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Sep 8, 2016 10:20 AM

Nov 2011
Ha, Handa's reaction to that girly action figure is just priceless.

Thought this episode was funny although the first segment didn't impress me that much. I liked the second part quite a bit though especially to see how Handa would react to the otaku culture.
Sep 8, 2016 10:28 AM

Nov 2007
"Average" guy among Handa-kun's fans sensing weirdness. He received a letter that sounds like love letter. He wasn't sure and asked that delinquent guy, who remembered the bullying last year. That megane guy said it's definitely love letter and the girl who wrote it is "average" girl. The girl told him not to be proud ("unuboreruna") and trying be the like of Handa-kun and his followers because he's average, too. He met Handa-kun, who seems to receive something (poor him).

A club to draw bishoujo manga. Only 3 members, so they face disbanding the club. lol @ megane guy suggesting him to draw a manga for Handa-kun. They decided to draw gag manga of Handa-chan. Buchou decided to get near Handa-kun... with a doll. lol @ changing too much after that, and is opposite of element of bishoujo manga. They understands his manga?! lol @ the whole part of Handa-kun finding out his manga.

Manga club members added to ED. Wow, what a pretty Handa-kun he illustrated. About culture festival next.
tsubasaloverSep 10, 2016 10:54 PM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Sep 8, 2016 1:56 PM
Jan 2009
Well the animation budget was great this episode. They even did a attack on titan re-enactment.

aegdSep 8, 2016 1:59 PM
Sep 9, 2016 8:44 AM
Jul 2018
Handa's reaction to that girl figure was so priceless!
Sep 9, 2016 9:24 AM

Mar 2016
aegd said:
Well the animation budget was great this episode. They even did a attack on titan re-enactment.

Why you're noticed that now?

That amazing art is since eps 1
RioAlSep 10, 2016 7:05 AM

Sep 9, 2016 7:02 PM

Dec 2014
That maid doll was weird. Very, very weird.
Sep 9, 2016 7:46 PM

Mar 2013
My eyes must really be going bad if I thought the members of the bishoujo club were all girls. the part with the figure was both weird and funny and admit it you would pull down the skirt I know I would. Handa's face at the end was just perfect for a second I thought they wouldn't show his reaction to manga genderbent handa.
Sep 9, 2016 7:52 PM
Dec 2013
I feel sorry for Akane's past...
Sep 9, 2016 8:00 PM
Jul 2012
Now that the entire ED is full, I'm guessing that it will start clearing up the misunderstandings in the next episode? There are only two episodes for Handa to finally make up with all the people that is following him around.
Sep 9, 2016 9:14 PM

Jan 2012
Poor Handa, enjoy your gender-swap manga! XD
Sep 9, 2016 9:22 PM

Dec 2014
Poor Yukio, His confession didn't go as expected.
That Harassment with the flowers, Handa always gets the short end of the stick XD

Handa talking to the figure was funny.
Gender-swap Handa manga was hilarious, That reaction he had when he saw it. XD
Sep 9, 2016 10:23 PM

Jan 2015
The average guy just GOT A LOVE LETTER. Even I got excited for it. But that story about Akane used to get one is... Oh no, at least he didn't finish his story. LOL
And that Gender-swap manga of Handa. No comment.
Is it just me, or that Takoyaki-kun have a similar voice with Mayaya from Kuragehime?
MasceraSep 9, 2016 10:30 PM
[url=]convert gambar online
Sep 9, 2016 10:57 PM

Feb 2016
love the second part more. lol

and scene after ed song....... you went too far, megane guy... xD
Sep 9, 2016 11:45 PM

Oct 2010
"Bishoujo manga must always come with a touch of eroticism and harems!"
"Nobody wants to read manga for porn and end up with a story!"

Nice jab there....
"People die when they are killed" - Emiya Shirou
Sep 9, 2016 11:45 PM

May 2012
What in the world. That's horrible, Akane. lol I love how he just casually talked about it though

The bishoujo club members were pretty great. That guy at the end is starting to draw bishounen now... That definitely looked like more than admiration.. Oh no

Sep 10, 2016 3:18 AM

Feb 2013
He is sorry for saving the manga now.
Sep 10, 2016 5:02 AM

Jul 2016
wait... did Tsutsui get raped in the past?
lol harassment pressed flower
if I were Handa, I'll go to behind the wall to find out who is the one doing that with a figurine, and tell him to go home lol
Sep 10, 2016 7:55 AM

May 2015
Lol, Handa's face at the end was priceless.

Sep 10, 2016 10:24 AM

Jan 2013
I finally understood what this show is. It's Diet Sakamoto Desu Ga...
Sep 10, 2016 10:54 AM

Apr 2015
The weeb humiliated his own waifu... How could he!

Good episode.
Sep 10, 2016 10:57 AM

Jun 2013
Handa as a bishoujo character lol
Sep 10, 2016 11:18 AM

Jun 2016
It's so funny yet so terrible for poor handa.
Sep 10, 2016 12:21 PM
Nov 2015
Didn't like this episode as much. Idk why. The first half, especially, wasn't really funny.

Sep 10, 2016 2:52 PM
Aug 2015
Second half was meh. Usually otaku in anime make everything worse...
>Anyways Reo is still best boy
Sep 10, 2016 6:41 PM
Aug 2014
Soli18 said:
The weeb humiliated his own waifu... How could he!

Good episode.

Everytime I read/hear the word weeb or wee-a-boo I get triggered. Americans sure love making their own terms...
Sep 10, 2016 8:04 PM

Apr 2015
dm106 said:
Soli18 said:
The weeb humiliated his own waifu... How could he!

Good episode.

Everytime I read/hear the word weeb or wee-a-boo I get triggered. Americans sure love making their own terms...

I'm not an American :p.
Sep 10, 2016 10:47 PM

Dec 2012
tsubasalover said:
The girl told him not to be proud and be the like of Handa-kun.

I think you got that bit wrong. The girl just told him that he was too average to be a part of Handa's group of followers.

Rio_ said:
aegd said:
Well the animation budget was great this episode. They even did a attack on titan re-enactment.

Why you're noticed that now?

That amazing art is since eps 1

Nah, this episode's animation really was worse than the others, although I'd say they at least tried to hide it. There were a lot of sliding movements, characters completely still for way longer than it would have looked right, and other things like that.

FallenEntity said:
My eyes must really be going bad if I thought the members of the bishoujo club were all girls.

It also took me half the manga's chapter to notice they were boys. And they aren't even particularly girlish-looking... ¬¬
Sep 11, 2016 1:21 AM
Sep 2012
Too bad, Yukio thought the love letter will break his average Joe status, but his heart broke instead! :))
Akane's bully moment flashback is very sad...
Now we know where Handa-kun got his pressed flowers obsession on Barakamon. :)

the second story cringed me the most!
WTH using a hentai bishojo figurine to talk with Handa-kun?!?
Thank God he use his hanky to cover those "stuffs"! xD
Have anyone notice the Otaku on white t-shirt keeps doing that "weird" hand gesture on some scenes? O_O

2 more episodes... ugh, hate seeing this series coming to an end :'(
Sep 11, 2016 8:19 AM

Nov 2012
Yukio got shot down before he even had chance to take off. Brutal.
A city's greatness is determined by the speed of its internet connection.
Sep 11, 2016 4:12 PM
Aug 2014
Soli18 said:
dm106 said:

Everytime I read/hear the word weeb or wee-a-boo I get triggered. Americans sure love making their own terms...

I'm not an American :p.

It doesn't change the fact that it is an american made term. I guess in countries with germanic languages, you guys prefer using the new term weeaboo, since otaku might be difficult to pronounce. Here in Latin America if you see guy like the ones in this Handa-kun episode you go "Hey look an otaku", nobody uses weeaboo or even acknowledge that word. Same in Japan.
Sep 11, 2016 5:20 PM

Apr 2015
dm106 said:
Soli18 said:

I'm not an American :p.

It doesn't change the fact that it is an american made term. I guess in countries with germanic languages, you guys prefer using the new term weeaboo, since otaku might be difficult to pronounce. Here in Latin America if you see guy like the ones in this Handa-kun episode you go "Hey look an otaku", nobody uses weeaboo or even acknowledge that word. Same in Japan.

I think you are taking this too deep. I used the word weeb because I just felt like using it. Nothing more.
Sep 11, 2016 7:45 PM

Oct 2008
even the normie guy was shot down by some normie girls because they though he's trying to be a part of Handa Force! lolz!
the 2nd half otaku's are also hilarious!

Sep 12, 2016 4:01 AM

May 2010
Finally an episode about the only bearable character in this show. Others can get bearable, but only when they are not in front of Handa.

Wait was Tsukkun raped? for real???

Yoriyori is merciless. Wouldn't mind seeing more of her

And I'm glad Yukio is finally interacting with Handa.

This episode had less misunderstandings and was nice. And lol, the episode I like more gets worse ratings. I guess I really have a different opinion about this show than others. Oh well, I'm used to it.

Chief is totally into Handa now lol.
Sep 12, 2016 5:52 AM

Jan 2011
Could you imagine such a thing?

Sep 17, 2016 3:10 PM
Feb 2016
had so much fun watching it as always
Oct 13, 2016 7:56 AM

May 2012
Not the best episode I must say, felt a bit borgin.
Nov 4, 2016 3:38 AM

Mar 2015
2nd half is ridiculous in everything. I dont care about the Bishoujo club members.

Jan 3, 2017 6:51 AM

Mar 2015
Lel otaku being otaku can be funny
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Apr 3, 2017 12:34 PM

Mar 2017
"to my ass" Tsuk-kun mas have had it rough back then XD

"The Dull looking duckling is now transforming into Handa-kun's swan!"
Best Quote Ever

Poor Yukio though, I would date him if he was real :D

猫はかわいいです。 (ꈍ ‸ ꈍ)

Aug 13, 2017 12:40 AM

Apr 2016
It was touching of Handa to cover Merina, even though she's just a figurine. It just shows that Handa is a respectful person, without perverted thoughts. And it was considerate of Handa to reply to Sakurame because, "not answering would be rude to whoever's behind the wall." :-) Handa's consideration, when he wrapped Merina with his handkerchief, reminded Sakurame to treat her better. ^^ Handa Power's effect, once again <3

I lol-ed when Handa thought to himself, "dang sarcastic four-eyes," after Aizawa said, "I wonder what idiot collected them." If Aizawa knew Handa was the one who collected the Bishoujo Picture Club's precious manga for recycling, he definitely wouldn't have thought that, let alone say that... XD

Handa really is a nice person! Even though he ran after the truck, to retrieve the Bishoujo Picture Club's manga, because he didn't want the three to blame him later... Even though Handa was the cause of the trouble, it was still nice of him to go out of his way, when he could have chosen not to. :) No one knew Handa collected the club's manga, so it's not like anyone would have blamed him anyway.

LOL to poor Handa at the end, for witnessing Dr. Psycho's gender-swap, ecchi manga. xDD Although, it's nice that the Bishoujo Picture Club had many pre-orders of their Handa manga, even though the school festival hasn't even arrived yet! Congrats to the three, since their club won't close now that they'll receive funds. :) And it's nice to know that Sakurame has become Handa's fan! XD His Handa sketches were nice.

I agree that the first half of this episode felt a little lacking, compared to our otakus. ^^ I guess people in the school, probably do wonder what Kondou is doing, hanging out with the Handa Force. I feel bad for Kondou, since even I thought that he may receive a love confession... But nope, Yori-Yori only called Kondou out, to tell him that he's plain and to not act like he's with the Handa Force. T.T Although, it's really nice to see the Handa Force's support for Kondou, and they really cared about him! :-) I agree with Kondou – you can't help but keep an eye on Handa. x) But poor Handa, he thought Kondou gave him a harassment paper through flower pressing! XD I hope Tsutsui didn't get raped the previous year... That's really traumatizing. :(
Avatar credit: vuvuzela
May 27, 2018 11:38 PM

Sep 2013
That was great! I hope we get to see more of the Bishoujo Club!

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Feb 25, 2019 6:59 PM
Apr 2016
Handa dealt with that figurine easily hahahaha... That ending though lmfao.
Jul 5, 2019 6:16 PM

Mar 2019
Priscy123 said:
I feel sorry for Akane's past...

Oh, me too. :( This show is comedy but Akane's story is tragic. He was raped, then he wasn't leaving a home for a year and wanted to change his appearance because of that sexual assault...
Apr 21, 2020 8:26 AM

Jul 2012
Yukio really is the best boy in this show, him actually not being brainwashed and acting appropriately to the situations or giving great retorts are my favourite parts... apparently it's the opposite for almost everyone else watching the show but well.

I got worried for a moment with that love letter thing that they were actually going to change his type of character at this point but im glad he stayed the same.. athough that girl really did make me mad... smh, calling him out just to say he's too "average" to be on Handa Force..

It's sad Handa ends up misunderstanding pretty much everything cause I really feel they ould be good friends since Yukio actually undertands him

Second part was alright I guess, didn't particularly care for new characters that appeared out of nowhere again just to keep with the misunderstanding theme. At least the ending was fun, i bet Handa was regretting going after the manga xD
"In the past few months since we met, I've shared many memories with Nagato. Though I've also shared memories with Haruhi, Asahina-san and Koizumi, I found that I've experienced more events with Nagato in particular. In fact, every situation seems to involve her. I might as well mention this, she's probably the only person to cause the bell within me to shake the most vigorously..." ~ Kyon, TMOSH
Jun 20, 2020 9:39 PM

Aug 2018
That last scene when Handa sees the manga was so hilarious haha

Sep 12, 2022 7:32 AM
Aug 2018
Man this series is just Handa getting fucked over every single episode
Nov 22, 2023 4:17 PM

Jun 2022
Watchable ; Op & Ed Is Good . That Combo Of Big Head & Small Girl Should Have More Screen Time.

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