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Aug 8, 2016 1:47 AM

Dec 2012
Spank me too, Lucaaaaaaaaa. Please don't flame me. I just like getting spanked.
Aug 8, 2016 8:25 AM

Jul 2009
nnnicolas said:
Every time I watch one more episode, I just got me thinking that I NEED to read the manga soon.

What is stopping you?
Aug 8, 2016 10:32 AM

Dec 2013
Mezziaz said:
nnnicolas said:
Every time I watch one more episode, I just got me thinking that I NEED to read the manga soon.

What is stopping you?
Laziness. hahaha
Aug 8, 2016 1:44 PM

Jul 2009
Skull Knight long time no see! Is it me or it got better or I got used to it?!
Aug 8, 2016 6:21 PM

Feb 2014
Orgy and Farnese childhood flashack were too rushed.
Aug 8, 2016 9:24 PM

Sep 2014
my god they just shoved farnese's backsotry in a post credit short scene? it's like they're really trying to just blow through this arc to go right into the Millenium falcon arc.
Aug 9, 2016 4:36 AM

Oct 2015
Maloghurst said:
my god they just shoved farnese's backsotry in a post credit short scene? it's like they're really trying to just blow through this arc to go right into the Millenium falcon arc.

It does feel like that.
I do hope that at least if they do that, it leads up to some badass moments later on (fights with Berserker armor, apostles, etc).

On the other hand Im quite eager for this series to end. I hope its 12 episodes not 24.
Aug 9, 2016 11:02 PM

Oct 2008
That deymn Dark Skeleton Knight (don't know the name) was badass looking entity!

Aug 10, 2016 7:16 AM

Jul 2009
Berserk 2016 was a mistake.
Aug 10, 2016 2:56 PM

Apr 2010
Manaaja said:
Berserk 2016 was a mistake.

Down to 6.09, it might actually get into the 5's before it's over. Quite the accomplishment for a MAL score.
Aug 10, 2016 7:10 PM
Apr 2009
antonn said:
Manaaja said:
Berserk 2016 was a mistake.

Down to 6.09, it might actually get into the 5's before it's over. Quite the accomplishment for a MAL score.
Blind hatred and people just being sheep. That's not to say that there aren't people who just genuinely dislike this but I'm willing to put money on the fact that a good amount of the hatred from people is very biased.

It's a good series. It's a little slow, but at the same time this part of the story in the manga was also pretty slow. I'm not a fan of the animation and will admit that the current pacing of this part of the story and the animation don't go well together and makes it seem slightly boring, but it will get a lot better in the coming episodes. I do think that skipping that short elf arc was a bad move when it comes down to capturing attention and making it feel less slow though, but whatever. I've already stopped caring about that.

Maloghurst said:
my god they just shoved farnese's backsotry in a post credit short scene? it's like they're really trying to just blow through this arc to go right into the Millenium falcon arc.
I don't understand why the placement of her backstory matters. At this point it just seems like some of you are nitpicking, it was still shown in the episode. I think it's slightly strange that the credits were played earlier and the scene was shown after, but does it really matter?
DamaeraAug 10, 2016 7:18 PM
Aug 11, 2016 8:55 AM

Mar 2016
I still remember when the score for Berserk was 8.92
That was right before everyone saw the first episode
"I like young-girl sexual creations, Lolicon is just one hobby of my many hobbies," he says.
I ask what his wife, standing nearby, thinks of his "hobby".
"She probably thinks no problem," he replies. "Because she loves young boys sexually interacting with each other."
Aug 11, 2016 9:45 AM
Mar 2012
Skull knight looks cool & good voice, too bad all the dialogue's hyper speed.
Lots of stuff... weird fetus protector seems most important to Casca, then Cannibal Goat vs Holy See maybe, Farnesse backstory (yah she's raised crazy we got that), bit of green & eyebrow knights, conscience ladened Birdman.
Not really confusing, except the Goldilocks & youngboy weird relationship.
Aug 11, 2016 3:10 PM

Aug 2014
"Bitches on my dick cuz I look like a goat...oh wait"

The way Luca just started spanking Nina out of nowhere had me dying xD
Aug 11, 2016 10:13 PM

Sep 2014
[quote=Damaera message=47309678]
antonn said:
Manaaja said:
Berserk 2016 was a mistake.

Maloghurst said:
my god they just shoved farnese's backsotry in a post credit short scene? it's like they're really trying to just blow through this arc to go right into the Millenium falcon arc.
I don't understand why the placement of her backstory matters. At this point it just seems like some of you are nitpicking, it was still shown in the episode. I think it's slightly strange that the credits were played earlier and the scene was shown after, but does it really matter?
i dont see how this is nitpicking. Farnese is a main character. I would think her character backstory would at least be given some form of priority. Poor decision making in my opinion.
Aug 12, 2016 3:03 AM

Apr 2010
Maloghurst said:
i dont see how this is nitpicking. Farnese is a main character. I would think her character backstory would at least be given some form of priority. Poor decision making in my opinion.

Fix your quote, yo.
Aug 12, 2016 1:28 PM
Mar 2016
Cult orgy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aug 12, 2016 10:13 PM

Sep 2014
antonn said:
Maloghurst said:
i dont see how this is nitpicking. Farnese is a main character. I would think her character backstory would at least be given some form of priority. Poor decision making in my opinion.

Fix your quote, yo.
i had actually typed out my response like 3 times in 3 different ways but i had issues posting because hte page kept i just got it out there and called it an evening....
Aug 12, 2016 11:59 PM

Jan 2011
this episode is like in fast forward mode
Aug 13, 2016 5:57 AM

Jan 2011
I may just witness the dumbest scene I have ever seen in an anime....or one of the wtf did I just watch?
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Aug 14, 2016 5:37 PM

Apr 2014
Gah, the naked cgi Barbie doll bodies look so damn stupid and bad that it just distracts and annoys me all episode and I can't really enjoy anything. Some of these scenes are supposed to be disturbing and horrific, instead the animation just makes it looks silly and ridiculous so you're face palming instead of feeling horrified.
floater22Aug 14, 2016 5:52 PM
Aug 15, 2016 12:02 AM
Jan 2016
darkest4 said:
Gah, the naked cgi Barbie doll bodies look so damn stupid and bad that it just distracts and annoys me all episode and I can't really enjoy anything. Some of these scenes are supposed to be disturbing and horrific, instead the animation just makes it looks silly and ridiculous so you're face palming instead of feeling horrified.

Technically you are being horrified. It's just the CG that horrifies you rather than the content.
Aug 15, 2016 2:59 AM
Jul 2018
YAY, let the rush af clusterfuck continue from here! Seriously though... and no offense, but who in the fucking hell can eat this garbage? Everything from the pacing towards the content skipping, and then the animation and scene transitioning doesn't feel natural at the slightest. I can maybe pass it off since I've read the manga and I'm happy to see some scenes animated (some little), but holy shit this was pretty horrible in my honest opinion.

This makes me wanna say that it doesn't exist to begin with. I haven't even seen the original anime adaptation but I doubt its so much better compared to this... piece of shit.
Aug 15, 2016 3:59 AM

Jul 2008
Skull Knight, sex, drugs, rock and roll, and spanking....

yeah good shit.
Aug 15, 2016 12:11 PM

Mar 2016
klaymore said:
this episode is like in fast forward mode

This 100 times. I blinked a few times when the credits rolled. Just rapid fire stuff thrown at you for 20 minutes. It was hilariously awesome.
I don't need no instructions to know how to rock!
Aug 19, 2016 5:46 PM
May 2012
Aw yis, slap that ass!
Aug 20, 2016 1:58 AM

Jun 2013
I'm liking the OP and ED a bit more now.

Bird man isn't so bad looking when his skin isn't boiling and he looks fairly clean.

They pronounce Joachim as "Yoh-wa-heem-ooh" that is fucking confusing. Also, that nippleless sex isn't doing it for me. He sure dipped his ding dong eagerly in her bleeding vajeen pretty quick. That's just fucking gross. He's still alive though, tough fella. I still don't know why Nina's vag was bleeding? Is it because she takes part of that demonic orgy every night or something? I kind of hoped that Luca would just leave her. Nina is fucking annoying. She deserved more than just a light spanking on her ass and a round of bitch slaps.

I am more interested in Serpico, he's like a sleeping dragon.

I think the episodes are getting better and regardless of all the hate it receives (which I also admit, I hated it at first), Berserk still has 71,000+ viewers. Hypocrites, the lot of them.
Aug 20, 2016 2:51 PM

Mar 2010
AH excellent episode all around. This feels like a sequal to the other berserk from the 1990's

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Aug 21, 2016 12:23 PM

Jun 2016
I think I have a problem with the direction. The way each shot is handled, how it pans from one 'panel' to another, and the cuts to a different scene. The way the camera/view pans in each scene was somehow very annoying. I just watched this right after a beautifully animated episode of Mob Pyscho, and the contrast was telling.

Other than the visuals, it was fairly decent, though a little too rushed. Some of the scenes from the manga become hilarious when animated, I now realise - like Mozgus crash-landing on the ground a thousand times or Nina getting her naked butt spanked.

Oh, does anyone else feel that Casca sounds terribly odd? Her voice - well, basically the weird shrieking - doesn't fit her character *at all*. It sounds more like a dying velociraptor..
ArachnophobicAug 21, 2016 12:26 PM
Aug 25, 2016 1:36 PM

Nov 2015
The spanking was unexpected!

Sep 3, 2016 4:17 PM

Feb 2013
I wonder how uncomfortable the animators felt making this episode.

What's with that Krang looking thing? It was protecting Casca?

Also, nice face-plant.
Sep 11, 2016 5:03 AM

Jun 2015
I could have lived with the CGI, which is a thing I'll never get used to completely, but this fucked up pacing and rushed production really just lacks any potential to translate Miura's work to the screen.

The manga is nothing like this. It's long, pondering and gory as can be. Miura spends a hefty amount of time with each panel and adds symbolism and foreshadowing to the most mundane things.

This anime is the complete opposite. Everything happens in an instant, nothing gets fleshed out and why people in the series do things as they do becomes unclear. It could be worse, I'll give it that, but it is nowhere near decent in my books. Of course, if someone enjoys it, let them. But I advise you to read the manga, since it's a masterpiece.
uh oh!
Sep 24, 2016 7:48 PM

Jul 2012
SO that is the Skull Knight. What was with the ritual and Casca? This is so interesting, but I can't help but feel they're cutting some stuff. Haters of this anime should be eliminated by now ~
張大です for 張大勇督察
Sep 24, 2016 8:46 PM

Sep 2014
Gaiking said:
SO that is the Skull Knight. What was with the ritual and Casca? This is so interesting, but I can't help but feel they're cutting some stuff. Haters of this anime should be eliminated by now ~
pagan rituals, they get doped up and have orgies, fun for the whole family. yes they've cut quite a bit.
Nov 7, 2016 1:18 PM

May 2012
Quite the fucked up episode, especially that ending!
Dec 1, 2016 3:18 AM

Mar 2015
Crazy orgy, that!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
May 7, 2017 6:41 PM
Dec 2012
Skull Knight is awesome like always.

I was amazed by Mozgus' devotion. 1000 times a day for a decade banging his head against the concrete. He may be a nut but that's some serious dedication. Is he really carrying out God's will or his own twisted interpretation? Well he at least explained that an Angel descended there once.

I was confused with Nina's plan and that whole gathering.
Casca's brand seems to protect her? The boy is safe as well.

We learn a little bit about Farnese and Serpicos past. I thought Farneses part was rather well done.

Guts has finally arrived to the "Holy" land.
Feb 13, 2018 4:25 AM

Oct 2015
Great episode. My highlights:

- Disabled Casca being funny
- Nina's bitchiness
- Luca spanking Nina xD
- Skull Knight finally making an appearance
- A nice "touch" on Farnese's backstory..
- Mozgus' prayer and sublime brainwashing techniques.. oh wait, they actually cut off the short story he tells Farnese in the manga... The whole anime is rushed as hell though.

TogameCheerioFeb 13, 2018 4:29 AM
Dec 12, 2018 3:36 PM

Apr 2014
I appreciate they don't add in genitalia, but everyone just looks like a titan from AoT.

This episode was whack. The last half of it was just.. So unnecessarily trippy. Still enjoyed it either way!
Dec 30, 2018 5:30 PM

Jul 2016
Whoahoho said:
Cult orgy!!!!!!!!!!!!

That whole thing was fucking weird...

And then she spanks her? Seriously? She just killed some kid and all she gets is spanked. What the fuck
Nov 12, 2019 7:56 AM
May 2019
Okay episode. I found the first half to be rather boring, but the latter half made up for it, I guess.
Apr 16, 2020 12:54 PM

May 2016
Ooh the Skull Knight, been a long time since I've seen him.
Mar 29, 2021 6:43 PM

Apr 2020
OK, first of all: who's that skull-wearing motherfucker that looks like the Wild Hunt and Hellrider had a baby? The stuff he said was so cryptic and hard to understand, even after rewatching it a few times. Just look at this paragraph:

"When the place of power attains a critical treshold, what normally lies in the realm of Gods is incarnated, once every thousand years.You and the girl will find yourselves thrown into that maelstrom, as though tracing a passage through time."

Wakaranai yo! Could you be a bit more specific? As far as I know, this is the first time I see him. So I guess he's someone from the manga. He looks badass, but I don't know him. Why was Guts thinking about that time he saved Casca from falling while talking about "relying on his powers in the past"? What did this guy have to do with that?

Also that last remark he made: "Don't have more than the one that you care for." That gave me some Zod the Immortal vibes. I wonder if he's still around? He saved Guts when he was in a pickle before. Perhaps he'll show his face in this season again as well? I can only hope.

The part with that blonde girl and the cannibal orgy was pretty screwed, but it would make total sense with all the starving refugees and the crazy "torture monks" they have to worry about constantly. Desperate times, eh? But what was up with her punani? Just a "regular" STD? Didn't seem to bother her that much during the orgy. Oh lol, I almost forgot about the spanking she received. That made me chuckle, that situation was so absurd! "You've been drinking human soup and having wild sex parties? You deserve a spanking, young lady!"

I don't know what to make of the ending. The boy being dragged on shore and seemingly alive and well... The deformed baby demon that first gave Guts a hint where to look and then saved Casca when she was beset by demons...

As I thought, Berserk giving me more questions than answers. I'm not surprised at this point.

Edit: WTF, good thing I checked some of the opinions or I would've totally missed the post-credit part. I usually don't watch past the credits, because that's where they put the "next episode preview". And what good does it do to (partly) spoil the next episode already? But no, this time they give some backstory for Serpico and Farese which I would totally have missed otherwise.

JezzmanMar 29, 2021 7:07 PM

Jun 17, 2021 4:23 PM

Apr 2012
Wow so many elements were introduced this ep: the next incarnation prophecy (will it be created ex nihilo or will it use a body like Mozgu's for example?), the macabre past that links Farnese and Serpico (will he betray her for revenge?), Casca's and her ghoulish protector (who, what, how), the intense eyeballs that spied on Mozgu and saved Joachim (and to what purpose?).

So many questions, and will any of them be answered?
Jul 28, 2022 9:10 PM

Oct 2013
Mozgus' prostration was nicely animated. So was that hilarious moment when Luca punished Nina for her questionable heretic behavior.
Sep 27, 2024 2:31 PM
May 2024
And the plot thickens.
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