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Jul 8, 2017 12:14 AM

Apr 2016
Xenocrisi said:
Ysad_Ziwezhan said:

Who did that?

I'm pretty sure that's Kevin Penkin

Thank you! You're right. I was googling everywhere and I found the proof :)
Now I wonder who's singing. Him maybe. I'll keep on googling.
Jul 8, 2017 12:16 AM
Nov 2016
It is disappointing, how edgy anime like Kagerui with 0 intelligence, generic "comedy" offensive sh!t like Love Tyrant, Re: Creators, nonsensical hollow like Flip Flappers, anime like Fate/Apocrypha which strive on pre-existing fanbase of previous works than the individual quality, all get so much attention from the mainstream, but actual gems like this that were missing from the shitty season of spring 2017, are going to be ignored, because there's actual thought, creativity, and love, put into it.
Jul 8, 2017 12:18 AM

Aug 2016
AnimeFanboy1234 said:
actual gems like this that were missing from the shitty season of spring 2017, are going to be ignored, because there's actual thought, creativity, and love, put into it.

nah, give it 2-3 weeks. the hype train is coming.
People who put MAL stats in their sigs are losers lol
Jul 8, 2017 12:23 AM

Oct 2011
Amazing first episode
That studio ghibli vibe
Jul 8, 2017 12:28 AM
Nov 2016
Psyotic said:
AnimeFanboy1234 said:
actual gems like this that were missing from the shitty season of spring 2017, are going to be ignored, because there's actual thought, creativity, and love, put into it.

nah, give it 2-3 weeks. the hype train is coming.

I don't think so. The hype train is already sailed by ep 1.
Besides, this anime doesn't have anything in it that would appeal to the main stream. It's not:

-A psychological mind-game that makes you THINK you're smart (Kagerui,when in reality, said anime treats you like a moron.
-Exposition porn that makes you THINK it's smart (Re: Creators)
-A generic anime that fools you into thinking it's unique and well-done solely because of premise (Love Tyrant)
-An anime that's a prequel/sequel/spinoff of an already pre-existing franchise (Fate)
-Visual porn to distract you from the lack of actual thought, creativity, and substance (Flip Flappers)
-An isekai anime
-An anime starring a teenage male/female protagonist
-A super serious anime (91 Days)
-An anime that tries to be "realistic" (91 Days)
-An anime with a familiar setting

I'm betting you know right now: This anime will never get the attention it deserves. When I'm proven right, I'm gonna say, "I win, gahahaha"

Jul 8, 2017 12:41 AM

Jun 2017
Great first episode with its captivating animation, wonderous music, fantastic atmosphere and steady pacing, from the eyes on one who hasn't yet read the manga. Also pleased to see a wide range of the likable characters being introduced early on. I have heard from a couple of manga readers that the story gets better and better as it goes in and so I hope that will sustain as the anime goes on.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jul 8, 2017 1:22 AM

Feb 2015
Fantastic first episode. Love the art and the whole set up. I had this down as one to watch this season.

Don't know why people are hating on Re Creators. It has fuck all to do with Made in Abyss and is actually a very good show on it's own right.
Jul 8, 2017 2:34 AM

Sep 2011
Holy shit calm down. This is a good show and that was a good first episode but some of you doods have already started with the annoying overhype that scares off potential viewers.

Nothing in this first episode gives off AOTS or AOTY vibes yet.
Jul 8, 2017 3:07 AM

May 2015
I wonder how that little girl could survive unscathed that huge blow dealt by that giant slug. BTW the atmosphere of the setting is great, the depicting of that bottomless pit with its exotic animals, plants and stuff is really interesting and somehow reminds me of minecarft :D
IshitatesoJul 8, 2017 3:12 AM
夏草や 兵どもが 夢の跡
Jul 8, 2017 4:11 AM

Mar 2016
This episode was simply captivating. Thos anime is like going back to the roots of adventuring and its meaning in shaping someone's life which is why i felt some nostalgia watching it.
Jul 8, 2017 4:21 AM

Dec 2014
Unique and different. I just randomly pick anime to watch and never expected this will be good. The animation are pretty good, the background arts is superb. Character are good, the girl main character curiousity about "Reg" are made me fascinated. the pace are good and story are interesting so far. the ost are decent (actually this is good, but not my type of favourite insert song) , but the bgm and sound are nifty. the strongest aspect is the setting i guess, it's remember me a lot of ghibli studio. i really like it. pretty interesting start so far.
4/5 for first episode.
Watch aria the animation and it's sequel.
Jul 8, 2017 5:05 AM

Mar 2009
This was one of my most anticipated shows of the season and it definitely lived up to my expectations. Gorgeous scenery porn too. Definitely the best show to air on Friday and there were quite a few good shows that aired.

inb4 manga readers spoil the anime constantly.
Jul 8, 2017 5:15 AM

Jun 2015
The character design will take a while to get used to, but this may be quite interesting.
Jul 8, 2017 5:17 AM
Jul 2018
Better than i expect. World creation, art and soundtrack are great, but looks like i'm the only one who thinks the characters and first impression aren't good.
Guess have to watch few episodes to find out whether this anime is good or bad.
Jul 8, 2017 5:42 AM

Jun 2012
Holy crap. This gunna be gud.
Jul 8, 2017 5:42 AM
Apr 2012
Really really loving it so far, it has a really high potential, but ... Does anyone know he name of the OST song that was played at min 7-8 or so? I am just in love with it, it fit so well the scene T_T
Jul 8, 2017 5:59 AM

Dec 2013
A strong first episode. I'm loving the world atm
Jul 8, 2017 6:57 AM
Jul 2018
This was probably my favorite first episode so far. The characters that we've seen are quite charming so far and the world is interesting.

Curious to see where this goes.
Jul 8, 2017 7:25 AM

Jun 2013
holy shi that was really good
Jul 8, 2017 7:33 AM
Jun 2016
Hoping for this to be the sleeper hit of the season, everything was terrific.
Jul 8, 2017 7:50 AM

Oct 2013
I think it was the best first episode of the summer for me.
Jul 8, 2017 7:56 AM
Oct 2016
This is already better than most of the stuff from Summer season.
Jul 8, 2017 8:06 AM

Mar 2013
Awesome start. The pilot episode was intriguing and anime gives off mysterious and adventure vibes with the theme of exploration.

The artwork was mesmerizing *_*
But to a person who has acrophobia, my palms couldn't stop sweating XD

I liked the characters and their interaction.
Just hope it doesn't get dark and brutal later on...
Jul 8, 2017 8:18 AM

Oct 2013
FinalFlash18 said:
Awesome start. The pilot episode was intriguing and anime gives off mysterious and adventure vibes with the theme of exploration.

The artwork was mesmerizing *_*
But to a person who has acrophobia, my palms couldn't stop sweating XD

I liked the characters and their interaction.
Just hope it doesn't get dark and brutal later on...

You think ? :D

She talk about her goal... the 3000 I guess
Jul 8, 2017 10:07 AM
Jul 2016
Really enjoyed this one! Especially the visuals. It definitely has potential!
Jul 8, 2017 10:45 AM
Jun 2017
I just couldn't handle the character design. I have PTSD flashbacks of toddlercons. Someone pls i need help...
Jul 8, 2017 1:26 PM

Apr 2008
Definitely my dark horse of this season. I've been looking forward to this ever since I've checked out the summer 2017 anime chart, the promo art definitely grabbed me back then. I'm not disappointed so far: it has stunning visuals, a great soundtrack and a story I'm looking forward to. I've also heard it's going to become a lot darker (I haven't checked out the manga yet, probably after the anime), which shows in little details right at the beginning: child labor in life-threatening conditions (Riko and that other kid almost died at the very beginning), mentions of excessively cruel child abuse, Riko's room in the defunct torture chamber, and tales of disappearances (like Riko's mother). Not to mention the elephant in the room, the Abyss itself, which is a very ominous name. I guess it's called that for a reason.
Sorry, due to licensing limitations, this signature is unavailable in your region.
Jul 8, 2017 3:04 PM

Aug 2016
AnimeFanboy1234 said:

Besides, this anime doesn't have anything in it that would appeal to the main stream. It's not:

-A psychological mind-game that makes you THINK you're smart (Kagerui,when in reality, said anime treats you like a moron.

I've heard otherwise.

-A generic anime that fools you into thinking it's unique and well-done solely because of premise (Love Tyrant)

The premise is certainly unique.

-An anime starring a teenage male/female protagonist

They're kids. As Madoka has shown us, cutesy designs can work pretty damn well.

-A super serious anime (91 Days)
-An anime that tries to be "realistic" (91 Days)

Except 91 Days didn't have a hype train...

I'm betting you know right now: This anime will never get the attention it deserves. When I'm proven right, I'm gonna say, "I win, gahahaha"

I will guarantee you that when if this show embraces the same tonal elements as the manga, there will be a massive shitstorm.
People who put MAL stats in their sigs are losers lol
Jul 8, 2017 3:06 PM
Dec 2016
My expectations were blown out of the water. I was going to skip this because of the MCs being children, but the PV made me rethink my choice. This is probably going to be my AOTS if it keeps up the quality.
Jul 8, 2017 3:23 PM

Mar 2014
That final scene was all levels of perfect and both Tomita Miyu and Sakamoto Maaya's performances at the end and with that amazing music just fill me with wonder beyond words. Can't stop rewatching that final scene.
I knew from the moment we got the first key visual that this would be something big and I'm glad I wasn't mistaken.
Jul 8, 2017 3:40 PM
Nov 2016
Psyotic said:
AnimeFanboy1234 said:

Besides, this anime doesn't have anything in it that would appeal to the main stream. It's not:

-A psychological mind-game that makes you THINK you're smart (Kagerui,when in reality, said anime treats you like a moron.

I've heard otherwise.

Even a 10 year old can figure out everything in Kagerui without the anime having to point it out.

-A generic anime that fools you into thinking it's unique and well-done solely because of premise (Love Tyrant)

The premise is certainly unique.[/quote]

Yeah. SAO also had a unique premise. Guess where its reputation is now?

-An anime starring a teenage male/female protagonist

They're kids. As Madoka has shown us, cutesy designs can work pretty damn well.

-A super serious anime (91 Days)
-An anime that tries to be "realistic" (91 Days)

Except 91 Days didn't have a hype train...[/quote]

Everyone loved 91 Days by ep 1, purely because it was, "super dark and mature and realistic"

I'm betting you know right now: This anime will never get the attention it deserves. When I'm proven right, I'm gonna say, "I win, gahahaha"

I will guarantee you that when if this show embraces the same tonal elements as the manga, there will be a massive shitstorm.[/quote]

95% of all hype anime are hyped from the get go.
Everyone except me loved Flip Flappers, My Hero Academia, Re: Creators, by ep 1.
The 5% are anime like Re: Zero, which almost no one gave a damn about in the beginning.

Well anyways, since you're a manga reader, I got ask, what can we expect from this anime? Because there's already so much sh*t I love from the 1st ep.
Jul 8, 2017 3:53 PM

Apr 2014
I'm glad I wasn't disappointed.
This was stunning and enchanting, full of adventure.
Jul 8, 2017 4:04 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
The most memorable thing for me is the music.....Man it's just stunningly awesome

Not much to say apart from what's already been said but I can already feel that this is going to be a great ride from start to finish
Jul 8, 2017 4:18 PM

Aug 2016
AnimeFanboy1234 said:

Even a 10 year old can figure out everything in Kagerui without the anime having to point it out.

I was taking about Abyss, not Kagerui

Yeah. SAO also had a unique premise. Guess where its reputation is now?

A lot of people hate it, but it had a massive hype train when it was airing. What's your point?

Everyone loved 91 Days by ep 1, purely because it was, "super dark and mature and realistic"

Everyone who was watching it liked it, yeah. But compared to something from the same season, like Mob Psycho 100, or from the same year like Re:Zero or Erased, it was pretty low key.

95% of all hype anime are hyped from the get go.

The 5% are anime like Re: Zero, which almost no one gave a damn about in the beginning.

"Like Re: Zero" you mean the most hyped show of 2016?

Well anyways, since you're a manga reader, I got ask, what can we expect from this anime? Because there's already so much sh*t I love from the 1st ep.

I haven't read the manga, but I have been reading some threads on /a/. So I don't know any major plot points, only some scenes that may or may not be shown in the anime. Like, with the punishment that Rico mentioned is actually depicted in the manga, but instead they just mention it in the show.

I wouldn't recommend reading the manga right now though. There are only 38 chapters in the manga right now, and the first episode covered the first 3, so it's likely that we'll catch up with the source material by the end of the season.
People who put MAL stats in their sigs are losers lol
Jul 8, 2017 4:47 PM

Mar 2011
I really liked the first episode, art, music, characters, animation, everything was great.
Jul 8, 2017 4:50 PM

May 2014
I thought they did an amazing job on the first episode. The visuals and soundtrack were stunning and the art style was a nice refreshment from the norm. I 'm really hoping the show gets darker later down the road and considering her bedroom was a literal torture chamber that makes me believe my dream might come true.
Jul 8, 2017 5:02 PM

Jul 2014
Gorgeous first episode, very detailed scenes and nice animation.
Jul 8, 2017 5:58 PM

May 2009
Overall nice first episode, animation was good except for scenes where monster was chasing Rico and it was hit with heatwave/laser. I wish they didn't skip so many quirky dialogues and moments.
Also, for those complaining about 13 episodes - there is no material for more than 1 cour. All 5 published volumes will be adapted.
Jul 8, 2017 7:18 PM

Oct 2013
I honestly would not even had given this series a shot if it wasn't for persons hyping up this series, because I'm not a fan of those child like looking art style. But I'm glad I did, nothing spectacular, but I like the vibes of this series and I feel it will only get better from here.
Jul 8, 2017 8:27 PM

Apr 2014
This is totally my type of Anime. Atmospheric pure adventure with happy-go-lucky characters. Kind of reminds me of Kemono Friends more than Hunter x Hunter

AnimeFanboy1234 said:
It is disappointing, how edgy anime like Kagerui with 0 intelligence, generic "comedy" offensive sh!t like Love Tyrant, Re: Creators, nonsensical hollow like Flip Flappers, anime like Fate/Apocrypha which strive on pre-existing fanbase of previous works than the individual quality, all get so much attention from the mainstream, but actual gems like this that were missing from the shitty season of spring 2017, are going to be ignored, because there's actual thought, creativity, and love, put into it.

Yeah. We need more adventure minus action anime more and this really needs to be popular. If Kemono Friends cannot pull anime fandoms, I hope this anime can
SeasonLeavesJul 8, 2017 8:36 PM
Jul 8, 2017 9:19 PM

Aug 2016
The character designs initially put me off, but I'm really glad I tuned in to it. The art is refreshing, and I love the soundtrack (had to revisit the first episode 2 more times for that reason alone). It has a really Ghibli-esque feel as others have mentioned.
Jul 8, 2017 10:15 PM
Jul 2018
Loving the music, world setting and slight dystopian vibes.

So far it's looking to be one of the top shows this season.
Jul 8, 2017 11:16 PM

Jul 2015
Didn't really know what to expect from this, but this was amazing Its got some dang pretty visuals, an interesting and magical adventurous feel to it, and I'm liking that ost, ima have to download that song that played when they were carrying the robot kid, when they were showing off the Abyss, and the credits.

Curious about a lot of things here such as the obvious things like Reg's designs and just the world itself, but the thing I'm most curious about, why does an orphanage have an execution chamber...
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Jul 8, 2017 11:23 PM

Feb 2010
Watched this series blind all because I love Kevin Penkin's work, guess im in for a treat bc this first episode was so nice to watch ;o;
Jul 9, 2017 12:06 AM

Jul 2016
Undeniably the best first episode this with good balance between exposition and hints you can get from the interaction/gestures the characters had.

Found the lyric for the ED(?), it can be a bit spoilerish as it kinda hints some major future events and character motivation...
Jul 9, 2017 1:03 AM

Dec 2016
Anyone know what's the song title and artist in the intro of episode 1?

I'm sure that's not the opening song(Deep in Abyss)
Jul 9, 2017 1:51 AM

Oct 2015
that abyss reminds me of the blown up part of the town mitsuha was living in in Kimi no na Wa
Jul 9, 2017 3:03 AM

Dec 2015
It was okay. But there are far too many better anime this season and the main chars here are a bit too annoying and the char design is bad and they are very young kids. If they had at least a better looking design for those young kids it might even have watched a bit more.

Settings is okay and it is probably going to be your usual boring adventuring plot. The good things were the backgrounds (buildings, landscape) ... but that was about the only good thing.

Music was average (ending a bit better). I guess with those adventuring-type anime where the plot isn't going to be interesting (not making you look forward to the next episodes) I'd need to like the main chars to be able to watch it. Didn't really like the chars here.

Younger kids (and their typical behaviour) are obviously targeted at a younger targted audience as well.

Dropped at 6/10.

A bit surprised though that the score is that high (higher than 8.00 even). I know some people talked about the manga and said the story would get interesting later maybe ... and that people like it because if that. But I'd have expected somewhere around 7.5 because of that (from your usual 7 increased by manga-likers to 7.5). Especially after the more boring and weak 1st episode here.
Jul 9, 2017 4:40 AM
Jul 2013
Definitely a show to be looking out for. I love the art in this show. It's childish, sure. But, I think that it really portrays the child-like sense of adventure I think the show's going for. The OST is also amazing, I loved the track that played when she was carrying the robot back home. I think I'm going to love this show for that sense of adventure. It reminds me of Etrian Odyssey.
Jul 9, 2017 5:34 AM

Jun 2013
This is exactly the kind of anime I like.
Beautiful OST, nice art, adventure/fantasy genre. I'm in !! Very nice first episode.
~Where's Gnasty Gnorc? I'll torch him!~
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