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Jul 25, 2016 7:21 AM

Nov 2011
Ah, another episode with thrilling mystery and death.

Naegi still recalling about Junko. Kurogiri with her usual insightful observations and we also get more focus on the New World program. The despair continues...and it's getting more crazy. I think Naegi should also watch out for his own back ;o

Stark700Jul 25, 2016 8:22 AM
Jul 25, 2016 7:28 AM

Nov 2007
Thinking that she's safe, but it was another person, the man with horse mask, who got killed. Rabbit got part of the data Monokuma deleted. Those who survived with main guy revealed each other's NG codes as a sign of trust on the way to broadcast room, while the detective girl's group cannot trust each other for NG code. He revealed about not able to save the sempai he met with the announcement about who got killed, the possible reason for being suspected.

Wow, grudge between two girls... The real world is more cruel and despair than what Monokuma set in the school... Unknown give birth to despair? And that cliffhanger.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jul 25, 2016 8:43 AM
May 2015
Too bad we never got to see under that horse mask. Might be a case of swapped a body then killed someone else with the same physique.
Jul 25, 2016 8:48 AM

Jan 2016

In this episode:

- Welcome daughter back to the living, say goodbye to bara son.
- Everybody got Miaya's NG Code wrong, and I am deathly afraid Juzo will kill Asahina with that NG Code.
- Juzo remains an asshole, because in his world 'I'm going to confront Naegi' means 'I should kill all his friends lol'.
- I forgive Munakata.
- Unless he actually kills Makoto.

I do wonder what Seiko and Ruruka's beef is. Maybe Seiko was suspicious of Ruruka betraying her, and gave her a truth drug, which revealed her betrayal, but Ruruka took that as a betrayal in itself?
Courage need not be remembered... For it is never forgotten.
Jul 25, 2016 8:48 AM

Mar 2009
Best troll of all times
Jul 25, 2016 8:49 AM

Apr 2015
So they trolled us about Asahina death ? Nice Kodaka nice. I'm sad that Gozu died , he seemed a great ally , and I wanted to know what was under his mask too. I wonder what happened between those two girls , the Ultimate Pharmacist seems a bit crazy to me. Now we know about Hagakure's situation , he seems that his friends are safe and he almost died from shots. The end was so intense , I really don't trust Munakata. And I really can't stand the Ultimate Boxer why does he always want to fight ? Hope he doesnt hurt Asahina because of her forbidden action and Kirigiri too.
Jul 25, 2016 8:53 AM

May 2014
Kodaka, pls. Stop trolling us.
broken english, sorry-
Jul 25, 2016 8:57 AM
May 2015
Also something else I noticed is although the wheelchair girl says she cannot go in a certain direction due to the rules, we didn't get to see her bracelet at all that would say such a thing. It could mean that it's false information, though I doubt it and totally love her adorableness. But still have a inkling feeling that she can actually walk, and is fully responsible for the monobear situation.
Jul 25, 2016 9:02 AM

May 2010
I am so glad Asahina is alive but her. NG code worries me.. I have a feeling she's gonna die later, hope not.

And Munakata is annoying me, his words sound contradicting like wth
Jul 25, 2016 9:04 AM

Apr 2010
Kodaka really trolled us really bad so we could feel the despair and now it's become hope.
Jul 25, 2016 9:05 AM

Sep 2011
We got played like a god damn fiddle, its kind of an asspull but whatever im happy a character i like is still alive so ill let it slide as long as the knife gets addressed

My theory is there is no single attacker and it instead cycles between participants that they must kill or the poison releases, gozu may of been the attacker of that round and tried to fake killing asahina but failed and got killed himself.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jul 25, 2016 9:07 AM

Dec 2013
It's been a while since I've felt so thoroughly trolled. Happy that Asahina is still alive but sad seeing Gozu die like that.

I'm coming to like her more and more.
Jul 25, 2016 9:13 AM

Aug 2011
Thank god thank god thank god...!
I don't mind if it's an asspull or anything... I'm just glad she's safe...
Jul 25, 2016 9:18 AM

Jan 2016
We get the asspull that Aoi's still alive... Okay. What was the point of that?

Kodaka... That was really stupid. Awful thing to write. Shocking the viewer, but it has no purpose in the show, because making everyone believe Asahina was dead for 30 seconds served no purpose. The killer knows she's alive when they enter the room, they can just ask Monokuma since all the monitors are up and see everything.

I imagine maybe it was The Great Gozu that faked her death? For some fuckin reason? also nobody checked under his mask or his forbidden action. you gotta be kidding me

Speaking of that

this picture existed before the episode even aired. nobody expected gozu to live, but I think it was a mistake. He was the only one we kind of liked from the Future cast. We got to know him only for a few minutes and liked him just a bit before he got killed. Now we're just left with a bunch of stupid assholes that no one really likes.

Hagakure is still alive, outside... He's been outside for hours. This ruins my idea that this takes place in the distant future, unless the shots of him shown in this episode are at a different time than all the stuff happening inside. With Aoi's fake death, I don't put it past Kodaka to do something childish like this now to trick the viewer.

Kirigiri suspects Tengan immediately, which was my first suspect. she's already figured out a bunch of things while Naegi accomplishes squat. She's the only one doing any investigating in this dangan ronpa show. Not the protagonist. in a dangan ronpa anime. off screen.

althought aoi is still alive, she still has the most dangerous restriction that is guaranteed to get her killed, don't get kicked or punched. well hopefully she doesn't run into some dumb assho-

You threw a chair?! A chair?! Really?! and he looked so proud of it too. What an annoying character. He'll probably make it to the end for how much of a shit he is

Future Foundation started fighting each other... For some reason.

For some reason.

For. some. reason.

why are you fighting each other.

we get an extended scene explaining naegi's role in dr2... but we already know all that shit since we're watching dr3. And he makes a speech that convinces no one that wasn't already convinced. Good job Naegi

then munakata and naegi have a nonsense conversation spotted with despair and hope. munakata coulda just said, you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette or something to get his point across instead of sounding like an edgelord

this episode was pretty bad
FragOutFireJul 25, 2016 9:57 AM
Jul 25, 2016 9:20 AM

Sep 2014
Also, im guessing that Izayoi will probably betray Ruruka at some point bc i dont expact that relationship to last lol
What im still the most curious about is Kirigiri's forbidden action
There were 2 theories that caught my attention:
1. Her forbidden action would be to reveal her forbidden action
2. Her forbidden action would be to help Naegi
She did have a noticable shocked expression when she saw it

Some people have been talking about how Miaya couldve lied about her forbidden action, which i think might be a possibility, and also how Kirigiri's suspecting Tengan which i guess was reasonable since he's being unusually calm about their situation
hwanghyunjinJul 25, 2016 9:41 AM
Jul 25, 2016 9:23 AM
Nov 2013
Too bad Asahina didn't die, I never liked her 😞 But still good episode.
I'm waiting (and hoping) for Toko and Togami to show up 😊
Monimi's soooo cuuuute ❤
I' m looking for an Ultimate Artist to help me creating some Danganronpa manga :-)
No experience required. Why don't give it a try?
If you can do anything manga-creating related you also would be a great help!
Just simply write to me, I don't bite ;-)
Jul 25, 2016 9:23 AM

Oct 2014
omg the beginning was such a fucking troll lmao, I still think Asahina is gonna die though (especially with a restriction like that).

Munakata gets worse and worse each ep "Naegi you're a great man who can inspire hope within everyone, so for the the sake of crushing despair, DIE!!!!!!" Komaeda would be dissapointed.

Oh and seeing Izuru was pretty awesome even if it was literally one scene and he didn't talk or anything.
Jul 25, 2016 9:26 AM

Sep 2009
Oh my god we have all been trolled so badly. Quit playing games with my heart, Kodaka!

Oho, is Kirigiri suspecting Tengan? Gotta say he's pretty nonchalant considering their situation.

Gekkougahara being a sweetie, going on about soulmates and all. Really liked the friendship moment between Naegi, Asahina, and her. She's still on my list of suspects though.

Just as I was thinking I couldn't dislike Sakakura any more, he goes and attacks Kirigiri. I hate this character so much. And for a moment, I thought Munakata was pulling a Komaeda 2.0, spouting about how Naegi's hope will inspire others but lead them to hell (with great hope, comes great despair). Episode ended on another cliffhanger again.
Jul 25, 2016 9:30 AM

May 2016

Asahina knows how this business works.

Also, can Yu Narucuntmi just die already?
RGNJul 25, 2016 9:39 AM
Jul 25, 2016 9:31 AM

Aug 2010
Asahina's thighs <3
Asahina's Oppai <3
Asahina's faces <3
Kyouko's pose after falling <3
RIP Gozu
Jul 25, 2016 9:44 AM

Nov 2011
Maybe they did this so we won't think they won't kill Kirigiri but they will! Double Troll. Still want an explaination though why the fuck did someone try to make her look killed.

Jul 25, 2016 9:46 AM
May 2013
Well Kinda Sad for Gozu men :C
But that Emo chick (forgot her name) DAAAAAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jul 25, 2016 9:48 AM

Jul 2012
MEGA TROLL WTF ASAHINAAAAAAAAAAAAA! So, that's why she is using just a shirt in the op! (someone called it on the last episode thread, don't remember who). But why they did that to Asahina? To troll Naegi? (and us, of course). I hope there's a meaning to that, even if it is just for DESPAIR.
And Great Gozu was killed. (He is hanging in some chains in the opening, he didn't died exactly like that, but he was hanging in some cords.)
Gekkogahara's FA is that she can't turn right...Not confirmed, since we didn't see it, but them, she didn't WANTED Asahina to touch her in the first episode. Maybe it is just because she is shy, or maybe she is wearing a wig...Who knows.
Asahina's natural enemy is the boxer dude huh. Her FA doesn't go really well with him. I really want to see him dying. PLS MONUKUMA SENPAI I NEVER ASKED ANYTHING D: He wants to kill basically anyone who opposes him and Munakata. Douche.
Red coat guy's FA is pretty much confirmed to be something like "Don't eat". Ruruka and Seiko have some kind of drama going on. Maybe it is a love triangle. THAT WOULD BE SO FUNNY AND STUPID PLEASE DON'T.
Munakata *sigh* He is the one who is going to do anything for hope. Even killing everyone. He is a dictator (he will kill anyone who opposes his methods). But I think it is interesting how his and Naegi's approach of hope are so different. Add Nagito to this and them we have three different visions.
Hagakure finally appeared! It LOOKS like he is not working for the traitor or anything, but again, who knows.

I don't want Munakata as a MC. He sucks.
taynisJul 25, 2016 9:57 AM

Jul 25, 2016 9:49 AM

Jul 2014
For Danganronpa, I have to say I'm very disappointed with the fakeout regarding Asahina's "death", even more so because killing Gozu was no surprise whatsoever. And what was with that woman using pills to turn herself into some kind of monster?

A major step down from the first couple of episodes, but the scene with Naegi and Munakata at the end was pretty interesting, even if "killing" Naegi is undoubtedly another silly fakeout.
Jul 25, 2016 9:49 AM
Nov 2015
Can we actually measure our emotions? How can you say that "my despair is bigger than yours"? We are all humans, we can only understand what a person has gone through, but not feel the significance of what that event had for that person. For Munakata too actually say to Naegi who witnessed the death of his friends, trapped in a place where they were forced to kill each other that he hasn't felt true despair...honestly didn't think his arrogance could be that big.
The stupid couple whose names I don't care. The girl has no problems betraying and killing anyone and even says her bf can do that too unless it is herself. I wonder what kind of justification she has, at least the fucking boxer and his white haired boyfriend has some kind of excuse.
Taking that aside which is almost half of the episode, it was good, Naegi telling everyone his forbidden action is very true to his core, although is risky as fuck. Asahina is alive, kudos for that, that pair of breast, damn, but being seriously I think it's very good as she will probably have an important role in the future. 3/5
There is also something that is bugging me, Naegi is being treated as the most naive person ever, and everybody knows he incredibly smart not as a detective but very good at debating since it's him who you play with in the first game and most of time find the murderer by detecting a lie or a weak excuse, so in my opnion I never thought Naegi as somenone so naive and repetitve with his words, but it could be worse
JustAMangaFanJul 25, 2016 10:00 AM
Jul 25, 2016 9:49 AM

Sep 2014
It was all an elaborate ruse! Rip Great Gozu ;_;
Jul 25, 2016 9:51 AM

Jan 2015
Seriously... I have one of the worst lucks in picking my favorite character in this show. Oh well, you were such a bro bull guy... RIP.
Hey! Hey! Hey!

KoZaK here... just saying hello to my fellow random citizens of earth
Jul 25, 2016 9:51 AM

Nov 2011
Dodging a blade is nothing compare to dodging bullets like Hagakure.

Jul 25, 2016 9:58 AM

Apr 2012
They definitely did that to Asahina to scare Naegi. It's a statement "I can kill you and your friends right now, but I won't because I want to see you suffer." It's probably why they killed Chisa in the first episode instead of Naegi.


That said, people shouldn't get their hopes up. Everyone that had a "fake death" or something similar ended up dying for real later. Saddly, that's probably going to happen to Hina as well. The damn author wants to break my heart twice...

Also, shame the Great Gozu guy died. He's my favorite out of the new characters...
Jul 25, 2016 9:59 AM

Jul 2010
In Danganronpa, everything is a progress towards greater despair. Asahina didn't die, yet, for the sake of greater despair. I fear she may get killed by a punch or kick.

I can't solve Munakata. Hypocrite? Justice freak? Just an idiot?

The boxer is still garbage. I don't even consider remembering his name.

There is something strange with Mitarai Ryouta. Now that I am thinking about it, Ultimate Imposter was supposed to be imitating Byakuya when he entered high school. But something made him change to Ryouta. Probably he knew Byakuya was going to attend to the school next year. Was Ryouta an alumni at that moment? I don't think so because he looks as young as Makoto. It got me thinking, maybe his real identity is Ryouta. Also, Didn't his classmates notice his change?
Jul 25, 2016 10:01 AM

Mar 2012
I've just noticed.. Why is the blood not piiink?!
Jul 25, 2016 10:02 AM

Jan 2015
Hahaha. Nice trolling.
Jul 25, 2016 10:02 AM

Dec 2012
Nice trolling is nice. Good thing Asahina is alive after all, and with such a violent forbidden action.. I have the feeling that's how she'll die after all,if that shithead Boxer keeps cheasing Naegi's friends he'll punch Asahina,causing her death. Speaking of Boxer,isn't he the ultimate dicklord? Yep,that's what his talent should be- I don't find any sense in that muscle brain of his.
Naegi is as naive as always,giving his forbidden action to Miaya so easily. I believe she tricked him back there,she's still very suspicious regarding her action.
What the hell is wrong with Seiko,she's an actual monster on drugs wtf. And it would be nice if they'd explain that feud between Seiko and Ruruka so we could,you know,care about this fight? lmao
RIP Great Guzo,you were the realest bro
steponmebakuraJul 25, 2016 12:32 PM
Jul 25, 2016 10:04 AM

Oct 2012
Naegi is Fate route Shirou and Munakata Kiritsugu.
I still think Gekkougahara is suspect.
Jul 25, 2016 10:05 AM

May 2016
TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO! Asahina is alive! And Gozu is dead!

Maybe faking someone's death was the rule of the killer's bracelet? Or it was to make them overlook some important clue pointing to the culprit? IDK...

And I'm the only one that don't dislike Munakata?
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Jul 25, 2016 10:10 AM
Jun 2015
a fuckin' toy knife...
Jul 25, 2016 10:13 AM
Aug 2012
Don't worry guys Naegi won't die, the bracelet will trigger and everyone will go to sleep
Jul 25, 2016 10:14 AM

Jan 2016
Nobody wonders how Gozu died and got strung up so high in a locked room murder.

How someone died, the murder weapon, the time of their deaths, none of those things matter!

You think this is dangan ronpa or something?!

Jul 25, 2016 10:16 AM

Nov 2011
FragOutFire said:
Nobody wonders how Gozu died and got strung up so high in a locked room murder.

How someone died, the murder weapon, the time of their deaths, none of those things matter!

You think this is dangan ronpa or something?!

"Too bad this isn't a classroom trial."

Jul 25, 2016 10:17 AM

Jul 2013
MY ANGEL IS STILL ALIVE, I'm still hyperventilating.

I'm worried about her rule though, that's a dangerous one. Even getting a friendly shoulder punch or a teasing kick could get her killed. Especially with that idiot boxer running around. He really needs to die next - I lost interest in his character once I realized he's basically there to be trigger-happy.
Jul 25, 2016 10:19 AM

Apr 2011
I'm glad Asahina is still alive, even though I wonder why the killer did that joke? I mean, okay, despair, but it lasted seconds.
But I didn't want Gozu to die. ):

And what the fuck is Sakakura's problem? He's going around throwing chairs at everybody who isn't Munakata now?
That's one of the reasons Munakata is so suspect to me. He has most of the characters' trust and can manipulate them rather easily, and Sakakura seems to be willing to lick his shoes.
But again, DanganRonpa os that kinda show that makes me think that the more suspect a character is, the less suspect a character is.

For some reason I don't think Tengan is the traitor, but I really suspect Mitarai (I hope it isn't him tho).
Jul 25, 2016 10:19 AM

Jan 2016
KaiserNazrin said:
"Too bad this isn't a classroom trial."

are you insinuating there aren't things that are important to investigate?
Jul 25, 2016 10:23 AM

Apr 2012
KaiserNazrin said:
FragOutFire said:
Nobody wonders how Gozu died and got strung up so high in a locked room murder.

How someone died, the murder weapon, the time of their deaths, none of those things matter!

You think this is dangan ronpa or something?!

"Too bad this isn't a classroom trial."
Right now, everyone is doing their own thing instead of investigating because they have a time limit and do not trust anyone. As soon as that time limit is up, if they don't feel they are safe, they will die so spending their time investigating would mean nothing in the end. They'll probably get there when Kirigiri starts investigating (if her Forbidden Action doesn't prohibit that) and Munakata and Makoto stop their stupid fight. After they have solved their own problems, they'll try to figure out who the traitor is.

Before, the time limit was to MAKE them investigate. This time is to "keep them alive".

But heck, for a foundation based on hope, their members seem to mostly hate each other. Boxer guy killed that weird voice guy and he didn't even feel anything.
Jul 25, 2016 10:28 AM

May 2016
FragOutFire said:
KaiserNazrin said:
"Too bad this isn't a classroom trial."

are you insinuating there aren't things that are important to investigate?

What if they did but it just didn't show they doing it on screen? And they actually did notice the real knife stuck in his body. Either way, if it's not shown, it's because it will not be of any importance in the future, simple as that...
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Jul 25, 2016 10:31 AM

Jan 2016
If dangan ronpa 3 is going to stray away from the murder mystery aspect, or even the mystery of the situation they're in, and is going to focus more on character interactions or drama, it's a shame the future cast is so shallow.

Maybe it was a bad idea to not focus on mysteries in dangan ronpa
Jul 25, 2016 10:33 AM
Nov 2013
Inb4 the only reason the blood is red is because they could mix it up with tomatosauce.
Jul 25, 2016 10:43 AM

Feb 2013
Asahina is still alive, cool.
Jul 25, 2016 10:48 AM

Aug 2008
F*cking troll. But thank God Asahina stll alive.
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Jul 25, 2016 10:50 AM

Jun 2016
Well Gozu is dead O_O That was quite the troll or maybe the creator is foreshadowing something
Munakata and Sakakura gone nuts on everyone lol
Liked this episode :)
Gift by Mimurona

Jul 25, 2016 10:51 AM

Dec 2014
What a great episode.
And Kodaka is the biggest Troll confirmed. Now the OP explains everything.
Boob............Donut girl survived! Huuurrrrraaaaayyyy.
Scout-san said something about a girl....Monoca?
That Kirigiri pose^^ <3

Really interesting episode i want more! Q_Q
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