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King's Game
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Nov 17, 2017 5:28 AM

Jan 2011
This bit was hella gay. Especially compared to the way he initially reacts to Mizuki.
Nov 17, 2017 5:31 AM

Dec 2016
This anime is getting more worse.
Nobuaki said in this episode that Natsuko survived the Ousama game that happened in Yonaki village and we know that happened 30 years ago. So, does that mean Natsuko is more than 30 years old? And that ending... Natsuko... I couldn't stop laughing. Every character in this anime is seriously mad. Well, I think anyone would get mad if this kind of game existed for real.
Nov 17, 2017 6:00 AM

Jun 2016
Rickydory123 said:
This anime is getting more worse.
Nobuaki said in this episode that Natsuko survived the Ousama game that happened in Yonaki village and we know that happened 30 years ago. So, does that mean Natsuko is more than 30 years old? And that ending... Natsuko... I couldn't stop laughing. Every character in this anime is seriously mad. Well, I think anyone would get mad if this kind of game existed for real.

Natsuko and Chiemi's father is from the village and when he was a teen he survived the first King's Game (it's the best version of Ousama Game, even though he's just as bad as Nobuaki).

Later on, both of his daughters (who are twins) get involved in the King's Game as well. Nobuaki cleared the one with Chiemi, though she died in it, and Natsuko cleared the other.

Now they're on game number four, where both Nobuaki and Natsuko are involved.
Nov 17, 2017 7:49 AM
Jul 2017
MistLiigh said:
Troll12345678966 said:
Well they tried and it payed off somewhat at least, by far the best episode yet. It started strong abd was actually quite scare there for a short minute.
Then they throw in an undevelooed bullshitbased romance which ends so oatheticly cliche i was actually laghibg when they died. Then they show Honda riding a dude while talking to Nobuaki on the phone. Its laughuable how badly this anime tries and fails at beeing edgy, it is edgy but in a comical way.
And then they showed Nobuakis next romantic interest having killed her family and was baout to to the same to her fucking dog! I hate her already, idc how much you want to live and wheter or not she actually did it, ONE DOES SIMPLY NOT KILL OR AT ALL MISTREAT ONES DOG!!
And i predict that her and Nobuakis romance will be so bad and undeveloped that this episodes lovebirds will look like fucking Issei and tits!
But still kinda hyped for te next episode, idk why i just am.

The girl who killed her family was punished and died because she didn't kill the dog (thank goodness, better her than the innocent pooch) and those "lose something important to you" orders are the dumbest BS orders in this show that seem to exist only so the King can watch people drive themselves mad and destroy everything they care about looking for the one thing they don't want to lose even though that's not what the order actually said, so there won't be any romance involving her. I understand how you could miss that though, this show does an absolutely horrendous job of getting you to know or care who's who.
You sure she is gonna die? Isnt she the girl closest to Nobuaki on the right in the opening with all the characters? And the one besides him when we see Natsuko make that grazy look? By the looks of it she should have a bigger oart to play, although the less char ters to be stupid and unresonable the better!
Nov 17, 2017 8:15 AM

Sep 2011
Troll12345678966 said:
MistLiigh said:

The girl who killed her family was punished and died because she didn't kill the dog (thank goodness, better her than the innocent pooch) and those "lose something important to you" orders are the dumbest BS orders in this show that seem to exist only so the King can watch people drive themselves mad and destroy everything they care about looking for the one thing they don't want to lose even though that's not what the order actually said, so there won't be any romance involving her. I understand how you could miss that though, this show does an absolutely horrendous job of getting you to know or care who's who.
You sure she is gonna die? Isnt she the girl closest to Nobuaki on the right in the opening with all the characters? And the one besides him when we see Natsuko make that grazy look? By the looks of it she should have a bigger oart to play, although the less char ters to be stupid and unresonable the better!

99.9% positive she's dead. Her name was in the list of people being punished along with Kenta, Mizuki, and the girl who was making a corpse grope her. I don't remember her name now, but it was there. Not even going to attempt to count out the deaths and compare with how many they said at the end were dead or try to match her face with the X's on the picture, but I'm pretty certain she's dead. I wouldn't look too deep into that sort of thing in the OP/ED with a show as senseless and illogical as this one lol.

Nov 17, 2017 8:27 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
dasprn said:
Tokoya said:
This is better than them by a long shot.....Comet Lucifer especially

Nah Comet Lucifer is far much better than the plot in this show.
Comet Lucifer started off way better than this but as a whole (Especially after the halfway point), it became one of the leading examples of a dogshit series

I've never seen a show destroy itself like that one did
Nov 17, 2017 10:11 AM
Jul 2017
MistLiigh said:
Troll12345678966 said:
You sure she is gonna die? Isnt she the girl closest to Nobuaki on the right in the opening with all the characters? And the one besides him when we see Natsuko make that grazy look? By the looks of it she should have a bigger oart to play, although the less char ters to be stupid and unresonable the better!

99.9% positive she's dead. Her name was in the list of people being punished along with Kenta, Mizuki, and the girl who was making a corpse grope her. I don't remember her name now, but it was there. Not even going to attempt to count out the deaths and compare with how many they said at the end were dead or try to match her face with the X's on the picture, but I'm pretty certain she's dead. I wouldn't look too deep into that sort of thing in the OP/ED with a show as senseless and illogical as this one lol.
Hmm fair point, quess i was just looking for some meaning in any ort of this shiw just to excuse it alittle bit more, but now that you say it, i dobt think this show is smart enough to do something like that. In all actuallity it wouldbt suprise me if it was dumb enough to make a character seem impactfull in the OP/ED only to give them 3-4 lines then kill them whithout them EVER ahving done aomething usefull.
Nov 17, 2017 10:26 AM

Oct 2017
I'm shocking I have to say this, but Twilight is finally a better love story compare to this Kenta x Mizuki love lolz..

The part where Mizuki suddenly goes Yandere doesn't help either.

Seriously, having a love story worse than Twilight?
That's really something.
Nov 17, 2017 12:05 PM

Jul 2017
This show tries so hard but falls so low. I had no attachment WHATSOEVER to Mizuki and whatever that guy's name was. I'm actually laughing at how meaningless their deaths were. And that ending scene too, that guy looked like he was in pain and she was just on the phone talking casually as shit while taking it. This show is terrible at making you feel for the characters or even grow slightly attached to them.
Gintama > One Piece = Naruto > Bleach > DBZ

Nyanko Big is my spirit animal.
Nov 17, 2017 2:09 PM

Feb 2014
Tokoya said:
dasprn said:

Nah Comet Lucifer is far much better than the plot in this show.
Comet Lucifer started off way better than this but as a whole (Especially after the halfway point), it became one of the leading examples of a dogshit series

I've never seen a show destroy itself like that one did

How about Captain Earth?
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Nov 17, 2017 3:01 PM

Jan 2015
oh my god, spare me. i've never seen anything as forced as the scene with the 2 "lovers" dying.
Mitsuki kinda sounded like Yuri from DDLC
Nov 17, 2017 3:26 PM

Apr 2012
OMG Nobuaki actually suggested the first logical solution in the whole anime. Send the "die" message to the crazy bitch and the girl who will die anyway. Brilliant. But of course some edgy teen came and started his monologue about the importance and equality of people's lifes. Great. Just fucking great.

Oh and btw, who the hell expects me to care about 2 characters who I've seen about 3 times during the last 6 episodes? Will they die together or survive together? I don't give a single fuck. Now they are dead and I don't even remember their names ffs.
OokamiRisuNov 17, 2017 3:37 PM
Nov 17, 2017 3:52 PM

Sep 2016
Facepalmed at Mizuki and Kenta. (/)-) Mizuki could have killed Natsuko but nooo~ she wants to die with Kenta. And Kenta Falcon Punched her. Oh god why...

Also, it was awfully convenient to find the Honda's house and the dad's corpse in a huge village. With notes and photo lying on the side. -_-
Nov 17, 2017 4:19 PM

Apr 2015
ahh... here we go again...
i don't know why but i always waited for this anime every week... lol
there's romance... but it is really weird...

Why Kenta doesn't respond immediately when Mizuki confess to him??
how can Mizuki's personality turn 180-degrees just like that??
why Natsuko casually riding D??

is it me or the character design kinda different in every episode, sometimes it's different each scene too
anyway, i went to google and search Ousama game and find a Live Action of this anime... and looks like it's the 1st game... have you guys watch that?? is it good??

oh right, what Nobuaki's order?? i don't remember... lol
michaelh19Nov 17, 2017 4:23 PM
Nov 17, 2017 7:00 PM

Dec 2014
I am 100% concious that this series has pretty important flaws to say at least. But I can't stop watching it, even though I know it sucks really bad
Nov 17, 2017 10:15 PM
Jul 2015
Put this off for a day, played some BDO, it was great. Now having to still watch it, not so great. Best bro is being a bitch with his all lives are equal b.s. I think Nobuaki just had the only intelligent thought in the entire show. His picks to die were solid.
"Why's it so dark?" Cause it's an evil village duhh. We're already dealing with a fucking virus that does all this. So, why not have it control the sun too? It can even control when you have signal!
Man mizuki is crazy. I'm really loving these very in-depth characters. They're just so multi- I can't even joke. Punching people in the stomach = Insta KO.
Lmao What? That's a bright ass phone.
"I can kill my family but not my dog"
At least he targeted natsuko.
Why wouldn't sending it from a different device work? Virus is like "nice galaxy but apple4life bish."
Both had clean deaths. How nice of the virus.

Every week I think I can't hate this show more. And yet, every week I hate this show more.
Nov 18, 2017 1:00 AM
Jul 2018
I am so done with this show... XD
But I can't stop watching it...
Welp, at least I learned one thing. When it comes to life or death situations,

Dog > Family
Nov 18, 2017 3:39 AM

Oct 2008
OMG! This is absolutely terrible...and Natsuko's a slut!...and a bitch!

Nov 18, 2017 3:54 AM

Dec 2010
Oh my god. It was the best episode so far, but the ending. This is some work of a genius, I swear! The whole ep was rather tranquil and whole relationship between Kenta and Mizuki was kinda forced, but still wasn`t that cringe-y as the rest of anime. Then, in the ending director decided to go "full edgy".

It is like the plot in the child`s show about superheroes. The enemy is cornered and defeated and main hero is asking him to join the "good forces". The evil guy thinks for a moment and then he is laughing like a maniac and stabs/hits the good guy and run away.

This is it. Episode is quite normal? I can imagine the director of this trainweck sitting in his chair, trying to control himself, but he lost it. He is like, FUCK YOU VIEWERS ITS TIME FOR EDGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

And then it started. Molesting the corpse, killing entire family, riding a dick scene. Oh god. I am still not able to decide if it is work of genius or a retard.

The another thing. The arbitrary rules that are coming out of ass every time. Why was Death Note such a great story? You got a lot of rules in the first episode and Light was using those rules in a creative way. It was thrilling to see how he will use the rules to reach his objective.

What are the rules in King`s Game? I am a King and I want to see boobies, do it or you gonna be punished. Oh and the punishment is death(the only time it was something else was when the girl decided to kill herself - HOW Fucking CONVIENIENT!).
Your phone is broken? Lolwut, gtfo mate.
Lost something important to you? Sorry I worded it wrong, lmao. Lost something that is the most important to you ~:D
Do nothing unnecessary? Oh you are crying? Die. You are kidnapping your friend? Okay. You are running the streets screaming like a jakass? Nope, it is necessary, you are our MC. But please don`t cry.

Is author a sexualy frustrated teen with temper tantrums? Simply offensive for any viewer.
Nov 18, 2017 6:17 AM

Dec 2014
ok everyone just keep dying...this seems so absurd now
Nov 19, 2017 7:47 AM

Sep 2011
I'm not hating this show but, that fucking romance. I can't endure the headache that I got there.

And I want Natsuko riding me too...

Nov 19, 2017 10:06 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
dasprn said:
Tokoya said:
Comet Lucifer started off way better than this but as a whole (Especially after the halfway point), it became one of the leading examples of a dogshit series

I've never seen a show destroy itself like that one did

How about Captain Earth?
That show was decent....I wouldn't call it bad at all
Nov 19, 2017 2:05 PM
Aug 2016
MistLiigh said:
Troll12345678966 said:
You sure she is gonna die? Isnt she the girl closest to Nobuaki on the right in the opening with all the characters? And the one besides him when we see Natsuko make that grazy look? By the looks of it she should have a bigger oart to play, although the less char ters to be stupid and unresonable the better!

99.9% positive she's dead. Her name was in the list of people being punished along with Kenta, Mizuki, and the girl who was making a corpse grope her. I don't remember her name now, but it was there. Not even going to attempt to count out the deaths and compare with how many they said at the end were dead or try to match her face with the X's on the picture, but I'm pretty certain she's dead. I wouldn't look too deep into that sort of thing in the OP/ED with a show as senseless and illogical as this one lol.

The girl you're talking about is Matsumoto Riona, who is not the girl who killed her family. In the picture of the class at the end of the episode you can see a girl practically IDENTICAL to Riona, that should be one of the "big" characters, yet she is designed in the same way as a girl who murders her family, and dies anyways.
Well, at least the Doggo is fine.
Nov 19, 2017 3:31 PM

Nov 2011
This episode was hilarious as always! They're not even trying anymore and just going with the flow. Feeling the girl up with the corpse.
Then they accurately did something right with the girl who had to lose something precious to her. I love my Parents but I would probably take them out before I take my dog out. (I know I am not the only one!)

Then Natsuko just banging Nobuaki at the end...get it boi.
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Nov 19, 2017 7:41 PM

Jul 2015
Daaaaaang they killed off a lot of... people... I don't remember at all... they just dropped like 12 more deaths and I have no idea who anybody is. Must say, this episode wasn't as enjoyable as previous, but it's nice to know I can always get some enjoyment when I come into the boards for this anime.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Nov 20, 2017 11:38 PM

Dec 2014
Dude is getting the chance to fuck Natsuko and he seems upset about it...

That was my take-away from this episode. Seemed to be the only thing of importance really.
Nov 21, 2017 6:58 AM

May 2015
The fact that this episode has no flashbacks to the first game already makes it hands down the best episode so far. The death scene would've been touching too had the show not spent all it's time doing flashbacks and instead given them some background abd depth.
Have you finally noticed me, Towel-senpai?
Nov 21, 2017 4:56 PM
Jul 2015
AsT5 said:
wow shitz got real
killing your own parents and not the doggy for survival
rip haruka

I laughed my ass off with this. The entire episode was comedic. I literally have no sympathy for anyone lol
Nov 21, 2017 10:34 PM

Jan 2013
So Chiemi and Natsuko are sisters...but we still don't know exactly what happened to Chiemi. The plot twist that they revealed was kinda obvious.
I still think this is kinda ridiculous xD But i will finish it, like...i don't think it's that bad to drop it, but it's almost xD
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Nov 27, 2017 1:09 AM

Mar 2009
lmao at Natsuki at the end. Not sure if want...

And wait. What the hell? Natsuko and Chiemi are sisters? Did Chiemi have a different last name?
Nov 27, 2017 8:52 PM
Apr 2016
It took 7 whole episodes to make me feel a tiny bit sympathy for literally only two characters. Got to give credit where it is due, more then I thought I give a sh*t in this crappy anime. To bad I honestly stop caring again after that and for most of this episode, especially when they killed off........
....Girl sitting on a corpse trying to get it grope her
...Girl Who is not the girl shown in the openin but looks like her that killed her family and let her dog live
Whoever the dozen people they killed off were named. I honestly don’t know and care

This is certainly the Mayioga of anime this season
JoshuaJones16Nov 27, 2017 8:57 PM

Dec 2, 2017 8:53 AM

Apr 2016
Finally, both lovers ended death!!! :/
Dec 5, 2017 6:49 PM

Nov 2014
>killed her own family
>could not kill the dog
i got so angery on that part, just kill the fucking dog, not your parents, duh.
Dec 10, 2017 5:05 AM

Jun 2013
The first time my heart wrenched was when that girl tried to choke her cute dachshund furbaby. I won't be able to take it if the dog died.

Kenta's death is a tad sadder than rich kid Daisuke Tazaki dying. Maybe because I like Kenta more than him. Also, his death seemed more natural and his body didn't spontaneously explode. The hanging suicide deaths are the most boring. The other deaths were laughably stupid, of course. That girl making a corpse grope her tit was fucking funny too.
Dec 15, 2017 7:33 PM

Jul 2012
張大です for 張大勇督察
Feb 8, 2018 9:53 PM

Jul 2012
that was pretty fucking sad... one of the better episodes.
Apr 2, 2018 8:01 PM
Jan 2013
ReaperCreeper said:
This bit was hella gay. Especially compared to the way he initially reacts to Mizuki.

Super Mega Gay - he was clinging onto Kenta like some puppy eyed girl.

This again proves to me that the King gets off on watching the MC act like this squishy piece of crap.

This show is so bad, but I can't help but want to see what else can go horribly wrong. :-D
Aug 21, 2018 6:13 AM

Feb 2016
The end of Ousama Game
You can (not) choke Choco.
Dec 13, 2018 12:01 AM

Oct 2017
what was the point of giving mizuki that little crazy moment if they weren't going to do anything with it
Dec 13, 2018 12:03 AM

Oct 2017
dannymilk said:
i never noticed bc of all the flashbacks but Mizuki's voice is horrible...its like her actress know this is bad and its her character's last hurrah so much that she doesn't care lol

omg i don't usually notice stuff like that but i thought the same thing while watching lmao like she sounds awful
Jan 17, 2019 8:00 AM

Dec 2018
I just realized that they didn't show the teacher's reaction to the students death

And why only the students get involved but not the teacher ?
He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.
Nov 5, 2019 6:49 PM
May 2019
Yay, killing off more characters I have absolutely no attachment to whatsoever. Ludicrous episode, the logic is flawed.
Nov 29, 2019 5:05 AM
Jan 2019
All I cared about was the dog. lol.
Jan 19, 2020 9:29 AM
Mar 2018
What a waste of a decent character!! Given what we have to choose from, Kenta was a pretty good character, it's a shame that he had to die.

Natsuko...., I wish they would cease the overdramatisation.
Nov 9, 2020 2:47 PM

Apr 2018
Kenta and Mizuki, what a beautiful romance (no) still ridiculous
Jun 23, 2021 6:30 PM
Apr 2021
This show is so poor. Can hardly keep track of whether it’s a flashback or current story and can’t remember anyone but the MC and his gf’s name.
The orders flash past too quickly to even read, and then some are read out loud and others aren’t.
The animation itself is ok, and it has functional music and voice acting. But when the one girl was going to kill her dog. That’s where I dropped it. I had planned to drop it after 3 but really try to give things a fair shake and watch to the end. Its not a very long series. But I’m done at dog killing. Not even in anime will I watch something so horrible.
Nov 27, 2022 7:22 PM
Sep 2021
I knew this anime was going to get worse per episode, but strangling a dog is probably the last straw.
Oct 26, 2023 1:05 AM

Dec 2012
"Are you saying a baby & senior citizen's lives are equal?"
- Ouch, I cut myself on that deep edge. Bro is getting real philosophical here.

From a bitch slapper to a wife beater. Kenta's moving up in the world. That little bit with him & Mizuki was touching even if everything about their characters & these twists was a trainwreck.

Laughed so hard with Natsuko's bouncing silhouette at the end. Virgin my ass - this is definitely not her first rodeo.
Sep 8, 2024 9:40 AM

Mar 2020
Now that we understand a bit of the story cuckland, it's no big deal! xD
Dec 4, 2024 1:52 AM

Mar 2024

One of the best episodes frrrrrrr.

But its a shame how bad everything drawn.

Damn this episode had violence, romance and even a lot of sexxx.

First of all i like that story is becoming really interesting. There is really an intrigue about what happened in the past and what is hidden behind the whole kings game.

I liked the romance between Kenta and Mitsuki (and i like that Mitsuki's mind break like "lets die together its so romantic"). Although everything is drawn very bad and the romance itself is kinda clumsy but they was cute in their own way. I liked how Nobuaki puts their corpses together (reminds me of that couple from anime Shiki, guy and nurse). It was really touching.

And damn. One of the girls is literally making the corpse touch her, Riona killed her entire family but couldnt kill the dog, and Natsuko... you know what, i love her.
It looks like she is fucking the guy and not he her. She is just having fun, but that guy doesnt look particularly happy looool and i dont understand why, this is literally my dream okok i going to touch the grass
Natsuko is such a maniac, i love her wild energy.

So - the girls in this anime are just something.

And this mix of eroticism and bloody massacre works perfectly, but the main drawback is the visuals. Everything is drawn just terribly, apparently there was no money at all.

Im disappointed. Large budgets are allocated for shit like jujutsu kaisen and kimetsu no yaiba, but they have no money for really cool unique anime.
I love anime but i hate the anime industry.
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