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May 25, 2017 4:22 PM
Mar 2017
Great Episode , i love it this episode
when Azumi try to kiss her , but ...
" Disturbed by a small child, it makes me a little annoyed "


AmamiyaKyoukaMay 25, 2017 5:13 PM
May 25, 2017 5:01 PM

May 2015
Oh damn, another sweet and nice episode. Although, I wish the kid didn't cockblock the kiss, damn it.

Also, nice change of the OP visuals.

May 25, 2017 5:06 PM
Jan 2015
Maybe some fans will feel sympathy for Chinatsu, she make herdelf looks like a victim even though she knows everything. I think her relationship with Mizuno will become a little bit awkward later...

extra: I kind of like setsuko & nagahara short but i think setsuko is masochist, she even go a long with him for the last time.... LOL
May 25, 2017 5:26 PM

Mar 2015
Wow. An anime couple that is acting rather reasonably lol :)
The sword that takes life gives life
May 25, 2017 5:33 PM

Jan 2013
Maybe too many shorts at the end of the episode, cut it short.
But, surprisingly the drama didn't drag out too long. Wish they kissed after the interruption.
May 25, 2017 5:51 PM

Jan 2017
look like there is almost no possibility of drama here in this series, hoping to see one lol. it might happen tho if they decide to make more than 12 or 13 eps.
sakura's fantasy XD. wanted to see more on ryouko-sensei in short eps
ZeldrissMay 26, 2017 5:47 AM
May 25, 2017 7:12 PM
Jul 2016
Jakerams said:
I swear Akane and Kotarou just get better each week. And now that their friends know about the relationship this should be interesting to see how things advance from now on.

Absolutely adored this episode! I cannot wait for this to he complete so I can buy thee DVD and just rewatch it! Its so simple and gives you that sense of nostalgia and I love it
May 25, 2017 7:24 PM
Nov 2016
Good episode like usual and definitely one of the best so far!

looking forward to the next ones.
XtrStrMay 25, 2017 7:33 PM
May 25, 2017 8:03 PM

Nov 2010

Azumi is the man! So straightforward for a middle schooler. Best MC ever!
May 25, 2017 8:05 PM

Oct 2011
scruffykiwi said:
alcrowry said:
I don't know what to think of Chinatsu, to be honest. She was trying to hog Azumi's attention to herself in the beginning, then I kinda felt bad when she saw Azumi and Akane together. It'd be interesting to see how her friendship with Akane will be from now on.

Last episode Chinatsu said that she was going to confess to Koutaro. In this episode she did a hell of a lot more than that!! She actively tried to push Hira on to Akane as a "consolation prize" and tried to steal Koutaro from Akane by flirting with him. She is the shittiest friend ever! I felt bad for Hira as he really had no clue that Akane had a boyfriend already.

My thoughts exactly! I used to like her upbeat personality, but after recent events I have to say she's a horrible friend. Well, either that or her common sense is severely lacking.

May 25, 2017 8:35 PM
Nov 2016
As they can hate both chinatsu, the poor woman just wants to create an occasion to confess her love and take a weight of herself, if the mizuno even confided that the azumi loves she would not be so shaken, insecurity is the noem of it
May 25, 2017 8:47 PM

Aug 2013
new OP animation... I LIEK

sry I can't hold myself
what a great episode
May 25, 2017 9:17 PM

May 2015
rsc-pl said:
Oh, I'm so glad that they didn't go deeper with those misunderstandings and NTRish thing with freckled guy. MC-kun, I'm proud of you.
Also, wtf is this. Creppy asf.

Hahahha, it's a Canadian pastry chain called BeaverTails
May 25, 2017 9:21 PM

Dec 2014
The kiss got interrupted... I thought this show was better than that.
May 25, 2017 9:55 PM

Feb 2017
Damn!!! Akamai ain't no cuck! Contender for man of the year!

May 25, 2017 10:30 PM

Mar 2017
This chapter was awesome, two heart broken in one minute.
May 25, 2017 11:32 PM

Jul 2010
Really happy with this episode -- glad it didn't try to drag out the misunderstandings. Hira and Chinatsu are rejected. Chinatsu was a bitch, yet again, and Hira was just a nice guy caught up in an awkward situation. Thankfully, that whole love square is over. Really admire Azumi for standing up for his relationship like that, too. Just because you're quiet doesn't mean you're a push-over.

I actually want to know more about Azumi's writing, now that all the drama has ended. I love the idea that he wants to write real literature, not light novels -- so unique and admirable.

Shorts at the end were great, as always. Wish the side characters were more involved in the main show tbh, they're a really fun bunch of characters. Sakura's imagination is adorable, lmao, and Roman is awesome as always.
fishergirl16May 25, 2017 11:37 PM
May 25, 2017 11:48 PM

Feb 2016
this MC is what we need in every romance genres.
May 26, 2017 12:31 AM
Jun 2015
Azumi went ALPHA AS FUCK. I love it.
May 26, 2017 1:07 AM

Mar 2014
gets what setsuko loves having sex with her playboy cuz she would pay for the fees of lodging everytime. i believe she will become the victim of being used by playboy after adulthood
May 26, 2017 1:35 AM

Sep 2011
Hikikoyozai said:
As they can hate both chinatsu, the poor woman just wants to create an occasion to confess her love and take a weight of herself, if the mizuno even confided that the azumi loves she would not be so shaken, insecurity is the noem of it

What she initially tried to do was to arrange a "double date" so that she could get Koutaru and Hira would confess to Akane. That plan failed and instead a crowd came along. Hira was used by her hence her appology to him.
May 26, 2017 3:27 AM

Aug 2008
Hmm. Dunno. I love it that Azumi shed his beta self and got between Hira playing date with his girl! That was pretty cool. That said, I feel that Hira won't let this go just like that.

It's clear Hira feels that she has potential as an athelete, which is partly why he got interested with Mizuno in the first place, and that he will probably attribute her recent slump with her going out with Azumi.
I feel he will inadvertently butt in their relationship, with the belief he's the better fit for her or something like that (I even see Chinatsu joining forces with Hira, if out of spite at least).

Anyway, I don't really care what happens, but I do hope Azumi and Mizuno end up together at the end! They're cute together.
May 26, 2017 3:36 AM

Apr 2016
I'm impressed. This MC doesn't talk much but among the few words coming out of his mouth there are the most important ones. Since Akane had difficulties to make things clear around her, he came, he said it, and took her away :

Veni, Vidi, Vici!

This guy is like Caesar! He almost kissed her at episode 7!!! It would have been a record in the anime romance history, maybe, and I was like "Kill this kid!" :) Hira took it "like a man" apparently and I don't know how Chinatsu didn't realize earlier she didn't stand a chance.

Setsuko finally got rid of her "I-am-just-with-you-to-fuck" boyfriend. It lasted quite a lot. I hope the writers of this show won't bring them back together.

It's crazy how this story is down to earth so far, seeing at the past shows made by the director and even the script writer. It's a completely different mood from the comedies/fantasy like Seto no Hanayome or Angel Beats, and it's done well too.
May 26, 2017 4:11 AM

Apr 2009
Azumi finally manned up. I understand that they are both shy but it was really painful and kinda stupid to see them hiding their relationship.
Looks like Chihatsu also finally accepted it that she has no chance, Hira was not that shocked though. I guess Chihatsu had some little hope though, probably why she also invited Hira.
May 26, 2017 12:35 PM

Oct 2011
The opening changed. Usually they show scenes of the episode. But now an official opening ahhhhhh 😍
Kota telling Hira senpai off and whisking Akane away. That almost ugg why!!😭 Hira chinatsu ship
After credit scenes
May 26, 2017 2:16 PM
Mar 2014
The A stands for A L P H A
May 26, 2017 3:06 PM

Sep 2014
That little girl who stopped my kiss scene is now on my hitlist.
May 26, 2017 3:45 PM

Jul 2015
DO MY EYES DECEIVE ME??? Did we... did we make progress??? Actual Progress!?!?!?!? GOD DANG, I ain't used to this, I thought they were gonna spend the whole episode getting frustrated because their friends were pushing the wrong ship, but they actually finished that off in only half the episode, sort of turned down the side characters thus putting an end to the love square, mc became a man, and they KISSED... ALMOST. HOW DOES SOMETHING START OFF SO DANG SLOW BUT GET THIS FAR IN ONLY HALF THE SERIES!?!?!?!?!?
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
May 26, 2017 6:24 PM

Apr 2015
really nice move from Kotarou... he breaks 2 heart with that... nice...
kinda feels bad though for Chinatsu... but well it is what it is...
but the episode feels too short... but we get more after credit thing... really like those
May 26, 2017 6:37 PM

Aug 2016
Azumi, my boy! That's a real man! He takes initiative! He asks her out, he initiates their first hand holding, and he steps up and says "Yo back the f*ck off! Mizuno is my woman!" The dude has got some balls and isn't a pussy. Azumi making them plays left and right and standing up for their relationship! I am proud of that boy!

Yeah Hira didn't know they were dating, so I can't blame the guy. But Chinatsu knew and yet she still flirted with Azumi and tried to get in between them on more than one occasion. Yes, I'm sure the pain she feels is real, but she needed to get hit with it. Otherwise she would never stop.

Also I am so happy that the awkwardness is finally starting to die down. It just adds to the cuteness of these 2! I was smiling the entire episode, because I was just happy about how it played out in the end! But damn that kid in the end! All we got was a tease, but this means we are in for more in the future!

Can't say I am happy that Chinatsu texted Mizuno in the end, but let's hope this is the end of that issue.
May 26, 2017 6:38 PM

Aug 2016
TehLister said:
The A stands for A L P H A
Haha, hell yeah it does!
May 26, 2017 6:57 PM

Oct 2016
I thought it was gonna develop into a cliche love triangle that takes 3 episodes to resolve XD I'm so glad it didn't and was able to wrap it up in one go!

I'm super impressed. The after story scenes were also entertaining *-*

I was nothing until the moment I met you.

May 26, 2017 9:02 PM

May 2017
While I like the more natural type of relationship like Chinatsu x Kota

I don't like the awkward type of relationship like Kota x Akane but still OTP imo and somehow I support it

Tho felt bad for Chinatsu, I feel like this is both Chinatsu and Akane's plot. They should've just do the simple love letter back of the school confession thing not this oplan NTR that failed miserably
LairucremMay 26, 2017 9:06 PM
May 26, 2017 9:14 PM
Dec 2012
Azumi manned up! & finally the secret is out. :3
May 26, 2017 11:16 PM

Mar 2016
This is literally what I said half the time throughout the episode:

"QUUUUUUEEEEEENNNNNN" "FIGHT 'em!" " Bitch who dafuq do you think you are" " you BETTER BACK DOWN, before YOU GET SMACK DOWN(™Jill Scott)" "thank the holy lord jesus"

Boi this show sends me on a rollercoaster ... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (I'll leave)
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 27, 2017 1:52 AM
Oct 2013
I love the ending skits more than the main story. :|
May 27, 2017 3:16 AM

Mar 2013
Uuwaah what an adorable episode this was~

The first half build the tension well. The subtlety and natural flow of events, devoid of any unnecessary drama and drag makes it a very soothing watch. I kept grinning during whole 2nd half of the episode when MC and Akane were having sweet moments together, enjoying themselves. Too bad they got cockblocked tho :v

Poor Chintasu :(
Hira was shocked alright. But he handled himself surprisingly calm.

Those after stories are gold lol
Want to break up? Sure. But let me get some action one last time :v

Also, Roman's a bro. I wonder if he'll actually end up with the beautiful sensei XD
May 27, 2017 4:42 AM

Apr 2017
Whoa whoa whoa Azumi got a confidence boost!!! Good thing that things are set straight in this ep and everyone now knows that Akane and Kotarou are dating~ Well, I wonder why Chinatsu cried tho because she clearly knows beforehand that Curly-kun belongs to Akanechi...

Ho boy, watching those two having their time in the park is very heartwarming. :) Yeah, I doubt tho that the two of them will kiss. XD
Make sure that you properly protect this smile, Kotarou~
May 27, 2017 6:24 AM
Feb 2013
This episode has shown us the most badass moment of the boy name Azumi "Alpha" Kotarou.

May 27, 2017 10:27 AM
Jun 2014
Nigga went full alpha
May 27, 2017 1:30 PM

Sep 2009
Otaku4ever10 said:
that's what i hate about love and romance animes .. you can't win all and get every one happy
you must lose someone who love you or your boy/girl friend and make others sad

why they can't just make romance animes without any fight about someone and be all happy :(

There are a few exceptions but they are rare.
May 27, 2017 4:16 PM
Dec 2015
The timeline for this episode is confusing, kinda rushed. Still, kawaii episode as always. Tho that kiss was "damn, fck it", they're middle highschoolers duh. Well I guess it's a great epitome of kids nowadays called millenials.
May 27, 2017 5:11 PM

Jul 2012

Okay, in the beggining I was cringing so hard. It was hard to watch. Why keeping the relantionship a secret when it is hurting them both. Uuuugh, unconfortable.
The second half and the almost kiss was so so so cute!
I was sooooo relieved. I mean, poor Hira didn't know. Hope he takes it well, seems like it, but we never know.

AND CHINATSU WTF. I understand she is sad. Of course, anyone would be, but YOUR FRIEND IS ~~~ALREADY~~~ DATING THE GUY. THERE IS NO NEED FOR CONFESSION OR ANYTHING ELSE. And she was not just trying to confess, sorry, but that was straigh up "stealing yo man".
That LINE what the end...aaaaaaaargh. I'm actually mad about it wtf XD

May 27, 2017 5:28 PM

Mar 2014
wow, our man MC showed his balls of steel! XD
Gratz boy, you get your best girl. I'm proud of you.

And we can make 2 achievements today:

- Unlock "My Girlfriend"
- Unlock "Double Kill!" (Destroy the love interest of 2 people in 1 day)

May 27, 2017 5:32 PM
Jan 2015
jsmrcrzgrdl_ said:
The timeline for this episode is confusing, kinda rushed. Still, kawaii episode as always. Tho that kiss was "damn, fck it", they're middle highschoolers duh. Well I guess it's a great epitome of kids nowadays called millenials.

The story has been making time jumps all along. Episode 7 takes place at least three (if not four) months after the first day of school. School started at the beginning of April. Those midterm tests they took in episode 3 were probably towards the end of May. The school trip during episode 4 was probably mid-June.

For those unfamiliar with Japanese curriculum (myself included), it can be a bit confusing since there are never any explicit dates mentioned, and it's difficult to judge just how much time has elapsed from one episode to the next. However, there are a few subtle signs, such as changing from the winter uniform into the summer one.

Expect another time skip with episode 8, which will mark five months since the beginning of the school year.

The Kawagoe Festival for which Kotarou is practicing is a real event, held for two days on the 3rd Saturday and Sunday of October. The part Kotarou is practicing for is the same as the white kitsune (fox) shown in the OP.
FredFriendlyMay 27, 2017 5:49 PM
May 27, 2017 6:37 PM

Feb 2014
I love this show. The romance and drama feels so real and genuine, this is pretty much how I'd imagine it in real life.

The romance is slow and steady and each episode they get closer and closer. We need more romance shows like this one.
May 27, 2017 9:15 PM
Jun 2013
Is it me or is this episode particularly poorly drawn/animated?
May 27, 2017 10:34 PM

Jul 2014
Nice move, Kotarou. You tell 'im!

Never liked Chinatsu, but never disliked her either. But I can't say I feel bad for her, because I think her actions are wrong.
May 27, 2017 11:00 PM

Oct 2008
This episode has the most short episodes! if I counted correctly, that would be 5.
That my Boy Azumi! officially declaring that they are in relationship with Akane...right directly on to Hira's face! dayum yow! Nice guts!
LOL at Roman, too much rides on his own he got dehydrated and put to clinic! lolz!
The two had a nice date and their first "eating together" was just a lame TAKOYAKI!?!?
Looks like from this point on, their relationship will spread throughout the school for sure.
Here we go again with the usual kiss interruption by someone cliche...

May 28, 2017 1:28 AM

May 2012
I swear we need more badass MCs like Kotarou in romance anime.

He may be a man of few words and sometimes give off beta vibes...
Then BAM he goes full 180 and does the boldest things ever. Been awhile since I've seen a romance MC with backbone like that.

Also Chinatsu wth do you think you're doing?

*sends LINE message to supposed bff*
"Aw shucks I failed to confess to your boyfriend"
Seriously girl are you seriously saying that to Akane's face?
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