I feel that the reason why there are differing (and conflicting) opinions about this episode is because everyone is right. Humans, emotions, thoughts and motives are very complex. People are hardly what they are or do what they do for a single reason.
For the mother, there are a few possible reasons behind her behaviour:
1. She never knew the concept of love so she didn't know how to love. She may have grown up under strict rules without parental love. Since it was an arranged marriage, her husband may have loved another and not her either. Her only chance to be loved was taken away from her.
2. She felt a sense of self-pity, bitterness, frustration and depression for the state that she was in. This prevented her from moving on in life. She was just stuck, and lost, and empty, and wanted to run away from everything. (My own opinion: I highly doubt that she tied Reki to the tree out of hatred (she looked too apathetic to be harbouring feelings of hatred). I doubt she wanted the lightning to strike him. I think she just wanted to get away from the nightmare that she was living (and causing Reki to live in) she wanted to shut her eyes and ears to everything. This boy who is crying, who I can't love, who I can't take care of, I just want everything to disappear. And like the neighbours said, rain comes suddenly in those areas. Before she knew it, there was lightning and like oh crap, what just happened?! )
3. She felt a deep sense of guilt and regret towards Reki. This feeling of guilt snowballed until she lost all opportunities of ever relating to him as a mother. The guilt of trying to abort him before he was born. The guilt of not feeling any affections towards him when he was born. The guilt of tying him to a tree which caused him to be struck by lighting. The guilt that she knows she is a horrible mother, a terrible human but doesn't know what to do about it. I'm beyond all hope and redemption, I have no right to look him in the eye, I have no grounds to act as if I am his mother. There's no use trying. It's too late.
Which of these three is the answer? I propose that all three played a part to make her who she is and many more reasons that I'm sure other viewers could analyse and think of. Yes, she is selfish, yes, what she is doing isn't justifiable, yes she deserves to be hated, and yes, she is also very pitiful.
So maybe everyone is correct, we're just looking at an elephant from different points of view and merely describing what we see. But in truth, the elephant is more complex than what we see directly from our own perspectives.
Needless to say, Reki's desperate cries for help and mercy from his mother broke my heart right at the start of the episode.
Similarly for Reki, there are a few possible reasons for his behaviour:
1. No one loves me, I don't see the point in existing, I only cause misery for others, I might as well die.
2. The lightning pays attention to me, it seeks me out when no one else does.
3. Maybe Mom might change, maybe she might be even the slightest bit concerned if I put myself in the way of danger.
4. I need to protect everyone else from the lightning. I need to go far away so that it will not hurt anyone else. (A reason which I find admirable, similarly to his mom (as speculated), he did not grow up in an environment of love and yet he was able to show sacrificial love towards those who did not and could not love him back.)
5. I can't forgive Mom for what she did. Maybe if I continue to put myself in danger and get hurt, it will make her feel guilty and sorry for what she has done.
6. The mushi's influence of wanting to be near the lightning.
Again, I think it could be a mixture of reasons that caused him to be who he is. Maybe some of those thoughts passed through his mind at some point of life, and then maybe he felt a different way at a different time. People are constantly changing. There is rarely one single answer to explain what happens in life.
My largest takeaway from this episode, however, is not to take for granted the love that I receive. We tend to assume that receiving love is a given and forget to be thankful for it. Sometimes we tend to forget / neglect the ones who love us the most. We are perturbed when we do not see love 'as it rightfully should be given'. While it is true that love is the right thing to do, not everyone does the right thing. Therefore, it reminds me to be grateful for what I have and a reminder to give as I have been given. |