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Mamahaha no Tsurego ga Motokano datta
Mamahaha no Tsurego ga Motokano datta
Yesterday, 9:40 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 6
Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman.
Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman.
Yesterday, 9:40 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 4
2.5-jigen no Ririsa
2.5-jigen no Ririsa
Jan 28, 9:01 PM
Watching 1/24 · Scored -
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Lycoris Recoil
Lycoris Recoil
Jan 14, 7:13 PM
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Shadows House
Shadows House
Jun 12, 2021 9:47 PM
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QQbest Jan 28, 2022 6:33 PM
Your views on code gaess, i couldn't agree more
akiba-kei Nov 6, 2018 9:23 AM
Well, KissXsis is memorable, EroMan is an insult to the intelligence of the community. I'd like to elaborate more but I got no time and my English is still limited.
1973hime Jul 29, 2018 5:02 PM
my 10's are things i would happily watch again without hesitation is all.
MonOmega Mar 14, 2018 4:18 AM
any time random stranger and i will Definitly put your recomendations in my watch list count on seeing a review some time soon. tell your friends ;D
-HippySnob- Mar 13, 2018 8:26 PM
Is Usagi Drop in your Fav list a meme?
impasta Dec 10, 2017 12:09 AM
I'm don't really know your taste in anime that well, but I would recommend Steins;Gate. It takes a few episodes for it to start getting good but it's worth sitting through.

You seemed to enjoy ACCA more than me, and you also like Mushishi, so I would highly recommend Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World. The anime is very philisophical and has a calming atmosphere. It's my personal favorite anime as well and I think you'd probably enjoy it.
impasta Dec 9, 2017 11:45 PM
Thanks for the recommendation. It looks interesting, I'll probably enjoy it :)
akiba-kei Jun 18, 2017 9:49 PM
Well... xD with KxS I knew what I was getting into, with eromanga I was trying to see something, refreshing, I didn't even know it was created by the same author of Oreimo (which I enjoyed, except for the ending). Let's just say that KxS met my standards for that kind of show. And the 10 was just like joke because we all know it's not a 10-anime.
Book_Lover Jun 15, 2017 12:52 AM
No I haven't updated my anime list, I've been doing it gradually. I wanted to give the typical anime list suggestion while also giving some other anime list. I enjoy a wide variety of anime with different genres. (Only ones I don't care for are harems and sport anime). So there many be some good sport anime that I'm missing out on, if you know of any feel free to suggest.

Also with harems I tend to dislike those because they seem to be the same kind of plot where the guy never seems to pick a girl and is clueless/stupid about it, which annoys me personally. But if there are some decent/good harem anime out there that you know of feel free to suggest and I'll put them up there on the list.

ZephSilver Mar 14, 2017 2:38 AM
Ridley Scott's "Alien" not "Allen" lol And as for the two I mention, I highly suggest looking at the Witch first, since that one adheres more to what I'm talking about:
I'm not sure what mystery stories you're watching but most tend to try to keep their mystery under wraps before giving little clues here and there. What Ranpo Kitan did was not that, which was only one of several things it did wrong, in my opinion. Another movie you might like checking out is The Ninth Gate. It's a movie that combines that occult vibe I was talking about while also using the mystery formula:

I've gotten tired of writing about Proxy, if you want to truly go over the show and understand things about it, you can always add me on Skype (same username). It's probably the hardest anime title to comprehend, and beyond that, one of the headier pieces of storytelling in any medium. When people toss around buzzwords like "__ is philosophical" or "__ is symbolic" this is the show that directly challenges that. Unlike most shows, you actually do have to pay attention and you actually do need analytical skills to digest and comprehend. In that sense, it separates the would-be critics from those do take the time to take in what they're watching.

Since we've already established the difference in how we digest media, Proxy is a show that was never going to appeal to you, nor be one that you could understand at face value. And that's fine. Not every anime need to adhere to a standard way of being viewed. It just means audience participation is needed to get the most out of it. A show that requires two to tango.

And yes, there's way too many trolls on here, at first I was debating on whether I should bother to answer you earnestly or not, since I found Ranpo Kitan to be one of the worst shows of 2015 and Shinsekai to be one of the better from the 2010s. I'm glad I didn't dismiss you. I'm glad you were genuinely curious and not just poking to get a response. Hopefully, these comments would clear some things up for you.
ZephSilver Mar 7, 2017 6:42 AM
If your only exposure to horror is copious amounts of jumps scares I could see how you came to that conclusion. Horror is about much more than simple jump cuts and shifts in musical cues. Like any other genre, there're several subforms. The horror Shinsekai goes for is more akin to that of the occult, as is the case with films like 2015's The Witch, which aims more for a visceral interpretation of horror than the more commonly overused methods adopted my the horror genre's more typical fare, like The Purge and The Strangers. Even famous horror entries like 1979's Alien don't rely on the basic idea of horror but you don't see people calling that a problem, now, do you? Don't get caught up in semantics, there's more to the genre than the vanilla standard.

As for why Ranpo Kitan failed, it's simple, the type of mystery the show was aiming for didn't surmount to the actual results it intended. If you want a mystery story but chose to let all your clues be overt and not interlaced throughout before reaching the conclusion, then as a mystery, you're not doing your job. If there's no "mystery" to your mystery but rather it's heavily reliant on plot convenience and retconning, then it fails at its intention. It's shoddy writing personified.
And as for your question on Proxy, that isn't much of a question at all, it's no different if I said:
"Why did you find Angel Beats so good? Personally, I found it dull."
Going off your scores, you seem to favor sensationalism over proper thematic resonance, script inefficiencies isn't something that bothers you. And no, before you take that as some kind of scathing diss, it isn't. How ever you choose to consume your entertainment shouldn't matter. So you not liking Proxy would make sense, in the same way I don't like Angel Beats, Plastic Memories or Aldnoah Zero. It's a fundamental difference in what we value, so there's really no reason to expect that any response I could give to be able to bridge that gap to explain why.
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