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Nov 20, 2016 2:56 AM

Jul 2013
DarthWeeaboo said:
Thrashinuva said:
Nope. He stated he had already caught a Tauros before. All of his past adventures still happened.
that could only mean that some of it exist maybe everything past jhoto is gone i have yet to see electroball or volt tackle from pikachu

I saw a preview with Mimikyu hitting back an electro ball back at Pikachu, with Pikachu dodging it whilst in mid air. That part should be shown during the upcoming 1hr special this week.
Nov 20, 2016 5:30 AM

Jul 2013
Ash sure is a good sport. I wouldn't have been so positive if i was challenged to a "rigged game"
Nov 20, 2016 7:05 PM

Apr 2011
Wow, this is hands down the best start of any Pokemon season so far for me.

Everything is great PLUS MORE WAIFUS!
Nov 20, 2016 10:31 PM

Mar 2016
Dang, Kaki was bitter at first when Satoshi got a Z-ring without having to earn it xD
Nov 20, 2016 11:05 PM
Oct 2015
Is there any site that subs with the american naming of pokemon?
Nov 21, 2016 2:30 AM

Jul 2014
It's alright(besides Ash and his face). I like the green-haired girl. I feel like he's been BW, forgetting the whole "bonding with your Pokemon thing". Ash's face looks like Steven from Steven Universe though. Oh well.
TricksterZeroNov 21, 2016 2:38 AM
I play video games. You should play a video game because you read my signature.
Nov 21, 2016 2:41 AM

Jul 2014
SymphoniacTippy said:
I watched this raw so, just in case if I got things wrong here >__< then sorry.

Surprisingly this episode still stayed as consistent with its quality of animation along with the entertainment value, as far as I have gathered it seemed like Ash can't really use properly his Bracelet or there needs to be something to activate it, moreso like a trigger of sorts in a way. In the end it seems more of what it was, and along with the characters just doing these usual trials I think for either entertainment or just to help him out on that. Which I am not going to lie I actually enjoyed the trials here. It was pretty hilarious seeing how Ash would try to win yet despite that he still loses to it (inb4 someone says he's a loser even though I don't really think so).

My favorite part of the episode was pretty much the trials, and still the Alola Professor is still hilarious with the comedic facial structure of mimicking the Pokemons. Along with the Guardian Deities wanting to play around (at least one of them). It felt likely when the series puts a lot of effort through the battle points, and even the running segments, its pretty nice and lively.

The Z-Move was probably the best part, so much fluidity and motion to it that it just brings variety to it, hoping to see more of these in the near future in all honesty.

A note: I might assume we might see some bit of background with Lillie, a little bit through or some development for her since she's apparently scared of touching Pokemon or being near Pokemon (this actually reminds me of I think the Deoxys movie, I think people might get that reference through)

But unlike that boy, Lillie will be forgiven by most fans because the "cute factor" while getting the impression guys are supposed to be brave at these things, especially young boys

I got the reference but I didn't like the boy in that one myself. Kinda bland and very uninteresting as a whole but that's my opinion.
I play video games. You should play a video game because you read my signature.
Nov 21, 2016 2:51 AM
Jul 2018
TheHatredDMC said:
SymphoniacTippy said:
I watched this raw so, just in case if I got things wrong here >__< then sorry.

Surprisingly this episode still stayed as consistent with its quality of animation along with the entertainment value, as far as I have gathered it seemed like Ash can't really use properly his Bracelet or there needs to be something to activate it, moreso like a trigger of sorts in a way. In the end it seems more of what it was, and along with the characters just doing these usual trials I think for either entertainment or just to help him out on that. Which I am not going to lie I actually enjoyed the trials here. It was pretty hilarious seeing how Ash would try to win yet despite that he still loses to it (inb4 someone says he's a loser even though I don't really think so).

My favorite part of the episode was pretty much the trials, and still the Alola Professor is still hilarious with the comedic facial structure of mimicking the Pokemons. Along with the Guardian Deities wanting to play around (at least one of them). It felt likely when the series puts a lot of effort through the battle points, and even the running segments, its pretty nice and lively.

The Z-Move was probably the best part, so much fluidity and motion to it that it just brings variety to it, hoping to see more of these in the near future in all honesty.

A note: I might assume we might see some bit of background with Lillie, a little bit through or some development for her since she's apparently scared of touching Pokemon or being near Pokemon (this actually reminds me of I think the Deoxys movie, I think people might get that reference through)

But unlike that boy, Lillie will be forgiven by most fans because the "cute factor" while getting the impression guys are supposed to be brave at these things, especially young boys

I got the reference but I didn't like the boy in that one myself. Kinda bland and very uninteresting as a whole but that's my opinion.

Understandable, I just wanted to kind of make the reference because of the similarities, in a sense for me. But then yeah, opinions are here and there and its cool. c:
Nov 21, 2016 7:02 AM

Jul 2014
SymphoniacTippy said:
TheHatredDMC said:

But unlike that boy, Lillie will be forgiven by most fans because the "cute factor" while getting the impression guys are supposed to be brave at these things, especially young boys

I got the reference but I didn't like the boy in that one myself. Kinda bland and very uninteresting as a whole but that's my opinion.

Understandable, I just wanted to kind of make the reference because of the similarities, in a sense for me. But then yeah, opinions are here and there and its cool. c:

It's nice to know that you're not one of those "you got a different opinion, go kill yourself" types that plague MAL. You're alright with me.
I play video games. You should play a video game because you read my signature.
Nov 21, 2016 9:59 AM

Apr 2016
Exxegutor Alola, cool!!!!

Come Ash, now you have your pokedex!!! xD
Nov 21, 2016 12:05 PM
Jul 2018
TheHatredDMC said:
SymphoniacTippy said:

Understandable, I just wanted to kind of make the reference because of the similarities, in a sense for me. But then yeah, opinions are here and there and its cool. c:

It's nice to know that you're not one of those "you got a different opinion, go kill yourself" types that plague MAL. You're alright with me.

I honestly dislike those type of people when it comes to MAL and just the community, it doesn't sound nice and it just irritates me in a way, so I do understand what you mean (I've experienced that with another show but I will not mention it), but that's pretty good that we can understand.

It's good to have a different opinion and at the same time understand the points a view, I like that type. But, I do understand where you're coming from and that's pretty cool for me in the end for this series.
Nov 21, 2016 1:55 PM

Jul 2013
Pikachu and it's cool Z Move the same as the one in the game demo! It was sad that because he hadn't done the trial that meant for some reason his Z crystal broke. Ironic they have Z moves now and not in XYZ LOL!

I guess this is the thing that will replace Mega Evolution, will they start adding a new gimmick like this every season now? I wonder. Mega Evolution was pretty dope, Z Moves seems cool too but maybe not quite as cool. I dunno, I can't decide between the two.

New Oak and his weird faces LOL!

Of course Ash would want to stay and attend school and do the Island trials, he's a curious boy who wants to be the very best, like no one ever was! lol.

Lillie is such a sweet girl but I wonder why she doesn't want to touch Pokemon, I wonder if there is some back story to it.

It was really lovely to see them throw a surprise welcoming party for Ash full of party games, the balloon one lol.

I can't wait to see more of what will happen but as these two dubbed episodes were just a preview apparently and they have to finish dubbing XYZ (which I would kinda prefer to finish first anyway) then I guess I will most likely have to wait until the new year and watch the end of XYZ before they dub the rest of this and show it here on TV in the UK on CITV.
stephtastropheNov 21, 2016 2:05 PM
Nov 21, 2016 4:34 PM

Jul 2007
I wish they kept the same animation quality as last season, however i must say at least so far they've managed to variate the formula which i'm happy about.

XY felt like it had the exact same formula every episode, to the point where team rocket would pretty much show up at the same point every episode to ruin something.
Nov 22, 2016 8:37 AM

May 2015
I'm loving all those puns. And this series is having some solid starting episodes. But I am a little ready to see Team Rocket, I'm wondering if they'll look different too?
Cross-country >>>>>>>>>>>> Every other sport
Nov 22, 2016 3:55 PM

May 2015
This new Oak make me think about Killer Bee with all his puns, and it isn't bad tbh

Most of my thoughts were already said there so I'd not said more

I'll just come with a theory

Since Ash referred to his Tauros we know that he isn't amnesiac
So what about they introduce some timeline indicator later which lead us to a conclusion where this journey is before Kalos
I mean, it could justify the new art and most things even if it isn't really needed, but it'd show that they actually care about the show...
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Nov 22, 2016 7:19 PM
Jul 2018
Imbalanced said:
Since Ash referred to his Tauros we know that he isn't amnesiac
So what about they introduce some timeline indicator later which lead us to a conclusion where this journey is before Kalos
I mean, it could justify the new art and most things even if it isn't really needed, but it'd show that they actually care about the show...

Except they care about it far more now than ever. What they're doing now will soon become more popular in the industry. XY had good fights and what people call "animation" because they had a new system of having 3D animated backgrounds which allowed the animators to focus on the fights themselves. This new style is only of more benefit to the quality and they've been working on it for years now. Some XYZ episodes actually used this new style in some scenes, but no one noticed.
Nov 22, 2016 9:32 PM
Apr 2015
DarthWeeaboo said:
Thrashinuva said:
Nope. He stated he had already caught a Tauros before. All of his past adventures still happened.
that could only mean that some of it exist maybe everything past jhoto is gone i have yet to see electroball or volt tackle from pikachu

Volt Tackle isn't happening unless the anime shows Pikachu re-learning it. It was replaced by Electro Ball in Best Wishes.
The anime has been consistent with the idea of Pikachu's movesets carrying over until the moment they actually show him forgetting a move. It has nothing to do with writers brushing off past events.
Nov 23, 2016 9:03 AM

Feb 2008
When you think Satoshi might be a bit retarded, he ends up meeting way more autistic bunch. I had to laugh when he thought they wanted to battle him and then they challenged him to stupid little games instead of battles.

Biggest surprise is Satoshi getting a Electrium instead of a Pikanium, I guess maybe he'll get both eventually.

"Your sight, my delight. Will you marry me?"
Nov 23, 2016 3:54 PM

Apr 2010
Disregarding this awful animation, at least Ash has a new hot chic.

All aboard the Lillie x Ash pairing.
Nov 23, 2016 7:54 PM

Mar 2016
No Idea why so many of you think that Sun and Moon is somehow out of sync with the rest of the Timeline It's not like Satoshi has never reset as a character before.

I think this was a good episode, I'm glad that Satoshi doesn't just get to use the Z moves right off the bat I was worried the writers were going to let him keep that crystal. The battle between Pikachu and Tapu koko was well animated as well which is a plus. I'm interested to see where the rest of the story will pan out and whether the whole crew will follow Satoshi or just one or two of them.
Nov 23, 2016 9:28 PM
Feb 2010
ButtSlapper said:
fking satoshi surrounded by three cuties
Two, actually. Kiawe and Kukui.
Nov 24, 2016 4:47 AM
Dec 2014
I think this is a good start and despite the new animation being a little odd it's not bad. It also has a more "fun" feel to it that I've felt the series hasn't quite has as much of the last few generations.

The biggest issues I have with it have to be the odd choices with the characters. Why did they decide to make Lillie afraid of Pokemon and why were 4 of our gym leader-esque characters demoted to nobody school children?
Nov 26, 2016 6:31 PM

Dec 2015
Pokémon Sun & Moon certainly had an electrifying start with this script by Aya Matsui (but still miss Tomioka in the lead) and it was comforting to know that neither Ash and not even Pikachu were rebooted like happened in Best Wishes.

Overall, it was funny to watch those two episodes (not to comment Samson Oak new running gag and characters face reaction hahaha) and how minute details make a difference - it would be annoying seeing Satoshi using the Z-Move if he was not mimicking Tapu Koko's gesticulations. Also, extra points for the new opening and ending XD

And that's it!! Alola!!
Nov 30, 2016 1:33 AM

Jul 2014
No team rocket or team skull this episode, or did I miss it? I can't remember a episode from XY or XY&Z that skipped the team rocket appearance. But maybe I'm mistaken on that.
Forum signature
Nov 30, 2016 4:14 AM
Dec 2009
Lolimancer said:
I like this new approach to the series. XY bored me to death outside of the good animation so I'm all for this.

XY really grew on me over the years but I really like how Sun and Moon feels so far.

alinet86 said:
This is how they should make kid's anime. X)
Although only 2 ep. so far. I hope they stick with this till the end.

Agreed, this feels really fun to watch, a good kids anime :)

DarthWeeaboo said:
Thrashinuva said:
Nope. He stated he had already caught a Tauros before. All of his past adventures still happened.
that could only mean that some of it exist maybe everything past jhoto is gone i have yet to see electroball or volt tackle from pikachu

The comment about the Tauros really surprised me, it will be interesting to see how much of the past is really there...
Dec 2, 2016 8:42 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
ButtSlapper said:
fking satoshi surrounded by three cuties

Wait till he gets to the next island, it'll be another cutie to his list.

I'm really liking Lillie as a character. Not sure if May was ever nervous around Pokemon but I sort of feel more reminded of her than Serena. Her character design is very cute. Sun dress, sun hat, hair.

I found it funny how Lillie is just sitting down and Sophocles is trying to climb up that log.

Them Pokemon challenges were quite enjoyable. Sophocles was clever in using his Togedemaru's spikes. But wow that Z move Pikachu used looked insane. Seems Tapu Koko gave Ash a 1 time use Z-move.

Dec 6, 2016 2:49 PM

Sep 2013
Satoshi stays and enrolls in the school :)
Challenges besides pokemon battles and he loses all of them XD
His z things broke too since he wasn't ready for it :(
Dec 8, 2016 6:34 AM

Sep 2016
i was expecting Catastropika
hoping hot characters in the future as in the game, even the most random characters boys or girls are super hot in alola xd

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Jul 18, 2017 10:35 PM

Dec 2016
Bruh why did all of Ash's friends pick events they knew they were gonna bust his ass at!? XD

Also that Z-Move was littyyyy
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Sep 17, 2020 2:29 AM

May 2008
Eh. How convenient the Z jewel breaks when the pokemon that gives it forces Satoshi to try using his Z-move. It's a terrible setup since they could have Satoshi show interest in doing the trials from the get-go and earn it. I mean, I know why he got one, but it comes off as "Satoshi is special! oh, but we gotta nerf him to have a season".
Sep 3, 2024 5:30 AM

Jan 2013
That Z-move was actually so good, beautiful animation there.
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