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Jun 10, 2016 8:04 AM
Apr 2011
This anime is getting silly. Mumei does stupid things, Ikoma keeps on screaming and Biba is a typical anime villain that wants to destroy everything because reasons. The only sensible character in this show is Fat Eren.
Jun 10, 2016 8:07 AM

Jan 2013
Boy do I not care about anything that happens to these characters. The whole thing is super similar to the 2nd Attack on Titan live action movie.
Just overall pretty bad and silly.
Jun 10, 2016 8:11 AM

Jan 2014
How would I sum up this episode in one word? Dumb... Everyone was so fu***ng dumb that is was pain to watch.
Jun 10, 2016 8:12 AM

Apr 2008
I have to say after reflecting on the episode a bit more I realize Biba's core idea is not wrong. Yes the methods he's going about it are horrifying, destructive and evil without a doubt.

However look back at the previous episode. They took out 7 hordes of Kabane in 15 minutes. WIth the handful of troops loaded on the Kokujyo and light weaponry no less. Those are results that no one can deny. Now imagine if that kind of tech was in the hands of a more sizable force. The Kabane would be countered much more effectively.

But how do you do that when the status quo of the majority is to HIDE inside stations, cowering in fear for the day when the station might finally get breached?
Jun 10, 2016 8:15 AM

Nov 2012
wow so much hate. Ppl seems not want to care about why the characters doing things and told them stupid. Amazing.

Except for dat Biba yeah I hate him.
Your so-called peaceful world makes me bored, so don't blame me if I destroy all of it.
Jun 10, 2016 8:18 AM

Oct 2014
I still think that somebody in nippon wrote something like "and then mumei, which will have a ani-sama complex to justify her dumbness, will lower the gate, which will kill thousands and shock her, because shock factor is the only good thing we got" in a serious manner. Rigth now all this Mumei's inmaturity smells like a plot device more than anything else. After all, some of the events of this show were only possible because Mumei didn't got the wake-up call earlier.

Romeo said:
the sole purpose of the word "mediocrity" is to describe this anime..
I still can't believe some people think this is better than SnK..

If this show ends now, it will be better. Action-wise though, for the first 12 eps I think is up to debate.
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the eye.

But does the heart have the right perspective?
Jun 10, 2016 8:23 AM
May 2013
I actually didn't like Mumei much in the earlier episodes. I slowly warmed up to her, and ironically it is through her big mess up in the fused colony episode that I actually liked and sympathised with her. She felt so lost. So clearly a child. Her changes in moods had reasons behind them.

And in this episode, I don't see why she is so harshly blamed or even called stupid for following orders. Apart from her seeing Biba as her saviour, her family, etc; she is, after all, a bona fide member of the the Hunters. She needs to follow orders. And that order (to her) was simply to lower the bridge to allow the Kokujou to enter. She was also affronted that her beloved brother (and herself among others) were slighted despite them battling kabane for what she thought was the for the good of the people.
If the anime hadn't shown us what a louse Biba is, I'd be thinking, "ingrates" myself.

She did not in the least suspect the kabane would be unleashed upon the innocent. (How did Ikoma warn her? Did he know of the plan to let loose the kabane? All he's said of Biba to her was that it was wrong of him to turn her into a kabaneri. To which she did not agree. She thought it was her choice)

And while she couldn't do much, she did jump into the fray soon enough to try to save some. And of course she would be in a state of disbelief initially that it was Biba's plan all along. How easy is it to instantly stop believing in someone one loves and respects for a number of years, and considering she's only 12 - those years represent not a small part of her life.

Her horror at what she thought was a harmless act of hers bringing such devastation upon the people was apparent. She has finally become 'informed'. Will she be able to stand up against him now? Rather, how soon before she does is the question. Perhaps it might still need Ikoma's influence. His influence showed when she took care not to kill the humans or have him yell at her. (Hey, don't knock his yelling. It works lol)

Strong emotional attachment often makes one lack sense, even in adults. Being emotionally /physically abused and yet choosing to stay with one's abuser (sometimes not even a spouse or family member) is one instance that comes to mind.
Jun 10, 2016 8:25 AM

Apr 2008
Jaslen said:
I actually didn't like Mumei much in the earlier episodes. I slowly warmed up to her, and ironically it is through her big mess up in the fused colony episode that I actually liked and sympathised with her. She felt so lost. So clearly a child. Her changes in moods had reasons behind them.

And in this episode, I don't see why she is so harshly blamed or even called stupid for following orders. Apart from her seeing Biba as her saviour, her family, etc; she is, after all, a bona fide member of the the Hunters. She needs to follow orders. And that order (to her) was simply to lower the bridge to allow the Kokujou to enter. She was also affronted that her beloved brother (and herself among others) were slighted despite them battling kabane for what she thought was the for the good of the people.
If the anime hadn't shown us what a louse Biba is, I'd be thinking, "ingrates" myself.

She did not in the least suspect the kabane would be unleashed upon the innocent. (How did Ikoma warn her? Did he know of the plan to let loose the kabane? All he's said of Biba to her was that it was wrong of him to turn her into a kabaneri. To which she did not agree. She thought it was her choice)

And while she couldn't do much, she did jump into the fray soon enough to try to save some. And of course she would be in a state of disbelief initially that it was Biba's plan all along. How easy is it to instantly stop believing in someone one loves and respects for a number of years, and considering she's only 12 - those years represent not a small part of her life.

Her horror at what she thought was a harmless act of hers bringing such devastation upon the people was apparent. She has finally become 'informed'. Will she be able to stand up against him now? Rather, how soon before she does is the question. Perhaps it might still need Ikoma's influence. His influence showed when she took care not to kill the humans or have him yell at her. (Hey, don't knock his yelling. It works lol)

Strong emotional attachment often makes one lack sense, even in adults. Being emotionally /physically abused and yet choosing to stay with one's abuser (sometimes not even a spouse or family member) is one instance that comes to mind.

Thank you! Finally someone gets the full picture!
Jun 10, 2016 8:25 AM

Aug 2008
Commentator1 said:
TooEzGamming said:
I mean protect the train and find a way to get Mumei back in the same time. Facing Kabanes and Biba's soliders... Its too hard for him. Right here I can say that whatever the writer have done, it is too harsh for Ikoma or you can blame his stupid writing skill.
// Just a stupid thought, everytime Ikoma was captured, he escaped and shined. My last hope -_-

If Ikoma's "goal" was to "survive", then he's doing fine on that point.
If Ikoma's "goal" was to "ONLY" save Mumei, he's doing fine.
BUT if he is trying to PROTECT, his friends and all those people from his station (the station where he's from); he's doing a Shitty job.

From Ikoma's point of view, there is NO WAY to save both Mumei and his "friends" at the same time.
Either let your friends die, and just follow Mumei around. Or Freaking KILL Mumie. Cause as long as Mumai lives, his friends will be in danger.

He is NOT stupid. He understands this. Or is he stupid? I hate stupid characters...

He's useless. He's too loud. He talks too much, when no one CARES!. Like literally, no one is listening to him. He just shouting in the "viewers ears" (OUrs). And I'm getting tired of it...

Ikoma doesn't need to choose between Mumei and his friends yet, it's not at that point. If however Mumei persists to listen to her brother after this point, then yes it will get to that point.

Ikoma is not stupid, he's just kind of awkward and simple minded. I'll agree on the fact on the over-reliance of yelling, but considering he's the only character who does it it doesn't bother me too much.

Useless? The guy who developed a better means for humanity to fight the Kabane (with the jet bullets) and can be put in situations without worry of being infected is useless? He's flawed sure because he like Mumei lets his emotions get in the way rather than making a solid plan (which he has been shown to do).

Now onto Mumei

Yes she can be stupid like the train episode, but that was done believably because we know Biba puts crap in her head. This however was not stupidity on her part, but rather putting faith into the person who saved her life and gave her the power to fight and "be the badass" that everyone here seems to wish she was consistently.

There is no problem with giving a character flaws and a conflict to work past. We'll have an issue if she doesn't get any development from this, but I find that highly unlikely considering the characters have been getting light touches as the series goes on.
Jun 10, 2016 8:27 AM

Jan 2015
Not gonna lie, during the entire second part I was wondering what the thousands of kabanes where doing.
Jun 10, 2016 8:28 AM

May 2016
Darklight0303 said:
I have to say after reflecting on the episode a bit more I realize Biba's core idea is not wrong. Yes the methods he's going about it are horrifying, destructive and evil without a doubt.

However look back at the previous episode. They took out 7 hordes of Kabane in 15 minutes. WIth the handful of troops loaded on the Kokujyo and light weaponry no less. Those are results that no one can deny. Now imagine if that kind of tech was in the hands of a more sizable force. The Kabane would be countered much more effectively.

But how do you do that when the status quo of the majority is to HIDE inside stations, cowering in fear for the day when the station might finally get breached?

In other words, Biba destroyed the station and killed some people in other to force them Into helping him. Since there is no other place to hide, Biba's army is the only place for them to survive...That was Biba's Ultimate EVIL Plan.
HyperLJun 10, 2016 10:05 AM
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Jun 10, 2016 8:31 AM

Jul 2015
amcorp said:
Not gonna lie, during the entire second part I was wondering what the thousands of kabanes where doing.

They were stuck in a still frame somewhere.
Jun 10, 2016 8:35 AM

Apr 2008
HyperL said:
Darklight0303 said:
I have to say after reflecting on the episode a bit more I realize Biba's core idea is not wrong. Yes the methods he's going about it are horrifying, destructive and evil without a doubt.

However look back at the previous episode. They took out 7 hordes of Kabane in 15 minutes. WIth the handful of troops loaded on the Kokujyo and light weaponry no less. Those are results that no one can deny. Now imagine if that kind of tech was in the hands of a more sizable force. The Kabane would be countered much more effectively.

But how do you do that when the status quo of the majority is to HIDE inside stations, cowering in fear for the day when the station might finally get breached?

In other words, Biba destroied the station and killed some people in other to force them Into helping him. Since there is no other place to hide, Biba's army is the only place for them to survive...That was Biba's Ultimate EVIL Plan.

Exactly. These people would never choose to fight with him. So he took that choice from them. The same way he took the choice from Mumei by filling her head with the idea that she must be strong to be worth living
Jun 10, 2016 8:53 AM

Nov 2012
Jaslen said:
I actually didn't like Mumei much in the earlier episodes. I slowly warmed up to her, and ironically it is through her big mess up in the fused colony episode that I actually liked and sympathised with her. She felt so lost. So clearly a child. Her changes in moods had reasons behind them.

I think the hate comes from people who already idolized her for being badass at the beginning.
WorldInverseJun 10, 2016 9:11 AM
Your so-called peaceful world makes me bored, so don't blame me if I destroy all of it.
Jun 10, 2016 9:03 AM

Mar 2016
Commentator1 said:
Narendran001 said:
Right? She deserves some appreciation considering she's the reason they're all alive in the first place. She's been such a badass since the first episode.
It will be interesting to see how they're gonna get out of this.

So she can get them killed, cause she saved them? Nice logic.
Even if she didn't save them, they would have waited longer for the train, in which Ikoma would have come and save at least "some number" of them.
So instead of being saved by Mumei, and ALL dying. Better some die, and some saved by Ikoma.

"how they're gonna get out of this"... That is just another example, of how stupid shitty this anime is getting. I mean, when you make a mistake, there's no turning back.

DIDN"T YOU SEE the little girl and her mom dying RIGHT IN FRONT of Mumei? They are GONE!. There's no "getting out of this"... There's no "reversing" this. The best outcome would be for Mumei to freaking compensate for her mistakes, and use one of those heart things to kill herself.
But Mumei's not a "worthy character" enough, to do that; instead she's going to decide to "fight" like every other selfish, innocent killing murderous sh!ts...

When did I ever say it was okay that she got others killed because she saved them? Is she to be blamed? Yes. Does she deserve the hate she's getting? A BIG NO
And no they wouldn't have survived. Ikoma wouldn't have saved any of them, except that fat friend maybe. The kabanes were everywhere in that episode and Ikoma was trying to save himself after being bit. If Mumei hadn't intervened they'd all be turned into Kabanes.

You're obviously not seeing the bigger picture here. She was being manipulated. She did that thinking they were gonna escape by train because they weren't allowed to pass through and had no idea a horde of Kabanes would be ravaging the station. So much hate for her. SHE'S 12 YEARS OLD FFS.
She's been the badass of this series. Yes she seems crazy and didn't seem to care about people but that's how she was taught to be. Biba made her what she is but being with Ikoma has really changed her. She's gonna redeem herself by saving everyone AGAIN. But nooo people won't be satisfied because she's a selfish arrogant bitch who let the Kabanes in when she had no idea that would happen!

Jun 10, 2016 9:05 AM

Apr 2008
Narendran001 said:
Commentator1 said:

So she can get them killed, cause she saved them? Nice logic.
Even if she didn't save them, they would have waited longer for the train, in which Ikoma would have come and save at least "some number" of them.
So instead of being saved by Mumei, and ALL dying. Better some die, and some saved by Ikoma.

"how they're gonna get out of this"... That is just another example, of how stupid shitty this anime is getting. I mean, when you make a mistake, there's no turning back.

DIDN"T YOU SEE the little girl and her mom dying RIGHT IN FRONT of Mumei? They are GONE!. There's no "getting out of this"... There's no "reversing" this. The best outcome would be for Mumei to freaking compensate for her mistakes, and use one of those heart things to kill herself.
But Mumei's not a "worthy character" enough, to do that; instead she's going to decide to "fight" like every other selfish, innocent killing murderous sh!ts...

When did I ever say it was okay that she got others killed because she saved them? Is she to be blamed? Yes. Does she deserve the hate she's getting? A BIG NO
And no they wouldn't have survived. Ikoma wouldn't have saved any of them, except that fat friend maybe. The kabanes were everywhere in that episode and Ikoma was trying to save himself after being bit. If Mumei hadn't intervened they'd all be turned into Kabanes.

You're obviously not seeing the bigger picture here. She was being manipulated. She did that thinking they were gonna escape by train because they weren't allowed to pass through and had no idea a horde of Kabanes would be ravaging the station. So much hate for her. SHE'S 12 YEARS OLD FFS.
She's been the badass of this series. Yes she seems crazy and didn't seem to care about people but that's how she was taught to be. Biba made her what she is but being with Ikoma has really changed her. She's gonna redeem herself by saving everyone AGAIN. But nooo people won't be satisfied because she's a selfish arrogant bitch who let the Kabanes in when she had no idea that would happen!

Actually she didn't let the Kabane in. She was supposed to only let the TRAIN in. THe Kabane were a surprise even for her.
Jun 10, 2016 9:05 AM

Oct 2014
When will these fanboys notice the hate is justified. Pity does not forgive the actions.

And chill the fuck down, while you glorify mumei's dilemma, which it isn't even hard to understand to justify the way you repeat yourself the mantra that "she's a child", you let the responsibles of this show get away with mediocrity.
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the eye.

But does the heart have the right perspective?
Jun 10, 2016 9:06 AM

Sep 2015
Damn, what the fck was that ? -_-
It was kind of painful to watch them die like this, I did not expect that
Jun 10, 2016 9:10 AM

Apr 2008
KoreaWS said:
When will these fanboys notice the hate is justified. Pity does not forgive the actions.

And chill the fuck down, while you glorify mumei's dilemma, which it isn't even hard to understand to justify the way you repeat yourself the mantra that "she's a child", you let the responsibles of this show get away with mediocrity.

Justified my ass. The explanation makes perfect sense and these same people would be right up there with the hate anyway for Mumei being TOO perfect if she didn't have these flaws to her. She'd be called a Sue instead of a moron. Same idea different color paint. You just quit trying to understand and label everything as bad. Nice try.
Jun 10, 2016 9:11 AM

Nov 2011
Wow Horobi's final form was dope!

I can't believe Mumei ended up being this stupid. She had so much potential to be such a badass female character, and her actions killed thousands...worst of all her actions resulted in YUKINA GETTING HURT AS WELL...UNACCEPTABLE!!!

Idk how this crew is gonna overcome this situation. Biba is crazy strong and just an awesome villain in my eyes...piece of shit...but awesome.
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Jun 10, 2016 9:12 AM

Mar 2016
Jaslen said:
I actually didn't like Mumei much in the earlier episodes. I slowly warmed up to her, and ironically it is through her big mess up in the fused colony episode that I actually liked and sympathised with her. She felt so lost. So clearly a child. Her changes in moods had reasons behind them.

And in this episode, I don't see why she is so harshly blamed or even called stupid for following orders. Apart from her seeing Biba as her saviour, her family, etc; she is, after all, a bona fide member of the the Hunters. She needs to follow orders. And that order (to her) was simply to lower the bridge to allow the Kokujou to enter. She was also affronted that her beloved brother (and herself among others) were slighted despite them battling kabane for what she thought was the for the good of the people.
If the anime hadn't shown us what a louse Biba is, I'd be thinking, "ingrates" myself.

She did not in the least suspect the kabane would be unleashed upon the innocent. (How did Ikoma warn her? Did he know of the plan to let loose the kabane? All he's said of Biba to her was that it was wrong of him to turn her into a kabaneri. To which she did not agree. She thought it was her choice)

And while she couldn't do much, she did jump into the fray soon enough to try to save some. And of course she would be in a state of disbelief initially that it was Biba's plan all along. How easy is it to instantly stop believing in someone one loves and respects for a number of years, and considering she's only 12 - those years represent not a small part of her life.

Her horror at what she thought was a harmless act of hers bringing such devastation upon the people was apparent. She has finally become 'informed'. Will she be able to stand up against him now? Rather, how soon before she does is the question. Perhaps it might still need Ikoma's influence. His influence showed when she took care not to kill the humans or have him yell at her. (Hey, don't knock his yelling. It works lol)

Strong emotional attachment often makes one lack sense, even in adults. Being emotionally /physically abused and yet choosing to stay with one's abuser (sometimes not even a spouse or family member) is one instance that comes to mind.

Yes. Exactly. She was being manipulated. Thank you for this. Nice to see someone understanding the situation here. Every other comment I see "Mumei is a bitch" or "Mumei should die" all because she was following orders of the person whom she owed her life to. It's not right. She doesn't deserve this hate.

Jun 10, 2016 9:14 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
Dat energyblast/laser beam/whatever the fuck it is was so random.
Biba is shit.
Holy shit the entire thing was retarded
Jun 10, 2016 9:15 AM

Jan 2016
Biba is such a douche, he sent the blonde kabaneri to her death and she knew it-sigh.

Mumei has a alot to explain to ikoma. Speaking of which I am not sure how that guy was beating him so easily. I guess he really good or a kabaneri?

The princess getting held hostage sucks, hopefully sheshe spared any harm. She's a solid character.

Ikoma/Biba showdown is coming it looks like assuming that mumei doesn't get to him first.

I wonder if that case, that carried that serum, is a cure? I thought that a what they hinted at.
Jun 10, 2016 9:21 AM

Mar 2016
Darklight0303 said:
Narendran001 said:

When did I ever say it was okay that she got others killed because she saved them? Is she to be blamed? Yes. Does she deserve the hate she's getting? A BIG NO
And no they wouldn't have survived. Ikoma wouldn't have saved any of them, except that fat friend maybe. The kabanes were everywhere in that episode and Ikoma was trying to save himself after being bit. If Mumei hadn't intervened they'd all be turned into Kabanes.

You're obviously not seeing the bigger picture here. She was being manipulated. She did that thinking they were gonna escape by train because they weren't allowed to pass through and had no idea a horde of Kabanes would be ravaging the station. So much hate for her. SHE'S 12 YEARS OLD FFS.
She's been the badass of this series. Yes she seems crazy and didn't seem to care about people but that's how she was taught to be. Biba made her what she is but being with Ikoma has really changed her. She's gonna redeem herself by saving everyone AGAIN. But nooo people won't be satisfied because she's a selfish arrogant bitch who let the Kabanes in when she had no idea that would happen!

Actually she didn't let the Kabane in. She was supposed to only let the TRAIN in. THe Kabane were a surprise even for her.

I think I mentioned that.
"had no idea a horde of Kabanes would be ravaging the station"

Edit: My bad. Didn't realize you meant the last line I posted. I was referring to a different line :P
RyunuosukeJun 10, 2016 9:25 AM

Jun 10, 2016 9:23 AM

Oct 2014
Darklight0303 said:
KoreaWS said:
When will these fanboys notice the hate is justified. Pity does not forgive the actions.

And chill the fuck down, while you glorify mumei's dilemma, which it isn't even hard to understand to justify the way you repeat yourself the mantra that "she's a child", you let the responsibles of this show get away with mediocrity.

Justified my ass. The explanation makes perfect sense and these same people would be right up there with the hate anyway for Mumei being TOO perfect if she didn't have these flaws to her. She'd be called a Sue instead of a moron. Same idea different color paint. You just quit trying to understand and label everything as bad. Nice try.

What makes you believe I don't understand? Where you here when I was the one of the only persons that noticed Mumei's inmaturity from the get-go, instead of fast-labelling her as badass, and understood her actions pretty well because she's inmature? Don't give me that attitude. It's easy to hate her because she is a moron, and her actions give her that label, not us.

And yet, you dismissed one vital point: you let the responsibles of this show get away with mediocrity.

Try again.
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the eye.

But does the heart have the right perspective?
Jun 10, 2016 9:23 AM

Nov 2014
That was brutal :c
Hi there
Jun 10, 2016 9:30 AM

Jul 2009
Phoebe3315 said:
Jonny_Mhl said:
Lol a Zombie shooting lasers and a guy cutting a iron cable with a dagger, how cute.
I am 90% sure Uryuu (the blue-haired guy who cut the cable) is a Kabaneri. If Mumei can apply so much force with regular weapons that they can pierce iron (as she often does), it's no surprise he can, too.

And it's not a zombie. It's a super-mutated Kabane bursting with power and energy. Zombie < Kabane <<< Kabane made via blue blood.

Looks like we are not watching the same show then:

As the world is in the middle of an industrial revolution, a monster appears that cannot be defeated unless its heart, which is protected by a layer of iron, is pierced. By infecting humans with its bite, the monster can create aggressive and undead creatures known as Kabane.
Jun 10, 2016 9:32 AM

Jul 2012
KoreaWS said:
Darklight0303 said:

Justified my ass. The explanation makes perfect sense and these same people would be right up there with the hate anyway for Mumei being TOO perfect if she didn't have these flaws to her. She'd be called a Sue instead of a moron. Same idea different color paint. You just quit trying to understand and label everything as bad. Nice try.

What makes you believe I don't understand? Where you here when I was the one of the only persons that noticed Mumei's inmaturity from the get-go, instead of fast-labelling her as badass, and understood her actions pretty well because she's inmature? Don't give me that attitude. It's easy to hate her because she is a moron, and her actions give her that label, not us.

And yet, you dismissed one vital point: you let the responsibles of this show get away with mediocrity.

Try again.
I wouldn't say her actions give her the label of moron. It's kinda subjective, she was just trusting someone she didn't have much reason to not believe in, until now. If she did something like lowering the bridge again and is surprised, then yeah that might indicate she's a moron. But as of now...I don't agree.
Jun 10, 2016 9:36 AM

Oct 2014
Jonny_Mhl said:
Phoebe3315 said:
I am 90% sure Uryuu (the blue-haired guy who cut the cable) is a Kabaneri. If Mumei can apply so much force with regular weapons that they can pierce iron (as she often does), it's no surprise he can, too.

And it's not a zombie. It's a super-mutated Kabane bursting with power and energy. Zombie < Kabane <<< Kabane made via blue blood.

Looks like we are not watching the same show then:

As the world is in the middle of an industrial revolution, a monster appears that cannot be defeated unless its heart, which is protected by a layer of iron, is pierced. By infecting humans with its bite, the monster can create aggressive and undead creatures known as Kabane.

That's the """"natural"""" kabane breed tho. We already know blue Kabanes are synthetical and they can do pretty much whatever the writers want them to do, like shooting lazers.

I do feel weird that the laser stuff wasn't introduced earlier. They had the opportunity to do so when the last titan zombie appeared, but because now the blue kabane broke her limiter the laser is a thing.

Perhaps it wouldn't had been so weird now if it had had a precedent, but if that were to be the case, I doubt the koutetsujou would've survived the last black mist if that thing would've also had the ability to fire lasers.

Phoebe3315 said:
I wouldn't say her actions give her the label of moron. It's kinda subjective, she was just trusting someone she didn't have much reason to not believe in, until now. If she did something like lowering the bridge again and is surprised, then yeah that might indicate she's a moron. But as of now...I don't agree.

She was trusting somebody that had a vendetta against the shogunate and used violent means, which is not something she couldn't had noticed. We only know that she got surprised that his idea of peace is nihilistic, but the vendetta is a thing she could've learned from him or any of his subordinates. She, of course, doesn't has the maturity to notice how vengueful and violent Biba is, but it's also foolish of her part to put trust in such violent person, when her father was also violent.

So a nice number of her actions up until now have been pretty foolish, and selfish too, like Biba's are, like when she saved the koutetsujou and Ikoma on ep 2.

She's a moron in my eyes, because she allowed herself to be deceived. You can come and tell me she's teenager and all that stuff, but teenagers can also be morons.

It's still ep 9 though. I do believe her maturing will end the conflict, and that KnK is a "Coming of Age" kind of story, with nice action, some characters and a bad plot.
ThieveryJun 10, 2016 9:46 AM
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the eye.

But does the heart have the right perspective?
Jun 10, 2016 9:40 AM

Jul 2012
Jonny_Mhl said:
Phoebe3315 said:
I am 90% sure Uryuu (the blue-haired guy who cut the cable) is a Kabaneri. If Mumei can apply so much force with regular weapons that they can pierce iron (as she often does), it's no surprise he can, too.

And it's not a zombie. It's a super-mutated Kabane bursting with power and energy. Zombie < Kabane <<< Kabane made via blue blood.

Looks like we are not watching the same show then:

As the world is in the middle of an industrial revolution, a monster appears that cannot be defeated unless its heart, which is protected by a layer of iron, is pierced. By infecting humans with its bite, the monster can create aggressive and undead creatures known as Kabane.
All I meant is Kabane are pretty different from typical zombies. They're stronger, have the ability to learn, combine, and think to some extent. Also, dying from blood loss before the curse/virus can fully spread stops it, so they aren't technically dead.
Jun 10, 2016 9:50 AM

Jul 2012
This episode pretty much confirms the heart MUST be pierced for a Kabane to die. If beheading was good enough, Mumei would have no reason to stab the Kabane's heart afterwards. Plus, there was a little light in the Kabane's eyes which didn't disappear until after its heart was pierced. Not sure if the head/body would grow back, reattach somehow, or if the head is just still capable of biting, but there's obviously a problem with not actually piercing the heart.
Jun 10, 2016 9:55 AM

Apr 2008
Phoebe3315 said:
This episode pretty much confirms the heart MUST be pierced for a Kabane to die. If beheading was good enough, Mumei would have no reason to stab the Kabane's heart afterwards. Plus, there was a little light in the Kabane's eyes which didn't disappear until after its heart was pierced. Not sure if the head/body would grow back, reattach somehow, or if the head is just still capable of biting, but there's obviously a problem with not actually piercing the heart.

I noticed that too. The more I see of the Kabane the more I liken the transformed heart to a Furnace. A biological furnace that naturally needs to be reinforced by the cage to prevent it from bursting. It's just sturdy enouhg and yet we see Kabane with glowing cracks all over their bodies something that could imply they actually have a lot of pressure contained in their bodies. Which would also serve to explain the kamikaze tactics they used in the first episode to pierce the train.
Jun 10, 2016 10:05 AM

Jul 2015
Am I the only one who likes Biba more than anyone else?
Re:Zero nice troll ending.
Jun 10, 2016 10:07 AM

May 2016
Can't wait for last episode to see that asshole get killed.
Jun 10, 2016 10:09 AM

May 2016
Sometimes791 said:
Am I the only one who likes Biba more than anyone else?

Well, I don't hate him like most here do, but I don't see anything in him that makes me like the guy just like I enjoy villains like Dio from Jojo...He lacks something to make him memorable...
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Jun 10, 2016 10:10 AM

Oct 2014
Sometimes791 said:
Am I the only one who likes Biba more than anyone else?

I like samurai guy. Pretty standard but it works.
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the eye.

But does the heart have the right perspective?
Jun 10, 2016 10:15 AM
Apr 2015

Ikoma doesn't need to choose between Mumei and his friends yet, it's not at that point. If however Mumei persists to listen to her brother after this point, then yes it will get to that point.

Ikoma is not stupid, he's just kind of awkward and simple minded. I'll agree on the fact on the over-reliance of yelling, but considering he's the only character who does it it doesn't bother me too much.

Useless? The guy who developed a better means for humanity to fight the Kabane (with the jet bullets) and can be put in situations without worry of being infected is useless? He's flawed sure because he like Mumei lets his emotions get in the way rather than making a solid plan (which he has been shown to do).

Now onto Mumei

Yes she can be stupid like the train episode, but that was done believably because we know Biba puts crap in her head. This however was not stupidity on her part, but rather putting faith into the person who saved her life and gave her the power to fight and "be the badass" that everyone here seems to wish she was consistently.

There is no problem with giving a character flaws and a conflict to work past. We'll have an issue if she doesn't get any development from this, but I find that highly unlikely considering the characters have been getting light touches as the series goes on.

Many thanks for this explanation.
TooEzGammingJun 10, 2016 10:19 AM
Jun 10, 2016 10:16 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
That was the worst episode unfortunately. Biba turns to be a dick simply and everything happening here was incredibly cliché.
Jun 10, 2016 10:19 AM

Jul 2015
HyperL said:
Sometimes791 said:
Am I the only one who likes Biba more than anyone else?

Well, I don't hate him like most here do, but I don't see anything in him that makes me like the guy just like I enjoy villains like Dio from Jojo...He lacks something to make him memorable...

You thought I was a Kabaneri, but it was me, Dio! :D

The thing is, I like his way of thinking. It's different to the hypocritical stuff 90% of the cast rambles. They're all about staying safe, rotting away in the cages, but he wants to take them their safe zone and force them to change the world. Cruel thinking, but it could work. In this world the people don't want to live outside the stations and they have the appropriate technology to give arms to everyone but don't do it. So I think Biba made a good decision. (But I still don't think humans would do nothing at all to change status quo, so this is the writer's fault.)

KoreaWS said:
Sometimes791 said:
Am I the only one who likes Biba more than anyone else?

I like samurai guy. Pretty standard but it works.

I would like him to get more screen time. I'm tired of Ikoma and Mumei.
Re:Zero nice troll ending.
Jun 10, 2016 10:21 AM

Nov 2011
damn... I liked this anime so much. I gave it a 10! I loved the setting, the idealist Ikoma, who invents his own weapons and wants to give them to people. I liked Mumei being badass... but after episode 4 it all keeps going downhill.

What bothers me:
1. Nobody is thinking about what's going on. There are no internal monologues. Nobody tries to understand the intentions of others. Today's example: Biba has a horde of Kabane on his train! It's good that they kicked us out of our Koutetsujou!
2. Allowing Biba to be accompanied by women and children? What a convenient plot device. Why does he need female and child companions for a friendly chat with the station leader?
3. Wasted potential. There's just so much of it. I don't remember too many moments that would make go "wow, that was a smart move!" The only one that comes to mind is when that big Koutetsujou defender who wears armor suggested that Kurusu takes the katana to fight the kabane. It was a rare moment when a character thought, analyzed the situation and came up with a good idea.
4. Silly gimmicks. Mouth-lazor, machine guns, mortars and motorcycles.
5. Cutting a ~30 cm diameter bridge rope with a dagger. Ordering the Kurokeburi to destroy the gate that blocks your way when you could just open it since you have control of the station. Not to mention that a destroyed gate usually COLLAPSES ON AND BLOCKS the way better than an intact one.
6. Mumei was tricked into letting a horde of Kabane into the station, witnessed a mother and daughter dying together because of her and didn't have a mental breakdown followed by immediately considering her ani-sama a liar, while a short time ago she turned her back on Koutetsujou crew because they tricked her when she came to coerce the key from them.
7. Ikoma's power inconsistency. Seriously. He was able to drag himself to the lever while being covered in kabane biting him, he was able to kill the wazatori and other kabane, but went down from a hit in the face from a human?
8. The fact that Yukina didn't have the chance to beat the shit out of some Biba's soldiers before she was incapacitated.

Bonus space for you and me with this link! Now 500MB per referral, up to 16GB from referrals alone.
Jun 10, 2016 10:37 AM

May 2016
Sometimes791 said:
HyperL said:

Well, I don't hate him like most here do, but I don't see anything in him that makes me like the guy just like I enjoy villains like Dio from Jojo...He lacks something to make him memorable...

You thought I was a Kabaneri, but it was me, Dio! :D

The thing is, I like his way of thinking. It's different to the hypocritical stuff 90% of the cast rambles. They're all about staying safe, rotting away in the cages, but he wants to take them their safe zone and force them to change the world. Cruel thinking, but it could work. In this world the people don't want to live outside the stations and they have the appropriate technology to give arms to everyone but don't do it. So I think Biba made a good decision. (But I still don't think humans would do nothing at all to change status quo, so this is the writer's fault.)

Too bad his view is actually fueled by his thirst for revenge rather than being concerned with the people and wanting them to do better...It's nothing but the results of a twisted mentality caused by pure hatred. Welp, guess that's why he is a villain...

Kono Biba da!!!
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Jun 10, 2016 10:39 AM

Jul 2012
linchpin said:
damn... I liked this anime so much. I gave it a 10! I loved the setting, the idealist Ikoma, who invents his own weapons and wants to give them to people. I liked Mumei being badass... but after episode 4 it all keeps going downhill.

What bothers me:
1. Nobody is thinking about what's going on. There are no internal monologues. Nobody tries to understand the intentions of others. Today's example: Biba has a horde of Kabane on his train! It's good that they kicked us out of our Koutetsujou!
2. Allowing Biba to be accompanied by women and children? What a convenient plot device. Why does he need female and child companions for a friendly chat with the station leader?
3. Wasted potential. There's just so much of it. I don't remember too many moments that would make go "wow, that was a smart move!" The only one that comes to mind is when that big Koutetsujou defender who wears armor suggested that Kurusu takes the katana to fight the kabane. It was a rare moment when a character thought, analyzed the situation and came up with a good idea.
4. Silly gimmicks. Mouth-lazor, machine guns, mortars and motorcycles.
5. Cutting a ~30 cm diameter bridge rope with a dagger. Ordering the Kurokeburi to destroy the gate that blocks your way when you could just open it since you have control of the station. Not to mention that a destroyed gate usually COLLAPSES ON AND BLOCKS the way better than an intact one.
6. Mumei was tricked into letting a horde of Kabane into the station, witnessed a mother and daughter dying together because of her and didn't have a mental breakdown followed by immediately considering her ani-sama a liar, while a short time ago she turned her back on Koutetsujou crew because they tricked her when she came to coerce the key from them.
7. Ikoma's power inconsistency. Seriously. He was able to drag himself to the lever while being covered in kabane biting him, he was able to kill the wazatori and other kabane, but went down from a hit in the face from a human?
8. The fact that Yukina didn't have the chance to beat the shit out of some Biba's soldiers before she was incapacitated.
For 5 and 7, I think the guy who cut the rope and the guy who knocked out Ikoma are Kabaneri, as they are main members of Biba's group. Mumei already proved Kabaneri are capable of applying enough force with regular weapons to pierce iron, as well as knocking Ikoma unconscious.

I know a lot of people don't like that this has gotten "weird" because the Kabane seem less and less like typical zombies, but I personally like where this is going and don't think it's wasted potential. I mean, after Ikoma and Mumei were accepted, the crew would have little difficulty fighting normal Kabane and even a few Wazatori. Having stuff like blue blood which can mutate people into fused colonies (or something else...whatever Horobi became) and an evil villain leading a group of Kabaneri makes things a lot more interesting in my eyes.
Jun 10, 2016 10:44 AM

Oct 2014
HyperL said:

Kono Biba da!!!

*Throws a train*
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the eye.

But does the heart have the right perspective?
Jun 10, 2016 10:49 AM

Jul 2012
I wonder if there's a chance Ikoma will fulfill the promise he made to Mumei. I don't know if in three more episodes all the Kabane can be defeated, but this episode introduced "white blood" which apparently reverses the effects of the curse/virus? Meaning Mumei might actually be able to become human again. Ayame dropped the case it was in, but they probably have more, know how to make more, and/or maybe Kurusu will show up with it later.
Jun 10, 2016 10:51 AM

Jul 2015
KoreaWS said:
HyperL said:

Kono Biba da!!!

*Throws a train*

What could be the result of mixing Kabaneri and JoJo? Attack on Trollwreck? :D
Re:Zero nice troll ending.
Jun 10, 2016 10:52 AM

Apr 2008
Phoebe3315 said:
I wonder if there's a chance Ikoma will fulfill the promise he made to Mumei. I don't know if in three more episodes all the Kabane can be defeated, but this episode introduced "white blood" which apparently reverses the effects of the curse/virus? Meaning Mumei might actually be able to become human again. Ayame dropped the case it was in, but they probably have more, know how to make more, and/or maybe Kurusu will show up with it later.

It's certainly possible. The only way I see that happening though is if Biba and the Shogun end up killing each other in their big final fight. Then Ayame with the help of her uncle and other sane people takes over and Ikoma and the hunter technology gets put into the hands of every station and then they start pushing back against the Kabane until they're completely finished.
Jun 10, 2016 10:53 AM

Oct 2014
Sometimes791 said:
KoreaWS said:

*Throws a train*

What could be the result of mixing Kabaneri and JoJo? Attack on Trollwreck? :D

Kabane's Bizarre Trainwreck!

Man, imagine this show with ridiculous poses. I don't even ask for manly characters or gar in general, just ridiculous poses.
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the eye.

But does the heart have the right perspective?
Jun 10, 2016 10:59 AM

May 2016
Sometimes791 said:
KoreaWS said:

*Throws a train*

What could be the result of mixing Kabaneri and JoJo? Attack on Trollwreck? :D

Koutetsujou no Kimyou na Bouken (Train's Bizzare Adventure)...That's what it would be called...
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Jun 10, 2016 10:59 AM

Jul 2015
KoreaWS said:

Kabane's Bizarre Trainwreck!

Man, imagine this show with ridiculous poses. I don't even ask for manly characters or gar in general, just ridiculous poses.

That's a good title. And we need phrases like "Even Kurusu is afraid.". I haven't found a fitting person for "How many breads have you eaten in your life?" yet. Maybe Biba...
Re:Zero nice troll ending.
Jun 10, 2016 11:04 AM

May 2016
Sometimes791 said:
KoreaWS said:

Kabane's Bizarre Trainwreck!

Man, imagine this show with ridiculous poses. I don't even ask for manly characters or gar in general, just ridiculous poses.

That's a good title. And we need phrases like "Even Kurusu is afraid.". I haven't found a fitting person for "How many breads have you eaten in your life?" yet. Maybe Biba...

Actually guys, Was I the only one who thought that one blonde guy that is kind of a asshole looked like young Dio Brando?
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
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