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Jul 15, 2017 12:16 PM
Jan 2017
Uryuu_Ishida said:
[Spoilers]I don't understand this episode ending,who is the real culprit that show the message?

the one who started bully she deserves it who needs the other one it was good decision
Jul 15, 2017 12:24 PM

Aug 2008
Overall, I'm very happy that Jigoku Shoujo is back. The new girl (I'm talking about the one that appears and disappears sporadically throughout the episode) is pretty interesting; I'm wondering what her role is? Just to remind Ai of how things are in the world?

The first episode was interesting. When Yukawa introduced herself to be Mayama's friend, I immediately suspected she was the leader of the bullies (that's what happens when you've been watching all four seasons; some plots become predictable). I guess I was kind of right, in the end.

The whole Yokota thing was kind of confusing, though. We know one of the Yokota is Knight, but if Knight is the bully who released all the chat logs, why did Knight act concerned for Mayama at the end? Maybe they intentionally left it as open-ended.

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Jul 15, 2017 1:20 PM

Jun 2015
I did enjoy the return of Hell Girl, however the animation and the art was really bad compared to original 1-3 series. WHY everybody was so ugly?
Also only 5 original episode left :/
Jul 15, 2017 2:45 PM

Oct 2016
Hell!! Yes! I really liked this episode
Jul 15, 2017 3:28 PM

Mar 2016
Great episode! So happy to see this anime back after so long! :)
Jul 15, 2017 5:28 PM
Feb 2016
The first episode was very good. As always, most revenge on Jigoku Shoujo, are due only to Bullying. It only proves how present he is in Japan. It's a bit sad when we find out why. And wow, how anxious I was to hear that famous phrase from Enma Ai.

......... Yami ni madoishi awarena kage yo.......... ippen shinde miru?
MayumiMay_Jul 15, 2017 5:32 PM
Jul 15, 2017 6:54 PM

Oct 2012
i've always hated the fact that the victim of each episode could've done something better, and stand up for their self. but i guess, it's just the premise of the series..

glad to see this series back tho! and now, im watching it on weekly basis instead of binge-watching it for 3 seasons straight (which can get boring)
Jul 15, 2017 9:33 PM
Dec 2015
It never seems worth, but they keep om doing it. GReat episode, cant wait to see what that other ghost girl is all about. Could it be the end of Ai forced servitude to the
hell jellyfish?
Jul 16, 2017 7:00 AM

Jun 2014
The art is so clean compared to my foggy memory of the past seasons! It's a rock solid start on all sides and I don't expect any less.

I see Michiru will be nagging Ai for this entire cour, or at least until her backstory is revealed :/
They even started out with a case tormenting and dragging an "innocent" person to hell.. looks like the signature depression of this series is just as strong as ever.

dark_reunion said:
wah it was so satisfying how can she thinks that she will be forgiven even she started the bully ai no yatte iru koto konpon teki ni tadashi tte omottoru ha

Mmm. The "bully" didn't make her original comment with complete malicious intent. Only to express her frustration at Mayama's passiveness. She didn't participate any further when others took it too far and even tried to make amends afterwards. The thing that pushed Mayama to the edge was Knight who leaked her chats, who turned out to be someone else entirely.
That said, Ai and her crew know exactly what's going on every step of the way, but they don't intervene no matter how tragic things turn out. I suppose you can say they let things take their natural course and are morally grey.
ramenshoujoJul 16, 2017 7:21 AM
Jul 16, 2017 7:15 AM
Jun 2015
I don't get why people would even accept the deal, do they not realize they are doomed to the same fate of the ones they cursed? Do none of the characters in this series have a sense of morality and opportunity cost? This anime is so lazy in its portrayal of its characters. The girl that cursed the other girl didn't even verify the identity of her bullies. Also how many repeats of this episode do we need because it seems school bullying has been doing a million times already.
Jul 16, 2017 8:39 AM
Apr 2011
I'am Glad, Jigoku Shoujo is back.
But the story is to weak for me, i agree with Code_Lies said in this Quote bellow.
Code_Lies said:

Considering they were a lot of dark stuffs in previous seasons of jigoko shoujo, starting a new season after almost a 10 year gap with an episode of this plot is pretty damn weak.

And her reasoning is much weaker. I mean, she just apologized too much and that's the spark that made them bully her? Yeah, pretty stupid
Its pretty normal to apologize for everything like that (especially in canada lol)
sukanimeJul 16, 2017 8:43 AM
Jul 16, 2017 8:58 AM

Feb 2013
I'm really happy that the bitch got what she deserved, how can you say that she's annoying because she apologized.
But I'm angry because Yokota escaped, and her classmates should die too, scum like them aren't meant to live.
Jul 16, 2017 9:36 AM

Jun 2016
juicykitten95 said:
i never liked the premise of this story

if someone is trying to kill you then you have no right to self-defend ? For example in ep 2 of the first season the girl would die if she did not use the contract. And now she has to go to hell even tho she did nothing wrong. Are you telling me that the only way to get to heaven is to be passive your whole life ?

Also can this story ever get an ending ? Ai is still being forced to work for the devil or something like that right ?

None of the characters on the show needed to use the hotline. They were just too lazy to solve their own problems and resorted to this. Quick fixes might be great, but the consequences are just too heavy on this show.

This season might be the last though :) So we might get a proper resolution here.

Code_Lies said:
MonoJuMal said:

Bullying doesn't need to be physical for it to be bullying. She's ostracized and told repeatedly that she's horrible and that bad things should happen to her. Plus they threatened, even if they could have been just saying things to get a rise from her, that someone should kill her via Hell Girl. It's not putting her head in a toilet, but cyber bullying and being ostracized like that is unfortunately a lot more normal in this day and age.

All this just because she's apologizes when someone bumps into her. That sort it stuff is normal in Canada. But we do say sorry for everything.

Of course bullying is a bad thing, which includes cyber bullying. But what I'm saying is, cyber bullying like this as a plot is damn weak for jigoko shoujo.

Considering they were a lot of dark stuffs in previous seasons of jigoko shoujo, starting a new season after almost a 10 year gap with an episode of this plot is pretty damn weak.

And her reasoning is much weaker. I mean, she just apologized too much and that's the spark that made them bully her? Yeah, pretty stupid
Its pretty normal to apologize for everything like that (especially in canada lol)

We do say sorry too much lol. I once apologized to a door when I bumped into it.

I get what you're saying, but I'm wondering if that's the point. That new girl kept saying that this was wrong and shouldn't happen, but Ai just said that work is work and it doesn't matter. It could have been because of the twist at the end, or that petty stuff like this shouldn't have to use the Hell hotline.
Jul 16, 2017 11:24 AM

Jun 2013
all that bullying for no reason fucking assholes
Jul 16, 2017 12:24 PM

Dec 2013
Okay so in the end she took out the main culprit of her suffering, but she left out the knight dude who revealed her thing to the class. Seems like there's some unfinished business that needs attending to...

Question, as a new viewer of this series I really want to know the mechanics of this show.
Can a person only send someone to hell only once? or can they send multiple people? Also, what happens when said person is sent to hell? Does every trace of his/her existence disappear from the world? I mean it would only make sense that way right? Unless they write said person off as a missing person in the real world after they disappear..?
Jul 16, 2017 1:24 PM
Mar 2010
L-Ryoshi said:
Okay so in the end she took out the main culprit of her suffering, but she left out the knight dude who revealed her thing to the class. Seems like there's some unfinished business that needs attending to...

Question, as a new viewer of this series I really want to know the mechanics of this show.
Can a person only send someone to hell only once? or can they send multiple people? Also, what happens when said person is sent to hell? Does every trace of his/her existence disappear from the world? I mean it would only make sense that way right? Unless they write said person off as a missing person in the real world after they disappear..?

You have one soul, so you can send only person to hell - a soul for a soul. The person sent to hell just vanishes but memories of him are intact. The whole first season was about a reporter trying to stop Ai as he knew the real reason behind the disappearance of so many people. Otherwise people just assume them missing. You should really watch the first three seasons as they are indeed great and you will understand the mechanics, motivations and story behind Ai being the Hell Girl.

Mod Edit: Removed unnecessary quotes
NoLiferSoulOct 24, 2017 9:12 AM
Jul 16, 2017 3:42 PM

Oct 2008
OMG! DAMN! I regret NOT watching the previous 3 seasons!

Jul 16, 2017 3:45 PM

Feb 2014
Feeling really nostalgic
Jul 16, 2017 5:22 PM

Aug 2008
L-Ryoshi said:

Question, as a new viewer of this series I really want to know the mechanics of this show.
Can a person only send someone to hell only once? or can they send multiple people? Also, what happens when said person is sent to hell? Does every trace of his/her existence disappear from the world? I mean it would only make sense that way right? Unless they write said person off as a missing person in the real world after they disappear..?

It's only for one person. Remember at the start of the episode, Kikuri told off Mayama for wanting to send everyone to hell. It doesn't work that way, which was why Mayama waited before finding out who she thought was the real bully.

And no, people's memories aren't gone. If you watch the earlier seasons, after sending their tormentors, the victims either moved on with their lives, or realized nothing ever changed.

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Jul 16, 2017 5:24 PM

Jul 2017
I guess I need to rewatch the previous seasons. Its been quite a while since I watched it. I already forgot the main story and the character relationships in this show. On the episode itself, I think the studio did a great job in maintaining the same eerie atmosphere that the previous seasons had. I just hoped that they've presented a more original/fresher story for the first episode to keep it more interesting cause school bullying is already overused in this show. Still, it was interesting with all the misunderstanding in the end.

I'm glad that they're trying to revive a great show even though its only 6 episodes. Hell Girl is back and i guess i'll be trying to die once AGAIN.
Jul 16, 2017 6:18 PM

Feb 2008
They didn't change her voice on her execution catch phrase. Given how the last one ended, I wonder how this one will turn out?
Jul 17, 2017 2:28 AM

Jul 2010
When I heard that hell girl was coming back I was so excited. This series was amazing. Most episodes were able to stand alone nicely. I do admit I was worried because the last season wasn't the greatest.

I like that they kept most everything the same, but this episode wasn't as strong as those in the past. I felt like it was kinda rushed. Not to mention, if she could scroll all the way back up to see the original person who commented, why didn't she do it sooner? I get she was very emotional so maybe she did out of desperation, but it makes little sense.

I wonder if they wanted to start this off like the original first episode of hell girl. If i remember correctly, the very first episode in season one also dealt with bullying.

I will keep watching but this first episode has me slightly worried in the story department.
Jul 17, 2017 5:40 AM

Nov 2013
how i missed hell girl so much!!!<333
Jul 17, 2017 5:55 AM

Jun 2015
sukanime said:
I'am Glad, Jigoku Shoujo is back.
But the story is to weak for me, i agree with Code_Lies said in this Quote bellow.
Code_Lies said:

Considering they were a lot of dark stuffs in previous seasons of jigoko shoujo, starting a new season after almost a 10 year gap with an episode of this plot is pretty damn weak.

And her reasoning is much weaker. I mean, she just apologized too much and that's the spark that made them bully her? Yeah, pretty stupid
Its pretty normal to apologize for everything like that (especially in canada lol)

This, also say what you will, but while season 3 had some light hearted punishment, however sending someone in the hell was mostly backfired, and usually totally innocents was sentenced to eternal suffering in hell.

Fourth season first episode was kinda mediocre and lacked the previous ones charm.
Jul 17, 2017 5:58 AM

Oct 2013
I always like the morality of Jigoku Shoujo, you send someone in hell but you understand when it's too late that you send the wrong person.
Jul 17, 2017 6:33 AM
Apr 2011
Swim_Swim said:

Fourth season first episode was kinda mediocre and lacked the previous ones charm.

I agree with you about this....
Jul 17, 2017 8:14 AM

Jul 2013
MonoJuMal said:

I get what you're saying, but I'm wondering if that's the point. That new girl kept saying that this was wrong and shouldn't happen, but Ai just said that work is work and it doesn't matter. It could have been because of the twist at the end, or that petty stuff like this shouldn't have to use the Hell hotline.

Lol just hope that door won't call hell girl to send you to hell
Jul 17, 2017 8:32 AM
Mar 2017
I watched the first season of this but kindda forgot to watch the two that followed, would I need any new info for this seaon? should I wait till I watch s2 and s3 ?
Jul 17, 2017 5:34 PM
Feb 2015
Vincemarion said:
oh well Enma Ai is is finally back ^^

When I watched the first season of this that was translated as
"Care to give death a try?"

I really found it a lot more chilling :)
Jul 17, 2017 5:44 PM
Aug 2015
I do not believe that that girl deserves to go to hell because at least she tried to make amends with the other girl but in the end she actually becomes more like the the girl she sent to hell being on her cell phone all day and I actually feel sorry for the girl who was sent to hell if I was her father I would kill the girl who sent my daughter
Jul 17, 2017 10:42 PM

Jul 2009
Great first episode! It's been many years now since I last watched Jigoku Shoujo!!! What blows my mind is they were able to keep the same VA all throughout!!

They even have the same OST when it comes to the execution of vengeance or the contacting Enmai Ai and even the river scene! I even knew she would do the ED's like the old seasons.

It's been so long since I last heard Mamiko Noto's voice in Enma Ai!! Definitely what made her popular to me for sure!!! It's also nice to finally watch it in HD and widescreen! Even though the art of the students are ehh, at least Enmai Ai and others looks soo good!

Shame there's only 12 episodes and only 6 of them are original. Want more Enma Ai!!
Jul 18, 2017 7:40 PM

Sep 2016

When I watched the first season of this that was translated as
"Care to give death a try?"

I really found it a lot more chilling :)

yeahhh i like it more too
Jul 19, 2017 9:15 PM

Oct 2014
Been a while since I saw the first 3 series but I was not a fan of this one's animation. It honestly looked kind of ugly. Or maybe plain? Like I guess it's technically better quality but I'm coming off series like digimon and the first precure where despite being older they still look more interesting. But besides that this episode was pretty good. I appreciate a few things more than when I first saw the series. I always thought it was so ridiculous some of the scenarios in the older episodes; there are other episodes about students bullying one single classmate, but why would this be such a big deal? I thought. It's because it's a whole bunch of immature teenagers put together while they're all experiencing different rates of growth. They don't necessarily need a reason to start mocking one singular student, but don't anyone underestimate how painful that can be for someone that age. This isn't a weak start at all. It's a story of one girl being pitted against all her peers, and constantly being reminded how much they hate her.

I think Hell Girl is pretty good at depicting how stressful these situations can be, how helpless they can make someone feel. This girl could talk to her teacher, but he likely wouldn't do anything to intervene, since in his eyes it would be her fault for making people take notice of her. She doesn't seem to have the greatest relationship with her mother, but even in episodes where that wasn't a problem, she still doesn't feel like she can talk to anyone.

The second thing these series do often is utilize victim blaming, though I can't say confidently that the writers are trying to demonstrate that it's a problem, rather than just utilize it. The girl who ultimately goes to hell starts the whole thing because she was mad that the other girl kept apologizing for no reason. This could have been amended if she talked about it, or just not bothered, but here they are regardless.

Whether the right person went to hell or not isn't exactly the point. The point is that revenge is never the right answer. It's a vicious cycle that just keeps taking people. The girl who pulled the string decided that she was wronged, and took action against the one she thought wronged her. And will pay for it eventually. And I have a problem with this. A lot of episodes are pretty clear cut cases where one person takes direct action to hurt another. Taking revenge against someone who hurt you doesn't mean you're just as bad as them. Like no one would argue that Harry Potter is just as terrible as Voldemort because he fought him and took his life. But that's what this series is doing. The one thing missing is the scene where the person who contracted Ai finds a mark on their body to signify that they're going to hell. But I'm sure it will be in future episodes. This series paints hell as an uncaring nonjudgmental place; all acts of harm are wrong, regardless of the intent. It just makes me think how much more important it is to be able to communicate with others especially in cases of disagreement.

The music was good, with all the classic reused scenes. That bit of torment before the victim was sent to hell was a real trip. Regardless of her exact role, she was still selected to be punished, so that's what Ai's assistants will do. I love Ren, Wanyudo, and Hone Onaa but like the rest of season 3 I feel like warowaro and Kikuri are completely unnecessary. The fact that I couldn't remember the 2 girls' names right after watching, well, that's how it is for most episodes. I can remember a few cases but I couldn't tell you any of their names.

And Green Girl! Who is she? I don't think I saw anyone mention her yet. She reminds me of (Yuzuki?) from s3 except she seems like she's a spirit like the rest of the gang. Is she like an attempt to balance out the cruelty of hell? Maybe another side of the coin to Ai's indifference? Which is the wrong angle, I mean Ai was sentenced to this position. She's not doing this for kicks. I hope Green Girl has something important to do.

I figured they'd cover the new eps first then the "reminiscence" later but I think it wold be better if they did new-old-new-old etc. I wonder whether they'll try to cover the "best" eps (however you would judge them) or maybe some of the least memorable and make them look better (again, what you consider a good or bad episode of hell girl is pretty subjective).
Jul 21, 2017 8:25 AM
Oct 2010
Haou-Judai said:
Uryuu_Ishida said:


Jul 22, 2017 10:11 AM

Jan 2014
Manoten said:

Jul 22, 2017 7:43 PM

Aug 2007
Well, finally I watched this and I have a few things to say.

1. Well done, animation is better from the other 3 seasons (yes, they have been made years ago... etc..)

2. Music is the same, I can't complain. I really like it.

3. Maybe Ai Enma is different, in past season she never asks the victim of (abuse, etc...) id she/he is really sure to send someone to hell.

4. New character. Things are fast. Maybe because of the 12 episodes of this.

5. Now are cellphones. will we be watching a character sending a name to the old mode? But, thinking it, in an episode of the first season it told us in a time was a newspaper, then computer and now cellphones. So its good that Enma Ai adapts.

6. And finally I can say there are better episodes of this dedicated to bully.
minimiauJul 22, 2017 7:47 PM
Jul 23, 2017 5:27 AM

Jul 2009
It's so nice to see it back! I wonder what the new girl wants....In the end Knight was really another person...
Jul 27, 2017 1:48 AM

Feb 2010
juicykitten95 said:
i never liked the premise of this story

if someone is trying to kill you then you have no right to self-defend ? For example in ep 2 of the first season the girl would die if she did not use the contract. And now she has to go to hell even tho she did nothing wrong. Are you telling me that the only way to get to heaven is to be passive your whole life ?

Also can this story ever get an ending ? Ai is still being forced to work for the devil or something like that right ?

the doll is not the only way to defend yourself in that world....

the dolls a cursed item.

i don't think you would go to hell for defending yourself with normal methods
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Jul 27, 2017 4:04 PM

Mar 2009
Let me explain where I am coming from, so that my later comments are a bit better understood:

I was seriously abused in school (elementary) by students, and teachers- yes, TEACHERS as well.

I mean the whole 9 yards: physical, severe emotional, and mental abuse. To the point if being near a nervous brake down and being suicidal at the ages 8, 9 & 10.

I still have PTSD to this day, after all of these years and MANY therapy attempts. Currently, I am 31- almost 32.
So, when I say the following- I do NOT say it lightly.

The things that a person deems as abuse, differ, based on the person & situation(s).
Still. The way this seemed to play out, did not seem right, to me. The motivation wasn't enough (to me anyway).

Yeah, there was some mental abuse there, but, the person who started it didn't INTEND for others to take it that far.
She felt badly, and tried to help (I still don't understand who put those textx out there for everyone to see.

The guy in the other class seemed to not know, and the girl in her class who started it felt badly- so, why would SHE put those things up for others to see? I don't get it.) The best way that she could, without admiring what she was ashamed of, and trying to remedy.

The hell sending seemed undeserved (she understood that what she started was a wrong mistake on her own(or seemed to, anyway), then the abused girl turned into a real bitch. The type of character that I cannot stand(not the bitch type- just nasty, rude and ignorant of others feelings- she wanted others to respect her feelings, so, she just turns into the kind who doesn't give a damn about anyone or anything, but herself.

She seems to have turned into the abuser type, rather than trying to get through it and.... Its just a really unsatisfactory episode, for me. She would have been better off accepting the other one's apology (which is something I can't do, easily, since, even when made aware if what they were doing to me, they said they did not care, laughed it off, and got worse, with the abuse) and giving up, on using Ai's "services".

There were a few episodes (not many) where no one was sent to hell. They could have both worked together to stop the bullying on the school.
I haven't watched ep 2 yet, because this one PO'ed me off, and just depressed, me because it seemed like a hallow, useless ending to an episode (in the past, a few... A very few in this series left me feeling like that.

And I was really happy to see it coming back, too.
Such a dissapointment.
Jul 28, 2017 11:16 PM
Nov 2011
Well, it's here again.
While I really like Jigoku Shoujo conceptually, and despite it's incosistency really enjoyed the first season, slightly less the second season, and watched the third one still fairly amused, I don't think it can work with reusing the same plot elements to this extent. This episode was fun, if somewhat ridiculous, the girl being dragged to hell scene was a little too lighthearted to really work, and didn't relate to what she did at all(excluding the superficial theme of there being a phone). But above all, it was awfully unoriginal, and just expanding the linup of characters every season is not helping, but rather hurting the show, back when it was just Wanyuudou, Hone onna, Whatever the sword guy's name is and Ai their own dynamics worked much better and had a sort of eerie air about them, now that there is constant comic relief(which was the case in s3, but seems to have gotten even more abnoxious), and their endlessly repeating disguises in the world make all of feel cliche, and impossible to take seriously at all.

I will still continue watching, but this series seems to follow the gradual deciline the show experienced since the first one.
Jul 29, 2017 5:34 AM

Sep 2013
Good old Enma Ai........loved these characters. The bully girl was reflecting on her actions but still got shipped off to Hell coz of male Yakota. Typical Jigoku Shoujo but still enjoyable.
Jul 31, 2017 1:35 PM
Jan 2012
YAY! I'm happy it's back but I don't remember much about the main plot (I faintly remember that boy who's with them now). Kikuri always makes me laugh with her voice and how much of a brat she is :D

Good episode! It has the usual components of a usual Hell Girl episode but it also had that girl in the green who was interesting and will be "main plot" component most likely. I felt bad for the bullied girl and her mom also! The OP is good but not amazing as the previous ones I thought. ED is ok, think it could be better.
Jul 31, 2017 5:42 PM
Oct 2014
Amazing as always. I really like that they kept their original artstyle.
Despite me liking cg animation effects, I'm glad that they did not use any and stuck to classical anime style; gotta say that they improoved as the floating candle thingys on the river to hell are now translucent, really great job there.

Is it really the same cast as 10 years ago?
Ai's voice got kinda deeper (guess that's to be expected after 10 years)
and I'd say Kikuri has a completely different voice actor now.

I really love the opening and ending animations, go naked loli, go!
I thought they don't do that anymore because of political correctness shitstorm.
Glad that some japanese people still have the balls to stand over cockless western taboos.

That said, I don't like the opening theme song 1 bit. Just doesn't fit at all.
The ending song is classic jigoku shoujou style, love it.
Sep 3, 2017 12:37 AM
Mar 2012
Knight a bastard, knowingly lead Ponta to the wrong Yokota, and reveal her chat.
They all messed up, but shows some grey areas of bullying. Earphone girl showing remorse.
So far ghost train girl seem most interesting, like conscience vs Ai's work.
Dropped s1 from boredom years ago. If I don't drop this maybe I'll revisit s1 one day...
OP good but suits some shoujo romcom more. ED very nice.
Oct 1, 2017 7:17 AM

Feb 2014
I missed my beautiful and mysterious Ai. It was so good to see her and the crew back minus the little girl and boy. The first episode was amazing and pure Hell Girl. That girl with the blonde hair deserves to go to hell for causing the brunette girl so much pain. Bullying is not the right to go.

The mysterious girl who was talking to Ai might be an ally. I don know why but she kind of remind me of Ai in some ways.
The OP was alright, not as epic as the last one but it's alright. The ending credits were visually beautiful.

I love this episode! I give it 10/10.
Cartoons and anime is my reality.
Oct 1, 2017 11:51 AM

Jun 2015
Just how much I missed this show. Ai is beautiful as always and the kimono is too.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Oct 1, 2017 12:55 PM

May 2012
Oh yes! I'm so damn excited to see this series making a return! Really amazing first episode and it sure had the true original atmosphere and feeling of Jigoku Shoujo!

Great start and boy always those endings <3 really great, let's see what's next.
Nov 4, 2017 7:32 AM

Sep 2012
Uryuu_Ishida said:
[Spoilers]I don't understand this episode ending,who is the real culprit that show the message?

there were 2 culprits her & knight & that was the boy at the end, one started & Knight added oil in to the fire

Haou-Judai said:
vicexxv said:
Finally! I've been waiting for this. Enma Ai and the gang is back :)

That bully girl got what she deserves.

Ippen, shinde miru?

Actually... she is guiltless. (After they became friend with the "main character"..)
Piromysl said:
vicexxv said:
Finally! I've been waiting for this. Enma Ai and the gang is back :)

That bully girl got what she deserves.

Ippen, shinde miru?

Actually not. I think her venegance was misguided, because that other guy most likely revealed everything to her class. And that girl, while she indeed started bullying, realized her mistake, and was trying to fix it.
Similar scenarios were common in previous seasons, especially 3rd.

like i said above, there were 2..., so she is not guiltless, she even confessed to her starting this SH

but true she tried to fix it

MomoSinX said:
trannon1 said:
This episode wonderfully re-establishes the core of the series, that Hell Girl is not about justice, it is about vengeance. Whether you are guilty or innocent, you will be judged and sent to Hell. The reason why I have loved this series so is because of the moral ambiguity that surrounds it and the fact that life is exactly like that, good people die all the time and evil people run free. Season 3 pissed me off because of how the new girl brought her personal feelings into it, causing the feel of the series to change, but I am looking forward to this season now.

I actually liked the new girl but then she fucked up her first offical job lol. She had a sad backstory but of course Ai decided to save her by taking up the role again.
MonoJuMal said:
I'm still nervous, but I'm glad it's back. I don't know who the new girl is, but at least she's showing herself now and seems to be fully against what happened....everyone is at first, so I'm hoping that she actually provides a proper challenge to Emna Ai.

As for the problem of the week, even though we got a twist at the end Eve still deserved it. Sure she wasn't responsible for the spread of everything in the second half, she was responsible for making everyone turn against the MC and bully her. I liked that Eve tried to fix things, but it was too little too late.

Shoot, my hope are increasing now. Hopefully this is good.

i think the new girl is Ai's opposite Haven girl or how to call her, she wants to steer Ai to another path by making her doubt her path

Olem said:
Mah girl Ai and the crew are back.

Pretty good first episode, kinda expected outcome once Yukawa introduced the group chat with Knight also in there.
Still, even though Yukawa started it, I don't feel she deserved that extreme a punishment. At least she tried to right her wrong, too bad we had an asshole in the group though.

I'm really digging the OP and ED too.

But anyway, cool too see it back again. Wonder what's up with the little girl and her connection with Ai.

i agree & new she did a mistake to
Sugram22Nov 4, 2017 7:49 AM
Nov 4, 2017 1:51 PM

May 2015
Aaaannndd here we go again.

I can say this: classic Hell Girl episode.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Feb 18, 2018 10:22 AM

Feb 2015
Ah, good ol' Hell Girl, I've missed Enma and Kikuru.

This episode was a bit predictable but I liked how she switched to a no funks given attitude at the end.

I didn't think she deserved to go to hell because she tried to make amends but hey, this is hell girl, people get sent to hell for less!
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