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Sep 12, 2016 7:26 AM

Nov 2007
The scene that not aired in season 1(?) showing their relations.

Main guy goes to the boss, who fights for the lady, even though he's sad that detective girl (seems to be) died.

So his NG code was opening the door. What old guy said before getting killed is: there are more than one person and includes that lady, who became despair... (so Zetsubou-hen is really related, like Ogata-san mentioned in the special show before the whole series begins?!) After fighting and talking over, their fight ended. Also, his dark eyes seem to be fixed, too.And the two who left behind somehow found out who the culprit is on their own.
tsubasaloverSep 12, 2016 10:33 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Sep 12, 2016 7:45 AM

Nov 2011
So Kirigiri is dead now.

The part about Chisa this episode is interesting. In the meantime, the despair continues...against Munakata. Tough fight.
Stark700Sep 12, 2016 8:04 AM
Sep 12, 2016 8:12 AM

Sep 2009
The count is '6' in the beginning of the episode, though. So either Kyoko or Juzo is alive.
Sep 12, 2016 8:29 AM

Dec 2008
Eh? I don't get why people are claiming Cure W was debunked. It wasn't even mentioned this episode. Kyouko may very well still wake up in the next two episodes.

Holy fucking shit though. Chisa killed a bunch of preschoolers? That's savage af.


6 people are still alive, but there is no actual confirmation on whether or not Hagakure & Togami count.

And who knows. There could always be a clause where a player is considered dead if their heartbeat stops and don't count as alive again if they're revived, since I doubt the mastermind would actually consider that. I've seen a bunch of movies where a drug stopped someone's heart and then brought them back moments later. Major copout, but I don't really give a shit as long as Kyouko comes back lol.

I'll just wait in my tiny corner, clutching my pillows to my chest for the next two episodes.
sarroushSep 12, 2016 8:34 AM
Sep 12, 2016 8:34 AM

Sep 2009
I claim that either Juzo or Kyouko sorvives, because 4 people were killed in the last episode but the count went down by 3.
Sep 12, 2016 8:37 AM

Aug 2016
I'll be honest. I'm so confused.

That final scene at Jabberwock Island... does not bode well. At all.
Sep 12, 2016 8:41 AM

Nov 2012
nooo naegi don't cry ;____;

i wonder if what tengan said means that the victims were brainwashed and then killed themselves.. that theory has been going for a while and it would make most sense.

not sure what to make of the after credits scene tbh.
Sep 12, 2016 8:43 AM

Mar 2014
Okay so Chisa really became despair after Mukuro's brainwashing.
She still killed children, so nope that's really not nice.
What Tengan said about the attackers seem weird, it's pretty vague to me.
Munakata became nice again.

Anyway I really hate both of those cliffhangers. Y u do dis ? ;_;
Sep 12, 2016 8:45 AM

Nov 2014
Brainwashing by TV theory confirmed.

Stay dead Kyoko, plox.

The last scene. Izuru used the SHSL Spy's "you can't see me" skill... on a boat. Just a assumption.
Sep 12, 2016 8:52 AM
Aug 2015
Yep Chisa still despair but I think half despair half hope. 6 people still alive, it looks like they exclude mecha gekkohara, so who the other 2. As expected Kyoko know the attacker but have to wait the next episode!!!!!!!!!!!! And the jabberwock island scene though, the only ship left the island.Wait, no one stop the ship, is it possible, Izuru and the others already took out the fleet? if it really is, that was quick but it make sense, I doubt they will still stay in the island. So, the others have woken up?Damn so many possibilities, right now all we know is Ryota and Munakata are not the main attacker. Cant think of anyone though other than Chiaki became despair instead dead.
Sep 12, 2016 8:53 AM
Aug 2015
Spinelplus said:
I claim that either Juzo or Kyouko sorvives, because 4 people were killed in the last episode but the count went down by 3.
I guess they didnt count mecha gekkohara
Sep 12, 2016 8:58 AM

Jul 2012
Munakata's redemption, there we go.
I don't know if I believe Chisa or not, sorry gurl. It could be totally you who killed all those people as far as I'm concerned XD
THERE IT IS! SHE WAS THE ONE! I KNEW IT! Chisa's evil confirmed!
Munakata NG Code confirmed! It was pretty obvious tho.

Now we know what Tengan said! So everyone is an attacker...that can have so many different meanings @-@ But, Asahina figured out who is the mastermind I guess AND THAT LITTLE JABBERWOCKY ISLAND SCENE!
Great episode!

Sep 12, 2016 8:59 AM
Sep 2016
I don't know, but I feel the one who survive was Juzou. Because in the previous episode, we did see half of kirigiri's face became purple and there is blood coming out her eye. That means the poison really did enter her body.

Anyway, I still want to believe in Hagakure's prediction on how everything will end well. First thing to support my theory is, in his prediction, everyone, including Chisa who was supposed to be already dead, was shown too. We already know she was dead, so why the staff put that kind of happy end scene if it doesn't mean anything. And second, in the first episode of despair arc, Chisa was watching her dead body. Somehow I just think this Chisa is the real Chisa who is watching somewhere *out* there.

In summary, I think the people there was in some way have entered the same state as what happened in DR2. When the building collapse, they could feel it too, maybe because their pods were somewhere inside the building, not because they are underwater. They all seemed to be surprised when they know that the place was underwater too. This could mean there is no such basement in the first place, thus the place is "different" from their original HQ.

Well sorry for the long post. I just hope that they all have the happy end like hagakure showed us.
Sep 12, 2016 9:00 AM

Sep 2011
Well so i guess they arent going to make chisa the mastermind whilst still retaining that she was a despair. Thats refreshing. Overall touching episode though the people alive counter kind of spoils kirigri is alive (or juzo which would be fucking hilarious).

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Sep 12, 2016 9:02 AM

Dec 2012
So what did we learn from this borng and tearful episode?
Tengan said it's not just one attacker tho that was already speculated million of times. But if that's true, why does all the victims have similar deaths? And then Asahina comes with "I know who the attacker is!!" assuming it's only one. Nice cliffhanger,you're screwed Munakata. I bet his ass did it. Tho I take back what I said a while ago,I'll forgive Munakata for killing his boyfriend for the true tears this ep,maybe.
Chisa did fell into despair, what a shock. thx shitty brainwashing thing.

Pls I wanna see Hinata, stop messing with our needs Kodaka
Sep 12, 2016 9:03 AM

Jul 2012
Maybe Sakakura knew Chisa was a despair and that is what he was going to tell Munakata...and the reason why he was killed. Because Munakata said he knew why he was dying...or maybe he was a despair too.
Sakakura being alive is not that far fetched actually.

Sep 12, 2016 9:05 AM
Jul 2018
Just finished the episode just now, it was actually pretty great in terms of the development between two different things, or at least somethings that showcased.

In season 1 of the anime, they never actually showed this scene from what I remember (hence I haven't really played the first game so anyone can confirm me on this if the scene was in the first game? And well... I guess I would get attacked for asking this question), but it was a pretty nice touch to the point where it gave a bit of a slim flashback between Kirigiri and Naegi, it was pretty nice to show around. I assume this is to showcase that Naegi only has his hope, and of course I guess that's when she started to understand him a bit.

After that it pretty much confirms that Kyouko is most likely dead there, at least from what I can see and assuming how it goes. Not gonna lie, it did hurted my own heart and soul because even though, again I saw that from a mile away, it still hurted so damn much in my honest opinion. The fact that she knew that if she told him, he would do some stupid shit, shows something that she does care a lot for him, and his own sake as well. Its still hurting my heart because I love Kyouko, she's one of my favorite characters of the series.

There's a big central focus on the episode, which were the ideals between Hope, and what the two believe their hopes are. Munakata having the Hope to act, and Makoto having the Hope to talk, or at least that's how it goes for my end. The development and focus was rather interesting and pretty much nice developed as well, although I would want them to focus on the ideals more.

And also, after this episode it pretty much confirms that Chisa was actually turned into despair, if you have seen Zetsubou-hen's recent episode. Just because of Tengan telling that to Munakata, and along with the slight evidence that she even killed pre-schoolers as an example. I will guess that people will hate Chisa after seeing that scene.

Speaking of Tengan though, I'm gonna go and point out a confliction here of course, did someone just tampered with the evidence or something along the lines in one of the two ways? Like, there's the focus where the attacker can be every Future Foundation Member, but then there's the evidence that Kyouko had which was the notebook. There's something fishy around here because there's a confliction towards the culprit, and who it actually is. I may be confused on this due to still being sleepy of course to be fairly obvious with you.

Also, that ending after the ending song credit sequence... Boat-sama going on a turnback? Okay? There's... something wrong here at this rate. Something fishy is going on, very, very hard here.
Sep 12, 2016 9:07 AM
Jul 2018
kawaii-despair said:
So what did we learn from this borng and tearful episode?
Tengan said it's not just one attacker tho that was already speculated million of times. But if that's true, why does all the victims have similar deaths? And then Asahina comes with "I know who the attacker is!!" assuming it's only one. Nice cliffhanger,you're screwed Munakata. I bet his ass did it. Tho I take back what I said a while ago,I'll forgive Munakata for killing his boyfriend for the true tears this ep,maybe.
Chisa did fell into despair, what a shock. thx shitty brainwashing thing.

Pls I wanna see Hinata, stop messing with our needs Kodaka

There's a confliction I'm having with the entire thing Tengan said, and then what Kyouko had as evidence. It maybe just how Tengan worded it. Maybe its just everyone doubting each other, hence then wanting to attack each other, but there's an actual killer going around still. It's just weird.
Sep 12, 2016 9:10 AM

Jul 2014
Asahina saying that she knows who the attacker is, as if it's only one person, seems to be inherently contradictory to Tengan's statement that there are multiple attackers. Mind you, Tengan's statement seemed to be more of a technical level of despair rather than an actual Despair that's killing everyone. Whoever it is, I hope said person is alive and isn't either dead or someone we've not yet met; seriously, we had that once, and doing it again would feel like very lazy writing.
Sep 12, 2016 9:12 AM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
6 people surviving? That means Kirigiri has a higher chance of being alive. But if it's Juzo that's alive, I'll laugh real hard. Finally Naegi is showing his initiative, lol. I was expecting something more complex for Munakata's NG code though. Also Munakata grew some brain cells in this episode haha. But that damn cliffhanger though!! But that after ED scene though. I'm assuming that Hinata/Kamukura and the rest of the SDR2 characters that aren't in deep coma are on that boat.

Sep 12, 2016 9:12 AM
Jul 2018
danieltortoisee said:
Asahina saying that she knows who the attacker is, as if it's only one person, seems to be inherently contradictory to Tengan's statement that there are multiple attackers. Mind you, Tengan's statement seemed to be more of a technical level of despair rather than an actual Despair that's killing everyone. Whoever it is, I hope said person is alive and isn't either dead or someone we've not yet met; seriously, we had that once, and doing it again would feel like very lazy writing.

Maybe it can mean what I said previously... but as well it can be more like tampering the evidence or something, at this point I'm not even sure myself.
Sep 12, 2016 9:13 AM
Aug 2015
RinKan said:
I don't know, but I feel the one who survive was Juzou. Because in the previous episode, we did see half of kirigiri's face became purple and there is blood coming out her eye. That means the poison really did enter her body.

Anyway, I still want to believe in Hagakure's prediction on how everything will end well. First thing to support my theory is, in his prediction, everyone, including Chisa who was supposed to be already dead, was shown too. We already know she was dead, so why the staff put that kind of happy end scene if it doesn't mean anything. And second, in the first episode of despair arc, Chisa was watching her dead body. Somehow I just think this Chisa is the real Chisa who is watching somewhere *out* there.

In summary, I think the people there was in some way have entered the same state as what happened in DR2. When the building collapse, they could feel it too, maybe because their pods were somewhere inside the building, not because they are underwater. They all seemed to be surprised when they know that the place was underwater too. This could mean there is no such basement in the first place, thus the place is "different" from their original HQ.

Well sorry for the long post. I just hope that they all have the happy end like hagakure showed us.
They never been that place before, the only 1 who knows and design is munakata
Sep 12, 2016 9:15 AM

Dec 2015
Does Gekkougahara even count in the body count?
Sep 12, 2016 9:17 AM

Jul 2012
Uchiha_Shadow said:
Does Gekkougahara even count in the body count?

I think she counts, yeah.

TheLittleRedHero said:
In season 1 of the anime, they never actually showed this scene from what I remember (hence I haven't really played the first game so anyone can confirm me on this if the scene was in the first game? And well... I guess I would get attacked for asking this question), but it was a pretty nice touch to the point where it gave a bit of a slim flashback between Kirigiri and Naegi, it was pretty nice to show around. I assume this is to showcase that Naegi only has his hope, and of course I guess that's when she started to understand him a bit.

It is from the first game! I don't remember it being on the first anime or not tho. But, it is from the game and was really really sweet ç-ç

Sep 12, 2016 9:21 AM
Aug 2015
GoldenDevilGamer said:
6 people surviving? That means Kirigiri has a higher chance of being alive. But if it's Juzo that's alive, I'll laugh real hard. Finally Naegi is showing his initiative, lol. I was expecting something more complex for Munakata's NG code though. Also Munakata grew some brain cells in this episode haha. But that damn cliffhanger though!! But that after ED scene though. I'm assuming that Hinata/Kamukura and the rest of the SDR2 characters that aren't in deep coma are on that boat.

There are a lot of possibilities with that jabberwock island:
1) That's not Izuru and the others, just unknown person
2) Izuru took out the fleet and left the island alone
3) All the comatose characters awoken and sneakily hijack the ship( i doubt so)
4) Izuru and everyone including comatose characters( awaken ) took out the fleet and left
Sep 12, 2016 9:23 AM

Sep 2014
Damn Chisa is a really cruel despair. Playing with the kids just to butcher them and smile about it.
Sep 12, 2016 9:27 AM

May 2015
save kirigiri fams :((
Sep 12, 2016 9:33 AM
Jul 2018
taynis said:
Uchiha_Shadow said:
Does Gekkougahara even count in the body count?

I think she counts, yeah.

TheLittleRedHero said:
In season 1 of the anime, they never actually showed this scene from what I remember (hence I haven't really played the first game so anyone can confirm me on this if the scene was in the first game? And well... I guess I would get attacked for asking this question), but it was a pretty nice touch to the point where it gave a bit of a slim flashback between Kirigiri and Naegi, it was pretty nice to show around. I assume this is to showcase that Naegi only has his hope, and of course I guess that's when she started to understand him a bit.

It is from the first game! I don't remember it being on the first anime or not tho. But, it is from the game and was really really sweet ç-ç

This may be just a guess, but I assume maybe chapter 5-6 or something of the first game...? Hmm. Just asking because for me it seemed more around those numbers.
Sep 12, 2016 9:38 AM

Aug 2016
OK, so here are the truth bullets of the episode!

- Survivor count: 6 people are still alive. At the very least, we know that Naegi, Asahina, Mitarai and Munakata are among them.

- Tengan's reasoning: every participant in the Final Killing Game is an attacker, even Naegi, Sakakura, Yukizome or himself.

- Kirigiri's notebook: Asahina found Kirigiri's notebook and read its content. She rushed to where Naegi was, claiming that thanks to Kirigiri's investigation, she and Mitarai figured out who "the attacker" is.

- Despair Yukizome: she was confirmed as a Remnant of Despair, as she was the culprit of a recent series of murder on children. She seems to have been able to conceal her true allegiance.

- Mitarai's NG code: it is the only one which is unknown.

Let's solve the last mysteries, guys!
Sep 12, 2016 9:38 AM

Dec 2008
TheLittleRedHero said:
taynis said:

I think she counts, yeah.

It is from the first game! I don't remember it being on the first anime or not tho. But, it is from the game and was really really sweet ç-ç

This may be just a guess, but I assume maybe chapter 5-6 or something of the first game...? Hmm. Just asking because for me it seemed more around those numbers.

It's the start of chapter 6 of the first game :)
Sep 12, 2016 9:41 AM

Jul 2012
Let's do it!

About Kirigiri's notebook: Maybe there is nothing bad about Mitarai there since he was not really concerned about it...but who knows XD

About Tengan: It is possible that he knew about the attacker thing because he was once one of them?

About the counting: Hagakure is alive too, I don't know if he is being counted too, but anyway...
taynisSep 12, 2016 9:49 AM

Sep 12, 2016 9:42 AM
Jul 2018
sarroush said:
TheLittleRedHero said:

This may be just a guess, but I assume maybe chapter 5-6 or something of the first game...? Hmm. Just asking because for me it seemed more around those numbers.

It's the start of chapter 6 of the first game :)

Thank you very much for clarifying ^^ Hue >w<
Sep 12, 2016 9:45 AM

Feb 2010
Wow this is just like a farewell from Kirigiri, well i'll be ready if Kirigiri stays dead ;;
About the counting... let see Naegi, Asahina, Mitarai and Munakata... how about two others? Hagakure didn't count... i think... he is pretty much forgotten that's for sure.

Sakakura and Kirigiri? I doubt it since Sakakura is pretty much stabbed (can he keep alive after that?) and Kirigiri is (based on this ep.) confirmed dead too, so who is the other two?.

Im confused about Tengan's confession for saying everyone is the traitor and Asahina is saying she knows who the traitor... so they're not reaching the same conclusion? or Tengan is just being sarcastic? and also last part the ship... i hope everything is answered.
roppuriSep 12, 2016 9:53 AM

Dota 2 Esports Stories are a fuckin Anime IRL Anime Sports

Sep 12, 2016 9:49 AM

Sep 2015
This episode was good.
tho i hope kirigiri will get revived. plzzzz
Sep 12, 2016 9:51 AM

Jan 2008
Okay, if after all this, Kyoko turns out to be alive, I'll seriously flip tables.

Yukizome committing that massacre made me so uncomfortable.
Sep 12, 2016 9:51 AM

Nov 2011
Things is not looking good for Despair Arc with Chisa confirmed an Ultimate Despair.

Sep 12, 2016 9:52 AM

Aug 2016
@taynis My first concern is the discrepancy between Tengan's reasoning and Asahina's deduction. The former claims everyone is an attacker when the latter seems to suggest that one person is the killer. Is it possible that these two claims do not contradict each other?
Sep 12, 2016 9:55 AM
Aug 2015
Manecleis said:
@taynis My first concern is the discrepancy between Tengan's reasoning and Asahina's deduction. The former claims everyone is an attacker when the latter seems to suggest that one person is the killer. Is it possible that these two claims do not contradict each other?
You do not have to believe him literally, what he means about the attacker is completely different from what you want to know
Sep 12, 2016 9:55 AM

Oct 2012
"I know who the attacker is"
*episode ends*
Sep 12, 2016 9:57 AM
Aug 2015
roppuri said:
Wow this is just like a farewell from Kirigiri, well i'll be ready if Kirigiri stays dead ;;
About the counting... let see Naegi, Asahina, Mitarai and Munakata... how about two others? Hagakure didn't count... i think... he is pretty much forgotten that's for sure.

Sakakura and Kirigiri? I doubt it since Sakakura is pretty much stabbed (can he keep alive after that?) and Kirigiri is (based on this ep.) confirmed dead too, so who is the other two?.

Im confused about Tengan's confession for saying everyone is the traitor and Asahina is saying she knows who the traitor... so they're not reaching the same conclusion? or Tengan is just being sarcastic? and also last part the ship... i hope everything is answered.
What tengen means is that they are not literally attackers but still they are attackers with different meanings
Sep 12, 2016 10:03 AM
Jul 2016
I think I have the answer to why are all the victims the same. Everyone victim was hanged but Ruruka. What was the difference? Miaya was destroyed. I think everyone killed themselves and Miaya hanged the bodies, thats why Ruruka wasn't hanged.
Sep 12, 2016 10:03 AM

Dec 2012
TheLittleRedHero said:
kawaii-despair said:
So what did we learn from this borng and tearful episode?
Tengan said it's not just one attacker tho that was already speculated million of times. But if that's true, why does all the victims have similar deaths? And then Asahina comes with "I know who the attacker is!!" assuming it's only one. Nice cliffhanger,you're screwed Munakata. I bet his ass did it. Tho I take back what I said a while ago,I'll forgive Munakata for killing his boyfriend for the true tears this ep,maybe.
Chisa did fell into despair, what a shock. thx shitty brainwashing thing.

Pls I wanna see Hinata, stop messing with our needs Kodaka

There's a confliction I'm having with the entire thing Tengan said, and then what Kyouko had as evidence. It maybe just how Tengan worded it. Maybe its just everyone doubting each other, hence then wanting to attack each other, but there's an actual killer going around still. It's just weird.

Maybe Tengan meant anyone could be an attacker seeing what untrusty assholes Future Fundation has. Anyone can be evil,even Naegi or Chisa. But then Kirigiri has her own theories,and maybe she has the name of that one attacker who did the 3 similar killings aka Chisa,Great Bro and Seiko imo.
Sep 12, 2016 10:04 AM

Oct 2012
silverwalls said:

i wonder if what tengan said means that the victims were brainwashed and then killed themselves.. that theory has been going for a while and it would make most sense.

That would explain why Ruruka's death was so brutal. She was feeling guilty for betraying and killing Izayoi, so she mutilated herself, ate her candies and killed herself.
Sep 12, 2016 10:05 AM

Aug 2016
_AnimeLover__ said:
Manecleis said:
@taynis My first concern is the discrepancy between Tengan's reasoning and Asahina's deduction. The former claims everyone is an attacker when the latter seems to suggest that one person is the killer. Is it possible that these two claims do not contradict each other?
You do not have to believe him literally, what he means about the attacker is completely different from what you want to know

In other words, what Tengan meant was that the simple fact of taking part in this killing game equates to being an attacker, at various degrees?
Sep 12, 2016 10:10 AM

Jul 2012
Manecleis said:
@taynis My first concern is the discrepancy between Tengan's reasoning and Asahina's deduction. The former claims everyone is an attacker when the latter seems to suggest that one person is the killer. Is it possible that these two claims do not contradict each other?

Exactly my problem. I went back to see if maybe it was a mistranslation, but no, they use the same words, so they are talking about the same thing.
Maybe we are just overthinking and Asahina is going to reveal exactly what Munakata knows but with more insight from Kirigiri...

Manecleis said:
_AnimeLover__ said:
You do not have to believe him literally, what he means about the attacker is completely different from what you want to know

In other words, what Tengan meant was that the simple fact of taking part in this killing game equates to being an attacker, at various degrees?

Yeah, it could totally mean something like that and he would get way with the "no lying" rule.

(I have a problem with this lying thing since the beginning tho. Like, if I say to you I have a black dog called Bill and you go and tell your friend that. Mind you, I was lying, but can someone call you a liar? You believed me. So, if you had this NG Code, would you have died? Or that doesn't count as lying? o-o Not that this has something to do with the matter at hand, just a random thought XD)
taynisSep 12, 2016 10:22 AM

Sep 12, 2016 10:12 AM

Jan 2015
TheLittleRedHero said:
In season 1 of the anime, they never actually showed this scene from what I remember (hence I haven't really played the first game so anyone can confirm me on this if the scene was in the first game? And well... I guess I would get attacked for asking this question), but it was a pretty nice touch to the point where it gave a bit of a slim flashback between Kirigiri and Naegi, it was pretty nice to show around. I assume this is to showcase that Naegi only has his hope, and of course I guess that's when she started to understand him a bit.

It was in the first anime. Of course the scene was drawn in a slightly different way, but after that I remember seeing the forums flooded with Kyoko´s fan art fancing a cup ramen. Also, lots of gifs of her getting ut of the trash (she was....very elastic)

Manecleis said:
@taynis My first concern is the discrepancy between Tengan's reasoning and Asahina's deduction. The former claims everyone is an attacker when the latter seems to suggest that one person is the killer. Is it possible that these two claims do not contradict each other?

Aren´t able to watch the episode completely so i´m just guessing from what you are saying. We aren´t sure how this game works. The bodies weren´t really damaged, but then someone stabbed the victim with the dagger. Remember when Tengan woke up and didn´t seem that worried? Even Kirigiri commented on it.
Sep 12, 2016 10:12 AM

Jul 2010
taynis said:

About the counting: Hagakure is alive too, I don't know if he is being counted too, but anyway...

He doesn't have that bracelet right? So, he can't be counted in the game maybe.
Sep 12, 2016 10:16 AM
Jul 2018
Psyren_Rose said:
taynis said:

About the counting: Hagakure is alive too, I don't know if he is being counted too, but anyway...

He doesn't have that bracelet right? So, he can't be counted in the game maybe.

He doesn't have the bracelet from that I remember.
Sep 12, 2016 10:17 AM
Aug 2015
Manecleis said:
_AnimeLover__ said:
You do not have to believe him literally, what he means about the attacker is completely different from what you want to know

In other words, what Tengan meant was that the simple fact of taking part in this killing game equates to being an attacker, at various degrees?
you can say that, this phrase'no one is perfect'or 'no one is always right' is similar to this killing game. Their actions are not always right and 1 wrong move can call themselves attackers indirectly
Sep 12, 2016 10:18 AM
Jul 2018
kawaii-despair said:
TheLittleRedHero said:

There's a confliction I'm having with the entire thing Tengan said, and then what Kyouko had as evidence. It maybe just how Tengan worded it. Maybe its just everyone doubting each other, hence then wanting to attack each other, but there's an actual killer going around still. It's just weird.

Maybe Tengan meant anyone could be an attacker seeing what untrusty assholes Future Fundation has. Anyone can be evil,even Naegi or Chisa. But then Kirigiri has her own theories,and maybe she has the name of that one attacker who did the 3 similar killings aka Chisa,Great Bro and Seiko imo.

Maybe, but its kinda hard to put things into the entire picture. There's a lot of things going on, and it seems even more difficult. It's kinda vague.

But that can possibly be it... considering how much shit happened in the group at the beginning also.
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Poll: » Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Mirai-hen Episode 7 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 )

Stark700 - Aug 22, 2016

236 by SaltyCookie »»
Jan 2, 2024 3:12 AM

Poll: » Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Mirai-hen Episode 4 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Aug 1, 2016

284 by Nanashi »»
Dec 17, 2023 7:37 AM

Poll: » Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Mirai-hen Episode 3 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Jul 25, 2016

280 by Nanashi »»
Dec 12, 2023 9:46 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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