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Jun 3, 2017 12:12 PM

Jun 2013
I can sure one thing Meteora will not die!
Jun 3, 2017 12:27 PM

Sep 2015
I've seen so many characters like Alice and most of the time it results in other ppl dying over what they believe is right. But rip Mamika, would've been odd if her body stayed instead of turning to particles.
Jun 3, 2017 12:46 PM

Nov 2016
Another great episode, boy Mamikas dead was sad, especially the fact that she died basically for nothing. I was hoping that she would survive, but when I saw that pool of blood I knew it was over :(

Magane is a sadist through and through, I actually like her as a character, her manipulative and cruel behaviour are a nice aspect in this show, but on the other hand I wish her a miserable death. It would be more than deserved.

And dunno if Alicetelia was too shocked and therefore blind for rage about Mamikas death or if she's just stupid. But in any case she should've been more skeptical about the infos she got from Magane. Maybe it sounded more convincing from her perspective, though.

The fight at the end was pretty nice, Magane and and Yuuya are an interesting match up, I hope we will see more of it next week along with Alicetelia vs Meteora.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 3, 2017 12:52 PM

Aug 2015
This just gets better and better. People seem to dislike Magane, but I freaking love her. lol Mamika dying wasnt a surprise at all, heck I was surprised she even made out of that building after she blew it up. She messed up the moment she trusted Magane and boy did she manipulation the situation.

I'm honestly hoping they listen to her plan of getting rid of Altair and then she can become the main villain, but we'll see what happens.
Jun 3, 2017 12:52 PM

Mar 2014
Yeah Alice being tricked over Mamika's death was no surprise

So glad Sota was forced to open up, his secrecy lasted longer that I would have liked

I gotta say it but Magane has to be such an awesome character to animate for a Key Animator, I mean the number of facial expressions and poses this episode were INSANE and very enjoyable to watch.
Jun 3, 2017 1:01 PM

Jan 2016
It was OK. Bit too predictable.

-Mamika being edgy about not telling her deathwish a second time.
-Magane being horny throughout the entire episode. Too bad the voice will stay.
-Alicetelia believing what she wants to hear, spoiled cunt.
-Sota in a tough bind: resist the pussy and repent a bit or add to his sins by grabbing the pussy in front. Tough choice mate.
-Yuya being ditched by this type of girls several times in his own story, comes with the wisdom. #Bromancerules
-Meteora ... being ... Meteora

After this episode, these are the wishes I have that will never come true:
1. Altaïr skewering Magane with one of her flashy flowerswordplay dances
2. Alicetelia killing herself by attacking Magane or being killed by Team WeakAF
3. Souta slapping Magane in ze faze, inbefore starting their SM-play.
4. Meteora becoming Dr. Frankenstein and reviving Mamika in some way.
5. Yuya's smite of wisdom this time directed at Alicetelia aka the trashtalkepiphanybout
~~People who mostly ignore your existence... They are in no position to assess you.~~
Jun 3, 2017 1:19 PM

Jun 2010
pgmhecateii said:
Since when did Mamika turn into when of the more popular Creations?

Her sincerity inspires hope and respect inside of people. She's also had some of the best character development in the series so far. She went from incredibly naive and misunderstanding how the world works because of how the rules of her creation work, to being able to muster up the resolve to literally trying to sacrifice her self to save both the real world and all the fictional ones.

It didn't work out, but the reason for her popularity is very clear.
Jun 3, 2017 1:21 PM

Dec 2015
Ah man, I can't take any more of Alice, she's such a stupid blockhead. Chikujouin manipulated her so freakin easily.

Damn I keep falling harder and harder for Chikujouin after each episode, she's fun, she's manipulative, she's evil.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Jun 3, 2017 1:36 PM

Sep 2016
lmao that was actually pretty entertaining
i was quite worried for the minky momo to get saved by plot armor, but phew she actually died
and magane-alice conversation is basically reddit_anime where redditors who lack critical thinking fell for FAKE NEWS!!!
bad thing, even magane falls under this anime formula "talks a lot, but says nothing" like meteora or literally every single character here. her whole conversation with souta is just repeating same shit while making it as pointlessly twisted as possible. good thing, she is one of the better character

-Stray said:
kill the talkative bitch instead, she needs to go.

i completely agree that altair needs to kill meteora ASAP to increase the quality of this anime

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Jun 3, 2017 1:38 PM

Nov 2014
Probably the best episode so far. I didn't expect Mamika to actually die, that was a really good twist. I also loved all of Magane's dialogue, she's my favorite character from this show and I hope she'll stick around to the end.
Jun 3, 2017 1:47 PM

Apr 2015
KatanaBR said:
RIP Mamika, we will miss you ;_; .

lcborella said:

Really, Alice trust in Magane is a very non-sense think, everyone knows that she is the queen of the lies. And yes Mamika could have spoken the truth to Alice in that time, but I dont know, we have to consider that she was dying and probably she was not reasoning well.

Or she is just too naive :v . But I think she doens't know Magane's story, she only saw Magane once.

Telling Magane was not the problem, the real problem was that she didnt tell Alice when she had the chance. Maybe she was so happy seeing Alice that her emotions overcomed her reason. Anyways the most pure character of the anime died, Unfortunately
Jun 3, 2017 1:51 PM

Apr 2015
DW_lazy said:
In the start I thought Magane was best girl and than Mamika.

But now, none of them is best girl......


I think that they like to see Magical Girls suffering like:
Jun 3, 2017 1:53 PM

Apr 2017
I felt the conflict in this episode was so...forced. Really, Mamika, you're just going to trust the person who looks at you with a grin while you're dying to pass on your last message honestly? And really, Alicetaria? If Magane goes killing people as a hobby, do you think she will pass on Mamika's dying wish honestly? Do you even know how to question the information you receive? And why didn't Mamika just tell Alicetaria "Join Meteora" or something? There was enough time to.

I know some people are saying this should be anime of the season, but I can't really agree unless the only criteria is how good the opening theme sounds. The premise of this show was good but the scenario writing kind of fails.
There's no inherent right or wrong in this universe, but when we think with emotions rather than logic, we make things so.
Jun 3, 2017 1:53 PM
Jan 2017
oh boy I was right, alicetaria was going to go nuts and target the good guys.... still magane did not tell a lie but alicetaria being the hot-blooded guts she is, would not think it throughly....

Now magane is inmune to mirakuji and meteora has a death flag.. not like this there are still like 12 more episodes
Jun 3, 2017 1:58 PM

Oct 2010
I didn't like her but I rather that dumb ass Sota died instead of her. All he does is fuck shit up.
Jun 3, 2017 2:04 PM
Jan 2017
SongstressSL said:
I felt the conflict in this episode was so...forced. Really, Mamika, you're just going to trust the person who looks at you with a grin while you're dying to pass on your last message honestly? And really, Alicetaria? If Magane goes killing people as a hobby, do you think she will pass on Mamika's dying wish honestly? Do you even know how to question the information you receive? And why didn't Mamika just tell Alicetaria "Join Meteora" or something? There was enough time to.

I know some people are saying this should be anime of the season, but I can't really agree unless the only criteria is how good the opening theme sounds. The premise of this show was good but the scenario writing kind of fails.

well you know, she did not expect alicetaria to show up and was going to die in the middle of park with only magane to tell the truth she had no other choice, but yes a simple "meteora is good" was enough, still I believe they are going to stall the series a bit, it will have 22 episodes after all so I expect alicetaria to screw things up a lot
Jun 3, 2017 2:16 PM

Feb 2015
Alicetaria has to be the stupidest character.
Jun 3, 2017 2:20 PM
Jan 2017
Dayne_SUU said:
Alicetelia killing herself by attacking Magane

This is one thing that keeps me uneasy going further. It's pretty much the deadliest thing in this with Altair's sneaky sabers.
Jun 3, 2017 2:20 PM
Jul 2012
Fuck! Alice is dumb af! She just get every fuking thing wrong and trust a lie that hasn't even been spoken without questioning! Magane doesn't even did anything besides laugh about how stupid she is!

I know Sota is an annoying bitch, but I don't hate him. I even started to like him in this episode. It made me really glad that he doesn't trusted Magane and he starting to be more open to Meteora. I think it's time for him to start his redemption and I have a feel that he will save Meteora in the next episode somehow if shit happens. Yuuya may die in this fight tho...

I also don't think Mamika is dead forever. Her creator hasn't even appeared yet! I think she will be back later, but not anytime soon.

Next ep name should be "Alice ga Kill"!
Jun 3, 2017 2:45 PM

Jan 2016
Cour_Victor said:
This is one thing that keeps me uneasy going further. It's pretty much the deadliest thing in this with Altair's sneaky sabers.

Most plausible one of all my wishes right now. And that's one broken character. With that power she's easily able to survive against other broken characters like Saitama, Goku, Alucard, Gilgamesh, Aizen,...

No problem for Light Yagami though, where's the Deathnote when you most need it. ;)
~~People who mostly ignore your existence... They are in no position to assess you.~~
Jun 3, 2017 3:23 PM

May 2015
God, Magane is annoying as fuck.... She already was, but this was even worse. RIP Mamika.

Decent episode though.

Jun 3, 2017 3:25 PM

Oct 2008
Super sad Mamika died this episode. I don't understand how Alice can blindly trust Altair more than Meteora. I wondered if maybe Meteora was jumping to conclusions in earlier episodes but what Altair did to Mamika pretty much confirms what she had been saying. Yuuya rescues Souta, yay! I liked Meteora's reaction to Souta's breakdown. At least finally she knows his connection now. Magane makes me wish the series she is from was actually a thing. I still really like this anime.
Jun 3, 2017 3:38 PM

Apr 2013
Are you kidding me, what's with the awful writing? Even a middle schooler wouldn't dare to write something as bad as that.
Until now we kind of only got fights+initial settings, and now that the plot kind of moves forward we get that horrible, horrible writing right away? That show just got down from "potentially good" to "awfully written " in a few minutes.
The fact that they kileld the only character that they managed in 9 episodes to develop past the cardboard cut characters, I can go along with it. it's sad, but there's still plenty of episodes for the others to receive better treatment.

But the rest.... the rest, omg.
Are you kidding me. The whole episode's happening, as well as probably at least next episode if not more, will be heavily influenced by WHAT? a completely unbelievable happening that blood felt on her ice cream right there. There wasn't a chance in a trillion of it happening. And that's not stopping here. BEcause if that was stopping here, the knight would never believe miss liar. So the knight had to arrive when Mamika was still alive. But after she transmitted the message to miss liar. Once again completely random event that has very low chance of happening. Combine the two of them together, we're into the one out of quadrillion chance right now I guess? But let's not stop here. That would be a waste, right?
Mamika had perfectly the time to repeat her message to the knight. But instead she goes on "alice chan, alice chan" blablabla for a while and die without telling it, leaving a highly suspicious individual the task of transmitting her most important message.
And of course, the knight believe her words even though she never trusted her before. Without doubting. Even though miss liar had a very very obvious way of twisting the truth without lying, anyone would have guessed that she was twisting the order of things with that way of retransmitting. But hey, after doing so much effort writing the plot that led here, that would be a waste to let it end for nothing right.
I mean, such a revolutionary way of writing. I wonder why author even bother writing proper plot, let's just go with improbable coincidences all along, I mean readers/watchers are too dumb to notice, as long as you feed them with edgy bloodbath, flashy combats and cool looking character, they're happy and hyped all along.


There goes most of the hope of having something decent coming out of that setting.
There goes any sadness I could have had seeing mamika die, I was so disgusted by the poor writing that any remaining suspension of disbelief was shattered beyond repair for the rest of the episode.
Jun 3, 2017 3:42 PM

Aug 2013
Why is Magane like the best character? Seriously, I love it when a "villain" character is basically the filthy casual type where they have no real motives or anything, they just take advantage and literally have fun with their shit while calling out other people's bullshit. Anyways, this episode...I mean if anyone honestly thought Mamika was going to live after last week's ep...did you enjoy your bad time this week? I mean seriously, she wasn't going to live like the cliff hanger from last week didn't even convince me she was going to live (also, love how no one talked about the explosion within the it wasn't on the news or anything. It just happened.).

This episode could piss a lot of people off by the way the logic was being twisted but from my standpoint, it felt like a clever way of deploying the characters' tropes and having them basically interact as a result. So with Magane twisting logic, that's just who she is as a character both within this show and within herself as a creation. She's simply adhering to how she was designed by manipulating others for her own amusement. Mamika was the type of character who placed too much faith within the good of others as well as her view of good and evil as a magical girl. Trusting Magane to do the right thing was just...well it was basically her flawed logic as a character that led to that. With Alicetaria, she's so bound by the knight's code of honor and chivalry that she takes everything at face value as opposed to using context clues. That's why Magane said that she couldn't believe Alice was that stupid to fall for a lie. Magane didn't lie, it was just Alice's flaw as a character that caused her to piece together the facts she was given in a way that wasn't the actual truth.

All-in-all, this episode can piss you off and I can definitely see it but if you step back and realize the way these characters are and how they come together in this "world of gods" then they are simply behaving according to their own archetypes and these tropes just clash accordingly. I just hope Sota starts to evolve now that he had his breakdown and was able to basically reveal his problems to Meteora.
Don't believe the hype.
Jun 3, 2017 3:42 PM

Dec 2016
Noooo Mamika died, well I supposed that's to be expected when you get impaled by multiple swords.

Magane is a great villain, laughs at everyone's pain and misery and then causes more by lying to everyone.

Finally Sota is doing the right thing, he should have come cleans ages ago.

Next episode looks like it will be hard on Meteroa, I don't think Alice is going to listen to whatever she says.
Jun 3, 2017 3:49 PM
Jun 2012
and i've dropped this crap
Jun 3, 2017 3:50 PM
Mar 2017
SongstressSL said:
I felt the conflict in this episode was so...forced. Really, Mamika, you're just going to trust the person who looks at you with a grin while you're dying to pass on your last message honestly? And really, Alicetaria? If Magane goes killing people as a hobby, do you think she will pass on Mamika's dying wish honestly? Do you even know how to question the information you receive? And why didn't Mamika just tell Alicetaria "Join Meteora" or something? There was enough time to.

I know some people are saying this should be anime of the season, but I can't really agree unless the only criteria is how good the opening theme sounds. The premise of this show was good but the scenario writing kind of fails.

I'm seeing a lot of people bash Mamika for telling Magane her dying wish, but they're acting like she had a choice. She literally had crashed out of the sky and wanted to tell someone, even if it had barely a chance to reach Alice what she found about Altair. Either way I don't think Mamika telling Magane about Altair was bad writing, it makes sense given how desperate she was. Can't really say why she didn't actually tell Alice though. Emotions i guess but either way.
Jun 3, 2017 3:57 PM

Jan 2014
I really like the persona of Magane, she is just so satisfyingly evil that it makes it hilarious and at the same time gets my blood boiling. I've never seen an anime with such a nasty character, stomping on everything and with such a slick tongue. I want more, moooore ヽ( ຶ▮ ຶ)ノ!!!

Great episode, even if most of it was dialogue. Too bad Mamika died.
Jun 3, 2017 4:01 PM
Jan 2017
I am now convinced that Magane is the fucking devil

R.I.P. Mamika
Jun 3, 2017 4:16 PM

Nov 2013
so...this anime started good, i thought it could be worth a 10 for the 1st 4 or 5 episodes, then went downhill cause of all the talk they did like 2 or 3 episodes ago...and now they kill my favorite character?... screw this...
then that magane/Alice are annoying as hell...
only reason i still didn't drop is because i like the setting with the anime characters in real world...other than that...meh...
seriously i think i never felt so disappointed after an episode lmao
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Jun 3, 2017 4:29 PM

Apr 2012
Kin088 said:
Things that disappointed me in this ep

1. Mamika trusting Magane to pass on the message.

2. Mamika had enough time to tell Alice the truth but didn't, but she chose to ask Magane to tell Alice the message even though she was right there and could tell her herself.

3. Alice trusting/believing Magane too easily.

This so much.
Also: gets stabbed by 20 swords, loses gallons of blood, is still able to fly around...and then loses more gallons of blood...and then talks for 5 minutes.
Come on now.

This was the worst episode so far tbh.
Jun 3, 2017 4:51 PM
Jul 2012
The only thing I found to be really forced af was Alice with her stupid conclusions just for the sake of the fights and conflicts. I am pretty okay with everything else.

Please, someone fucking draws some Alice rape doujins because she fucking deserves it!
Jun 3, 2017 5:14 PM

Mar 2009
This show will be so much better when Magane dies hopefully soon. What an annoying character.
Jun 3, 2017 5:22 PM
Jul 2012
Arashi_Tempesta said:

Now magane is inmune to mirakuji and meteora has a death flag.. not like this there are still like 12 more episodes

Yes, she is inmune to his sword, but I don't think she is also inmune to Hangaku from what I understand.
Jun 3, 2017 6:25 PM

Apr 2009
Boy, the script writer must really love some of the VAs' voices.

Jun 3, 2017 6:28 PM

Jul 2012
Sooooo...this episode.
I'm happy that we could see a little bit of Magane abilities. I mean, she feels too much like "bark and don't bite" so her getting serious is nice to see. Right now I just think as her as some of those really edgy light novel characters, so I guess she is making a good scene XD But, oh hell, she is annoying. I just want Persona user to explode her or something lol
She does says something important about her tho, she said that "her god died because he was too stupid"...
So, if her power is based on just need to agree with everything she says? Or don't say anything? I guess Persona user was lying when he said "no girl ever survived this attack" or something? o-o
AND HELL YEAH METEORA TEAM TO THE RESCUE! I WAS ABOUT TO SMASH MY SCREEN! C'MON SOUTA! I CAN'T DEFEND YOU LIKE THIS MAN! But, oh well, he kinda confessed, so I guess they are going to get more information from him.
Aliceteria...her character is probs one of those dumb too righteous characters because trusting Magane is weird af. Mamika is naive and all about happiness and rainbows and plus she was dying...but Aliceteria...I was hoping she would at least give it the benefit of the doubt.

Jun 3, 2017 6:31 PM
Jul 2014
Another episode of 95% useless exposition and 5% substance, they sure love taking all this liberty when this show can easily end with a single cour; wonder if everybody is going to get shot in the head at the midpoint and all survive the following episode
Jun 3, 2017 6:44 PM
Jun 2013
easily the worst episode so far, it really was hard to watch, i even had to skip past most of the dialogue because it was so cringy and the charters are just so boring. nothing happens except talking, the plot is boring and the villian is just so badly written, it makes me want to die.
Jun 3, 2017 6:51 PM

Aug 2013
So, nobody's going to wonder what happened to Mamika after she died? Where did her body go? Is her story still "alive"? If so, can she be summoned again? If she were summoned again, would she be the same person, or would she be a "new" Mamika, drawn from a different point in her story?
Jun 3, 2017 6:52 PM

Jul 2016
no one seems to point out that when Mamika was bleeding while on Air , it just happens that the only person in the street that managed to see her was another creation , out of every single person walking there, and also her blood fall on what Magane was eating

then Alice finding her randomly
Jun 3, 2017 7:04 PM
Jul 2014
The_Irregular said:
and i've dropped this crap

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Jun 3, 2017 7:10 PM

Dec 2013
Really sad seeing Mamika die.

It felt like there were a lot of convenient moments in this episode with Magane finding a dying Mamika and everyone finding Sota.
Jun 3, 2017 7:23 PM

Oct 2011
Mamika noooo
Alice falling for her trickery omg
Jun 3, 2017 7:23 PM

Jul 2016
The_Irregular said:
and i've dropped this crap

why ? while the epo had it flaws, I am not planing to drop till I watch every single epo
Jun 3, 2017 7:28 PM
Jul 2014
Lol, if Magane's character is getting to this many people I guess it's safe to say the writers are doing their job. Anyone that's seen Black Lagoon already knows how Rei Hiroe is when it comes to bat shit insane characters, so someone like Magane being in this show isn't surprising in the least.

R.I.P Mamika, in all honesty she was quite possibly the most compelling character of the show thus far so losing her definitely hurts.
Jun 3, 2017 7:28 PM

Apr 2014
what is this, another monogatari ? where my action at
Jun 3, 2017 7:30 PM
Jul 2009
That was really dumb...mamika should have just told alice herself. Also why would alice take magane at her word.
Jun 3, 2017 7:40 PM

Dec 2013
I skipped a whole 7-8 minutes of this episode. At this point, I really just don't give a shit about Magane and Souta. As far as I'm concerned, both of them are a huge detriment to the show (as of this episode), and to my viewing experience.

With that being said, I'm not going to pretend that I enjoyed this episode, considering how much of the episode was focused on the 2 aforementioned characters. However, I'm still looking forward to Souta developing into a significantly better character than he is currently, for Alice to develop a fucking brain, and for Magane to die a death equally, if not more painful, than poor Mamika.

Grimmgeta said:
Lol, if Magane's character is getting to this many people I guess it's safe to say the writers are doing their job. Anyone that's seen Black Lagoon already knows how Rei Hiroe is when it comes to bat shit insane characters, so someone like Magane being in this show isn't surprising in the least.

R.I.P Mamika, in all honesty she was quite possibly the most compelling character of the show thus far so losing her definitely hurts.

Indeed. I agree.
Kuro_YuukiJun 3, 2017 7:47 PM
Matsuoka Yoshitsugu has hardly any range as a voice actor, and is grossly over-cast.

Yeah. I said it.
Jun 3, 2017 8:05 PM
Apr 2017
Lot of people hated this episode coz the stupidity of mamika and Alice and that annoying magane
Next Episode most likely gonna be battle, wonder what yuuya gonna do, will he help Meteora or pursuit magane
Alice is soo stupid, she gonna kill Meteora if no one don't stop her, sota know the truth, he need to step up to stop alice from killing Meteora
So the cover already breakdown
Celesia vs Mamika (done)
Yuuya vs Magane (on going)
Meteora vs Alice (next episode)
Rui vs Blitz (probably soon)
Again the only way to stop the battle is summon gigas machina lol
Jun 3, 2017 8:05 PM

May 2017
Lol love Magane she's such a great antagonist unlike Altair, Magane is best girl
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