me she'll be in it :'(
Dec 27, 2017 6:30 PM

Mar 2016
MortalMelancholy said:
Draconix814 said:

Congratulations, you figured out that a prevalent theme in the Monogatari series is sexuality and adolescence! Or were you trying to make fun of it? Nice try.

Sorry, it's a habit of mine to look down on ecchi and porn and shit.

I think I speak for most fans of the franchise when I say practically none of the sexually charged scenes are actually erotic. Something about the shading? I know the human nut button knows no bounds, but like, this shit really isn't very arousing in context.

Anyway very excited to see the series continue.
Dec 27, 2017 8:24 PM
Mar 2016
I'm so happy that there's gonna be more sodachi!! More monogatari!!!!
Dec 27, 2017 9:03 PM

Sep 2015
UncleOshino said:

I think I speak for most fans of the franchise when I say practically none of the sexually charged scenes are actually erotic. Something about the shading? I know the human nut button knows no bounds, but like, this shit really isn't very arousing in context.

Anyway very excited to see the series continue.

I know this topic is subjective, but I really only half agree with you on the idea of whether the fanservice is arousing or not. First of all, I don't really think any fanservice is particularly arousing unless it is straight up hentai. If one can get really aroused just by the sight of some animated tits, then they are under the age of 11 and have only had minimal contact with women their entire life. Despite that, I would say that the only way simple fanservice can arouse a viewer is if it is live action, as the actor is much more attainable, no matter how much we want to believe we can bone a body pillow and get sexual satisfaction.
I, however, believe that the fanservice gives the audience something very pretty look at; the way the characters are drawn, mixing the soft, moe-aesthetic with the more realistic body proportions, leaves a more distinct impression on us so it doesn't take much for us to get indulgent in our fantasies, nor does it take much for us to be convinced that these characters have human emotion. Sexuality is a core theme in the Monogatari series, and the designs are flexible enough to portray that sexuality, without feeling overbearing for the viewer, at the same time, not being fap material. Female sexuality, in particular, is something that has proven to be extremely enticing for the average anime viewer; seeing sexuality portrayed through simple, attractive designs coupled with amazing character writing, though in different ways, is sexually intriguing to the viewer. In other words, I think the fanservice does its job as it is intended to, but like with everything in this series, it isn't very straightforward about it.
Draconix814Dec 27, 2017 9:06 PM
Dec 27, 2017 9:33 PM

Jul 2016
MortalMelancholy said:

99.99% of anime are shit, but I can't not shit on ecchi porn shit. It's just too shit for me to not shit on it =/

Oh wow then you were serious.... oh well so much for allowing you to gracefully bow out. Let the roast begin...

91 Days... you gave it a 10.... a 10? Really? I mean opinions very but this wasn't even close to a masterpiece

Aho Girl you gave it a 9.... if you want to talk about lack of plot then Aho Girl definitely is without plot or resolution. was it amusing... yeah but not damn near masterpiece amusing

Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan.. you gave it a 10... its an ecchi... you know the one's you say you shit on? Yet somehow you deemed it a masterpiece... your belief system crumbles before logic....

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch... You have it as a masterpiece(10) now granted I disliked it it because the artwork was weird the plot twists were garbage and half of the story I thought made no sense at all... but a masterpiece? Maybe a cash-cow... but this isn't even in the realm of masterpieces. I know fans of the series that wouldn't even give it a 10... just wow

Elfen Lied.. you gave it a 10 You say you dislike ecchi and the like but this is the only show I am aware of that was actually banned from being played because of nudity, gore, inappropriate content.... Now I will grant you that at the time of its inception this story was pushing the envelope but its kind of cliche and a bit tropy to call it a masterpiece

Highschool of the gave it a 10.... first of all it boggles my mind how you rate this a 10... based on what? I mean if you gave it a 9 I would say perhaps your tastes are just different but a 10 tells me it was so profound as to leave a lasting impression on you. What was your profound epiphany that you got from this? IF Zombies take over you can develop a harem ranging from ultra-loli to high school?

So now that I have fed you (the troll) I would ask that you use atleast some logic when you discuss a show that you didn't care for. I get that we all like different things but your ratings contradict what you say, and some of your ratings I find absolutely UN-fathomable. Now if yould like to have an actual debate on the merits or DE-merits of the show I am open for discussion. But at least get your stories straight. Bashing ecchi themes when some of your highest rated shows are ecchi(and those of us comfortable with our sexuality don't find ecch offensive if used properly) leads me to the belief that you must either have a short memory or your trolling for shock value.. Okay that's my soapbox sorry for the rant everyone!!!

ChiisaiInuDec 28, 2017 8:28 AM
Dec 28, 2017 1:10 AM
Jul 2018
NathanusMaximus said:
Damn, I'm happy to see more Sodachi, she was pretty cute despite how little we saw of her, however, why is Shinobu not in that Key Visual? Please tell me she'll be in it :'(
She does, but not in a form which you would usually expect.
Dec 28, 2017 2:29 AM

Mar 2016
So glad this got announced so soon. I was scared that Zoku may not be animated at all, so glad we get this final arc in the main story. Fingers crossed that Off Season and Monster Season are also adapted though!

Dec 28, 2017 2:39 AM
Feb 2015
MortalMelancholy said:
I watched the first two, and think I've seen enough animated tits and ass to last me a lifetime.

MortalMelancholy said:
Sorry, it's a habit of mine to look down on ecchi and porn and shit.

And you gave Prison School 10/10, huh?
horsefuckerDec 28, 2017 2:45 AM
Dec 28, 2017 3:08 AM

Mar 2009
...does this series have an actual end?
Dec 28, 2017 3:21 AM

Sep 2009
KoczurekK said:
MortalMelancholy said:
I watched the first two, and think I've seen enough animated tits and ass to last me a lifetime.

MortalMelancholy said:
Sorry, it's a habit of mine to look down on ecchi and porn and shit.

And you gave Prison School 10/10, huh?

Yeah, it was a great porno that didn't pretend to be a not-porno.
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Dec 28, 2017 4:29 AM
Feb 2015
MortalMelancholy said:
KoczurekK said:

And you gave Prison School 10/10, huh?

Yeah, it was a great porno that didn't pretend to be a not-porno.

I couldn't agree more, it wasn't 10/10 IMO, but still a really good anime. It just didn't seem coherent with what you have written earlier:
MortalMelancholy said:
No worries, we all have our own preferences; you like porn, and I like drama. The porn industry is pretty big, so there's no shame in that.
Dec 28, 2017 6:02 AM

Sep 2015
Mormegil said:
...does this series have an actual end?

Dec 28, 2017 6:39 AM

Apr 2014
Mormegil said:
...does this series have an actual end?
zokuowari is the end to the main timeline where everything else is additional info and fun stories. Ppl think this went on forever but Nsios other work Zaregoto which is much older continues to have spin offs
Dec 28, 2017 6:55 AM

Jun 2017
Well, Ougi Dark would have made a perfect end if they didn't make more but...I am always up for more when it comes to Monogatari lol. Hyped.
Dec 28, 2017 7:33 AM

Sep 2009
KoczurekK said:
MortalMelancholy said:

Yeah, it was a great porno that didn't pretend to be a not-porno.

I couldn't agree more, it wasn't 10/10 IMO, but still a really good anime. It just didn't seem coherent with what you have written earlier:
MortalMelancholy said:
No worries, we all have our own preferences; you like porn, and I like drama. The porn industry is pretty big, so there's no shame in that.
KoczurekK said:
MortalMelancholy said:

Yeah, it was a great porno that didn't pretend to be a not-porno.

I couldn't agree more, it wasn't 10/10 IMO, but still a really good anime. It just didn't seem coherent with what you have written earlier:
MortalMelancholy said:
No worries, we all have our own preferences; you like porn, and I like drama. The porn industry is pretty big, so there's no shame in that.

Yeah, it's a bit awkward when I dislike a particular genre, but end up being impressed by it anyways.
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Dec 28, 2017 9:13 AM

Nov 2014

Dec 28, 2017 11:45 AM

Apr 2016
i think there are more of one that is confused with the genre of this animation!!! kekeke
Dec 28, 2017 4:24 PM

Sep 2009
ChiisaiInu said:
MortalMelancholy said:

99.99% of anime are shit, but I can't not shit on ecchi porn shit. It's just too shit for me to not shit on it =/

Oh wow then you were serious.... oh well so much for allowing you to gracefully bow out. Let the roast begin...

Since you're trying so hard to fail, I'll grant you a proper response.

ChiisaiInu said:
91 Days... you gave it a 10.... a 10? Really? I mean opinions very but this wasn't even close to a masterpiece

Yes, opinions "very" very much, don't they. I mean, a 10, really? Just wow, I can't believe I gave something a 10; that's horrible! That anime, it's just so, not a masterpiece because... What were you saying it was again...? Oh right, nothing.

ChiisaiInu said:

Aho Girl you gave it a 9.... if you want to talk about lack of plot then Aho Girl definitely is without plot or resolution. was it amusing... yeah but not damn near masterpiece amusing

Perhaps you don't understand how slapstick comedy anime work. Really, is "not a masterpiece" the only piece of criticism you can come up with?

ChiisaiInu said:

Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan.. you gave it a 10... its an ecchi... you know the one's you say you shit on? Yet somehow you deemed it a masterpiece... your belief system crumbles before logic....

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch... You have it as a masterpiece(10) now granted I disliked it it because the artwork was weird the plot twists were garbage and half of the story I thought made no sense at all... but a masterpiece? Maybe a cash-cow... but this isn't even in the realm of masterpieces. I know fans of the series that wouldn't even give it a 10... just wow

Elfen Lied.. you gave it a 10 You say you dislike ecchi and the like but this is the only show I am aware of that was actually banned from being played because of nudity, gore, inappropriate content.... Now I will grant you that at the time of its inception this story was pushing the envelope but its kind of cliche and a bit tropy to call it a masterpiece

Highschool of the gave it a 10.... first of all it boggles my mind how you rate this a 10... based on what? I mean if you gave it a 9 I would say perhaps your tastes are just different but a 10 tells me it was so profound as to leave a lasting impression on you. What was your profound epiphany that you got from this? IF Zombies take over you can develop a harem ranging from ultra-loli to high school?

So now that I have fed you (the troll) I would ask that you use atleast some logic when you discuss a show that you didn't care for. I get that we all like different things but your ratings contradict what you say, and some of your ratings I find absolutely UN-fathomable. Now if yould like to have an actual debate on the merits or DE-merits of the show I am open for discussion. But at least get your stories straight. Bashing ecchi themes when some of your highest rated shows are ecchi(and those of us comfortable with our sexuality don't find ecch offensive if used properly) leads me to the belief that you must either have a short memory or your trolling for shock value.. Okay that's my soapbox sorry for the rant everyone!!!

Okay bruh, I give up. Your "logic" is too good, so here, I'll use "some logic" just like you asked.
Koe no Katachi? Mushishi? Kimi no Na wa? I can't believe you gave those a 10, they're totally not close to a masterpiece. It's mindblowing, just wow, so bad.

Nice try "feeding" I guess; I'm not sure if you're too dumb to come up with actual criticisms, or are just trolling. In the first place, the first thing I said about the Monogatari series is essentially that it's ecchi/porn, which nobody has denied. An anime simply being an ecchi/porn is a bashing in itself, but that's not what makes it good or bad.
I've already mentioned this, but I'll go into detail: the Monogatari series is composed almost exclusively of vapid dialogue and shameless exposition; flavored by random limited animation crap, porn, or shaft head tilts. Certainly, the portion actual animation (mostly shaft head tilts, and the porn) has some artistic value, but all of that is only meant distract the audience from the fact that nothing is actually happening. Now, it's possible that some people find things like molestation of grade schoolers funny, or a piece of visual media told through aimless rambling entertaining. In the end, the vast majority of the meaningful content in the series ends up being ecchi/porn, and I can only give a series so much credit for that.
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Dec 28, 2017 8:17 PM

May 2015
MortalMelancholy said:
ChiisaiInu said:

Oh wow then you were serious.... oh well so much for allowing you to gracefully bow out. Let the roast begin...

Since you're trying so hard to fail, I'll grant you a proper response.

ChiisaiInu said:
91 Days... you gave it a 10.... a 10? Really? I mean opinions very but this wasn't even close to a masterpiece

Yes, opinions "very" very much, don't they. I mean, a 10, really? Just wow, I can't believe I gave something a 10; that's horrible! That anime, it's just so, not a masterpiece because... What were you saying it was again...? Oh right, nothing.

ChiisaiInu said:

Aho Girl you gave it a 9.... if you want to talk about lack of plot then Aho Girl definitely is without plot or resolution. was it amusing... yeah but not damn near masterpiece amusing

Perhaps you don't understand how slapstick comedy anime work. Really, is "not a masterpiece" the only piece of criticism you can come up with?

ChiisaiInu said:

Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan.. you gave it a 10... its an ecchi... you know the one's you say you shit on? Yet somehow you deemed it a masterpiece... your belief system crumbles before logic....

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch... You have it as a masterpiece(10) now granted I disliked it it because the artwork was weird the plot twists were garbage and half of the story I thought made no sense at all... but a masterpiece? Maybe a cash-cow... but this isn't even in the realm of masterpieces. I know fans of the series that wouldn't even give it a 10... just wow

Elfen Lied.. you gave it a 10 You say you dislike ecchi and the like but this is the only show I am aware of that was actually banned from being played because of nudity, gore, inappropriate content.... Now I will grant you that at the time of its inception this story was pushing the envelope but its kind of cliche and a bit tropy to call it a masterpiece

Highschool of the gave it a 10.... first of all it boggles my mind how you rate this a 10... based on what? I mean if you gave it a 9 I would say perhaps your tastes are just different but a 10 tells me it was so profound as to leave a lasting impression on you. What was your profound epiphany that you got from this? IF Zombies take over you can develop a harem ranging from ultra-loli to high school?

So now that I have fed you (the troll) I would ask that you use atleast some logic when you discuss a show that you didn't care for. I get that we all like different things but your ratings contradict what you say, and some of your ratings I find absolutely UN-fathomable. Now if yould like to have an actual debate on the merits or DE-merits of the show I am open for discussion. But at least get your stories straight. Bashing ecchi themes when some of your highest rated shows are ecchi(and those of us comfortable with our sexuality don't find ecch offensive if used properly) leads me to the belief that you must either have a short memory or your trolling for shock value.. Okay that's my soapbox sorry for the rant everyone!!!

Okay bruh, I give up. Your "logic" is too good, so here, I'll use "some logic" just like you asked.
Koe no Katachi? Mushishi? Kimi no Na wa? I can't believe you gave those a 10, they're totally not close to a masterpiece. It's mindblowing, just wow, so bad.

Nice try "feeding" I guess; I'm not sure if you're too dumb to come up with actual criticisms, or are just trolling. In the first place, the first thing I said about the Monogatari series is essentially that it's ecchi/porn, which nobody has denied. An anime simply being an ecchi/porn is a bashing in itself, but that's not what makes it good or bad.
I've already mentioned this, but I'll go into detail: the Monogatari series is composed almost exclusively of vapid dialogue and shameless exposition; flavored by random limited animation crap, porn, or shaft head tilts. Certainly, the portion actual animation (mostly shaft head tilts, and the porn) has some artistic value, but all of that is only meant distract the audience from the fact that nothing is actually happening. Now, it's possible that some people find things like molestation of grade schoolers funny, or a piece of visual media told through aimless rambling entertaining. In the end, the vast majority of the meaningful content in the series ends up being ecchi/porn, and I can only give a series so much credit for that.

It's amazing how you're still wrong.

Dec 28, 2017 8:53 PM

Jul 2016
MortalMelancholy said:

Okay bruh, I give up. Your "logic" is too good, so here, I'll use "some logic" just like you asked.
Koe no Katachi? Mushishi? Kimi no Na wa? I can't believe you gave those a 10, they're totally not close to a masterpiece. It's mindblowing, just wow, so bad.

Nice try "feeding" I guess; I'm not sure if you're too dumb to come up with actual criticisms, or are just trolling. In the first place, the first thing I said about the Monogatari series is essentially that it's ecchi/porn, which nobody has denied. An anime simply being an ecchi/porn is a bashing in itself, but that's not what makes it good or bad.
I've already mentioned this, but I'll go into detail: the Monogatari series is composed almost exclusively of vapid dialogue and shameless exposition; flavored by random limited animation crap, porn, or shaft head tilts. Certainly, the portion actual animation (mostly shaft head tilts, and the porn) has some artistic value, but all of that is only meant distract the audience from the fact that nothing is actually happening. Now, it's possible that some people find things like molestation of grade schoolers funny, or a piece of visual media told through aimless rambling entertaining. In the end, the vast majority of the meaningful content in the series ends up being ecchi/porn, and I can only give a series so much credit for that.

Lol I wasnt aware Kimi no na wa being masterpiece was even up debate. I mean had a huge international debut, raging success, even on MAL its pretty damn impressive overall score (currently #2 @9.22 overall). Its soundtrack, and artwork are arguably top notch. The majority of complaints I see are about pacing and lack of side character development(kinda tough to do when your limited to 120ish MIN runtime).

Mushi-Shi being a masterpiece is a bit more subjective but i will elaborate for you so you are not in such a dumb found state. First of all the show is what it is and doesn't pretend to be anything else. It presents itself well and its your choice whether or not you go down the rabbit hole as the story progresses. More importantly Mushi Shi is what I consider a stand alone anime. To my knowledge there is nothing like mushi shi not in presentation, format or subject matter. Its such a unique piece it really stands out and I think that's why so many people list it as a must see even if they didn't rate it higher then say a 6. When a particular anime gets such highly regarded recommendations even when it isnt necessarily highly scored... I consider that a masterpiece.

Koe No Katachi... I rated this so highly because of the emotional impact its able to instill. A story of redemption that doesn't it leave you wondering how things panned out. Unfortunately this show didn't get as much attention when it came out so surprisingly I still find people who didn't even know about it. The art work except for the MC was well done, the soundtrack was well chosen and memorable, and best of all it's something everyone can relate to.

By the way well done using a few "Dollar Words" I am truly impressed you used Vapid and Exposition in the correct context. I disagree with your views, but well done none the less. Regarding the many expostions, I think that's what draws people in. The witty dialogue that characters give back and forth to the point that its almost abusive makes this more for mature tastes. Sounds like that type of dialogue is not what interests you and that's fine. I didn't care for Ergo Proxy but I can at least see why many think it's amazing. Vapid however is obviously subjective by it's very nature. Whether you see something as Vapid or not, is on a case by case basis to the viewer. What I mean to say is to get a consensus on whether something is vapid or not would be a tough sell unless you find an audience with very similar tastes.

Monogatari series is Ecchi I wont argue that, Now the word porn is kinda grey. If we look at the definition of what pornography is then sure at times(but not the general theme)... but its a pretty broad definition you could argue just about any anime into at least at some point. Not sure what middle schooler was molested I think we must have seen a different show. Are you referring to Mayoi? If so then you need to stay with the story... #1 she's a supernatural being, #2 she is approx. Koyomi's age if she were still alive today. As far as molesting.... idk that gets a bit grey when you consider the context. If your going to take it a face value you should also mention cannibalism, verbal abuse,self mutilation, ect. However to even attempt to go that route some self introspection is in order. As by your very list implies your tastes are not so pure.

My issue is not with you calling monogatari series ecchi... but its not porn as that isn't really a prevalent theme. My issue is you saying that ecchi and the show itself are shit because of certain theme's or topics when you obviously watch and enjoy shows of the same token. Taking the high road while being blatantly hypocritical I felt needed to be challenged. It seems your views are in a state of flux so I don't expect to change you mind about anything. I simply wanted to correct poor behavior. Obviously it won't work.
Dec 28, 2017 9:01 PM

Jul 2017
so is this like a squeal to Owarimonogatari 2nd Season or like something else?
Dec 28, 2017 9:39 PM

Sep 2009
ChiisaiInu said:
MortalMelancholy said:

Okay bruh, I give up. Your "logic" is too good, so here, I'll use "some logic" just like you asked.
Koe no Katachi? Mushishi? Kimi no Na wa? I can't believe you gave those a 10, they're totally not close to a masterpiece. It's mindblowing, just wow, so bad.

Nice try "feeding" I guess; I'm not sure if you're too dumb to come up with actual criticisms, or are just trolling. In the first place, the first thing I said about the Monogatari series is essentially that it's ecchi/porn, which nobody has denied. An anime simply being an ecchi/porn is a bashing in itself, but that's not what makes it good or bad.
I've already mentioned this, but I'll go into detail: the Monogatari series is composed almost exclusively of vapid dialogue and shameless exposition; flavored by random limited animation crap, porn, or shaft head tilts. Certainly, the portion actual animation (mostly shaft head tilts, and the porn) has some artistic value, but all of that is only meant distract the audience from the fact that nothing is actually happening. Now, it's possible that some people find things like molestation of grade schoolers funny, or a piece of visual media told through aimless rambling entertaining. In the end, the vast majority of the meaningful content in the series ends up being ecchi/porn, and I can only give a series so much credit for that.

Lol I wasnt aware Kimi no na wa being masterpiece was even up debate. I mean had a huge international debut, raging success, even on MAL its pretty damn impressive overall score (currently #2 @9.22 overall). Its soundtrack, and artwork are arguably top notch. The majority of complaints I see are about pacing and lack of side character development(kinda tough to do when your limited to 120ish MIN runtime).

Mushi-Shi being a masterpiece is a bit more subjective but i will elaborate for you so you are not in such a dumb found state. First of all the show is what it is and doesn't pretend to be anything else. It presents itself well and its your choice whether or not you go down the rabbit hole as the story progresses. More importantly Mushi Shi is what I consider a stand alone anime. To my knowledge there is nothing like mushi shi not in presentation, format or subject matter. Its such a unique piece it really stands out and I think that's why so many people list it as a must see even if they didn't rate it higher then say a 6. When a particular anime gets such highly regarded recommendations even when it isnt necessarily highly scored... I consider that a masterpiece.

Koe No Katachi... I rated this so highly because of the emotional impact its able to instill. A story of redemption that doesn't it leave you wondering how things panned out. Unfortunately this show didn't get as much attention when it came out so surprisingly I still find people who didn't even know about it. The art work except for the MC was well done, the soundtrack was well chosen and memorable, and best of all it's something everyone can relate to.

By the way well done using a few "Dollar Words" I am truly impressed you used Vapid and Exposition in the correct context. I disagree with your views, but well done none the less. Regarding the many expostions, I think that's what draws people in. The witty dialogue that characters give back and forth to the point that its almost abusive makes this more for mature tastes. Sounds like that type of dialogue is not what interests you and that's fine. I didn't care for Ergo Proxy but I can at least see why many think it's amazing. Vapid however is obviously subjective by it's very nature. Whether you see something as Vapid or not, is on a case by case basis to the viewer. What I mean to say is to get a consensus on whether something is vapid or not would be a tough sell unless you find an audience with very similar tastes.

Monogatari series is Ecchi I wont argue that, Now the word porn is kinda grey. If we look at the definition of what pornography is then sure at times(but not the general theme)... but its a pretty broad definition you could argue just about any anime into at least at some point. Not sure what middle schooler was molested I think we must have seen a different show. Are you referring to Mayoi? If so then you need to stay with the story... #1 she's a supernatural being, #2 she is approx. Koyomi's age if she were still alive today. As far as molesting.... idk that gets a bit grey when you consider the context. If your going to take it a face value you should also mention cannibalism, verbal abuse,self mutilation, ect. However to even attempt to go that route some self introspection is in order. As by your very list implies your tastes are not so pure.

My issue is not with you calling monogatari series ecchi... but its not porn as that isn't really a prevalent theme. My issue is you saying that ecchi and the show itself are shit because of certain theme's or topics when you obviously watch and enjoy shows of the same token. Taking the high road while being blatantly hypocritical I felt needed to be challenged. It seems your views are in a state of flux so I don't expect to change you mind about anything. I simply wanted to correct poor behavior. Obviously it won't work.

*Yaaawn~ I'm not going through that text wall lol. Apparently you failed to realize that what I said about Kimi no Na wa etc implicates you. Just gonna be honest with you; your comprehension of English is too poor for you to come remotely close to debating in it.

Right back at you.
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Dec 29, 2017 3:00 AM

May 2015
@MortalMelancholy How am I wrong exactly? I actually watched the show correctly.

Dec 29, 2017 3:58 AM

May 2009
I dont get the point of the discussion...

It is stupid to negate the very good written plot in MONOGATARI as it is to negate the TON of fanservice it contains (good or bad, it is there)... one thing doesnt take out the other.

And not only the plot, the art-style, the way to make visual references to the situations, the Sountrack (and the changing OP with every-arc, sometimes several times in the same arc), all this things also make Monogatari a very good show (and if you dont want to admit it, at least you have to admit is a very cared show with a lot of details made by it's creators)

Fanservice can annoy, but it doesnt make a show bad. Because a show is good it doesnt have to not have fanservice.
<img src=""/>
Dec 29, 2017 5:14 AM

Sep 2009
Kittens-kun said:
@MortalMelancholy How am I wrong exactly? I actually watched the show correctly.

Of course, you're wrong about me being wrong.
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Dec 30, 2017 12:04 AM

May 2012
I love the monogatari series and I'm glad to see that we will get more a series like this is a very rare treat and if the series continues to have such good quality i don't really think they're "milking" it lol

A toast to all us monogatari fans out there more gahara-san, more hachikuji-ararararagi molestation moments, more weird cute laughter from shinobu and more wincest FUCK YEAH

Truly, comparisons between fellow humans are what turn out to be the most infuriating.
Dec 30, 2017 5:32 PM

May 2009
@MortalMelancholy it's 2018 dude, you are 9 years late to this kind of whining.
Dec 30, 2017 6:32 PM

Sep 2009
UnderminE said:
@MortalMelancholy it's 2018 dude, you are 9 years late to this kind of whining.

I was just observing that they were making another addition to the (porno) series. If other people wish to know why it's porno, or why it's bad, then I'll grant them an explanation.
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Dec 31, 2017 2:20 AM

May 2009
Don't mind them, we all love porno.
Jan 1, 2018 2:05 PM

Jul 2015
Noo way! This can’t be real?! I couldn’t wait now! Hype
Jan 2, 2018 11:29 AM
Jun 2017
Finally, but i heard this is the last of the Monogatari series that will be made into an anime. I Hope im wrong :(
Jan 3, 2018 8:53 PM
May 2015
Mormegil said:
...does this series have an actual end?

Hanamonogatari is the last story chronologically.
Jan 3, 2018 8:53 PM
May 2015
newbyclive said:
Finally, but i heard this is the last of the Monogatari series that will be made into an anime. I Hope im wrong :(

Shaft has greenlit all the stories of Monogatari.
Jan 5, 2018 3:49 AM

Feb 2015
azeem40 said:
Mormegil said:
...does this series have an actual end?

Hanamonogatari is the last story chronologically.

Technically, it's Musubimonogatari~
Jan 7, 2018 12:35 AM
May 2015
Aquylion said:
azeem40 said:

Hanamonogatari is the last story chronologically.

Technically, it's Musubimonogatari~

I was talking about from the main story.
Jan 7, 2018 12:59 AM

Feb 2015
azeem40 said:
Aquylion said:

Technically, it's Musubimonogatari~

I was talking about from the main story.

There is no main story. Or if there is really a main story, it ended in Bakemonogatari. At first NisiOisiN didn't plan to go further than Bake, that's why if there is an actual main story, then it ended long ago. It's kind of ridiculous to say that Musubimonogatari is part of the so-called "main story" but Musubimonogatari and Acerola Bon-Appétit aren't.
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