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Jul 4, 2016 7:59 PM

Sep 2013
I called it, Chizuru was 001.

With that revelation, the last 15 minutes was me trying not to scream "JUST CONFESS ALREADY" at my computer screen. And guess what? My wishes still aren't fulfilled. There better be a season 2.
Jul 4, 2016 8:01 PM

Apr 2014
Watching the kids at the festival and the park scenes, i felt for their awkwardness. This was a great binge watch. ost 10/10, S2 when??
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Jul 4, 2016 10:15 PM

Dec 2014
Who needs fireworks on the 4th of July when you have this episode?

Binged watched. Really worth it. Though the angsty bits were slightly arrgh-inducing, it was understandable because it's teens we're watching here. Very likable cast, and those Hoshino smiles will be missed.

Also I'm so butthurt that mc and hoshino aren't together. Wonder how they'll reveal their ReLifes to each other.

8/10 Season 2 when?
I need sleep.
Jul 4, 2016 10:27 PM
Mar 2015
Fucking Amazing !
Jul 5, 2016 12:48 AM

Nov 2014
Tetimaru said:
I called it, Chizuru was 001.

With that revelation, the last 15 minutes was me trying not to scream "JUST CONFESS ALREADY" at my computer screen. And guess what? My wishes still aren't fulfilled. There better be a season 2.
Hah, I am anticipating that, plus, they will remember each other nevertheless since they are both in the ReLIFE programme. It was hinted in the end that An-Chan seemed like they want to seem them together, really hope thats gonna happen. xD

On a side note, I'm curious though, do the highschoolers literally forget the ReLIFE people through some magic or just because they are gone and they turn back to looking their age again, so they gradually forget about them?
Jul 5, 2016 3:33 AM

Jan 2015
This was pretty interesting. Gave it 8/10. I though the real charm of the show was how his adult life interconnected with his high school life, mostly highlighted in the first few episodes especially with cigarettes and booze. I was a bit disappointed that they moved away from that and started exploring the struggles of teenage years (which of course, a lot of anime in this genre do) and his own struggle of what will happen after a year (which, yes, was something unique to look into). Either way it did not fail to entrain me so I'm looking for second season to wrap it all up.
Jul 5, 2016 4:31 AM

Sep 2010
If I didn't read the manga beforehand I would enjoy it even more, as a manga reader I still enjoyed it a lot although a little bit here and there was skipped to fit the show into 13 episodes. It was a great anime nevertheless.

The fact that we could all watch it in one go (well I took few days) made it even better. The one clear flaw that I see is that MC didn't get enough attention in this show. Like weren't there 3 arcs about Kairu? (First with Hashiron then with volleyball, then her starting going out with Oga) On the other hand MC only got a single arc about him being older and neet (reasons for that, Senpai), but generally he was the observer as well.

It all turned out well I guess but then again this series has a limit on how much I can like it. Be it manga or anime I never got too excited over it. It was funny and interesting but not superb. So I guess it's 7 or 8 score in the end.

The series has definitely a good concept but I have seen much better execution of it in the past so somewhat, the full potential was not reached.


About the release of all episodes at once. For one, it sure is great for us all to watch everything in one go but also because of this anime will not have much spotlight, like right now I watched and I will generally forget that this anime was even part of this season. Waiting for each episode, talking about what happened and what might happen, enjoying it week after week, that model makes anime live in all viewers for at least whole season while here it's out right away.
Than again this season is packed so it's good to cross off the list one anime that I would definitely watch right away.
eso18Jul 5, 2016 4:37 AM
Jul 5, 2016 4:57 AM

Jan 2010
Regardless of how one might feel about the contents of this series, I think the production was excellent, especially the OST. I'd give it an 8 just for that. I have to say TMS are on a roll. I remember reading the manga quite a bit and then forgetting about it at some point, so the anime was a pleasant surprise lol. I hope we get season 2 when the manga wraps up.
(|__/) Never give up, aim for the top!
(='.'=) Top wo nerae!
o(")(") Anime music:
Jul 5, 2016 5:56 AM
Dec 2012
Waited for this anime, binge-watched & enjoyed it.
Jul 5, 2016 6:48 AM

Nov 2015
Good finale, Oga and Kariu confessed! And Hishiro is subject 001! Overall good show. 7/10

Jul 5, 2016 7:51 AM

Jul 2015
It was nice, nothing special but an overall well executed anime 7/10
Jul 5, 2016 9:45 AM

Apr 2014
Kirasaya said:
rumbleanime said:

What would it be like if someone who took the ReLIFE pill will not be forgotten to another person who ALSO took a ReLIFE pill? Imagining that, Chizuru and Kaizaki would forget all their highschool friends, but not each other and their experience, and then finding themselves again with their normal age and remember that they knew each other, falling in love (again).

They mentioned in the anime, that everyone except the one who took the pill will lose its memories, so if kaizaki keeps his memories and chizuru does, they lose literally nothing.^^

Yeah, you are right. It was said like this. Thanks actually. :)
"If the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix
Jul 5, 2016 10:24 AM

Jul 2009
gahhh that ending! looking forward to the second season! manga is still ongoing which is a good sign, i guess. 9/10

| The void is endless |
Jul 5, 2016 11:38 AM

Oct 2013
Wow what a way to end; that was amazing. I'm so glad we found out who subject 001 was. LOL now what if they get another subject 003? Well it's already hectic cuz Hishiro and Kaizaki don't know that they are both subjects and they can't tell each other cuz the experiment would be over.
Jul 5, 2016 1:01 PM

Jul 2012
Damn, now I have to read the Manga because I know for certain, that this wasn't the end.

6/10 overall. I would give it a 7 but half of it tired me out, especially with the kiddy melodrama between the girls. It has some strong episodes, indeed, like this one and the one with just Yoake narrating but the majority was kind of stale. Could be better.

None of the characters stood out in the end, although I particularly liked Oga, who was super cute. And glasses girl was nice too.
Jul 5, 2016 1:45 PM
Apr 2016
This was a really fun ride! 9/10 story and execution! The art was lovely!

I have two questions...

1) How exactly will they erase the memories of the people who get involved with the subjects? I feel like it's merely a lie since it doesn't make any sense for them to be able to just do that.

2) If Hishiro is Subject No.1 and she failed her ReLife, why is she still there? Is it like a second chance given to her?
Jul 5, 2016 2:40 PM

Oct 2015
Ahhhh already finished 13 episodes....i need more since this first 13 episodes were like focusing more on side characters.... i hope that a second second season comes in future.....overall 8/10
Jul 5, 2016 2:56 PM

Jul 2015

Jul 5, 2016 3:12 PM

Aug 2013
As I thought about 001:)

Well, now it's time to read Manga, right?
So let's start.
Anyway 9/10 anime, awesome direction, soundtrack, characrers, voice acting and art.
Jul 5, 2016 4:20 PM
Apr 2011
So I already saw that this is a manga adaption. I can'T wait for season 2, so at what manga chapter ends the anime?

Also Hishiro being Subject 001 doesn't make much sense too me at the moment. So I want to know more about that :P
Jul 5, 2016 4:59 PM

Aug 2013
Wow Chizuru was 001 didn't expect that! For once that fast piano ost fit the scene when she flashed back on her reLIFE experience in reverse chronological order. That scene was very well done with the reveal that she was test subject 001 at the end. Overall very nice final episode, gave me that heartwarming feeling I expect from the last episode of a slice of life. The pay off is worth the sometimes "forced HS drama" that is inevitable in such shows.

8/10, was very close to a 9/10 if not for too much Kariu drama. Looking forward to a 2nd season now.
Jul 5, 2016 5:32 PM

Dec 2015
Hey i have a question, if hishiro was the number 001 why she been in school for 3 years instead of that experiment just for 1 years why the company keep take a chance for her. Am i missing something?
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Jul 5, 2016 8:18 PM

Mar 2012
Watched part of ep 9 and 13, decent adaptation, the festival part played out a lot better in the manga. The way it ended doesn't seem to invite a second season which is saddening.

eXradigant said:
Hey i have a question, if hishiro was the number 001 why she been in school for 3 years instead of that experiment just for 1 years why the company keep take a chance for her. Am i missing something?

Read the manga, the part about her being no1 was after the festival, it was a lot more suspenseful with a scene between hishiron and ryo behind school. You get to see how Ryo fails miserably the previous year.
ninja88880Jul 5, 2016 8:27 PM
Jul 5, 2016 8:37 PM
Jun 2013
Anyone has any idea where the anime ended in the manga? I kinda want to buy the manga but I have no idea which volume I should be getting
Jul 5, 2016 9:01 PM

Jun 2015
Nice anime overall, didn't expect Hishiro to be Subject No:1 and Kariu and Oga's scenes is so hilarious LOL. 8/10

ChargedCoin said:
Anyone has any idea where the anime ended in the manga? I kinda want to buy the manga but I have no idea which volume I should be getting

Chapter 108 Source:
Jul 6, 2016 2:07 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
I called it, Chizuru was 001! And I couldnt be happier, since I shipped her from the start, she is soo amusing, and adorable, in her own way.

Oga and Rena were so cute here, one of the best confession scenes in anime, at least in a romcom, for sure.

moodie said:
SakurasouBusters said:
I really don't like how they did the release of this show.
Doesnt matter if westerners like it. This is a great business model. They put all the episodes on the same app that has the source material. Meaning that it will boost interest in the app, anime, and source material all in 1 place. Then they will get addition disc sales that will satisfy the publishers. This is one of the most innovative thing anime has done.

The netflix era is coming.

I was happy with this model of doing business, we dont need to wait and can see stuff whenever we want. Makes it more enjoyable for everyone.

I really wanted a S2. But it is gonna take some time for that, at least 2 years, I will just read the manga
Jul 6, 2016 6:10 AM

Mar 2011
Why did I never even consider Chizuru was the first test subject. I just assumed number 1 had done their year and gone back to the present. So she did two years?

But this anime was fantastic. Loved to see it all in one go but it ended so fast D:.
"When everyone else is about to give up, the fighter who becomes the role model, is the true Leader."

Jul 6, 2016 7:22 AM

Oct 2013
Seriously this anime was an interesting ride. And 001 was a surprise to me. I thought was An initially.

The confession scene was cute as hell. And arata was like a old pervert man. 😂 rena was a bit annoying during the competition...stupid fight.

8/10. Refreshing high school life without too over the top drama.
Jul 6, 2016 9:23 AM
Jul 2008
TehWhiteTiger said:
Why did I never even consider Chizuru was the first test subject. I just assumed number 1 had done their year and gone back to the present. So she did two years?

But this anime was fantastic. Loved to see it all in one go but it ended so fast D:.

heiqi1hu said:
Seriously this anime was an interesting ride. And 001 was a surprise to me. I thought was An initially.

The confession scene was cute as hell. And arata was like a old pervert man. 😂 rena was a bit annoying during the competition...stupid fight.

8/10. Refreshing high school life without too over the top drama.

Me too.. At first I suspected Onoya, but after the reveal I assumed the first subject was already abandoned.
Some people mentioned the reason is explained in the manga. Maybe Yoake somehow pledged to retry the project for her.
Jul 6, 2016 10:34 AM
Apr 2015
I had my suspicions about that twist but I thought it was too late in the anime to have a reveal like that. That scene on the bench was fantastic due to the inner monologues of both characters and made the ending much more than I had hoped for.
In the end, this was a solid anime. I felt that the middle arc with Kariu and Tamarai lost the point for a little while (the focus was off Kaizaki for too long at points, I think, and lead to some fairly generic moments), but I was impressed.
ihavebadopinionsJul 6, 2016 10:37 AM
Jul 6, 2016 10:43 AM

Jun 2014
I've read the web manga, so I already know how the story's going to be.
I don't usually watch an anime that has the exact same storyline with the manga, but this one can keep me watching even when I know what will happen.
I must say the anime is done greatly. The ending is neat and there are no cliffhangers (well duh, 13 eps are aired at the same time anyways)
The confession scene is done cutely. One of the best scenes from all 13 episodes imo.
I hope this gets a season 2.
Jul 6, 2016 12:42 PM
May 2012
Aw yeah. Hishiro x Arata is secured. I like the characters (but not that volleyball drama =_=).
I want a season 2! Will read the Manga someday!
Jul 6, 2016 1:31 PM

Mar 2011
LeonLanford said:
TehWhiteTiger said:
Why did I never even consider Chizuru was the first test subject. I just assumed number 1 had done their year and gone back to the present. So she did two years?

But this anime was fantastic. Loved to see it all in one go but it ended so fast D:.

heiqi1hu said:
Seriously this anime was an interesting ride. And 001 was a surprise to me. I thought was An initially.

The confession scene was cute as hell. And arata was like a old pervert man. 😂 rena was a bit annoying during the competition...stupid fight.

8/10. Refreshing high school life without too over the top drama.

Me too.. At first I suspected Onoya, but after the reveal I assumed the first subject was already abandoned.
Some people mentioned the reason is explained in the manga. Maybe Yoake somehow pledged to retry the project for her.

Ah that would make sense, well if they left out that explanation intentionally or not, it made for a nice twist for me. I hope for another season :P.
"When everyone else is about to give up, the fighter who becomes the role model, is the true Leader."

Jul 6, 2016 2:42 PM

Oct 2015
That was one great show,finale was great(even though we didnt see more of KaizakixChizuru),I really hope there will be season 2. Now time to move to manga.
Could someone recommend something similar to me??(On my profile or PM,lets not spam here). Tnx ^^
Jul 6, 2016 3:47 PM

Sep 2015
That was a great way to end this season (I couldn't manage to watch one per day ...)

my opinion overall :
8/10, it could have been better, this season seems pretty rushed imo. And I felt like the entire season was about Kariu and her relation with Oga ..., unlike the web manga, which is more centered on Kaizaki/Hishiro.

It's still a good adaptation, EDs were well chosen (even if I'm not fan of some), and good seiyu cast
Jul 6, 2016 6:31 PM

May 2015
Best anime of this season. 9,5/10
By the way i want to start reading the manga. Can someone tell me from which chapter should I start?

Jul 6, 2016 8:16 PM

Nov 2011
The anime was good. It makes me laugh so hard in some scenes. Also, i like the couples together. However the ending was not really good ! i feel like i want to know what happened between Kaizaki and Hishiro. Did they become couple? or did they know that each one was samples in Relife laboratory? and so on.... I really wish that there is second season to answer my questions or even OVA/MOVIE. So i gave this anime
Jul 6, 2016 8:25 PM

Aug 2015
Man... the problem with releasing all episodes at once is that it's all over too quickly. I really hope for a season 2. This turned out totally not what I was expecting, in the best way possible.
Jul 6, 2016 9:44 PM
Jul 2016
Not gonna lie the anime itself was pretty good. The only problem I had with it was that you never saw hishiro reveal that she was part of the experiment. In all though the anime was amazing im still a little confused. Are Hishiro and Arata gonna lose there memories of there RELife or what? I was thinking of reading the manga and I heard once you finish episode 13 start at chapter 103. Is that right
Jul 6, 2016 10:24 PM
Jan 2016
Good finale but the show overall was a bit disappointing, the premise was interesting but somehow it ended up turning into a rather generic high school drama.
Jul 6, 2016 11:15 PM
May 2013
oh my god i loved this so much.

the plot device is interesting, the characters are all extremely likeable, the humor is top notch without being over the top, and things that you want to happen ACTUALLY HAPPEN instead of being left up in the air all the time. i knew who Subject 001 was from the beginning and even so the revelation was satisfying.

this is slice of life done really fucking right. a solid 8/10 for my favorite anime of the year so far along with ERASED. i'll be in the corner patiently waiting for season 2.
Jul 7, 2016 1:54 AM

Aug 2010
I'm the only one who intrested in triangle that will never happen? Hishiro x Kaizaki x Onoya?
Jul 7, 2016 2:59 AM

Nov 2010
Wow, Fantastic. couldn't be more happy to finish this Anime in a day.
just so enjoyable and fun.

Solid 8/10 and maybe later i'll take it higher.
Jul 7, 2016 6:05 AM

Sep 2014
Wish there was more anime out there like this. I was a bit hesitant to start because the name was re-X and coming off ReZero it sounded like a ripoff ( I know it's a stupid reason) but I'm very glad that I decided to watch it.

I really liked how they released all the episodes at once because waiting a week between each one fucking blows. Hopefully we get a season 2.
Jul 7, 2016 6:43 AM

May 2009
This was one of the best episodes, and a peaceful ending to this season.
I saw the plot twist a mile away, but that didn't ruin the show for me. I expected more plot resolution by the end of this season, so I am hoping for season 2.
Really liked the anime, characters are fun, main character isn't a dumb-ass. There are things I didn't like, but overall I give this 8/10.
Oga x Kairu pairing didn't click with me, I just didn't feel the emotion between them in the end. Doesn't look like they'll have a future. But oh well, maybe I'm wrong.

I would really like to see the second term and good conclusion to this story. Worth watching!
Jul 7, 2016 9:09 AM

Mar 2015
Guess I'm fucking oblivious, I didn't see the plot twist coming from a mile away lmao

Overall, I've been VERY pleasantly surprised by this series. One of the negative things for me tho was when the focus was on drama; show was way better for the most part when it focused on comedy. I'd prolly give it a 9 if not for the two episodes focusing on Kariu and her bitch side.

I didn't expect to be so entertained. Here's hoping for a 2nd season!
Je trempe mes cookies dans tes larmes.
Jul 7, 2016 10:23 AM

May 2012
I just knew she was subject one! And damn that confession was adorable :3

Really lovely ending in general I must say, I sure liked the whole concept of this anime and the complete character development till the end was superb.

All in all a great anime!
Jul 7, 2016 12:50 PM

Nov 2011
I had a feeling Hishiro would be test subject 001 but I sort of didn't wanna believe it because I kept thinking "PLEASE END UP WITH ARATA!!!" But Arata knew that it would a meaningless love and he didn't want to hurt Hishiro...the worst part was she wouldn't forget!!! gah so much going on and now I have this empty feeling in my heart!

Season 2 is a necessity!

if not Ill read the manga.
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Jul 7, 2016 1:33 PM

Nov 2007
Absolutely beautiful. Cannot believe I didn't go beyond the first few chapters of the manga. The anime really got me interested and I am sure to continue the manga from the earlier chapters.

Karui and Oga are so adorable together they made me swoon in this episode

But it all really came down to Chizuru and Arata and they are just meant for each other!

9/10. One of the best of the year definitely. S2? Will watch in a heartbeat!
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Jul 7, 2016 3:16 PM

Mar 2015
I absolutely LOVED that ending. I knew Test 001 was going to be someone important but didn't even think of it being Hishiro, I'm SO glad it was though, and i'm glad with Kariu and Oga! <3

I need an OVA at the very least of Arata and Hshiro finding out they're both test subjects and kiss or something jsfidshffhuhfhu or even an S2 holy shit
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