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Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! (light novel)
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Jan 26, 2017 1:39 AM

Jan 2011
Crimson said:
Woodfall said:
Also never seen Aqua look so beautiful *-*

I was a bit surprised by how beautiful she looked with that smile.
If Aqua keeps this up, she might beat Megumin as my favorite Konosuba girl. but that's not going to be easy

Thanks to Aqua I finally appreciate the Aquarium in the living room. <3 Aqua

Gods blessings for this wonderful episode.

AnimeMangaGamer-Jan 26, 2017 1:47 AM
Jan 26, 2017 2:12 AM

Feb 2011
I hope they can get Darkness out of Alfheim soon.
Jan 26, 2017 3:12 AM

Dec 2014
well kazuma and aqua duo are alway so funny to watch....
Jan 26, 2017 3:29 AM

Jan 2013
Toadesstern said:

like some people already said, this episode was technically something from earlier and I was pretty sad in s1 that this didn't get animated especially for that scene. So what happened here (I think) is that in s1 they mentioned it super lowkey and now that they went back and included this episode they went ahead and stated it again because it's in the LNs.
Like he said, this is about the time when they were sleeping in the stables so I never got the idea that this was just one time but rather... happening frequently and a couple weeks later (in this episode), Kazuma figured out that she knows what he's doing.

I also think the translation was a bit too lowkey on this but that might just be me reading too much into it. I read it before s1 aired in japanese and thought of it more as her saying it more like "oh no, I totally didn't see anything" implying that she turned around exactly because she knows what's going on. And Kazuma is aware as well, hence the Aqua-sama imo.

I totally didn't know about it, but you're right. They way you said it, it really sounds like she knows so maybe it was a translation problem.
Still funny xD She probably told him that she doesn't know so that he can stay comfortable with her.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Jan 26, 2017 4:47 AM

Apr 2013
Man, Kazuma, you couldn't handle your business outside or something?
Jan 26, 2017 4:56 AM

Jun 2015
This was hilarious best episode from S2 so far
Jan 26, 2017 5:13 AM

Jul 2015
Our original duo go exploring a dungeon in search of treasure because they in debt and need to do something about it. Funny how the mimic wasn't the chest, but the entire wall instead. Aqua's skills shined this episode, far more than ever before seen in the series really, though of course she couldn't do that well without causing some sort of problem. Funny how Kazuma just lurked away in the end of the dungeon, what a jerk. One heck of an ending though with all those drinks of playing around.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Jan 26, 2017 6:05 AM

Aug 2016
xenomorph555 said:
While it started out as more boring then the previous two, this one really grew on me by the end.

-We got some good Kazuma/Aqua interactions which we havent seen since the beginning of S1.

-More world building

-"Bakuretsu LaLaLa"

-Succubus Bribing

-derpy demons

-Megumin's Chuuni training

-Konosuba style Karma punishment


-the bar party

-and finally... STEEEEEALL!!! +crying Chris

Good episode

PS: on another note, we had a new director this episode, Boob-man (Kikuta) will be back next week

You forgot Aqua final scene, throwing up rainbow again, konosuba at its finest!
Jan 26, 2017 8:36 AM

Jan 2015
Megumin's cat thing playing with her, so cute.
I really liked this episode, even tough there was so much Aqua and Best Girl still hasn't came back from war. Archwizard seemed like a cool guy, I feel glad that he managed to pass on.
Jan 26, 2017 9:58 AM

Sep 2015
It may get annoying. Because I say this after almost every episode. But I just feel so bad for Aqua like all the time. Sure she's a little annoying but Kazuma is just such a grade A dick to her it kind of makes him less likable to me. He's already a protagonist who occasionally walks a thin line of likability. The only reason I was kind of OK with him leaving Aqua to get trampled by demons was that because she was attracting them maybe he couldn't have stayed hidden if he took her with him. Still he needs to be a little less cruel to poor Aqua. I get a lot of her appeal as a character is her voice actress is impressive screeching and squawking as she narrowly avoids death every episode. But still you got to let up sometimes. I'm still a little weirded out by Darkness is little interludes. Though it seems even clearer from this one we're being deliberately misled about their nature. I really liked that they ventured into a dungeon in this one. And their interpretation of Lich. But the final thing that made this episode pretty good and not great to me was the very ending. Both Kazuma doing the panty steal thing again (it was even more creepy and also redundant this time). And his frustration/sadness at the very end. This is why you're a weak harem protag. You have no one to blame but yourself so why must we watch you bitch? At least YunYun and Megumin's beer drinking contest was amusing.
Jan 26, 2017 11:59 AM

Apr 2016
that ending crack me up so much PANTIES STEALING KAZUMA IS BACK .
"Mountains, beings, and nature's laws are bound by an arrangement, and within it, we live." -Mushishi Zoku Shou Suzu No Shizuku
Jan 26, 2017 1:39 PM

Jun 2013
damn bruh that was funny as hell
Jan 26, 2017 1:58 PM

Mar 2016
Great episode. I kept thinking "Aqua is gonna mess that up" when she purified Keele, but no, surprisingly :O

The dungeon exploration itself was okay, and I laughed pretty hard at the afterparty. Especially with Kazuma stealing thief girl's pantsu... Again. That said, he's still indebted

The art looked awesome as well. Probably the best episode so far in terms of art.

Bakuretsu, bakuretsu, la la laaa~
Jan 26, 2017 2:02 PM

Jan 2016
Seems like an actual return to glory after the fairly lacking first two episodes. Aqua is actually not as insufferable as before, Kazuma is still as bipolar as ever: I love him, and this is actually really funny.

Lich guy gave me Betelgeuse vibes though.... not too fond of that, but I know why it's in here.
I'm just confused by the whole concept of scoring by "Writing and characters." If you're not entertained, why should you care?
Jan 26, 2017 2:50 PM

Jun 2015
lol quite the catchy song Megumin and Kazuma have there
The routine of launching explosions no matter the weather eh
Quite the funny routine lol

Despite the happiness at the guild guess Kazuma, Aqua and Megumin are still without any money and as a result are starving.

Hmm a dungeon for newbees eh
Hmm a new untapped passage that could be full of treasure and loot
but at the same time could

Lol Kazuma's way of dealing with snoopers was funny
hmm an exploration quest eh
knowing their luck its probably full of hostiles

Lol for a newbee dungeon its annoyingly far from town
lol Aqua
Hmm so the dungeon was created by the kingdoms most powerful arch wizard
what use would he have for a dungeon i wonder

Hmm with those kind of skills it makes sense that he will be the scout
hmm so with the adventure class they can use skills from other classes then eh
quite the useful class he has there

Lol Aqua is never the one that listens to instructions eh
lol A debt goddess good one there Kazuma
Well knowing Aqua probably a lot of trouble lol

Lol Megumin practicing her intro outside the dungeon
The tension though as they entered the newly discovered passage
lol the little argument between Aqua and Kazuma as they descend the stairs into the new area was just hillarious.

Lol Kazuma dropped the bomb there
leaving Aqua here deep in a dark dungeon is maybe a step too far
hmm so that enemy was a gremlin eh

Lol Kazuma's expression on realizing that Aqua can actually see in the dark
Hmm well as a goddess one of her roles will be to lead the deceased to their next life though still it was nice to see this in action actually

Still Kazuma is right about Aqua being different in this episode
she's far more capable than usual lol
lol yea they are taking the dungeon crawling quite leisurely there

Lol a burglar instead of a adventurer
yep obvious treasure chests are usually trap chests
we all remember them lol

Wow Aqua really is different this episode
She's acting like a real goddess lol
But that was really impressive of Aqua in managing to take out that many undead enemies all by herself.

hmm an evil wizard eh
Lol that sub title though
So the wizard was in love with that young women then eh

Lol but he's more of a good wizard that merely ran away with the woman to get here out of the palace than a actual bad guy
hmm probably not quite the life that she had expected
But to outlive the person that you love the most can be a cruel thing
Long life is not always a good thing

So in order to protect his love good guy wizard transformed himself into an undead eh. Quite brave of him actually

The purification scenes in this episode was pretty well done
Aqua can be a powerful member of the team when she puts her mind to it
Serious Aqua is like a entirely different person lol
But im glad that the wizard was able to finally leave this world
I hope that he is able to meet his wife again

Hmm so the reason for the monster attacks was because of Aqua eh lol
but she was also the one that banished the attackers as well
lol Aqua trying to desperately stop Kazuma from leaving her there

Wow thats quite the crowd of monsters there
Lol can't believe that Kazuma actually used lurk on himself when he saw the monsters leaving Aqua alone. Good thing that in the end they somehow made it how there.

Lol a goddess having to take advice from a neet
But in the end they were successful i guess
hmm Yunyun looks pretty sad watching Kazuma and co though

Lol popular isn't Kazuma
lol Chris's undies are always stolen when Kazuma uses his skill that she ironically taught him lol

Lol that drunk guy though and the girls trying to stop him
But lol YunYun's determination to challenge Megumin is as funny as ever

A great episode as always
Aqua was the main focus for this episode and man in serious mode Aqua is actually pretty powerful. The side story between them and the undead wizard though was pretty well done in that he wasn't a bad guy at all but more of a good guy. The fact that he transformed into a lich to protect his beloved though took a lot of guts and was brave of him. It was nice seeing that the cast get rewarded after putting their lives on the line in the dungeon. Feels like the bond between Kazuma and the rest of the cast are also starting to get better as well. Though i wonder whats happening to Darkness though. YunYun should really join Kazuma's group if she wants to challenge Megumin that badly.
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Jan 26, 2017 5:46 PM

Oct 2012
This was hillarious on many levels, pretty much Konosuba I like! :D So many other anime references!

And I know Megumin is 13 but they could let her drink once, just for the sake of it :)
Jan 26, 2017 6:42 PM
Nov 2015
-megumin is still a one trick pony
-aqua still can't handle her alcohol
-darkness is still being irrelevant
-thief girl is still getting her panties stolen
Jan 26, 2017 7:43 PM
Jun 2016
This episode made me laugh a lot, kinda wanna know what is happening to Darkness
Jan 26, 2017 7:45 PM

Sep 2016
Hilarious as always.. Darkness is getting gangbanged *_*
Jan 26, 2017 7:49 PM

Oct 2016
Seeing Aqua making his jokes and occurrences is always best. I love this anime: 3
Jan 26, 2017 8:02 PM

Dec 2014
It was all Aqua's fault. lol She was in the spotlight in this episode, which is good.
This scene was priceless xD

The evil arch wizard who actually is a good arch wizard made my day. :,)
wtf happened to Darkness still remains a mystery.
Jan 26, 2017 8:10 PM
Oct 2012
AivanK said:
I totally didn't know about it, but you're right. They way you said it, it really sounds like she knows so maybe it was a translation problem.
Still funny xD She probably told him that she doesn't know so that he can stay comfortable with her.

Japanese, far more than English, allows one to suggest something without actually saying it, so when reading the translation, multiple suggestions by 100X.

Aqua KNOWS that Kazuma was jacking off next to her, she exploits this for the next 8 novels.
Jan 26, 2017 8:32 PM

Oct 2016
fun episode as always and I like megumin shouting explosion again .. aqua is a goddess alright xD.. I miss that steal skill .. and goddamn yunyun glad that she has megumin as rival ..
Jan 26, 2017 10:24 PM

Jul 2014

This episode is awesome and still hilarious, and i love that Keele's moments also when Aque purified him, the ending tho XD....
Jan 26, 2017 10:58 PM

Jan 2014
SubscriberSun said:
It may get annoying. Because I say this after almost every episode. But I just feel so bad for Aqua like all the time. Sure she's a little annoying but Kazuma is just such a grade A dick to her it kind of makes him less likable to me. He's already a protagonist who occasionally walks a thin line of likability. The only reason I was kind of OK with him leaving Aqua to get trampled by demons was that because she was attracting them maybe he couldn't have stayed hidden if he took her with him. Still he needs to be a little less cruel to poor Aqua. I get a lot of her appeal as a character is her voice actress is impressive screeching and squawking as she narrowly avoids death every episode. But still you got to let up sometimes. I'm still a little weirded out by Darkness is little interludes. Though it seems even clearer from this one we're being deliberately misled about their nature. I really liked that they ventured into a dungeon in this one. And their interpretation of Lich. But the final thing that made this episode pretty good and not great to me was the very ending. Both Kazuma doing the panty steal thing again (it was even more creepy and also redundant this time). And his frustration/sadness at the very end. This is why you're a weak harem protag. You have no one to blame but yourself so why must we watch you bitch? At least YunYun and Megumin's beer drinking contest was amusing.

Sounds like an Aqua fan.

I am one too. However, Aqua deserves everything she gets and then some (especially if you read ahead). She is a walking, whining "face palm".
JustDanJan 26, 2017 11:02 PM
Jan 26, 2017 11:02 PM

Jul 2016
So Aqua was luring the undead because of her purifying powers, kinda explained why those undead back then on the 1st season were after her. Megumin practicing again her explosion. A really hilarious episode, seems like we're going to see Darkness again.
Jan 27, 2017 2:34 AM

Jun 2014
This episode was flipping amazing! everything I love about Konosuba, nicely condensed in an episode.
Jan 27, 2017 6:17 AM
Jan 2014
Wow! This episode was Comfy af, best episode so far imo
Jan 27, 2017 9:09 AM

Sep 2013
Aqua-sama showing her holy powers and saving that poor human turned lich :)
They get some good rewards but drink it all instead :'(

Jan 27, 2017 10:22 AM

May 2010
Aqua was awesome this episode, best girl
Jan 27, 2017 12:40 PM

Apr 2013
Not a bad episode, it might be the funniest of the season so far, but that's not saying much. First season was a laugh riot that had me in stitches many times, but so far season 2 is lackluster in comparison. But even if it doesn't get any funnier, it's still a worthwhile watch.
Jan 27, 2017 12:51 PM

Feb 2013
Hai, Kazuma desu.
Jan 27, 2017 4:12 PM
Mar 2016
Yo, what is up with these feel episodes in anime? Am I the only one who is noticing that these feels moments are being used more?
Jan 27, 2017 6:43 PM

Jan 2013
Takuan_Soho said:

Japanese, far more than English, allows one to suggest something without actually saying it, so when reading the translation, multiple suggestions by 100X.

Aqua KNOWS that Kazuma was jacking off next to her, she exploits this for the next 8 novels.

Thanks for the info, always learning something new.
OMG ahahaha then can't wait to see more of those moments xD
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Jan 28, 2017 4:37 AM

Nov 2011
For once, the narrative surprises me, giving back a bit of dignity to the protagonists. However, the comic part is always pleasant to follow. I wonder when will we will review the whole group, though, would be enough even Aqua and Megumin, the story to be fun. The designs are a little less poor than in the past, but the backgrounds, are more than acceptable as beauty.
Jan 28, 2017 5:23 AM
Jul 2018
looks like it's season 1 all over again

nice episode, not only in terms of the animation quality but also in terms of content.

running gags from s1 have returned:
"Yes, I'm Kazuma",
everyone drinking to their own contentment,
Aqua's rainbow vomit,
Turn Undead, then suddenly, Nature's Beauty (s1 ep 8, as far as i know)
Kazuma stealing Chris' panties, yet again.

i'm beyond awed by this. Hahahahahahahah
Jan 28, 2017 4:37 PM

Oct 2016
Well that was fun episode
poor Chris, but it was her own fault who had teach him about that skill :v

And i feel bad for Aqua, i know she is useless, annoying, bitchy, and etc, but

SemutMerahJan 28, 2017 4:48 PM
Jan 28, 2017 7:02 PM

May 2016
Bakuretsu, bakuretsu la la la.
Jan 29, 2017 12:00 AM

Jan 2016
Honestly, it wasn't as good as the previous two episodes in my opinion but I still enjoyed it :)
Jan 30, 2017 5:10 AM

Aug 2014
5/5 just for the Dark Souls mimic.
~||Sky of the Night Light||~
Jan 30, 2017 11:02 AM
Mar 2016
Bakaratsu, Bakaratsu, Bakaratsu, Bakaratsu, EXPLOSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jan 30, 2017 2:33 PM

Apr 2015
The Reactions Between Kazuma And Aqua Were Hilarious!!!
Jan 30, 2017 5:28 PM

Dec 2009
We actually had some exploration dungeon crawling? This isn't konosu...

Oh wait panty steal nvm. We back.
Jan 30, 2017 7:51 PM

Aug 2016
I freaking love this show.
Feb 1, 2017 6:09 AM

Aug 2016
I wanna know what happens to Darkness D:

I hope they are doing bad things to her :3

Set by SenpieX
Feb 1, 2017 6:53 AM
Jul 2016
That was a great episode.
Feb 1, 2017 7:03 AM

Jan 2014
As always amazing episode, top notch comedy here on konosuba.
Loved the part where kazuma left aqua alone in dungeon lmao
Feb 3, 2017 12:46 AM

Oct 2008
Kazuma can't take it anymore her daily routine with Megumin's EXPLOSION!
They went Dungeon hunting again! But Megumin isn't included because her explosion powers are useless inside!
So Aqua didn't really see what Kazuma was really doing on the Sleeping Stables! LOL he was jacking-off to Aqua! bwahahah!
"Mimic" was mentioned again!? just when I finished the previous show earlier (Kobayashi) LOL
LOL Darkness is still in the process of being ravaged! by shameful outfits!
Here we go again the "Turn Undead!" craze!
It has proven that Aqua is an Undead magnet!!!
Kazuma is slowly becoming popular on that adventurer's pub!
Kazuma messing around again with "Steal" skill!
Yunyun challenging again Megumin!
Aqua again with that rainbow BLERGH!!!

Feb 3, 2017 1:09 PM

Jul 2014
Catnip for the undead and being megumin's companion lols. but it felt kinda dry again today...
Feb 3, 2017 5:37 PM
Jul 2018
That Keele guy looked like a Fire Emblem character on his human days and like Papyrus from Undertale on his Lich days.

Also, Chris must be the second unluckiest characters of the series along with Yunyun who takes the 1st place.
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