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Aug 1, 2016 8:51 PM

Oct 2012
I quite enjoyed this, I'm in favor of a full series.

Hana was a pretty nice main character, I gotta say I wasn't expecting her to end up like that though, plus even Shunichi became Black. That really drove home how life isn't like a fairy tale with happy endings, and I really liked seeing it despite being sad for Hana.

Anthea was pretty cool, we didn't get a lot of her but I'd like to see her more if they do make a full length series.

Overall this was very good and I really enjoyed the way the OVA progressed
"If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I have to do it, I'll make it quick."
- Oreki Houtarou
Aug 1, 2016 9:36 PM

Jun 2015
a prologue? well, the plot has lots of potential for a full length anime
art aint interesting, but the animation is decent...and especially, no engrisk! im glad with that!

overall, it's aint good for me, but it wasnt bad either... quite ok 6/10
Aug 1, 2016 10:18 PM

Dec 2007
Haters always going to hate because they can't think for themselves.

But yes, this was supposed to be a prologue from what was mentioned on the Kickstarter when we first funded it. I guess the hipsters joined in at some point assuming this was going to be something magical, and all that. This was indeed worth it, was awesome to see, and can't wait to see more as they hoped to have expanded. One of many that this indeed feels like a prologue. Sure, it did struggle in places, but I guess that's only natural with how much trouble they said they were having, yet I can see how that doesn't fully explain it away.

The music is indeed nice, as with the acting all around. I guess it's your standard stuff in anime, yet it does it nicely that I love it. Hana, Anthea, among others. Even the poor Americans provoking again that they get their rear ends chopped to little bits. That, and the American voicing was indeed off, yet enjoyable. Some more experienced than others in the voice acting department, yet neat regardless. The better kind of dubs where Japanese don't sound like Southern Texas 24/7.

Here's to hoping they're able to fund episode 1 to at least episode 10, or whatever they have planning. They were still hiring casts so it appears that more is to come.
Aug 1, 2016 10:24 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
BACONator1313 said:
Farabeuf said:
Full disclosure: I backed the Kickstarter and really wanted this to do well. I was extremely scared when the project went dark and we began getting all these staff changes.

All things considered, I'm extremely pleased with what I got. While the story and concept might not be very original (think they oversold that bit), it really delivered in spades with the action and the old school 90's scifi feel. You could tell the animators love their military hardware.The soundtrack was pretty good and the voice acting was very decent. Heck even the English was very understandable and didn't sound like it was tortured out of some Seeiyu.

I really hope this OVA can wet the appetite of a studio or two so they can go on to do a full series. Unfortunately I think the audience for this kind of story and feel are just not there anymore. It just doesn't pander to the otaku of 2016 (the ones 15 years ago would have loved it though!).

It wouldn't have been funded if there wasn't an audience for it.

And the originality of the content is definitely there. Having the chance for the only hope for humanity capable of going bad without hardly any warning and becoming something that can wipe out humanity is a fairly original thought. I don't think it had the time to properly explore that thought in any reasonable and completely understandable way, so I could be off of the creator's vision a little.

I was thinking of Japan when I referred to the lack of an audience for this kind of show. And of course that doesn't mean that they wouldn't be some Japanese fans. Just maybe not enough to justify a TV series or a series of movies. I may be wrong though.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Aug 1, 2016 10:27 PM
Towel Attendant

Dec 2014
I really enjoyed the anime! I like the fact that it wasn't all explained in a nice sanitary way ...... I got the chance to imagine and in this case, it was perfectly fine. It was like dropping in a world with not much explanation and let the action begin. Too many whiners:
1. they want everything explained like a typical shounen harem anime
2. they didn't care for the English spoken (quite nicely) by the soldiers....I guess they like Engrish for the comedy value
I rated it high for being a nice original anime that involved more than just my eyes. Sorry folks.....9/10 for this one on entertainment value. Hoping for more.....happy with what the producers gave me.
Aug 1, 2016 10:46 PM

Mar 2014
So there was people expecting the whole story to be told only by an OVA of 30 minutes? that could have been boring and disappointing coming from an anime that took years to be done.
I take this OVA as a representation of the proyect 'UNDER THE DOG' and I take for granted there's a good plot and character development waiting to be showed in the future.
Aug 1, 2016 11:59 PM
Nov 2012
I kinda just came across this while on my new anime hunt. I had heard about the Kickstarter but wasn't interested enough to contribute. But for the sake of complete objectivity, here goes my impression of this twenty-eight minute OVA.

First: Damn, ten minutes worth of credits alone? I know it was a kickstarter and they had to get all the contributors in there but damn, at that size font it shouldn't have taken that long. But this isn't an issue as i just fast forwarded past it all

Spoilers from this point onward!!

Truly First: I understand that there is only so much narrative that can be done, or should be done, especially in a 28 minute OVA. But at least they can say that they tried, I got that these girls aka the Flowers are pretty badass with the opening scene of pink-haired sniper and bob cut Jodie sniping a "black" (not meant to be racist or anything....right?) but I honestly felt that there was too little narrative. I was able to piece together that these girl are forced to do these things against their will and that they are capable of these feats because of some... Super human augmentation? Even then, this super human augmentation seems to be pretty useless by what is shown. Hana is shot once and is basically knocked out of the fight until she injects herself with some... Adrenaline? This and the complete inability of the U.S. Soldiers to hit a target as it subtly moves to the left. Didn't know this was a Star Wars remake. Let's just say that any sense of danger or suspense is completely destroyed.

Second: I have no interest in any of the characters, especially Hana and the Male lead or should I say, Mr. Never question anything. Honestly, He witnesses Military personnel infiltrate his school, a monster rampage and kill said soldiers and a girl his age overpower fully grown men without even breaking a sweat and he never questions any of it? Okay, seems legit. Maybe he is so distraught he has no idea what is going on... Until the point when Hana releases him from his ziptie handcuffs and soldiers start shooting at him and Hana. He runs off but then makes the conscious decision to run back because of what? A man never leaves a girl behind? Can someone say, "Damn, he white knighted her real hard." If that is not cliched, then i don't know what is.

Third: The English voice acting was pretty good, but it fell apart just as fast as it was built up. Hearing a soldier say, "Heh-lo" instead of "Hee-lo" completely ruined any immersion into the scene for me. For a second there I thought he was breaking the fourth wall and talking to me directly.

Fourth: Animation was pretty good. It was pretty spot on tbh, no complaints here.

Fifth: The color scheme and character designs were pretty bland. Setting has been over-used to the point of exhaustion. Kinda like a cheaper hooker offering a two for one special at the local anime expo but nonetheless, all the weebs and squeebs are excited to partake in the deal.

Sixth: six six! the numbah of the Beast!

Seventh: The story actually seems to contradict itself for a bit. Towards the end, the Heroine whom destroys the Pandora claims that it is their responsibility to destroy the hope of man, but that does not seem to meld with Hana's actions of demeanor. I get that the Pandora were some sort of... weapon system? At the very least, it may have been some technology to save the human race or something like that that had gone out of control or something? Hana seems hell bent on saving the "white" (again, not meant to be racist... right?) Who is her hope to be freed from the "Curse" but the white is hope and therefore should be destroyed, but that doesn't matter anyway cause the male lead dies anyway. So Hana died in vain, eh, i don't really care.

All in all, this sucked pretty hard
Aug 2, 2016 12:45 AM

Aug 2014
I might get a lot of hate for this but I disliked it, hated the fact that every main character dies and how "tragic" this anime wants to look it felt forced and unnecessary, honestly I was interested in Hana more than the main character
Aug 2, 2016 12:54 AM

Sep 2014
BACONator1313 said:
Miragee said:

Yeah, people will probably compare this to things like UBW and now Tales of Zestiria which apparently have godlike animation while they really don't. I mean sure, Under the Dog had some shitty moments but it also had lots of really good animation. Far better than any TV show I have watched this year.

Ufotable doesn't even have that great of animation. They have good art. Their computerized graphics are pleasant to the eyes. Art is not animation. Animation is the fluidity of charcters and such between frames. This had great animation. The art was average. Nothing really wrong with it.

I know, that's exactly what I said.^^
Aug 2, 2016 1:25 AM

Nov 2011
I mean, people are talking about the great animation, and it admittedly is better animated than your typical tv series, but compared to other movies or ovas I didn't see anything special. There weren't any particular scenes that, to me, you would show somebody as a great example of sakuga. To each their own.

Aside from that, I have to say this didn't even meet my nonexistent expectations. Even as a prologue, I can't say this interested me enough to particularly want to see more. The storyline was kept very vague even for its length, and although most of the unwanted tropes didn't surface (save for a couple, such as the distracting and unnecessary nudity), what was there to "hook" anyone? The alien/human/whatever? The lack of knowledge as to why official militaries and an official U.N. taskforce aren't working together? The equally vague characters?

I'm well aware that there's only so much that can be done in such a small timeframe, but this could've done way more in the time given.

From an artistic viewpoint I think this was a failure. The only way to salvage anything out of it is if they can get a production committee to back it, and even at that I would be skeptical.

At least the English didn't suck.
Aug 2, 2016 2:15 AM

Feb 2015
Okay, what the hell happened here? I know somebody mentioned it was rebooted, but how can ZERO percent of the trailer's scenes make it to the final product? Like, what the hell? All throughout the episode I was waiting for that epic motorbike scene or the tower shootout scenes depicted in the trailer. My suspicions first began when the opening scenes made it look like a ordinary high school battle anime and then video buffered on me and I saw the total run-time was 38 minutes. I thought then, " oh shit, not even 1 hour? Oh well, I assume they'll introduce pale yellow haired girl as the quiet, mysterious girl of the school(because the trailer had her walking to school) and shit will hit the fan quick". No. None of that happened. Instead we got, as somebody else said, an mc who never questioned anything and whose death completely contradicted Hana's supposed intentions and made no sense. This dude had absolutely no personality and had no reaction to anything. It would have been better if he was even a wuss like Yuuki(Mirai Nikki) or Subaru. Thats not mentioning the storyline that was all over the place and the senseless deaths at the end...Man, I'm just so disappointed that this was nothing like the trailer.

Animation was top notch. char designs top notch. English was impressive(no cringey engrish) because they sounded American. Although since japanese animators animate mouth movements before the audio and don't know how the mouth moves, some mouth movements got pretty weird looking.
Aug 2, 2016 2:56 AM

Apr 2009
I never followed the Kickstarter but I must admit: this is a somewhat promising standalone OVA episode that could easily turn into a small OVA series if enough people are interested.

Animation overall is alright to decent: Some annoying CGI and the blood effects are hilarious at times, but overall the fighting scenes were nice and looked quite pleasant.
Voice-acting was alright as well, good job on having spoken English that doesn't sound retarded for once in an anime.
Story was standard, but presented in an okay manner. Nothing too surprising, but within the bounds of the established themes and above average in terms of presentation.

Overall, 6/10 or so. Wouldn't mind seeing more of this in a short OVA series.

I am honestly wondering what you guys expect from such a Kickstarter? Over an hour with the amount raised? Have you never taken business courses? I realize that I have less of a monetary and emotional investment in this than some of you since I am not a backer, but overall I would consider this a successful Kickstarter. I backed LWA2 and Kick Heart and they were similary successful, but I guess in those cases the expectations from many backers were different since they either backed to support Uyasa or Trigger (who already had proven that this IP is good).
Also, a lot of you people seem to have no clue about animation....
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Aug 2, 2016 3:07 AM

Feb 2008
So I basically had zero hopes for this. Kickstarter had lots of promises about being completely different from the usual stuff on TV, but the trailers and everything on their kickstarter page proved otherwise. When this came out I pretty much went in expecting trash. And well, the basic premise did look generic with bland assassin girl and bland high school guy. But the action itself was pretty solid, and the second half was entertaining.

I feel like the biggest flaw is that they never reached the goal for more episodes, because the first episode sets up the universe well, but you just realize that this is it. If this was a TV show, this episode would probably make me interested in the show, and honestly I could see Bones or Mappa do something like this. It's really not that far from the standard stuff you see on TV, well if we ignore the LN garbage and VN adaptations.

Best part was seeing the generic assassin girl actually die, because they would never pull that off in a TV show. And the final moment when the blonde girl shoots the high school boy. Priceless.

Basically, nothing special, interesting setup for more that will never come. 6/10 would watch more if they decide to continue it.

"Your sight, my delight. Will you marry me?"
Aug 2, 2016 4:08 AM

Oct 2013
I was kind of expecting more so I'm kind of dissapointed, however if one day they make more episodes, then I believe that this has potential.
The character animations seemed off in the first half of the episode but they were great in the second half.
Kudos for the good english.
7/10 but only in case they make more.
Aug 2, 2016 4:11 AM
Aug 2015
This is getting needlessly hated. lmao

The concept is quite interesting and I could see a studio like Production IG picking it up. However, the first trailer promised something different. I'm glad they used so little CGI that it's almost unnoticeable, unlike some science-fiction crap produced nowadays (Evangelion Rebuilds). The very necessary boob-shot at the end is also a plus.
Aug 2, 2016 4:28 AM

May 2014
I'm sorry, but this is just a very well animated Mars of Destruction. Bunch of random girls fighting some alien looking mosters presumably created by some kind of virus. That's it, there's little else in the story apart from some intentionally vague exposition, some technical terms and a bit of family life. Everything else is just gratuitous violence and action, which, again, looked good, but it's just not enough. I cannot judge it by it's premise, nor it's potential. As a whole, separate piece, this is a failure.

Can someone explain to me why is the guy following a girl he literally just met and who kills numerous people in front of him (especially when they just asked for their IDs, it wasn't like they just started shooting at them) instead of the actual US military?

Plus points for killing the mc, didn't expect that.

And for the most pointless boob I've ever seen.
Aug 2, 2016 4:32 AM
Dec 2015
It looks like action movie from 80s. Not over-focused on plot, but with good action scenes. Liked it, though.
Aug 2, 2016 4:58 AM

Oct 2012
As a pilot episode that is just simply setting the world of Under the Dog up, it was okay, but as a stand alone OVA it is the very definition of mediocre. That being said I would watch a season of this if it ever comes out, which I severely doubt.
Aug 2, 2016 6:16 AM
Mar 2016
that ep was so great so i went to youtube to see a amv of the ova no one have posted anything untill today look guys i guess re watched in amv make you feel how much action was done in just 25 min and i hope they make a anime serie so much URL of the amv :
Aug 2, 2016 6:22 AM

Jan 2014
Overall I think it was pretty good, although there is just so much left untold.. so it's hard to give it any real praise :S I want to see more >-> especially because this kind of futurism is kind of rare to see.

The animation was good, the art was average and the music was fairly unnoticeable imo. One thing I really appreciate however, is that they chose to animate the Pandora frame by frame, that alone gave me such an felt nostalgic feeling.
CandyFaceAug 2, 2016 6:29 AM
Aug 2, 2016 6:32 AM
Jul 2016
no explanation , no background for characters, like what was the point of everything ?
Aug 2, 2016 6:58 AM
Aug 2015
Edwinr182 said:
bob cut Jodie sniping a "black" (not meant to be racist or anything....right?)

Black is mostly referred to as "bad", and white as "good". Nothing to do with one's race. Black people aren't even black, they're more like... chocolate.
Aug 2, 2016 7:15 AM

Jul 2013
I enjoyed the OVA. It left me wanting more, which should be the point.

It's tough to judge something in 28 minutes, you certainly can't do it in the same way you would a full series. There will be those wishing for more of a focus on the story or characters, but this had to be a promotional piece and it wreaks of that. That's not a negative however, since the execution of the area's in which it did focus on was stellar.

Aug 2, 2016 7:29 AM
Jun 2008
Got some real Gunslinger Girl/She, the ultimate weapon vibes from this, which is no bad thing.
Aug 2, 2016 8:48 AM
Jul 2012
I hope it gets more eps in the future.

Still don't quite understand, so the hope of humanity is those Pandoras?

The Flowers existed to kill the Pandora, Togetsu is a Black right? A Black has the tendency to turn into a Pandora, so that's why their mission is to search for The White, which (might be) can stop those Pandoras.
Shunichi's father, he was a Subject Research, and a Pandora, that means he's a Black.
U.S Army targets are the Black, which once were the Pandore who was the hope of humanity.

In the final scene, Shunichi was turned into something like his father. So instead of a White he is a Black. So, I think that's the reason Anthea kills Hana because once Black died, they will turn into Pandora.

Am I right?

(Please kindly explain)
Aug 2, 2016 8:51 AM

Apr 2014
How disappointing.. The first trailer compared to this is just sh*t. =_=
And how big was the budget again?
Aug 2, 2016 9:06 AM

Apr 2016
it was definitely interesting, because now i'm hung up over what the fuck actually happened. what's all this about blacks and whites? does anyone actually know what is going on story-wise? what's all this about "Our enemy is the light of humanity" and shit? i'm left with many questions.
Aug 2, 2016 9:30 AM
Dec 2011
Someone knows how the ship that fires the tomahawk is named? It's said at 21:52, but I don't understand well, just something like USS Benfold or something like that.
Aug 2, 2016 11:58 AM

Jan 2013
Wtf, the soldiers asked Hana "Hey are you okay" ? ... AFTER Hana just shot all those soldiers ...
The American voice actors were not that bad, just a few scenes that were a bit cringe.

Anthea looked cool as hell fighting the Pandora.

The trailer looked sick as hell, didn't really get the same feel from the OVA itself unfortunately but that doesnt change the fact that it could be a hell of a series, the groundwork is there, they know what they want to tell.

( Apparently it got rebooted, explains a lot :( )

Still 7.4/10, want to know more and see an entire show, probably wont happen though :/
PrOxAntoAug 2, 2016 12:47 PM
Aug 2, 2016 12:12 PM

Jan 2013
RoseVue said:
An interesting pilot episode with a lot of potential, that is if any production committee is willing to pick this up. I would love to see more of Anthena's motorcycle like it was teased in the original preview trailers.

KuroiSenko said:
Many questions left; the first trailer is nothing like an episode itself.. Still pretty interesting

The creators "re-booted" the series mid-production.

Oh damn, didnt know it got rebooted.
The trailer was so much better imo and it actually felt like an actual show in the trailer rather than a typical high school girl has to fight monsters kinda show.

Probably isnt fair for me to judge it by this first episode (being pilot and prologue or w/e) but I want the show before the reboot back :/
Aug 2, 2016 12:16 PM

May 2014
N0R7H said:
Someone knows how the ship that fires the tomahawk is named? It's said at 21:52, but I don't understand well, just something like USS Benfold or something like that.

I believe it was USS Pendulum.
Aug 2, 2016 12:50 PM

Dec 2014
Based on the current MAL rating it seems lots of people are bandwagoning on the hate train. This is really unfortunate. I wrote a review that explains why this OVA deserves better.
Aug 2, 2016 12:52 PM

Jan 2011
Way too much criticism. I will agree that the trailer was much much more bad ass than this OVA. My only real gripe since I feel a little slighted.

That said, it's a pilot. A pilot. It's soul purpose is to give a glimpse into the world. Not set the stage or give you an "episode 1" approach to the world. This has a lot of potential and I hope (although doubt given the production issues) we get a legit series out of this. I felt the action was pretty realistic for what they were going for and while I don't know wtf is going on within this conflict, it got me very interested in the parties playing the field.
Aug 2, 2016 1:12 PM
Jul 2018
So they got 800k+$ for this 29 minutes of nothing? Thanks Mentat Studio for this shit.

The story was good with that Swedish girl. But what's the plot of this show? Who did the organization? Why these girls are suffering? Well, I think they will create a new Kickstarter for this show. The PV which they did was way more better than this OVA! 3/10
Aug 2, 2016 1:23 PM

Jun 2012
Wonderland-aries said:
The english dub just killed it right away, jesus christ, at least it was enjoyable

And Engrish is any better? For one they're american soldiers of course it would make sense for them to dub these characters. I'm a fan of engrish myself for the hilarity it brings or the cool factor in some cases but i much prefer their decision for dubbed voices for AMERICAN soldiers. This is very similar to the decision Degica made to dub english lines by american characters only in the Muv-Luv Alternative visual novel.

As for the ova itself i feel like for halfway the episode knew the direction it was going than suddenly derails for train wreck of the century. I feel like some dark things happened after the staff was changed unfortunately but one can only hope if Under the Dog gets continued it gets the treatment it deserves because a lot of talent is clearly being neglected here. Final thoughts on the ova there was a lot of fun choreography in this with some potential in the story itself until it went full Butcher with a dash of Micheal Bay. Enough said.
StormVanguardAug 2, 2016 1:55 PM
Aug 2, 2016 1:25 PM

Jun 2015
StormVanguard said:
Wonderland-aries said:
The english dub just killed it right away, jesus christ, at least it was enjoyable

And Engrish is any better? For one they're american soldiers of course it would sense for them to dub these characters. I'm a fan of engrish myself for the hilarity it brings or the cool factor in some cases but i much prefer their decision for dubbed voices for AMERICAN soldiers.

As for the ova itself i feel like for halfway the episode knows the direction it's going than suddenly derails for train wreck of the century. I feel like some dark things happened after the staff was changed unfortunately but one can only hope if Under the Dog gets continued it gets the treatment it deserves because a lot of talent is clearly being neglected here. Final thoughts on the ova it was Butcher meets Micheal Bay. Enough said.

You do you bro, idgaf lmao not getting into an argument with someone who thinks differently
Aug 2, 2016 1:30 PM

Sep 2014
Wonderland-aries said:
StormVanguard said:

And Engrish is any better? For one they're american soldiers of course it would sense for them to dub these characters. I'm a fan of engrish myself for the hilarity it brings or the cool factor in some cases but i much prefer their decision for dubbed voices for AMERICAN soldiers.

As for the ova itself i feel like for halfway the episode knows the direction it's going than suddenly derails for train wreck of the century. I feel like some dark things happened after the staff was changed unfortunately but one can only hope if Under the Dog gets continued it gets the treatment it deserves because a lot of talent is clearly being neglected here. Final thoughts on the ova it was Butcher meets Micheal Bay. Enough said.

You do you bro, idgaf lmao not getting into an argument with someone who thinks differently

What? You do you bro? And not getting into and argument with someone who things differently just means to never get into any argument at all. lol
Aug 2, 2016 2:13 PM

Aug 2013
To see a mix of Japanese and pretty damn good English for a kickstarter anime was interesting. So many good things in my opinion so I hope this gets a TV series to really tell the story of it all.
Don't believe the hype.
Aug 2, 2016 2:55 PM

Jan 2014
Amazing soundtrack, amazing backgrounds and animation, but I really feel like they skimped on the character art. Especially the grunt characters just looked off, and there wasn't even an attempt made at proper shading.

Plot is ok for a prologue, but overall it seems like someone seriously underestimated what it'd take to produce a full episode worth of content, and tried to cut corners just to release something. It didn't come anywhere near the quality of the original trailer.

"I'm a middle schooler bartender!"
- Mishima Hitomi
Aug 2, 2016 4:47 PM

May 2011
Quite decent OVA overall. Animation was okay and the action was exciting. Would definitely watch a continuation.
Aug 2, 2016 5:15 PM

Apr 2016
The flower is almost neutralized and what do the soldiers do? ... they just wait to see if she can still aim at them and shoot :) Sure. After the long wait she is saved at "the last second". Who would have thought?

Why oh why the boob? Why oh why only one then?

Reading here "Mr. Never question anything" made my day. It's just on point.

Except that, I loved the animation, I loved the art too. This world seems interesting. Lots of questions. I fell in love with Hana ... oh my! ... That was short :(
Aug 2, 2016 6:17 PM

Nov 2011
The action was good along with the blood violence and music. Beyond that, I wasn't really impressed by the story or Anthea's role. Then again, it was more of a prologue so I'm not too surprised. The way they introduced the Pandoras or whatever made me quite interested though on what other experiments the franchise could build up on.

However as a kickstarter OVA, I think it was impressive. I think it also did set up a lot of things well if they aim for a mini-series or even a full cour. Animation was decent too. If this gets a full series in the future, I'd watch it. The world setting has a lot of potential.
Stark700Aug 2, 2016 6:26 PM
Aug 2, 2016 6:56 PM

Mar 2015
Really bad OVA, nothing besides the animation was any good, just a mindless, stupid clusterf*ck.
I'm really baffled seeing how many people actually liked it, cuz they clearly don't know what makes a great anime.
Overall 3/10
Aug 2, 2016 7:30 PM

Jul 2015
Honestly, this OVA doesn't deserve the negativity it's receiving. People seem to forget that this is an OVA so there isn't going to be a lot of things like characterization, a clear understanding of what the story is, etc.

This OVA is meant to introduce the world, concepts, and elements of Under the Dog instead of providing a whole entire story within 28 minutes.

The production of this went through a lot of trouble which people don't seem to realize. I personally enjoyed it and would like to see a series of this in the future. 9/10
Aug 2, 2016 7:33 PM

Jul 2012
it was ok, I guess, 5/10
Aug 2, 2016 8:04 PM

Mar 2014
This looked nothing like the trailer, is there supposed to be more? Because as a stand alone episode, this sucks. Character designs were bland as possible, there's no characterization or coherent plot, or anything, it's an empty shell with decent animation.
Aug 2, 2016 8:38 PM
Oct 2010
Well here we go

-US army special forces having storm trooper aim (worst offending thing in the action scenes IMO)

-They asking that one flower girl if she was ok.. wtf?

- You can clearly see that animation budget was saved for when 0-3 came in.

-Horrendous english voice acting, wtf? The dudes who were doing the soldier voices did not give a FUCK

Story wise it seems that the Underdogs are a bunch of assassins that go after test subjects from the pandora program I assume. They then rate you as white/black depending on your state of pandorization. The flowers themselves are pandora gene carriers and excessive use can trigger a full blown mutant (there's a scene they were talking about 0-3 going back out to the field too quickly and how too much genomic stress increased her risk of pandorization). So my guess is the white or black depends on how far along a test subject is in the process. The US army probably wants these dudes to experiment further on them, and it seems they are quite aware the Japanese government wants them as well (those that are marked white not black) but since they are officially allies the Japanese government seems to be using a roundabout method via the flowers.
Aug 2, 2016 9:49 PM

Feb 2015
I just want to say that some people get impressed way too easily.
So we have those characters (I totally remembered their names), explosions, more explosions and overall, a bunch of nothingness. There was nothing interesting going on. It felt like a bunch of ideas thrown in a 28 min OVA (10 min of credits).
The main problem I saw in this OVA was that it tried to impress us with the animation instead of trying to make the audience more curious about the characters and the story.
By the way, the trailer looked way better than the episode itself.
Aug 2, 2016 10:12 PM

Mar 2011
GD1551 said:

-US army special forces having storm trooper aim (worst offending thing in the action scenes IMO)

-Horrendous english voice acting, wtf? The dudes who were doing the soldier voices did not give a FUCK

I had the idea that they were missing most of the shots and getting the weapons jammed because of the girl's psychic power (green eyes). It's as if she has a weaker version of the Pandora's shield.

Horrendous english voice acting? It was the best i ever seen in anime. Normally you would only get the famous "engrish" And that's because they probably used native speakers but since they were non professional VAs they were subpar compared to the few decent dubs out there.

NoctisCuadro said:

So we have those characters (I totally remembered their names), explosions, more explosions and overall, a bunch of nothingness. There was nothing interesting going on. It felt like a bunch of ideas thrown in a 28 min OVA (10 min of credits).
The main problem I saw in this OVA was that it tried to impress us with the animation instead of trying to make the audience more curious about the characters and the story.

So nice explosions, cool actions scenes, the mystery behind Pandoras and Flowers, interesting world sci-fi concept and that twist at the end is what you call a bunch of nothing? I actually got curious about the characters and think the episode had a lot of interesting elements i would like to see explored in a future anime adaptation (not going to happen tho). This was a prologue with only 28 minutes, so it was obvious plot-wise it would not be that explored. But even if they focused just on what's going on and with heavy dialogues, people would still complain about the lack of action and explosions.
DemonneoAug 2, 2016 10:26 PM
Aug 2, 2016 10:15 PM

Mar 2014
I haven't watched it but I'm surprised that this anime actually came out.
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