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Feb 2, 2017 12:04 AM
Oct 2013

Literally the the title of the chapter says it all.

Zorro: Ready to go on our roadtrip bro?

Bropper: I was born ready!

Chapter in itself was fine, little comedy here, some funny jokes there. Enjoyable filler. Also the more gets revealed, I come to the conclusion that Pudding will have a change of heart in some way. I imagine that Sanji will kiss her albeit the 3rd eye and that´ll spin her wheels and make her cling to him or something of the sort. 4/5 for being fun.
IsterioFeb 2, 2017 12:26 AM
Feb 2, 2017 12:09 AM

Aug 2013
I love this week's art.

So Brook is the first one to injure Big Mom's main minions, neat. His having soul powers will be key in the inevitable big fight. They just need to rescue him first.

It's interesting that everyone's managed to escape while being thought dead or captured, usually that sort of thing doesn't happen. But I guess that one guy giving false information to not get in trouble is a big factor along with the mirror world being super useful.

And now Sanji's finally gotten to his senses, makes sense that the thing that finally gets him to go after Luffy is meat. Both Luffy and Sanji are headed to the place Luffy said he'd wait and they'll finally get to meet up and Luffy will eat Sanji's food and hopefully everything will be awesome for just a little bit.

And it seems we're not on break next week!
Feb 2, 2017 12:21 AM

Dec 2013
Didn't really feel like much happened this week but at least we aren't on break!

Big Mom is brutal but that entire conversation felt somewhat pointless.

Brook injured one of Big Mom's souls! An impressive feat!
Feb 2, 2017 12:22 AM

Dec 2012
Awesome cover page of Zoro & Chopper.
LOL Nami zapped Bropper.

Hearing Big Mom talk about how they are going to kill the Vinsmokes is scary.

YEAH Sanji. No one is eating that meat except Luffy.
"I’ve set myself to become the King of the Pirates…and if I die trying…then at least I tried!" Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)

Feb 2, 2017 12:29 AM
Oct 2013
G_Spark233 said:
Didn't really feel like much happened this week but at least we aren't on break!

Oda will need filler if he wants the arc to last 20 more chapters.

1.It´s not during crucial momments(no one is fightning).
2.It´s not repetetive.
3.The changing of locations and characters makes sense unlike Dressrosa where it was obonoxious.
IsterioFeb 2, 2017 12:43 AM
Feb 2, 2017 12:31 AM

Jan 2016
OMG i'm super early today, better make a joke
Fairy Tail

Ok jokes aside, Ma nigga brook managed to hurt all three of big mama's soul-spirit things
And i still think that Jinbe lost part of his lifetime but doesn't want to tell them
Feb 2, 2017 12:38 AM

Jan 2016
I'm impressed, Broook injured one of the souls!

The cover art was superb this week, Zoro riding a harley while chopper is just chilling infront, GOLD!

Not a very eventful chapter but that's alright, we should be nearing the climax of this arc soon
Feb 2, 2017 1:16 AM

Nov 2011
Yeah, Brook is definitely going to make a difference in this arc with that ability of his. Especially considering that he can deal damage to one of the souls.

Sanji and Luffy's meeting should be quite entertaining.
Feb 2, 2017 2:09 AM

Jun 2014
So Jinbe didn't even step up to the roulette wheel. I'd probably do the same tbh.....

Nothing too big in this chapter, it was mostly setup for the chapters to come it seems, but I liked the ending with Sanji not allowing the guard to eat the meat. Hopefully Luffy and Sanji run into each other soon so Luffy can get some food in his stomach.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Feb 2, 2017 2:21 AM

Mar 2016
Great chapter this week.
Loved the cover page with Zoro in a Harley kinda bike and Chopper chilling in the front haha

Nami using thunder cloud on Chopper made me laugh more than I should xD Kinda expected Nami and Jimbe to join them in the mirror world. I'm glad. They're all finally meeting back up. Seems like Jinbe really didn't lose anything in the roulette. I mean everyone kept calling it a rebellion so thought that was the case. Poor Brule didn't even get to finish her sentence xD

SANJIIIIII. YESSS. This panel is sickkk.

YES. I am so happy to see him snap like that. Things are finally turning for the better now. Bobbins just got smacked real hard haha. You simply don't touch the Captain's meat <3 I really can't wait until Sanji meets up with Luffy and gives him his food. That is gonna be so great to see ^^
Super excited for next week :D

Feb 2, 2017 3:44 AM

Mar 2015
this only lead to good ending even for puding...
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Feb 2, 2017 4:19 AM

Dec 2014
Great chapter again, That cover page was gold. Loved it.

Nami zapped Bropper, That was really funny. XD

Brook actually managed to injure Mama's souls, Awesome. I so wish we could have seen that fight. Maybe we'll get it as a post arc flashback or something

Big Mom basically explained her plan to take over Germa.

I like how all of Big Mom's minions think that the StrawHats and their companions have been dealt with when in reality all of them are running free. xD
Loved the final page, grinned when Sanji beat down that guard and told him hands off the meat. Sanji is coming back, can't wait till he meets Luffy. :D
Feb 2, 2017 4:35 AM

Jan 2017
Good chapter from One Piece

Small amount of development across the chapter

Feb 2, 2017 5:28 AM
Sep 2012
So Jimbe didn't play the roulette, well if Big Mom is not going to play fair, screw it. And we know what kind of a mother Big Mom is, is one that doesn't let her children grow up and live their own lives, we knew that already, but that applies to everyone under her.

In a weird way I think Brock gained Big Mom's respect, he got a hit on her and she was happy, I guess Big Mom is into SNM, don't even want to think about it.

And something is up with Pudding, there was panel we see her wink, and that look says something is up, I don't think she fully on Big Mom's side, I think she has her own agenda. One thing I always believed what she said was true, her admiration of Lola going out on her own, and I think she is going to use all this commotion to make an escape. That is my theory and I am sticking to it. She wants to get away and will throw anyone under the bus to get that.

Anyway Big Mom's plan already has a hole in it, Sanji already knows about the 3rd eye, so not going to work. And speaking of plans, all of Big Mom subordinate really believe all their enemies are either dead or captured, well I kind of sorry for them for how angry Big Mom is going to be at them when she finds out they were wrong.

Figured someone eating his food is the final straw for Sanji, and what is his plan, well hopefully we will see soon.

This is a long day, when will get to the next day and the wedding and when all the action takes place. Let's get to it.
Feb 2, 2017 7:00 AM

Oct 2015
This arc is so strange! How does Pudding have no observation Haki to sense Sanji outside the window during her conversation with Reiju? Why did Big Mom order Luffy and co to be captured alive if she intended on killing them anyway? Why did she call Luffy to tell him she would let them go after the wedding if she was planning to kill them anyway? Why bother calling people locked away in a prison cell, unable to move? Why does Big Mom assume that after she kills the Vinsmokes she'll automatically gain control of their technology that she has no knowledge of and the loyalty of the Germa soldiers who were genetically modified to be subservient to the Vinsmokes themselves? Why is the Charlotte Family so incompetent that they not only fail to kill 6 people outnumbered by an island's worth of fighters, but also outright lie about killing the SHs thus endangering the plans, sleep inside their prisoner's bed, and not even check to see if the person in the bed is truly Sanji? Why is Brulee and co. so insistent on divulging their plans to the enemy? Why is Sanji insisting on staying to die even though he knows the plan? Why does he think Luffy will get away even though Pudding said everyone would be killed? Why did simply touching meat turn him from resigning to his death to running to feed Luffy? Why did Big Mom let Jimbe walk free if the dial was made to kill them on the spot? Why does she even need the dial to kill them? Why did Peckoms bring the SHs who he has shown incredible gratitude to for saving Zou to Whole Cake Island despite knowing the truth about the wedding? Why did Lola give Nami a Vivre Card leading her to Big Mom if she knew her family was like this?

None of this makes any sense!
Feb 2, 2017 7:49 AM
Oct 2013
MoonStar9 said:
This arc is so strange! How does Pudding have no observation Haki to sense Sanji outside the window during her conversation with Reiju?

Only the topfighters under a Yonkou do have a similar level of abilities like Haki and such most soldiers are just jobbers and some of them don´t even have that levle of power. Pudding is just not on the upper echelon among the fighters, but has other qualities, like her heritage and her versatile devil fruit, depending on how smart she is. That´s actually quite easy to answer.

MoonStar9 said:

Why did Big Mom order Luffy and co to be captured alive if she intended on killing them anyway? Why did she call Luffy to tell him she would let them go after the wedding if she was planning to kill them anyway? Why bother calling people locked away in a prison cell, unable to move?

The same answer to any monologuing Shounen villain´s downfall. Their overconfidence and sloppy execution of their plans.
The same reason every Bond Villain fail and are still charming to watch combined with a healthy dose of sadism that´d be fueled by lulling her victirms into a false sense of security to relish their despair when they find out the truth.

MoonStar9 said:

Why does Big Mom assume that after she kills the Vinsmokes she'll automatically gain control of their technology that she has no knowledge of and the loyalty of the Germa soldiers who were genetically modified to be subservient to the Vinsmokes themselves?

It´s nowhere confirmed how much Big Mom actually knows about German´s technology, though she has a mad scientist at her disposal and judging from her behaviour she´s generally not the brightest pencil in the crayon box.
So, you can make of it what you want.

MoonStar9 said:

Why is the Charlotte Family so incompetent that they not only fail to kill 6 people outnumbered by an island's worth of fighters, but also outright lie about killing the SHs thus endangering the plans, sleep inside their prisoner's bed, and not even check to see if the person in the bed is truly Sanji? Why is Brulee and co. so insistent on divulging their plans to the enemy?

Because of Shounen convenience, deus ex machina like the mirror world, again Bond villain overconfidence and arrogance combined with the fear of being killed through Big Mom for botching their jobs, if they admit it.

MoonStar9 said:

Why is Sanji insisting on staying to die even though he knows the plan?

That´s just bad writing for the sake of forced drama when when there is no need to it.

MoonStar9 said:

Why does he think Luffy will get away even though Pudding said everyone would be killed?

An aftereffect of the bad writing to force pointless drama, that makes Lanji come off as schizophrenic this whole arc. Sanji´s true character is one that belives in his friends.

MoonStar9 said:

Why did simply touching meat turn him from resigning to his death to running to feed Luffy?

The obvious symbolism for him and the audience that his crew needs him and he cannot give up, therefore has to get his shit together and remember who he is.

It couldn´t be more obvious if this would happen to him

Someone go make a thumbnail where Mufasa tells Sanji "Remember who you are!"

MoonStar9 said:

Why did Big Mom let Jimbe walk free if the dial was made to kill them on the spot? Why does she even need the dial to kill them?

She clearly stated that she values Jinbe and rather than killing him she´d prefer him alive as an underling, even under the threat of death. So when he backed down she was ok with it without killing him. This currently is a stealth mission Jinbe tried to openly defect from her and she said no you don´t, to which he responded ok I won´t. Simple too.

MoonStar9 said:

Why did Peckoms bring the SHs who he has shown incredible gratitude to for saving Zou to Whole Cake Island despite knowing the truth about the wedding?

Did he though? Pekoms to me seems like an oblivious idiot I wouldn´t tell too many secrets either, furthermore he only agreed reluctantly towards them and was fine with taking Caesar alone and lying about the Strawhats. He agreed to help them free Sanji but his allegiance still lies with Big Mom.[/quote]

MoonStar9 said:

Why did Lola give Nami a Vivre Card leading her to Big Mom if she knew her
family was like this?

Lola clearly distributed the charecteristics of an oblivious idiot. Just look at how her Zombie behaved, it´s not surprise that she didn´t knew any better.

MoonStar9 said:

None of this makes any sense!

It really depends on how you look at it, besides the Sanji part, that has clearly no explanation. This is just lazy.
Feb 2, 2017 8:19 AM

Oct 2015
Isterio said:
MoonStar9 said:
This arc is so strange! How does Pudding have no observation Haki to sense Sanji outside the window during her conversation with Reiju?

Only the topfighters under a Yonkou do have a similar level of abilities like Haki and such most soldiers are just jobbers and some of them don´t even have that levle of power. Pudding is just not on the upper echelon among the fighters, but has other qualities, like her heritage and her versatile devil fruit, depending on how smart she is. That´s actually quite easy to answer.

MoonStar9 said:

Why did Big Mom order Luffy and co to be captured alive if she intended on killing them anyway? Why did she call Luffy to tell him she would let them go after the wedding if she was planning to kill them anyway? Why bother calling people locked away in a prison cell, unable to move?

The same answer to any monologuing Shounen villain´s downfall. Their overconfidence and sloppy execution of their plans.
The same reason every Bond Villain fail and are still charming to watch combined with a healthy dose of sadism that´d be fueled by lulling her victirms into a false sense of security to relish their despair when they find out the truth.

MoonStar9 said:

Why does Big Mom assume that after she kills the Vinsmokes she'll automatically gain control of their technology that she has no knowledge of and the loyalty of the Germa soldiers who were genetically modified to be subservient to the Vinsmokes themselves?

It´s nowhere confirmed how much Big Mom actually knows about German´s technology, though she has a mad scientist at her disposal and judging from her behaviour she´s generally not the brightest pencil in the crayon box.
So, you can make of it what you want.

MoonStar9 said:

Why is the Charlotte Family so incompetent that they not only fail to kill 6 people outnumbered by an island's worth of fighters, but also outright lie about killing the SHs thus endangering the plans, sleep inside their prisoner's bed, and not even check to see if the person in the bed is truly Sanji? Why is Brulee and co. so insistent on divulging their plans to the enemy?

Because of Shounen convenience, deus ex machina like the mirror world, again Bond villain overconfidence and arrogance combined with the fear of being killed through Big Mom for botching their jobs, if they admit it.

MoonStar9 said:

Why is Sanji insisting on staying to die even though he knows the plan?

That´s just bad writing for the sake of forced drama when when there is no need to it.

MoonStar9 said:

Why does he think Luffy will get away even though Pudding said everyone would be killed?

An aftereffect of the bad writing to force pointless drama, that makes Lanji come off as schizophrenic this whole arc. Sanji´s true character is one that belives in his friends.

MoonStar9 said:

Why did simply touching meat turn him from resigning to his death to running to feed Luffy?

The obvious symbolism for him and the audience that his crew needs him and he cannot give up, therefore has to get his shit together and remember who he is.

It couldn´t be more obvious if this would happen to him

Someone go make a thumbnail where Mufasa tells Sanji "Remember who you are!"

MoonStar9 said:

Why did Big Mom let Jimbe walk free if the dial was made to kill them on the spot? Why does she even need the dial to kill them?

She clearly stated that she values Jinbe and rather than killing him she´d prefer him alive as an underling, even under the threat of death. So when he backed down she was ok with it without killing him. This currently is a stealth mission Jinbe tried to openly defect from her and she said no you don´t, to which he responded ok I won´t. Simple too.

MoonStar9 said:

Why did Peckoms bring the SHs who he has shown incredible gratitude to for saving Zou to Whole Cake Island despite knowing the truth about the wedding?

Did he though? Pekoms to me seems like an oblivious idiot I wouldn´t tell too many secrets either, furthermore he only agreed reluctantly towards them and was fine with taking Caesar alone and lying about the Strawhats. He agreed to help them free Sanji but his allegiance still lies with Big Mom.

MoonStar9 said:

Why did Lola give Nami a Vivre Card leading her to Big Mom if she knew her
family was like this?

Lola clearly distributed the charecteristics of an oblivious idiot. Just look at how her Zombie behaved, it´s not surprise that she didn´t knew any better.

MoonStar9 said:

None of this makes any sense!

It really depends on how you look at it, besides the Sanji part, that has clearly no explanation. This is just lazy.

I understand the answers some of these questions can be excused with before even writing my comment. My real question is, why did Oda write these things. And I think you answered that with your last line. Laziness. This whole arc is lazy. Sanji's character this arc is written lazily, the Charlotte family is written lazily. Sanji was trapped in a position he couldn't get out of without the death of someone he cared about and Oda solved it by merely making everybody fiendishly evil to null the weight of the choices Sanji had to make. Don't worry about sacrificing yourself to save Zeff and the SHs, wverybody is just evil and is going to kill them anyway so sic 'em Luffy. Lazy.
Feb 2, 2017 8:49 AM
Oct 2013
MoonStar9 said:

I understand the answers some of these questions can be excused with before even writing my comment. My real question is, why did Oda write these things. And I think you answered that with your last line. Laziness. This whole arc is lazy. Sanji's character this arc is written lazily, the Charlotte family is written lazily. Sanji was trapped in a position he couldn't get out of without the death of someone he cared about and Oda solved it by merely making everybody fiendishly evil to null the weight of the choices Sanji had to make. Don't worry about sacrificing yourself to save Zeff and the SHs, wverybody is just evil and is going to kill them anyway so sic 'em Luffy. Lazy.

Besides Sanji´s character, nothing else is really out of the ordinary.

Crocodile argueably the best villain in this Manga untill now lost due to the same reasons Big Mom is build up to lose. It´s a general rule with Shounen, suspense is build up, the characters are put into impossible to solve situations and the solution comes in form of a deus ex machina or a villian sloppily executing his plan.

The sloppily executed plan generally gets better responses from readers than the Deus Ex Machina, which is why Oda uses the latter more, which he balances to a degree by making his own characters fall victim to it too.

Eg. The whole premise of Punk Hazard and Fishman Island could only be executed under the excuse of " Character letting their guard down". Which is why this arcs where so ill received. The timeskip was supposedly meant to abandon lazy writing like this (which One Piece always suffered from) and deliver more even scales towards the challenges. The inherent problem with this, is the preexisting powercreep any Shounen obligatory delivers. You cannot fight enemy C before you´ve been done fighting enemy B and level up.
But it was always like this untill the Shabody arc, where Luffy went on his solo adventure and the impossible situation was salvaged due to a couple of conveniences outer factors and he still failed to accomplish his goal in the end.

Big Mom and her people being fiendishly evil was alluded too, he just botched Pudding´s character among them. Pudding makes no sense with the buildup she had. If there is not another Shyamalan twist where it turns out she is not actually content with being her mothers tool it´s bad writing and a copout.
Sanji getting out of the situation was an obvious copout too. If it wasn´t for the Vinsmokes to be killed, they´d find some other excuse to assure Jeff´s safety and make Sanji leave. Which is why I didn´t like the fight between him and Luffy. Again bad writing on this one. Sanji in general this arc is horribly written and completely OOC.

So in summary, Nothing is written worse than any other arc it´s just two characters that distribute bad writing, they are crucial though and i think that´s why they leave such a bad taste in your mouth.

Those characters are Pudding&Sanji and both suffer from the same problem:
IsterioFeb 2, 2017 9:55 AM
Feb 2, 2017 9:21 AM

Jun 2013
so jinbe didn't lose anything..?hmm
i hope everything is not going to be okay for the straw hats and sanji
they're going against a yonko after all
Feb 2, 2017 9:35 AM

Mar 2014
Not much happened but next chapter should be good. Big Mom explaining her plan was pretty unnecessary. It's not like it was intricate at all or something that the readers didn't already guess was going to happen. Big Mom's council thinking that the Straw Hats were all dealt with was pretty funny. Her crew seems really incompetent.
Feb 2, 2017 11:24 AM

May 2015
MoonStar9 said:
This arc is so strange! How does Pudding have no observation Haki to sense Sanji outside the window during her conversation with Reiju?

Big Mom has 84 children, out of her 39 daughters Pudding is the 35th.

Do we expect even the Whitey Bays to be ultra strong?

Why did Big Mom order Luffy and co to be captured alive if she intended on killing them anyway?

Why did she call Luffy to tell him she would let them go after the wedding if she was planning to kill them anyway?

Who said she intended on killing the straw-hats? She was imprisioning everyone else, she was planning on killing Germa 66 and Jinbe.

Luffy and Nami were trapped in a book and Chopper and Brulee were tied to chains (she wanted to put them in the "species of the world" book too, right? Being unique species and all).

Why bother calling people locked away in a prison cell, unable to move? Why does Big Mom assume that after she kills the Vinsmokes she'll automatically gain control of their technology that she has no knowledge of and the loyalty of the Germa soldiers who were genetically modified to be subservient to the Vinsmokes themselves?

She could always just steal the weapons and use the classic "join me or die" tactic she's so enamored with.

The weapons seem pretty simple to use anyway. So far we have been shown..magic clothing and cloning. Maybe it's not really much of DIY cloning tool, or maybe Big Mom's just really tech-savvy. You never know.

Why is the Charlotte Family so incompetent that they not only fail to kill 6 people outnumbered by an island's worth of fighters,

The good guys always win.
but also outright lie about killing the SHs thus endangering the plans,

They don't want to be killed by the life-sucking Queen of Hearts.

sleep inside their prisoner's bed, and not even check to see if the person in the bed is truly Sanji? Why is Brulee and co. so insistent on divulging their plans to the enemy?

Pedro just told them the plan the panel directly before that one, nothing to lose from some evil gloating.

Why is Sanji insisting on staying to die even though he knows the plan?

His family's stupid and are going to be massacred by a psychopathic emperor. He's a brooding man!

Why does he think Luffy will get away even though Pudding said everyone would be killed?

He could
Why did simply touching meat turn him from resigning to his death to running to feed Luffy?


Why did Big Mom let Jimbe walk free if the dial was made to kill them on the spot?

She didn't let him walk away scotfree. Maybe Jinbe's really fast at running. The "leave or death" part was established quite a while ago.

Why does she even need the dial to kill them?

It's flavorful.
Why did Peckoms bring the SHs who he has shown incredible gratitude to for saving Zou to Whole Cake Island despite knowing the truth about the wedding?

He advised them to turn back in Volume 83 with a note, before he got shot by Capone Bege. So maybe he *didn't* know, but learned later or something.
Why did Lola give Nami a Vivre Card leading her to Big Mom if she knew her family was like this?

Good question considering Big Mom's blatant mental insanity.
ashfrliebertFeb 2, 2017 11:30 AM
ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ
Feb 2, 2017 12:30 PM

Mar 2014
It's good to see that the Charlottes have basically know clue about the Straw Hats whereabouts now and think they are done.
Feb 2, 2017 1:13 PM

Nov 2015
Alright chapter. They don't know about the Straw Hats, so that's good.

Feb 2, 2017 2:06 PM
Sep 2016
Is anyone else wondering what Bege is doing right now?
Feb 2, 2017 2:18 PM
Oct 2013
DragonFireKing said:
Is anyone else wondering what Bege is doing right now?

Honestly I don´t give a fuck about that guy. His foreshadowing screams him getting fucked and he has scrub written all over him.

I assume it´s just a red herring from Oda to introduce an "OOHHH SPOOKY" storyline, what could happen. If Capone is actually succesful he fucked himself by discrediting all the hype for the Yonkou and if he´s not the whole "hype" for his plan was completely worthless.

The best solution for such a plotline is, to showcase a characters powerlevel, before the main cast gets to fight him. But Big Mom was teased enough at this point to make this obsolete so there is absolutely no point to it, besides dicking around and leading on the audiencemembers stupid enough to buy it .
Feb 2, 2017 3:15 PM

Nov 2013
best thing was the Zoro panel
Feb 2, 2017 11:39 PM

Jul 2014
Not much happened.
Feb 3, 2017 1:12 AM

Oct 2015
That Sanji finally has come to his senses and i hope he gets his ass kicked by his crew.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Feb 3, 2017 8:43 AM

Jun 2015
Zorronator was the best about this chapter.
Feb 4, 2017 7:25 AM

Dec 2014
well the chapter was a good build up...good thing sanji realized that luffy might be waiting for him....
Feb 4, 2017 8:08 AM

Oct 2015
TrashDax said:
Zorronator was the best about this chapter.

Yep. The opening art was very cool. Looks like we'll finally be moving forward in this arc.

Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don’t care.
Feb 6, 2017 9:53 AM

Sep 2013
Brook injuring big mom's soul things and he knows all about the plan.
Sanji with the sucker kick and now on to luffy.
Mar 25, 2017 7:33 AM

Jun 2008
i just can'tr believe that everyone had such a lousy answer to the question of why big mama didn't kill Luffy and go.

Do you people forget that her whole big plan is to kill everyone at the wedding and that involves Sanji going along with it too? A reason he was so obedient was so that his nakame won't be hurt. So until he gets his brain blown at the wedding she wanted them alive.
Nov 4, 2017 4:32 AM

Jun 2013
Finally Sanji....FINALLY!!! Get going...tough you have some seriously Strong guy going to be after you right...
Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.~Winston Churchill

"Fate of the universe will be Decided as it SHOULD be, in MORTAL KOMBAT!" ~Elder Gods

"Justice WILL Prevail?" "But OF COURSE IT WILL!! WHOEVER WINS, BECOMES THE JUSTICE!!!" ~Donquixote Doflamingo (King, Pirate, Shichibukai, Philosopher(?) (One Piece))
May 18, 2018 2:51 AM

Feb 2013
Sanji, take the food to Luffy!
Sep 29, 2022 9:26 AM

Feb 2021
Didn't like the part where Big mom revealed her plans in front of Brook. I feel like Brooks role will be really important in this arc.
Nov 6, 2022 7:41 PM

May 2021
About time you moved on, Sanji. And the torturer lying about the prisoners seems to be a consequence of ruling by an iron fist.

Jun 3, 2023 11:08 PM

Dec 2022
oh hell yes Luffy seeks meat and Sanji is BACK!
Nov 16, 2024 6:11 AM

Apr 2016
Brook heart the malefic plan too!!!

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