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May 18, 2016 9:51 AM

Sep 2010
Ah, only one episode left and pretty much I know what the ending of that will be.

But oh well.
May 21, 2016 5:18 PM

Jul 2010
6/10. Too many instances of drama coming out of nowhere. I barely gave attention to that arc with the girl who liked Takeo, and all that. Besides that, though, it was a pleasant watch, and surprisingly funny at times. My favorite episode was with Takeo's mom giving birth. She's really an incredible woman, the way they presented her. Amusingly, Yamato is the exact opposite... Kinda sad how they basically dropped the whole family plot-line after that episode to get back to the jealousy bullshit.

Suna was probably my favorite character, simply for his quick wit and platonic view of the two crazies "in love." I was actually pleasantly surprised the show didn't stick him together somehow with the grey-haired girl (she was a pain in the ass to watch and came, literally, out of nowhere), since everyone was getting coupled up. I just wish the show focused a little more on him; instead, we got a bunch of throw-away, poorly developed rivals like Suna's sister, the running girl, the bakery guy, blah blah.

I think I would've liked the show more if it were one-cour. Dragged on way too long. Then again, I wouldn't mind an OVA about Suna or something like that. I'd watch it.
May 25, 2016 1:22 AM

Feb 2016
Good conclusion to this anime. Takeo manages to win rinko over against ichinose and that 's how they get even closer than before with takeo being able to call her by her first name now. I liked the funny scenes with takeo where he ran for those tools xD
Jun 16, 2016 6:49 PM

Apr 2014
just got done re watching this and god i loved it even more than the first time

but god i wish there was a second season i mean this anime took 9 full volumes and ended at the beginning of vol 10 but they still could animated the rest of volume 10 and do vol 11 and 12 and then there will be the final chapter that's coming in July ( yeah pretty sad about this series ending) but even though i know a second season wont happen but it would be nice to have like a 12 ep season 2

but all i can go off of now is the raws since it seems like no one is currently translating the manga it seems

anyway love this series and this final ep was amazing (again) just wish they would finish the rest!

now to look forward to the final chapter to release next month TwT
DazeFireJun 16, 2016 6:52 PM
"one step at a time"
Jul 19, 2016 1:05 PM

Apr 2016
The last episode was enjoyable.

I liked that Takeo gave Yamato the choice, and even helped Ichinose. It was also nice to see Ichinose bake for himself instead of relying on Yamato.... =S I liked his little character development.

LOL when Suna screamed, though!! That was definitely unexpected!!

Yamato's reaction was VERY cute when Takeo called her by her first name.... Maybe the couple should learn from Nanako and Kurihara? :P Those two were extremely lovey-dovey...

It was a bonus for me to see Yutaka play with Maki. ^^ <33

I liked the way the episode ended - we got a sneak-peek of how everyone is doing! Oda is still doing his best to pursue Ai, Saijou and Yukika are still around, and the reference to the blue orge!! LOL, it was even nice to see the pervert offer his seat to the old man who rejected Takeo. :P

I'm happy everyone reached their second year of high school, and hope a second season arrives!! :)
Avatar credit: vuvuzela
Jul 26, 2016 12:56 AM

Jun 2011
It was really sweet, to the point where it makes me cringe at some of the things they do, and some did also annoy me. The innocence worked, but for a short while. The show, for me, didn't work as a romance, nor as a comedy, nor slice of life, it was just fluff and more fluff. I don't really see any "love" between the 2 main characters other than them professing their affection themselves. The handsome best friend was also kind of.. annoying in a sense, that he has that pretentious air around him, like "look at me I am too cool for girls" or something. I also didn't like turning this into "Gouda is great, every girls will now fall in love with him", and it was done just to prove a point. Same thing happened to the female mc.

I am kind of glad that it ended to be honest, it doesn't have much left to really write about their relationship, other than to add more drama, misunderstanding, etc.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Sep 30, 2016 9:50 AM
Bunnies πŸ“

Jan 2013
That was a wonderful ending.
How Takeo helps out Ichinose and in the end Rinko doesn't doubt about her love. I really loved every moment of the Takeo x Rinko relationship.

Nice to see Ichinose name his cake, Rinco. He at least gets to keep a piece of her so it all worked out for him.
And Takeo finally calls Yamaro by her first name. What a great show this was.

Dec 29, 2016 5:36 PM

Aug 2016
This shows that Yamato truly loves Taeko and I loved it

Set by SenpieX
Jan 21, 2017 7:39 AM

Jul 2008
There needs to be more shows that have this kind of insight into positive relationships. Other shoujos drag drama on too long, this show took care of misunderstandings in two episodes max. I liked that about it.

Also, I feel the author made the right choices with the characters, like the stalker girl not ending up with suna while having no chemistry with him (maybe later something can develop), and the patissier reacting properly making him likeable. he didn't try to break them up through deceptive means, he just let out his feelings and let rinko decide herself, so he gets a pass. although i didn't really like the love at first sight answer from rinko. i wish there was more exploration on suna experiences with relationships, maybe in the manga? i don't mean him ending up in a relationship just to get a happy ending. it would have been interesting to see him have feelings for someone other than takeo.
Feb 27, 2017 6:38 AM

Sep 2011
After a long hiatus I finally finished watching the series. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was one of my favourites from that season/year, I just don't know why I kept it on hold for a while.

The reason I am writing on here is I have a question about the remaining chapters. I don't know how many chapters of the manga the anime adapted from but as the anime finished before the manga I was curious to find out how many chapters/volumes were left since the anime finished.

Like some people I would like to see a season 2 but I am not holding my breath for that.

If anyone could give me some details I be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Jul 6, 2017 4:54 PM

Aug 2013
I don't think there has been a shoujo / romance anime that has made me smile as much as I have during the entirety of this one. Whenever I was feeling bad I would watch it and that's why I think it took me so long to complete.
Now that it's over I'm already starting to miss it.
It was a good ending, very fitting for the series! Loved how all the arcs came together in the end.
9/10 for me!
Aug 15, 2017 9:30 PM

Dec 2015
I was smiling all the episode it was fun to watch this show πŸŒΈπŸ’—
Aug 18, 2017 7:24 AM

Jul 2017
Hope suna gets a good end himself, best bro. Ok show
Oct 2, 2017 10:24 AM

May 2016
Awesome ending but it didn't have impact at all, SUUUUUUUUUKIIIIIIIIII DAAAAAAAAAA xD 8/10
Dec 30, 2017 12:26 PM

Oct 2016
Did they release the piano version of the ED song officially somewhere? Loved the arrangement
Mar 7, 2018 2:45 PM

Oct 2015
I thought this series was great and Takao is the best lead in all romance anime. He is kind, romantic and knows how to treat a woman unlike those MC I've watched who are liked for stupid reasons or just have plain personalities. Reason I give an anime with ROM above 8 is because of how their love made me almost busting with happiness and why the MC is loved. That is why you won't catch me watching Harem( hate that genre so much that it should be illegal).

Back to the anime, I thought it was enjoyable including this ep. Ichinose never stood a chance with Rinko, but I was surprise for how Takao is so kind in helping him ( guy is a saint). This ep also depicted their second year in high school and it looks like the groper has changed, to Yukika good luck girl. This anime deserves a 10 but I will give it a 9 because Sunakawa never got a girl( I love for supports to be happy too). I think the show makers thought Sunakawa would steal the show.

This anime is the best ROM ever and I'm glad I picked it late, people who hate it has to be some thing wrong with you( do an introspection please), no no there is something wrong with you.

Love it Love it and hope they marry someday( best couple ever ever ever). 9/10.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Mar 27, 2018 5:00 AM

Aug 2017
I love the show . I give 9/10 !
Apr 23, 2018 10:40 PM

Feb 2018
I like how there's little to no drama in this series. Their relationship is naive as you would assume teenagers are. But as pure as teens can be, I think those two we're moving too slow. You're dating someone for months and you don't even kiss? That is unreal, no way that would happen.
Overall it was a good shoujo. Most eps left me warmer after watching.
Takeo is a good guy. And he SHOULD be a firefighter. I'd watch that show.

lostduckstarApr 24, 2018 6:21 AM
~Am I invisible on the internet too?~
oh....thats right. That's the cause

                 See you Space Cowdog.
May 22, 2018 7:39 PM

Apr 2015
The endng was pretty much like most shoujo but what amde this show different is the journey. Good show!
May 26, 2018 3:15 AM
Apr 2018
The show lost a lot of momentum after the main couple got together and draged a lot till it has ended
Jan 26, 2019 2:29 AM
Dec 2018
It's the best romance anime was topping with laughter, emotions, sweetness and the most important thing was the guy takeo.
Feb 9, 2019 9:54 AM
Apr 2016
Well, it was obvious that she wouldn't 'fall' for that new guy, I mean come on... But, I don't think that that was the focus of the arc, I think it was focused on Takeo's feelings, complication. Well, great episode & anime, had a great time watching this no-plot-found show :)
Feb 16, 2019 5:27 PM
Jul 2018
Aww that was cute. In the middle I got a little bit bored or I'm just not made for watching something heartwarming for too long. That might be the case lol.

The food there looks too good. I want some of the cakes, god damnit.
Mar 9, 2019 7:26 AM

Apr 2013
So as expected, not much drama in the end. Mostly Takeo worrying way too much.

Overall a really great show, didn't expect so much great comedy moments out of this. The last few episodes were not as interesting as the ones before, but still enjoyable. One of the best romcoms I watched so far, well done Madhouse. 9/10
Mar 26, 2019 11:17 AM

Aug 2017
This is the sweetest, cutest, most innocent anime I've ever seen. Loved it and it's one of my favorites.
May 19, 2019 10:15 AM
Jan 2018
This isn't even the actual ending is it? Might read the rest of it in the manga
Jul 13, 2019 2:22 AM
Jul 2019
Jul 15, 2019 7:41 AM

Jul 2014
This was a pleasant surprise. 99% of the time, I dislike shoujo high school romance anime, but I actually really enjoyed this one. I thought it was cute, without having annoying or useless protagonists. Also, unlike Ouran High School Host Club, which I also enjoyed, this show was more consistent in quality and didn't go downhill in the last few episodes.

Probably my favorite shoujo high school romance anime. 7/10
Jul 28, 2019 3:48 AM
Jun 2013
this was a good final. One last obstacle and even though the guy pulled dick move last episode he still wasn't hateable. All in all I liked this show, but will admit halfway through it was running out of steam and its best not binged watched. Some of the best parts were takeo and sunas interaction especially the episode when sunas father was in the hospital. I think the side characters really helped this show to its finish line mainly cause we needed a bit more about rinko. We barely know anything personal about her besides that she was born kind of sickly and she likes to bake/cook. We got into more of takeos head so we grew closer to him. I gave it a 7.
Aug 10, 2019 7:08 PM

May 2018
Love this series, it makes me smile all the time. The characters are likeable, and I don't hate any of them. Gonna miss our gorilla-like boy.
Aug 12, 2019 4:27 PM

Nov 2016
Aaah, their relationship was strenghtened through this affair and it was a more than just satisfying conclusion. Takeo called Yamato even Rinko :3 Simply beautiful, I even shed some tears at the end when the opening kicked in, the ultimate evidence that a series is GOAT material. And it truly was a wonderful ride, there are only very few anime where I enjoyed every single second immensely. But nothing less when the cast of characters is so endearing. Every comedic moment was a hit and the coziness factor was just heavenly. Atmosphere in general was of course great too.


One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Aug 30, 2019 1:07 PM

Oct 2017
I stopped halfway through and finally picked it back up and finished it. I feel like if I didn't stop in the middle I would have rated this series much higher, however, it gave me more time to reflect on it overall. This is a good show, I just wish there were some characters meant to not have any redeeming qualities and the main characters not always do the perfect nice scenario. Still, I give it a 7/10
Sep 17, 2019 9:07 AM

Oct 2013
Perfect and dynamic ending for this anime.

This anime was cute and really had visuals pleasant for a viewer's eyes. It had several boring episodes, but I'm glad I watched it. I would love to see its continuation, to be honest.
✨Saint Seiya Club🌠
Oct 23, 2019 9:08 PM

Jul 2016
Now seriously, did anyone actually think Yamato would choose Ichinose over Takeo?

Overall, it was a very cute series but these last two episode felt extremely forced with this weird attempt of love triangle between Takeo, Yamato and Ichinose. Not really of my liking and personally, I think it failed as a way to give the series a proper conclusion.

6/10 - It could have been a 7/10 but these last two episodes and the previous ones regarding Suna and Yukika's relationship were quite disappointing in my opinion.
Dec 14, 2019 3:30 AM

Feb 2019
Man this show was quite something loved the chemistry of Takeo and Rinko the smile of Suna caught me off guard Lmao, Imma happy that ichinose got the gold medal.

Overall 8/10 :D
Jun 8, 2020 7:43 PM
Oct 2019
This show is great not because of Takeo and Rinko's relationship, but because of Takeo and Suna's. Not that I have anything against Rinko in general, but the two guys have a bond that is going to take years for Rinko to achieve with Takeo. And their personalities are quite different, which works well for their friendship. Takeo and Rinko are both kind of clueless about a lot of things - like is the case in most of these romancey shows - and being too similar isn't as compelling to watch.

It's nice that Takeo and Rinko lasted through to the end though. They're both good people with pure intentions.

As for Suna, I wonder what his story is, where his path leads? I haven't read anything on the topic, so maybe it's been discussed, but is he supposed to be gay? When Oda sat next to him in the restaurant booth the first time they met. And then later on when Yukika was talking about how Takeo makes Suna laugh and all of that. Along with Suna not being interested in most girls. I didn't know if the show was trying to hint at things or if I just misread it all.

I hope Oda and Sis get together eventually. Oda seemed like a good guy and Sis likes him but is too stubborn to admit it.
Aug 17, 2020 3:07 PM

Jan 2020
Well, I always thought I would love this show and I did. It's very much my genre of show though tbh. It was one of the most watchable shows I've seen. I never dreaded any depressing drama or was bored by the plot or characters. Just very enjoyable.

If the art/animation was a little better or more special or if, I dunno, if it was a fraction less saccharin at times (I'm not sure what this show could do to improve tbh) then my score would be higher but otherwise I feel like this show has 8/10 written all over it.

πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ . ι˜Ώθ‰―γ€…ζœ¨ 暦, ε‚· 物 θͺž . πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯
Build a man a fire and you'll warm him for a night
but set a man on fire and you'll warm him
for the rest of his life...
- H E N D Y -
Aug 24, 2021 1:37 AM
Jan 2016
I really liked this series. My only issue with it is Everytime he thought "man I love her" or "God she's so cute" I wish he would if said it out loud. I think it would of been so cute. Another issue is I wish there was more physical affection in the show. Doesn't even have to be kissing though more of that would be nice as well. But that kind of stuff will never happen in this kind of anime so I'll just have to live with it
Dec 4, 2021 3:32 AM
Jan 2021
So, it was victory when Yamato still choose Takeo while Ichinose decided to dedicate himself on making other people happy with his cake.

This series was a great thing to watch, every episode is heartwarming and has happy ending. I felt relief on watching this one.

9/10 for me.
Mar 7, 2022 8:45 AM

Dec 2020
There wasn't a single bad episode for me. Every ep was super heart warming and smiley. The relationships of all the characters are great, not very tropey, and all the nonsense drama these shows usually have gets wrapped fairly quickly plus also ends on a somewhat positive note as well.

Great series
Mar 10, 2022 5:19 AM

Apr 2020
I got tired of it near the end because everyone is "too perfect" but it was still good.
I don't think it's one of those shows you should watch many episodes in a row.
Go watch Gintama boyo/grill
My discord server for gaming and anime/manga:
May 2, 2022 6:44 AM
Dec 2021
7/10 because Suna, Ai and Ichinose are captivating, the rest are not the personalities that usually captivate me.
I feel against many, but I really prefer Takeo with Ai and Yamato with Ichinose
May 7, 2022 12:44 PM

Jan 2022
This was honestly a perfect ending to this anime. The fact that the groper let older people have his seat was funny. It made me so happy when he finally said Rinko. I'm not sure why the ratings for each individual episode were so low. It's weird that we never got to meet Yamato's parents. I hope they decide to make a second season, I doubt it since it was released back in 2015, but I won't stop hoping.
As a wise man once said, "No one hates anime more than anime fans"

Sep 12, 2022 8:01 PM
Feb 2022
Un gran anime. Takeo y Yamato son la pareja perfecta. El pastelero podrá tener auto y un gran puesto, pero no esta ni cerca de ser la persona que es Takeo. Siento que un 9 es una buena calificacion.
Sep 13, 2022 8:31 PM
Jul 2014
^Bro, we don't know what you're saying. Nobody else in here is speaking Spanish.
Nov 6, 2022 10:50 AM
Jan 2021
This anime was adorable!
Mar 25, 2023 8:33 AM
Jan 2023
it can relate on my continuing life
Apr 1, 2023 4:30 PM
Feb 2022
Cute show. Had me teary eyed a few times. I really liked how original it felt despite landing right in the middle of the slice of life genre. I was extra thankful they didn’t lay into the massively overdone cliches of summer festivals etc. I wasn’t blown away. I don’t think it’s a masterpiece. For those reasons I can’t give it a ten. Honestly, I have to knock a whole other point off for the main girl’s fake plastic eyes. It was so distracting the entire way through. I can’t really fault anything else though.

I’ll be rewatching this one a few times at least, because it is really enjoyable and the language level is perfect for learning Japanese beyond easier shows like しろくまカフェ
Apr 11, 2023 3:52 AM
May 2021
it was such a good story. When they presented a new character in the last two ep I thought that was very risky, but they did a good job in the end. But I'm sad that Sunagawa didn't find someone that he likes :(
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