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May 4, 2017 8:31 AM

Aug 2010
I really want to fugg the oni. seriously haven't felt this way about an anime character in a long time.

why is onii so perfect?
fuck everything and rumble
May 4, 2017 1:25 PM

Sep 2015
Yes it is shit but I still watch it for some reason. IDK why. I ask myself this every time.
May 4, 2017 1:32 PM

Feb 2015
The waifu in yukata still hasn't appeared yet... Not gonna join in this waifu wars yet...
May 4, 2017 2:05 PM

Jun 2010
The MC is so hilarious
May 4, 2017 2:52 PM

Dec 2014
I watch t because I am still curious why the heck do girls fall for the Dumb MC
May 4, 2017 3:17 PM

Sep 2013
The belt really makes her outfit and she looks like a dork.

May 4, 2017 3:34 PM

Jan 2014
ibraheem234 said:
I watch t because I am still curious why the heck do girls fall for the Dumb MC

dumb? The MC is pretty cool bro
May 4, 2017 4:01 PM
Jul 2018
I've read the manga, it's nothing amazing but yeah... its weird why I even enjoy it. Then again, I enjoy stuff that are like this so it's like eh. The MC is lit tho, not as lit compared to Glenn but still lit.
May 7, 2017 3:48 AM

Dec 2014
zcv45 said:
Yes it is shit but I still watch it for some reason. IDK why. I ask myself this every time.

Me too. Like I know it's not good but I still end up downloading it and watching it every time. Then during those awkward pauses between scenes I'll think "why am I watching this?"
May 7, 2017 3:52 AM
Aug 2012
she is very cute and im watching it weekly so it feels less bad
May 8, 2017 10:51 AM

Apr 2016
I'm watching this show only for Amou. She's my waifu and I don't care if I am a heterosexual female, it doesn't matter at all, I love her.

May 9, 2017 6:14 PM

Jan 2011
I mean, I expected the MC to go around taming the female cast but they're just following suite to the point it is nauseating. Girls so far have been nothing but tropes and bad ones at that. Guess I can't whine too much given the art style. The girls don't have much in the way of sex appeal to me. I see most of their hentai drawing them similar which is a bit of a turn-off.
May 10, 2017 11:53 AM

Mar 2012
"this show is shit "

yea? well.. you know.. thats just like, uh... your opinion man... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

idk why everything thats not some written masterpiece is always "shit" or "bad" to people

ill never understand why people call something that entertains them "shit"
May 10, 2017 12:23 PM

Jan 2011
EcchiLordMamster said:
"this show is shit "

yea? well.. you know.. thats just like, uh... your opinion man... ¯_(ツ)_/¯

idk why everything thats not some written masterpiece is always "shit" or "bad" to people

While it may be a moot point I don't think pointing out an obvious opinion would do anything other than become the start of an argument.

ill never understand why people call something that entertains them "shit"

Porn entertains me but the story if any may not exactly be thought-provoking.
May 10, 2017 3:20 PM

Sep 2015
EcchiLordMamster said:
"this show is shit "

yea? well.. you know.. thats just like, uh... your opinion man... ¯_(ツ)_/¯

idk why everything thats not some written masterpiece is always "shit" or "bad" to people

ill never understand why people call something that entertains them "shit"

Because the quality of the writing, for both character and plot is REALLLY bad. Honestly Amou Kirukiru is the only one that interest me and it isn't for any really good reason. I don't know where you find people calling it "shit' because it's not a masterpiece. I found Masuamune-kin to be alright, not bad. Not good. It is far from a masterpiece and very typical romcom but I still found it alright.

While I sort of get entertained, or rather barely. Idk... I just don't have much else to do. At least this anime somehow stood out from the crowd in its synopsis.-Even if the synopsis also sound very cliche it at least seemed somewhat interesting.
To say it wasn't would be a lie. But how it was executed.. it is just poor. World building, character and plot is literally non-existent. I can go further in detail as I said. I can go on and on about how this show fails to be even average but I would be writing a review and I don't think I really am that type of person to.

Positive? Hmm well i guess there is a little bit of knowledge put in the fight, though just a tiny little. Like the whole whip not being a weapon and the like, but that is such a small thing. At least most other anime don't get minor things like this correctly-even if it was better in every other aspect.

I watch it, for reasons I'm not sure myself. I don't find it painful to watch. I just have nothing better to do. And Amou keeps me somewhat interesting. Once we get to see her(which is probably finale based on the OP and how the "plot" treats her) episode I will probably stop watching.
And no, it isn't "it's so bad it is good." thing... because I don't find it funny to laugh at the show itself. At least it don't take itself too seriously either, mindless entertainment I guess. Though even then it is filled with problems that forces my turned off brain to question the writer...
zcv45May 10, 2017 3:24 PM
May 10, 2017 4:09 PM

Mar 2012

1. i don't see why you had any type of high expectation from this show story or character wie

2. then why are you still watching it? -___-

QWERTYFish25 said:
EcchiLordMamster said:
"this show is shit "

yea? well.. you know.. thats just like, uh... your opinion man... ¯_(ツ)_/¯

idk why everything thats not some written masterpiece is always "shit" or "bad" to people

While it may be a moot point I don't think pointing out an obvious opinion would do anything other than become the start of an argument.

ill never understand why people call something that entertains them "shit"

Porn entertains me but the story if any may not exactly be thought-provoking.

well i mean the title is lowkey bait

no one cares about the story in porn
May 10, 2017 4:22 PM

Jul 2013
idk I tried watching it today. Got through ep1 but couldn't get any further. I dislike the way they portray girls in there and I hate the whole "coexist with us as girls" thing.
May 10, 2017 5:49 PM

Sep 2015
EcchiLordMamster said:

1. i don't see why you had any type of high expectation from this show story or character wie

2. then why are you still watching it? -___-

1. Having low expectations doesn't justify the show being bad. Shows I went in watching with low expectations turned out good at times. And sometimes I go in with high expectations turns out bad. Others may of watched it with low expectations even if I went in with high. It don't matter. All that matters is if the show is actually good or not.

And I did come here with low expectation, I was disappointed with even that. I at least expected as a typical highschool harem with some crazy 5 swords thing where the guys are delinquents trying to resist "correction" to spice things up.
But no... the whole series is episodic fight. But even then it makes no sense rather in class or really in anything that is going on.
Things just happen... because it can.

2. I told you why I watch it. I'm not bothered by it. I just think its bad. If I'm not bothered by it there is no reason to stop watching it. I got literally nothing else to do so might as well waste some time. But I'm not going to say that it is good because I watch it.
And also Amou catching my interest. If you read what I typed, I already mentioned this.

Here is the thing. I would stop watching it if it becomes painful. But it isn't. but it isn't good either. And I also never complained about this show in any of the episode discussions until this was brought up. In which I simply agree with the OP.
I also simply wanted to clarify this whole "if it's not masterpiece it is shit" which is not true since this particular series really is shit. If it is not it would be average, ok, good or even masterpiece. But it is none of that.
zcv45May 10, 2017 5:54 PM
May 10, 2017 8:03 PM

Apr 2011
SkyFullOfStars said:
idk I tried watching it today. Got through ep1 but couldn't get any further. I dislike the way they portray girls in there and I hate the whole "coexist with us as girls" thing.

ikr, this anime is sexist and misogynist. This anime is basically about a man beating the crap out of any woman who gets in his way, and they end up falling for him. This anime is teaching the kids that it's alright to be violent towards woman because that's how you subjugate them. In fact, in one episode, the french girl was basically begging the main character to violate her! This is unacceptable and disgusting!
May 10, 2017 8:29 PM

Mar 2012
zcv45 said:
EcchiLordMamster said:

1. i don't see why you had any type of high expectation from this show story or character wie

2. then why are you still watching it? -___-

1. Having low expectations doesn't justify the show being bad. Shows I went in watching with low expectations turned out good at times. And sometimes I go in with high expectations turns out bad. Others may of watched it with low expectations even if I went in with high. It don't matter. All that matters is if the show is actually good or not.

And I did come here with low expectation, I was disappointed with even that. I at least expected as a typical highschool harem with some crazy 5 swords thing where the guys are delinquents trying to resist "correction" to spice things up.
But no... the whole series is episodic fight. But even then it makes no sense rather in class or really in anything that is going on.
Things just happen... because it can.

2. I told you why I watch it. I'm not bothered by it. I just think its bad. If I'm not bothered by it there is no reason to stop watching it. I got literally nothing else to do so might as well waste some time. But I'm not going to say that it is good because I watch it.
And also Amou catching my interest. If you read what I typed, I already mentioned this.

Here is the thing. I would stop watching it if it becomes painful. But it isn't. but it isn't good either. And I also never complained about this show in any of the episode discussions until this was brought up. In which I simply agree with the OP.
I also simply wanted to clarify this whole "if it's not masterpiece it is shit" which is not true since this particular series really is shit. If it is not it would be average, ok, good or even masterpiece. But it is none of that.

if i thought this about the show i wouldn't be watching it... so im always baffled when people continue to watch and complain :/

fucking Hanabi... so hot...

Valaskjalf said:
SkyFullOfStars said:
idk I tried watching it today. Got through ep1 but couldn't get any further. I dislike the way they portray girls in there and I hate the whole "coexist with us as girls" thing.

ikr, this anime is sexist and misogynist. This anime is basically about a man beating the crap out of any woman who gets in his way, and they end up falling for him. This anime is teaching the kids that it's alright to be violent towards woman because that's how you subjugate them. In fact, in one episode, the french girl was basically begging the main character to violate her! This is unacceptable and disgusting!

yep... and GTA teaches people to kill eachother.. which is exactly why crime drops every year

plz.. stop comparing cartoon characters with real life

its a fucking cartoon, don't compare yourself to someones fantasy.. and don't act like you don't fantasize about things that would offend others... because EVERYONE does
EcchiGodMamsterMay 10, 2017 8:34 PM
May 10, 2017 9:05 PM

Jun 2014
EcchiLordMamster said:
"this show is shit "

yea? well.. you know.. thats just like, uh... your opinion man... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

idk why everything thats not some written masterpiece is always "shit" or "bad" to people

ill never understand why people call something that entertains them "shit"
Its because the anime fandom isn't very bright. For most anime fans, they'll call anything shit for the most illogical reasons. Just humor most fans. Its what I do.
May 10, 2017 9:28 PM

Apr 2011
EcchiLordMamster said:

yep... and GTA teaches people to kill eachother.. which is exactly why crime drops every year

plz.. stop comparing cartoon characters with real life

its a fucking cartoon, don't compare yourself to someones fantasy.. and don't act like you don't fantasize about things that would offend others... because EVERYONE does

I was joking man xD

In this anime, even females of OTHER SPECIES fall for the main character after he beats them
May 11, 2017 2:20 AM

Mar 2012
Kagami said:
EcchiLordMamster said:
"this show is shit "

yea? well.. you know.. thats just like, uh... your opinion man... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

idk why everything thats not some written masterpiece is always "shit" or "bad" to people

ill never understand why people call something that entertains them "shit"
Its because the anime fandom isn't very bright. For most anime fans, they'll call anything shit for the most illogical reasons. Just humor most fans. Its what I do.

LOL quite the broad claim... anyway... its too bad im easily triggered :(

it seems as though at this point "bad" and "shit" or w/e are just buzzwords that just mean "its generic"

Valaskjalf said:
EcchiLordMamster said:

yep... and GTA teaches people to kill eachother.. which is exactly why crime drops every year

plz.. stop comparing cartoon characters with real life

its a fucking cartoon, don't compare yourself to someones fantasy.. and don't act like you don't fantasize about things that would offend others... because EVERYONE does

I was joking man xD

In this anime, even females of OTHER SPECIES fall for the main character after he beats them

my bad man... its just i've seen SO MANY people on here that say that kind of shit and aren't :/
May 11, 2017 10:35 AM

Jan 2011
EcchiLordMamster said:

1. i don't see why you had any type of high expectation from this show story or character wie

2. then why are you still watching it? -___-

QWERTYFish25 said:

While it may be a moot point I don't think pointing out an obvious opinion would do anything other than become the start of an argument.

Porn entertains me but the story if any may not exactly be thought-provoking.

well i mean the title is lowkey bait

no one cares about the story in porn

Exactly. Certain element of a story may be crap but can be forgiven or outright ignored depending on what the view may be looking for. Not worried about Jada Fires life story. I just wanna see her get rammed. I don't mind some of the tropes that may be present in this tory but the fact that it is so heavily centered around the MC in practically every way makes it difficult to enjoy other element, which there are few. Plus I don't really like re-watching things when I am eating so I settles for being mildly entertained.

Last episode seemed to have given the fucking bear more backstory than some of these girls. And even when backstory is given to these girls it's either directly related to the MC or a problem that only the MC can seem to fix while casually looking the other way while the character in question stares in amazement at his shoulders.

There is nothing wrong with the main character fixing a problem or two for other characters but I feel anime has this problem of trying to always make their characters particularly the leads as a type of messiah, no matter how much of a douche or useless chump they may be.
May 11, 2017 8:27 PM

Sep 2015
Watched the bear episode and that is the best episode so far. I actually quite enjoyed that one. They didn't do too much to make the show better but the fact the girl helping this time around isn't madly in love with him and have outside motivation. Which is rather nice. And the bear is simply funny.

This isn't just generic... In terms of writing it is worse than that. Generic shows don't have such big problems... They just present nothing new and have overused cliches. Which is why it is generic... Masamune-kun is generic but I won't call it bad for example.
If it remains like this, I think I can enjoy the show despite it flaws.
Since I keep watching it I don't see the point in complaining unless it somehow ruins the standard of quality the show kind of already set. So far it haven't. Not that I think it can get much worse. Well I guess it can when we consider things like Pupa actually exist... but doubt it will.
Man thinking about Pupa... It had a good source material but wow that was a real mess... To think it was the same studio that made a few animes I liked.

BTW Hanabi FTW
May 18, 2017 6:00 AM
Jul 2018
gallivant said:
I really want to fugg the oni. seriously haven't felt this way about an anime character in a long time.

why is onii so perfect?

I had the same thoughts pretty much immediately on this show.
It's Medaka Box-level retarded but I love Rin's character design and voice so I'm avidly following it.
May 18, 2017 3:17 PM

Dec 2007
zcv45 said:
Because the quality of the writing, for both character and plot is REALLLY bad.

I had the same thoughts, "this show is shit" lol, plot, pacing, characters backgrounds are bad, soundtracks hazardeous.
But still one of the shows I await the most this season, I love the op/ed, male protagonist is shit but badass (his strong character's trait is that he's not a pervert and has little interest in being in a all-female school) ; girls are all cute, there aren't even one I dislike !

it reminds me of 'Seiken tsukai no world break' lol, people thinking it's shit but I enjoyed it like hell.

May 18, 2017 9:47 PM

Aug 2014
Well it is a shit.

I dont know why i am not dropping yet.
May 18, 2017 11:23 PM

Aug 2016
It's a total shit but it's funny in some ways

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

May 31, 2017 11:58 PM

Oct 2015
true, i feel like this anime was made by people who are just so use to making anime and forgot to put any passion in this one, i cant hate it but i know its shit, with that being said i like it because the girls are hilarious, I mean look at Choka's entire setting and also i started it so i ought to know the end
Jun 1, 2017 12:12 AM

Apr 2016
There's no but, this show is pure cancer.
Jun 7, 2017 11:34 AM
Jan 2012
Watched the first 2 eps. The fight scenes had potential, but the show felt like Kill la Kill with original ideas replaced with tired tropes. Here you have a school run by a student council of baddasses. They run the school through oppression and might. Here comes one transfer student to challenge the ruling class by fighting the student council.

10 bucks says the transfer student joins forces with the student council to fight an overlord.

With the premise, there was potential to create meaningful dialogue, like discussion of gender roles and the politics which go behind sjw movements. Alas, it's nothing but tired tropes and cliches with generic character designs and mediocre animation. Here I was thinking anime was starting to evolve past crap like this.
Jun 14, 2017 9:49 PM

Aug 2015
Ununpentium said:
I'm watching this show only for Amou. She's my waifu and I don't care if I am a heterosexual female, it doesn't matter at all, I love her.

Amou is the shit, my dude. I think she can be considered a yandere character to some extent based on the latest episode (11).
Can I touch you? Please I love you. Let me touch you, I love you!
Friend: How's school? Me: School gave me debt and my plant mold.

Jun 15, 2017 12:33 AM

Apr 2016
Hana_Poko said:
Ununpentium said:
I'm watching this show only for Amou. She's my waifu and I don't care if I am a heterosexual female, it doesn't matter at all, I love her.

Amou is the shit, my dude. I think she can be considered a yandere character to some extent based on the latest episode (11).
Ah I haven't seen anything past the episode 6 I think, so I don't know. I just took a break and can't really get back to it. I think I'll just drop it, it's not worth it :D
But you may be right she looked really cool in the episodes I've seen, but I have noticed some glimpses of her turning into garbage.

Jun 15, 2017 10:46 AM

Aug 2015
Ununpentium said:
Hana_Poko said:

Amou is the shit, my dude. I think she can be considered a yandere character to some extent based on the latest episode (11).
Ah I haven't seen anything past the episode 6 I think, so I don't know. I just took a break and can't really get back to it. I think I'll just drop it, it's not worth it :D
But you may be right she looked really cool in the episodes I've seen, but I have noticed some glimpses of her turning into garbage.

Can I touch you? Please I love you. Let me touch you, I love you!
Friend: How's school? Me: School gave me debt and my plant mold.

Jun 16, 2017 7:17 AM

Dec 2013
I swear this show is like a dumpster fire. It's terrible and stinks but I can't look away because I'm too invested in it. I've got to see how this ends.
Jun 18, 2017 11:36 PM

Apr 2016
Hana_Poko said:
Ununpentium said:
Ah I haven't seen anything past the episode 6 I think, so I don't know. I just took a break and can't really get back to it. I think I'll just drop it, it's not worth it :D
But you may be right she looked really cool in the episodes I've seen, but I have noticed some glimpses of her turning into garbage.

Ohhh great. So my only reason to watch this show just disappeared :D Well at least I don't have to bother watching 7 episodes of a show I don't like.

Dec 7, 2017 2:09 PM

Feb 2013
Story is shit but this show got some things just right. Enough waifu material, decent art, some fanservice but not too much, whitch I like, unlike other crappy ecchi shows, also mc is cheeky but not too cheeky, does not take shit from anyone and is not a pussy... Tho the girls fell for mc way too easily, I know they fall for little reason in harems but come on. Then again he's like the only normal guy in this school lol maybe that's why...

I dunno about Oni, she's like the typical "somewhat bossy main girl" I've seen in 100 harem amimes before. The first one that pops to mind is Natsume from Tokyo Ravens...

I've persoanlly had hard time deciding on fav char from the series as most of them have some traits I've grown to like from seeing many other similar animes: Shameless/tease Satori
Really liked the loli butt fanservice scene from Warabi
Powerfull and beautiful Amou that reminds me of my 1st fav char Moka from my 1st ever anime Rosario + Vampire I've seen back in the day just with a different colour scheme
Visually I'd probably pick Inaba as I do like that style and colour scheme, now if only she had fox ears (Kon from Tokyo Ravens much) + mixed serious and silly personality, but she barely had any screen time here
Oni and Mary are probably the most stereotypical harem characters and they had their fair share of warm moments.

After some thinking I'd probably stick with Inaba... That head just begs to be patted
PzKpfw_VI_TigerDec 7, 2017 2:14 PM

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