AniList Profile <=== (I use this way more often than MAL)
Personality type: INTJ
Current favorite anime:
Current favorite game:
Current favorite music artist:
(literally always subject to change)
Favorite genres: Psychological, thriller, slice of life, romance.
Bio: American Linguophile Computer Scientist. Recent college graduate.

(mostly fluent),


How I rate: Typically, I try to rate anime on a basis of 5 points objectively and 5 points subjectively, but in reality, my subjective side usually weighs heavier. My ratings are not static. However, a rating of 5 or 6 is NOT bad in my book, it is
average, just as the rating is meant to be.
Previous profile pictures, signatures:
All Comments (39) Comments
name: 66ix
Age; 15
favorite anime: boku no pico
fun facts: i do stuff sometimes
lets be friends
How's quarantine going for you? Enjoying?
Any good anime?
How's it going?
Been 3 years
NHK was something I wanted to watch for a long time and I finally got to it early this year, I was definitely missing out quite an unique experience with a story that blends humor and character drama in such a great way, the message given about hikikomori is one that I could personally understand as well to be honest.
If you ever feel like giving it a chance I personally would like to recommend The Tatami Galaxy for a very unique work where the protagonist goes through doubts and problems trying to find an answer to what he's looking for, this is an anime that was my favorite back when I watched it and that I'm waiting for the chance to give it a rewatch quite some years after. NHK gave me some vibes about this anime and both sure know how to deliver a message to the story.
Happy to see another Steins;Gate fan! That series is just amazing, watched it twice and I feel like a third time would make it even better, the story is just fantastic and I love the main duo Okabe-Kurisu en special.
I betrayed Tales and I'm playing the other now :-)
Or just Magilou fan?
I like a lot of the favorites on your list, though there are some still that I haven't seen and need to. And I didn't know RWBY was on MAL, that's pretty cool
Nothing much..just doing timepass as usual.
Came back from a roadtrip last night...it was fun..
How's it going?