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May 29, 2013 6:59 PM

Jul 2009
wow they really pulled the "there's another world out there"

Yuno Fanservice as usual :P

i actually thought they weren't gonna show the actual penetration or even ejaculation like the arc with Sixth Tsubaki.

and even though it's not much i still commend them for trying and not holding back!!

Blu Ray quality NSFW obviously

and everything went downhill from there O___O

so it was actually the first Yuno that we see today!

final battle between 2nd World Yuki and 1st World Yuno :P

Various Yuno outfits!!!!!

the last 3 episodes is gonna be a beast!
Jun 1, 2013 5:04 PM

Apr 2013
I feel sorry for the good Yuno :(
And where the fuck did that axe come from?
Jul 8, 2013 10:32 PM

Feb 2009
What is he saying? They are both the same person technicality.
Jul 9, 2013 11:33 PM

Mar 2013
Yuno is the perfect example why you shouldn't let a 14 year old kid become a god.
Jul 16, 2013 3:33 AM

Jun 2008
Time travel bullshit, so dissapointing...
DizzeeJul 16, 2013 3:46 AM
Jul 28, 2013 1:21 AM

May 2013
everything is clear now yeah this is really getting thrilled up i mean super thrilled Yuki vs Yuno from the past
Jul 30, 2013 1:09 PM

Jul 2013
''I found a way
And I'm returning soon
I have to see those who do not know
Rest in peace, I'm coming for you
And will be, I will be with You

she thought
_I am just an innocent bystander_
Aug 19, 2013 1:12 PM

Jan 2013
Interesting episode, I think the only reason I didn't accept this version was that if 2nd Yuno died then her phone should have disappeared or get broken too... So the only way I could see 2 Yuno's was twins. Anyways next episode shall show us what Yuki decides to do now.
Aug 23, 2013 2:36 PM
Jan 2013
BurntJelly said:
... I was wondering how they were going to fill 4 more episodes with only two of them left... throw in another twist!

some of the twists here are just pulled a little too much. 3 more episodes with just two of them?
Sep 20, 2013 11:08 AM

Aug 2012
this show just went full retard...
Sep 21, 2013 6:25 PM
Aug 2013
boy that fanservice would've been nice if either of the characters were still likable... lol
Sep 25, 2013 3:32 PM

Jul 2013
Good plot twist. First world Yuno is really a crazy bitch.
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Oct 4, 2013 3:04 PM

Jun 2013
That was so cute and sad yet... he finally decided to do something and it was all so romantic and they're really a cute couple (before she attacks him of course lol), and it's so sad that they got to know that one of them needs to die. Meh. When I watched it first I cried. :1 I'll give 4/5 because idk just... it hurt me somehow and still does ;-;
Paws paws paws paws paws paws paws
Neko Neko Paws
Paws is what I like
I'm a paws obsessed person, I could look at kitties' paws all my lifetime.
Oct 14, 2013 2:12 AM
Jun 2013
I bet that 'sex scene' lasted like 10 seconds. 8.4/10. Pretty mean twist and all; but i don't understand why Yukki got all hyped up when future Yuno killed past Yuno cause they're practically the same person?
Nov 4, 2013 6:17 AM

Jul 2013
Whay the hell... Why does Yuki care more about the second Yuno? He's pretending like she's not a crazy ass bitch who killed her parents.
What is Murmur's role in all of this, I still don't understand crap.
Also, the double phone theory won't work in this case because there shouldn't be two phones because the second Yuno died before the game started. Oh well, more explanations are coming I'm guessing.
Oh and Yuki's stupidity must be beyond questioning... How the hell did he not notice a giant axe when he was doing it with Yuno. 'It's my first time so I assume that sex is done with an axe?' Yup, that's Yuki.
Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!
- Doflamingo
Dec 21, 2013 11:01 AM

Sep 2012
Makes total sense except for the paradox when Yuno should be dead because she killed herself unless of course they're in a second world and mind fucked. O_o
Dec 21, 2013 7:50 PM

Dec 2010
There's just something wrong with Yukiteru's head. Yuno mislead him into killing all of his friends and then he happily slept with her.. WTF?!

Other than that, this episode was great. The mystery behind Yuno finally got revealed and Yukiteru seems like he's about to actually take an action on his own accord. Way to go.
Jan 4, 2014 1:41 AM

Nov 2013
Too much mind fuckery for me. I loved it when they had sex though. That's me and my perverted self :)


Feb 13, 2014 8:01 PM
Jul 2018
How could Yuno lose her powers going back in time? Liked the episode. But don't get while Mur Mur was interfering so much. Also, the day before in school, did she called him "Amano-kun"? and then finished the sentence by calling him Yukki, there was something about it that made me notice that.
Also when she said that he's gonna act like that again it was obvious.

Yuki blames Yuno for killing Yuno even though she's Yuno and the dead Yuno would done the same for the other Yuno? Also she killed her parents I think that fact
alone is unforgivable.

Also Yeah, if he can't bring anyone to life that's it but I think his only option would now be to go back in time, kill the other Yukki and pose as
Yukki himself leading to the endless cycle.
Apr 3, 2014 1:02 AM

Jun 2011
After Yuno gone back in time, she's not a God anymore? o.O First half was meh, wtf with dem sex as the pinnacle of romance-shit? Second half was okay, I liked the story, and the ost was good.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
May 2, 2014 10:05 PM

Sep 2010
Wtf? Yuki seemed afraid Yuno *would* kill him earlier in the series, along with other perceptions which would contradict his actions.
Jun 9, 2014 5:05 PM

Aug 2007
So is Yuno wanting to recycle this over and over just to spend more time with Yuki, since both of them can't live when the world comes to an end? Gosh, that's maddening...
LycanJun 9, 2014 6:18 PM

Jun 26, 2014 8:17 PM

Jul 2010
Woah did that it's freakish happened?!
They did the sex ,no more cherry boy?!
Soon interrupted
I got scarred oh yes the sex then out of no where Ax !!!!
Jul 7, 2014 8:46 PM

Feb 2013
I like the time travel plot twist but I'm even more confused now. lol

How did the original Yuno have two phones when the second Yuno was killed before the game began? Unless the original Yuno brought her phone to the second world and she was able to survive the destruction of her first phone because she still has a future due to her alternate phone. O_o

Why isn't Yuno a god in the second world? Unless she gave her god-like powers to travel back in time (kind of like the motif in FMA: Brotherhood) O_o

Why is Yukki mad when the second Yuno died? She still the same fucked up person as the second Yuno was. lol

I'm so mind fucked right now. My small brain is hurting. @__@

"And if, there were so many people in the world, there had to be someone living an interesting life that wasn't ordinary. I was sure of it. Why wasn't that person me?"
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Part V
Jul 8, 2014 8:44 AM
Aug 2011
Keeps getting worse.
Jul 25, 2014 10:42 PM

May 2014
Less on the feels, but more on the goosebumps, A LOT more. It was a good episode nonetheless, Yuno just being Yuno and Yuki seems to have a spine now. His self confidence is now present.
5/5 Once again the character development is well put.
Aug 29, 2014 7:51 AM
Feb 2013
vhynz said:
I like the time travel plot twist but I'm even more confused now. lol

How did the original Yuno have two phones when the second Yuno was killed before the game began? Unless the original Yuno brought her phone to the second world and she was able to survive the destruction of her first phone because she still has a future due to her alternate phone. O_o

I don't know either, maybe the game already started at that time. How can you be sure about the opposite?

Why isn't Yuno a god in the second world? Unless she gave her god-like powers to travel back in time (kind of like the motif in FMA: Brotherhood) O_o

Maybe there is a concept where two gods can't coexist in the same spacetime

Why is Yukki mad when the second Yuno died? She still the same fucked up person as the second Yuno was. lol

I would be mad too to see a girl who loved me so much died in that way without seeing her own wish come true.
And no... they are not the same person, they share the same body and soul but they are actually two people living with their own thoughts.

I'm so mind fucked right now. My small brain is hurting. @__@
Sep 20, 2014 3:37 PM

Oct 2013
Oh heavens, this series is committed to being the anti-Steins;Gate til the very end.

Dorfnite said:
Edit: however, the part about Yukiteru being angry at Yuno for killing her "former" self is kinda.. illogical? It's the future form of her very own self that killed the non-existent previous form of her very own self. So the only reason he might be mad its because he missed out on his chance at a threesome with two Yuno's, not because the Yuno that wanted to marry him is dead, because she is still alive.

I was about to make a similar comment. The Yuno which killed the second Yuno is still the same Yuno he made that promise to... just in a different timeline.

I just don't see why Yuno was planning to achieve by going back in time. Make an eternal timeloop where she spends what few weeks she can with Yuki, kill him, become god, go back in time, repeat? Sounds asinine.

Sep 26, 2014 12:03 PM

Jan 2014
There’s got to be a catch...
Can't go back and forth in
time forever.. right? XD
I friggin' love this!!! ^-^
Oct 16, 2014 5:54 PM
Mar 2014
This episode...just surprised me...I was also a little confused in my opinion because of Yuno's point...but still, overall this was the best episode of the series.
LOL i'm derpish and I like cosplayers :3
Nov 2, 2014 3:26 PM

Oct 2011
They finally did it!!!! Yuno is the best.
Jan 2, 2015 4:20 PM

Jun 2013
we just watched two 14 year olds go at it
Jan 14, 2015 7:55 AM
Jan 2015
Zadion said:
Oh heavens, this series is committed to being the anti-Steins;Gate til the very end.

Dorfnite said:
Edit: however, the part about Yukiteru being angry at Yuno for killing her "former" self is kinda.. illogical? It's the future form of her very own self that killed the non-existent previous form of her very own self. So the only reason he might be mad its because he missed out on his chance at a threesome with two Yuno's, not because the Yuno that wanted to marry him is dead, because she is still alive.

I was about to make a similar comment. The Yuno which killed the second Yuno is still the same Yuno he made that promise to... just in a different timeline.

I just don't see why Yuno was planning to achieve by going back in time. Make an eternal timeloop where she spends what few weeks she can with Yuki, kill him, become god, go back in time, repeat? Sounds asinine.

Dunno if the english dub said it in a way that made more sense, but I remember her saying that all she wanted was to spend the last day in bliss with him. Meaning just love her the way she loves him, no mention of the game or her past sins. What she hoped was that the final day will be perfect, then she'll let Yukkii kill her and be done with everything. But then he brought up what Akise told him... day ruined for her, so she wanted to kill Yukkii, go back in time again, and try just for that perfect day another time. I could be wrong, but that's what I got from it and it really put into perspective her desperation to get that perfect day of love with Yukkii. If you're hoping to understand any more than that... well...... she's insane. That's the thing.
Jul 9, 2015 10:44 AM
Feb 2015
Wow OMG so this yuno came back in time... And this is the second world... Mind blown. Well they actually managed to "do" it...

Now im wondering if she goes back in time again would it be a third world? It's almost like steins gate In A way xD
[center] *>.>[Spoiler][/spoiler]<.<*
Aug 8, 2015 5:27 PM

Aug 2014
Time travel stories are always so fucked up, but I like them :D
Yay Yuno sex scene :D and they changed how they draw Yukki and Yuno since their appearance before fight with 11. At least I noticed that Yukki had face of adult and Yuno had bigger oppai ;o Maybe they didn't want it to look as 14 years old have sex, but then they should make the story as all character would be 17-20 years old it wouldn't change much and would make me happy.
I actually don't care if its first or second or third Yuno. They are mostly the same.
Anyway it seems I was kinda right from the start about Yuno having close/sister thing, she was copied by time traveling. The OP was too obvious and made the story not so surprising. Both OP/ED showed too many of plot. Same as it was in Eden of the east anime.

BUT there is one little mistake If I am right witht his one too.
Yuno from first world was calling Yukiteru by "Amano-kun" and that is the diary that Akise Aru destroyed. So This living yuno should be die that moment.
The one who was dead was calling yukiteru "Yukki" but then the living one started to call him "Yukki" too after she came to second world..
Then again the second dying Yuno said "help me Amano-kun" so this is all mixed many times during the plot...

Is this a mistake from creators? was it also wrong in manga? maybe someone will read this post and explain this in future world :D
Thyriad-oPPailovAug 8, 2015 5:34 PM
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ちゅっ ちゅっ キス (´。✪ω✪。`)

I hate it when anime/manga that I enjoyed ends, especially when there could be much longer plot and when I love main heroine :P

I wish I had magic glasses that let me see real world in anime colors ;)
Aug 10, 2015 7:06 PM

Feb 2013
Dammit I knew that little midget would take the throne, now I wonder what her motive is exactly.

Also Yuno being from an alternate timeline? Did not see that coming. Its pretty fucked up how she just like....killed herself lol. Yuki seems pretty pissed about that too, he seemed to be going super sayain in the end there lol.
Aug 16, 2015 2:31 PM
Jan 2015
that explains it
Nov 4, 2015 4:39 PM
Nov 2015
I just finished episode 25. Im so confused. Yuki is still alive so why does Yuno want to go into a 3rd dimension to restart? She has the godly powers and Yuki still lives. Whats the problem? And why does Yuki want to save both Yuno's? They are both insane, they both wanted to kill him in the end. Logic.
Nov 6, 2015 1:00 PM
Sep 2015
Dec 21, 2015 5:49 PM

Sep 2015
Was that axe below the sheets? Doesn't feel safe having sex above that...
Apr 22, 2016 2:37 AM

Mar 2014
The Ruined World and Ruined Love .
MC is just dense . Dense enough to be the way he was . Even now .
Happy ending . For just a few moments .
TRUTH . TRUTH OF MIRAI NIKKI . When Worlds collide .
VERY GREAT EPISODE . Yukiteru finally wakes up to reality .
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Apr 26, 2016 9:05 AM

Jun 2015
Weird episode. I know they try to make interesting twists, but it somehow looks forced.

I respect your opinion as long as you respect mine.
May 15, 2016 10:18 AM

Jun 2010
shadowtsunami said:
guyklc said:
Yuki had sex with Yuno but didn't realize that she had an ax hidden in the futon? Really now?

Anyways good episode, but the sex scene made me uncomfortable, lol.

I was going to say the same thing, and someone on animeultima said that too. I lol'ed when she went you feel like a baby? I was like I don't think you want to hear that during sex, I guess it was too great for yukiteru since his dumb self couldn't notice a freaking ax, i mean come on.

Haha, I was thinking of the same thing. And it was a bit too obvious there's something hidden under the futon. But I thought it'd be something small like a knife.

Anyway, great episode, even it was veryvery sad. The original Yuno got killed and I'm sure she was lovely, not a crazy maniac like the 2nd one.
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Jun 10, 2016 8:43 AM

Jul 2013
OMG I did not see that coming!!!!!!! Better than her just having a twin although maybe that would've made more sense, I dunno.

That was simply an amazing plot twist! although now the OP and ED song lyrics make sense, you just really do have to take them literally.

Wow, I can't believe they finally became one.

I can't believe Murmur took Yuki back to show him and explain everything that that was a second universe and she'd gone back to the past but I kinda at the same time don't get it.

I can't believe she had already won by her and him killing themselves together only she faked it and got up to win and thought she could just resurrect him but it didn't work and that's how she knew it wouldn't work for Yuki.

I can't believe she killed the second universe her ... although I would've thought if it was another universe the same thing would not be happening :/ I mean, usually different stuff happens on parallel universe. I dunno, I've seen other time travel stuff but this one is kinda confusing and I watched The Time Machine and 11.22.63 the other day lol.
Sep 11, 2016 4:34 PM
Jul 2018
Well Dayum. Now that is some awesome plot twist. It has kinda clear to me that they were twins, I was very surprised there.
So Yuno wanted to spend more time with Yukki and wanted him to live so she went back in time. Wonder what's gonna happen now that he knows the truth....

Also wonder what's Murmur's plan. Does she want to be God herself?
Next episode already!
Sep 23, 2016 5:25 AM

Jun 2016
Murmur becomes a god, didn't expect that from a loli lol.
Yuno, what a bitch. Didn't commit suicide and time lapsed to second world and tries to kill Yukki again. Yukki gets to know everything from Murmur, not sure what he will do now!
Dec 28, 2016 9:59 AM
Dec 2016
In this episode I was like: REALLY?
Yukki, you keep being so obnoxious! I mean,
Akise did all that bloody crap to warn you, you discover you killed your fucking friends to believe in someone who lied to you and killed who tried to tell you the truth, and you still happily "become-one-with-her" like nothing happened, few days later?! Oh, go fuck yourself.
But Yuno tried to kill him, so I liked her (usually I don't).
Jan 4, 2017 4:06 PM

Mar 2010
This is getting a bit out of hand.. Its yuno but not original somehow.. This time loop is what made things go out of wack for me.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Jan 24, 2017 12:32 PM

May 2016
Fantastic episode damn that ending was hilarious I mean the short video on every last ep with Mur Mur
Mar 18, 2017 9:44 AM

May 2013
Flawfinder said:
shadowtsunami said:

I was going to say the same thing, and someone on animeultima said that too. I lol'ed when she went you feel like a baby? I was like I don't think you want to hear that during sex, I guess it was too great for yukiteru since his dumb self couldn't notice a freaking ax, i mean come on.

A lot of stupid things occur when you're having sex, and that's when you're an adult. Plus, anyone who has read a doujin or a mature series would know that far worse things have happened when anime/manga characters have sex.

lol maybe she hid it at the very edge of the futon, where they wouldn't move towards and touch it. Plus, they held hands so he wouldn't be feeling anywhere around her. If she did things like this, she could grab the ax any time after they're done.
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