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Dec 24, 2017 5:23 AM

Nov 2011
Haha, the amount of deconstruction and parodies is out of control in this episode/finale.

Even talking mushrooms! mecha, and of course the talking cat is back. Tbh, I think this finale was even more crazier and over the top than the previous episode. It's like they they just threw all the ideas at it at once. Got a good laugh from the humor as usual.

8/10. Surprisingly fun to watch.
Dec 24, 2017 6:13 AM

Apr 2010
Dramatic ending but it was funny to see.
The oldschool look was really nice and i even recognised some anime in there.
Still the day was saved ad the very end.
Dec 24, 2017 7:33 AM

Nov 2008
Ending didn't go full crazy as much as I would've liked, but it was nice and fun. This show was a great surprise overall. 9/10
Dec 24, 2017 7:47 AM

Jun 2015
This was a very crazy finale, more crazier than the previous episodes. A Sister's All You Need was referenced. Things got back to normal at the end. I like how the anime Minoa cherished helped her. This was a fun show overall, but the student council president trying to shut down the anime club over and over was annoying.
Dec 24, 2017 7:58 AM
Jul 2012
The ending wasn't that crazy and it wrapped up the series nicely. Overall great series.
Dec 24, 2017 8:05 AM

Feb 2013
It's finally over.
Dec 24, 2017 8:05 AM

Mar 2015
Wait a minute,, did I miss something??? Who is this? She appeared like she belong in the show out of nowhere
I like Furina, I love Furina.
Dec 24, 2017 8:06 AM
Jun 2015
of course they have to end it with a yui fan service scene lol
Dec 24, 2017 8:08 AM

Oct 2014
How nice of them to remind us of all of the characters’ names. Almost like they knew people would forget them by the end…
This episode felt kind of like the movie “mother!” for how crazy it got in the end. Still relatively tame, I think they could have done more crazy stuff like this. So much potential wasted up until now. Whatever, someone will get it right eventually.
Dec 24, 2017 8:23 AM

Jun 2016
6 outta 10 I didn't hate this show. I still find ir ironic that its made in china.

Last 3 episodes felt like they had no more references to make but still had money to make more episodes

"I hate this piece of shit anime"- Minoa Asagaya

Dec 24, 2017 8:23 AM

Dec 2015
Overall pretty good. Yui best girl by far.
Dec 24, 2017 8:45 AM

Jul 2016
Honestly wasn't sure about this show at first, but it's definitely won me over. It took the Haruhi Re;Creators meta thing to it's breaking point. With the whole "separating anime and reality" thing it was doing, I was kind of hoping they'd go live action at the very end, but sadly not.
It was still a fair exchange for what we did get though, referencing shows of this season, even calling shade at it's OWN FUCKING STAFF! 8/10
(BTW I really want that Christmas image at the end. I found my annual Christmas wallpaper)
Dec 24, 2017 9:14 AM

Jul 2015
I'm so glad I ended up giving a try to this anime after ignoring it for the whole season, this was just too much fun, and while parody isn't my thing, it totally hit the spot in this one, stuff like the eyecatch and when they mentioned Minoa's original name got me laughing so hard.

Really entertaining anime, it's a shame that it flew under the radar so hard, but I was one of them as well so I can't way much q_q

8/10 from my part, props to the studio for this work.
Dec 24, 2017 9:20 AM

Mar 2016
Not only did they manage to poke fun at all those dramatic, world-ending and assimilation final episodes, they were able to make a strong episode in its own right. A really fun and inventive series that impressed me.

RebelPanda said:
Still relatively tame, I think they could have done more crazy stuff like this. So much potential wasted up until now.
I didn't think it was possible to miss the point of a show like this, but I guess it is. What's the point if it's always 'crazy'?
syncrogazerDec 24, 2017 9:30 AM
Dec 24, 2017 9:42 AM

Oct 2014
syncrogazer said:
Not only did they manage to poke fun at all those dramatic, world-ending and assimilation final episodes, they were able to make a strong episode in its own right. A really fun and inventive series that impressed me.

RebelPanda said:
Still relatively tame, I think they could have done more crazy stuff like this. So much potential wasted up until now.
I didn't think it was possible to miss the point of a show like this, but I guess it is. What's the point if it's always 'crazy'?

I get why they made the show this way. I just didn't find it to be a very interesting experience. Loads of shows are generic and suffer from the same issues that this one does. The only difference is that here the issues are self-inflicted, that doesn't make it better, only more obvious.

I wanted it to be crazier because then maybe it wouldn't have been so boring to watch, I don't really care if that breaks what they were going for because of how misguided that thing is.
Dec 24, 2017 9:44 AM

Mar 2016

So basically, no fun allowed. All right.
Dec 24, 2017 9:50 AM

Oct 2014
syncrogazer said:

So basically, no fun allowed. All right.

I'm a 100% certified fun hater.
Dec 24, 2017 9:52 AM

Nov 2009
I'm glad that I decide to watch this anime. It looks like a normal comedy show at first anime but it added some twist into the story and turned itself into something that I don't see often from anime of the same genre. The best thing is all the hints are there from the first ep. This show really reward people who stick to the show until the end.

We need to to find a way to get more people to watch this anime.
Dec 24, 2017 9:59 AM
Oct 2016
rip Nakano-senpai...
oops I mean Aurora-senpai
Dec 24, 2017 9:59 AM
Oct 2017
This anime was a nice watch and of course better than expected. Hope more people see this someday.

Oh, now I remember, that world of deleted things can be considered a Gumball reference? xd

PD: Loving the Christmas wallpaper we got :3
Dec 24, 2017 10:24 AM

Aug 2016
ariel_nugie said:
Wait a minute,, did I miss something??? Who is this? She appeared like she belong in the show out of nowhere

When they show the characters sheet:
Dec 24, 2017 10:26 AM

Nov 2016
Anime is great, isn't it?
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 24, 2017 10:50 AM

Sep 2013
Scrapping the director was a good idea XD
Minoa, neko and the anime that support her manage to get back the others with her words and aurora and neko go back :'(
The time reset is meh though but it's a happy ending 8/10 underrated anime parody/self aware.
Dec 24, 2017 10:51 AM

May 2017
I truly enjoyed this series, until episodes 11 and 12 especially this episode it's so messed up but they put up a good ending to say the least.

Bei Bei is Bae 6/10
Dec 24, 2017 10:56 AM

Nov 2015
i liked it more when they simply talked about anime and took anime activity.
Dec 24, 2017 11:12 AM
Jun 2015
You know, I think that cat girl who's name is Koneko that loves moe series and cat girls due to her appearance. Maybe...if maybe animegataris gets its second season someday with Koneko, we,fans, all want to see it again! So I will wait if that happens,no matter what! And Minoa is finally able to save the real world and the otaku world from being merge into one world by using her own creativity, dreams, and her imagination, purifying them for good and making a Christmas Miracle of Anime along with her otaku friends to save both worlds!
Dec 24, 2017 11:25 AM

Jul 2008
SlashedPanda360 said:
ariel_nugie said:
Wait a minute,, did I miss something??? Who is this? She appeared like she belong in the show out of nowhere

When they show the characters sheet:

still, that does not...

Sakurashoujo said:
You know, I think that cat girl who's name is Koneko that loves moe series and cat girls due to her appearance. Maybe...if maybe animegataris gets its second season someday with Koneko, we,fans, all want to see it again! So I will wait if that happens,no matter what!

It might be an OVA, because I don't think a second season would ever be probable…


6/10 - So bad that is almost good… Though it did make me laugh.
My candies:
Dec 24, 2017 11:39 AM

Sep 2015
Animegataris Overall Anime Impressions:

The finale to Animegataris was pretty bonkers. It did not go full-on crazy with anime madness as I would have hoped, but it was still fun. I think Animegataris was a fun ride altogether. I really loved the beginning portion of learning about anime and was really entertained by the crazy apocalypse arc. The ending did not really cohesively tie the themes and crazy aspects of anime well. More-so, the last episode was just the main character saving the world without much of a message that speaks deeply of anime. Strong 11 episodes with a somewhat good finale, but I overall enjoyed the ride.

Animegataris to me is a pretty good celebration of the anime medium and community. When I think back to what this anime offered, it consistently entertained me with the references, gags, and otaku passion displayed. The way the anime tackles anime for character development and displaying mad situations is executed well. The best characters of this anime has to be KaiKai and Minoa, mainly for having the most passionate moments. I liked the direction Animegataris went to, but I think the transition could have been more fluent and executed better at the end.

If you are an anime fan, Animegataris is definitely worth checking out. Sometimes the anime can be a little incoherent, but there is a lot of fun to be had. I kind of want to see a second season just so we can explore more of the club members lives. Because near the end, the side characters sorta get shafted in favor of the main character experiencing madness. Oh well, cheers to the Yui body close up gag!
BluePikmin11Dec 24, 2017 11:50 AM
Dec 24, 2017 12:44 PM

Jul 2017
Glorious. It couldn't top the sheer batshit insanity of last week, though - episode 11 had the advantage of the surprise factor.

That's Madoka levels of universal resets. I hope 2018 brings us more pleb filters like this one.
Dec 24, 2017 1:15 PM

Aug 2013
Nothing much to say about this episode apart from the fact that it was a crazy one. 5/5

Overall, it was an entertaining series and an underrated one. I'm glad I gave this a go. 8/10

Dec 24, 2017 1:24 PM
Jul 2018
This anime really did fly under the radar for most people as all of the references that the anime made and the normal everyday stuff at a club before stuff went down in the last third of the series.

Glad that I did pick this up and watched it out of curiosity. 7/10
Dec 24, 2017 4:53 PM

Aug 2014
Thoroughly unimpressive; light anime talk, mostly verbal references, humor/drama fell flat, expendable characters, and the meta aspect came in too little too late. If it had invested more in less I would have enjoyed this show a bit more.
Sieg Zeon!
Dec 24, 2017 8:26 PM

Feb 2013
This whole show was very unexpected....didn't think it would have gone this route lol. I liked it, nothing amazing, but it was a fun watch.

Dec 24, 2017 8:29 PM
Aug 2014
I liked Anime-gataris. I mean.. I like anime.
Dec 24, 2017 8:37 PM

Apr 2011
What a crazy last episode. The last two episodes were crazy. At least it had a decent ending. I like the girls. The last episode didn't impress me but still entertaining

Dec 24, 2017 9:05 PM
Jul 2012
Were the mushrooms a Kusabira reference? Not only referencing anime, but also kyogen?
I wish the characters were fleshed out more. A show like this needs strong characters to carry the show. Would've also made the impact greater.
Dec 24, 2017 10:31 PM

Oct 2015
This is officially the most underrated anime in this website for me, somehow even more than Paranoia Agent.
One of my favorite anime of the year and the most unexpected surprise I've had in a big while!

While not perfect in execution, this show was brimming with personality, joy, passion, a very comfortable atmosphere from the get-go, and made me invested in it in a way that I was more than sure would be impossible to accomplish, but GOD am I glad I watched this!

This is what anime is: sharing, friendship, passion, dreams, weirdness, batshit craziness and unexpected twists. Thank you, Animegataris, for giving me that feeling I had when I first started watching anime, binging shows left and right while being surprised and invested in their stories like never before in my life <3
Dec 24, 2017 11:26 PM
Jul 2018
Very weird, but overall it's enjoyable and very underrated. 7/10.
Dec 25, 2017 6:51 AM

Jun 2016
Lmao. I honestly enjoyed the breaking the fourth, fifth, sixth wall in this anime, but most of the time I'm confused as fuck. Hahaha. This show tried to go Inception and Interstellar on me, but it failed. Heck, I still enjoyed this anime. Lmao.


"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Dec 25, 2017 7:35 AM

Nov 2014
Finally its over, this anime really disappointed me with the last few episodes, i could barely watch the last episode, i almost dropped it. The beggining of the show was cool, i liked it and i laughed a lot too, but the ending was terrible for me.
Dec 25, 2017 9:08 AM
Jul 2008
I think this anime is for really geek anime watcher.. You can't just like anime and catch all the references. I've watched many anime but sometimes I can't catch a reference.

This anime is basically another parody anime but why this anime is different because it explicitly talking about anime.

Anime originals are rare nowadays, even many adaptations are not good. For newbie to moderate anime watcher, I think you need to rewatch this later to more appreciate the show.

Nostalgik said:
This is officially the most underrated anime in this website for me, somehow even more than Paranoia Agent.
One of my favorite anime of the year and the most unexpected surprise I've had in a big while!

While not perfect in execution, this show was brimming with personality, joy, passion, a very comfortable atmosphere from the get-go, and made me invested in it in a way that I was more than sure would be impossible to accomplish, but GOD am I glad I watched this!

This is what anime is: sharing, friendship, passion, dreams, weirdness, batshit craziness and unexpected twists. Thank you, Animegataris, for giving me that feeling I had when I first started watching anime, binging shows left and right while being surprised and invested in their stories like never before in my life <3

Now that you mentioned Paranoia Agent.. It seems no one noticed Paranoia Agent parody on the last episode :D

Dec 25, 2017 9:13 AM

Oct 2015
LeonLanford said:
I think this anime is for really geek anime watcher.. You can't just like anime and catch all the references. I've watched many anime but sometimes I can't catch a reference.

This anime is basically another parody anime but why this anime is different because it explicitly talking about anime.

Anime originals are rare nowadays, even many adaptations are not good. For newbie to moderate anime watcher, I think you need to rewatch this later to more appreciate the show.

Nostalgik said:
This is officially the most underrated anime in this website for me, somehow even more than Paranoia Agent.
One of my favorite anime of the year and the most unexpected surprise I've had in a big while!

While not perfect in execution, this show was brimming with personality, joy, passion, a very comfortable atmosphere from the get-go, and made me invested in it in a way that I was more than sure would be impossible to accomplish, but GOD am I glad I watched this!

This is what anime is: sharing, friendship, passion, dreams, weirdness, batshit craziness and unexpected twists. Thank you, Animegataris, for giving me that feeling I had when I first started watching anime, binging shows left and right while being surprised and invested in their stories like never before in my life <3

Now that you mentioned Paranoia Agent.. It seems no one noticed Paranoia Agent parody on the last episode :D

hahah so nice to see someone catching that one!!
Dec 25, 2017 9:22 AM
Jul 2008
Nostalgik said:
LeonLanford said:
I think this anime is for really geek anime watcher.. You can't just like anime and catch all the references. I've watched many anime but sometimes I can't catch a reference.

This anime is basically another parody anime but why this anime is different because it explicitly talking about anime.

Anime originals are rare nowadays, even many adaptations are not good. For newbie to moderate anime watcher, I think you need to rewatch this later to more appreciate the show.

Now that you mentioned Paranoia Agent.. It seems no one noticed Paranoia Agent parody on the last episode :D

hahah so nice to see someone catching that one!!

I think someone need to make reference list like Lucky Star. Fansubber in the past used to make references every episode, it really helped new anime watcher.

Someone mentioned about mushroom above, I also don't understand about it..

There's a funny reference about narrator(the japanese scroll on the wall)

It's mistranslated, it roughly means 'Narration is dead eh?'. It referenced how anime nowadays have little to none of show narrator.
Dec 25, 2017 9:33 AM

Jan 2015
The club closing drama for most of the season was really annoying but I guess all the meta stuff was cool. Overall meh. 5/10
Dec 25, 2017 10:43 AM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
This show makes me wish people in my area would like anime.
I hope this gets an OVA episode or so.
Dec 25, 2017 12:20 PM
Jul 2018
But there is still 1 question left unanswered...what drug were the staff taking while making this? Asking for a friend. XD

Did enjoy the anime though, it was fun.
Dec 25, 2017 1:45 PM

Jan 2014
This anime was really enjoyable. Sad the score isn't a 7 though.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Dec 25, 2017 1:56 PM

Feb 2007
What a ride. :D

And, of course, we'd get a bit of Yui in the end.

Looks like they got a new Neko-senpai too. :D
Dec 25, 2017 3:09 PM

May 2016
Damn I really loved this series, I wanted some original material though
10/10 at first now 5/10
I like to post in manga forum when I feel it is worth it, so people will think. "Shit, is her again" or something.

People asked me where I read certain thing but the rules say no telling where did you read so maybe I am too boring for not saying? Or salty because you didn't check my profile that says don't ask because I hate people to ghost me after that. I love learning languages so maybe I did not read the manga in English.
Dec 25, 2017 3:55 PM

Jan 2011
Reference anime are fun but it doesn't make them good. Had some funny moments but overall not that entertaining.
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