Dec 30, 2010 11:49 AM
Well, after watching this anime, "incest" was the most favored route out of all of them So, what is wrong with that? in real life i mean, I have been wondering whats wrong with incest ... since I am an only child and I am no father so I don't know how I would face this In my choice I think I sit on the middle between 2 choices: It is fine and It is inhuman I did a few research and so far I got this: What made up the "incest" so bad and inhuman are: I.) Birth defects, retardation, mutation and form of insanity II.) Religious rules III.) Federal Laws These are the only three things that makes up "incest" base on this small research. In this anime the Prez took a real huge hit in the incest ... well its anime we are talking about so a lot of people liked the incest route ... People who watched this anime, viewed it in a 3rd person point of view Now, back to the question: What is wrong with incest? [ irl ] another question is: why is it OK to watch it in anime and why do most people support the "incest route"? Out of boredom I pondered in this topic because I think this is one of the best anime I have watched in 2010. |
Dec 30, 2010 9:40 PM
I think people like incest in anime's are, because there interesting and unique from normal relationships. It steps outside the boundaries of the word ''Love''. In my opinion, i like incest, because its takes you somewhere that you know it's wrong, but you want to see how people would react to those situations or how the love will turn out. Seeing in incest in real life would be kind of scary, because we know its wrong, and its against the rule. Seeing in it anime format makes it understandable and clear. That's my opinion :D |
Dec 30, 2010 9:57 PM
It's illegal in the real world due in part to the increased risks of birth defects and such, but also because 9 times out of 10 it involves one person taking advantage of another. |
Dec 30, 2010 11:00 PM
XiaoYami said: Seeing in incest in real life would be kind of scary, because we know its wrong, and its against the rule. Seeing in it anime format makes it understandable and clear. I see you view anime as another world that can be experimented with, but some people really thinks that animes (slice of life) and reality have no difference between them. dkrdude3 said: but also because 9 times out of 10 it involves one person taking advantage of another. That is an idea that i didn't put into consideration. LoL I drifted away from the topic xD but I have a broader view of this topic |
xLokiDec 31, 2010 12:13 AM
Jan 4, 2011 3:49 PM
As for IRL the incest is a kind of taboo topic, but for mangas and animes it's a common one. If you don't believe, then you didn't watched THAT mauch hentai. But for back to the IRL-theme. I believe if they are both fine with it, then do it, but don't do it openly, like a mass on a homo pride festival on Andrássy Street (where I live, this kind of festival is held on this long street, with a kind of feeling that you're on the Carneval of Rio de Janeiro... not just disgust people, but freaks everyone still they held it with police assistance). So I don't disagree with it. And for this sentence of Yorihime Nao, from episode 12 in Yosuga no Sora: "You can't choose whom you love". And that's an ultimate truth and everybody shall respect somewhat the other's feelings. |
Feb 17, 2011 2:52 AM
Ricz said: That's pretty much how I feel about it. If you love someone that way you can't help it. Its a chemical reaction that occurs naturally in your brain after all. But again whether it is wrong in society or not the most important part is to be happy now isn't it? Even IRL as long as the people are happy I don't really care. I just have no interest in watching them.As for IRL the incest is a kind of taboo topic, but for mangas and animes it's a common one. If you don't believe, then you didn't watched THAT mauch hentai. But for back to the IRL-theme. I believe if they are both fine with it, then do it, but don't do it openly, like a mass on a homo pride festival on Andrássy Street (where I live, this kind of festival is held on this long street, with a kind of feeling that you're on the Carneval of Rio de Janeiro... not just disgust people, but freaks everyone still they held it with police assistance). So I don't disagree with it. And for this sentence of Yorihime Nao, from episode 12 in Yosuga no Sora: "You can't choose whom you love". And that's an ultimate truth and everybody shall respect somewhat the other's feelings. |
Feb 17, 2011 11:51 AM
Cypher_09 said: II.) Religious rules Actually out of the largest religions only Christianity is used to forbid though the bible contradicts itself on these points on several occasions. It does condemn incest but wasn't it a bit like this: Adam + Eve > sons Son kills Adam So now we only have Eve and her sons and there are still humans around, makes me wonder... |
Mar 11, 2011 4:14 AM
Muffer-Nl said: Cypher_09 said: II.) Religious rules Actually out of the largest religions only Christianity is used to forbid though the bible contradicts itself on these points on several occasions. It does condemn incest but wasn't it a bit like this: Adam + Eve > sons Son kills Adam So now we only have Eve and her sons and there are still humans around, makes me wonder... To be fair, I believe in Christianity other humans were created outside of Adam and Eve, they were just the first. |
Mar 11, 2011 10:27 AM
Take away the factor of what could go wrong with a child produced by them (Which, to be honest, is something that I feel is extremely selfish on the parents part, that child will never live a normal life), speaking as someone with a sibling... It's just wrong. I mean, I cannot imagine how anyone who has lived with a sibling their entire life could view them in that way. It's just so... Wrong to me. Now, if you aren't blood related and such, then I have no problem with that. |
Mar 11, 2011 4:50 PM
It has been three months since this post was made ... I appreciate everyone's opinion |
Mar 11, 2011 10:22 PM
the main problem with incest is the social taboos that are accompanied by it. no parent really wants to know that their children are in a sexual relation with one another; and all but the most remote place have banned incestuous. personally i think that there is nothing wrong with it, yes i would be devastated if i found out that the children i have are in a relation, but i would nether condole or condemn. never-the-less, it is still a tricky topic on where an incestuous starts and a conventional ends, for in Canada one is allowed by law to marry your first cousin, however in parts of the US, it is illegal (26 states allow). many people fear the difficulties that may present itself to the child; however, the genetic defect rate in children is raised form 2-4% to 4-6%, all disorder are then hereditary. the only real oddity that arises form cousin born children is the increase chances of having identical twin. so all in all incest really shouldn't condemned because you love who you love, and like a couple people have said before me "its fine, but i don't want to see it." |
Mar 15, 2011 8:04 PM
There are strong biological taboos working against incest; the religious and legal prohibitions are extensions of those taboos. And if incest is repeated across multiple generations, you wind up with people like this guy. So people who go against those instincts and commit incest are seen as weird/deviant. Due to an imprinting process called the Westermarck Effect, most people do not view people they were raised with (parents, siblings, sometimes cousins) as potential sex partners, regardless of how objectively attractive they might be. It's like being put in the "friend zone," only on a deeper level. And blood relation is irrelevant -- kids who grew up together as stepsiblings from age 5 like the Suminoes in Kiss X Sis would be highly unlikely to be sexually attracted to each other. Same with a lot of the other adopted/step/foster "not blood siblings" scenarios, except for the ones where the kids are already teenagers when they become family. Interestingly enough, the reverse is true -- if blood siblings or other close relatives grow up separately, they can be more likely to be attracted to one another if they meet as teens/adults. See Koi Kaze for an example of this. The popular theory for the frequency of incest in anime is that many Japanese are only children like yourself, and thus don't have real sibling relationships to compare fantasy incestuous relationships against. As a fictional/storytelling device, I have no problem with incest, except that it can be overused as a cheap shock/taboo device. But in reality, it often involves some coercion, as dkrdude3 stated. Muffer-Nl said: No, according to the Bible, Adam and Eve's son Cain killed his brother Abel. Then they had a 3rd son named Seth, and things get hazy after that.Cypher_09 said: II.) Religious rules Actually out of the largest religions only Christianity is used to forbid though the bible contradicts itself on these points on several occasions. It does condemn incest but wasn't it a bit like this: Adam + Eve > sons Son kills Adam So now we only have Eve and her sons and there are still humans around, makes me wonder... |
Jun 24, 2013 7:51 PM
Well actually there's a whole lot of misinformation out there on the subject. For one, yes, there is a increased risk for diseases and disorders. But the risk increase has been exaggerated, inbreeding works the same genetically as anything else. In other words, diseases and disorders won't just pop up, they have to already be there in the dna either from the past, or newly from mutations which are uncontrollable and occur even in non inbred cases. The actual risk is from cases where a disease is recessive, in which case if you have a child with somebody who also has it, then the child will get it. For most this is reason to ban incest, but logically it is inconsistent. Because most of those traits are common enough that one doesn't have to sleep with somebody related to pass it on. And for diseases that are dominant, then it wouldn't matter who you sleep with because the child would inherit regardless. Actual risk increase is in the single digit percentages. Furthermore there are a lot of things that can end up very very bad if it is done on a mass scale. For instance, if everybody abstained from sex, then the human race would eventually die. Or if everybody just became homosexual the same effect could be possible. But the person here and there that abstains, or the amount of people who are gay, hasn't hurt the population any. And by that same thread of logic, you have to wonder just how common incest really is. All the cases we have where it went on for multiple generations has been for things like royalty, and most of that was probably obligation. And it only became a problem after many generations. So for the few cases here and there where people boink their relatives, it's probably not much if any of a problem. It's not like being born from siblings will make you want to boink your sibling. Most people become attracted after being separated, the effect is called Genetic Sexual Attraction. So the only real way to encourage the effect is to keep separating children from each other. Surely if somebody is trying to coax people like that, we have an even bigger problem on our hands. The westermark effect itself is actually flawed. It assumes that we grow up to become sexually repulsed by family members when in actuality, the lack of incest is because of familiarity. We become sexually bored with those we grow up with. But deep down, we seek out partners that display traits of those close to us. Not only that, but subconciously we find people that share traits with us or those of a parent to be more attractive, if we don't suspect it. If we do suspect it, then it is the opposite. If we suspect that the person looks like us or a parent, we become bored with them. The sexual repulsion comes from society. Of course, none of this really matters, because what most people bring up in offense against incest is inbreeding, a completely different matter. One could fall in love with a sibling, have a relationship with them, and yet never have a child with them. There are many ways this could come about. One they could abstain from sex. Two they could practice safe sex. Three they could only have sex on safe days. Four, the girl could take birth control. Five the guy could get a vasectomy. And so on and so forth. And then there are the homosexual relationships. There's just not any proof that laws help or lack of laws hurt. In japan iincest is legal, but incestual marriage isn't. And so far it hasn't hurt them at all. Most people just don't want to boink a family member, and it being legal isn't enough to suddenly make them want to. In other words, the lack of a law hasn't hurt them. But in many states in america it is illegal, and being caught can depending on state get you more time in prison than being caught for bestiality. And many states are overturning bestiality laws. Certainly they couldn't say they banned incest because of the bible, since I'm pretty sure the bible also speaks against bestiality and those places are legalizing it and that would just be picking and choosing. I would also think everybody would at least be smart enough to know that boinking a nonconsenting animal is a lot worse than boinking a consenting adult relative, especially if precautions were taken. And there were a lot of things in the very same sections that they haven't banned.. And they shouldn't because making a law doesn't make somebody more moral. Laws rarely make anybody more moral. Laws should be to protect others, offensive laws that seek only to punish, especially for things like morals tend to have negative effects. What tends to happen is that people become rebellious, and end up committing the crime more than if it were legal. Or the subject gets pushed underground where it becomes darker or more violent. A good example of this is when alcohol was banned and it ended up creating an underground mafia. And increased availability of porn has lowered sexual crimes in those areas. So to answer the question, not much if anything, and what could go wrong is easily avoidable. What I want to know is what percentage of people truly hate incest and what percentage is just too afraid to speak so they go along with mob mentality. I have a very strong feeling that the majority is only afraid of the mob, and that the ones who truly hate incest are in the minority and using the mob to look bigger. I certainly think that if everybody knew the truth instead of being fed misinformation that they would look at it in a neutral light if not in a positive one. |
"There is perhaps no phenomenon which contains so much destructive feeling as moral indignation, which permits envy or hate to be acted out under the guise of virtue." — Erich Fromm |
Jul 15, 2013 9:55 AM
In the modern Western world, incest taboos or laws are silly. The only possible complaint against incest which is both universally applicable and rational is the inbreeding problem. But this isn't a problem, because you need several instances of inbreeding within a small group for the risks to become significant, and since people hardly ever want to engage in incest in the first place, this isn't going to happen. I suspect they exist, because this wasn't always the case. Go back a few centuries, and inbreeding was a problem, loads of people lived in villages smaller than the ideal human society size of 150, while the royals were marrying each other due to politics. So a child born of incest probably would have been at significantly greater risk of genetic defects. The taboo is obsolete now, but like a lot of taboos, it sticks around. When there's a plausible-seeming reason for a taboo which takes some thought to realise doesn't really apply, and it's something that most people would find really weird anyway, it's very difficult to get a taboo to lift. |
logopolisJul 15, 2013 10:00 AM
Jul 20, 2013 5:01 PM
Here in our country incest is immoral and people will look down on your dignity and personality. I think the main factor is religion. |
Oct 1, 2013 11:50 PM
Hmm... Personally, I don't mind about incest IRL. It's just like gays, I don't mind them either. Love is love, ain't it? |
Nov 24, 2013 9:37 AM
xLoki said: Well, after watching this anime, "incest" was the most favored route out of all of them So, what is wrong with that? in real life i mean, I have been wondering whats wrong with incest ... since I am an only child and I am no father so I don't know how I would face this In my choice I think I sit on the middle between 2 choices: It is fine and It is inhuman I did a few research and so far I got this: What made up the "incest" so bad and inhuman are: I.) Birth defects, retardation, mutation and form of insanity II.) Religious rules III.) Federal Laws These are the only three things that makes up "incest" base on this small research. In this anime the Prez took a real huge hit in the incest ... well its anime we are talking about so a lot of people liked the incest route ... People who watched this anime, viewed it in a 3rd person point of view Now, back to the question: What is wrong with incest? [ irl ] another question is: why is it OK to watch it in anime and why do most people support the "incest route"? Out of boredom I pondered in this topic because I think this is one of the best anime I have watched in 2010. Incest is a universal taboo across numerous cultures for most of human history. It was usually only accepted by royalty to preserve the bloodlines. And that was marrying cousins.If incest had been tolerated for a large part of human history it would definitely limit genetic diversity and leave humans vulnerable to numerous viruses,defects,etc. |
Jul 3, 2015 4:56 PM
If all animals did this... except snails... then all those animals who had those babies will be retarded.... this is why animals look for the strongest mate to make the spices stronger for the next-generation. Of course it's wrong. Unless yo want the spices of all life to get dumber |
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia. im a shiki supporter my YouTube channel Just past the 1500th Mark bitches I approve this video |
Oct 17, 2016 5:02 PM
Muffer-Nyan said: Cypher_09 said: II.) Religious rules Actually out of the largest religions only Christianity is used to forbid though the bible contradicts itself on these points on several occasions. It does condemn incest but wasn't it a bit like this: Adam + Eve > sons Son kills Adam So now we only have Eve and her sons and there are still humans around, makes me wonder... DaveBrickheart said: Muffer-Nl said: Cypher_09 said: II.) Religious rules Actually out of the largest religions only Christianity is used to forbid though the bible contradicts itself on these points on several occasions. It does condemn incest but wasn't it a bit like this: Adam + Eve > sons Son kills Adam So now we only have Eve and her sons and there are still humans around, makes me wonder... To be fair, I believe in Christianity other humans were created outside of Adam and Eve, they were just the first. Muffer-Nyan said: Where are these "contradictions" in the bible? Also I believe that the bible only mentions Cain, Abel, and Seth because they are the only three children that are important and revelvant to the telling of Jesus. I am indeed implying that Adam and Eve had other children. After all, it is a possibilityCypher_09 said: II.) Religious rules Actually out of the largest religions only Christianity is used to forbid though the bible contradicts itself on these points on several occasions. It does condemn incest but wasn't it a bit like this: Adam + Eve > sons Son kills Adam So now we only have Eve and her sons and there are still humans around, makes me wonder... |
Nov 18, 2016 1:57 AM
Nov 18, 2016 2:01 AM
you will know if you actually have sister |
Cross Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste) |
Nov 18, 2016 6:27 AM
GangsterCat said: you will know if you actually have sister i do have a little sister. |
Dec 19, 2016 4:03 PM
i love incest in anime and manga(favorite fetish) but hell no would i do my relative |
Feb 10, 2017 1:37 AM
Muffer-Nyan said: Cypher_09 said: II.) Religious rules Actually out of the largest religions only Christianity is used to forbid though the bible contradicts itself on these points on several occasions. It does condemn incest but wasn't it a bit like this: Adam + Eve > sons Son kills Adam So now we only have Eve and her sons and there are still humans around, makes me wonder... Its not a "contractition", incest was ruled in Levitic, in Gênesis its ok |
Nov 25, 2017 8:57 PM
I don't expect many fine internet-dwelling humans who love to masturbate to just about anything to really read something like this, but here's an article explaining why incest is morally wrong for those who don't care about having their fantasies shattered, or for those who never had incestuous fantasies, to begin with: |
Nov 30, 2017 12:15 PM
Draconix814 said: I don't expect many fine internet-dwelling humans who love to masturbate to just about anything to really read something like this, but here's an article explaining why incest is morally wrong for those who don't care about having their fantasies shattered, or for those who never had incestuous fantasies, to begin with: That's a very interesting article that actually matches very closely my primary reason of why incest is ultimately a bad decision. He does ultimately fail, though. Because while he's right that incest is, without doubt, in the vast majority of cases, a very bad idea that can permanently damage familial relationships, he doesn't explain why a bad choice requires a law. Sleeping with your long-time friend's boyfriend/girlfriend is a bad idea that can permanently change one of your most important relationships, perhaps one even more important than the one you have with your parents. But there's no law against that bad decision. Sleeping with your long-time friend and turning a friendship into a sexually loaded one similarily can endanger one of your most vital stabilizing relationships and leave you stranded and alone. It's often a very dumb idea. No laws here either. If one of your parents male/female friends, who spend so much time with you as you grow up that you have an almost or even actual parent/child relationship (for example because of neglect of your own parents) turns that relationship into a sexual one past the age of consent, that's a really really bad idea. No laws, though. So even though he's absolutely correct that one of the strongest arguments against the decision to sleep with your brother/sister is the damage it can wreak to an important relationship, it does not explain why bad decisions require laws. Now the point can be made that, for some magical reason, a familial relationship is somehow vastly more important. While there's an ocean of arguments you could offer against that, let's let the argument stand regardless. But if so, why is there no legislation against parents who drink, smoke and gamble, whose vast expenditures, moodiness and fits of anger and desperation not only often destroy the parent/child relationships, but also bring them into financial ruin and renders them unable to provide their children with a proper start into their life or even the proper surroundings, often forcing them to be similarily unsuccessful in life. Where's the legislation in all other areas where bad decisions can, and often do, permanently destroy this most sacred of all relationships? Why are laws not needed here? So while the author is entirely right in is argument against incest as a decision, he's utterly failed to outline the need for legislation. |
Nov 30, 2017 12:18 PM
The result is a mutant, that's what. |
Nov 30, 2017 7:18 PM
CondemneDio said: Possibly. You're exhibit A, then? :DThe result is a mutant, that's what. |
Nov 30, 2017 10:27 PM
kuraiken said: CondemneDio said: Possibly. You're exhibit A, then? :DThe result is a mutant, that's what. lel kek le epic meme |
Dec 2, 2017 8:04 AM
kuraiken said: Draconix814 said: I don't expect many fine internet-dwelling humans who love to masturbate to just about anything to really read something like this, but here's an article explaining why incest is morally wrong for those who don't care about having their fantasies shattered, or for those who never had incestuous fantasies, to begin with: That's a very interesting article that actually matches very closely my primary reason of why incest is ultimately a bad decision. He does ultimately fail, though. Because while he's right that incest is, without doubt, in the vast majority of cases, a very bad idea that can permanently damage familial relationships, he doesn't explain why a bad choice requires a law. Sleeping with your long-time friend's boyfriend/girlfriend is a bad idea that can permanently change one of your most important relationships, perhaps one even more important than the one you have with your parents. But there's no law against that bad decision. Sleeping with your long-time friend and turning a friendship into a sexually loaded one similarily can endanger one of your most vital stabilizing relationships and leave you stranded and alone. It's often a very dumb idea. No laws here either. If one of your parents male/female friends, who spend so much time with you as you grow up that you have an almost or even actual parent/child relationship (for example because of neglect of your own parents) turns that relationship into a sexual one past the age of consent, that's a really really bad idea. No laws, though. So even though he's absolutely correct that one of the strongest arguments against the decision to sleep with your brother/sister is the damage it can wreak to an important relationship, it does not explain why bad decisions require laws. Now the point can be made that, for some magical reason, a familial relationship is somehow vastly more important. While there's an ocean of arguments you could offer against that, let's let the argument stand regardless. But if so, why is there no legislation against parents who drink, smoke and gamble, whose vast expenditures, moodiness and fits of anger and desperation not only often destroy the parent/child relationships, but also bring them into financial ruin and renders them unable to provide their children with a proper start into their life or even the proper surroundings, often forcing them to be similarily unsuccessful in life. Where's the legislation in all other areas where bad decisions can, and often do, permanently destroy this most sacred of all relationships? Why are laws not needed here? So while the author is entirely right in is argument against incest as a decision, he's utterly failed to outline the need for legislation. I think you're absolutely right, and also absolutely wrong, in other words, you missed the point, both in context of the article and this forum. First of all, you can't fail at something you never set out to do, and in this case, the article's author never set out to justify or debunk the legal side of incest, but the moral side. You seem to agree with this statement, but you criticize it for not bringing up the legal side, even if you make some valid points... actually they aren't that valid, I just think it's well thought through. I'll answer for you, instead: First off, Incest is an action, not a decision. Sleeping with your best friends girlfriend is the action, but depending on the situation, it might not inherently be a bad decision, nor does rthe action inherently lead to a bad result. Furthermore, there is no legal justification or restriction that your friend is even your friend, and his girlfriend is his girlfriend, the same way your sister is your sister and your mother is your mother. The same logic can be applied to your second point. If you sleep with your mother's best friend that you grew up with and see as a parent figure... well that wouldn't happen if you see them as a parent figure, now would it? The same logic I applied to the first point can be applied here. There's no law against drinking, smoking etc, but people have tried throughout the years, look up the Temperance Movement. Ultimately, banning alcohol, like in the Prohibition, only serves to make matters worse. If I banned guns in the US, there would be an even larger black market who gets profit from selling them. If I banned homosexuality, you better believe there will be underground networks defying that law. If you ban incest...? Then a brother isn't allowed to fuck his sister. Boo hoo, there are a billion other candidates out there. The good part is, it actually solves the problem (for the most part). There aren't going to be underground "incest" networks and the people who have incest as a fetish (for some reason), have websites to look at where they can see a mother fuck her own daughter, or at least actors that look like they could be related fucking each other. Unlike your other points, incest has no gain whatsoever. It's a half-assed attempt at love, that inherently destroys relationships, not because they decided to, but because the act of incest does, inherently. It also breeds retarded children, because they may inherent bad genes, but that's a completely different conversation for another time. There's a need for legislation when it comes to incest because the action is inherently harmful. Sure, there are debates about incest past the age of consent, without kids being produced, but that's also another topic. Destroy familial relationships, and you might as well destroy your foundation for a healthy life. I'm okay with sibling "incest", as long as the two participants had no clue they were brother and sister, because then it isn't a moral discussion, and no one is getting hurt. Incest is an action that hurts others. The idea that incest is just another type of love is one embedded deeply in fiction. It should stop being idealized, and it doesn't deserve to be debated about. You agreed on this point, so I believe this conversation is inherently been settled. |
Draconix814Dec 2, 2017 8:25 AM
Dec 2, 2017 8:55 AM
Incest is wincest |
Dec 2, 2017 8:59 AM
Draconix814 said: kuraiken said: Draconix814 said: I don't expect many fine internet-dwelling humans who love to masturbate to just about anything to really read something like this, but here's an article explaining why incest is morally wrong for those who don't care about having their fantasies shattered, or for those who never had incestuous fantasies, to begin with: That's a very interesting article that actually matches very closely my primary reason of why incest is ultimately a bad decision. He does ultimately fail, though. Because while he's right that incest is, without doubt, in the vast majority of cases, a very bad idea that can permanently damage familial relationships, he doesn't explain why a bad choice requires a law. Sleeping with your long-time friend's boyfriend/girlfriend is a bad idea that can permanently change one of your most important relationships, perhaps one even more important than the one you have with your parents. But there's no law against that bad decision. Sleeping with your long-time friend and turning a friendship into a sexually loaded one similarily can endanger one of your most vital stabilizing relationships and leave you stranded and alone. It's often a very dumb idea. No laws here either. If one of your parents male/female friends, who spend so much time with you as you grow up that you have an almost or even actual parent/child relationship (for example because of neglect of your own parents) turns that relationship into a sexual one past the age of consent, that's a really really bad idea. No laws, though. So even though he's absolutely correct that one of the strongest arguments against the decision to sleep with your brother/sister is the damage it can wreak to an important relationship, it does not explain why bad decisions require laws. Now the point can be made that, for some magical reason, a familial relationship is somehow vastly more important. While there's an ocean of arguments you could offer against that, let's let the argument stand regardless. But if so, why is there no legislation against parents who drink, smoke and gamble, whose vast expenditures, moodiness and fits of anger and desperation not only often destroy the parent/child relationships, but also bring them into financial ruin and renders them unable to provide their children with a proper start into their life or even the proper surroundings, often forcing them to be similarily unsuccessful in life. Where's the legislation in all other areas where bad decisions can, and often do, permanently destroy this most sacred of all relationships? Why are laws not needed here? So while the author is entirely right in is argument against incest as a decision, he's utterly failed to outline the need for legislation. I think you're absolutely right, and also absolutely wrong, in other words, you missed the point, both in context of the article and this forum. First of all, you can't fail at something you never set out to do, and in this case, the article's author never set out to justify or debunk the legal side of incest, but the moral side. You seem to agree with this statement, but you criticize it for not bringing up the legal side, even if you make some valid points... actually they aren't that valid, I just think it's well thought through. I'll answer for you, instead: First off, Incest is an action, not a decision. Sleeping with your best friends girlfriend is the action, but depending on the situation, it might not inherently be a bad decision, nor does rthe action inherently lead to a bad result. Furthermore, there is no legal justification or restriction that your friend is even your friend, and his girlfriend is his girlfriend, the same way your sister is your sister and your mother is your mother. The same logic can be applied to your second point. If you sleep with your mother's best friend that you grew up with and see as a parent figure... well that wouldn't happen if you see them as a parent figure, now would it? The same logic I applied to the first point can be applied here. There's no law against drinking, smoking etc, but people have tried throughout the years, look up the Temperance Movement. Ultimately, banning alcohol, like in the Prohibition, only serves to make matters worse. If I banned guns in the US, there would be an even larger black market who gets profit from selling them. If I banned homosexuality, you better believe there will be underground networks defying that law. If you ban incest...? Then a brother isn't allowed to fuck his sister. Boo hoo, there are a billion other candidates out there. The good part is, it actually solves the problem (for the most part). There aren't going to be underground "incest" networks and the people who have incest as a fetish (for some reason), have websites to look at where they can see a mother fuck her own daughter, or at least actors that look like they could be related fucking each other. Unlike your other points, incest has no gain whatsoever. It's a half-assed attempt at love, that inherently destroys relationships, not because they decided to, but because the act of incest does, inherently. It also breeds retarded children, because they may inherent bad genes, but that's a completely different conversation for another time. There's a need for legislation when it comes to incest because the action is inherently harmful. Sure, there are debates about incest past the age of consent, without kids being produced, but that's also another topic. Destroy familial relationships, and you might as well destroy your foundation for a healthy life. I'm okay with sibling "incest", as long as the two participants had no clue they were brother and sister, because then it isn't a moral discussion, and no one is getting hurt. Incest is an action that hurts others. The idea that incest is just another type of love is one embedded deeply in fiction. It should stop being idealized, and it doesn't deserve to be debated about. You agreed on this point, so I believe this conversation is inherently been settled. That's somewhat true, because I do not recognize moral arguments as rational arguments. Moral arguments primarily base on cultural and regional perceptions and arise from specific value systems that aren't universal. That's why it's considered morally right to saw a girl's vagina shut in parts of the world, who argue that it's a tried and true safeguard against choices that would permanently damage her value in the eyes of society and affect her for the rest of her life. Within the context of that existing morality code it makes sense, but when you broaden the lens, the argument falls apart because its consequences (shame, condemnation, isolation) are a product of the same moral code, ensuring that the expectation the code defines create the very problem it attempts to "solve". I can't agree with your seperation of action and decision. It seems an attempt to classify something that is inherently muddled. Actions can lead to decisions and vice-versa. Emotions are neither actions nor decisions, but can exist regardless of actions or decision. I don't understand what point legal definition of relationships have, too. Yes, your family has legal definitions that are extended through "rituals" that formalizes a new legal state (marriages, adoptions, etc.) yet using it as an argument to make one thing a special relationship over others just because of legal bindings doesn't make sense. Or to put it differently: what if we make friendships something that can be "ritualized" and registered? What if we simply implement a new law that allows people who know each other to formulize their friendship in order to be legally viewed as two people with close ties that ensures special treatment in the eyes of the law (e.g. the ability to have visiting rights in the hospital when they are otherwise are only for family). Doing so doesn't change the relationships or the thing itself, just the bureaucracy surrounding it. The key thing is, however, that you assume that incest cannot ever in any way shape or form have a benefit, while simultaneously assume that the act of cheating on your spouse can sometimes be okay. Why? You assume that all incest relationships will end in destruction, but that's a generalization. I certainly do agree that the vast majority of incest relationships will end in destruction, but so do the vast number of otherwise unwise sexual relations (e.g. cheating). You simply assume that there cannot be that incident where a brother and sister actually form a happy, fulfilled relationship with each other that they otherwise might never have found. Similarily you assume that there are however instances where cheating will lead to happiness. You don't extend the same logical room for outliers that you extend to the cheating example to the incest example. Ultimately, your assumption is that incest is inherently harmful, but you don't actually come up with an argument why it's inherently harmful. Like in the argument in the article you posted, and with the part that I agree with, incest is often harmful, but there's a significant difference between often and inherently. Alcohol, for example, like tabacco, is closer to being inherently harmful, because in both cases you submit a foreign toxic substance to your body that, in the case of alcohol, always destroys some brain cells, and in the case of smoking, always leaves toxic waste in your blood. I'm also confused by your argument that incest isn't a moral argument anymore when brother and sister do not know they're brother and sister. Technically, the act is the same, the dangers of increased genetic defects (that also exists in all other unions where one part has dominant or recessive genes that lead to disabilities) are still identical, the only difference is the knowledge with which they make that decision. In other words, you say it's no longer a problem (at least morally) because no one is getting hurt if they don't know they're related. Which means that what hurts them isn't the act, but the knowledge of being related. I assume you also base this on the premise that this knowledge comes from no prior relation to each other (two strangers meeting) so that there is no existing familial relationship that's being displaced. But all changes in relationships are the displacement of another relationship. You base everything on the premise that a familial relationship is the highest, most stable and most valuable relationship of all, yet this is does not necessarily match reality. There are many cases of a familial legal relationship that has no special bonding or benefit (abusive parents, distanced children) so the validity of your agument depends entirely on the assumption that family is universally the closest and most valuable relationship. But that's not a logical premise based on the evidence of this world, but rather a belief-system based opinion. Despite chemical-compelled instints of protecting one's offspring, moral and social code, proximity that encourages empathy, there are countless cases of abuse, violence and murder in families. Perhaps its not some legal universal magical string that makes some familial ties so valuable, but the individual relationships as they are formed by individuals, making each of them context-specific and unique? Ultimately, your argument that incest is "inherently" and always harmful seems to depend entirely on your own personal belief of the value of families and its embellished idea, a belief that does frequently match reality, but also is frequently contradicted by countless examples in which other relationships prove far more valuable, stable and positive than a familial one. EDIT: Perhaps somewhat beyond the scope, but one could also debate whether incest-laws cause the avoidance behaviour one intents (of an act done in secret) or whether it might be similar to temperance, e.g. not fulfill its purpose at all. So in the end, the difference the law makes is that some siblings make the bad decision to have sex with each other (thus in most cases endangering their relationship) but in addition to that, they get to go to jail, have their lifes be ruined, get social isolation, etc. which doesn't improve anything for them. Does it discourage them to not try it? Maybe. But with that that doesn't happen in the public space, those laws don't really work that well, as in your temperance movement example. The one thing the laws guarantees: those that do make that bad decision and get caught get additional punishment that makes it even worse. Anyway, even if my post doesn't seem to reflect this as much as it maybe should, I enjoy a good, rational exchange like this and appreciate your informed arguments. |
kuraikenDec 2, 2017 9:16 AM
Dec 2, 2017 9:46 AM
kuraiken said: Draconix814 said: kuraiken said: Draconix814 said: I don't expect many fine internet-dwelling humans who love to masturbate to just about anything to really read something like this, but here's an article explaining why incest is morally wrong for those who don't care about having their fantasies shattered, or for those who never had incestuous fantasies, to begin with: That's a very interesting article that actually matches very closely my primary reason of why incest is ultimately a bad decision. He does ultimately fail, though. Because while he's right that incest is, without doubt, in the vast majority of cases, a very bad idea that can permanently damage familial relationships, he doesn't explain why a bad choice requires a law. Sleeping with your long-time friend's boyfriend/girlfriend is a bad idea that can permanently change one of your most important relationships, perhaps one even more important than the one you have with your parents. But there's no law against that bad decision. Sleeping with your long-time friend and turning a friendship into a sexually loaded one similarily can endanger one of your most vital stabilizing relationships and leave you stranded and alone. It's often a very dumb idea. No laws here either. If one of your parents male/female friends, who spend so much time with you as you grow up that you have an almost or even actual parent/child relationship (for example because of neglect of your own parents) turns that relationship into a sexual one past the age of consent, that's a really really bad idea. No laws, though. So even though he's absolutely correct that one of the strongest arguments against the decision to sleep with your brother/sister is the damage it can wreak to an important relationship, it does not explain why bad decisions require laws. Now the point can be made that, for some magical reason, a familial relationship is somehow vastly more important. While there's an ocean of arguments you could offer against that, let's let the argument stand regardless. But if so, why is there no legislation against parents who drink, smoke and gamble, whose vast expenditures, moodiness and fits of anger and desperation not only often destroy the parent/child relationships, but also bring them into financial ruin and renders them unable to provide their children with a proper start into their life or even the proper surroundings, often forcing them to be similarily unsuccessful in life. Where's the legislation in all other areas where bad decisions can, and often do, permanently destroy this most sacred of all relationships? Why are laws not needed here? So while the author is entirely right in is argument against incest as a decision, he's utterly failed to outline the need for legislation. I think you're absolutely right, and also absolutely wrong, in other words, you missed the point, both in context of the article and this forum. First of all, you can't fail at something you never set out to do, and in this case, the article's author never set out to justify or debunk the legal side of incest, but the moral side. You seem to agree with this statement, but you criticize it for not bringing up the legal side, even if you make some valid points... actually they aren't that valid, I just think it's well thought through. I'll answer for you, instead: First off, Incest is an action, not a decision. Sleeping with your best friends girlfriend is the action, but depending on the situation, it might not inherently be a bad decision, nor does rthe action inherently lead to a bad result. Furthermore, there is no legal justification or restriction that your friend is even your friend, and his girlfriend is his girlfriend, the same way your sister is your sister and your mother is your mother. The same logic can be applied to your second point. If you sleep with your mother's best friend that you grew up with and see as a parent figure... well that wouldn't happen if you see them as a parent figure, now would it? The same logic I applied to the first point can be applied here. There's no law against drinking, smoking etc, but people have tried throughout the years, look up the Temperance Movement. Ultimately, banning alcohol, like in the Prohibition, only serves to make matters worse. If I banned guns in the US, there would be an even larger black market who gets profit from selling them. If I banned homosexuality, you better believe there will be underground networks defying that law. If you ban incest...? Then a brother isn't allowed to fuck his sister. Boo hoo, there are a billion other candidates out there. The good part is, it actually solves the problem (for the most part). There aren't going to be underground "incest" networks and the people who have incest as a fetish (for some reason), have websites to look at where they can see a mother fuck her own daughter, or at least actors that look like they could be related fucking each other. Unlike your other points, incest has no gain whatsoever. It's a half-assed attempt at love, that inherently destroys relationships, not because they decided to, but because the act of incest does, inherently. It also breeds retarded children, because they may inherent bad genes, but that's a completely different conversation for another time. There's a need for legislation when it comes to incest because the action is inherently harmful. Sure, there are debates about incest past the age of consent, without kids being produced, but that's also another topic. Destroy familial relationships, and you might as well destroy your foundation for a healthy life. I'm okay with sibling "incest", as long as the two participants had no clue they were brother and sister, because then it isn't a moral discussion, and no one is getting hurt. Incest is an action that hurts others. The idea that incest is just another type of love is one embedded deeply in fiction. It should stop being idealized, and it doesn't deserve to be debated about. You agreed on this point, so I believe this conversation is inherently been settled. That's somewhat true, because I do not recognize moral arguments as rational arguments. Moral arguments primarily base on cultural and regional perceptions and arise from specific value systems that aren't universal. That's why it's considered morally right to saw a girl's vagina shut in parts of the world, who argue that it's a tried and true safeguard against choices that would permanently damage her value in the eyes of society and affect her for the rest of her life. Within the context of that existing morality code it makes sense, but when you broaden the lens, the argument falls apart because its consequences (shame, condemnation, isolation) are a product of the same moral code, ensuring that the expectation the code defines create the very problem it attempts to "solve". I can't agree with your seperation of action and decision. It seems an attempt to classify something that is inherently muddled. Actions can lead to decisions and vice-versa. Emotions are neither actions nor decisions, but can exist regardless of actions or decision. I don't understand what point legal definition of relationships have, too. Yes, your family has legal definitions that are extended through "rituals" that formalizes a new legal state (marriages, adoptions, etc.) yet using it as an argument to make one thing a special relationship over others just because of legal bindings doesn't make sense. Or to put it differently: what if we make friendships something that can be "ritualized" and registered? What if we simply implement a new law that allows people who know each other to formulize their friendship in order to be legally viewed as two people with close ties that ensures special treatment in the eyes of the law (e.g. the ability to have visiting rights in the hospital when they are otherwise are only for family). Doing so doesn't change the relationships or the thing itself, just the bureaucracy surrounding it. The key thing is, however, that you assume that incest cannot ever in any way shape or form have a benefit, while simultaneously assume that the act of cheating on your spouse can sometimes be okay. Why? You assume that all incest relationships will end in destruction, but that's a generalization. I certainly do agree that the vast majority of incest relationships will end in destruction, but so do the vast number of otherwise unwise sexual relations (e.g. cheating). You simply assume that there cannot be that incident where a brother and sister actually form a happy, fulfilled relationship with each other that they otherwise might never have found. Similarily you assume that there are however instances where cheating will lead to happiness. You don't extend the same logical room for outliers that you extend to the cheating example to the incest example. Ultimately, your assumption is that incest is inherently harmful, but you don't actually come up with an argument why it's inherently harmful. Like in the argument in the article you posted, and with the part that I agree with, incest is often harmful, but there's a significant difference between often and inherently. Alcohol, for example, like tabacco, is closer to being inherently harmful, because in both cases you submit a foreign toxic substance to your body that, in the case of alcohol, always destroys some brain cells, and in the case of smoking, always leaves toxic waste in your blood. I'm also confused by your argument that incest isn't a moral argument anymore when brother and sister do not know they're brother and sister. Technically, the act is the same, the dangers of increased genetic defects (that also exists in all other unions where one part has dominant or recessive genes that lead to disabilities) are still identical, the only difference is the knowledge with which they make that decision. In other words, you say it's no longer a problem (at least morally) because no one is getting hurt if they don't know they're related. Which means that what hurts them isn't the act, but the knowledge of being related. I assume you also base this on the premise that this knowledge comes from no prior relation to each other (two strangers meeting) so that there is no existing familial relationship that's being displaced. But all changes in relationships are the displacement of another relationship. You base everything on the premise that a familial relationship is the highest, most stable and most valuable relationship of all, yet this is does not necessarily match reality. There are many cases of a familial legal relationship that has no special bonding or benefit (abusive parents, distanced children) so the validity of your agument depends entirely on the assumption that family is universally the closest and most valuable relationship. But that's not a logical premise based on the evidence of this world, but rather a belief-system based opinion. Despite chemical-compelled instints of protecting one's offspring, moral and social code, proximity that encourages empathy, there are countless cases of abuse, violence and murder in families. Perhaps its not some legal universal magical string that makes some familial ties so valuable, but the individual relationships as they are formed by individuals, making each of them context-specific and unique? Ultimately, your argument that incest is "inherently" and always harmful seems to depend entirely on your own personal belief of the value of families and its embellished idea, a belief that does frequently match reality, but also is frequently contradicted by countless examples in which other relationships prove far more valuable, stable and positive than a familial one. I think I got a headache from reading this, so I'll respond briefly: Morality is rational, it's in the fucking definition, no matter what word they substitute it with. My argument was about the legal implications if legality is based on moral beliefs, I only provided a rational basis for it to be enforced. I never said cheating on your spouse is okay, cheating is also an action that can lead to bad result and I wouldn't condone such a thing... Though I'll reply by saying the situation is inherently different from incest, as it is more morally ambigous and requires a larger situational context to judge. I don't think people should get arrested for it, like those who commit incest, everyone makes mistakes, after all, and worse comes to worse, the couple can just divorce. Healthy relationships between people are very important after all, and they should be terminated if they aren't. I never based anything on [familial] relationships being the be all end all, I just stated the truth that if you destroy your relationship with your family, then one loses a healthy foundation. There are studies on it, look them up; heck you can read the article again that you said you agreed with, and you'll have your answer. Confused on what I mean about morailty not applying to a sibling couple who didn't know they were siblings? Watch this video. Though it is about homosexuality, one can apply to it to incest, and situations regarding incest: In this case, if two people are brother and sister and didn't know it was brother and sister, it wasn't a conscious act, and there are no relationships nor that are harmed. I'll repeat: Incest is a conscious action that is legally enforced against because it is morally wrong, and it causes harm to others. Stop defending it so vehemently, you freak. (I mean that with the upmost respect and love, I worry for you bro.) |
Dec 2, 2017 4:48 PM
Draconix814 said: kuraiken said: Draconix814 said: kuraiken said: Draconix814 said: I don't expect many fine internet-dwelling humans who love to masturbate to just about anything to really read something like this, but here's an article explaining why incest is morally wrong for those who don't care about having their fantasies shattered, or for those who never had incestuous fantasies, to begin with: That's a very interesting article that actually matches very closely my primary reason of why incest is ultimately a bad decision. He does ultimately fail, though. Because while he's right that incest is, without doubt, in the vast majority of cases, a very bad idea that can permanently damage familial relationships, he doesn't explain why a bad choice requires a law. Sleeping with your long-time friend's boyfriend/girlfriend is a bad idea that can permanently change one of your most important relationships, perhaps one even more important than the one you have with your parents. But there's no law against that bad decision. Sleeping with your long-time friend and turning a friendship into a sexually loaded one similarily can endanger one of your most vital stabilizing relationships and leave you stranded and alone. It's often a very dumb idea. No laws here either. If one of your parents male/female friends, who spend so much time with you as you grow up that you have an almost or even actual parent/child relationship (for example because of neglect of your own parents) turns that relationship into a sexual one past the age of consent, that's a really really bad idea. No laws, though. So even though he's absolutely correct that one of the strongest arguments against the decision to sleep with your brother/sister is the damage it can wreak to an important relationship, it does not explain why bad decisions require laws. Now the point can be made that, for some magical reason, a familial relationship is somehow vastly more important. While there's an ocean of arguments you could offer against that, let's let the argument stand regardless. But if so, why is there no legislation against parents who drink, smoke and gamble, whose vast expenditures, moodiness and fits of anger and desperation not only often destroy the parent/child relationships, but also bring them into financial ruin and renders them unable to provide their children with a proper start into their life or even the proper surroundings, often forcing them to be similarily unsuccessful in life. Where's the legislation in all other areas where bad decisions can, and often do, permanently destroy this most sacred of all relationships? Why are laws not needed here? So while the author is entirely right in is argument against incest as a decision, he's utterly failed to outline the need for legislation. I think you're absolutely right, and also absolutely wrong, in other words, you missed the point, both in context of the article and this forum. First of all, you can't fail at something you never set out to do, and in this case, the article's author never set out to justify or debunk the legal side of incest, but the moral side. You seem to agree with this statement, but you criticize it for not bringing up the legal side, even if you make some valid points... actually they aren't that valid, I just think it's well thought through. I'll answer for you, instead: First off, Incest is an action, not a decision. Sleeping with your best friends girlfriend is the action, but depending on the situation, it might not inherently be a bad decision, nor does rthe action inherently lead to a bad result. Furthermore, there is no legal justification or restriction that your friend is even your friend, and his girlfriend is his girlfriend, the same way your sister is your sister and your mother is your mother. The same logic can be applied to your second point. If you sleep with your mother's best friend that you grew up with and see as a parent figure... well that wouldn't happen if you see them as a parent figure, now would it? The same logic I applied to the first point can be applied here. There's no law against drinking, smoking etc, but people have tried throughout the years, look up the Temperance Movement. Ultimately, banning alcohol, like in the Prohibition, only serves to make matters worse. If I banned guns in the US, there would be an even larger black market who gets profit from selling them. If I banned homosexuality, you better believe there will be underground networks defying that law. If you ban incest...? Then a brother isn't allowed to fuck his sister. Boo hoo, there are a billion other candidates out there. The good part is, it actually solves the problem (for the most part). There aren't going to be underground "incest" networks and the people who have incest as a fetish (for some reason), have websites to look at where they can see a mother fuck her own daughter, or at least actors that look like they could be related fucking each other. Unlike your other points, incest has no gain whatsoever. It's a half-assed attempt at love, that inherently destroys relationships, not because they decided to, but because the act of incest does, inherently. It also breeds retarded children, because they may inherent bad genes, but that's a completely different conversation for another time. There's a need for legislation when it comes to incest because the action is inherently harmful. Sure, there are debates about incest past the age of consent, without kids being produced, but that's also another topic. Destroy familial relationships, and you might as well destroy your foundation for a healthy life. I'm okay with sibling "incest", as long as the two participants had no clue they were brother and sister, because then it isn't a moral discussion, and no one is getting hurt. Incest is an action that hurts others. The idea that incest is just another type of love is one embedded deeply in fiction. It should stop being idealized, and it doesn't deserve to be debated about. You agreed on this point, so I believe this conversation is inherently been settled. That's somewhat true, because I do not recognize moral arguments as rational arguments. Moral arguments primarily base on cultural and regional perceptions and arise from specific value systems that aren't universal. That's why it's considered morally right to saw a girl's vagina shut in parts of the world, who argue that it's a tried and true safeguard against choices that would permanently damage her value in the eyes of society and affect her for the rest of her life. Within the context of that existing morality code it makes sense, but when you broaden the lens, the argument falls apart because its consequences (shame, condemnation, isolation) are a product of the same moral code, ensuring that the expectation the code defines create the very problem it attempts to "solve". I can't agree with your seperation of action and decision. It seems an attempt to classify something that is inherently muddled. Actions can lead to decisions and vice-versa. Emotions are neither actions nor decisions, but can exist regardless of actions or decision. I don't understand what point legal definition of relationships have, too. Yes, your family has legal definitions that are extended through "rituals" that formalizes a new legal state (marriages, adoptions, etc.) yet using it as an argument to make one thing a special relationship over others just because of legal bindings doesn't make sense. Or to put it differently: what if we make friendships something that can be "ritualized" and registered? What if we simply implement a new law that allows people who know each other to formulize their friendship in order to be legally viewed as two people with close ties that ensures special treatment in the eyes of the law (e.g. the ability to have visiting rights in the hospital when they are otherwise are only for family). Doing so doesn't change the relationships or the thing itself, just the bureaucracy surrounding it. The key thing is, however, that you assume that incest cannot ever in any way shape or form have a benefit, while simultaneously assume that the act of cheating on your spouse can sometimes be okay. Why? You assume that all incest relationships will end in destruction, but that's a generalization. I certainly do agree that the vast majority of incest relationships will end in destruction, but so do the vast number of otherwise unwise sexual relations (e.g. cheating). You simply assume that there cannot be that incident where a brother and sister actually form a happy, fulfilled relationship with each other that they otherwise might never have found. Similarily you assume that there are however instances where cheating will lead to happiness. You don't extend the same logical room for outliers that you extend to the cheating example to the incest example. Ultimately, your assumption is that incest is inherently harmful, but you don't actually come up with an argument why it's inherently harmful. Like in the argument in the article you posted, and with the part that I agree with, incest is often harmful, but there's a significant difference between often and inherently. Alcohol, for example, like tabacco, is closer to being inherently harmful, because in both cases you submit a foreign toxic substance to your body that, in the case of alcohol, always destroys some brain cells, and in the case of smoking, always leaves toxic waste in your blood. I'm also confused by your argument that incest isn't a moral argument anymore when brother and sister do not know they're brother and sister. Technically, the act is the same, the dangers of increased genetic defects (that also exists in all other unions where one part has dominant or recessive genes that lead to disabilities) are still identical, the only difference is the knowledge with which they make that decision. In other words, you say it's no longer a problem (at least morally) because no one is getting hurt if they don't know they're related. Which means that what hurts them isn't the act, but the knowledge of being related. I assume you also base this on the premise that this knowledge comes from no prior relation to each other (two strangers meeting) so that there is no existing familial relationship that's being displaced. But all changes in relationships are the displacement of another relationship. You base everything on the premise that a familial relationship is the highest, most stable and most valuable relationship of all, yet this is does not necessarily match reality. There are many cases of a familial legal relationship that has no special bonding or benefit (abusive parents, distanced children) so the validity of your agument depends entirely on the assumption that family is universally the closest and most valuable relationship. But that's not a logical premise based on the evidence of this world, but rather a belief-system based opinion. Despite chemical-compelled instints of protecting one's offspring, moral and social code, proximity that encourages empathy, there are countless cases of abuse, violence and murder in families. Perhaps its not some legal universal magical string that makes some familial ties so valuable, but the individual relationships as they are formed by individuals, making each of them context-specific and unique? Ultimately, your argument that incest is "inherently" and always harmful seems to depend entirely on your own personal belief of the value of families and its embellished idea, a belief that does frequently match reality, but also is frequently contradicted by countless examples in which other relationships prove far more valuable, stable and positive than a familial one. I think I got a headache from reading this, so I'll respond briefly: Morality is rational, it's in the fucking definition, no matter what word they substitute it with. My argument was about the legal implications if legality is based on moral beliefs, I only provided a rational basis for it to be enforced. I never said cheating on your spouse is okay, cheating is also an action that can lead to bad result and I wouldn't condone such a thing... Though I'll reply by saying the situation is inherently different from incest, as it is more morally ambigous and requires a larger situational context to judge. I don't think people should get arrested for it, like those who commit incest, everyone makes mistakes, after all, and worse comes to worse, the couple can just divorce. Healthy relationships between people are very important after all, and they should be terminated if they aren't. I never based anything on [familial] relationships being the be all end all, I just stated the truth that if you destroy your relationship with your family, then one loses a healthy foundation. There are studies on it, look them up; heck you can read the article again that you said you agreed with, and you'll have your answer. Confused on what I mean about morailty not applying to a sibling couple who didn't know they were siblings? Watch this video. Though it is about homosexuality, one can apply to it to incest, and situations regarding incest: In this case, if two people are brother and sister and didn't know it was brother and sister, it wasn't a conscious act, and there are no relationships nor that are harmed. I'll repeat: Incest is a conscious action that is legally enforced against because it is morally wrong, and it causes harm to others. Stop defending it so vehemently, you freak. (I mean that with the upmost respect and love, I worry for you bro.) First of all, please do not misinterpret my post. The last line of your post implies (despite the fact that I explicitly said incest was a bad decision) that I would be "in favor" of it, and thus a supporter, consequently must be affected myself and thus need you "worrying" for me, at least that seems to be what is clearily implied. This would be an attempt at undermining my arguments by attempting to undermine me as a person by using untrue claims to frame me in a certain light. I hope I'm wrong, because that would be a very unproductive action for any discourse. How'd you feel if you'd be called a homophobe due to the frequency you bring up homosexuality, than act as if you aren't really against it, but still see it as something that always comes to mind when you think of incest? See. It's a very underhanded rhetoric tactic that isn't fruitful to a (so far, I thought) fruitful conversation. On the topic: What I see is that you're saddling the horse up from behind, starting with a series of assumptions that you track back the exact path you need to come out where you want to come out. 1. The definition of morality: "Morality (from the Latin moralis "manner, character, proper behavior") is the differentiation of intentions, decisions and actions between those that are distinguished as proper and those that are improper.[1] Morality can be a body of standards or principles derived from a code of conduct from a particular philosophy, religion or culture, or it can derive from a standard that a person believes should be universal." -wikipedia Please imagine the parts "code of conduct from a PARTICULAR philosophy, religion or culture" in bold, as well as "can derive from a standard that a person BELIEVES SHOULD be universal. It's tied to cultures, philosophies and religions, differs across the planet, and can also come from what a single person believes, in his opinion, should be universal, which does not mean that it is, only that said person believes it. Legality is not based on morality. There are many actions that are considered immoral but aren't illegal. Legality and laws come from two main factors: what is desireable for those who hold power? (Classes, Ruling Elites, etc.) and what is necessary for a stability that allows a society to exist (without fear of acts and events that can radically alter your life)? That's why you can find laws that are unfair, horrible and injust but are nontheless laws. That's also why even the most selfish governments always had to at least retain some code of law beneficial to all or risk utter instability. You say that those things differ, that one is more morally ambigious than the other. By which standards do you evaluate this? Which studies support this rather risky thesis? It seems you're more willing to imagine favorable situation for the act of cheating than vice versa, but that is a case where you *believe* that something is universally a certain way, even though it not necessarily is. Your argument that healthy relationships shouldn't be terminated is, again, a decision based argument. Yes, I would personally agree with that idea. But then again, dating your old friend and changing that relationship from friend to sexual is ALSO a termination of the old one, but has no laws. We already covered this. You'd need to specifically prove that a family relationship is inherently more valuable than an otherwise extremely close relationship not due to familial ties. The video you posted left me rather confused. Not to the content of the video, but rather it's relevance. The guy specifically says that homosexuality neither falls into the moral nor into the amoral sphere and thus CANNOT be judged morally. Let's leave aside whether I agree with that or not, but this video states that your attempt to judge incest morally would be wrong because it can't be judged morally. I think what you mean to imply is that incest is a conscious act that negatively affects well-being, but that's a generalization. You have yet to prove that incest inherently affects the well-being negatively to that degree that it fundamentally requires legislation unlike the already mentioned examples of immoral, possibly harmful but legal actions such as cheating. (Which also terminates an existing relationship, even in instances where it's not found out) The big difference between us, I think, is that while we both think that incest is a bad decision, you feel the need to go a step further: to you, incest is for some reason so utterly wrong that the people who will (often) already be negatively affected by it in the future will further have to suffer isolation, social exclusion, imprisonment, criminal record and/or other things that will *surely* improve their well-being. Since incest is an action born out of emotion, (desire, lust, love or whatever mixture may be at place) not a well thought out tradeagreement, surely the existence of punishment will encourage avoidance. Just like with alcohol in temperance. Or really anything that's based on emotional, rather than rational decisions. What I'm trying to say is: the poor dog already ate the wrong meal and will regret it later, but you're in favor of kicking it and throwing it under the bus so that dogs in the future will think twice about stuff where thinking sadly is little involved. |
Dec 3, 2017 6:33 AM
@kuriaken I humbly thank you for enlightening me. You made me realize that you are indeed a retard, and that you are wasting my time. Oh, please don't misinterpret this comment, I think all retards are ceated equally, similar to humans, and can be taught if they wanted to listen. First of all, please do not misinterpret my post. The last line of your post implies (despite the fact that I explicitly said incest was a bad decision) that I would be "in favor" of it, and thus a supporter, consequently must be affected myself and thus need you "worrying" for me, at least that seems to be what is clearily implied. This would be an attempt at undermining my arguments by attempting to undermine me as a person by using untrue claims to frame me in a certain light. I hope I'm wrong, because that would be a very unproductive action for any discourse. How'd you feel if you'd be called a homophobe due to the frequency you bring up homosexuality, than act as if you aren't really against it, but still see it as something that always comes to mind when you think of incest? See. It's a very underhanded rhetoric tactic that isn't fruitful to a (so far, I thought) fruitful conversation. First of all, the last part of my response was a joke. I know I am not funny, but usually people can key into the fact that they are jokes, which means you are literally bending my words to your understanding, but since this example won't convince you (it wouldn't even convince me), I'll revisit this with one of your later comments. Secondly, I brought up homosexuality, because I am sick of it being lumped in with incest as a fucking taboo. I have to share this site with morons that think idealizing a brother and sister falling in love is on the same fucking level as watching two girls or two boys fall in love. Not all of them are like this, but there are a good amount, and it's even worse on sites like Goodreads, under literally any incest book that tries to justify the taboo in some way. Legality is not based on morality. There are many actions that are considered immoral but aren't illegal. Legality and laws come from two main factors: what is desireable for those who hold power? (Classes, Ruling Elites, etc.) and what is necessary for a stability that allows a society to exist (without fear of acts and events that can radically alter your life)? That's why you can find laws that are unfair, horrible and injust but are nontheless laws. That's also why even the most selfish governments always had to at least retain some code of law beneficial to all or risk utter instability. What is this the middle ages? Societal rules are based on our shared desire to survive; our shared desire to survive (to keep our well-being intact) is what decides morality. If a government oversteps that rule, then the citizens of that country have a right to overthrow that government. Look up John Locke, you should have learned about him in sixth grade. 1. The definition of morality: "Morality (from the Latin moralis "manner, character, proper behavior") is the differentiation of intentions, decisions and actions between those that are distinguished as proper and those that are improper.[1] Morality can be a body of standards or principles derived from a code of conduct from a particular philosophy, religion or culture, or it can derive from a standard that a person believes should be universal." -wikipedia Please imagine the parts "code of conduct from a PARTICULAR philosophy, religion or culture" in bold, as well as "can derive from a standard that a person BELIEVES SHOULD be universal. It's tied to cultures, philosophies and religions, differs across the planet, and can also come from what a single person believes, in his opinion, should be universal, which does not mean that it is, only that said person believes it. Please consider how retarded you sound; quoting things from Wikipedia of all places then regurgitating what I've already disproven, doesn't make you right. Morality is fucking rational, because you have to rationalize your morals and ethics. Sure, every culture is different with it's moral code and laws, but that's because they all have different experiences and biases that cause them to believe one thing is right and wrong over the other. Take Ancient Egypt for example, they had no one in their civilization but their close relatives, so they had no stigma against inbreeding, inbreeding was commonplace, because they had to survive. They didn't die out because of inbreeding, but the Habsburg family sure did. I don't know who you ae reffering to when you say "his opinion" out of context. It could mean god, but I am assuming you mean Alex, from the video I showed you. Actually, I think it's a good time to address this comment: The video you posted left me rather confused. Not to the content of the video, but rather it's relevance. The guy specifically says that homosexuality neither falls into the moral nor into the amoral sphere and thus CANNOT be judged morally. Let's leave aside whether I agree with that or not, but this video states that your attempt to judge incest morally would be wrong because it can't be judged morally. In regards to it's relevance, I stated that certain aspects can be applied to incest. I gave the example that if a brother and sister got into a relationship with each other, without knowing they were related, you can't hold them morally accountable. Incest is an action, furthermore, it is a conscious one, and it harms other; a simple search in google scholar, is all the evidence you need to verfy that point. Here, I did it for you: If the content of the video doesn't confuse you, then it should've been obvious what I meant, but I guess I overestimated your intelligence just because you have good grammar. Actually, I can't even say that, because I believe you're just hearing what you want to hear. You say that those things differ, that one is more morally ambigious than the other. By which standards do you evaluate this? Which studies support this rather risky thesis? It seems you're more willing to imagine favorable situation for the act of cheating than vice versa, but that is a case where you *believe* that something is universally a certain way, even though it not necessarily is. I think what you mean to imply is that incest is a conscious act that negatively affects well-being, but that's a generalization. You have yet to prove that incest inherently affects the well-being negatively to that degree that it fundamentally requires legislation unlike the already mentioned examples of immoral, possibly harmful but legal actions such as cheating. (Which also terminates an existing relationship, even in instances where it's not found out) The big difference between us, I think, is that while we both think that incest is a bad decision, you feel the need to go a step further: to you, incest is for some reason so utterly wrong that the people who will (often) already be negatively affected by it in the future will further have to suffer isolation, social exclusion, imprisonment, criminal record and/or other things that will *surely* improve their well-being. Since incest is an action born out of emotion, (desire, lust, love or whatever mixture may be at place) not a well thought out tradeagreement, surely the existence of punishment will encourage avoidance. Just like with alcohol in temperance. Or really anything that's based on emotional, rather than rational decisions. To which I say: I haven't much time left, so all I say is that you should start listening to others opinions, instead of glossing over it, making assumptions over what I said, so you can backtrack the exact same path you want to came out. The last comment you med doesn't even make sense, so I won't bother to quote it. Incest is not a desire born out of lust. But I can't talk anymore, so I leave you to figure that out on your own. |
Dec 3, 2017 1:55 PM
Draconix814 said: @kuriaken I humbly thank you for enlightening me. You made me realize that you are indeed a retard, and that you are wasting my time. Oh, please don't misinterpret this comment, I think all retards are ceated equally, similar to humans, and can be taught if they wanted to listen. First of all, please do not misinterpret my post. The last line of your post implies (despite the fact that I explicitly said incest was a bad decision) that I would be "in favor" of it, and thus a supporter, consequently must be affected myself and thus need you "worrying" for me, at least that seems to be what is clearily implied. This would be an attempt at undermining my arguments by attempting to undermine me as a person by using untrue claims to frame me in a certain light. I hope I'm wrong, because that would be a very unproductive action for any discourse. How'd you feel if you'd be called a homophobe due to the frequency you bring up homosexuality, than act as if you aren't really against it, but still see it as something that always comes to mind when you think of incest? See. It's a very underhanded rhetoric tactic that isn't fruitful to a (so far, I thought) fruitful conversation. First of all, the last part of my response was a joke. I know I am not funny, but usually people can key into the fact that they are jokes, which means you are literally bending my words to your understanding, but since this example won't convince you (it wouldn't even convince me), I'll revisit this with one of your later comments. Secondly, I brought up homosexuality, because I am sick of it being lumped in with incest as a fucking taboo. I have to share this site with morons that think idealizing a brother and sister falling in love is on the same fucking level as watching two girls or two boys fall in love. Not all of them are like this, but there are a good amount, and it's even worse on sites like Goodreads, under literally any incest book that tries to justify the taboo in some way. Legality is not based on morality. There are many actions that are considered immoral but aren't illegal. Legality and laws come from two main factors: what is desireable for those who hold power? (Classes, Ruling Elites, etc.) and what is necessary for a stability that allows a society to exist (without fear of acts and events that can radically alter your life)? That's why you can find laws that are unfair, horrible and injust but are nontheless laws. That's also why even the most selfish governments always had to at least retain some code of law beneficial to all or risk utter instability. What is this the middle ages? Societal rules are based on our shared desire to survive; our shared desire to survive (to keep our well-being intact) is what decides morality. If a government oversteps that rule, then the citizens of that country have a right to overthrow that government. Look up John Locke, you should have learned about him in sixth grade. 1. The definition of morality: "Morality (from the Latin moralis "manner, character, proper behavior") is the differentiation of intentions, decisions and actions between those that are distinguished as proper and those that are improper.[1] Morality can be a body of standards or principles derived from a code of conduct from a particular philosophy, religion or culture, or it can derive from a standard that a person believes should be universal." -wikipedia Please imagine the parts "code of conduct from a PARTICULAR philosophy, religion or culture" in bold, as well as "can derive from a standard that a person BELIEVES SHOULD be universal. It's tied to cultures, philosophies and religions, differs across the planet, and can also come from what a single person believes, in his opinion, should be universal, which does not mean that it is, only that said person believes it. Please consider how retarded you sound; quoting things from Wikipedia of all places then regurgitating what I've already disproven, doesn't make you right. Morality is fucking rational, because you have to rationalize your morals and ethics. Sure, every culture is different with it's moral code and laws, but that's because they all have different experiences and biases that cause them to believe one thing is right and wrong over the other. Take Ancient Egypt for example, they had no one in their civilization but their close relatives, so they had no stigma against inbreeding, inbreeding was commonplace, because they had to survive. They didn't die out because of inbreeding, but the Habsburg family sure did. I don't know who you ae reffering to when you say "his opinion" out of context. It could mean god, but I am assuming you mean Alex, from the video I showed you. Actually, I think it's a good time to address this comment: The video you posted left me rather confused. Not to the content of the video, but rather it's relevance. The guy specifically says that homosexuality neither falls into the moral nor into the amoral sphere and thus CANNOT be judged morally. Let's leave aside whether I agree with that or not, but this video states that your attempt to judge incest morally would be wrong because it can't be judged morally. In regards to it's relevance, I stated that certain aspects can be applied to incest. I gave the example that if a brother and sister got into a relationship with each other, without knowing they were related, you can't hold them morally accountable. Incest is an action, furthermore, it is a conscious one, and it harms other; a simple search in google scholar, is all the evidence you need to verfy that point. Here, I did it for you: If the content of the video doesn't confuse you, then it should've been obvious what I meant, but I guess I overestimated your intelligence just because you have good grammar. Actually, I can't even say that, because I believe you're just hearing what you want to hear. You say that those things differ, that one is more morally ambigious than the other. By which standards do you evaluate this? Which studies support this rather risky thesis? It seems you're more willing to imagine favorable situation for the act of cheating than vice versa, but that is a case where you *believe* that something is universally a certain way, even though it not necessarily is. I think what you mean to imply is that incest is a conscious act that negatively affects well-being, but that's a generalization. You have yet to prove that incest inherently affects the well-being negatively to that degree that it fundamentally requires legislation unlike the already mentioned examples of immoral, possibly harmful but legal actions such as cheating. (Which also terminates an existing relationship, even in instances where it's not found out) The big difference between us, I think, is that while we both think that incest is a bad decision, you feel the need to go a step further: to you, incest is for some reason so utterly wrong that the people who will (often) already be negatively affected by it in the future will further have to suffer isolation, social exclusion, imprisonment, criminal record and/or other things that will *surely* improve their well-being. Since incest is an action born out of emotion, (desire, lust, love or whatever mixture may be at place) not a well thought out tradeagreement, surely the existence of punishment will encourage avoidance. Just like with alcohol in temperance. Or really anything that's based on emotional, rather than rational decisions. To which I say: I haven't much time left, so all I say is that you should start listening to others opinions, instead of glossing over it, making assumptions over what I said, so you can backtrack the exact same path you want to came out. The last comment you med doesn't even make sense, so I won't bother to quote it. Incest is not a desire born out of lust. But I can't talk anymore, so I leave you to figure that out on your own. So I was, after all, right and did not misread your intentions. You are emotional, aggressive and annoyed and decide to make things personal with insults because your arguments fail to convince me of the biased perspectives you intend to enforce on the people around you. I'll skip most of your blather because I frankly can't be bothered to reiterate each and every single point I've already rebutted. You keep returning to a simplistic, narrow-minded world view that allows wide freedom of interpretation when necessary, yet shrinks down to extremist binary views when nuances become inconvenient. You say there has to be a law against incest, and you cannot cover the most basic explanations of why this particular bad decision requires laws. What do the laws accomplish? Who are you trying to protect with them? You argue that it's to protect the people who would engage in such relations, yet your proposed "protection" means incarcaration and social death. Those who do make the foolish decision to engage in incest furthermore will be discouraged from seeking help. They cannot seek counsel because doing so would risk imprisonment. They cannot seek medical aid in emergencies out of fear of imprisonment. All it serves is that those who make bad decisions and are found out get their lives further destroyed, do not have avenues to escape that isolation. If there's on thing all evidence agrees on, it's that suppression of emotion-linked behaviour through laws will not get rid of the problem. It will not solve the issue. It will not protect anyone. All that is accomplished is that the ways out of the problem are closed down, that an ever-present threat looms above them. That the problems are concealed in the shadows of society, brushed under the rug with everything else you think undesireable. Please simply be honest. You loathe incest. You loathe it to such a degree that you have no issue whatsoever punishing those who commit it, even if what they need is help, not punishment. You don't want the incest-laws as protection for anyone. You want them to punish those whose decisions don't match your world-view, to deal sweet self-righteous justice to those who do something you personally dislike so greatly. You want the laws for your gratification. Since you're utterly unable and uninclinded on a rational, logical debate, but rather seek refuge in aggression, anger and insults, I'm going to leave this discussion, so should you decide to further rant and rage, don't wait for an answer. |
kuraikenDec 3, 2017 2:02 PM
Jan 29, 2018 1:37 PM
It's been a long time since I've seen a well written argument on an anime forum. Draconix814 got destroyed in that debate. As expected of an underage know-it-all. |
Jan 29, 2018 1:38 PM
StarfishHeat said: It's been a long time since I've seen a well written argument on an anime forum. Draconix814 got destroyed in that debate. As expected of an underage know-it-all. Impressive first comment dude. |
Jan 29, 2018 1:43 PM
hey thanks man, i appreciate it |
Mar 5, 2020 5:09 AM
I think most people know that incest leads to significant genetic disorders and disabilities of offspring. I watched a documentary on it recently and was surprised that the rates of complications are much higher than I thought, even with family members who aren't that close eg. third cousins. The most common ailments that I recall were being deaf, blind or both and stunted mental development such as adults who were still living at home, with the mental capacity of a toddler, still needing to wear diapers etc. Also, I work with animals and at one stage worked for a breeder. She had a strict no incest policy but some breeders would do so on purpose to promote a certain attribute, eg. wanting the offspring to have shorter ears. This can be achieved much quicker through incest but you will also be much more likely to pass on any health issues or create new ones. Pugs and Bulldogs come to mind as breeds that have changed dramatically over the centuries due to people using incest to try to breed certain attributes. As a result, now the majority of the breed suffers from the same ailments such as breathing and joint issues. Same thing could happen if human society allowed incest. Personally, in anime, I don't mind it. I feel if people want to do so in secret, then eh~ their choice but I do think that they shouldn't be allowed to produce offspring because of the proven health implications. The health complications it could lead to globally are complicated, think about how viruses mutate and how some medications and vaccines could become ineffective. If it were legalised, they could still seek other alternatives to have children in the same way that a gay couple would. |
Bles-Mar 5, 2020 5:30 AM
Jun 26, 2021 4:43 PM
Answer is simple. It isn't inherently wrong. It's a matter of perspective and personal morals that makes it right or wrong, not any objective reasoning |
Jun 28, 2021 8:36 PM
I don't have siblings as well but I can't stand with the incest route either. Man, the hell's wrong with you? Lmao |
Jul 9, 2021 10:35 PM
Nothing. There isn't a single good argument against incest. Birth defects can be avoided by simply not having children. In the case of homosexual incestuous couples, birth defects are impossible because homosexual couples cannot have children. Yet people will still oppose them because that's how taboos work, it doesn't matter if there's nothing wrong with them, people will irrationally hate them and try to come up with (faulty of course) reasons along the way. |
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