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Naoshi Komi's 'Nisekoi' Manga Heads Toward Climax [Update 8/6]

Jul 29, 2016 11:50 PM
Jul 2018
The penultimate chapter of Naoshi Komi's romantic comedy manga, Nisekoi, will be released in this year's 35th issue of Shueisha’s Weekly Shounen Jump magazine, which will go on sale on August 1. The final chapter of the series will have a colored center opening page and will be 25 pages in length. It will be released in the magazine's combined 36th and 37th issue on August 8.

It has been previously announced that the manga will begin its climax in the 29th issue of the magazine on June 20.

Nisekoi has been serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump since November 2011. The series has 23 volumes with the 24th compiled manga volume to be released on August 4. The magazine's 25th issue revealed that the manga has reached 10 million copies in print. Nisekoi has been published in English as Nisekoi: False Love by VIZ Media under the Shonen Jump imprint since January 7, 2014. The manga previously received two TV anime adaptations, a 20-episode series followed by a second season by studio Shaft. Two OVAs have also been released. The first OVA had three episodes, each was bundled with the manga's 14th, 16th, and 17th volumes and another OVA with the manga's 21st volume.

Source: My Game News Flash

Update August 6
It was also announced in the same issue that Naoshi Komi will start a new serialization in Jump GIGA volume 4, to be released on October 20.

Source: Nijipoi
NaruleachAug 6, 2016 10:40 PM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Jul 29, 2016 11:58 PM

Nov 2008
Fucking finally.
Jul 29, 2016 11:59 PM

Feb 2016
Well it's about time. Let the best girl fights reign supreme until the end.
Jul 30, 2016 12:02 AM

Mar 2015
good bye nisekoi... welcome yuuragisou no yuuna-chan... can't wait what are the next romance in wsj... hope some pure romance without harem (since yuragisou already taken harem role)...
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Jul 30, 2016 12:04 AM

Mar 2014
It was about time.
Jul 30, 2016 12:10 AM

Jun 2015
When you have a climax at the very end of a story is when you know you're doing it wrong, lmao. It was an enjoyable read though.
Jul 30, 2016 12:12 AM

Feb 2015
from what chapter should i start reading after watching both prequel and sequel anime adaptation ?
Jul 30, 2016 12:16 AM

Jan 2014

well, i bet the last chapter will be like this : Raku propose to Chitoge then they get married (HAPPY END)
VonatraJul 30, 2016 12:23 AM
Jul 30, 2016 12:29 AM

Jan 2011
Time flies. I remember when it was just a one shot.
Jul 30, 2016 12:54 AM

Dec 2013
This manga should've ended ages ago
Jul 30, 2016 12:55 AM
Luny Tunes

Feb 2012
It has been fun alright. Just waiting for the final chapter.
Jul 30, 2016 1:27 AM

Aug 2013
about time! guess i need to catch up with it now
Jul 30, 2016 1:46 AM
Dec 2013
Tevens said:
from what chapter should i start reading after watching both prequel and sequel anime adaptation ?

Short answer: start at chapter 86.

Longer answer:The last episode of season 2 adapted chapter 100, but starting at chapter 101 would be a mistake since they jumped around so much in what they adapted. In fact, the second season adaptation had so many problems [in my opinion] that maybe its best to start reading at chapter 51 and maybe skip a chapter if you feel like you already know everything that's going on.
Jul 30, 2016 2:00 AM

Feb 2015
Gegenschein said:
Tevens said:
from what chapter should i start reading after watching both prequel and sequel anime adaptation ?

Short answer: start at chapter 86.

Longer answer:The last episode of season 2 adapted chapter 100, but starting at chapter 101 would be a mistake since they jumped around so much in what they adapted. In fact, the second season adaptation had so many problems [in my opinion] that maybe its best to start reading at chapter 51 and maybe skip a chapter if you feel like you already know everything that's going on.

okay. thanks :D
Jul 30, 2016 2:23 AM

Feb 2012
Stopped reading when best girl left the harem, so I couldn't care less. I just hope Komi finds back his old strengths for the next series. I certainly don't hate Nisekoi, I loved it as a comedy series, the character designs and the art were always good and some subplots were wonderful, but in the end it lacked the special something Double Arts and his Oneshots had and the romance part just went far too long.
In 9/10 cases, the worst thing about an anime is its fandom.
Jul 30, 2016 2:28 AM

Dec 2008
I've had the manga on hold for quite a while but now that I know this is ending, I feel like I can be motivated enough to continue and finish the manga.
Jul 30, 2016 2:29 AM

Jun 2015
hmm...maybe i will continue it when it's finished, just to know how it ends.
i dont like it anymore, it drags too long. Personally, i think it should have ended long ago
Jul 30, 2016 2:37 AM

Jul 2015
sad that the best girl lost like always
glad this cancer will end
Jul 30, 2016 3:23 AM
Dec 2013
There goes any chance of a third season.

And isn't Bleach also supposed to end in the same WSJ issue as Nisekoi? Any official news on that?
Jul 30, 2016 3:35 AM
Nov 2015
To believe that this manga was actually addictive for a while. It's been a drudgery over the past seventy chapters or more, waste of potential.
Jul 30, 2016 3:54 AM

Mar 2015
Vonatra said:

well, i bet the last chapter will be like this : Raku propose to Chitoge then they get married (HAPPY END)

what left pretty much epilogue... how long that epilogue is the question...
G_Spark233 said:
This manga should've ended ages ago

i found it extreamly rushed starting yui introduction... it will be much better if they were longer... the whole pendant broken plot is skipped, and suddenly resolved and answered in the ends... the whole pendant and key, book, and their past was very anticlimatic.. not to mention underdevloped raku mom's... instead got whole serious shipping sunk arcs T_T... nisekoi is at best in episodic sol comedy romance stories...
Tevens said:
from what chapter should i start reading after watching both prequel and sequel anime adaptation ?

my best suggestion is just start from beginning... too much problem on nisekoi adaptation IMHO...
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Jul 30, 2016 4:29 AM

Aug 2015
couldn't care less dropped it at chapter 143.It just went too long when you could see the ending from chapter 2/3
ultravigoJul 30, 2016 4:36 AM
Jul 30, 2016 4:38 AM

Sep 2011
Kuma said:
Vonatra said:

well, i bet the last chapter will be like this : Raku propose to Chitoge then they get married (HAPPY END)

what left pretty much epilogue... how long that epilogue is the question...
G_Spark233 said:
This manga should've ended ages ago

i found it extreamly rushed starting yui introduction... it will be much better if they were longer... the whole pendant broken plot is skipped, and suddenly resolved and answered in the ends... the whole pendant and key, book, and their past was very anticlimatic.. not to mention underdevloped raku mom's... instead got whole serious shipping sunk arcs T_T... nisekoi is at best in episodic sol comedy romance stories...
Tevens said:
from what chapter should i start reading after watching both prequel and sequel anime adaptation ?

my best suggestion is just start from beginning... too much problem on nisekoi adaptation IMHO...

more like the author was just making shit up as he went along and so he never had a proper conclusion to the mystery in his head.

Or so it felt like.

Anyways, I got tired of reading this weekly due to absolutely nothing happening to the characters themselves. Looks like I wasn't the only one who felt that way with how many people saying "finally" it should end.

Guess I'll try picking it up
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Jul 30, 2016 4:51 AM

Mar 2015
GodlyKyon said:
Kuma said:

i found it extreamly rushed starting yui introduction... it will be much better if they were longer... the whole pendant broken plot is skipped, and suddenly resolved and answered in the ends... the whole pendant and key, book, and their past was very anticlimatic.. not to mention underdevloped raku mom's... instead got whole serious shipping sunk arcs T_T... nisekoi is at best in episodic sol comedy romance stories...
more like the author was just making shit up as he went along and so he never had a proper conclusion to the mystery in his head.
ehh.. the building towards it already excelent thou... i love how desperate they (chitoge and raku) to find the answer and the struggle they find in the way.. if he can make the build-up, the result shouldn't that hard... it was also comic relief moment too but with direct effect to plot, so some logicaly serious moment is unnecessary too... but how it just mentioned in the end is blatantly bad... dunno if it's author fault or another people, but author not trying his best for it... that's for sure...
KumaJul 30, 2016 4:54 AM
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Jul 30, 2016 5:39 AM

Mar 2016
Oh so its ending...
Jul 30, 2016 6:04 AM

Mar 2014
ixaa said:
When you have a climax at the very end of a story is when you know you're doing it wrong, lmao. It was an enjoyable read though.
That's just what the Japanese call the ending, but not like anything ever happened in the series so yeah, the last couple chapters are the climax.
Jul 30, 2016 6:34 AM

Feb 2012
I've wanted to get into this series since I saw anime was really animated beautifully, but I heard from my peoples that the series is dragged to the next level, so now that its ending I'm just gonna read first 5 chapters and last 5, skip all the bull in the middle.
Jul 30, 2016 7:31 AM

Dec 2015
Took them 228 chapters to get together. Wow.
Jul 30, 2016 7:43 AM

Sep 2015
This manga should have ended like 250 chapters ago, they just keep on dragging and dragging. Finally its going to end.
Jul 30, 2016 8:12 AM

Sep 2011
Good fucking riddance, there was genuinely a cute manga in here somewhere but constant fillers, forced and absurd amounts of love interests, and a detestable male lead ruin that.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jul 30, 2016 8:48 AM

Jan 2014
Best girl won, gud gud. huehuehuheuehueehuheuehuehue
Jul 30, 2016 8:52 AM

Jul 2014
srsly, tbh i think no one bother even if it ends on next chapter.
GensanJul 30, 2016 9:57 AM
Jul 30, 2016 8:57 AM

Apr 2015
This is late news. But regardless, it's about time for it to end. Although that goes for both Nisekoi AND Bleach. Both series should have honestly ended a long time ago. For Nisekoi, it was a matter of 100+ chapters of filler. For Bleach, it was making arcs after the Soul Society Arc or Fake Karakura Town arc, whichever people prefer I guess. I am honestly not going to miss either of them.
Jul 30, 2016 9:10 AM

Jul 2013
Ramkec said:
I've wanted to get into this series since I saw anime was really animated beautifully, but I heard from my peoples that the series is dragged to the next level, so now that its ending I'm just gonna read first 5 chapters and last 5, skip all the bull in the middle.

Then you'll miss a lot. Nisekoi's biggest strength isn't its romance but rather the comedy, there are some seriously hilarious chapters in the middle. Yes there are tons of fillers but that's always the case with every romcom manga ever. It only became a drag once it lost the comedy somewhere around ch 170ish iirc. Somewhere along the fillers they stopped being funny and instead became really2 bad. My suggestion is to still read the fillers until you feel it stopped being funny. Then you can skip to the last few chapters.
Jul 30, 2016 9:36 AM

Jul 2014
>Nisekoi ending

Jul 30, 2016 9:39 AM

Sep 2012
About 5 years too late.
Jul 30, 2016 10:11 AM

Sep 2011
NaturalPerm said:
JizzyHitler said:
Good fucking riddance, there was genuinely a cute manga in here somewhere but constant fillers, forced and absurd amounts of love interests, and a detestable male lead ruin that.

Nisekoi should've ended after the Aizen arc
raku's bankai jumped the shark

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jul 30, 2016 10:47 AM

Nov 2011
Well it was inevitable. All things to come to an end and I wonder if the final chapter will be double in length. I remember starting this manga years ago..
Jul 30, 2016 11:45 AM

Feb 2009
God will finally descend to Earth after this news, finally an ending!
Jul 30, 2016 11:56 AM
May 2015
I just read the chapter where the confession scene happened even though I'm still on Ch. 78 and YES!!!


It was very obvious that Chitoge was going to win but still..

Also, I'm probably the only person who's going to say this but I don't give a shit...I'm going to miss this series.
jc9622Jul 30, 2016 1:59 PM

Jul 30, 2016 12:10 PM

May 2014
This series is a prime example of something good being totally worthless after milking it for so long. It's beating a dead horse trying to keep a series like this going cause you want to keep it in the spotlight.

The story seemed nice the first few volumes but it just dragged on afterwards. While it's going to be a bit weird that it'll be finished so I have no more chapters to look forward to, I will say that I'm glad that this meaningless rollercoaster ride is coming to end.
Jul 30, 2016 12:33 PM

Apr 2009
ixaa said:
When you have a climax at the very end of a story is when you know you're doing it wrong, lmao. It was an enjoyable read though.

The most esteemed literary critics of MAL forums, ladies & gentlemen.

In all seriousness, though: Finally this lame harem ends. May the author return to more original stories like Double Arts now.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Jul 30, 2016 2:40 PM

Aug 2013
Vonatra said:

well, i bet the last chapter will be like this : Raku propose to Chitoge then they get married (HAPPY END)

My worst nightmare.
Jul 30, 2016 3:17 PM

Aug 2014
About damn time. I can finally put this trainwreck to rest.
Jul 30, 2016 6:22 PM

Aug 2015
Not really surprising at all. It's about time this happened though, ever since that really long Marika arc I haven't enjoyed it all that much.
Jul 30, 2016 6:44 PM

Aug 2013
The anime is excellent so far (only a few episodes in), but I have heard mixed things about the second season and the later parts of the manga. Hopefully the ending of the manga is great! Most anime don't get third seasons, but it would be great if the end of the series could get adapted.
Jul 30, 2016 7:41 PM

Apr 2014
Good riddance to be honest.
The story become really lackluster ever since the harem member keep growing in number and he never bother to give some more focus or character development to the past character.

Yuuraigou sou seems a lot more promising (at least he give me some pretry hot fanservice).

Good bye Nisekoi, you are mildly amusing at best.
Jul 30, 2016 8:24 PM

Aug 2015
Hah glad I never continued reading this, worst is that worst girl wins kek. Shu x Teacher is the only romance that I genuinely like in this manga though
Jul 30, 2016 10:37 PM
Sep 2015
"finally its ending"

just stfu. lets see u guys write a better manga and make as much as Komi
Jul 30, 2016 10:42 PM

Nov 2011
But will any of the girl actually reach climax?

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