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Mar 11, 2017 6:21 AM

Oct 2014
sim0n2170 said:
That was ages ago 10+ years. Captain Magath only said the time frame of the "Last 9 years" and when the recapture plan began, in which they lost the Female and Colossal Titan in the year 850 which was 4 years ago.

I don't think it has anything to do with the time period, from what I understood and I could be wrong, the Attack titan wasn't officially in the hands of the Marley government at all since the beginning, the owl was a hidden Elidian pretending to be a Marley officer so he had nothing to do with being a shifter officially. how did the attack titan reaches owl, and where was it, are things that we don't know iirc. Did they state before that Marly had the 8 other titans?

Mar 11, 2017 6:55 AM

Aug 2016
zal said:
Still contradictory.

I don't think the comparison should be done between Europe and Russians but between Nazis and Jewish

Russians and comunist were very bad guys after WW1. But interesting theory, what if nazis used jews to win over soviets in middle of WW2.. hmm...
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Mar 11, 2017 7:04 AM

May 2015
Martin_Taylor said:
zal said:
Still contradictory.

I don't think the comparison should be done between Europe and Russians but between Nazis and Jewish

Russians and comunist were very bad guys after WW1. But interesting theory, what if nazis used jews to win over soviets in middle of WW2.. hmm...
It's not about soviets being good or bad the key part is that I don't think they were treated as an inferior race like Jews and Eldians.
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Mar 11, 2017 7:49 AM

Aug 2016
zal said:
Martin_Taylor said:

Russians and comunist were very bad guys after WW1. But interesting theory, what if nazis used jews to win over soviets in middle of WW2.. hmm...
It's not about soviets being good or bad the key part is that I don't think they were treated as an inferior race like Jews and Eldians.

Look, pal, in soviet russia... just go and do your research about treatment between russian and non-russian population.*cough* Ukraine genocide*cough* But they fought all together against nazis. Eventually...
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Mar 11, 2017 8:26 AM

Oct 2013

Isayama mentions a few times about Korea and Japan war, so I don't think his inspiration is just russia, jews and nazi, but all of this is irrelevant.

You both are missing the overall point though. When the Marley soldier was saying that Marley is nothing without the titan power. He was talking about their special titans aka titan shifters, not the regular titans, Why I say that? Because if you go back to the discussion leading up to him saying that, it was about loosing the female titan power and the collosal titan power,

Remember the power belongs to Marley, but only the edians can acquire that power because only they can turn into titans when injected, so he is not praising the eldians them self, but the power that they inherited. We still haven't found out how the original titan shifters acquire this power.

And for argument sake, lets say that isn't the case, what Martin_Taylor said, is very true in the real world.

Let us not get it twisted though, Marley doesn't like the eldians, hence why they are at the front line in the war, they are basically the fooders, the ape titan will probably turn the majority of them into mindless titans next chapter, the titan shifters get special treatment including their family, it is like slavery, some slaves get special treatment and even get ranks over other slaves, because they are obedient and they snitch on their own people, it is basically the same principle.

You may not like someone, but at the same time you can still see their value, and take advantage of that. That is what is happening here.

So Zal that argument lost in both dirrection, hence why I didn't even bother trying to start a argument with you, because it was pretty obvious you were grasping at straws, trying to say something negative about the series, just for the sake of it, since nothing positive should be said. That is a sign of a hater.

Oh, and thanks for the info, I didn't know falco means hawk in italian. Thanks for bringing up something so irrelevant that most people don't even care about or realize about. Keep grasping at straws. lol

Oh, and I guess Erwin and bertholdt isn't considered main characters? ok, and you are contradicting yourself, because killing off main characters doesn't = to being realistic, with that logic akame ga kill is the most realistic manga ever.

And stop using arguments like those, because even if Isayama eventually kill off a couple of the current main cast, you still wouldn't call it realistic. So why talk about something like this? lol you truly are a hater. lol
keragammingMar 11, 2017 8:36 AM
Mar 11, 2017 8:51 AM

May 2015
keragamming said:

So Zal that argument lost in both dirrection, hence why I didn't even bother trying to start a argument with you, because it was pretty obvious you were grasping at straws, trying to say something negative about the series, just for the sake of it, since nothing positive should be said. That is a sign of a hater.
I said something negative because that's how I feel about the series and not the whole comment was negative, part of it was neutral. Also I rarely post positive comments in any episode discussion, not only SnK. I feel more compelled to share what I dislike than what I like unless something particularly well done happens.

Oh, and thanks for the info, I didn't know falco means hawk in italian. Thanks for bringing up something so irrelevant that most people don't even care about or realize about. Keep grasping at straws. lol
I wouldn't be so sure about how irrelevant it is. Eren also has a particular name with a meaning to it. Falco sees a hawk at the start of the chapter and that's why I thought it was rather peculiar. Also this is not the first time freedom is symbolized with wings in SnK.

Oh, and I guess Erwin and bertholdt isn't considered main characters? ok, and you are contradicting yourself, because killing off main characters doesn't = to being realistic, with that logic akame ga kill is the most realistic manga ever.
Neither of them was part of the inner circle of characters, Erwin was the mentor/guide guy. Also it was a generic rant because I read someone (not here I think) praise SnK realistic for killing off (background) characters (which admittedly Erwin and Berthold aren't). Yes, I hear some people say that about Akame ga kill and tokyo ghoul as well. I would hardly ever call SnK realistic just from the premise alone.

And stop using arguments like those, because even if Isayama eventually kill off a couple of the current main cast, you still wouldn't call it realistic. So why talk about something like this? lol you truly are a hater. lol
I won't until I see no reason to do so.
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Mar 11, 2017 12:02 PM
Mar 2017
First, hello. I am new here, and English is not my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes made. By the way, do not feel obligated in any way to read the movie script that is the text that follows.
Now, to the manga. I found it confusing, but not as much as you say. My biggest question is about the duration of the time skip ... Morgoth said that the plan to recover the original titan failed nine years ago ... So I assumed that the battle to recover the Maria wall came nine years ago, and that There was an eight-year time skip in relation to the last chapter. However, that would mean Ehren's death (he was only 8 years old remaining at 850); I do not think that would happen, but Reiner's remaining time beats: 1 year of training before infiltration, 3 training as soldier of the walls and 9 of time skip; 13 years. It would not make sense to be in search of a warrior to inherit his power if he was not about to die. Already Zeke seems to have received his power just before Reiner, for Cold has already been defined as heir to his power.
But now, despite the real duration of the time skip, I'd like to talk about Marley's soldiers. It is more than understandable that they fight side by side, given all we already know. Marley always used the Eldians in battles; Before, only the shifters, but since now they are definitely in a war against the eldians of Paradis, then it is obvious that they would use the eldians they have as a front line. This is not the most important, but the fact that the soldiers here seem like "versions" (I really do not know how to call them) of the soldiers of the walls that we already know, either in personality or in appearance. In my opinion, it would look something like:
Magath - Keith Shadis
Colt - Erwin Smith
Gabi - Eren Yager
Udo - Hanji Zöe (It was really difficult to deduce this, but seriously, I can not even think of him as a new character, I only see Hanji)
Sophia - Jean (Ok, this one I really doubted, but the horse face does not fool ... I think)
Falco - Ow, this is so hard I do not risk it. But if I were to kick it, I'd say it's the "version" of Armin, although they do not have as much in common as the others. It was also difficult because there is clearly something between him and Gabi, and being the "version" of Eren, I tried to get some love from him, but there is only Mikasa, and I believe there is no "version" of Mikasa and Levi Among the eldian of Marley, for there must be no one with the power of the Ackerman outside the walls.
But finally, the greatest connection is between Gabi and Eren. The determination, even Morgoth / Keith's hesitation in letting them risk their lives is the same. Even the strategy with the grenades, tying them and blowing up the armored train, is exactly like Eren did with Rod Reiss, throwing barrels of gunpowder tied to destroy him. What is more different is the strength - Gabi is the best soldier here, but it makes sense, since in front of Eren we had only the Ackermans and Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie, who were infiltrated shifters and soldiers Marley, all without any "Version" here - the ego - somewhat greater, I must say, and more feminine - and, of course, determination. Different because it is based on the misrepresented vision of the eldians of the walls resulting from the Marleyan brainwashing. She knows from the beginning that her enemies are human, unlike Eren. Despite this, she also has a noble motive, to free the eldians from Marley's favelas and make them recognized (an illusory motive, however).
Now, the titans. The power of the beastly titan will soon be of Colt; Zeke seems to have missed the promise of saving Eren (which would be impossible, anyway), and is now about to die. Reiner too, and his successor probably (okay, for sure) will be Gabi. The fact that they both die soon is a little disappointing, as there were things they still hoped they would do. Maybe they still do. Regarding the female titan, regardless of how much time passed, there remains doubt about its current state. Did the troop of exploits get a way to take their power (by the way, did they learn to turn people into titans?), Or at least get it out of the crystal? If she's still there, will she be alive? As for this, it would be the most likely, since she crystallized hoping to be able to return to her father. It would not be impossible; As we have seen, Marley's research points to the existence of "paths" that can carry blood, flesh, bones, and even memories and wills from among the dians. Maybe the roads also carry blood with nutrients, water and oxygen to Annie, eliminating excreta and carbon dioxide. It would be like breathing from a distance. Oh, and as for the "jaw titan" and "cart titan" ... Cart titan/ Pieck, is probably the titan shifter who accompanied and saved the beastly titan in the resumption of the Maria wall. I do not understand how it could be useful in that way to destroy the enemy trenches, but that's okay. Already jaw titan / Galliard...Initially, I thought it might be Reiner being called by another name, but the fact is that he is the titan armored, not the jaw titan; It would not make sense to treat him by two names, other than the fact that we had seen Reiner shortly before aboard an airplane. In short, the titan jaw has no armor, and is wounded by ordinary machine-gun bullets. What he has. Justifying its nomenclature, what it owns is a jaw similar to that of the armored titan. From what we see, it only hardens the jaw and fingers of the hands and feet.
In total, accounting all:
- Beast titan;
- Armored titan;
- Jaw titan;
- Cart titan;
- ? titan;
- Original titan;
- Attack on titan;
- Colossal titan;
- Female titan.
In addition to the pure titans of the walls, which can only be controlled with the power of the original titan, which, as far as we know, could only be controlled if Eren played History transformed into titan. Additionally, I always had a question. When Grisha devoured Frieda, what happened? Did the original titan's power add to that of the attack on titan? Does that mean there are no more 9 titans left? However, Eren possesses the power of attack on titan, and uses the coordinate of the original titan as if it had inherited from the father only the coordinate, not the original titan itself. When one shifter devours another, can they overlap? But regardless of what happened, I believe there are now 8 shifters.
About the discussion of what historical situation best represents the relationship between Marleyans and eldians ... When we saw Grisha's past, the reference to Nazi Germany, with ghettos and armbands, was very clear. But here we have a very different situation from the Second War; Here the eldians are the greatest marleyan "weapons", either with the shifters, or with the possibility of becoming pure titans or even serving as cannon fodder.
Okay, I think I'm done. We now have to think about what will happen now. Will the opening that Gabi created for the jaw titan will be enough to overthrow Slava Fort? Hope not. I also hope that we can soon see what is happening inside the walls; How they all are, how much time has really gone by, how much their technology has advanced, what their plans are, what they do with their naval fleet, whether Eren's bastard told how to use the coordinate (unfortunately I do not think so) and how old Levi (Hopefully not much, even having conviction that he will be badass to the end of his life), if he is well, well fed, happy, strong, handsome, etc. etc. And also, what will happen with his promise to Erwin, to kill the beast titan. This was one of the reasons that made Zeke's death somewhat disappointing; After all, Levi should kill him. And now ... wow, the titan beast's successor is just the guy who looked like the "matching" Marleyan soldier to Erwin. Shit. This is only getting more confusing. I imagine what will happen ... If Levi has time to face Zeke, or, what is more likely, will only face the beast titan when his power has been inherited by Colt, this copy of Erwin. I wonder if perhaps these connections are also consequences of such "paths". But this, children, this is for the next chapter, if we are lucky! Yay! A good month (or more) of pure torture for all.
amaterasoooMar 11, 2017 12:09 PM
Mar 11, 2017 3:37 PM
Jan 2017
I wish Isayama just gave the exposition through narration rather than trying to injecting it through dialogue, cause that was laughably bad and at times, slightly confusing.
Does he put any thought into his character designs? Because they're so similar and distinguishing different characters is a chore that takes you out of the story. I get that he probably doesn't wanna give them wild, DBZ-esque appearances but you can still have distinct character designs which are also realistic (see Hyouka, for example, even many background characters look distinct.)
I wish he'd just wrap this up already cause it just gets silly, he's trying to keep some things in the dark while also revealing a small amount of information and raising the stakes and he's not very good at it. Pretty much everything I loved about the series, either the show did better or isn't part of the story anymore or I don't find appealing anymore.
Mar 11, 2017 5:28 PM

Oct 2013
eyesalad said:
I wish Isayama just gave the exposition through narration rather than trying to injecting it through dialogue, cause that was laughably bad and at times, slightly confusing.
Does he put any thought into his character designs? Because they're so similar and distinguishing different characters is a chore that takes you out of the story. I get that he probably doesn't wanna give them wild, DBZ-esque appearances but you can still have distinct character designs which are also realistic (see Hyouka, for example, even many background characters look distinct.)
I wish he'd just wrap this up already cause it just gets silly, he's trying to keep some things in the dark while also revealing a small amount of information and raising the stakes and he's not very good at it. Pretty much everything I loved about the series, either the show did better or isn't part of the story anymore or I don't find appealing anymore.

keep in mind the confusing dialogue is the fault of the translator. If you didn't read the chapter from mangastream or Crunchy roll, then that means you read the fan translation, that has a lot of error, that are so wrong at times, it confuses the readers. Also, it is pretty obvious that the characters look alike to our main cast, because it was intentionally done that way. Like literally, all of them look like the main cast, surely that can't be a coincidence.

Also not because you are not enjoying the series, that doesn't mean everyone else should suffer and get a rush ending, You can always put the manga on hold and finish it when it ends. In about two to three years that is.
keragammingMar 11, 2017 5:33 PM
Mar 11, 2017 10:13 PM

Jun 2015
WyNdZ said:
A bit disappointed in this chapter since we didn't get to see any of the main cast especially since this is a monthly manga. Also not really interested in a bunch of new characters this late into the story. It'll be interesting to see how the main cast looks after the timeskip which hopefully we'll see next chapter.

but i like this chapter so much, we all know that our characters mostly all dies and we are now lacking characters.. so, this is best chapter to develop new characters.. friends or enemies
Mar 12, 2017 5:37 AM
Jan 2017
keragamming said:
eyesalad said:
I wish Isayama just gave the exposition through narration rather than trying to injecting it through dialogue, cause that was laughably bad and at times, slightly confusing.
Does he put any thought into his character designs? Because they're so similar and distinguishing different characters is a chore that takes you out of the story. I get that he probably doesn't wanna give them wild, DBZ-esque appearances but you can still have distinct character designs which are also realistic (see Hyouka, for example, even many background characters look distinct.)
I wish he'd just wrap this up already cause it just gets silly, he's trying to keep some things in the dark while also revealing a small amount of information and raising the stakes and he's not very good at it. Pretty much everything I loved about the series, either the show did better or isn't part of the story anymore or I don't find appealing anymore.

keep in mind the confusing dialogue is the fault of the translator. If you didn't read the chapter from mangastream or Crunchy roll, then that means you read the fan translation, that has a lot of error, that are so wrong at times, it confuses the readers. Also, it is pretty obvious that the characters look alike to our main cast, because it was intentionally done that way. Like literally, all of them look like the main cast, surely that can't be a coincidence.

Also not because you are not enjoying the series, that doesn't mean everyone else should suffer and get a rush ending, You can always put the manga on hold and finish it when it ends. In about two to three years that is.

The translation not being good doesn't make the way the exposition is given any better. "Oh, your head is injured, do you remember any of the relevant plot details? No? You'll remember them in a while but let me tell you everything!"
Also, having similar looking characters doesn't mean that they're so indistinct (is that a word?) from each other that you can't tell them apart. There's ways to make them stand out while still looking similar.
Mar 12, 2017 7:34 AM

Oct 2013
eyesalad said:
keragamming said:

keep in mind the confusing dialogue is the fault of the translator. If you didn't read the chapter from mangastream or Crunchy roll, then that means you read the fan translation, that has a lot of error, that are so wrong at times, it confuses the readers. Also, it is pretty obvious that the characters look alike to our main cast, because it was intentionally done that way. Like literally, all of them look like the main cast, surely that can't be a coincidence.

Also not because you are not enjoying the series, that doesn't mean everyone else should suffer and get a rush ending, You can always put the manga on hold and finish it when it ends. In about two to three years that is.

The translation not being good doesn't make the way the exposition is given any better. "Oh, your head is injured, do you remember any of the relevant plot details? No? You'll remember them in a while but let me tell you everything!"
Also, having similar looking characters doesn't mean that they're so indistinct (is that a word?) from each other that you can't tell them apart. There's ways to make them stand out while still looking similar.

Ok fair enough. You said it was confusing so I thought it was the dialogue itself. I agree with you that he should have done the exposition through narration. But it doesn't bother me much because it is such a normal thing to do.

I think when you are not enjoying a series, then even the smallest things will bother you.
keragammingMar 12, 2017 7:43 AM
Mar 12, 2017 8:42 AM
Apr 2011
Info dump and a bunch of random characters that will be slaughtered in the end. This is what happens when an author doesn't do world building in the first place. The manga feels sloppy with these kind of expositions. The only hope for this manga is seeing Mikasa pregnant with Eren's child.
Mar 12, 2017 8:55 AM

Oct 2014
keragamming said:

Ok fair enough. You said it was confusing so I thought it was the dialogue itself. I agree with you that he should have done the exposition through narration. But it doesn't bother me much because it is such a normal thing to do.

I think when you are not enjoying a series, then even the smallest things will bother you.

It is bothering for a story as amazing as SnK to have such a dumb way of info dump tbh. that's why I like the anime more than the manga, all these silly and weird dialogue moments are way more realistic and interesting there.

Mar 12, 2017 9:10 AM
Jul 2018
want to know about what happened with eren&company for these 4 years more than Fallos&comapany
Mar 12, 2017 9:31 AM

Oct 2013
Lyubit said:
keragamming said:

Ok fair enough. You said it was confusing so I thought it was the dialogue itself. I agree with you that he should have done the exposition through narration. But it doesn't bother me much because it is such a normal thing to do.

I think when you are not enjoying a series, then even the smallest things will bother you.

It is bothering for a story as amazing as SnK to have such a dumb way of info dump tbh. that's why I like the anime more than the manga, all these silly and weird dialogue moments are way more realistic and interesting there.

I think he did that, because he wanted to make the readers find out themself that it is a 3 years time skip, because in this chapter it didn't tell us that this chapter is a time skip. But in doing that he had to resort to that method.

But it seems this method may not have been the best since a decent amount of persons thought it was a flashback chapter.

Hopefully season 3 anime will make things a bit more clearer.
Mar 12, 2017 9:45 AM

Oct 2014
keragamming said:

I think he did that, because he wanted to make the readers find out themself that it is a 3 years time skip, because in this chapter it didn't tell us that this chapter is a time skip. But in doing that he had to resort to that method.

But it seems this method may not have been the best since a decent amount of persons thought it was a flashback chapter.

Hopefully season 3 anime will make things a bit more clearer.

Oh sorry, you got me wrong, I didn't mean the time skip info, I actually liked how he hinted it in the dialouge, the whole setting was a new mysterious place so he might have felt it would be weird to start it with "after 3 years".

What I was complaining about is the way Magi started explaining the whole thing since the beginning for the dizzy Falco, it doesn't make sense and seems a dumb way to clear things out for the reader. It's not a huge problem for sure.

Mar 12, 2017 11:14 AM
Aug 2015
Kinda disappointed by this chapter. It's somehow confusing (had to read it twice and not sure I undersood everything). But I think that according to what they said, this is occurring 3 years after Eren and co went outside the walls and reached the ocean.

Don't really like the new characters, especially Gabi who is the less interesting character of the whole manga and kinda out of the place. I just hope Isayama created them to show us how things are going on Marley's side and that they'll die somehow because I don't want them to steal the show. I hope we'll see Eren and co on the next chapters.

It's the first time I'm disappointed by a chapter of Shingeki no Kyojin. And I hope the anime will handle things better than this.
Mar 12, 2017 11:16 AM

Apr 2013
I might sound dumb but where is it said or implied that the chapter is set 3 years after? I didn't get that feeling at all and I'm quite confused. I know you guys tried to explain it earlier but that just made me even more confused.
Mar 12, 2017 1:09 PM
Jul 2018
chap. 91 will be the start of 4th season of shingeki no kyojin series in 2135))
Mar 12, 2017 2:09 PM

Jul 2013
What just happened ? Who are all these ppl ?
I thought it was just more backstory, but I'm not sure after reading comments here.
Mar 12, 2017 3:04 PM

Aug 2016
keragamming said:

And for argument sake, lets say that isn't the case, what Martin_Taylor said, is very true in the real world.

Wait, Iam sorry, so you agree or disagree with me? And what is wrong in that case? Eng is not my native.
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Mar 12, 2017 4:27 PM

Oct 2013
Martin_Taylor said:
keragamming said:

And for argument sake, lets say that isn't the case, what Martin_Taylor said, is very true in the real world.

Wait, Iam sorry, so you agree or disagree with me? And what is wrong in that case? Eng is not my native.

I agree with your point that you were making to Zal about the Russians.
Mar 12, 2017 8:55 PM

Aug 2012
Reifel said:
chap. 91 will be the start of 4th season of shingeki no kyojin series in 2135))
Nah this is more of Season 3 second arc.

Chokko said:
I might sound dumb but where is it said or implied that the chapter is set 3 years after? I didn't get that feeling at all and I'm quite confused. I know you guys tried to explain it earlier but that just made me even more confused.

It is mentioned when Captain Magath says "Original titan recaptured plan which began 9 years ago".
845, start of recapture plan, first appearance of Colossal Titan
850, 5 years after the first appearance of Colossal Titan and everything up to before the Ocean scene
851, 9 month/1 year time skip to Ocean
854, 3 year time skip to this chapter
845 + 9 years (mentioned this chapter) = 854 present time
Mar 13, 2017 5:39 AM

Aug 2016
keragamming said:
Martin_Taylor said:

Wait, Iam sorry, so you agree or disagree with me? And what is wrong in that case? Eng is not my native.

I agree with your point that you were making to Zal about the Russians.

Ok, in that case, thanks pal.
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Mar 13, 2017 12:16 PM

Apr 2013
sim0n2170 said:

It is mentioned when Captain Magath says "Original titan recaptured plan which began 9 years ago".
845, start of recapture plan, first appearance of Colossal Titan
850, 5 years after the first appearance of Colossal Titan and everything up to before the Ocean scene
851, 9 month/1 year time skip to Ocean
854, 3 year time skip to this chapter
845 + 9 years (mentioned this chapter) = 854 present time

Wow I really did miss that part. Thank you!
Mar 14, 2017 7:25 PM

Jan 2012
like some said this chapter wasn't the clearest one. From the first view it looks more like a flashback

bad translations too

Mar 15, 2017 2:00 AM

Oct 2014
AllenVonStein said:
like some said this chapter wasn't the clearest one. From the first view it looks more like a flashback

bad translations too

i second this, i think the translation i read was just bad because i feel like i read a totally different chapter than a lot of the people here on here >_< i need to go back and read it again
Mar 16, 2017 10:03 PM

Feb 2013
What? What. What?!?!?!
Mar 19, 2017 1:20 AM

Feb 2017
Does anyone else on here really dislike this new character Gabi? She's a huge narcissist...

"ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ᴡʜᴏ ᴡᴇʀᴇ sᴇᴇɴ ᴅᴀɴᴄɪɴɢ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ɪɴsᴀɴᴇ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ᴡʜᴏ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴇᴀʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴜsɪᴄ."

Mar 21, 2017 8:32 AM
Jan 2012
much estrategies. Very good draws. Cannon anti-titan? Is very interesting and curious.
Mar 25, 2017 10:24 PM

Oct 2014
I feel like Isayama is introducing all these plot threads too quickly, it feels like a completely different manga at this point.
Mar 26, 2017 1:37 PM

Apr 2016
Meh. Underwhelming chapter. I dunno... after finally discovering what was in the basement as well as the massive info-dump on the Titans' origins, this series has lost something.
Mar 27, 2017 3:25 AM

Apr 2016
im hella confused
Mar 31, 2017 6:32 AM

Aug 2013
This place is still going huh? It's been a while... But I have returned. The anime breaths new life into us. Even if we have become very different people.

Apr 1, 2017 4:14 PM

Feb 2016
Too much time skips, in the next one we could see Eren's grandchilds or something like that, we need more developing of the story in a present time

I hope Isayama knows what he's doing because this is getting kinda out of hand
Apr 1, 2017 4:42 PM
Jul 2018
i'm not sure i understand what was happening . also why do people say that eren's half-brother is that ape titan . did i skip a chapter ?
Apr 2, 2017 6:15 AM

Aug 2012
Mezo-RPWPA said:
i'm not sure i understand what was happening . also why do people say that eren's half-brother is that ape titan . did i skip a chapter ?
Did you not read Grisha's arc? He had a son with Dina named Zeke, starting Chapter 86. Zeke's name was revealed in Chapter 77 and his human form in Chapter 70. Put all 3 together and you have it.
Apr 2, 2017 2:22 PM
Jul 2018
sim0n2170 said:
Mezo-RPWPA said:
i'm not sure i understand what was happening . also why do people say that eren's half-brother is that ape titan . did i skip a chapter ?
Did you not read Grisha's arc? He had a son with Dina named Zeke, starting Chapter 86. Zeke's name was revealed in Chapter 77 and his human form in Chapter 70. Put all 3 together and you have it.

thanks . i stopped reading for 7 months after chapter 84 so that's why i didn't remember the things that happened before .
Apr 4, 2017 5:54 PM

Jun 2014
Farabeuf said:
Hisayama is setting this up for a Titan vs Titan all out slugfest at the end.

For some reason it really irks me with how much sympathy he portrays the Marleyans. They are the ones seeking to crush the islanders that have pretty much left them alone the last couple of centuries. Yes, their kids are brainwashed victims to some extent but agh...maybe it's just Gundam IBO that's left me irked agaist neutral portrayals.

You are looking at it biasedly since you watched the show from one point of view. There is no real "right side" in war. Eren and company want to kill them all as well. In the end all this show is is century old squabble that they all happened to get involved in lol. Both sides are wrong, the power hungry king in the walls and the outsiders. I can dig it though
Apr 5, 2017 9:14 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Qans said:
Farabeuf said:
Hisayama is setting this up for a Titan vs Titan all out slugfest at the end.

For some reason it really irks me with how much sympathy he portrays the Marleyans. They are the ones seeking to crush the islanders that have pretty much left them alone the last couple of centuries. Yes, their kids are brainwashed victims to some extent but agh...maybe it's just Gundam IBO that's left me irked agaist neutral portrayals.

You are looking at it biasedly since you watched the show from one point of view. There is no real "right side" in war. Eren and company want to kill them all as well. In the end all this show is is century old squabble that they all happened to get involved in lol. Both sides are wrong, the power hungry king in the walls and the outsiders. I can dig it though

Indeed i am biased. But so is everyone. We've been presented this story through the eyes of Eren, Mikasa and Armin. We've seen thousands of people butchered, including Eren's mother. I understand that the Marleyan's cause can be just as righteous. But that doesn't mean I have to feel the same kind of sympathy and understanding for them as I have for our protagonists.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Apr 8, 2017 11:12 AM

Apr 2013
keragamming said:
2. People are complaining about the new characters and that they don't feel attach to them

they've only been in two chapters
Apr 12, 2017 1:15 AM
Jan 2017
Where's Annie? XD
I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes

That way I wouldn't have to have any goddamn stupid useless conversations with anybody. If anybody wanted to tell me something they'd have to write it on a piece of paper and shove it over to me. They'd get bored as hell doing that after a while, and then I'd be through with having conversations for the rest of my life
Apr 12, 2017 1:47 AM

Aug 2012
rain_carnell said:
Where's Annie? XD
Still in her crystal
Apr 14, 2017 5:01 PM
Aug 2013
Wow, fuck Gabi...
That fucker has no face expressions! He's like a robot programed to like you.
Apr 16, 2017 6:24 PM

Apr 2015
Alot of questions have been answered in the past few chapters wow. Almost too much information to keep up with.
Apr 24, 2017 11:10 PM

Sep 2013
Man the term "jumping the shark" seems pretty appropriate these days.
May 21, 2017 6:55 PM

Jan 2017
Wait, I feel like I missed like five hundred chapters.
What's going on in here?
How many years has it been?
What happened after they saw the sea?
What happened after the underground?
Where's everyone?
Like what the actual fuck is happening in this manga?
Dec 16, 2017 2:55 AM

Apr 2016
Galliard's entrance was awesome!
Feb 3, 2018 12:54 PM

Apr 2016
Galliard is a brave girl!!!
Great turn in this story!!!
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