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Dec 8, 2017 1:20 PM
Dec 2017
The anime is getting better and better. I'd like to have SOME(and I say some because until now we haven't received any) information about what the power of the two MC's are, and the source. Still the episode was really lit and the serie is getting me HYPED. It reminds me a lot of Zankyou no terror, which I found so interesting and unusual from the mainstream panorama. Now it's time to see Old geezer in action, and can t believe all this mass murder, can you imagine this in real life? So crazy
Dec 8, 2017 1:57 PM

Dec 2015
Wasshio said:
As some people have said, Hiro's logic and reason for killing people makes no sense to me, and for some reason, this makes the entire show even worse than the previous episodes. Playing him from an anti-hero to an actual villain, but a terribly written one on top of that. I wouldn't have minded it if the character would have made sense to begin with, or make the type of character that I would hate for good reasons (as in a good light), but noooo.

This is not how you do a series with these type of stuff honestly, which is a shame. The concept is very good, but the execution is horrendous, it is really that painful to go through.

Note: As some people have mentioned, this is very ironic for this episode being the 9/11 episodes, and yeah. We have "that". Oh boy the triggering commences... It's quite laughable, for the wrong reasons.

I agree with pretty much all the points you said. The fact that this show has above an 8/10 average score on MAL makes me lose hope in humanity...
"Anime is trash and so am I."
Dec 8, 2017 2:09 PM
Dec 2017
Tomoebi said:
This show just keeps getting worse.
Dec 8, 2017 2:12 PM
Jul 2018
Hibikase said:
Wasshio said:
As some people have said, Hiro's logic and reason for killing people makes no sense to me, and for some reason, this makes the entire show even worse than the previous episodes. Playing him from an anti-hero to an actual villain, but a terribly written one on top of that. I wouldn't have minded it if the character would have made sense to begin with, or make the type of character that I would hate for good reasons (as in a good light), but noooo.

This is not how you do a series with these type of stuff honestly, which is a shame. The concept is very good, but the execution is horrendous, it is really that painful to go through.

Note: As some people have mentioned, this is very ironic for this episode being the 9/11 episodes, and yeah. We have "that". Oh boy the triggering commences... It's quite laughable, for the wrong reasons.

I agree with pretty much all the points you said. The fact that this show has above an 8/10 average score on MAL makes me lose hope in humanity...

Oh I don't really mind the score or really care about the ratings. I want to honestly ask some people why do they think that this series is realistic by definition. Because in all honesty, its not really realistic.

The fact that you have certain aspects that happen on a daily basis being handled in the most light way possible, despite those moments actually being legit serious, its really un-human to me. Also, what I find it even more ironic in the show is the fact that, if you know the events of 9/11, of course you would know that the people that caused this have shit logic and ideas. I kind of find it ironic because Hiro has the same thing: His motivations, or logic do not make any sense, so I don't know if it's either:

a. A reference to it and using it in a terrible fashion because the execution and how the people reacted to it is pretty pathetic
b. The fact that the series used an actual event and then in some degree mocking it. I think I find it worse because it comes off as pretty damn convenient because the author made at least 95% of the people in the series acting completely stupid because of this.

Or a combination of both.

It's pretty pretentious and just tedious to go through no matter from what angle I look at it from. It acts as if it was something deep when in the angles it's really scummy in its own core. Acting that it should be something, but it gives a terrible delivery as a result.
Dec 8, 2017 2:31 PM
Dec 2017
This episode was unbelievable I have never expeirneced anything like this in a show. It left me in shock, this is on my top 3 of ALL TIME favorite anime. It is so good.

After seeing the comments it really disappointed me how many people are hating on this show, and their freaking reasons... Oh man oh man, the children are many in here. You guys say it's just mindless violence? Well I can't blame ya since you're probably uneducated. The reason Hiro kills without emotion is because he has no empathy he is a psychopath, and psychopaths don't know what is right and wrong, killing is just another thing for them. That is what is so scary about Hiro, you can't tell what he is thinking. There is no standard to compare him to. Another hateful thing is the why grandpa inuyashik unable to do the things Hiro does? Well obviously Hiro pracitced and use3d it more... Pure and simple... God this community is dumb

This isn't a show for the lighthearted or the casusal viewere who just wants to see boobies or action. This show is very serious and portrays the WORST side of humanity and it does it in such a way that plays with your emotions. Also one of the best things about it is the unpredictablilty, it is the 1 thing that most shows don't have these days. I get shook every episode.

I was excited to talk with some people about this episode but you guys disappoint me with your stupidity
Dec 8, 2017 3:00 PM

Jan 2013
Onlllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy 100, seemed like way more than that. And only 1000 the next day. that would take 120,000 days to complete. Way too slow and inefficient. I'm not buying the nonchalant mood most people have.
Dec 8, 2017 3:02 PM

Oct 2010
Made no fucking sense why he start killing random people instead of only the police.
Dec 8, 2017 3:04 PM

Sep 2016
Swim_Swim said:
iorn said:
I really wish Inuyashiki would just curb Hiro's emo little head in already.

I'm getting really sick of seeing the same fucking shit over and over again.

He's not funny, he's not interesting, and he's not deep.

I honestly don't understand how this anime has a fanbase considering that it's just a mindless gore fest with no substance at this point...

Your ratings suggest that you are offended by mature contect, I suggest you sticking to shounens.

I think you're mistaking "mature content" with edge. Hrio might as well be replaced with a fucking Saturday morning cartoon villein at this point.

"I"M GOING TO DESTROY ALL OF TOKYO. " Evil laugh starts shooting people through their cell phones.

I'm sorry but I can't take characters like that seriously^ Because they're too fucking funny. And I'd continue to laugh at this puddle deep "Hrio vs the world" plot-line if it wasn't dragged out for 3+ episodes.
I've surpassed your limit!
Dec 8, 2017 3:13 PM

Sep 2016
smoledman said:
iorn said:
I really wish Inuyashiki would just curb Hiro's emo little head in already.

I'm getting really sick of seeing the same fucking shit over and over again.

He's not funny, he's not interesting, and he's not deep.

I honestly don't understand how this anime has a fanbase considering that it's just a mindless gore fest with no substance at this point...

Well what was the point of SEELE offing the entire human race for their pet project? This show is refreshing amidst a sea of moe-blob, high-school and Dragonball-Z fests.

I don't know what seele is. Also how is this show refreshing the only thing that happens is "Old man gets sad" and "Edgy teenager kills people"

You are given next to no screen time to get to know or care about any of the support cast....And even if you did the main characters can bring people back from the fucking dead. So there's literally no reason to worry about anything.

Hrio could have just fucking healed his mom after she killed herself.

He could have healed that girl and her grandma after she was shot.

Remember when Hrio said he can call in a nuke on the city? Why the fuck didn't he do that yet? ._.
I've surpassed your limit!
Dec 8, 2017 3:14 PM

May 2017
Hiro is a sociopath. We're told this in the beginning episodes where, as a kid, he explains that he don't give a shit wether other people besides his friends and family die. And then we see him care more about anime characters than his victims. The character is delusional. He wants to go to Hawaii or France after decimating Japan. He has no grasp of reality, especially after his mom dying. The only thing that seems off to me is how much he cares for this girl. He might be projecting his emotions for his mom on her, holding onto his last speck of humanity. I'm really loving it so far. Especially bringing Mari into it. I'm pumped for the finally fight.
Dec 8, 2017 3:25 PM
Dec 2017
Hyack said:
Made no fucking sense why he start killing random people instead of only the police.

You guys are so dumb for not realizing that Hiro has no empathy, even 9 episodes in....
Dec 8, 2017 3:26 PM

May 2017
mhasan08 said:
This episode was unbelievable I have never expeirneced anything like this in a show. It left me in shock, this is on my top 3 of ALL TIME favorite anime. It is so good.

After seeing the comments it really disappointed me how many people are hating on this show, and their freaking reasons... Oh man oh man, the children are many in here. You guys say it's just mindless violence? Well I can't blame ya since you're probably uneducated. The reason Hiro kills without emotion is because he has no empathy he is a psychopath, and psychopaths don't know what is right and wrong, killing is just another thing for them. That is what is so scary about Hiro, you can't tell what he is thinking. There is no standard to compare him to. Another hateful thing is the why grandpa inuyashik unable to do the things Hiro does? Well obviously Hiro pracitced and use3d it more... Pure and simple... God this community is dumb

This isn't a show for the lighthearted or the casusal viewere who just wants to see boobies or action. This show is very serious and portrays the WORST side of humanity and it does it in such a way that plays with your emotions. Also one of the best things about it is the unpredictablilty, it is the 1 thing that most shows don't have these days. I get shook every episode.

I was excited to talk with some people about this episode but you guys disappoint me with your stupidity

I'm really excited about this show too. Definitely makes the top of my favourites.
I'm a little disappointed too, reading all of these comments.

It's an awesome show. I love the characters, and I love the commentary on society.
A man is literally killing people through smartphones and computer/tv screens and kids are still bringing their cell phones with them? Work is still in session when most jobs nowadays (especially in big cities) NEED to use computers and smartphones? It's crazy.
Dec 8, 2017 3:33 PM

May 2017
smoledman said:
Smudy said:
Holy fuck.

Bringing down airplanes, now we're fucking hardcore o_____O

Honestly was expecting that baby to get offed with the smartphone and the ''baby stop crying'' would have been morbid as fuck.

IKR? I was expecting a bullet to go through that baby's skull any moment. Damn this show has me on edge the entire episode!

They did it with that child too. Hiro says "put the phone to your ear" as if he doesn't feel good shooting a kid in the face. I was like "oh my god are we going to see a kid die wtf is Hiro going to do that?" but damn, it doesn't happen lol and then we get the baby scene, and I'm like "oh my god is the baby going to get shot on the face????", thank god it was only the plane crashing. Jesus christ.
Dec 8, 2017 3:39 PM

Jul 2015
A retarded logic for a retarded character, this is what I think about Shishigami, i don't even bother, he has a consistent developtment anyway.

For me, the biggest problem at this moment in this show is not even Shishigami and his logic, is what the fuck is Inuyashiki role in this story? He has no relevance, no developtment, he's barely insignificant, Chokko is way more relevant and he's not even a big ass alien robot! At the beggining I thought this would be a story about two ideals fighting each other, Inuyashiki vs Shishigami, showing both sides of the story, not just a psychopath killing a whole country while the main character is doing nothing to stop that, he's just the weapon saved by author to stop Shishigami in the final moment, nothing more than that, such useless for a main protagonist who also give his name to the show... it's a shame because I like his personality.
Dec 8, 2017 4:24 PM
Aug 2014
Just oh you know another 120 million some people left, Hiro.

Lemme guess ep 10, old man vs Hiro then ep 11 they realize the asteroid will annihilate the world, which requires both of them to stop it, and they both die in the process.
Dec 8, 2017 4:54 PM

Jun 2013
I honestly can't fathom Hiro's character.

He is more like a glitching machine rather than human.
As shown in the girlfriend / mother scene this episode , it appears he is glitching like hell..

So maybe that is why he is no longer human and just thinks like an machine
"Japan wants to kill me .. to resolve the issue i just have to kill everyone "
even babies ! cause GOD THEY ARE TERRIFYING, even more than the police/army )

And as a parent , i seriously dislike this episode and episode 2 ...
Dec 8, 2017 4:55 PM
Jun 2017
You don't need to disrespect others to make your argument clear. You hate the show, fine. You get trigged by the fact that it is currently at an 8, fine. You want to make 20 comments in this thread showing every little detail that makes you hate this show, FINE.

But you don't come around saying shit to usuers and trying to get someone in an argument with you. There are people who enjoy Inuyashiki, much more than people who hate it.
Dec 8, 2017 4:56 PM

Nov 2015
iorn said:
smoledman said:

Well what was the point of SEELE offing the entire human race for their pet project? This show is refreshing amidst a sea of moe-blob, high-school and Dragonball-Z fests.

I don't know what seele is. Also how is this show refreshing the only thing that happens is "Old man gets sad" and "Edgy teenager kills people"

You are given next to no screen time to get to know or care about any of the support cast....And even if you did the main characters can bring people back from the fucking dead. So there's literally no reason to worry about anything.

Hrio could have just fucking healed his mom after she killed herself.

If Hiro healed his mom (and knew where she was when she killed herself) she would kill herself again.
HACKs! 🤢🤮
Dec 8, 2017 5:54 PM

May 2017
Wow - you don't know what SEELE is and you're on My Anime list?
Dec 8, 2017 7:07 PM

Sep 2016
What the hell... That's one way to kill 1000 people with one sweep. My god that's brutal.
Dec 8, 2017 8:19 PM

Jul 2014
the "Dadadadadadada" is back again....!! XD
Dec 8, 2017 8:44 PM

Sep 2016
mehmehperson said:
iorn said:

I don't know what seele is. Also how is this show refreshing the only thing that happens is "Old man gets sad" and "Edgy teenager kills people"

You are given next to no screen time to get to know or care about any of the support cast....And even if you did the main characters can bring people back from the fucking dead. So there's literally no reason to worry about anything.

Hrio could have just fucking healed his mom after she killed herself.

If Hiro healed his mom (and knew where she was when she killed herself) she would kill herself again.

Also what's his excuse for not healing the other two people that died because of him?
I've surpassed your limit!
Dec 8, 2017 10:32 PM

Jul 2013
Mari's death foreshadowed? I think so.

With every show there are flaws and there are huge flaws in this show too. However, for what it is, I'm enjoying it. I don't expect much of anything from seasonal Anime, but I'm getting a kick out of this.

Hiro's logic can be seen as stupid, but also believable. Let's not forget that Hiro is a teenager. We've all been at that rebellious age where you think you're the only one that's right.

This show implies what could happen when two different types of people are given the same power. Not everyone in this world is a saint. Some would actually use the power the way Hiro does and other's would use it the way Inuyashiki does. What could've lead Hiro to be what he is?

Hiro never had the ideal family growing up, all he had was a mother that raised him on her own because his father walked out on them and is living a happy life with a different family, while his mother was working her tail off to support him and herself. Therefore, I believe there's that resentment that's been growing in him. Case and point the family he massacred in the beginning of the show.

Once his Mother committed suicide he lost it, but Shion was there for him. She tried to reason him into being a better person, to help others with his power, but what ended up happening? Shion and her Grandma were killed... shortly. He realized there is no point of helping people with his powers.

Do I think what he is doing is right? No.
Do I support what he's doing? No.
But, I see where he's coming from. Plus, he's not meant to be the good guy in this story. You guys all hate him, right? I think that's the role he's playing perfectly.

That's how I see it at least, if the way I'm thinking is naive let me know. I love discussions.
Dec 9, 2017 1:02 AM

Dec 2015
It helps when your country is full of fucking idiots who lack basic common sense :)

Then again, there are people actually praising this episode- maybe their world isn't too far removed from reality.
Dec 9, 2017 3:28 AM

May 2016
Wanted more bodies to pile up,
But wasn't expecting this LOL

Shishigami never fail to amuse me xD
Dec 9, 2017 3:43 AM

Oct 2015
9/11 achieved. Feeling tense watching this show now, it feel like any second Hiro will kill someone.
Dec 9, 2017 3:47 AM
Feb 2016
killing 120M people just because you being chased? it doesnt make sense even more coming from an smart person like shishigami. and a still cant bear with the animation and voice acting, its not working for me.
Dec 9, 2017 5:05 AM

Jan 2013
Come on, we don't need to see the life of everyone before they get killed to have empathy for them.
Dec 9, 2017 6:43 AM
Nov 2017
Can someone tell me how hiro is "shooting" through the screens?
Dec 9, 2017 7:31 AM

Jul 2015
I'm like Chokko, except, instead of watching a plane crash, I'm watching this anime... And to think it started off so... tragic and sad... only to end so ridiculously and over the top. Not that I hate or anything, it's actually kind of funny at this point.

Also, I can taste the salt over Hiro's character through my computer screen. Yall too serious, not that I hate that either, I love people getting mad over fictional characters and stories.
KuroNeko030Dec 9, 2017 7:40 AM
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Dec 9, 2017 8:18 AM
Apr 2009
Inuyashiki is the japanese vers. for the movie SAW
It has only shocking moments trough violences....nothing more
Dec 9, 2017 11:48 AM
Dec 2015
As soon as they brought the plan you knew he was going to twin towers them
Dec 9, 2017 3:48 PM

Feb 2013
LOL it's like GTA the anime, but without the gangs.
Dec 9, 2017 4:03 PM

Aug 2016
all those "kira" vibes
Dec 9, 2017 4:53 PM

Mar 2009
Mass shooting. Plane crashing into buildings. This episodes hits a little too close to home...
Dec 10, 2017 5:11 AM

Nov 2011
Anime watchers watch too many Shounen nowadays that they get too detached from reality. That the villain needs a reason to be evil otherwise it is unrealistic. Reality is unrealistic to them. They're forgetting psychopaths exist.
Their powers were given by higher dimensional beings and you ask how he can do the things he can? If some people told you to discard your phone and PC because an enemy can kill you with it, will you? Unlikely, it's unbelievable unless you witnessed it personally.

I don't even like this series much but it seems my problems with this are not in the discussion. It is likely to get a shit ending like Gantz anyway.
"Why do I always realize it... when I've already lost it..." -Guts, Berserk
"Some things are beautiful because they cannot be obtained." -Gilgamesh, Fate/stay night
"We are constantly living in a peaceful world that somebody else won for us. Even if it were only a day of peace, I will be grateful for its value." - Minashiro Tsubaki, FAFNER
"Screw you, future me!" -Makise Kurisu, Steins;Gate
"We used to show off by waging wars and whatnot." -Watashi, Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
"Call me Moses. I'm going to part the sea of students before your eyes." -Moses?, Valvrave
"Time is guilty." -Andō & Tomoyo, INOU-Battle
Dec 10, 2017 5:31 AM

Apr 2014
I was really expecting that plane to take out Mari and that iconic building she was in 9/11 style ...
Guess I'm into memes too much.
Dec 10, 2017 7:01 AM

Jan 2014
he is killing people just like that..... this anime is so f*cked up

Dec 10, 2017 7:18 AM

Mar 2011
miguitronik said:
While Hiro's motivations might seem idiotic to some, it's the logical outcome of giving such a god-like power to a sociopath and then pushing the person he cared for the most into suicide. The whole country sees him as an enemy, but unlike all the crazy gunman that countries have had during the years, he actually has the power to fight back and win.

Finally someone gets it. There is still hope within MAL community i see. However, it is sad seeing all these oblivious people that can't understand simple things talking about "bad writting". MAL will still be MAL i guess. It's like what @ernst said. Oh well!
Dec 10, 2017 8:16 AM
Jul 2018
Guess all left are another massacre, fight between 2 super human (?) and maybe good ending.
Dec 10, 2017 10:29 AM
May 2016
Actually i will do same like hiro if have that power.
I have battle knife and always wonder, how it's feel to kill people with it.
I always imagine myself slice some throat, or destroy another limb.

But forget it anyway, i don't want arrested by police.

So i think hiro veeeerrrrryyyy reeeeaaasssonnnabbbleeeee
Dec 10, 2017 11:32 AM

Sep 2016
I had that 'oh shit!' moment when the lady showed the infant the phone.

Then it turned out to be 9/11 moment instead. >.<

The few seconds before the crash were made beautifully terrifying, though.
Dec 10, 2017 1:23 PM

May 2015
Soo Hiro did 9/11. Now it's make sense.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Dec 10, 2017 3:43 PM

Feb 2016
Laughed so hard when the terminal scene started.
Dec 10, 2017 8:43 PM

Apr 2013
ShiroxYasha said:
Mari's death foreshadowed? I think so.

With every show there are flaws and there are huge flaws in this show too. However, for what it is, I'm enjoying it. I don't expect much of anything from seasonal Anime, but I'm getting a kick out of this.

Hiro's logic can be seen as stupid, but also believable. Let's not forget that Hiro is a teenager. We've all been at that rebellious age where you think you're the only one that's right.

This show implies what could happen when two different types of people are given the same power. Not everyone in this world is a saint. Some would actually use the power the way Hiro does and other's would use it the way Inuyashiki does. What could've lead Hiro to be what he is?

Hiro never had the ideal family growing up, all he had was a mother that raised him on her own because his father walked out on them and is living a happy life with a different family, while his mother was working her tail off to support him and herself. Therefore, I believe there's that resentment that's been growing in him. Case and point the family he massacred in the beginning of the show.

Once his Mother committed suicide he lost it, but Shion was there for him. She tried to reason him into being a better person, to help others with his power, but what ended up happening? Shion and her Grandma were killed... shortly. He realized there is no point of helping people with his powers.

Do I think what he is doing is right? No.
Do I support what he's doing? No.
But, I see where he's coming from. Plus, he's not meant to be the good guy in this story. You guys all hate him, right? I think that's the role he's playing perfectly.

That's how I see it at least, if the way I'm thinking is naive let me know. I love discussions.

Couldn't say it any better myself, these are the points everyone who doesn't understand Shishigami's character are missing. He's fulfilling his role perfectly.
Dec 11, 2017 3:19 AM

Mar 2015
The ordinary people in this show are so dumb and braindead that I think Hiro is doing a service to the world by killing them. Why the fuck do they keep using smartphones when they KNOW Hiro is killing people through them?
Dec 11, 2017 4:25 AM

Dec 2008
Thx episode 9, I already knew that Hiro is a ruthless psycho, this just showed me nothing new. Aside from more gruesome moments and "lifeless" characters.
I really lost my patience with this lame excuse of a storyline.
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Dec 11, 2017 11:27 AM

Nov 2010
The only one thing I really like from this episode is that Mari opened up to Hanako and even wanna buy her dog treat.
I hate Hiro even more in this episode. Now he is killing more people. We knew Inuyashiki will do something about him but seriously, I wish he do something more in this episode to stop Hiro. 2 episodes left.
The animation in this episode really bad. Some don't even have face drawn and so many badly drawn faces.
Dec 11, 2017 11:41 AM
Aug 2016
BliuBliu said:
The ordinary people in this show are so dumb and braindead that I think Hiro is doing a service to the world by killing them. Why the fuck do they keep using smartphones when they KNOW Hiro is killing people through them?

I agree, the situation in this show is pretty similar to real life : even though you warn people about the impact of cigarettes on health, they still smoke..
Maybe it's a kind of a message the show is trying to send us idk
Dec 11, 2017 12:24 PM

Dec 2014
I'm too weak for this show. The levels of hopelessness I feel watching this feel rivals Shinsekai Yori.
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