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Nov 23, 2017 8:48 PM

Dec 2016
Now the real question is, is if we can forgive Hiro for killing about 70 people, 20 of which did nothing with the other 50 being fucked up internet trolls, and then healing about 70 people? I dont know man... also with the end of the episode I don't know if the girl is going to be around much longer to keep him good, so if she were to die he'd be more fucked up then ever
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Nov 23, 2017 10:09 PM

Jan 2012
Well I managed to catch up with this series at least. Yeah, the problem with Hiro suddenly doing good deeds is he's only doing them because of Shion. Left up to his own nature he'd just as soon massacre the entire population. Were something to happen to her...and I honestly thought he'd kill her too, which he nearly did, but now I see she and her grandma are probably just gonna get killed in next week's crossfire causing him to rampage with only Inuyashiki, noticeably absent this week, left to stop him. I still can't like or forgive Hiro, but I did feel happy for that first cancer patient he healed, the one we actually got a couple minutes with. And what a transformation! At first I thought she was a long haired man but she looked stunning in the last shot of her healed.
Nov 23, 2017 10:35 PM

May 2010
this show is on some serious bullshit this episode.
Nov 23, 2017 10:38 PM
Oct 2007
I have a very bad feeling, the girl is going to die else I can't really imagine how the story is going to proceed. It's really interesting if they are going to turn Inuyashiki to a bad guy and Shishigami to a good guy but with just 5 episodes left, this route seem too hard to tackle.
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Nov 23, 2017 10:46 PM

Jun 2015
Episode 7 felt really similar to episode 5, but this one wasn't that good since it had that rushed redemption. We seem going nowhere with Hiro, even tho he is now a pretty good character.
I missed Inuyashiki!
Nov 23, 2017 11:09 PM
Oct 2017
I feel like people aren't understanding Hiro at all. He hasn't "learned empathy" nor is he trying to "redeem himself", he clearly doesn't care one way or the other. He is a psychopath, he has long since abandoned any sort of emotion.

Killing to Hiro is like having coffee in the morning.. If someone close to you asks you not to drink coffee because they don't like it, you will consider not having coffee.. As soon as that person isn't in your life anymore you'll just go back to your morning coffees. That is how little human life means to Hiro. It's comparable to taking a piss now or after your morning walk.

The only reason why he's helping people is because of his attachment to this nameless girl who wants him. She's giving him some sort of outlet after the loss of his mother, giving him a purpose. As soon as this girls out of the picture he will happily go back to his other plan of killing everyone in the country. All he's doing is killing time. His emotional capacity doesn't go past "well, this girl likes me an I like that she wants me around"

He even said as much in this episode, he was literally going to kill this girl until she told him she wanted him to stay around. He doesn't care less about this girl, but moreso the idea of someone accepting him. He has now let her get close and become reliant on her for emotional support (much like he did his mother)

Like I said, as soon as this girls out of the picture he will no longer have anyone he doesn't care about losing so will just go back to killing.. Simply because he has no reason not to.

This episode was amazing character development. It annoys me that people in this community are so quick to hate and too stupid to understand these basic concepts so aren't actually enjoying the show as much as they could be. The worst part is some of these idiots not understanding the show will then look down on you for enjoying "such a badly written show".

Ohhh welll
Jordanious77_2Nov 23, 2017 11:17 PM
Nov 24, 2017 12:09 AM

Aug 2014
I'll be pretty disappointed if this situation plays out the same way as with his mother; Shion's too cute to waste like that.
Sieg Zeon!
Nov 24, 2017 1:16 AM

Oct 2008
Everything going so well for Shishigami & Shion?...well...I don't think so!
If i'm gonna predict, those flying military black ops would storm the house of Watanabe killing her in process along with her grandma, would trigger Shishigami more hatred to all humans! ... That's what I think...

Nov 24, 2017 1:19 AM
Jul 2017
This was an interesting episode. I wonder if Hiro is starting to like Shion romantically, I could see them maybe dating towards the end of the series. I was expecting some action in this episode, such as Hiro getting revenge on Ando or maybe a showdown with Ichiro.

The ending was a big cliffhanger, and Shion and her grandma may have accidentally gotten themselves caught in the crossfire. I wonder how they found him, even though he and Shion were in public together, and were even seen flying together.

Anyways I can't wait until next week when episode 8 is released.
Add Me On Snapchat @stendo_0
Nov 24, 2017 2:09 AM

Feb 2014
So Hiro is the hero? Did not see that coming after last week's massacre. Well Hiro is gonna go all over Leviathan again by redeeming his sins.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Nov 24, 2017 3:05 AM

Feb 2016
Even though I love gramps, it's always interesting watching Hiro. It's scary to think what would happen if you stripped away a young sociopath's humanity and then gave him an indestructible and weaponized body.
Nov 24, 2017 3:57 AM
Aug 2016
This episode was brain-damaged beyond belief.
Nov 24, 2017 4:40 AM
Jul 2018
Unexpected turn, i thought Hiro would commit another massacre. But looks like police found him again.
Nov 24, 2017 5:25 AM
Jul 2018
Good to see some Jesus action from Shishigami. Next episode might just be the ultimate turning point with that ending.
Nov 24, 2017 6:41 AM
Nov 2016
Now it's starting to get more interesting because they're really trying hard to humanize Hiro but they need to fix his facial expressions and his voice actor needs to do a better job.
Nov 24, 2017 6:52 AM

Jun 2016
Godfuckingdamnit. Why is it everytime Hiro tries to change himself to become a better human being, shit always happens to him!?! For the second time, the cops found him and are back to get his ass. Forgodsake, maaan.

4 episodes left and I'm cryiiiiing. Waaah.

I thought he's about to cut Shion with that cutter. Thank, Kami-sama, he didn't. He decided to show himself as a human cyborg to Shion and she still likes him. I admire this girl's courage being with Hiro despite him being a mass murderer. Lmao. The thing called love does to people, maan.

Hiro decided to cure people from their illness as exchange for the lives he took. His first 'customer' is that lady who has a terminal cancer and dangit when she was cured. Damn, she's so beautiful. I'm so happy Hiro cured him. When she started crying so hard in the playground and those kids calling her "ugly bitch" (this is one of the many reasons why I despise kids), I cried, too, because I felt her pain. Great job to her seiyuu.

Shion became Hiro's own version of Inuyashiki's Andou. Haha. I like Shion. <3 I ship her and Hiro, and I hope she continues to guide Hiro to goodness. Damnit.

"Forever. I promise to cherish you forever."
D'awww. :3

No sign of Inuyashiki-san this episode, and yet it's still great. Fucking loved this episode. And this anime came from 9/10 to 10/10 since its previous episode real quick. :D

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Nov 24, 2017 7:56 AM

Jul 2010
I still don't care about Hiro and never will, otherwise fine episode I guess.
Nov 24, 2017 8:10 AM

Sep 2016
Didn't enjoy this episode as much as the previous ones, but it was still very enjoyable. The 180 in hiro's acts felt a bit too quick to be believable. I mean, it's completely possible for real people to go full 180 in their personality but for hiro it felt wrong, since most of the previous episodes were mostly focused on showing how huge was the contrast between hiro and inuyashiki, and hiro going out of his way to heal people somewhat broke that contrast. I have nothing against giving some nuance to a villain, but now, if we're talking in terms of black and white we have an almost white protagonist against a grey antagonist, which to me isn't that exciting. The cliffhanger got me really hyped tho.
Nov 24, 2017 8:39 AM
Aug 2016
sandykho47 said:
Unexpected turn, i thought Hiro would commit another massacre. But looks like police found him again.

Which means another massacre will happen next week. XD
Nov 24, 2017 9:53 AM
May 2016
BlackstarFallen said:
Judging by the end of the episode, his redemption is not going to last long.

Hmm. I read that episode as either the police or Inyushiki homing in on his position in order to eliminate him.
Nov 24, 2017 10:13 AM

Nov 2010
A pretty ok episode to me.
Other than Shion love for Hiro, I think she believe there is kindness in him. After his mom death, he turn his affection towards Shion and her grandma who are also really nice people. Hiro loves them and wanna make Shion happy by stop killing (something that he wished to do just before police came to his house to arrest him for the murders)and healing people from all over the country.Good thing to see he laughed happily again but my feeling is right about this happy moment won't last long when the swat team coming to the house. Pretty sure the next episode will have lots of action,hopefully.
Nov 24, 2017 11:10 AM

Jul 2014
Wow so it was all about Hiro this episode. It was an emotional one, Shion is cute and sweet. Hiro has turned good again it seems, let's see what happens next...
Nov 24, 2017 11:26 AM

Sep 2017
I really loveeee how they end the episodes,an amazing cliffhanger like always.
But im kind of really happy that Hiro and Shion are happy although i know its probably not gonna last long.
I think Hiro can be kind to the people he cherishes although he has killed a very big amount of families :(
I was also very happy when they both decided to do the right thing by curing the ones near death or very illed ones.
I cant get enough of this show im obsessed with it.

"those who aren't able to find a more miserable person than themselves turn to the internet and call others losers,even though they've never met"- Satou from nhk
Nov 24, 2017 11:53 AM

Apr 2017
The episode was cool and all but idk man Hiro is out of character..Nobody should change THAT fast
AymafNov 24, 2017 11:59 AM

Nov 24, 2017 12:20 PM

Nov 2016
I still don't see any redeeming factor for Hiro. For now he's saving people only because he wants to keep this girl happy. The second something will happen to her, he'll start again his killing spree...
Nov 24, 2017 12:40 PM

Jan 2013
First time 'YouTuber' was ever said in an anime, surprisingly.
Set up for a tragedy.
Nov 24, 2017 1:35 PM
Jul 2018
Amazing episode.

I think everybody else has been thinking this, but I don't think Hiro's evil. He just seems very emotional and childish. He does whatever he wants based on pure impulse, while still retaining some level of childish morality (not disappointing family).
I'm nervous from the ending. I hope Hiro doesn't go back to being a villain after another person he cares about dies again.
I'm amazed by how interesting and unique this anime is, while still being extremely simple to follow.


That's one thing that I really love about this anime: how much it portrays internet culture, really showing the assholes online, the way people constantly use the internet, as opposed to 95% of anime that takes place in the modern era, yet hardly mentions the internet.
Nov 24, 2017 1:37 PM

Sep 2016
Didn't like the whole 180 turn of character for Shishigami and Shion's fanatical affection.

The cancer girl story was touching, though. So much feels.
Nov 24, 2017 1:48 PM

Dec 2009
SegmentZ said:
HereticHunter said:

Not 100% sure but Spoiler Alert, do not read further

yeah, that's right where the manga ends, theres not even a single page after that

i do hope anime adds something afterwards tho, it's really abrupt

I hope they go with a full anime original ending. That twist plot was just plain stupid, at least for me.
Nov 24, 2017 2:03 PM
Jan 2016
i knew from the beginning that a storm is brewing, i guess Hiro gonna be same as he was before in the next episode
Nov 24, 2017 3:04 PM

Sep 2009
OMG Shion is so cute and just top tier waifu material like woah ;___; It was so emotional when she was so concerned about Shishigami leaving rather than him just letting her fall on the ground.

I can understand both characters quite well actually I mean you could argue that this development was way too quick but I don't agree with that!

Shion is obviously really lonely even if she has her gandma and she was already in love with Shishigami beforehand so there's that, too!

When it comes to Shishigami I'd say that Shion is his mothers replacement.

Nov 24, 2017 3:42 PM
Mar 2013
I don't really get the people who think Hiro had a change of heart or that his "character development" was way too fast.

You guys simply don't understand the character that is Hiro. Hiro is apathetic to almost everyone aside from the select few that give his life purpose. He is the very embodiment of the youth that feels like life has no meaning, much like a lot of youths nowadays.
His mother was the only person he really cared for, but he didn't take her into account when he went and tried to find his own humanity in killing people after he became a robot. He went from "life heaving no meaning" to questioning himself whether he was still a "human" or not and tried to compensate and answer this question by killing people.

So when she was gone, he had no purpose anymore, so he went on another killing spree. When he felt that Shion wouldn't give up on him, he filled the void that his mother left with Shion (and her grandma in a way). I don't remember if much else was said about Shishigami's mother in the manga, but I think that Shishigami now doesn't even care about his mother anymore, as he has "pushed" her out of his emotional core.

Now that Shion is his purpose, he acts to make her happy; he doesn't care about the well being of the people he cures, just like he doesn't care about the people he killed. That's why he asked Shion if that makes her happy.
He had exactly zero change of character. It's just that his character is a well written one, one that isn't one dimensional. One that is heavily flawed, just like real humans.

He hasn't become a hero, and he never was evil either; you don't care for the bugs you crush beneath your feet, right? At least, I guess most of you don't. Or for the people that create our clothing under horrible working conditions.
Same for Hiro. He doesn't care for "people". Only for certain, chosen individuals.
And even then, once Shishigame loses contact, he cuts them off from his own heart.
It happened with Andou first, then with his mother. The second Andou said he didn't want anything to do with Shishigami anymore was the moment Shishigami abandoned his own emotions regarding Andou.

This is just a surface level description of his character, but I hope that some of you get another perspective on Hiro as a character.

Nov 24, 2017 4:01 PM

Oct 2013
mehmehperson said:
I hope this girl dose'nt become like misa from Death Note. Why is she in love with a murduer?
Why is she in love with someone who dose'nt have a beating heat in his chest?
Why is she in love with someone who can't have sex?

Can machine people even age?

I guess Hiro is the new Hero of this anime now? Where Grandpa robo Jesus at?

>She was in love with him, yet she didn't belive Hiro was a mass murderer

>After learning he indeed was a killing machine, she saw that at the very bottom, he was a human, and he was scared of what he became

>She didn't want him to be a Killing Machine, that's why Hiro chooses to become a Healer.

>C'mon, after Chobits, Plastic Memories, Sora no Otoshimono,The Bicentennial Man, Blade Runner and many others....I think Human-Machine relationships aren't that weird. Shion probably played Nier:Automata and unlocked 100% of the stuff.

>Who says Hiro can't have sex? I think the guy even has a DroiDildo 5000 with 100hp and Nanomachine sperm integrated.

>Maybe he won't age, but we don't know how much his Hardware is gonna last.

>Grandpabot is probably still reading the manual of his Robot Body, not even Hiro knows that you can torrent and stream anime from your own head!

Nov 24, 2017 4:05 PM

Mar 2015
tfw Hiro goes from psychopath to perfect bf material in one episode
Nov 24, 2017 4:09 PM

Feb 2015
So the anime took a different turn with Hiro this episode. He seems to be just someone who wants his life to have meaning. So as the bitterness of his mother's death has faded, he was... kind of open to being a hero. Strange. I did not think that he actually cared about this girl. She must've had at least some influence to have him set on saving people. Still, he's unstable and unreliable. He doesn't seem to enjoy saving people, he's just kinda going through the motions of it (maybe likes making this girl happy, still not sure).

All these lives he's saved... If it's been 2 months, he must've saved 1000's of people by now. So yeah, it arguably does make up for those 54 lives he took if you look at the bigger picture, BUT at the same time what he did is unforgivable. I said that it would never work for them to try and turn him into a protagonist. That opinion is waning a little but I still mostly stand by it.

So now some kind of secret service FBI-type thing are gonna ruin his "saving streak" to try and take him out again. Needless to say, they won't be able too. I don't know what he'll do when this goes down. His happy fantasy life with this girl and his grandma is about to come crashing down... Yeah, he'll probably go back to killing mode. And if he does, and we missed Inuyashiki this episode and in the time period this episode, our true hero will have to DO SOMETHING. I so missed him this episode, and an epic fight between them is still DESTINY.
Nov 24, 2017 4:11 PM

Jan 2012
worst episode so far
dont even get me started xP
Nov 24, 2017 5:12 PM

Oct 2015
Hiro: I am da evil!
Andou: Can you be a super hero instead?
Hiro: No.

Hiro: I am da evil!
Shion: I'm obsessed with you, please stop da killings and be a super hero!
Hiro: After consulting with my lower brain, we have come to the conclusion our previous actions were in the wrong and shall right the wrongs.

It seems like the plot likes to make sure any woman that tries to influence his decisions gets into trouble.
Nov 24, 2017 5:24 PM

Jun 2013
now Hiro is a good guy?! that's not how shit works he killed people he's a villain period
Nov 24, 2017 5:26 PM
Jul 2018
HereticHunter said:
So whats the big deal with they becoming robots? are they just going to leave that there while we don't get answers and instead of that we will have SoL moments? what the hell went wrong with this anime?

I'm not buying that Out of character that Hiro has gone through: Serial Killer because its fun, then he becomes a mother's child, then he goes back to Serial Killer, and then magically the power of love wins over a ROBOT and then starts saving people's life... welp

I was gonna reply to this before but I ended up not feeling like it. Anyway.

So, the thing with the aliens is that they're a real world concept of a real possibility. So there's around trillions of planets yet undiscovered in our universe, with only a thousand or so having been discovered. So yeah, it's possible that there are beings technologically advanced there. This concept isn't the author's; he's borrowed it and used it accordingly; and in it, we humans have practically no means of reaching such beings if they existed. The aliens were presented by this story's author as what they were... and as uninterested in involving themselves with the humans; the author then shares our inability in reaching them.

Ehh, understandable enough? So that's the concept; and as such, those making use of it aren't necessarily obligated to expand more on the aliens, unless they choose to have aliens be interested; rest you can imagine.

In the second page some posters gave explanations. So eh, check those.

We've seen how posses sociopath characteristics. Trying to put it short, he: Being psychologically unable to care and having no need to care as he's a literal machine god, and being young and undeveloped (meaning still reshaping himself--and due to the previous mentioned conditions, being given much more freedom to) all practically make it impossible for consequences of his actions to have an effect on him longer than just brief, unless he wishes to--but by forcing it. We've seen how he had to draw a conclusion about himself that he must be inhuman--that as such, wasn't natural... It wasn't some development. What it appeared is that his pride called for it.

Man, just think that he sees, capability-wise, humans like they're babies while he's an adult. He's not the most intelligent person in the world, but with a body such as his it must've came to his mind that he's capable acquire all the knowledge in existent in the planet and never forget. He must be like someone playing some game in god-mode--you can imagine what this means--but mainly that things are meaningless and boring due to how unchallenging they are.

But this story isn't great. As in, it won't go far. Hiro won't, for (the most obvious) example, aid humanity in advancing and such (which's something the author wouldn't be capable of writing--nor is it even certain of turning popular thus profitable)... From what I heard, the author pulled an emergency ending so he'd not have to deal with writing even a proper one.

Axelucard said:
now Hiro is a good guy?! that's not how shit works he killed people he's a villain period

But you might've killed insects before and other times chose to be merciful. It's basically this. Have you killed NPCs in games when you wanted? Did you think of yourself evil? No as it don't really matter as it's not of consequence to you.
removed-userNov 24, 2017 5:39 PM
Nov 24, 2017 5:30 PM
Dec 2015
All it took was the right girl to get him to stop killing. I feel death flags raising for someone.
Nov 24, 2017 6:26 PM

Apr 2017
Hiro's character development changed quickly compared to the previous episode. I did not expect that to happen just only because of the girl. He cured few people like Inuyashiki. Is he turning a hero now? I guess not. The cliffhanger will change everything.
Nov 24, 2017 6:30 PM

Feb 2016
Fer said:
SegmentZ said:

yeah, that's right where the manga ends, theres not even a single page after that

i do hope anime adds something afterwards tho, it's really abrupt

I hope they go with a full anime original ending. That twist plot was just plain stupid, at least for me.

That would make things a bit less infuriating lol
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Nov 24, 2017 6:33 PM

Feb 2016
Rehls said:
HereticHunter said:
So whats the big deal with they becoming robots? are they just going to leave that there while we don't get answers and instead of that we will have SoL moments? what the hell went wrong with this anime?

I'm not buying that Out of character that Hiro has gone through: Serial Killer because its fun, then he becomes a mother's child, then he goes back to Serial Killer, and then magically the power of love wins over a ROBOT and then starts saving people's life... welp

I was gonna reply to this before but I ended up not feeling like it. Anyway.

So, the thing with the aliens is that they're a real world concept of a real possibility.

Long stuff

see, I don't really have a problem with him behaving like that, the problem is that the pace is all over the place, making it feel really rushed and lackluster

About the aliens, then your explanation leaves it as a plot convenience, it just works to set up the anime and that's all what matters
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Nov 24, 2017 6:39 PM

Feb 2016
Quexlaw said:
I don't really get the people who think Hiro had a change of heart or that his "character development" was way too fast.

You guys simply don't understand the character that is Hiro. Hiro is apathetic to almost everyone aside from the select few that give his life purpose. He is the very embodiment of the youth that feels like life has no meaning, much like a lot of youths nowadays.
His mother was the only person he really cared for, but he didn't take her into account when he went and tried to find his own humanity in killing people after he became a robot. He went from "life heaving no meaning" to questioning himself whether he was still a "human" or not and tried to compensate and answer this question by killing people.

So when she was gone, he had no purpose anymore, so he went on another killing spree. When he felt that Shion wouldn't give up on him, he filled the void that his mother left with Shion (and her grandma in a way). I don't remember if much else was said about Shishigami's mother in the manga, but I think that Shishigami now doesn't even care about his mother anymore, as he has "pushed" her out of his emotional core.

Now that Shion is his purpose, he acts to make her happy; he doesn't care about the well being of the people he cures, just like he doesn't care about the people he killed. That's why he asked Shion if that makes her happy.
He had exactly zero change of character. It's just that his character is a well written one, one that isn't one dimensional. One that is heavily flawed, just like real humans.

He hasn't become a hero, and he never was evil either; you don't care for the bugs you crush beneath your feet, right? At least, I guess most of you don't. Or for the people that create our clothing under horrible working conditions.
Same for Hiro. He doesn't care for "people". Only for certain, chosen individuals.
And even then, once Shishigame loses contact, he cuts them off from his own heart.
It happened with Andou first, then with his mother. The second Andou said he didn't want anything to do with Shishigami anymore was the moment Shishigami abandoned his own emotions regarding Andou.

This is just a surface level description of his character, but I hope that some of you get another perspective on Hiro as a character.

But he never did that for Andou. His character development is full of inconsistencies and it is way too fast paced, it also denies any logic. If the development of him were handled with care, things would have been differently. Problem is not how he behaves, but the lackluster development. Case Closed.
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Nov 24, 2017 7:01 PM

Apr 2012
That's what happens when you go on a murder spree and decide to be good later, the government still won't stop till your ass gets puts in prison.
Hiro just can't catch a break,,,
"Fortress Maximus has come himself. Okay! Then I shall get Fortress Maximus to fight me, huh huh huh!"

Nov 24, 2017 7:05 PM

Apr 2013
that was some bullshit
Nov 24, 2017 7:08 PM

Mar 2009
Honestly not sure if terrible character writing by Oku, or just complex character writing. Either way, I'm still enjoying this show a lot. One of my favorites for the season.
Nov 24, 2017 7:40 PM
#1 Hitagi Lover

Apr 2014
Well Hiro's change of heart was more bearable to see in the manga than compared this episode. Honestly it felt a bit akward and probably wouldn't have been justified even if the show had 13 eps instead of 11. That said, while Hiro did help people he'll still end up paying for what he did.
Nov 24, 2017 9:36 PM

Nov 2014
Wow... that was... rushed, but that's way understating it.

Wtf kind of logic did the girl buy into anyways? Healing people is great, but it doesn't take way the sin of killing.

Still waiting on the outcome that Hiro will face for his murders. How will he avoid legal action? Will Inuyashiki let him off if he knew he supposedly turned into the good guy? Hopefully it doesn't feel as bullshit as Hiro's 180 this episode.
If your favourite character is Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko, you are my soul mate.

Been a long time since I've been here, I'll continue expressing myself freely and believe everyone should too.
My MAL Interview
Nov 24, 2017 11:20 PM

Mar 2017
The light hearted vibe this episode was enjoyable and a nice breather from the usual Inuyashiki darkness. It gave that cliffhanger at the end some serious impact. Looks like sh**'s about to hit the fan next week xD
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