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Nov 7, 2017 1:09 PM
Tiger best girl. Considering she is the only alive girl. |
Nov 7, 2017 1:10 PM
Let me just take a moment to gather all of my thoughts for this episode, we have a lot going on with a few twists revealed that I wanted to share my opinions about. First off, I am very interested to see how the war that's going on in the flashbacks is related to all of these characters. We learned from the last episode that this war is to divide up land between the 12 regions, each of which has it's own zodiac "protector". It's plain to see that every character whose backstory has been shown so far is somehow related to the fighting. Most of them were warriors participating in the war, and I think it's safe to say that everyone will be related to the flashback war. (The flashback war was most likely the old way that the countries decided on how to divvy up the land, with this new "war" the most recent method because it means less people will die.) I'm curious to see how rat's backstory will play in with this because he is way too young to have participated in this flashback war, since I assume it was years ago and he would have been in middle school/younger. I'm not sure exactly about the timeline of the previous flashback war, so I could be wrong, but I believe he is the youngest on the cast and was not a fighter in it. (I'll probably change my opinion on this as we get more details of his and other characters' pasts.) Now, let's move on to Rat's fighting style. It seems like what he did most of this episode and last was evade Snake. I believe that he might have a similar ability to Chicken and might be able to switch places with his rats in order to evade people. He didn't see to have much trouble running awake from Snake (who seems to be using vibrations in order to locate his prey.) I would assume that he has some way of slipping into tight or confined places because he so easily appeared as well as disappeared from Horse's "boxed-in" fortress. Him talking about how rats can canoodle their way into pretty much anywhere suggests that he himself is almost like a rat with how he moves/dodges/hides. I was previously thinking Rat was a time traveler, but it seems that he's just very sneaky and perpetually bored. It could be possible the rats running around town are giving him a head's up, or that he's able to posses them and jump into their bodies. I have not read the source material, so this is just conjecture based on what I've seen of the anime so far. He definitely seems to know more than he is letting on. I still believe he stayed with Monkey because he believed that she would protect him and he would only have to do the bare minimum to survive. I think that Rat's physical capabilities are very minimal since we have yet to see him fight, as all he does is simply run away when he senses conflict. He's more than likely one of those "kill from the shadows sneakily" kind of characters in my books. I don't even think we saw him throw a punch at Snake even one time in the whole two episodes where he was being chased. He didn't even try to use defensive martial arts like Monkey or defensive fighting against Snake, from what I remember. I do have to say I feel awfully bad for Sheep. His backstory last week was a real heart-throbber for me, and I can totally respect sacrificing yourself for your family. I wasn't surprised that Tiger disposed of him, but it was very interesting to see her fighting style. I knew that there had to be some reason she was chosen as a warrior, even if her physique wasn't very threatening at all. I'm looking forward to seeing her backstory, especially how she learned that blood made her drunk. (She also looks like a college aged student or high school senior, so I wonder if we will get a confirmed age range on her too.) I was honestly sad to see Monkey go. I didn't see the think with Snake's head coming, especially since it seemed like Rabbit was a bit surprised by Monkey's martial arts. He must have purposefully moved the fight to where the trees were so he could utilize that trap he set. It seems like his army is growing even larger, and I will be curious to see how they do Snake's episode next week. My guess is that he is going to run into Dragon and they're going to duke it out together. I feel so bad for Horse though. That was a really brutal death, and I can't even imagine how much breathing in smoke to death would hurt. I think his biggest flaw was his inaction, just like Rat said. If he was more proactive he could have moved to another area before the fire started or even could have taken Snake on. I feel like he was cheated a bit because he just spent most of the episodes running or hiding. (I'm honestly surprised as hell that Snake did not find drunk ol' Tiger first since she was out in the open. Like I figured someone would have found her before this late in the game?) I guess Dragon's just been hiding out because we haven't heard a peep from him as well. He might be biding his time, waiting for the dust to settle before he strikes. I'm guessing that next week is his time to shine. But yeah, I'm very interested to see what else will be revealed next week. I hope they talk more about the motive for this war and about what else is at stake. I'm hoping that Rat does more things because I really want to learn his ability before the finale, lol that probably won't happen though. If anyone else wants to shoot out some theories or reply to my guesses, please be my guest. I love talking about shows like this that keep you guessing with certain plot points. :) Thanks for your time! |
Nov 7, 2017 1:10 PM
this episode probably had the most anticlimatic deaths so far lol i was like "wait...did he die?" tiger is cool tho |
Nov 7, 2017 1:12 PM
Nov 7, 2017 1:13 PM
Sheep and horse bites the dust, and monkey becomes friends with rabbit. The episode was basically catching up on overdue deaths. |
Nov 7, 2017 1:15 PM
Tiger being all "Old man, are you Naruto?!" was funny lol There is this continuity error where she is sitting talking to him and them they show her in attack position again. OUTCH! RIGHT IN THE BOOBS Ç-Ç Now we gonna have zombie Monkey I guess... I was kinda expecting Tiger's powers to have something to do with booze. I don't know, all this characters seem pretty capable so I found odd she was just getting wasted all this time XD She gets more powerfull like that, so now it makes sense. And there goes Horse. Are they going to be able to get his jewel in that fire? o-o Yeah, I thought that Rat would be a time traveler too, but, judging by this episode I think it is not that. One thing I noticed is that he knew Monkey died even though when that happened he was running away from Snake. He also talked like he knew Monkey before. And I think he is interested in that grenade Sheep had. One theory I have is that he maybe posses a huge information web? Other thing I'm trying to figure out is his "killing all" title. What does that mean? He kills by slaughtering everyone? He doesn't seem like the type tho o-o |
taynisNov 7, 2017 1:31 PM
Nov 7, 2017 1:25 PM
TheWannabeArtist said: how can one hate a character so well written as Rabbit?Damn, three deaths, that was to be expected though. RIP Monkey, I honestly hate Rabbit so much, he's boring as a character and just awkward as hell. Sheep's face when Tiger was like "kills in a drunken rage." That is when he knew he fucked up. |
Nov 7, 2017 1:28 PM
In the end the Monkey dies co'z she can't bring herself to kill the Bunny, the sheep dies cu'z he didn't took the opportunity throw some grenades to the Tiger girl and dash the hell outta there, Horsey is just too much of a pussy, too bad he dies a pussy's death. man I can't believe that he went to all that training and steroids stuff to have that kind of a body only to run away with his tail between his legs . Btw the Tiger's attire is really hot especially the view where she is crouching where we get to see her ass. So what do thinks guys would it only be the Ox vs the Bunny in the end, or will the rat and dragon have a shot????? |
Nov 7, 2017 1:33 PM
And so after 2 episodes of no killing, we're going back to it again Lol. At this rate it should be expected that its going in order based on the ED, not surprised. However, given the fact that the lore still interests me a bit more, I'm not complaining. Sure this is probably one of Nisio's weakest works in terms of maybe adaption wise, but I think it still solidfies itself in a way. Rather entertaining thanks to the directing and impact in the action/production value. |
Nov 7, 2017 1:33 PM
HORSE!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (as soon as they showed his backstory though I knew it was all over lol) |
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy |
Nov 7, 2017 1:36 PM
taynis said: Yeah, I thought that Rat would be a time traveler too, but, judging by this episode I think it is not that. One thing I noticed is that he knew Monkey died even though when that happened he was running away from Snake. And I think he is interested in that grenade Sheep had. One theory I have is that he maybe posses a huge information web? Other thing I trying to figure out is his "killing all" title. What does that mean? He kills by slaughtering everyone? He doesn't seem like the type tho o-o Going off of what someone else said about how the cell phone game (with the rats running away from the snake) is related to his powers, I think he has the power to communicate with the rats in the city. Maybe, just like playing a rat in a video game, if one of his rat bodies dies he's able to regenerate into a new rat body? I still feel like he's somehow connected all of the rats that live in the city, just like how the Chicken was connected to the birds in the city. I feel like his connection is a lot deeper than Chicken's connections to the birds, though. Maybe his spirit is able to jump from one rat to the next when he thinks that he's going to die in one rat's particular body? Someone in a previous week's thread said that his ability was mistranslated a bit and it has more to due with "killing by swarming". I guess if you have infinite rats in the city, then you don't really have to worry too much about fighting as long as there is another rat body you can jump into. All of this is going over my head, so I'm sorry if this doesn't make a lot of sense. I have to wait until we have new information next week. I hope they show Rat more on screen. |
Nov 7, 2017 1:54 PM
I'm still not sure my thoughts on this anime, I like it but not fully sure why heh. Though I love the tiger just for her name, "Killing with drunken rage." though were half way through and so many eliminated unless the last 4 episodes are going to be just dragon ball style fight curious how this will last. though who knows if some arn't fully dead. |
Nov 7, 2017 1:57 PM
DeitysDynasty said: TheWannabeArtist said: how can one hate a character so well written as Rabbit?Damn, three deaths, that was to be expected though. RIP Monkey, I honestly hate Rabbit so much, he's boring as a character and just awkward as hell. Sheep's face when Tiger was like "kills in a drunken rage." That is when he knew he fucked up. I should've explained on it more, I don't necessarily hate him and I understand he is underdeveloped so we haven't seen his motives yet, I just don't particularly like how the show handles him, in certain aspects, he is a cool character sometimes but I want to get to the meat of his character as he is getting tedious for me at the moment. |
Nov 7, 2017 2:13 PM
Nov 7, 2017 2:31 PM
I don't believe monkey's dead it was a really sly angle that's open to to interpretation... I always thought tiger was a dark horse in this |
Nov 7, 2017 2:46 PM
There goes my time travel ability for Rat since he asked where Sheep was but somehow know Monkey died. I'm guessing maybe he could see glimpses of the future or he's super good at predicting or some shit. Rip Monkey now you can't return to your husband/or bf. |
Nov 7, 2017 3:03 PM
I was kinda hoping it wouldn't just straight up follow the Chinese Zodiac, but it is. Well, while the results may not be surprising, but I am still overall enjoying just seeing these characters go at it with their strategies, abilities, and failures. But still would like to see a battle royale show some day that took the concept to the extreme and just had characters with no real protagonist in a death battle and nothing to indicate the order of death. |
You have shit taste, and then I have taste so shit it makes your taste look good |
Nov 7, 2017 3:11 PM
Lmaoooo three lame-ass deaths in one episode. This is as far I can go with this dumb show. Dropped. |
"At some point, I stopped hoping." |
Nov 7, 2017 3:21 PM
This is getting really cliche for me, so sad about that... I really hope that the ending give us something really good in return. Even more with the anime spoiling us with who is going to die next in the ending order, the previous of the next chapter, etc... |
Nov 7, 2017 3:49 PM
joe_g7 said: Lmaoooo three lame-ass deaths in one episode. This is as far I can go with this dumb show. Dropped. And they have all died in order as they are shown in the ending song. This show has been a trainwreck and its horribly written. Maybe the worst in the last 25 years. |
Nov 7, 2017 3:49 PM
Smudy said: Rat or Rabbit for the win at this point. I'm really liking Rat's character design, how he thinks and how his power is still a mystery up to this point. I feel like there's foreshadowing somewhere for sure (how he wants to know about Sheep's whereabouts for example). Rabbit is just entertaining and is someone who we wouldn't think of as the winner since he had a great start. Ox is too obvious and would be disappointing if he wins (i like him as character though). Don't like Tiger though, no win pls. Snake and Dragon are definitely not gonna win IMO. I beleive rat manipulates minds cos everyone seems to know him but not really and it seems like he was replying to horses every thought. Hopefully he can kill ox with that ability which would be hype. Also somehow snake is so precise with movement and sensing people but boar was sloppy in walking and had terrible aim on the birds. WEIRD |
Nov 7, 2017 3:52 PM
Kagami said: Seriously? I didn't even realise it xD, I thought that myth was busted but I guess not. Now I'm even more glad that I dropped it.joe_g7 said: Lmaoooo three lame-ass deaths in one episode. This is as far I can go with this dumb show. Dropped. And they have all died in order as they are shown in the ending song. This show has been a trainwreck and its horribly written. Maybe the worst in the last 25 years. |
"At some point, I stopped hoping." |
Nov 7, 2017 4:00 PM
joe_g7 said: Kagami said: Seriously? I didn't even realise it xD, I thought that myth was busted but I guess not. Now I'm even more glad that I dropped it.joe_g7 said: Lmaoooo three lame-ass deaths in one episode. This is as far I can go with this dumb show. Dropped. And they have all died in order as they are shown in the ending song. This show has been a trainwreck and its horribly written. Maybe the worst in the last 25 years. Busted? Hell no! 7 have died (and no, the two brothers are still active so the one being controlled doesn't break the order since he is still active).. It makes no sense. I want to meet the person who thought "This is a good idea!!!" |
Nov 7, 2017 4:09 PM
Well, apparently your silly loud minority lot is the only fraction that sees this as "poor written", because you can't understand the difference between a "writing" and a "story". |
Re:formed |
Nov 7, 2017 4:35 PM
Dang, 3 people died this episode, but it's still in the same order :( The fight between Monkey and Usagi was pretty good, using Snake's head was clever XD Tora's ability seems interesting too, or at least her method of killing. I guess drunkenness is worth it for her :P Shame that Sheepy died T_T OK, so can Nezumi read minds or what? He was definitely doing that to Uuma. I guess his plan didn't really work out, being trapped in a fire isn't survivable even with his body. Really short backstory for him this episode, I guess they had too much to show. Still think Nezumi is a sleeper OP. Looks like next episode will focus on the twins. Either way, knowing the order of deaths is severely hampering my enjoyment of this, and looks like Nezumi will be the winner anyway >_< |
Nov 7, 2017 4:42 PM
Daniel_Naumov said: Well, apparently your silly loud minority lot is the only fraction that sees this as "poor written", because you can't understand the difference between a "writing" and a "story". It is REALLY poorly written. Its been terrible. The ending song has matched the deaths so far exactly. Characters get a backstory then they get killed which removes any left over tension and this episode rushed three deaths into one episode. That's all writing. |
Nov 7, 2017 4:47 PM
Kagami said: Daniel_Naumov said: Well, apparently your silly loud minority lot is the only fraction that sees this as "poor written", because you can't understand the difference between a "writing" and a "story". It is REALLY poorly written. Its been terrible. The ending song has matched the deaths so far exactly. Characters get a backstory then they get killed which removes any left over tension and this episode rushed three deaths into one episode. That's all writing. Have you read the light novel? |
Nov 7, 2017 4:52 PM
staranise said: Kagami said: Daniel_Naumov said: Well, apparently your silly loud minority lot is the only fraction that sees this as "poor written", because you can't understand the difference between a "writing" and a "story". It is REALLY poorly written. Its been terrible. The ending song has matched the deaths so far exactly. Characters get a backstory then they get killed which removes any left over tension and this episode rushed three deaths into one episode. That's all writing. Have you read the light novel? That's irrelevant. I haven't read the light novel, but as an adaption there is just no way anyone can sit here and say its good writing. The anime is actually pretty enjoyable, but the writing is really that bad. The backstories for the characters should of all happened episode 1 or at least done in a way that doesn't remove tension. Also, the ending song should of just randomized the character death order. There's more problems too. Idk how close this has been to the source, but as an adaption it suffers a lot in writing. |
Nov 7, 2017 5:09 PM
Kagami said: staranise said: Kagami said: Daniel_Naumov said: Well, apparently your silly loud minority lot is the only fraction that sees this as "poor written", because you can't understand the difference between a "writing" and a "story". It is REALLY poorly written. Its been terrible. The ending song has matched the deaths so far exactly. Characters get a backstory then they get killed which removes any left over tension and this episode rushed three deaths into one episode. That's all writing. Have you read the light novel? That's irrelevant. I haven't read the light novel, but as an adaption there is just no way anyone can sit here and say its good writing. The anime is actually pretty enjoyable, but the writing is really that bad. The backstories for the characters should of all happened episode 1 or at least done in a way that doesn't remove tension. Also, the ending song should of just randomized the character death order. There's more problems too. Idk how close this has been to the source, but as an adaption it suffers a lot in writing. At what point or episode did you start thinking it's bad writing? |
Nov 7, 2017 5:14 PM
staranise said: Kagami said: staranise said: Kagami said: Daniel_Naumov said: Well, apparently your silly loud minority lot is the only fraction that sees this as "poor written", because you can't understand the difference between a "writing" and a "story". It is REALLY poorly written. Its been terrible. The ending song has matched the deaths so far exactly. Characters get a backstory then they get killed which removes any left over tension and this episode rushed three deaths into one episode. That's all writing. Have you read the light novel? That's irrelevant. I haven't read the light novel, but as an adaption there is just no way anyone can sit here and say its good writing. The anime is actually pretty enjoyable, but the writing is really that bad. The backstories for the characters should of all happened episode 1 or at least done in a way that doesn't remove tension. Also, the ending song should of just randomized the character death order. There's more problems too. Idk how close this has been to the source, but as an adaption it suffers a lot in writing. At what point or episode did you start thinking it's bad writing? Its been gradually getting worse and worse. Though, I admit I was unaware of the tropes within this show in the first 1-2 episodes so the first couple episodes I thought were strong, until the ugly truth started to present itself. |
Nov 7, 2017 5:17 PM
I'm not even gonna lie i'm super upset the monkey died like that. The sheep's death was expected. He underestimated the tiger wayyy too much and i had a feeling the "drunken fist" would appear here. That being said nearly everyone who's died so far, died because they underestimated their enemy too much (with just the exception of the rooster who was just unlucky and ran into the OP ox. Oh and the Horse who just died cuz he was dumb.) Which is exactly what the monkey did but it didn't feel right this time. HOW COULD SHE DIE LIKE THAT? No, please get up. Honestly I want the ox or rat to win. Ox cuz i'll just be disappointed to see someone so badass die. he better not underestimate someone like everyone else and end up dying stupidly. |
Nov 7, 2017 5:27 PM
DKBetiza said: Damn, I'm really sad for Monkey. She was my favorite. What makes me sadder is instead of resting in peace she will become a reanimated corpse for Rabbit. Monkey was my favorite and Sheep my 2nd. Both die the same episode (along with horse) and mostly the rest left seem like nasty unlikeable or villians. Guess I'm gonna have to root for rat instead now. |
Nov 7, 2017 5:50 PM
I. LOVED. THIS. EPISODE The animation stays so tops, and YOOOOOOOOOOOOO TIGER, THAT'S HOW WE DO IT YEEEET. I was so legitimately shocked when she said her style was drunken rage, because in the light novel it is "By Claws" so this show threw a double triple super whammy. And then Horse who fought Ox and was like, yo. fuck this. coward life forever. Then he got straight KILT because he was a C O W A R D. Then we got rat boy over here pulling some sneaky shenanigans (I honest to god think he's the key to the show, with people saying he looks familiar in the early episodes, and everyone talking about how terrible he is, AND HIS KILLING STYLE) and Monkey, who's death really shocked me, saddened me, and further reinforced that NOBODY is safe on this show. |
Nov 7, 2017 6:02 PM
Continues to be entertaining for sure but the anti-climatic fights/ deaths are becoming dull. |
Nov 7, 2017 7:00 PM
Since Rabbit is always saying that the people he kills become his friends I'm guessing that his backstory is gonna be some lame ass shit that will try to make people symptahize with him and oh boy, that ain't gonna work with me. Also, this trope of "character X underestimates character Y and ends up dying in a pathetic way" better stop because it's getting boring. They're all supposed to be elite fighters for fucks sake, so how come they all end up underestimating their oponents? That's Combat 101, NEVER EVER UNDERESTIMATE YOUR OPONENT. Jesus fucking Christ, the writing on this show is horrible. |
Nov 7, 2017 7:09 PM
They should've renamed this show "Anti-Climatic Deaths: The Animation" or "Underestimating Your Enemy and Dying Immediately - The Animation" Monkey was utterly useless. A character who was all big talk and big ambitions and let her cockiness and pacifist nature get the best of her. Her ability was to fucking dematerialize shit Full Metal Alchemist style and she got killed in the most amateur way possible. Really the only thing she brought to the table was her big tiddies and thicc thighs. She was entirely selfish, and she died leaving a husband behind too. Well...there goes the only other big bewbs thicc thighs girl in the show. Sheep's death was hilarious. Spent half the episode shit talking in his inner monologue and gets fucking insta-killed because Tiger uses drunken fist. Couldn't even use his secret weapon bomb (which I bet Rat knows about and wants to find which is why he was asking about his whereabouts). Horse's death was stupid. He became a cowardly idiot and died like a cowardly idiot. He was so pointless they didn't even need to bother giving him a backstory. Seeing how he nearly died and turned into a beast just makes his death all that more cringe-worthy since he turned into a pussy. I cant wait for the end and see Rat like somehow pull out a win because he was pulling the strings and playing some master game of chess all along. As another thread mentioned, going off the ED, it shows the order all of the characters died in anyway, if that's not spoiler-y enough. |
Nov 7, 2017 7:14 PM
Garamas said: I still think the way the characters die are pretty disappointing (Aside of Monkey's one which had a really cunning setup), they never fight. Out of the 6 deaths, 2 are because they underestimated their opponant. Like, why would you do that ? If you are in a Battle Royale like this, there's a reason, you can't possibly assume that they suck. I really don't think Monkey's was that cunning either. She's another one who underestimated her opponent, and got cocky thinking she had the upper hand because she was some tactically thinking martial arts expert and Rabbit was an amateur. I'd say 4 out of the 6 deaths were from people underestimating their opponents. - Boar did the exact same thing Monkey did. She thought the fight out with her inner monologue, thinking she was better than Rabbit and was going to outsmart him, and got played. - Dog completely underestimated Chicken - Sheep extremely underestimated Tiger - Monkey pulled a Boar and thought she was a better fighter and had everything tactically planned. That leaves Chicken who was somewhat brainwashed by Monkey's ideals and kind of involuntarily handed her own death to Ox, and Horse who acted like a pussy and inadvertently got killed by Snake who was looking for Rat. |
Nov 7, 2017 7:33 PM
Garamas said: I still think the way the characters die are pretty disappointing (Aside of Monkey's one which had a really cunning setup), they never fight. Out of the 6 deaths, 2 are because they underestimated their opponant. Like, why would you do that ? If you are in a Battle Royale like this, there's a reason, you can't possibly assume that they suck. Exactly my thoughts, especially because of the sheep... I mean, he said knowledge and wisdom were his pros but then, he died in such a contradictory way by standing there, thinking about how ridiculous Tiger's posture looked. sign* I found the deaths really anticlimatic as well... It's the first "Battle Royale" anime I've seen but idk, I found most of deaths quite simple... (Horse must be the most disappointing "killer" in this show... I didn't like his death at all)... It's weird but I find the way the characters think and strategize way more entertaining that the confrontations themselves. |
Nov 7, 2017 7:54 PM
Wow 3 deaths in one episode. Surprising way to go, by lack of oxygen. That happen way too fast. |
Nov 7, 2017 8:32 PM
*sigh* so many poor plot decisions in this episode. Everything that was making the show interesting literally died. Monkey's peace proposal that we waited 6 episodes to hear was never revealed. Boar's death was well done-- we get her backstory, and the entire first episode is told from her perspective; then Boar, the character who at first seemed to be the 'main character' is brutally killed -- perfect way to grab attention and make a unique first episode that is set apart from anything else this season;; Then this episode- Monkey, who had an unfulfilled plot purpose, is killed in the exact same way -- wasnt as exciting to see the second time Rabbit cheap shot someone. At this point, the only chance at having any interest in the second half of the story is the slim chance that Zombie Monkey retains her consciousness. Sheep (the experienced warrior who won the last war, but is an unpopular pick this time, yet is still a wild card) was planning on making an "underdog alliance," which would have been the only way to have a likely chance against the top warriors; but he gets murdered in under 4 seconds by a character who had literally zero screen time before this episode. We get a little bit of backstory from Horse, who has a perfect defense ability (he even survived a head on attack from the strongest warrior), and could quite possibly drive the war to its time limit; but he [supposedly] dies of suffocation. So at this point we have: Ox and Rabbit - the two who were obviously at the top from the beginning; Dragon - who has clocked in zero screen time; Tiger - who has raked up a total of 3 minutes of screen time; and Rat - who has pretty much only chilled around so far. |
Nov 7, 2017 9:36 PM
Well, i didn't expect anything that happened in this episode. Can't believe that the Sheep died so fast. I don't get it, like why the Mouse simply didn't stop moving? Like, he had so many great chances to escape. If Monkey really died, why didn't he saved her? Personally, i don't think that Monkey is dead, she is alive and must remain like this for the plot twist. Wasn't expecting to see Horse dying like that, now Rabbit's team will get even bigger. |
Nov 7, 2017 9:36 PM
All these warriors dying in such unsatisfying ways. I'm not sure there's a single warrior I'm interested in anymore. Maybe tiger? |
Nov 7, 2017 10:00 PM
Jonesy974 said: Monkey dying in such an anti climatic way is just more bad writing. She has major build up then dies in a dumb and anti-climatic way.They should've renamed this show "Anti-Climatic Deaths: The Animation" or "Underestimating Your Enemy and Dying Immediately - The Animation" Monkey was utterly useless. A character who was all big talk and big ambitions and let her cockiness and pacifist nature get the best of her. Her ability was to fucking dematerialize shit Full Metal Alchemist style and she got killed in the most amateur way possible. Really the only thing she brought to the table was her big tiddies and thicc thighs. She was entirely selfish, and she died leaving a husband behind too. Well...there goes the only other big bewbs thicc thighs girl in the show. Sheep's death was hilarious. Spent half the episode shit talking in his inner monologue and gets fucking insta-killed because Tiger uses drunken fist. Couldn't even use his secret weapon bomb (which I bet Rat knows about and wants to find which is why he was asking about his whereabouts). Horse's death was stupid. He became a cowardly idiot and died like a cowardly idiot. He was so pointless they didn't even need to bother giving him a backstory. Seeing how he nearly died and turned into a beast just makes his death all that more cringe-worthy since he turned into a pussy. I cant wait for the end and see Rat like somehow pull out a win because he was pulling the strings and playing some master game of chess all along. As another thread mentioned, going off the ED, it shows the order all of the characters died in anyway, if that's not spoiler-y enough. Its been a long time since I have witnessed writing this bad. Its almost as a 14 year old who likes anime wrote it for a school project and he gets a B+. B+ for a 14 year old project. This is a F since adults wrote it. Episode 6 was just the official implosion. No going back. |
Nov 7, 2017 10:19 PM
BlackstarFallen said: Monkey died first, then Sheep and then Horse. Monkey and Sheep underestimated their opponent and got killed for it. Idiots. Sheep was very surprised by Tiger's attack. Got to see a flashback for Horse. He was willing to do anything to get stronger. Dying by suffocation sucks. Rabbit is OP. Rabbit is going to get so fucked up by Ox. Rat to win at the very end in a sneaky way via zodiac plot hole power! |
Nov 7, 2017 10:40 PM
I feel like this show should be more enjoyable than it should be... but it just isn't... well, at least for me. Fortunately, it seems I'm not alone in this. My biggest pet peeve with this show is best described by Not_Important: Not_Important said: Also, this trope of "character X underestimates character Y and ends up dying in a pathetic way" better stop because it's getting boring. They're all supposed to be elite fighters for fucks sake, so how come they all end up underestimating their oponents? That's Combat 101, NEVER EVER UNDERESTIMATE YOUR OPONENT. Jesus fucking Christ, the writing on this show is horrible. I mean, yeah, once or twice is enough... but like roughly half the cast died exactly the same manner? C'mon! Maybe only the Horse can be said to have died differently... but his death is like the most anticlimactic one (lol smoke), it just feels dumb. Not even in a battle. Wow, really... and I thought this show was about a battle royale? Where did all the battles go? It was already bad enough that the ED credit pretty much spoiled the death order... the least the writers could've made the deaths more exciting... but nope, dull as heck. Just... why?? This show is just all about backstory, backstory, and more backstory... then ka-poot! Next! Many people here seem to rattle about the Rabbit, but I'm almost willing to bet real money that he's just gonna die the same boring way. It seems like it actually doesn't matter how many undead friends he has; as long as you just kill the main host, every undead friends gonna go ka-poot too. So I bet that either the Ox or the Tiger would use their lightning speed to just split the Rabbit in half while he's all going "Errr...?" And I bet that the reason would be because the Ox/Tiger was so fast that even the extra eyes from all the undead friends weren't enough for the Rabbit to see the incoming attack. Yup, just like that. Yawn. Please tell me I'm wrong on this, pleeeease... |
To be or not to be... that is not the question. ;3 |
Nov 7, 2017 10:45 PM
I'm sad my favorite chara Monkey is now dead, BUT DID THEY HAVE TO STAB HER ON THE BOOBS??? |
Nov 7, 2017 10:51 PM
I'm actually sad/upset about Monkey's death :/ Everything back to normal, those who had to die died...and again in a pretty disapointing way like everyone (except Niwatori ... and maybe Boar for being the first one). The ED is killing me...the show It's still entertaining but at this point the only interesting thing to look forward is Rat's secret. |
SkyLETVNov 7, 2017 10:57 PM
Nov 7, 2017 11:30 PM
So far the deaths have been in the reverse zodiac order except snake. I wish it was more random but eh. I guess I won't see rabbit die until after dragon's death at this point. |
Nov 8, 2017 12:01 AM
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