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Sep 28, 2015 2:51 PM

Nov 2012
Satou really can't get a break.

Thought it was a cult at first.

Satou really is pretty dense for falling into the scheme when he knew it was one.
Oct 25, 2015 4:39 AM
Nov 2014
Satou went full retard.
Nov 21, 2015 2:26 AM

Dec 2013
I swear he keeps on getting dumber and dumber
Nov 26, 2015 8:02 PM

Feb 2012
Subliminally telling you its a Pyramid scheme (or its variant, Multi-Level Marketing scam) with the triforce imagery and Class rep in the human pyramid.

I thought Satou wouldn't have bought it.

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Dec 19, 2015 12:57 PM

Oct 2012
Again? Satou please. He was even smart enough to know it was a trick and yet he still fell for it after a little sweet talk. I mean I get that this is how his character is supposed to be, but man, he should really be learning from his many many mistakes. It's not even working as a comedy anymore as the same joke is starting to get a bit stale.
Dec 26, 2015 11:47 AM

Jul 2012

hopefully this will give him a reason to find a real job
rhythmicoDec 26, 2015 11:48 AM
May 1, 2016 12:08 PM

Jul 2015
Yeah he was real dumb this episode
Jun 11, 2016 6:45 PM

Jan 2016
Give me a break, Satou. You get sucked into everything, you're almost as gullible as me. D:<
Jun 20, 2016 2:05 PM

Feb 2016
the show started very good , then it went downhill

Though i'm not gonna lie watching him make me feel good , i mean let's face it , seeing someone in deep shit feels FUCKING GOOD
"This is my father's crime against me, which I myself committed against none" Al-ma'arri
Aug 20, 2016 7:56 AM

Jan 2013
So he realised it was a scheme and STILL bought it?
Sep 9, 2016 5:55 PM

Sep 2013
ARGH! I was so proud of Satou when he didn't immediately bite at the pyramid scheme. Then the class rep had to go rope him in and now he's got no income AND DEBT!!! I loved how the posters in the meeting room showed members forming an actual pyramid. Not too subtle symbolism there!!!

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Oct 29, 2016 10:17 AM

Jan 2016
hisokathebutcher said:
i mean let's face it , seeing someone in deep shit feels FUCKING GOOD

yeah if you're a miserable fuck with nothing else to do
Nov 2, 2016 3:27 AM

Feb 2016
Mr_Shnb said:
hisokathebutcher said:
i mean let's face it , seeing someone in deep shit feels FUCKING GOOD

yeah if you're a miserable fuck with nothing else to do

I would insult you back , but you already have kanye west as one of your favourite .
"This is my father's crime against me, which I myself committed against none" Al-ma'arri
Nov 2, 2016 4:54 AM

Jan 2016
hisokathebutcher said:
Mr_Shnb said:

yeah if you're a miserable fuck with nothing else to do

I would insult you back , but you already have kanye west as one of your favourite .

Damn now that's edgy as fuck
Nov 29, 2016 7:16 AM

Mar 2013
*Claps harder*
*Clapping intensifies*

My reaction to Sato this episode.
The one clearly looked more cool during his high school days lol
Jan 10, 2017 11:56 AM

Jun 2013
Satou totally saw through this at first. What the hell happened? How was Kobayashi able to convince him anyway? I saw it, but I still don't get it.
Apr 1, 2017 7:16 AM

Feb 2013
Wtf Satou, you were tricked.
May 30, 2017 12:04 PM

Dec 2015
How big of an idiot can you get Satou?
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Jun 13, 2017 7:32 PM

May 2013
This nigguh keeps digging a bigger hole for his grave =______='
Jun 15, 2017 4:28 AM

Jan 2010
oh god, and i was actually praising him for not falling into the trap of the MLMs(been there myself and didn't get into em lol) least not falling into them dumb can you be to know about that shit and still get sucked in??? wtf xD

5/5 again great realistic episode

"Just how a mirror reflects you,people will also reflect your heart."
~Athena Glory,Aria

"Whatever happens,happens"
~Spike Spiegel's thoughts on dying(Cowboy Bebop)
Jun 23, 2017 2:30 PM

Feb 2015
Low rate of 5/5s this episode... I personally loved it! It even got me clapping... I GOT SUCKED IN. Great story about Sato getting screwed over and used. Clearly this isn't the solution to his being a Hiki-NEET.
Aug 14, 2017 10:16 PM

Mar 2015
Lol he actually fall for it... at least it's not a cult, but marketing.

Also Misaki waiting for him to come back home hnghhh... too bad, he's becoming worse.

Nov 12, 2017 12:18 PM
Jul 2018
This anime is going down the drain. At least the suicide plot had something to do with the main story. This and the RPG arc were pure filler
Nov 12, 2017 1:09 PM

Apr 2015
Sato has a bad habit of skipping out when the two people who regularly talk to him need him.

"I tried asking your family, but for some reason, they wouldn't give me a clear answer." Because Sato himself hasn't given them a clear answer...

The chick that Sato went to school with is able to recognize that Misaki is improving his condition, but Sato is in such denial. He needs to accept her. :|

And then she seriously dragged him to a goddamn marketing scheme? This reminds me of those women on Facebook who sell their snake oil and wraps to anyone who will listen.

"God I wish I were back on that island." Also, "This is one sucker you're not gonna suck!" Sato had plenty of great lines this episode.

In the end, it looks like Sato did get sucked...not in the fun way.
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Aug 20, 2018 4:41 PM

Aug 2007
"I wish I was back on that island."

Holy shit. LMAO

I def think of Satou as more vulnerable than stupid. He's not the smartest by far but... given his situation? He's so desperate and paranoid he can't help himself. Having all these people come out of the woodwork to "help" him has to have some repercussions for someone who is severely socially anxious.
LycanAug 20, 2018 4:45 PM

Sep 11, 2018 5:10 AM

Mar 2017
Wow, Sato is borderline retarded. I was happy when he realized it was a very obvious pyramid scheme, but then he lets this woman who even admits to tricking him and is a cynical piece of shit convince him still? How dumb do you have to be to know something is a pyramid scheme and still fall for it? Besides, he's a social outcast with no charisma, how the heck does he think he's going to sell all that crap?

This episode makes me angry. :P I hope this "arc" is resolved soon and we'll get something less idiotic.
Nov 4, 2018 7:38 PM

May 2010
Gotta admit, totally did not expect this series to go for MLM theme, that's definitely a first time for me lol. I was already so glad he declined something for ONCE, but nope, here we go again... ;_;
Mar 12, 2019 8:57 PM
Nov 2017
GOD FUCKING DAMM this show is so bad. I mean what is honestly the purpose of this show? This is by far the most pathetic sack of shit someone could think up probably, and for whatever dumbfuck reason they made a show about it. Is this show only made for people who want to look down on Sato and say "at least I'm not him". It's actually fucking pathetic and I hate watching some dumbass literally throw his life away at every possible turn. I mean he is so FUCKING STUPID it's like everything he can do to go wrong, he does. He should of just ended his disgraceful-basement-dwelling life on that rock a few episodes ago. This shit is actually depressing to watch.

Edit: removed something that might he taken as a racial slur, wasn't my intentional meaning.
Apr 18, 2019 1:08 AM

Feb 2019
It was my first time seeing multilevel marketing being portrayed in an anime, which is interesting to see.

I almost voted that this episode was just okay but I really really like Misaki's actions in this episode. She waited for him on the staircase, she made him food, and she waited in his apartment for him to come back. Really makes me feel bad for her, especially since she's been doing all she can to get him back out after that whole MMORPG fiasco. But whatever she did didn't do anything, so she waited. Seeing her alone, down, waiting in his apartment was really sad...

TL;DR I really love Misaki in this episode. She was definitely the highlight of this episode and the reason why I voted 4/5!
May 13, 2019 6:38 PM
Jul 2011
Wow, he believes more in other people than those who are actually trying to help him.

I was glad that he was a running away after realising what their scheme was but in the end he still fell for it.

Nevertheless this was a good episode.
LycoRecoMay 13, 2019 7:11 PM
Jun 27, 2019 8:36 AM
Apr 2018
His stupidity reach a level that he won't survive from it😑
Oct 31, 2019 7:56 PM
Jul 2016
Ugh, another delay in the Sato-Misaki relationship.

I'm really starting to hate Sato for being so goddamn gullible.
Oct 31, 2019 8:09 PM
Jul 2016
CDRW said:
So I just had a hot female aquantience who I haven't spoken to in years contact me out of the blue. She wanted to talk to me. We had a wonderful conversation where she was more than generous with the compliments and flattery. Three guesses what she invited me to at the end of the call. First two don't count.

Out of all the anime in the world why the fuck does my life have to take after THIS one?

DUDE SAME! I was walking in the mall and a super cute girl approached me and starting talking to me. I thought this was my lucky day. NOPE, she then proceeded to ask for donations to a charity.... -.-
Feb 2, 2020 7:01 AM

Dec 2018
thought it would be a cult
but it's a MLM scheme
friend tried to rope me into one, i noped the fuck out immediately
also she cleaned his whole damned apartment and waited for him.
there better be some development with her soon, i'm tired of seeing her sacrifice all for some dipshit schizophrenic
StateofOhayoFeb 2, 2020 7:09 AM
Feb 3, 2020 12:08 PM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
Now that's how you introduce a seemingly friendly character and then later revealing the fact that the character is a malicious, manipulative asshole. Kobayashi has been manipulated before herself and her transformation can clearly be seen even on her physical appearance. From that of a cute, ordinary girl to a woman who's looking for attention, not saying that her fashion is bad, but that's that.

Sato is clearly smart enough to know better than trusting a pyramid scheme, but his mental delusions and stress coupled with Kobayashi's master manipulation got him sucked into this fuck-fest. Can't blame him completely here. Still tho... WHAT THE FUCK MAN!?!!?!?!?

Mar 22, 2020 6:54 PM

Oct 2013
Satou-kun... you idiot! How he could fall into this obvious financial pyramid?! o_O Despite his all negative character traits, I thought he was smarter than being a naive guy so easy to be manipulate, lol. Good that it was not a cult. I thought it might've been one after I heard what Satou's high school friend said at first about that guy who inspired her.
May 31, 2020 12:57 PM
Jul 2014
Lmao the posters shows that this is literally a pyramid scheme ahah
Jun 13, 2020 6:39 PM

Apr 2020
Oh man - Sato cannot catch a break. While it's still a charming show, I think we've now fallen into a loop of 'Sato-gets-himself-into-a-jam' of the week type episodes, always relying on Misaki and Yamazaki to bail him out: suicide pact; MMORPG gold mining and now MLMs.

Few more episodes to go. I don't know how I feel about the show teasing but never showing there is a conspiracy, and it's all in his mind blah blah blah. On the one hand it is the more mature thing to do given this slice of life anime. On the other hand it would be an entertaining twist to know that forces were out to confine Sato to his life as a hikkimori.
Nov 26, 2020 6:47 AM

Mar 2016
I get that it's supposed to be funny, but it's so fucking dumb that he literally recognizes and says it's a pyramid scheme and 30 seconds later he gets convinced to join it
That's kinda cringe but I laughed
Feb 17, 2021 11:01 AM

May 2017
boooooooring. get this show over with pls.
Mar 20, 2021 11:02 AM

Nov 2018
What an idiot. He is a mix of Shinji Ikari and Homer Simpson.
I hate everyone equally
Mar 30, 2021 12:44 PM

Feb 2015
Satou is painfully stupid.
Apr 7, 2021 11:51 AM
Aug 2019
At this point I just want to punch him in the face, multiple times.
"Anime was a mistake." - Hayao Miyazaki
"Please check my page here •-•" - Me
"No, owomachine. I won't hit you since you don't deserve to live in a nice isekai world" - Truck-kun
Apr 9, 2021 9:53 PM

Aug 2018
Lol he knew about the scam from the beginning and still fell for it, he really does trust people too easily haha

Apr 11, 2021 12:06 PM
Jan 2017
One after another failures Sato facing in his life.This series may be screaming that he has hikkikomori disorder but in crux this series is just about a person who completely lost his way about how to live his life.Many people who are saying that "Sato is not a hikkikomori,he is just a normal guy so this series is misleading". They really didn't understand the series at all or what Sato is actually going through.
Aug 6, 2021 12:07 PM
Apr 2016
I experience that pyramid In real life hahahaha
Sep 22, 2021 12:55 AM
Aug 2021
why are these "filler" RPG and MLM episodes more entertaining than the entire first half of the show
Dec 25, 2021 12:33 PM

Jun 2020
The emotional exploit hack by the class rep Kobayashi was hilarious. This was a LOL episode.
Feb 4, 2022 9:58 PM

Mar 2019
This show really took a shift huh? Hoping we get back to what made the first half of the show so damn interesting soon.
Mar 18, 2022 12:01 AM

Aug 2018
This was such a idiocity atmosphere type of episode, how did Satou managed to mess this up for himself
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